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Stephen Adelé
The Lean System Success Plan—The Perfect Plan for Targeted Fat Loss, Customized to Your Metabolic Body Type

© Copyright 2007 by Real SOLUTIONS Media and Right Lane Publishing, Inc. Parent company of iSatori CONTENTS
Technologies, LLC, Golden, CO.

All rights reserved. No part of this Guide may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means—electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without permission from the publisher.
______________________________________________________________________ F o re w o rd by Douglas Kalman v
The claims made about specific products in or through this Guide have not been evaluated by the United States
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The infor-
About the Author vi
mation provided in this Guide is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from
your physician or other health-care professional. You should not use the information in this Guide for diagnosis or I n t roduction vii
treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a
health-care professional before starting any diet/nutrition, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking any PA R T 1 _____________________________________
medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. This plan is intended for healthy persons
over the age of 18. Getting to Know Your Body 1

PA R T 2 _____________________________________
NOTICE: Although we’ve made every attempt to ensure the accuracy of the words and facts in this Guide, we
cannot be made liable for any errors if they exist. The author, publication, or its affiliated companies assume no lia- O v e rcoming Nutrition Myths 7
bility for the information contained in this report.
You A re What You Eat 13
■ ■ ■ E x e rcise to Burn Fat 27
Questions, comments, support, or just want facts on fat loss? Supplementing for Success 39
Please visit www.theleansystem.com, or call (toll-free) 1-866-688-7679.
PA R T 3 _____________________________________
■ ■ ■

Building Your Customized Plan 49

Putting Your Plan Into A c t i o n 57
Daily Eating & Exercise Journals 63

E x e rcise Descriptions & Photos 83
Printed in the United States of America
Publication Printers, Denver, CO
Author: Stephen Adelé
Foreword: Douglas Kalman, MS, RD, FACN Fun, Delicious, Healthy Recipes 97
Designed by: Bruce Williams
Gratitude 117
ISBN 0-9714154-2-0

Solving the
Fat-Loss Puzzle,
Once and for All
Ask 10 different “fitness experts” what the secret to losing fat
is, and more than likely, you'll get nine different answers. While
most of their replies might be respectable in theory, I’m con-
vinced that’s the number one reason losing fat and getting lean
can be so darn frustrating and confusing—everybody seems to
have the answer.
As you could imagine and perhaps see or read daily, there
appears to be a new “magic pill” or diet advertised almost every
day. As if that’s not enough, there are literally hundreds, if not
thousands, of different exercise and diet gimmicks flooding the
market. I have seen ads for fat-loss gels, creams, pills, and drinks,
as well as late-night infomercials hocking everything from home
workout gadgets to electronic stimulators. Honestly, this has got-
ten quite ridiculous. For the most part, the majority of these gadg-
ets are pure hype, though they do excel at spot-reduction; that is,
the spot where you hold your wallet! It is sad: the hype hurts the
legitimate plans and sound advice that is out there, so it often gets
lost in the mire.
So what is the “best,” safest way to lose fat? Who do you
trust? How do you sort the fact from the fiction? These are all very
good questions, ones that Stephen has worked hard to answer for
you while bringing you the honest-to-goodness truth about how
to lose fat…once and for all. (Believe me, it can be done!)
Stephen has taken a good hard look at what many of today’s
leading scientists have uncovered in the area of obesity research
and thoroughly reviewed the most current clinical studies on fat
loss. And from his analysis, you can reap the rewards of under-
standing and having a real plan to implement smart eating, great
exercise routines, knowledge about dietary supplements, and
how the psychological factors surrounding body image and
weight control can work to your favor. Whether you’re trying to
lose that last bit of stubborn bodyfat that covers your abs, you’re
10 or 20 lbs away from your “ideal” physique, or you’re 50 some
pounds overweight, you’ll find a clear-cut path to the answers
you need to help get and keep you lean—for life!

– Douglas S. Kalman, MS, RD, FACN

Director, Nutrition & Applied Clinical Research
Miami Research Associates

About the Author I l ove what I do.

Each morning at the office, I start my day by scanning my schedule for the day, glance
at my list of priorities that need to get done, and begin to read a list of emails and let-
ters from people who are desperately seeking the answer to the question…

“How do I build a better body?”

At only 33 years old, Stephen Adelé has been helping individuals from all walks This question excites me. Each day I'm filled with eager anticipation to answer it. The same eagerness I had the
of life create measurable results in their physiques and performance over the last 15 very first time I answered it—over 15 years ago.
years and has rapidly become a respected authority. He has published numerous arti-
cles for magazines around the world, been quoted in several trade publications, And you know what? I never, ever get tired of seeing this question. “Why not,” you might ask... “after more than
appeared on radio shows, conducted seminars around the globe, and is the CEO of a decade and so many thousands of letters?”
the prestigious supplement manufacturer, iSatori Technologies.
Simply because with each time the question is asked, I have the unique opportunity to, in some small way, posi-
Stephen now also shares his insights, expertise, and inside connections in two of tively impact the life of someone special—someone like you.
the fastest growing publications in the industry, Real SOLUTIONS email newsletter
and Real SOLUTIONS magazine, and has recently co-authored the consumers’ guides 7 Never-Before- For me, the rewards of helping someone turn their lives around, and completely transform the way they look and
Told Secrets Everyone Should Know Before Buying Supplements and The 21-Day Ultimate Energy Plan feel about themselves, never fades. Probably because their results are so visible, and I enjoy seeing how much hap-
and MAXIMUM GROWTH, Volume II. pier and full of energy they become.

Over the years, Stephen's philosophy has remained unchanged: “The greatest gift you can give your- It's no wonder that each day I’m literally ripped out of bed at 5:15 a.m. to the sound of my internal alarm, telling
self is the gift of a strong mind, which can yield extraordinary dividends in the form of a stronger, me it's time to get going... time to work out, time to get to the office, and time to start answering emails and letters
healthier, and more energetic body." from people who want to change their lives for the better.

Stephen lives in Morrison, Colorado, with his wife, Julia, and their two beautiful children. You can In truth, with so much focus on all of the negative events going on in America and around the world, it's refresh-
join Stephen anytime online at RealSolutionsMag.com. ing to work with such uplifting people who see the world in a more positive light. People who have taken the first
(or in some instances, second, third, or fourth) step(s) in the right direction—to improve the way they look and feel.
People who are n o t afraid of confronting the brutal truth about their physical appearance and who seek out help in
building a body they (and others) can be proud of. In essence, people who want to turn a negative into a positive.

I enjoy being a part of this more than anything else. And make no mistake about it, my friend, I wouldn't want to
be doing anything else.

A Truly Inspiring Transformation

In the coming pages of this book, I am going to share with you a gift that has taken me over a decade to learn.
One that will allow you to experience the joy of transformation. And, if you follow my Plan to the letter, you will
absolutely, positively see visible results, with your own eyes—all in as little as eight weeks.

The promise of a visible difference in your physical appearance in just 60 days may seem too good to be true.
But, let me assure you, i t’s not.

vi vii
In fact, I’m certain my Plan will work for you, just as it has for thousands of people already. You and I Are a Lot Alike
Just ask Marina Popelka, a 37-year-old mother, and entrepreneur, from Lakewood, Colorado. When I first met Let’s face it, you and I are a lot alike. We both have ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, two hands, and so on… but there
Marina, she told me that while helping a friend take a “before” picture for a transformation contest, she decided is one thing about us that is uniquely different—our genetics. To be more specific, our metabolic systems.
to take a picture of herself. Marina was very surprised at what she saw.
As you’ll soon find out, when I go into greater depth in Chapter One, the metabolism is our bodies’ primary calorie-
“Someone who was much bigger than I thought,” was her first impression after seeing her photo. and fat-burning mechanism. What you may not know is that my metabolism is different than yours, just as yours is dif-
Besides that, she mentioned that she constantly felt lethargic, she was always tired, and her energ y ferent than your mother's or father's, brother's, sister's, or friends' at work. Everyone’s metabolism is unique. That’s why
levels had hit rock bottom. On top of that, because Marina felt so awful about the way she looked, a “one-size-fits-all” approach to losing weight does not work for most people. Basically, this explains why you can fol-
she expressed that the “spark” had disappeared from her love life and, as a result, placed a strain low the same exercise routine and eat the same foods as your friend but experience dramatically different results.
on her relationship with her husband.
Unfortunately, there is not much you and I can do about our genetics. But one thing is for sure: I’ve discovered that
As you would guess, of course, she wasn’t happy about any of this. Yet, she was eager to change. knowing your unique metabolism allows you to establish a Plan that will work best for your body type. And, more
In fact, she not only wanted to change the way she looked and felt, she wanted to dramatically important, will finally help you break through any plateaus in losing weight that you’ve likely experienced in the past.
change her physical appearance and compete in a local fitness competition.
Starting in Chapter One, “Getting to Know Your Body,” we’re going to focus on determining your unique metabo-
Talk about a wort hy goal. And, I knew I could help turn Marina around and help her reach her goals. lism and understanding why it’s so vitally important to adjust your lifestyle to your specific metabolic body type.

If she would follow the diet and exercise plan I put together—the very same one found in this Next, in Chapter Two, “Overcoming Nutrition Myths,” we are going to briefly cover some of the most destructive
book—I promised her she would get thinner, sculpt beautiful muscle tone, look and feel younger, myths, half-lies, and common mistruths that plague the multi-billion dollar weight-loss industry.
and lose enough inches of bodyfat from her “problem areas” to win her contest.
In Chapter Three, “You Are What You Eat,” you will be ready to learn about the types and amounts of foods you
Marina was a little skeptical, to say the least, that such simple changes in the way she ate (especially consid- should eat (and which you should avoid), specific to your metabolism, to help you lose unwanted pounds, almost effort-
ering that I would ask her to eat more, and not less, than what she was currently eating) and how much she lessly.
would have to exercise (considering I would ask her to workout less, and not more, than she was currently work-
ing out) would make such a difference in her appearance. Then we’ll move onto Chapter Four, “Exercise to Burn Fat.” Here, I’ll help you understand the importance of weight
training and why replacing pounds of unhealthy bodyfat with new, lean muscle mass—you'll not only completely
But I knew from my experiences in working with other people, who were much like her (and in many cases, reshape your physique but will burn even more calories, even while you’re resting.
in worse shape) that my formula had repeatedly shown great success. She would soon experience the same
sense of triumph. At this point, in Chapter Five, “Supplementing for Success,” I will briefly review my four favorite supplements to help
enhance your transformation and outline my simple daily supplement program. By using targeted, scientifically proven
In only eight short weeks, Marina lost over 19 lbs, a total of six inches of stubborn bodyfat from her hips and supplements, you can achieve your results, faster.
waist, and built a stronger, healthier, more beautiful body.
In Chapter Six, “Building Your Customized Plan,” I’ll share with you truly inspiring “before” and “after” photographs
And you know what? She went on to win her class in the local fitness contest too! Her love life has found its of six people who successfully underwent a transformation, following my principles. I will explain exactly how they
spark again, and she now has more energy than ever before. Her business is soaring, and she’s even starting exercised, ate, and which supplements they used. You will determine which plan is right for you.
another successful business as I write this.
Finally, just like Chapter Seven’s title, you will be... “Putting Your Plan into Action.” It all comes together here. I will
Honestly, I don’t know what’s more thrilling for me—knowing the way Marina feels after seeing the drastic, teach you how to set inspiring yet achievable goals, and you will learn how to achieve them—no matter what obsta-
visible changes in her body and winning her contest, or the way I feel after seeing her transformation. cles might arise over the next eight weeks. After finishing this section, you will be ready to start your journey!

Make no mistake. Marina’s transformation was inspiring. Just like Barry Ratzlaff’s. Shari Friedman’s. David In the section that follows, “Daily Eating & Exercise Journals,” everything is all spelled out for you. An easy-to-follow
Silbaugh’s. Tanya Van Beek’s. Marty Reddy’s (individuals you will meet later on in this book). And the list goes on. eating, weight-training, and cardio Plan—for the first seven days. Simply follow the Plan, day by day, and you will see
and feel extraordinary changes in your body and your outlook on life. Once you get past the first week, you will feel
Without exception, each one of these people, and thousands of others who have followed the principles I’m so great you won’t be tempted in the least to waver your commitment. In fact, I have a hunch that after our eight weeks
going to share with you, have experienced extraordinary results and are convinced that my Plan works. And I’m are over, and you complete my Plan, you will want to embrace these principles and new habits as a way of life.
certain, after you try it, you will too.
In the two Appendixes that follow, “Exercise Descriptions & Photos” and “Fun, Healthy, Delicious Recipes,” you will
find all of the help you need to understand exactly how to perform each of the exercises recommended in my Plan,
and you will be able to prepare delicious, nutritious meals, even if you’re not a gourmet chef.

viii ix
—— PA R T I ——
Are You Ready?
You’ve undoubtedly heard the expression, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Well, think
of today just that way… your first step in the right direction. For you are about to begin a journey that will forever
define who you are capable of being and what you will become.

While millions of people every day sit around and wait for the “right” time to do something about their health and
their physical appearance, you haven’t.
Getting to Know
You’ve decided to take your first step toward bringing out the best in you and what you’re able to achieve. And
as your “coach,” I will guide you through not another diet or exercise fad but a fun, healthy way of living, exercis-
ing, and eating that will ensure you’re able to develop a new set of habits you can carry with you (and your family)
Your Body
well beyond our journey together.

I think it’s safe to say, in time, you will agree with me: the changes on your outside—the physical appearance of
your body—is merely a reflection of the changes that occur on the inside—the way you feel about yourself.

