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VA - 0.1

Live with passion

VA-0.1-Live with passion 6

VA-0.1-Live with passion

Are you living with passion? Answer this question


All of us are born on this earth for a purpose.

It’s as if each one of us is sent on a mission which is
unique and can be completed only by the person
who is meant to do it. We are all endowed with
unique capabilities and skills which are best suited
for our specific mission. Once you realize what your
life’s purpose is, your entire life will revolve around
that purpose. You will start living your life
passionately by chasing your dreams and fulfilling
your mission. Each day of your life brings forth new
adventures, but unfortunately, a majority of us don’t
realize our true purpose. Many people spend their
entire life doing something, which they were never
meant to do, or sometimes not doing anything at
all and wasting it one day at a time. As a result,
they live their life without any passion.

About 90% of the people in this world live

without any passion. Their whole life is insipid,
boring and dull. They don’t have any aim or dream
in their lives. They seem to live, just because they
were born, and one day they leave the world as if
they were never born. And the sad part is that they
don’t even realize it. It is the remaining 10% who
VA-0.1-Live with passion 7
live each day as if it’s the last day of their life. They
do what they were meant to do in this life, with the
excitement and enthusiasm of a child. It means they
are serving the purpose of their life. It is these people
that have a huge impact on the society and bring
about the biggest changes.

Whether or not you found the purpose of

your life, if you want to make it worthwhile, I
suggest you start living it passionately. Live it like
a boss. Live on your own terms and conditions and
don’t let circumstances decide it for you. Develop
the courage to face difficulties and insults. Be ready
to fight for your dream life. Losers start losing in
their minds first. True champions never lose. It’snot
like they don’t face any difficulties or never make
any mistakes, but they learn from all their
experiences, correct their mistakes and move on.
They are never part of any race. They compete with
themselves and keep taking small steps at a time.
They are able to overcome all adversities because
their passion drives them. Passion is the real fuel
for the vehicle of life.

At this point, I would ask you to take a

moment. Close your eyes and think about things
you are passionate about. Write them down on a
paper. Not the things you are interested in, but
things which you don’t mind dedicating your entire
life to. Many of you would not be able to think of
VA-0.1-Live with passion 8
anything. It’s okay. In that case, make a list of things
which you love doing whenever you are free and
also a list of talents and skills that you think you
have. This list will be very helpful while you read
the book further. If you are in the first category, you
probably are doing what you like. And if you are in
second category then may be you will find your true
passion while practicing the many tips and
techniques given in the book.

There are some lucky people who identify

their passion early in life. For others, it might take a
little longer and for many it doesn’t happen at all.
But, let me tell you one thing, it’s never late.
Whether you are a 15 year old or a 70 year old or
anywhere in between, if you are reading this, it
means you want to improve. You want to rise above
the ordinary. And NOW is the time to do so.

I enjoy helping and educating people

(especially the passionate ones) and you can say that
it’s my passion. There was a time when I wasn’t
aware that this is my true passion. But looking back
at my career choices and the things I did, I have
realized that educating people about the right
knowledge and guiding them, irrespective of their
religion, caste, nationality is what makes me happy.
Identifying your passion is one thing, and
transforming it into a career through which you can
earn a living is a different game altogether. If you
VA-0.1-Live with passion 9
love doing something, then why wouldn’t you want
to do it all the time and make money out of it? When
you are doing something you love, it never feels
like work, however hard it might be.

An unfortunate reality in today’s world is that

majority of the people go to a 9 to 6 job, which they
are not passionate about. They do it to meet their
basic necessities and fulfill their duties. If you really
and totally hate your job, remember, life is too short
to waste on doing something you hate. But you
cannot just resign from your job without a concrete
plan. Let me share a story of a couple with you.

