Narrative Report

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Narrative Report

In response to this year’s theme: Commitment to Excellence, Gamut National High School
held its Boy Scout and Girl Scouts of the Philippines Encampment 2018 on November 16
to 18, 2018. Activities such as Got Talent, Skill DIY, Pioneering contest, Friendship
Games and Challenge valley which are centered on the theme mentioned were held.

The next day, scouting skills were taught per station such as: Station 1 – Identifying the
survival kit (Renajoy Recafrente (CAT Officer), Station 2- Flag Reading (Mrs. Jacquilyn
Zoleta), Station 3- Hand Signal (Mrs. Eden R. Ruidera), Station 4- Knot Tying (Ms. Emma
D. Bentonio), Station 5 – First Aid (Mr. Eddiezer B. de Borja, and Station 6
– Memorization of Scout Oath, Scout Law and Scout Promise by group (Irene Painsan –
SSG President). These skills enhancement activities were done by patrol who competed
with the first, second and third place. At 7:30 in the evening, campers gathered at the
camp site. The first part of the program was the investiture ceremony where new scouts
were welcomed, and the induction of officers of scouting with Ms. Emma D. Bentonio as
the emcee. Candles were lighted and the scout songs were sung.

The second part of the ceremony was the campfire ceremony facilitated by Mr. Eddiezer
B. de Borja. It was indeed a very inspiring, reflective, and fun activity. The campers lighted
the fire to lighten the camp site. Mrs. Maribel S. Salazar, DINHS Principal gave her very
inspiring, reflective, warm-hearted message and words of encouragement to the
campers. She also acknowledged the participation of BOD-PTA President and Scouting
Unit leaders, Mr. Jose Latoja, Mr. Eriberto Quinto and Mr. Salvador Estorninos (school
caretaker). The members of the barangay police and Philippine Army in the area guard
the safety of the campers. Mr. de Borja presented a video about ‘Jesus Chris’s Cross”
where some of the students Concepcion Versosa – BSP/GSP Commander, Ronajean
Gillego (Top ten of the IV-A and also won Ms. Talent (GSP 2012) and Renajoy Ricafrente
shared their personal reflections on the video. The campers by patrol also showcased
Republic of

their talent in singing folk songs, spiritual songs, action songs, novelty songs, round
songs, split songs, and ceremonial songs.

On the third day, it was the highlights of the activities, nature trail were facilitated by the
SSG and CAT officers who exerted their effort in setting the task to be done by scouters.
The four advisers were in-charge of the two patrols who serve as guide during the hiking.
Awards and prizes were given to the patrol teams who won the different tasks. The
campers enjoyed the activities done during the encampment and they told us that next
year they will participate again.

Truly, most of the students were very good in different areas and they showed their
expertise in different fields such as giving command, public speaking,
leadership, painting, skills nurturing, and nature trailing.

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