In other words, as you strive to reach your goals, your confidence will soar. Your self-esteem will skyrocket. You'll At any given moment, four out of
discover you can now take control of anything you want in your life. And once you reach your weight-loss goals,
you will take pride in serving as an inspiration to others around you, helping your friends and family achieve their
10 Americans are attempting to lose
life-changing goals too. weight—with few ever achieving
their goal and most giving up
It’s a wonderful feeling. Believe me. That’s why I’ve dedicated my life to helping “coach” you, and others just like
you, to make changes in the way you look and feel… to ultimately live your absolute best life ever! within the first few weeks. And
sadly, even fewer maintaining their
Thanks for joining me, and now let’s enjoy our journey together.
“new” ideal weight once it’s
With Respect, attained.

If you’ve been one of the millions

who have attempted to lose weight,
Stephen Adelé
without any real success, you’re not
alone. Losing weight has become
literally a national obsession—with
annual expenditures of nearly $50
billion! This constant struggle to
lose weight continues to take its
“emotional” toll on self-conscious
individuals who aspire to reach
their ideal weight. It manifests in
many forms, including depression,
guilt, envy, and even self-hatred.


lems related to the excess weight. For these reasons, Unfortunately, for most of us, our bodies have a
it’s widely used in medical practice. Typically, BMI is tremendous capacity to store that energy... on our
where the majority of obesity and overweight statis- hips, buttocks, waist, backs, or thighs.

tics are derived from.
Now, take a minute to calculate your BMI, using WEIGHT AND CARRYING EXCESSIVE BODYFAT?
the formula on the previous page, or use the simple, Excess bodyfat, however, can lead to a multitude of
pre-calculated BMI graph below to determine your health problems. For one, excessive bodyfat can lead
To achieve these elusive ideal weights, nearly every To calculate your BMI, you need to divide your
BMI. Find your height on the left-hand side and move to hypertension or high blood pressure and increase
imaginable means has been tried, from restricted- weight in kilograms by the square of your height in
across to your weight (in pounds), and then go the risk of stroke. Gaining too much fat through child-
calorie diets to low-fat foods to exotic health clubs meters. It sounds more complicated than it is. Let me
and spas to the latest magic pill or workout gadget to show you… straight up from that point until you come to the blue hood and early adulthood can increase the likelihood
■■■ line that shows the corresponding BMI. of diabetes. And, excess bodyfat, especially around
expensive, and oftentimes dangerous, liposuction.
Some of these methods are harmless, but unfortu- the midsection, increases the risk of heart disease by
Body Mass Index = Weight (kg) / Height (m)2 WHY DO WE NEED BODYFAT? worsening atherosclerosis (fat-clogged arteries which
nately, most have proven useless in the battle against
the bulge. The truth is, we all need to maintain a certain level hinder blood flow).
(For your reference, one kilogram = 2.2 lbs, of bodyfat to sustain the very basics of life. Fat plays
2.54 cm = one inch, and 100 cm = 1 meter.) several critical roles in your body: it protects, as a HOW DOES FAT FORM, AND WHY DOES MY
Now, more than ever before, our nation is in
cushion, your organs, and it insulates from cold tem- BODY HOLD ONTO FAT?
need of health. And, while many people become
Here’s an example for a 135-lb woman who’s 5’6”: peratures/climates. Walking would be uncomfortable One little-known fact is that fat cells do not multiply
more and more aware of the negative health conse-
if your heels and joints weren’t shielded by fat cells, after about the age of 9 or 10. As your body stores more
quences associated with carrying excess bodyfat
Weight = 135 / 2.2 = 61.36 kilos and touching things would be next to impossible fat, the number of fat cells remains the same—each fat
and being overweight, little attention is paid to the
Height = [(66 in x 2.54 cm) / 100]2 = 2.81 meters without padding on your fingertips. Plus, it’s a rela- cell simply gets bigger! Thus, despite what some mar-
need to assess oneself as overweight or obese. Not
tively large, efficient store of potential energy. keters claim, your fat cells don’t “disappear,” “melt
c r i t i c a l l y, rather with a conscious awareness.
Body Mass Index = 61.36 / 2.81 = 21.84
Fortunately, a simple calculation can determine
“how” far out of shape your body is… and more ■■■
importantly, what your “ideal” bodyweight should
be. Once you make yourself aware of the real The World Health Organization has given the fol- (kg/m2) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 35 40
“problem,” it becomes that lowing guidelines for the body
much easier for us to take the mass index: Height
■ ■ ■ (in.) We ig h t ( in p o u n d s)
next appropriate steps to com-
bat this bodyfat and overcome healthy weight = 18.95 to 24.9 58” 91 96 100 105 110 115 119 124 129 134 138 143 167 191
it with a practical, common- “Losing weight has overweight = 25.0 to 29.9 59” 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 128 133 138 143 148 173 198
sense approach. class I obesity = 30.0 to 34.9 60” 97 102 107 112 118 123 128 133 138 143 148 153 179 204
become literally a national class II obesity = 35 to 39.9 61” 100 106 111 116 122 127 132 137 143 148 153 158 185 211
HOW TO ACCURATELY ASSESS obsession — with annual class III obesity = 40.0 or 62” 104 109 115 120 126 131 136 142 147 153 158 164 191 218
YOUR LEVEL OF BODYFAT higher 63” 107 113 118 124 130 135 141 146 152 158 163 169 197 225
Bodyfat resides in many loca- expenditures of nearly 64” 110 116 122 128 134 140 145 151 157 163 169 174 204 232
tions in your body, including just Basically, a “healthy” weight is
below the skin, inside the
$50 billion!” a BMI of no less than 19 but no
65” 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156 162 168 174 180 210 240
66” 118 124 130 136 142 148 155 161 167 173 179 186 216 247
abdomen, and even within our more than 25. That, in essence,
■ ■ ■ 67” 121 127 134 140 146 153 159 166 172 178 185 191 223 255
muscles and organs. Because it should be your target for an
68” 125 131 138 144 151 158 164 171 177 184 190 197 230 262
is relatively inaccessible, other “ideal” weight.
69” 128 135 142 149 155 162 169 176 182 189 196 203 236 270
than the “inch” or so you can pinch on your belly, it
is nearly impossible to measure all of it accurately. One important thing to consider, though, BMI 70” 132 139 146 153 160 167 174 181 188 195 202 207 243 278
It’s for this reason, in clinical practices, most physi- ranges are not exact ranges of healthy and unhealthy 71” 136 143 150 157 165 172 179 186 193 200 208 215 250 286
cians use a formula that combines a person’s height weight; they are merely useful guidelines. See, BMI 72” 140 147 154 162 169 177 184 191 199 206 213 221 258 294
and weight—the theory being that most of the varia- does not show the differences between excess fat and 73” 144 151 159 166 174 182 189 197 204 212 219 227 265 302
tion in weight for individuals of the same height is muscle weight. BMI, however, is closely associated 74” 148 155 163 171 179 186 194 202 210 218 225 233 272 311
usually due to bodyfat. The formula most widely with measures of bodyfat, and more importantly, it 75” 152 160 168 176 184 192 200 208 216 224 232 240 279 319
used is called the body mass index or BMI. helps predict the development of future health prob- 76” 156 164 172 180 189 197 205 213 221 230 238 246 287 328

2 3

away,” or “get zapped.” The reality is, your fat Think of your body as having a thermostat you that once you are able to determine your specific 20's in age. Now, take a moment to consider how
cells shrink and swell through a series of complex can turn “up” or “down” by modifying specific BMR, you can then determine exactly what addi- easy, or difficult, it has become over these years to
bodily processes involving hormones, enzymes, lifestyle factors, such as activity levels, exerc i s e , tional (or reduction of) calories your body requires, take weight off... and keep it off. Or, on the other
and various other pathways. We store fat in a hon- and even the foods and supplements you consume. depending on your specific lifestyle factors and body- hand, maybe it’s been too easy to take weight off or
eycomb design of cells; whereby each cell shrinks Turn the thermostat up, or “increase” your meta- fat, and therefore “see” how many calories your body difficult to put it on. (If you are anything like me, the
or expands like a miniature balloon, depending on bolic rate, to burn bodyfat at a much faster rate. truly requires each day. And, as long as you don’t go former is more likely—it’s relatively easy to put
the balance of our intake and expenditure of Turn the thermostat down, or “decrease” your meta- above your “BMR maximum calorie limit,” common unwanted bodyfat on and much harder to take it off.)
e n e rg y. Thus, an excess of bodyfat occurs when bolic rate, and your body will hold onto and store logic suggests you would absolutely, positively lose
you take in more energy (food/calories) than you additional bodyfat. weight. What’s more, you will lose weight without I am going to ask you to consider one, of three,
spend on a consistent basis. feeling like you’re restricting food and with an under- body types, and choose the one which most closely
Conclusive evidence suggests that increasing your standing of how your body works (so you’re no resembles yours. First, if you feel you have a rela-
This is where most “fitness experts” stop short of metabolism not only has the most direct impact on longer basing your daily calorie needs off “others”). tively “Fast” metabolism (in other words, it’s naturally
explaining the whole truth: the direct correlation energy expenditure but is the most effective way to Once you know your personal BMR maximum calo- easy for you to burn calories and lose weight), then
of calories in versus calories out… (i.e., we lose help your body “burn” fat. Essentially, an increase in rie limit, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your multiply your BMR by 1.1. If you feel you have an
fat if we take in less calories than we expend). the metabolic rate causes your body to speed up the weight-loss goals, sooner than you might think. “Average” metabolism (or, it’s not easy, but not too
Well, this type of thinking is a little outdated. breakdown and prevent the build-up of fat cells. It’s hard, to burn calories), then multiply your BMR by
That’s not to say it’s incorrect (because it does for these reasons, increasing your metabolic rate, My goal then is to help you calculate your BMR 1.0. Or, if you feel your metabolism is “Slow” (such
hold some truth); it’s just the reality is that there’s then, must be the primary focus of your effort to lose and determine your maximum daily calorie limits. that you find it’s naturally difficult to burn calories
definitely more to fat gain and fat loss than that. bodyfat, successfully, and for the long term. There are many sophisticated ways to calculate the and hard to lose weight and keep it off), then multi-
Let me explain… BMR. The one method I’ve found to be both accurate ply your BMR by 0.9.
■ ■ ■ The main problem is we and easy to use works like this…
Scientists have discovered tend to roadblock ourselves ■■■
a special phenomenon “...despite what some by committing easily avoid- Take your bodyweight
occurs in the body that has able mistakes when trying to and multiply it by 10.0 if The BMR formula looks like
been deemed the primary marketers claim, your lose bodyfat and drop you’re a man or 9 if you’re this:
factor that controls how effi- weight. The most common is a woman. (Women tend to
ciently our bodies use energy
fat cells don’t not understanding how our have slightly slower metab- BMR = [bodyweight (in
and whether we use more or ‘disappear,’ ‘melt away,’ or personal metabolic rate is dif- olisms than men.) That pounds) x 10.0 (men) x or 9.0
less fat for fuel. This internal ferent from everyone else’s. gives you a “typical” overall (women)] x Activity Factor
regulator, called the metabo- ‘get zapped.’” You see, we are all metaboli- BMR. Now, since the BMR (AF) x Genetic Body Type (GB)
l i s m, dictates the rate our cally different. That’s why measures your body only
bodies hold onto and/or ■ ■ ■ some people can eat more during complete rest, we Here’s an example of a BMR
release fat. food, exercise less, and still need to add in the daily energy requirements for for a 135-lb woman, who is fairly active (1.20) and
not get fat, yet many other people can eat less, exer- your activity level. This is called the activity fac- has a slow metabolism (0.9)
WHAT EXACTLY IS THE METABOLISM? cise more, and still (somehow!) not lose fat. tor. If your lifestyle requires you to remain sitting
Metabolism is the technical term for all the com- all day, and you don’t work out with weights or BMR = 135 x 9 = 1,215 BMR x 1.20 (AF) x 0.9 (GB)
plex chemical processes within the body that deter- DISCOVER YOUR BASAL METABOLIC RATE (BMR) perform aerobic exercise, multiply your overall = 1,312 “Maximum Daily Calorie Requirement”
mine the growth and replacement of the body tissues AND FINALLY STOP BATTLING YOUR WEIGHT BMR by 1.10. If you engage in light activity
as well as the production of body heat and energy Surprising to most, the difference between you and throughout the day (standing on your feet and sit- ■■■
necessary for muscular activity and other vital func- I and everyone else is what’s called our basal meta- ting periodically), and/or you work out with
tions. Simply put, metabolism is your body’s way of bolic rate (BMR). Basically, the BMR is the minimum weights or perform aerobic exercise sparingly (two It’s important to remember that your BMR is influ-
converting the foods you eat into energy. The time it energy requirement to maintain the basic functions of to three times a week), then multiply by 1.20. enced by a number of factors, including age, weight,
takes for this process is called the metabolic rate. your body, while at rest. Simply put, if you sat on the Finally, if you are very active throughout the day height, gender, environmental temperature, and nutri-
couch for 12 to 24 hours and did nothing, your body or play sports nearly every day and/or work out tion and exercise habits. Although some of these fac-
SO WHY IS THE METABOLISM SO IMPORTANT would require a minimum number of calories to sus- with weights and perform aerobic exercise almost tors are already considered, once you’ve determined
FOR LOSING WEIGHT? tain itself. That’s your BMR. every day, then multiply by 1.30. your personal “Maximum Daily Calorie
Even the slightest upward “shift” or increase in the Requirement,” my focus is to help you understand
metabolic rate can have a profound, lasting affect on Obviously, your body “burns” more calories Last, but probably most important, we need to fac- how lifestyle factors, such as nutrition and exercise
your ability to burn bodyfat for fuel, instead of the throughout the day than just the energy expended at tor in your specific genetic body type. For this, you habits, can positively impact your metabolism fur-
dreaded alternative—storing it as fat. rest (unless you sleep all day). What’s interesting is will need to think back in time—over the past five, ther… “burning” even greater amounts of bodyfat
ten, or 20 years—or whenever you passed your early which are now unique to your metabolic body type.