They met each other on a trekking trip, during

their college days. They immediately liked each
other as they had one thing in common. They were
both passionate about travelling. They started
dating and took to a lot of travelling together. As
they approached graduation, they became serious
about their career and about each other. Their
families were happy with their choices and urged
them to get good jobs before marriage. So they did.
Both got decent corporate jobs in good companies
and eventually got married.Their life was like a

Initially they found time to take short trips

on weekends. But with promotions came more
responsibilities and they stopped travelling

VA - 12

Things they don’t

teach in school
VA-12-Things they don’t teach in school 2
VA-12-Things they don’t
teach in school

The Subconscious Mind & its powers

The simplest way I can define the
subconscious mind is that it is a store room of
everything which is not in your conscious mind.
Earlier, we discussed about focus and how it is being
aware and alert in the present. It is one of
the characteristics of our conscious mind. All
the things we do, which require us to be in a
wakeful and alert state use your conscious
mind, such as analytical and logical thinking,
riding a bike for the first time, studying for a next
day exam etc. But this is just a small part of
you as a person. The subconscious mind is the
other hidden part of your mind. All your experi-
ences in this and your previous lives (if you believe
in it), your beliefs, memories, and skills are stored
in your subconscious mind. A good way to
understand it is to imagine that your conscious
mind is the surface of the ocean which we see
through our eyes while the subconscious mind
is the world underneath it. It is so vast
compared to the conscious mind, and yet most of
us are unaware of it. In the chapter about memory
we learnt that our brain virtually has a limitless
capacity; well, our subconscious mind is the
reason behind it.
VA-12-Things they don’t teach in school 3
The Subconscious mind is like our autopilot:
When we learn to ride a car, all our focus and
attention is on the actions involved. We are highly
alert and awake. After few days of many repetitions,
the driving skill you learned is transferred to your
subconscious mind. Now you can access it without
the use of the conscious mind. You can check your
mobile or be involved in a discussion and yet be
able to drive. In this case, your conscious mind is
busy in checking the mobile or in a discussion while
your subconscious mind is handling the driving.
The subconscious mind governs all your habits,
beliefs, imagination, long term memory, intuitions
and even our bodily functions. And the most
interesting part about it is that it is always ON. It is
always recording or processing information,Even
when you sleep. Your conscious mind shuts off
when you sleep, but your subconscious keeps
working and dreams are a result of that. That’s why
it is said that your dreams are the reflection of your
subconscious. The kind of dreams you get can tell a
lot about the state of your subconscious.

Our subconscious mind is responsible for

around 90% of our personality, and with such vast
responsibilities, there is a good chance that the root
cause of many physical and emotional problems
VA-12-Things they don’t teach in school 4
resides in it. Problems like chronic anxiety, phobias,
depression, low self-esteem, addictions are some of
the examples. So, with such an impact on our life, it
is important and wise to learn about the powers of
our subconscious mind and ways to access and
program it.

Tips for accessing your Subconscious mind

1. Relaxation & meditation: Deep relaxation is
the key to accessing our subconscious. I will
go into a little detail about it. At any given time,
our brain operates at a certain frequency. In
fact, all our body organs operate at a certain
frequency. The four major states of our brain
depending on the frequency at which it is
VA-12-Things they don’t teach in school 5
working are described in the diagram below.
Most of the time during the day, we operate at
beta state. Subconscious connection is possible
in theta, delta and epsilon states. These are the
states of extreme relaxation and can be reached
through meditation. It is to be noted that
epsilon state is a highly-advanced state and can
be reached through advanced meditation

2. Pay attention to your dreams: Most dreams

occur during theta state, where your
subconscious gets a chance to freely express
itself. It is a very good idea to try to remember
your dreams. If you can’t interpret or analyze
your dreams (which is a science in itself) then
at least try to get a general idea about the kind
of dreams you are getting. Some people keep
getting violent and scary dreams on a regular
basis. It is an indication of strong fear in their
subconscious. It’s possible that these people
constantly engage themselves in activities like
watching horror videos or reading violent

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