4 5
—— PA R T 2 ——

Nutrition Myths

“Soup diet,” “vinegar diet,”

This page is to show blank “Hollywood Secret Diet,” “low-carb
diet”… the list goes on. Sadly, these
page on left side of spread. diet fads perpetuate many of the
most common myths surrounding
nutrition and losing weight.

Over time, these myths have

IT DOES NOT PRINT become deeply rooted in the con-
sciousness of Americans—especially
for those who are desperately grasp-
ing for truths about nutrition. In fact,
I’d bet it’s safe to say you and I were
taught long ago the supposed “right
way” and “wrong way” to lose
weight. Unfortunately, most of these
“truths” are, in fact, dead wrong.

dietary fat any given day whenever you’re attempting want to do that. You don’t need that much, and it may
to lose fat. (These fats will likely occur naturally in even lead to kidney disease.” Unfortunately, as in any
most whole-food proteins, so don’t worry about industry, nutritionists are susceptible to ingrained

adding any “extra” fat.) teachings, even if they’ve now been shown to be false
or misleading. In this particular case, there isn’t a sin-
So finally, carbohydrates should be consumed in gle decent study that indicates that healthy adults
the range of no more than 40% of your daily intake, should not consume a protein-rich diet, especially if
avoiding simple carbs and completely eliminating the they are involved in regular exercise and are trying to
Usually, these myths were based on some haphaz- Unfortunately, millions of people every year refined (sugary) types of carbs and incorporating drop extra bodyfat.
ard, outdated approach, passed on from generation to resolve to lose fat by severely restricting their plenty of fibrous types of carbs. In fact, new scientific
generation, leaving little or no room for dispute. And daily food intake. My hunch is that’s one reason evidence from the American Journal of Epidemiology New research confirms that those performing
while a few of them may work over the short term, Americans are, in general, in worse shape now than has shown that when consuming too many carbs any type of weight training require a greater
the majority of them hardly ever work over the long ever before! And a new study, found in the American (especially simple-sugar carbs at one sitting), your amount of protein than sedentary individuals.
term. And worse, most of them are not a healthy Journal of Clinical Nutrition, confirmed, once again, body responds by stimulating a surge of insulin to be What causes concern for most people is this
approach to weight loss. Today, modern science has, that restricting calories will decrease your metabo- released. Why do you want to avoid this? Because amount is above the current Canadian and U.S.
thankfully, uncovered some of the most destructive lism and only prevent you from losing bodyfat. insulin is a hormone that encourages fat stores to recommended daily protein intake requirements
myths surrounding nutrition and losing weight. become larger, more easily “transporting” fat to be for healthy adults.
MYTH: It isn’t necessary to pay attention to the stored and sealing the fat stores shut, preventing fat
Here are the five most easily avoidable yet highly type of calories you consume to lose weight. cells from breaking down. However, from extensive research, one of the
destructive myths for how to positively affect the top researchers in the nutritional field, Dr. Peter
metabolism with food and boost your body’s ability FACT: If you want long-term weight loss, you Fortunately, adding more protein to each meal in Lemon states, “...data suggest that the RDA for
to “burn” fat: must carefully choose the your diet “buffers” this
■ ■ ■
those engaged in regular
■ ■ ■ type of foods you eat! insulin secretion by slowing endurance exercise should
MYTH: You should restrict the rate of absorption of car- be about 1.2 to 1.4 grams
calories when you want to Whenever you’re consid- bohydrates. And, the addi- “Research shows that of protein per kilogram of
drop pounds.
“If you want long-term ering the types of food to tion of dietary protein also body mass (that’s 150% to
right around .8 to one
weight loss, you eat, remember this: all calo- kicks up another hormone 175% of the current recom-
FAC T: You must eat ries are not created equal. called glucagon (insulin’s gram of protein per mended daily allowance).”
smart, not less, if you want must carefully Fat requires only two per- opposing hormone), which
to lose weight! cent of your body’s energy to can offset the fat-storing pound of bodyweight is Other well-noted re-
choose the type use it up; carbohydrates ability of insulin by dragging s e a rchers and leaders in the
Contrary to common belief, of foods you eat!” require roughly 10% energy it down and helping dispose field of nutrition have come
if you severely restrict your to burn them; whereas pro- of it before it stores more fat. ■ ■ ■ to similar conclusions
food intake, your body ■ ■ ■ tein requires an astonishing A new study in the E u ropean repeatedly over the years.
quickly “panics” and goes 20% of your body’s energy Journal of Nutrition offers evidence that glucagon’s They’ve found that persons engaged in physical
into a fat-protection “survival to use it… Thus, by consum- release in the body (as a result of increased protein activities, yet merely adhering to the RDA stan-
mode.” As a result, your metabolism slows and you ing more protein, you’re actually revving up your consumption) may further stimulate fat burning by dards for protein requirements, were actually los-
start using muscle as fuel (muscle actually burns fat, metabolism. encouraging fat to be liberated and used more eas- ing precious muscle tissue as they worked out,
so we don’t want to lose this precious tissue), and ily. simply because their bodies did not have enough
restricting your food intake too much will leave you R e s e a rch shows that right around .8 to one gram protein readily available to repair and rebuild
feeling irritable, hungry, and grouchy. (Surely we’ve of protein per pound of bodyweight is adequate, MYTH: I don’t need “extra” protein to help their muscles after a workout.
all been there before!) And because your body is in and safe, for enhancing your body’s metabolic rate my body lose weight.
“survival mode,” very powerful signals are sent from as well as helping your body maintain fat-burning Plus, it’s been shown that those who consume
your brain, telling you to eat, eat, eat! Why? Because muscle tone. Consuming around 40% of your daily FACT: Any person who exercises and wishes to increased amounts of protein (even higher than
it thinks it’s starving, and it doesn’t know when it will calories in the form of quality proteins is adequate lose weight must have more protein in their the RDA recommendation) have denser bones
get food again. for recovering from workouts and keeping healthy diets. than people who ate less.
muscle tone.
Realistically, you can expect to hold off your If you tell the average nutritionist you consume From the scientific evidence alone, it is clear
uncontrollable urges for only so long before you give It’s easy to see why the common adage “fat is more plenty of protein-rich foods because you’re that people engaged in regular exercise and who
in. And voila, instant weight return, plus some bonus fattening than carbohydrates or protein” came into attempting to lose weight or because you train want to lose weight require greater than the RDA
bodyfat for your efforts. being. So it’s smart to take in no more than 20% with weights, you’ll often hear, “Oh, you don’t in protein to get optimal results.

8 9

MYTH: To lose weight, I can just cut down on the Before today, you too may have thought that statement will allow you to better understand the
number of meals I eat each day. weight loss or weight gain was strictly a matter of differences between the old theory of calories and the It is for these reasons, in addition to the number of
“calories in versus calories out.” In other words, if new theory of macro-nutrients. And the reason we calories I consume, I pay careful attention to the types
FACT: Eating five to six evenly spaced meals per you “burn” more calories than you consume, you know this to be true is because of recent studies, of foods I put into my body and, most importantly, the
day provides the body everything it needs to would in effect lose weight—regardless of the calorie which have concluded that two groups of people ratio of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats I consume
starve (and reduce) bodyfat. source. Conversely, if you were to consume more who are put on the same number of calories per day them in.
calories than you burn off each day, you would then but given different ratios of protein, carbohydrates,
Rather than running around with your calorie- gain weight—again, regardless of the calorie source. and fats will lose different amounts of bodyfat and/or Putting this truth into practice, my daily eating
counter book, you must instead pay attention to the lean body mass. patterns consist of balancing my meals, repeated
“types” of food you eat, the respective “proportions” The truth is, however, the “calories in versus calo- five to six times throughout the day, such that the
of each type, and “how often” you eat. I like to call ries out” philosophy fails to take into account modern Other evidence shows that even though people on macro-nutrient ratio of foods found on my plate
this meal patterning. research that finds that proteins, carbohydrates, and these diets may lose the same amount of weight, one are somewhere near 40% high-quality proteins,
fats have very different physiological effects on the group loses more bodyfat and retains more muscle 40% energy-rich, low glycemic carbohydrates, and
As indicated in a recent study in The American body's metabolism through countless pathways. For tissue than the other group, which loses only weight, no more than 20% naturally occurring fats. You
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, by spreading your meals instance, hormones such as insulin and glucagons, as which could be comprised mostly of water and mus- simply can’t go wrong with a sound, intelligent,
more evenly throughout the day, in five or six smaller well as thermic effects (the way the body internally cle mass and very little fat weight. science-based plan like this for eating.
meals, rather than two or regulates “heat” production),
three large meals (or an and literally thousands of
overindulgence in snacks ■ ■ ■ other effects foods have on
whenever you’re hungry), the body are all uniquely
you can maximize the
absorption of nutrients (so
“Sadly, many nutrition- caused by different macro-
your body can use more of ists today continue to
the food you eat) and supply As I will point out, in the
your body with more stable push the outdated next section of my Plan, not
(non-spiking) levels of
insulin—levels your body
theory that ‘all calories only is the mantra “all calories
are created equal” proven to
can adequately manage—to are created equal.’” be false, “protein is protein”
keep your body from storing and “all fats are created equal”
and trapping fat and steadily ■ ■ ■ is also incorrect. For example,
increase your metabolism we now know different fats,
throughout the day. So, never go more than a few such as healthy omega/fish oils versus unhealthy satu-
hours while you’re awake without eating a balanced, rated fats, have vastly different effects on the body’s
high-quality, carbohydrate-rich, low-fat meal. metabolism and overall health. We also now know
that different carbohydrate sources have their own
MYTH: All calories are created equal, so to unique effects on the body’s ability to use, or store, fat
lose weight, all I need to do is reduce the num- (such as high glycemic index carbohydrates versus
ber of calories I eat eve ry day. low glycemic index foods). And surprisingly, we now
know that different proteins can have unique effects in
FACT: You must focus on the types of calories the body too.
you put into your body, in addition to the num-
ber of calories you consume. So, as my friend, William Brink, a Harvard gradu-
ate, with a concentration in the natural sciences, and
Sadly, many nutritionists today continue to preach academic researcher, has so eloquently pointed out
the outdated theory that “all calories are created in his “Unified Theory of Nutrition,” while the total
equal.” Thankfully, for those of us who pay careful calorie intake does in fact dictate how much weight a
attention to the most recent scientific findings (as person gains or loses, the macro-nutrient ratios or
well as carefully watch what’s going on in the real proteins, carbohydrates, and fats ultimately dictate
world!), this old-school theory is being replaced by what type of weight a person gains or loses.
the newer, more accurate theory about calories
when it comes to gaining or losing weight. Make no mistake about it, this seemingly simple

10 11
You Are
What You Eat

To sculpt a lean, healthy, ener-

getic body, you need to regularly
fuel your body with high-quality
nutrients. For many of us, though,
nutrition is the most confusing part
of the weight-loss process.

Fortunately, over the years, I have

found many individuals know more
than they think they do. However,
most of us are paralyzed by the
hundreds of nutritional plans, diets,
and quick-fix powders and pills on
the market. Who’s right? Who’s
wrong? Who do you follow? Well,
to be quite honest, there is no
“right” answer for any one person
(or body).

Following the nutritional guide-

lines I will outline for you here will
help guide you to make careful
decisions when choosing the types
of foods to eat.

E Eating the “right” nutrient-rich foods (quality pro-

teins, carbohydrates, and vegetables) will provide your
body and mind with an endless array of benefits,
which may include:
and how to use them to your advantage has produced
consistently successful results for one person after
another I’ve worked with, including myself, over the
past 15 years.
etables (like a salad, broccoli, or asparagus). Ta k e
a look at the chart below to see what my
plate typically looks like—and this
goes for when I dine out as well as
when I'm at home! Ta ke a
Basically, my daily eating patterns consist of consuming
one portion-controlled meal every two to three
hours (while I’m awake, of course), for a
total of six daily meals. I alternate
between a whole-food meal and a
• Increased metabolism (the rate your body burns NUTRITION 101—THE BASIC FOOD GROUPS FOR moment to consider how yo u r meal-replacement/protein shake.
bodyfat). PLANNING YOUR HEALTHY, BALANCED MEALS plate measures up?
• Improved ability to strengthen and grow mus- The basic constitutes of food (whether whole, For instance, pretty much every
cles, creating an environment to tone, tighten, natural, or scientifically engineered meal supple- What you’ll find is that by day, I start my day with a whole-
and sculpt your body. ments) can be divided into three types: protein, following this approach, food breakfast (like egg whites
• Improved mental clarity and concentration by carbohydrates, and fats. These are called macro- you’ll easily meet your and oatmeal), and then, my three-
releasing natural “good” hormones, called nutrients. “ideal,” balanced macro-nutri- hour clock starts ticking: it’s an Eat-
endorphins. ent ratio breakdown of 40% pro- Smart® Nutrition Shake in the mid-
• Balanced hormones and pos- The way I see it, though, tein, 40% carbohydrates, and 20% morning (my favorite is Peanut Butter
sibly improved overall mood ■ ■ ■ most people have a common fats—without re a l l y having to count Cups flavor); this is followed by a whole-
and quality of sleep. “misconception” when it calories. (But that doesn’t mean calories food lunch (something like chicken, brown
• Improved resistance to infec- comes to the proportions of d o n ’t count!) A typical “bad” plate of rice, and a small salad from the Tokyo Joe’s®
tions and potential protection
“Most of us are paralyzed food types on their plate— food (by proportion) healthy Japanese fast-food restaurant near
from diseases by strengthen- by the hundreds of especially protein—needed Remember when we discussed the my office); and then another Eat-Smart
ing your immune system. to lose bodyfat, build muscle theory that “all calories are not created equal”? Nutrition Shake in the afternoon (I’ll switch up the flavor
• Extended healthy life span nutritional plans, diets, tone, and keep their energ y Well, to put our new theory into practice, when- though to Banana Cream Pie this time); next, I’ll have a
(longevity) by fighting off levels up. ever I prepare a meal, I base the meal on home-cooked dinner. My wife loves to cook
potentially dangerous “free
and quick-fix powders and an appropriate serving of protein healthy and delicious foods like tuna
radicals.” pills on the market.” H o w e v e r, there is a rela- first. Then I balance the “right” steaks, spinach, and squash. (You can
• Improved emotional balance tively simple practice of eat- type of nutrient-rich, low- try some of her recipes, which are
and well-being by controlling ■ ■ ■ ing that is widely over- glycemic carbohydrates. contained in the section of this
blood sugar levels and regu- looked, yet over and over book called “Fun, Delicious,
lating hormones. again, it produces consistent Again, I’m not overly Healthy Recipes.”) And I finish off
results. I t’s called balance. obsessed about “counting the day with an Eat-Smart
You see, achieving the “right” nutrition to help you calories” or adding up fat Nutrition Shake made into pud-
lose weight is very simply defined as giving yourself Here is another way to look at it: think of the grams (thankfully!). Instead, I ding (it’s like dessert!). Although
the best possible intake of nutrients (through food and plate like a pie graph. (See the following page for count portions—a portion (the this last “meal” is clearly not a
supplements) that will allow your body to be as healthy a look at what the typical person’s plate looks like size of my clinched fist) of car- “balanced meal” but rather a source
as possible, to work as well as it can, and to aid its abil- when they sit down to dinner—whether at home bohydrate and a portion of protein of high-quality protein to prepare my
ity to recover daily. or while dining out.) (again the size of my fist). And fat? body for the night-long fast and help my
Well, fat seems to take care of itself— What a “good” plate should muscles recover while I am sleeping.
While your needs are completely unique to you When I’m putting a meal together, I think of my as long as you are careful about trying look like (by proportion)
and depend on a whole host of factors, from your plate as a pie graph with one-third reserved for a to minimize obvious “bad,” hydro- As you can clearly see, I keep eat-
own genetic strengths and weaknesses to the effects portion of quality protein (like chicken, fish, or genated fats (from processed or deep-fried foods) ing simple and try not to over-complicate it. So what
of your current environment, there are fortunately lean red meat); one-third reserved for a portion of and saturated fats (from cheeses, butter, marbled I’d like to now share with you are which foods you
certain nutritional guidelines that apply to us all. And low-glycemic carbohydrates (like a yam or brown red meats, etc.), which, in my opinion, are no- should try to eat, on a regular basis, and which foods
having an understanding of the “basics” of nutrition rice); and the final third reserved for fibrous veg- brainers to avoid. you should avoid.

14 15

Protein Carbohydrates
Protein, which contains amino acids, is your body’s primary building block to repair and maintain muscle tone. Carbohydrates are your body’s primary fuel for energy production. They are readily used for both short-term,
Protein is either complete or incomplete. Complete proteins contain the entire array of essential amino acids (which intense bouts of exercise and long-duration activities like running and even your daily work activities.
are responsible for your body’s muscular rebuilding process). These come from chicken, steak, dairy, and fish.
Conversely, incomplete proteins (such as beans, soy, or tofu) do not contain all of the essential amino acids and thus Carbohydrates are used throughout the day and can help sustain your muscles through intense workouts as
need to be combined with other protein-rich foods that contain the missing amino acids, or you’ll need to supple- well as combat daily fatigue. Unfortunately, they’re also partly responsible for obesity as it’s so easy to just con-
ment to make up for the deficiency. sume too many unnecessary carbohydrates each day. Regardless, as with protein, inadequate amounts of car-
bohydrates can and will compromise your daily performance, mental capacity, and energy for exercise. Yet,
understanding the balance between using carbohydrates for fuel and using them for pleasure is the difference
between obesity and staying fit.

P R OT E IN S t o E at P R OT E IN S t o Av o i d
C A R B O H Y D R AT E S t o E a t C A R B O H Y D R AT E S t o Avo i d
Lean red meat (beef or bison/buffalo) Fatty, heavily marbled red meat (cuts like
(cuts like tenderloin, eye of round, London prime rib, rib eye, roast beef, and chuck) Yams or sweet potatoes Mashed potatoes with whipped
broil, fillet, or at least 90% lean ground meat) cream and/or butter
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Chicken breast (skinless) Dark meat chicken, such as thighs Brown rice or wild rice White rice, instant rice, or rice cakes
(especially with skin on) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Oatmeal (old-fashioned) Sugared breakfast cereals
Turkey breast or lean ground turkey Duck _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Pasta (whole-wheat or soy) egg or white pasta
Egg whites (or substitutes like Egg Beaters®) Whole eggs _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legumes (e.g., kidney beans or garbanzo beans)
Salmon Dried, smoked salmon
(canned or freeze dried) Pita bread or whole-wheat bread White bread or rolls
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Tuna steaks or tuna canned in water Tuna canned in oil Squash (like acorn or spaghetti)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
White fish (like sea bass, orange roughy, Catfish Couscous
halibut, or trout)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fruits (apples, oranges, melons, strawberries Cakes, pastries, cookies, donuts
Low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese Full-fat cottage cheese grapefruits, blueberries, etc.)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Low-fat or fat-free, sugar-free yogurt Full-fat, full-sugar yogurt
Lean ham Pork chops, hot dogs, or sausage
F I B R O U S V E G E TA B L ES t o E a t G l y c e m i c I n d ex o f Fo o d s
Ve g e ta r i an P R O T E I N S Peas
Lettuce, salad greens (including spinach)
Tofu Celery
Texturized vegetable protein Zucchini
Soy-based food Corn
Soy protein powder Asparagus
Veggie burgers/chicken patties Cucumbers
Tempura Tomatoes
Seitan Carrots
Green beans
Brussels sprouts


Fats It’s Time to Take Control and

Fats, over time, have endured their share of abuse in the minds of individuals trying to manage their weight. “Fats
are bad!” is a common misconception. But in fact, some fats are actually good for us and may even help fight off
Nourish Your Success 7:30 a.m.
Nutrition Shake
unwanted bodyfat.
With each bite of food you take, you take a step toward (Strawberry
or away from your goal. It’s that simple. Food can add
Research has revealed that fats in the form of “good” omega-3 and omega-6 essential fats (such as flax oil, lin-
value, helping fuel your fat-loss efforts, or come at a price,
seed, or fish) can actually help restore our energy, increase fat mobilization, produce “good” hormones, and boost
adding unnecessary fats or calories, which only sets you
the immune system, not to mention improve the cardiovascular and nervous system. These good fats essentially
back. I’m not suggesting you should never eat foods for
restore vital cells in your body, encouraging your body to perform more optimally and even increase longevity.
pure pleasure—on the contrary, I think enjoying food is a
must. But to truly appreciate the experience, it has to be a 10:00 a.m.
Essential fats are so named because they cannot be produced within your body on their own. They need to be
decision, not a reaction driven by being careless. Instead, Yogurt and Homemade
supplied by the foods you eat or supplements you take. Thus, the term “essential.” Saturated fats, on the other hand,
by being more careful, and conscience, of the types you Protein Nutrition Bar
(such as butter, deep-fried foods, and whole-fat dairy products) have long been labeled as “bad.” Rightfully so, as (Recipe on pg. 109)
choose to put into your body, you are able to make a clear
they serve little purpose. However, they come (in small amounts) with some meats we might eat.
decision about what you want to achieve.

We should ideally keep our fat intake below 20% of our daily calories… and if you eat the foods I recommend,
Carefully paying attention to and following common-
you won’t exceed this amount. But you might consider (especially if you have a fast metabolism) adding two or three
sense eating habits, like the ones I’ve outlined for you, are
servings (no more than 10% of your daily caloric intake) of the “good” essential fats to your daily nutrition program,
the basis for a lifelong habit of health and fitness. But
which is quite easy to do, to keep you from becoming deficient. When trying to lose weight, your body will actu- 12:30 p.m.
please, make no mistake about it, it’s not easy. Practicing
ally use every bit of essential fat for proper metabolic functioning and to restore energy balance. Salmon, Brown Rice,
them does take effort, but by following them, day in and
and Asparagus
day out, you will consistently become more aware of your
daily eating patterns and stay on the right path. Soon
enough, you too will start to make food the stepping stone
to your weight-loss goals, rather than a roadblock!

If you look at the column to the right, I’ve provided you

FAT S to E a t FAT S to Avo i d with a sample of a “typical” day of eating on the Plan.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3:00 p.m.
I’ve also included, on the following page, an example of
Nutrition Shake
my Daily Eating Journal, to show you how I keep track of
(Peanut Butter
Avocado Guacamole (with full-fat mayonnaise) the meals I eat each day. Cups)
Cold-water fish (oils) Obvious strips of fat from meats (and skin)
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now, to make your nutrition plan as easy to follow as
Low-fat cheeses Regular/whole-fat cheeses possible, I’ve included seven days of sample Daily Eating
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ journals, contained in the “Eating & Exercise” Journal
Flaxseed oil, linseed oil, borage oil, or fish oil Oils found in deep-fried foods like French section (which can be found on pages 63 to 79). This
fries, donuts, or even in muffins way, you can better understand how to put these nutri-
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6:30 p.m.
Sunflower seeds, walnuts, and almonds (sparingly) Salted/roasted peanuts or cashews tional strategies into practice. After that first seven days,
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fillet Steak,
I’d highly suggest you try some of the great-tasting, easy-
Potato, and
Olive oil, canola oil, safflower oil Blue-cheese, ranch, Caesar, or other to-prepare recipes contained in the section entitled “Fun, Broccoli
(especially for cooking or on salads) high-fat dressings Delicious, Healthy Recipes,” which will help provide the
basis for putting together healthy, balanced meals that
Butter, margarine, mayonnaise (full fat) taste delicious! By the way, you can download the entire
or whole-fat dairy products
eight-week Eating & Exercise Journal sheets by visiting
9:00 p.m
I realize that as we begin our journey together, and you
Nutrition Shake
follow my eating guidelines, you’ll have questions. (Key Lime Pie Pudding!
Thankfully, we have answers. Please carefully read Recipe on pg. 113)
through the following answers to the most frequently
asked questions about nutrition…


The Lean System Worksheet Stephen Adele April 4

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

Status Answers to Your Questions…

Time Planned Nutrition: Day 2—Workout #1 ✔= Yes! Did it.
About Nutrition

___(1 __b_l_e_t_)____✔
__ta _______
6:00 a.m. Weight Tra i n i n g : EXERCISE EXAMPLE
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I’m trying to figure out how to determine my daily use a meal-replacement nutrition shake like Eat-
C h e s t : Flat Dumbbell Bench Press (5 sets); Cable Fl yes (3 sets) p rotein and carbohydrate needs. Can you explain this Smart® and some protein powders for convenience.
B i c e p s : S tanding Barbell Curl (4 sets); Incline Dumbbell Curl (2 sets) again and give me some examples of different meals? For a complete list of good sources of protein, you can
turn to page 16.

Tr i c e p s : Cable Pu s h d own (4 sets); Bench Dips (2 sets)
6:50 a.m. S u p p l e m e n t s : One serving of 3-XL mixed with 6 oz of water ✔
Interestingly, I’ve found that most people make this Next, it’s simple math to calculate your carbohy-
way more complicated than it really needs to be. Let’s drate requirements. Since you will want to eat rela-
7:30 a.m. Breakfast (meal 1): 6 egg white/1 whole egg omelet with a little

break it down so it's easy to understand. One thing to tively the same balanced amount of carbohydrates as
low-fat cheddar cheese, remember, though, is that since your bodyweight and protein, you simply use the same amount you just cal-
1 cup of oatmeal sprinkled with Grapenuts and 1 packet of BMR will likely be different than mine, your protein culated. So, using our previous example, you were
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and carbohydrate servings will be different as well. going to consume about 33 to 40 grams of protein per
Splenda with 1/2 cup soy or skim milk (They may be more or less.) The first thing you need to meal, on my Plan, you would then eat the same
Supplements: 16 oz of water, m u l t i -v i tamin/mineral formula (2 tablets) do is determine how much protein you should be con- amount of carbohydrates—33 to 40 grams, again,
suming for each meal. depending on the number of times each day you
Lean System 7 (2 capsules) with 16 oz of water, Energize (1 tablet) ✔
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ decide to eat. The carbohydrates should be from
10:00 a.m. Nutrition Shake (meal 2): E a t -S m a rt Meal-Replacement Shake (Cinnamon Roll flavor,
✔ To figure this out, here’s all you do: take your “BMR mostly complex and whole grain (like the ones I’ve
Maximum Daily Caloric Requirement,” which you listed for you on page 17), and relatively nothing
two scoops blended with 16 oz water and three ice cubes)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ should have already calculated on page 5. (If you should come from high- glycemic or refined sources
12:00 p.m. Lunch (meal 3): Grilled chicken breast (1 large)
✔ h a v e n ’t done this already, please go ahead and do that such as sugar, white flour, or white bread.
B a ked sweet potato with a dash of Molly McButter now… you’ll need it to finish this part.)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In addition to these amounts of protein and carbo-
Fresh ve g e tables (asparagus) Now, take that number and multiply it by .40 hydrates, I would also suggest you try to consume a
16 oz of Crys tal Light or Diet Soda (because you want to try and get about 40% of your healthy serving of fibrous vegetables with each meal.
daily calories in the form of protein). So, for example, Maybe the best part is (depending on how much you
2:00 p.m. Supplement: Lean System 7 (2 capsules) with 16 oz of water

let’s say your Maximum Caloric Requirement is 2,000. like vegetables), you can literally have as many veg-
3:00 p.m. Nutrition Shake (meal 4): E a t -S m a rt Meal-Replacement Shake (Peanut Butter Cups flavo r ) , ✔ You would then multiply this number by .40, which is etables as you’d like. This is because most vegetables
equal to 800 (2,000 x .40). Then, take this number and are nutrient dense, contain little to no calories, and are
two scoops blended with 16 oz water and three ice cubes)
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ divide it by four (because this is how many calories efficiently used by the body to “cleanse” your diges-
6:00 p.m. Dinner (meal 5): Broiled salmon (large fillet)
✔ are contained in one gram of protein). I know it seems tive system. These can include broccoli, lettuce,
Steamed brown rice (with almonds) complicated, but really it’s not. Let’s keep going. This spinach, tomatoes, carrots, and fresh asparagus (my
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ number equals 200 (800/4). Now, the last step is to favorite). Just like with all of the other foods, you can
Steamed broccoli divide this number by the number of times you plan to find a more comprehensive list of healthy vegetables
Supplement: 16 oz of water, multi-vitamin/mineral formula (2 tablets) eat a meal each day. So, if you plan to eat five meals to choose from in this book, on page 17.
each day, it would be 40. However, if you plan to eat
8:30 p.m. Protein Drink (meal 6): One scoop of Eat-S m a rt (Straw b e r ry Cheesecake flavo r ) ,

six small meals each day (which I highly recommend), With that in mind, here is what a typical meal, for
mixed with 4 oz of skim milk (made into pudding) the number would be 33. Therefore, you should con- me, usually consists of:
9:30 p.m. Supplement: Fiber drink (Metamucil®) with 8 oz of water ✔ sume anywhere from 33 to 40 grams of protein with
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ each meal, depending on the number of times you eat Example #1: Because I normally work out in the
_____fill ___________✔
___out ________ each day. morning, and since I haven’t eaten anything since I
the next day's exercise and nutrition program worksheet. woke up, if I’m at the office instead of at home, I
Your protein should ideally come from whole foods always rush to the kitchen right after my workout
like lean red meat, fish, chicken, egg whites, or veg- and start off by making an Eat-Smart meal-
etables and soy (if you are a vegetarian). Or you can replacement shake (it’s quick, extremely conven-
Tip: To download healthy recipes and more Lean System Daily Worksheets, please visit www.TheLeanSystem.com

20 21

ient, and tastes incredibly delicious). For flavor, Delicious, Healthy Meals,” where my wife, Julia Ann, additional shake, made as pudding, in the late evening metabolism from slowing down and prevent hunger
more fiber, and some healthy carbohydrates, I add and her friend Stella have provided over 24 easy-to- as my final “meal” of the day, right before I go to bed). cravings longer, which ultimately makes it easier to
one-half cup of frozen strawberries. And to top it prepare recipes you can use to fulfill your nutritional In addition to these shakes, I consume three whole-food take weight off.
off, I add in two scoops of our orange-flavored requirements. (My wife was born and raised in the meals each day as part of my complete nutrition plan.
Meta-CEL™ (a muscle-building drink mix). While South and is a fantastic cook. I’m certain you’ll find her And yet, in another study I feel is important to point
blending my shake, I heat a bowl of water com- recipes easy to follow, and they usually take less than In my opinion, there are at least two essential times out (which was an eight-year study on more than
bined with one-half cup of old-fashioned oats. ten minutes to prepare. And they taste… well, how of the day you should consume a meal-replacement 27,000 subjects), Harvard scientists discovered that
Once warmed and ready to eat, I sprinkle a packet about you just try them and tell us what you think!) nutrition shake to assist you in fulfilling your daily people who ate more whole-grain carbohydrates, as

of Splenda® (sucralose sweetener) on my oatmeal. dietary needs and help you achieve the fastest possible opposed to higher GI foods, experienced less weight
With this meal, I’ve now got around 45 grams of results. First, it’s absolutely critical you consume at least gain, and the whole grains played an important role in
protein and around 50 grams of carbohydrates— one meal-replacement nutrition shake immediately fol- a weight-control plan.
pretty close to the perfect balance of protein, car- In your nutrition meal plans, it appears you rely heav- lowing a workout or any physical activity. (By immedi-
bohydrates, vitamins and minerals—which is essen- ily on meal-replacement/protein powders. Why do you ately, I mean within 20 to 30 minutes afterwards.) A sec- For these reasons, I think it’s important to at least
tial for supplying my body with the precise nutrients feel they are so important to use? ond time of the day that’s critically important to con- pay attention to the types of carbohydrates you put
I need to reach my goals. sume a nutrition shake is either first thing in the morn- into your body. And using the GI is a fairly simple way

ing for breakfast (if you don’t weight train in the morn- to help do this. That’s why I have provided a list on
Example #2: Later in the afternoon, I’ll usually eat a There are two reasons, really, why I feel it is impor- ing) or as the very last meal of the day—about an hour page 17, which contains some of the most common
meal made up mainly of whole foods. For example, tant to use a meal-replacement protein drink as part of before bedtime. foods you and I might eat (or be tempted to eat) rated
at dinner time, I will boil about six ounces of whole- my daily nutrition plan: convenience and confidence. I on the GI chart. As you can clearly see, some of the
wheat pasta. I like to add a couple tablespoons of mean, what could be easier than adding a meal- At the very least, I would recommend you use a high- obvious foods you should stay away from are simple
olive oil to the water I’m boiling the pasta in to add replacement powder to water or milk in a blender (or quality meal replacement, like Eat-Smart, for these two sugars, like table sugar, candies, soda, and dried fruits.
more “good” fats. In a frying pan, I cook four or five shaker cup), mixing it up, so you’re ready to gulp down times of the day to help you reach your goals. Surprising to most people, man-made sugars like high

ounces of lean ground beef. If you drain the grease a “perfect” meal—in less than a minute? That’s what I fructose corn syrup (115) and maltodextrin (135) are in
from the pan, after cooking the beef, you can elim- call super convenient. fact the absolute worst foods/ingredients you can con-
inate most of the “bad” fats. I like to mix the cooked sume, with GI's that are practically off the chart.
beef into a low-fat tomato pasta sauce. I pour this Another thing that is important about using a meal What is the glycemic index, and why do you feel it’s Which, unknown to most people who consume them,
on top of the pasta and add a large salad made with replacement is that it allows you to feel more confident important to pay attention to this when you are try- cause a huge spike in blood sugar levels—way
lettuce and spinach. I use a mixture of olive oil and that you are providing your body with the necessary ing to lose bodyfat? beyond even natural sugar (which is 85).
red vinegar as the dressing. I’ll top the salad off with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals (and if it’s a

an entire apple I’ve sliced into pieces. This meal, really good formula, it will even provide fiber and A great example of this are meal replacements and
when tallied up, provides about 45 grams of protein “essential fats” like flaxseed)—required to nourish your To keep it simple, Glycemic Index (or GI) measures nutrition shakes. They commonly use maltodextrin as
and about 52 grams of carbohydrates and plenty of body and help it recover from the rigorous exercise and how much a food you eat raises sugar within the their primary source of carbohydrates. Normally, this
healthy vegetables. Another perfect ratio of protein, strenuous lifestyles we endure. blood. In other words, the higher the GI (number), the is because it’s so “cheap” to use, but as you can
carbohydrates, and fibrous vegetables to help my more it spikes blood sugar; conversely, the lower the clearly see, at a GI of 135, it might be advisable to
body burn bodyfat, instead of storing it. As for me, I use Eat-Smart®. It’s a meal replacement I GI (number), the less it raises blood sugar. steer clear of any shakes that contain maltodextrin in
helped create, with my company iSatori Technologies, their ingredient list!
There you have it: i t’s not at all complicated. It’s not and it’s not only the healthiest, most complete formula What’s important to note is that large changes in
an exact science either. As you can plainly see, on the market, but it’s absolutely, positively the best- blood sugar prevent the use of fat as fuel and, if con- Over the years, I’ve basically found that it really
although I strive to come as close as I can to meeting tasting meal replacement you will ever try. I guarantee tinued over time, promote obesity and heart disease. pays off, especially when you are trying to lose body-
my protein and carbohydrate requirements with each it. Now, I may be a little biased, but I have a hunch if In fact, a recent study in the American Journal of fat, to pay more careful attention to the GI. For this
meal, I don’t obsess about missing it by a few grams you try it, you will agree with me. You can learn more Epidemiology concluded that people who consumed reason, in the “You Are What You Eat” section of this
here or there. Please don’t make the mistake of believ- about Eat-Smart in the Supplement Section. Or, you can diets high in simple sugared foods (such as white book, I’ve pointed out “good” foods that are contained
ing you have to weigh each and every food you eat and visit our website at www.EatSmartMRP.com, where you bread, potatoes, and jam), which, as you can guess, on the “Foods you should eat” list, and just as impor-
calculate every nutrition label. While it’s important that can find more information, including a complete break- are higher on the GI scale, had higher body mass tant, I’ve listed “bad” foods you should stay away from
you become familiar with how much protein and/or down of the ingredients, all of the new gourmet flavors indexes (BMI) than people who consumed more com- eating in the “Foods you should avoid” list.
carbohydrates are in a serving of your favorite foods, we have available, and where to buy it. plex sources of carbohydrates (which are lower on the
there is really no need to count every single calorie. GI), like whole-wheat grains, nuts, and low-fat dairy Another way you can be more careful about the
That being said, I typically use three Eat-Smart products. carbohydrates you eat is simply to choose foods that
For more examples of delicious, healthy, fat-fighting m e a l -replacement shakes each day (one in the morning are not refined and haven’t had their nutrients stripped
meals that consist of a balance of protein and carbohy- as my “post-workout” breakfast shake; another in the Another study recently conducted by Boston away. Examples of these foods are brown rice, instead
drates, please turn to Appendix II called “Fun, afternoon in-between two whole-food meals; and one University revealed that diets lower in GI keep your of white. Whole-wheat bread, instead of white bread.

22 23

Whole-wheat pasta, instead of pasta made from white • Together, your intestines and kidneys use about six schedules, kids and their temptations (I know, I have Now the reality is, everyone, at some point during
flour. And pretty much stay away from any pastries, cups a day. (That brings your total daily water usage two), requires plenty of planning and discipline. So a the week, will eat something other than a perfectly bal-
cakes, chips, crackers, and other processed “conven- to a whopping 10 cups or 80 oz just to live.) Reward Day is a way to allow you to indulge in some anced meal. Maybe it’s a fat-laden burger and fries or
ience” foods—as these foods are normally loaded with of the foods you really enjoy but shouldn’t really be some sugar-filled treat like a muffin. Whichever it is, it’s
sugars, not to mention trans fats and preservatives. Surprisingly, this does not include the added water eating. On top of that, it’s a great way to reward all important to realize that it’s not the end of the world. If
loss resulting from perspiration during any weight- your hard work during the week. this should happen to you, the worst thing you can do
I have a strong hunch that after the “low-carb” diet training sessions, intense cardiovascular exercises, or is allow this “slipup” to trigger a total breakdown and
craze wears off here pretty soon, you will start to see sporting activities. As an example, the way I use my Reward Days, as allow yourself to completely go off your planned
more and more companies placing a small symbol opposed to the way I’ve heard some people using course, suddenly eating whatever else you want, for
on the front of their food packaging which tells So, are you still wondering whether water is really them (who eat literally everything in sight for the the rest of the day. This only furthers the damage.
you—the customer—what the GI number is for that all that important? Mull over the above data for a entire day), is when I’m ready to eat breakfast, and I Instead, I suggest you acknowledge the mishap and
food. I also predict this trend will become the stan- minute and ask yourself that question aga i n ! The bot- want to have my favorite pecan and coconut pan- pick up right where you left off—eating the way you
dard by which people will choose their foods from tom line is: to avoid dehydration and ensure we’re cakes, I add them to my breakfast plate—along with planned to.
the grocery store within five to seven years. Literally optimizing our muscles’ output, studies have repeat- my eggs and oatmeal. When my next meal comes
every company will have to reveal the GI of their edly shown that we should consume at least eight to around, I might enjoy an Eat-Smart shake but add a In the end, the way I see it, food can be chosen care-
food product. The goods news is, in turn, this will 10 tall glasses of water every day… especially during tablespoon of natural peanut butter (like Naturally fully and add value, helping fuel your fat-loss efforts, or
help you and I choose healthier, low GI foods and, and after our workouts! More®). Then, when lunch rolls around, if I want a be eaten carelessly and come at a price, adding unnec-

just as important, it will probably force the manufac- cheeseburger, with my salad and baked beans, I’ll essary fats or calories, which only sets you back. Now,
turers of foods to rethink what they are selling and have that. And so on. As you can see, I don’t I’m not suggesting you should never eat foods for pure
possibly start to focus on producing more healthy overindulge, just because I can. Rather I use this day pleasure—on the contrary, I think enjoying food, truly
foods with lower glycemic indexes. You didn’t mention anything about a “ cheat day”? Do to “add” in the foods I might not normally eat. The experiencing it, as in a structured “Reward Day”—is a

you believe in allowing yourself one day a week to eat reason a “Reward Day” works so well is because it necessary part of your plan. But to truly appreciate the
all you want to? refuels you physically, as well as mentally. experience, it has to be a decision, not a reaction.

Whenever I workout I don’t sweat very much. Should
I still drink water? Is water really that important? Cheat day, free day, slipup day, pig-out day... I’ve
heard this pseudo-philosophy called many different
things. But there’s one thing I know for sure, it

Hmmmmmm…. Let me think about that question absolutely, positively works. And, in my opinion, a
for a second. Yes. And, yes! cheat day—or a “Reward Day” as I like to call it—
should be a part of anyone’s nutritional plan. Even if
Seriously, whether you work out one day a week, you’re trying to lose bodyfat. Let me explain why...
three days a week, or every day, I don’t think I could
emphasize enough just how vitally important water is A “Reward Day” is just what it sounds like. A day
to sustain your body’s requirements. Literally every to enjoy and relish in the joy of food, and more
waking moment of your life, water initiates a cascade important, to serve as a reward for the progress, and
of biochemical processes in the body that are essential discipline, you’ve made up until that point. I like to
for everything from digestion to enhanced energy lev- have my “Reward Days” on Sundays. Normally
els. And for those of us, such as yourself, who work out because it’s the one day of the week when I don’t
regularly, this includes our bodies’ ability to produce workout, and it’s also the day I like to have a nice big
optimal muscular contractions, which is essential for breakfast with my wife and kids. You can choose
weight training, exercise, or participation in sports. whichever day works best for you. As a way to help
you remember to celebrate your “Reward Days,” I’ve
Here are the facts about water and the amount of included them on each Sunday on the master
water your body requires, daily, just to “live”: Calendar, on page 64.

• On average, you’ll lose two cups (16 oz) of fluid Now, the reason a “Reward Day” is so important to
through normal perspiration. have is simply because, I’ll admit, it is no easy task to
• Another two cups (now making a total 32 oz) are consume healthy, balanced meals, five or six times a
exhaled as water vapor during your normal day, seven days a week, without a slipup.
breathing. Maintaining your diet every day, despite our hectic

24 25
Exercise to
Burn Fat

Here's an interesting fact I’d bet

you didn’t know: fat takes up five
times as much space in your body
as muscle! This means if you
replaced only a few pounds of
unwanted bodyfat with hard-
earned muscle, your body would
appear significantly smaller, even
though you might not have
changed your overall bodyweight.

You see, it's your “body compo-

sition” (muscle versus fat) that
determines what your physique
looks like, and when you improve
your body composition, trading in
fat for muscle, you actually
become more slender, leaner, and
firmer looking. So how do you
build more muscle definition?
Well, my friend, there’s re a l l y
only one way… with good old-
fashioned weights—through proper
resistance weight-training exercise.

week, because it's still a great way to expend some loss. And, from my personal experience, I couldn’t agree
“extra” calories and help tap into fat stores. more with this theory. Free weights or machines...it does
not really matter, as long you're hitting the weights long

However, much like the way the body quickly “meta- enough to stimulate the muscles, which is usually about
bolically adapts” to a restriction in calorie intake, the 30 to 45 minutes, three to four times a week.
body is just as fast to “adapt” to aerobic work as well—
by becoming more energy efficient. Thus, after about four By “stressing” the muscles during weight training,
weeks, the body requires less energy to perform the same you're really slightly damaging the muscle tissues—cre-
Whether you work out at the gym, your local fitness and longevity of your life! There are really no two
amount of aerobic exercise. In essence, your metabolic ating what are called “micro-tears.” Once these tiny tears
center, health spa, or in your home gym with a pair of ways about it… if you want to look and feel your
system “gets used to” the physical work and begins using in the muscle occur, your body goes into “recovery”
dumbbells and Swiss ball, I am going to share with you best, while achieving your fat-loss goals, you've
less and less fuel to perform the same work. The only mode, where it responds by sending out muscle “repair-
some very practical yet powerfully effective weight- absolutely, positively got to exerc i s e .
way to “override” this adaptation is to perform your car- men” to fix the damage. Interestingly, this process again
training exercises, as well as my favorite fat-burning car-
dio exercise on an empty stomach. Studies have shown requires a significant amount of energy, and the process
diovascular exercise routine that will enable you to “turn But here's one the oldest, most highly debated top-
that by performing cardio work on an empty stomach, actually burns additional calories (once again, enhancing
on” your body’s natural ability to burn fat and totally ics: there are those “fitness experts” who favor cardio
you give your metabolism a “boost” (by 300%, in fact), metabolic rate—even while you're sleeping) as most of
reshape your physique. All in as little as three days a (aerobic) exercise over weight training (anaerobic).
and it remains elevated longer throughout the day. the muscle recovery happens. In essence, the body is tak-
week. (Aerobic means with oxygen required by the muscles,
ing energy from stored bodyfat and using it to build mus-
and anaerobic means without oxygen to the muscles.)
Now, with that said, performing cardio exercise is a cle. How great is that?!
As you are probably already well aware, training with Their argument is you burn more calories in 30 min-
great way to burn off excess
weights provides your body utes of cardio exercise than
calories, but it shouldn't be And the best news is, with
and mind with an abundance you do in 30 minutes of
■ ■ ■
looked at as the sole support ■ ■ ■
weight training, you're sure to
of benefits, including: weight-training exerc i s e .
system for your fat-loss efforts. change the entire appearance
• Improving your muscle size, While this is partially true…
strength, and performance.
“There are really no two there's certainly more to it
Weight training, on the con-
“By lifting weights,
of your physique. By lifting
trary, is hands down the surest weights, you can build
• Improving heart and lung ways about it… if you want than that.
way to alter body composition you can build stronger, firmer arms and but-
function, reducing risks of and metabolic rate to lose fat tocks, you can whittle down
coronary disease, by increas-
to look and feel Scientific studies conclu-
and keep it off. stronger, firmer arms… your waist and narrow your
sively show weight training
ing blood flow. your best, while achieving to be superior for activating you can whittle
hips, and you can build
• Improving your overall By building additional mus- shapely thighs and leg mus-
mood and even aiding in your fat-loss goals, the body's metabolic system
cle, you essentially “rev up” the down your waist…” cles… After every workout, as
because it causes you to burn
sleep by releasing natural metabolic rate, all of the time— your muscles repair them-
you’ve got to exercise.” more calories in a 24-hour
something aerobic exerc i s e selves, they'll actually build
endorphins, which increase ■ ■ ■
period over aerobic exercise
your daily energy levels and ■ ■ ■ simply cannot do. Increasing back better than they were
alone, which only causes
sense of well-being. the body's muscle mass, even previously—your muscles will
your metabolism to increase
• Strengthening your bones, slightly, increases the basal metabolic rate—the total get stronger and firmer, and even with more size and
temporarily, during the time of the exercise and
to help reduce your risk of injury. amount of fuel (calories) the body requires to maintain definition (depending on how hard and heavy you
shortly thereafter.
that new muscle…and burns fuel, even while at com- train)! So, to reiterate the importance of weight train-
Most important for us though, weight training
plete re s t. As you can guess then, when you gain muscle, ing—the more muscle you have, the more calories you
increases your metabolism, so you’re burning fat more It's critical to know that if you were to perform only
it requires plenty of expendable energy to maintain it. burn—period!
efficiently and more often, as muscle mass actually burns aerobic exercise (and no weight training) yet still fol-
bodyfat as its primary source of fuel—24 hours a day! lowed a sensible diet, you'd run the risk of breaking
Muscle is therefore considered “metabolically active” When it comes to my workouts, I train with weights
down and using your muscle tissue as fuel. Then, as you
(in other words, muscle burns calories). Fat, on the other three days a week. Usually for about 30 to 45 minutes,
The battle wages on…weight training versus cardio might have guessed, your metabolism slows down as a
hand, just sits there, doing nothing more than taking up but no more than one hour. Performing the exercises
exercise result. You see, science has shown us time and time again
space, and doesn't require any energy to preserve it. I’ve outlined in the Exercise Journals (found in
Clearly, no respectable authority on fitness and that after about 90 minutes of cardio, the body begins to
Thus, the more muscle tissue you have on your body, the Appendix I), and at the suggested intensity, using the
physique development would prescribe to the become more efficient, not at burning off fat but at burn-
easier it becomes to stay lean. proper rest intervals, that is really all the time I, or any-
notion that you could ever expect to lose any sig- ing muscle! Thus, it can literally paralyze your fat-fight-
one, would need for a safe, effective workout. Over the
nificant amount of bodyfat without exercise. It's a ing efforts. Of course, performing high-intensity cardio
Most research and scientists agree on one thing about years, and despite what other people believe, I’ve found
scientific fact and just plain common sense that exercises (like riding a bike, walking on the treadmill, or
weight training; they all seem to recommend brief, that the absolute best workouts are brief, intense, but
e x e rcise will not only help re-sculpt and build your running outside) is highly encouraged, for at least 30
intense bouts of lifting weights as the most effective super effective for producing results. Remember, we
physique, it will also definitely improve the quality minutes (but, no more than 45 minutes), three times per
method for producing results, in both muscle gain and fat want to stimulate the muscles, not annihilate them.

28 29
The Lean System Worksheet
Cardio/Weight-Training Journal Workout #00 of 47
Here’s an example of how I structure my workouts: I I find this workout schedule—three days a week—
start off, on the first day of the week, ready to train chest, works exceptionally well. I like working my body
biceps, and triceps. (This is a great combination of mus- parts only once per week when I’m trying to lose
cles to work together, by the way!). I’ll start off by bodyfat and get in better shape. It keeps me from
performing five sets of dumbbell bench presses, over-training, and losing energy, which is easy to do
starting with one “warm-up” set of 15 repetitions, anyway. Remember, like I said before, it’s when you
with the remaining repetitions ranging from 8 to are resting that your muscles recover and become
12. Then I’ll do two or three sets of my second stronger and leaner.
chest exercise—in this case, that’s cable
flyes/cross-overs. On the other days of the week—second, fourth,
and sixth days—I will do 30 minutes of a specific car-
Next, I’ll quickly move on to my next body part— diovascular exercise (called the Metabolic PEAK
biceps. I’ll do four sets of standing barbell curls, ranging Cardio Solution™) and train my abdominals. For abs,
from 8 to 12 repetitions. Then I’ll finish off my biceps by I perform three sets of three exercises and try to reach
doing two sets of my second biceps exercise—single- 15 repetitions for each set. On page 32, you can see
arm incline dumbbell curls (seated). an example of the intensity pattern I use following the
Metabolic PEAK Cardio Solution and look how I keep
Last, I’ll work my triceps by starting off with four sets track of my abdominal workout.
of cable pushdowns; again, ranging from 8 to 12 repe-
titions. Then, to finish off my triceps, I’ll do two sets of To help you get started, later in the book, inside the
my final exercise for triceps—bench dips. (I really love Exercise Journal section on page 63, you will see
these!) And that’s it. Nothing complicated about it. exactly how I put these weight-training and cardio
workouts together. And, I will spell out, day-by-day,
I have to admit, the intensity of my workouts is really precisely how to follow my workout Plan, without any
extraordinary, simply because I pay a great deal of guesswork whatsoever. It’s all laid out for you… the first
attention to the time I rest in-between sets. That’s why week of your workouts. (Remember, you can download
I’ve clearly indicated the rest intervals for each and the entire eight weeks, all 47 Daily Exercise and Eating
every workout in my Plan on the Exercise Journal work- Journals, by visiting the TheLeanSystem.com, or call my
sheets for you to follow along and keep your intensity company at 1-866-688-7679, and we will gladly mail
levels up as well. I have included a copy of my personal you a copy at no charge.)
Exercise Journal, on the following page, so you can see
how I plan and record my workouts. I’d suggest you The bottom line: combining resistance weight-
read over this page carefully so you can become more training and aerobic exercise with proper eating
familiar with how to use these worksheets. I have a habits can certainly lead to faster, more permanent fat
hunch you’ll get the hang of it pretty easily, once you loss than either one or the other alone. In other
read through it. words, with weight training… some added cardio
work… foods and supplements to nourish and fuel
During my next weight-training workout, which your metabolism… your body becomes a “metaboli-
would be on the third day of the week, I’ll train my cally active,” fat-fighting machine.
back, shoulders, and traps. The only exception here is
that I normally don’t recommend that women perform Now, to make this Success Plan as simple as possi-
any trap exercises, simply because they don’t need to ble for you to follow, I’ve created a fully detailed
strengthen, and build, this muscle, which tends (in my “Calendar Schedule” (on pages 64 and 65) that tells
opinion) to be a more “cosmetic” muscle for most men. you exactly what days and which body parts to work
However, it’s really up to you. But like the previous out and when to rest. All you do is check off your
workout, I’ll normally do two exercises per bodypart. daily scheduled workout after you exercise. It’s really
that simple! I suggest you make a copy and hang the
For my final weight-training workout of the week, calendar up on your refrigerator or someplace you’re
which would be on the fifth day, I’ll train the front of my more likely to see it, every day. This way, you won’t
thighs (quads), the back of my thighs (hamstrings), and forget when to work out, and you’ll stay more moti-
my calves. vated to exercise.

30 31

The Lean System Worksheet

Cardio/Weight-Training Journal Workout #00 of 47 Now, before we continue on, it’s important that you answers your questions and help you out. They can be
know I’ve provided a complete demonstration for each reached by calling toll-free at 1-866-688-7679, Monday
of the exercises listed in the Eating and Exercise Journal through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., MST. Or, you can
section in the back of this book (you can find them in visit our website, which has a complete illustration and
Appendix I, entitled “Exercise Descriptions and Photos.” description of the exercise presented in this book, as
Here, I’ll show you pictures for each exercise and pro- well as many others. Simply type in
vide a clear set of instructions as to “how to” properly www.RealSolutionsMag.com/weight-training or visit the
perform the exercise for each body part. I’ve even listed Home Page of www.RealSolutionsMag.com and click
some alternate exercises, just in case you don’t have the on the “Resources” tab up top and scroll down to, and
proper equipment or machinery available to you. click on, “Weight Training Fitness Programs.”

If, for any reason, you decide you need additional In case you have any additional questions about
help or are unclear about any of the exercises or you just weight-training or cardio exercise, I encourage
have a general question about weight-training or cardio you to read the following section. The answers
exercise, I encourage you to call any one of our quali- will likely be very helpful for you as we begin our
fied (and certified) fitness experts. They will be glad to new journey together.

Answers to Your Questions…

About Exercise

When I’m starting the weight-training workouts in
your plan, how do I determine the weight I should use
with each exercise?
Now, if you have never performed the recom-
mended exercise for a particular body part, you may
just have to use a little trial and error. While this is not
necessarily the ideal way to start out, there is simply

no better way to determine exactly what weights you
A lot of people who are new to my Plan ask this ques- should use.
tion, and to be honest, there really isn’t a 100% accurate
or scientific answer. I wish there were. But there isn’t. I The best thing you can do is start by “guessing”
can, however, provide you with some tips for deciding which weights you might use. This could be based
how much weight to use when you begin your first on similar exercises you are familiar with. Or, per-
workout. haps you noticed you are stronger on certain body
parts, like chest and legs, and you have a pretty
A good place to start is by reading through the good idea of how much weight you can use. It’s
Workout Calendar (which is provided on page 64) and really up to you. But basically, if you’ve never per-
looking over the exercises that will be performed on the formed an exercise, you will likely need to start off
first week’s Exercise Journal Worksheets. By simply by actually doing the exercise and writing down the
becoming familiar with the exercises for each body part, weights you used and the number of repetitions you
you will likely notice you have performed some or most did on your Exercise Journal Worksheet (under the
of them before. If this is the case, then you can use your “Actual Weights” column). This way, the next time
memory to recall the weights you would normally use you are scheduled to work out the same body part,
and record it under the “Goal Weight” for each specific you can refer back to your Worksheet and read
exercise. For instance, if you already know you can what you journaled. And by the next time you
dumbbell bench press 55 lbs for eight repetitions, then work out the same body part, you’ll know exactly
you should record this weight for your planned “Goal which weights are suitable for you, and you can
Weight” on the first row of the chest exercise workout. plan them more accurately.

32 33

Q I’m confused about the exercises in the Workout

Journal section; can you explain exactly how I should
pick the exercises I want to perform?

It’s really quite simple. Each time you plan your

help you to better understand my answer to your

That is, if I asked you to go outside, right now,

and run down to the end of your street corner and
back, how much effort would you put into your
even though there are plenty of fancy machines and
high-priced gizmos in the gym, by sticking with the
most basic movements, like bench presses, squats,
shoulder presses, etc… you will find these exercise to
be more intense and require more effort from you,
both mentally and physically.
tional alternate exercises, along with step-by-step
pictures of them, you can visit us on the web at
w w w.RealSolutionsMag.com/weight-training (or
you can visit our Home Page and click on the tab
that says “Resources” to find a link to a section
called “Weight Training Fitness Program”). Or, you

workout, simply pick two exercises for each body part run? My hope is you would run as quickly as you can always email one of our certified Fitness
you planned to train. All of the exercises you can could. In other words, that you’d give 100% of your The bottom line is: intensity is directly equal to the Experts at info@isatoritech.com, and we’ll be glad
choose from are listed in the column that corresponds effort. Not because I asked you to but because you amount of energy and effort you put into something. to help you out!

to each body part on your Workout Journal sheets. wanted to. So, while following my Plan, I suggest you put in
100% of the effort you have into everything you do.
For example, when I train chest, biceps, and triceps, The truth is, intensity is a direct reflection of the Each exercise. Each set. Each repetition. Each rest
if you look at the “Example” page I created for you, on effort level, or energ y, you put into any chosen period. If you do, your body will adapt by developing I’ve been considering putting together a small gym in
page 31, you will notice I circled the two exercises I activity—whether it’s running, lifting weights, or more calorie-burning muscle tissue, and you will lose my house to follow your Plan, but I’m worried that I
chose for each body part. Then I wrote them in the playing chess. This means, if you are training with bodyfat much, much faster than those who only give won’t achieve the same results as I might expect
space which says, “Exercise chosen.” Next, I planned weights and it’s your first or your last set of a par- 50% or 75% of their intensity! I promise. from my local fitness center. Plus, I don’t want to

out the weights I wanted to use for this exercise. This ticular exercise, you should put in all of the effort spend a lot of money. Can I have it both ways—a rea-
way, when I get ready to weight train, I am not wasting you have. So, if you have planned to perform 10 sonably priced home gym and results in my physique
time trying to sort out which exercises I want to train repetitions, you should choose a weight that will I can still be proud of?
that day. I already know which exercise I am going to create enough resistance to challenge your muscles I don’t have access to some of the we i g h t - t raining

do and which weights I plan to use. What’s more, when (and your mind) such that by the time you perform exercises you recommend; do you have a list of
I get ready to plan my next chest, biceps, and triceps your seventh, eighth, and ninth repetitions, you are alternate exe rcises I can substitute for the ones
workout, I can refer back to this Worksheet page and basically “giving it your all” by the tenth, and final, s h own in your Plan? Of course you can. Over the years, I’ve tried just
ensure I pick two different exercises for each body part. repetition. And ideally, that should be a l l the energy about every weight-training machine, gadget, and

you have—for that set, at least—because you gave gizmo you can think of. But when I want results, the
Make no mistake, by choosing two different exercises it 100%. I’m glad you asked this question. Yes, I do. I kind that can only come through hard work and
every time you train a particular body part, you will realize not everyone has access to a gym. Perhaps proper technique, I always seem to come back to
absolutely, positively make your workouts more fun Are you starting to see how this “intensity” thing your fitness center doesn’t have one of the good ol’ fashioned dumbbells and barbells. In fact, for
and interesting, and you will keep your muscles from works? machines I’ve suggested. Or, maybe you work out the safest and most effective equipment for adding on
adapting to the exercises (which, unfortunately, only at home with only a pair of dumbbells. muscle or re-shaping your body, look no further than
restricts your ability to develop muscle tone and burn Bear in mind, though, what is considered 100% of a pair of quality dumbbells.
bodyfat). Plus, by switching up your exercises each your effort is quite likely different from 100% of my For this reason, on page 83, you’ll find a section
workout, I’ll bet you'll find you just flat out have more effort and most likely different from the effort your called “Exercise Descriptions and Photos.” Here’s So, to answer your question: yes, you can put
motivation to exercise! husband or wife, best friend, or workout partner where you can find a list of eve ry weight-training together an excellent home gym at a reasonable
could put out. e x e rcise listed in this Plan. Beside each exercise, price. All you need is a quality set of dumbbells
Now, if you don’t know how to perform any of the you will also notice two photographs, which show and a sturdy, basic exercise bench. Usually, you
exercises listed on the Exercise Worksheets, you can But intensity doesn’t just begin and end with the you exactly how to start and complete the exer- can get both of these items for an investment of
always refer to the “Exercise Descriptions” section, in energy you put out; it also increases from the amount of cise. In addition, I’ve also written a complete around $400 to $500.
the back of this book, for full illustrations and explana- rest time you take between exercises or the types of exer- description of “how to” perform the exercise. I
tions for each exercise. Or, you can visit us at cises you choose to perform. For these reasons, I have think you’ll find this very helpful, so please take Considering that’s likely what a year’s dues would
www.RealSolutionsMag.com/weight-training for even specifically pointed out the amount of time you should the time to read each exercise carefully. cost at your local fitness center, and compared to one

more exercise photos and explanations. rest between sets and exercises. You will find these times of those fancy home exercise machines that can run
listed on the Exercise Journal Worksheets. By limiting the Now, considering you may not have access to thousands of dollars, this is quite a bargain and a
amount of time between exercises and helping you pay the particular exercise I’ve recommended, we smart investment to say the least.
I’m a little confused about the intensity levels more attention to this time, you will find that your inten- have also listed (in blue) two to three “alternate”
I’m supposed to use while working out; can you sity increases dramatically in your workouts. e x e rcises. These are listed directly underneath The first thing you’ll want to consider is exactly how
explain this? each exercise name. Hopefully, you will find an much room you want to dedicate to your gym. You’ll
The final part of intensity comes from performing e x e rcise listed there which will accommodate the likely want to keep it simple, yet effective, and it will

basic, compound movements for your weight-train- equipment you have access to. If you don’t find require at least the amount of space as a small bed-
Sure, I can answer this question. But first, I’d like ing exercises. This is why you will notice that almost what you are searching for, or you’d like to read a room. Your first purchase should be a set of dumbbells.
to have you answer something for me, ok? (It will all of the exercises I recommend are these types. See, more thorough explanation of these and addi- What’s interesting about dumbbells is that they will

34 35

permit the greatest possible variety of exercises, and downstairs to the kitchen, drink a tall glass of water, to level four for two minutes. After this time, I adjust I’ve found that a lot of people who follow my Plan,
even if you’re not familiar with a particular exercise, and take two Lean System 7 capsules and an Energize the tension to my peak tension, level 10. This is defi- including myself, usually like to do their cardio exercise
most can be learned and performed quite quickly and tablet—to help support my metabolic rate and elevate nitely an “all-out” effort to keep the pedals moving. I on the alternating days, after each weight-training work-
easily. Plus, dumbbells make the exercise safer and my natural energy levels. really push myself here for three minutes, then I lower out day, first thing in the morning. This way, after they
more effective because they don’t control your move- the tension to level five. I catch my breath here, ped- get their workout completed, they are alert, refreshed,
ment, like machines. Instead of being “forced” and Next, I get dressed in some comfortable workout aling for two minutes, then I hit the peak tension and ready to “start” their day. And best of all, they don’t
guided by a machine, they permit an individualized clothes, put on my tennis shoes, and fill up another full again, level 10, one more time. I push myself even have to worry about whether or not they will get their
movement with your hands, wrists, elbows, and knees glass of cold water to take with me. By about 5:45 a.m., more for another three minutes, and then lower the workout in, because they have already completed it. I
in a more natural position. I walk down another flight of stairs into my basement, tension back down to five. I catch my breath and stay think this is something you should try. However, if you
where I have a Cybex recumbent bike. I like this bike here for another two minutes. After this, I turn down don’t have the time to get to the gym every other day,
For the ultimate in convenience, I recommend because it has a comfortable seat, a heart-rate monitor the intensity, once again, only I lower it this time to or you don’t have access to any cardio equipment at
you go for the PowerBlock dumbbell feature, and I can adjust the tension level easily (by the level two. At this time, I am simply warming down my home, you can always perform your cardio on the same
(www.powerblock.com). One stand with a set of push of a button). legs and my heart rate. I do this for two minutes. A f t e r days you weight train.
adjustable dumbbells, which fits in the corner of a the “cool-down” period is over, I am done. That’s it!
room, is like having 20 pairs of dumbbells in the size If you take a look at The Metobolic PEAK Cardio Thirty minutes of calorie-burning, fat-busting cardio. While I don’t always advise this, because it can cause
of two shoe boxes. It takes up only a two-foot by two- Solution™ chart on the “Exercise Worksheet” journal for you to feel a little over-exhausted, you are certainly wel-
foot area, and because you can very easily change the Abs and Cardio day (on page 71), you will notice it is all Whether you perform your cardio on a recumbent come to try it. This schedule works especially well if
resistance by simply moving a pin and selecting your laid out for you. The number of minutes is in one col- bike, like I do, or you jump rope or go for a run out- you are completely starved for time and would rather
desired weight, you can move from 10 lbs to 90 lbs in umn, and in the next column is the intensity level. You side, if you carefully follow the pattern of time inter- have your workouts completed in three days a week,
seconds, without changing collars or lugging free can see how I perform my cardio by reading this over. vals and intensity levels in the progressive pattern I’ve instead of six.
weights (plates) around. The guys who invented laid out for you, you simply can’t go wrong.

PowerBlock, Intellbell, call it the world’s best dumb- Basically, I start by pedaling for two minutes to warm Let me share one caveat; that is, if you want to
bell, and I couldn’t agree more. You’ll want to throw in up my body. If you think about it, if you perform cardio include cardio exercise on the days you weight train,
their adjustable bench too. It’s not only one of the stur- in the morning, or after you have been sitting at a desk please, please, please do it after you work out with
dier ones I’ve come across, but it moves from a 90- all day, your legs and heart have likely not been very A re there any specific times I should perform my car- weights. Doing it before will only “pre-exhaust” your
degree, upright position to completely flat, with a few active. So, that’s why, just like when I weight train, I like dio exercise? When do you do it? body and deplete your storage of glycogen (energy
degrees in between. An adjustable bench is essential to start with a “warm-up.” I use a level two in intensity stored within your muscles needed for intense weight
for performing a variety of exercises with your dumb- here. By the way, when it comes to cardio exercise, you training). I used to do this when I first began working

bells. Last, if you can afford it, I’d highly recommend a should consider your intensity on a scale of one to ten. This is a great question. You know, while there are out. Don’t make the same mistake. I always found that
few more items—well, they’re more like accessories Ten being the most difficult, where you are going “all so many conflicting answers out there surrounding doing my cardio before a workout simply wore me out.
that will accentuate your workouts. You can find them out” and are barely able to hold a conversation because this question—when is the best time to perform car- Basically, I would be too tired to want to weight train
at your local sporting goods store, or you can buy them you are breathing so heavily and a level one being dio—the truth is, there is really only one time I must and would often lose my motivation.
online at www.bodytrends.com. A good-quality Swiss nothing more than moving your legs in a slow-paced emphatically state that you absolutely, positively
ball, like the one from Valeo or Reebok. Next, an ez- motion, sort of as if you were strolling down the hall at should not perform cardio exercise, and that is b e f o re The bottom line is, you can choose to do your cardio
curl bar. And last, a jump rope. These last essentials your home or office. you work out with weights. Other than that, I’m happy exercise on your non-workout days, or you can perform
will allow you to perform an even greater variety of to say that basically whenever you decide is the cardio exercises on your weight-training days (as long
exercises, and with the jump rope, you’ve got your car- Then, when I hit the three-minute mark, I immedi- “right” time to perform your cardio exercise is the best you make sure you do it after your workout). Either way

dio covered. (Now you don’t need to spend an extra ately press the button to increase the tension on the bike time for you. is fine, really. It might just depend on the time you have
$1,500 on a treadmill or stationary bike!) to a level four. Or, about twice the tension of the first to spend working out each day.

three minutes. I keep it here for a total of three more Now, with that said, I will also say it’s been
minutes. Then I lower the tension back to a level two. I proven in a recent scientific study that you are four
stay here, pedaling for two minutes, and then increase times more likely to stick with your planned exercise Do you stre t ch before or after you work out?
Can you explain how to perform the cardio exercise the tension up to a level six. I notice a definite increase if you do it at the same time every day, and the more
you recommend? in my intensity, and I am starting to breathe a little heav- important finding of the study was that those who per-

ier as my heart rate goes up. After three full minutes of formed their exercise first thing in the morning were To be honest, I don’t stretch my muscles all that
level six intensity, I move the tension back down to ten times more likely to actually get their exercise much. In fact, the only stretching I normally do is

No problem. Let me use my own cardio workout as three. I keep it here for another two minutes and then completed, versus those who waited until later in the when I put on my socks in the morning.
an example, if you don’t mind. crank up the intensity. This time, the tension goes up to day. Probably because there are so many things that
level eight, so it’s starting to get harder to pedal, and I come up during the day—work, kids, errands, etc.— All kidding aside, while stretching can be benefi-
Let’s say it’s Tuesday morning, and just like I nor- am definitely starting to break a sweat. I stay at this level which can keep us from getting our workouts in, even cial to some people, my belief is that for most peo-
mally do every day, I wake up at 5:15 a.m. I walk for three minutes and then drop the tension back down though we planned to do it. ple, stretching doesn’t really do that much for them.

36 37

With that said, I firmly believe that if you are going Do I need a training partner to help me follow
to stretch, you shouldn’t stretch before you exerc i s e .
The reason is, your muscles are not properly
“warmed up” yet, so they have little, or no, elastic-
your Plan?

ity to them and therefore are much more susceptible The good news is, absolutely not. I don’t train
to injury. Instead, I like to “warm up” by performing
one or two sets, with very light weight, for the body
part I plan to work out. For example, if I am going to
with a workout partner and neither does my wife,
Julia Ann, nor do Tanya Van Beek or David Silbaugh
(individuals whose photos are shown in the section
for Success
bench press, I would lie down on a flat bench press of this book entitled “Building Your Customized
and perform 15 or 20 repetitions with 20-lb dumb- Plan”)… and we’ve a l l been able to achieve
bells (where I might normally use 75 or 85-lb dumb- respectable goals, which included losing bodyfat
bells). I do these “warm-ups” only on my first exer- and sculpting strong, healthy muscle definition.
cise of the workout and not on the remaining body-
part exercises. Now, don’t get me wrong: I also believe a work-
out partner, or even a personal trainer, can be a
Now, I will admit, once my muscles are com- great asset to your program and increase your moti- In a perfect world, we would all eat
pletely warmed up, and I am well into my workout, vation. Besides that, a workout partner or personal
I will typically spend about 30 seconds, during my trainer can also be a useful “spotter,” which you the “perfect” amounts of vegetables,
planned rest periods, performing simple stretches might need whenever you are lifting weights and dairies, grains, meats, fruits, and so
for the body part I'm training. Again, this is done training intensely.
only when the muscles are properly trained and
on…like most nutritionists suggest.
already warmed up. Another thing to consider, although you certainly But we don’t. Most of us are way too
d o n ’t need to have one to reach your goals, a per-
However, there are some people who swear by sonal trainer can help you learn how to perform an
busy to plan, prepare, and eat perfect
stretching, after they work out, to help reduce mus- e x e rcise and ensure you are using proper form. This meals. That’s where quality supple-
cle soreness in the days that follow. And the fact is, is really important, especially if you have never ments come in.
there is some evidence to suggest this is true. So, if worked out with weights before, and may be able to
you want to spend five or ten minutes doing light help prevent you from injuring yourself. On top of
stretches when you are done working out, I would that, a personal trainer can help keep you more By definition, a supplement is
suggest you follow a planned list of stretches that motivated, since you normally have to pay them in
are safe and appropriate for your level of fitness. You advance and you have to schedule an appointment
something that can be added to your
can find some great illustrations of stretches at with them. For these two reasons alone, I think a diet to make it complete or make up
http://www.physioroom.com/prevention/stretch ing4.shtml. personal trainer—as long as he or she is qualified, for a deficiency. Nutritional or
Basically, the only way to know if stretching is ben- and certified by one of the more recognized pro-
eficial to you is to simply try it for a couple of weeks grams (e.g., ACE, ACSM, or NSCS) can be a great dietary supplements were created to
and then determine if it is helpful. addition to your overall Plan. help individuals who are not able to
get enough of one or more nutrients,
such as vitamins or minerals. Simply
take a supplement to fulfill that par-
ticular need. Supplements most often
come in a pill, powder, or liquid
form. Common supplements today
include protein powders, vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants, amino acids,
and fat burners.


Why Might Supplements Lean System 7 was designed specifically for busy, contains a unique, patented compound, called
hard-working individuals, like you and me, and for 7-Keto™. Dr. Henry Lardy (who discovered 7-Keto)
Be Necessary? those who constantly battle to lose stubborn bodyfat discovered that this active compound is naturally

from those “problem areas” (maybe this is you too?) found in everyone’s body, but it rapidly declines with
and who are trying to get thinner, leaner, and look age. This 7-Keto ingredient can also be extracted
younger, without having to worry about their safety. from natural organic plant material and is found
exclusively in Lean System 7. In essence, supple-
I normally take three servings of Lean System 7 menting with Lean System 7 helps safely put back
Any active individual who exercises regularly and strength and definition, increase energy levels, aid
every day. I take one serving first thing in the morning what “Father Time” has stripped away. By turning
is striving to lose fat while enduring life’s everyday in recovery, and even boost your immune system.
with a full glass of water. The next serving of Lean back the body’s internal clock to a more youthful,
challenges is more susceptible to becoming deficient Provided in optimal levels, supplements not only
System 7, I take around 11:30 a.m., about 30 minutes active metabolism, it’s easier to take weight off and
in some, if not many, nutrients. In fact, even while fol- make up for deficiencies that are created as a result
before lunchtime, to help my body burn the calories keep it off for good.
lowing a sound nutrition program, if you exercise reg- of exercise and hectic lifestyles, they a l s o provide an
I’m about to eat… as well as take the edge off my
ularly, you’ll still deplete your body of vital nutrients. environment for recreation of cells, necessary for
cravings and keep me from eating too much food at Lean System 7 helps “reshape” your entire physique.
And if your body does not have immediate access to both everyday life and performance. Deficiencies
lunch. My last serving, I take at about 3:30 p.m. I find One of the most appealing effects of Lean System 7
the necessary nutrients during repair, it will lack the may even keep you from achieving your desired
this habit of taking Lean System 7 three times a day is the reduction in overall bodyweight and fat. This
ability to recover and rebuild the immune system, results. Without at least adequate levels of certain
really keeps my body burning fat around the clock. means that when you lose bodyfat mass, especially
muscle tissue, and energy levels. This is a serious nutrients your body needs, you may not be able to
from those noticeable areas
problem and why supplements can be so useful. reach your full potential, and you certainly will not
H e re are the highlights of ■ ■ ■
like the waist, hips, thighs,
maximize your workouts.
Lean System 7 and some add- and upper arms, you can
Common supplements And, if you don’t eat a “per-
itional information I think actually reshape your body
include protein, such as fect” diet day in and day out,
you’ll find interesting: “One of the most and take inches off those
whey and soy; vitamins and and I know I don’t, supple-
appealing effects of Lean “problem areas.” So, when
minerals, such as Vitamins B ments are an obvious solu-
Lean System 7 is backed by you use Lean System 7,
and C, zinc and magnesium; tion.
performance micronutrients
independent, clinical science. System 7 is the reduction you’ll focus not only on the
Lean System 7 was recently scale but also in the mirror!
used for specific targ e t e d My Top Four Supplement
evaluated in an eight-week, in overall bodyweight You will find that your body
applications, such as “muscle Recommendations for
randomized, double-blind, and fat on the hips literally changes shape.
preservation” and “fat burn- Reducing Bodyfat, Sculpting
placebo-controlled clinical
ing,” such as creatine and 7- Muscle, and Increasing
Keto; antioxidants such as Energy
study (the “gold standard” in and waist.” Lean System 7 is prove n
research). The great news is… safe—plus, no “ j i t t e r s ,”
Vitamins A, C, and E. ■ ■ ■
those who used Lean System shakes, or nervousness.
Lean System 7® 7 faired exceptionally well, as If you’ve looked around
The problem is…supple- Clinically Proven, Targeted
participants lost up to 19 lbs of bodyfat in just eight (or tried any of them), many of today’s weight-loss pills
ments are confusing. Which Fat Loss
weeks and, more notably, reduced their waist and are nothing but high amounts of stimulants, which
ones work? Which ones don’t? Who
hip circumferences by 4 1/2 inches! One participant many people (like me) can’t tolerate. In fact, many of
can you trust? The questions are endless. The solution Lean System 7 is, without a doubt, the most
in particular, who used Lean System 7, increased her these pills have been reported to cause serious side
is…keep your supplement plan simple. By this I advanced fat- and weight-loss supplement on the
resting metabolic rate (the rate your body burns calo- effects, like irregular heartbeat, nervousness, anxiety,
mean, carefully address the results you’re looking for, market. That’s because Lean System 7 was devel-
ries for energy) by 1,391%... that’s the equivalent of and “jittery” feelings. E xactly what you want to avo i d.
and when purchasing products, buy from a trusted oped using only the latest in medical research on
burning an “extra” 930 calories a day. Or, more sim- Heck, just ask your doctor. When we developed Lean
manufacturer, one that uses scientific evidence to obesity and recently verified in an independent
ply put, it’s the same as running on a treadmill for System 7, we used the help of leading researchers and
back their claims, offers a money-back guarantee clinical study by John L. Zenk, M.D., Medical
nearly three hours. How impressive is that? medical doctors. People you can trust. People who
with purchases, and is well-respected within the Director and Principal Investigator of the
care about your safety. Our ingredients are research
industry. There are only a handful. Names such as Minnesota Applied Research Center (MARC).
Lean System 7 works to turn back the clock on proven and completely safe. In fact, Lean System 7
Met-Rx, EAS, Next Proteins, and my own company of What’s most interesting is that Lean System 7 was
“Father Time.” was proven in the same clinical study to be just as safe
course, iSatori, all come to mind for me. the first (and only) weight-loss pill ever shown to
As we age, our metobolic rate drops, and so does as the placebo (which was rice flour), with no adverse
reduce fat on those “trouble spots”—like the
our ability to lose bodyfat, especially on those “prob- effects reported. What’s more, Lean System 7’s results
The bottom line: supplements may be able to help tummy and hips on women and “spare tire” on
lem areas” like the waist and hips… that’s the number and safety record are so powerful, it’s protected by a
you achieve your desired results, faster. Scientific men… This is truly phenomenal. And to date, no
one reason it’s so difficult to lose weight, even with a prestigious U.S. Patent [#5,296,481] for use in safe
r e s e a rch has proven again and again that supple- other weight-loss supplement has revealed these
healthful diet and exercise. Thankfully, Lean System 7 weight loss and weight management.
ments can help you burn fat, increase muscle kinds of remarkable results!

40 41

Lean System 7 is guaranteed to work, or you pay Others agree with me when I say Eat-Smart is truly Iced Mocha Latté. Think of it as... any flavor, anytime!! All things considered, I have a strong hunch that
absolutely nothing! the “best-tasting,” most complete meal-replacement No more plain old chocolate and boring vanilla. once you try our new Eat-Smart meal supplement and
The bottom line is, Lean System 7 has been scien- nutrition shake available. But don’t be fooled—Eat- Imagine that. taste one of our scrumptious, “dessert-like” flavors,
tifically designed to reduce fat on the places that mat- Smart is more than your typical, “run-of-the-mill” you’ll never think about using another meal replace-
ter the most… and it’s absolutely, positively guaran- meal replacement—much more! Here are some of Eat-Smart is stomach friendly and easy to digest. ment or protein powder brand—ever again! But, you
teed to work, or we’ll refund 100% of your purchase the highlights about Eat-Smart and why it’s truly the Eat-Smart contains probiotics and special enzymes have to try it first to believe me.
price (when you order direct). That’s right. Just like all easiest and tastiest way to lose weight: to help fully absorb the proteins. Plus, Eat-Smart is 97%
of the supplements we sell, we’re so confident of the lactose free. Just think, never again will you have to 3-XL™
type of results you’ll likely experience with Lean Eat-Smart is so quick and easy to make. endure the usual cramps, bloating, or gastric distress Tri-Strength Creatine & Third Generation Nitric Oxide™
System 7, we offer a 100% “no-questions-asked” Eat-Smart is “instantized” so it mixes instantly and that comes from most meal replacements and protein 3-XL is the most advanced muscle-building supple-
guarantee. That is, every first purchase of Lean System easily... for a perfect milkshake-like taste in less than powders on the market. That’s because these cheap ment on the market, which contains a proprietary cre-
7, ordered direct, is backed by an unconditional, no- a minute. To make an Eat-Smart shake, all you do is powders, and ready-to-drinks, are usually filled with atine-delivery system and nitric oxide components.
questions-asked 60-day money-back guarantee. simply scoop your desired amount of powder into a useless fillers, sugars, and unfiltered proteins, which
Which means if, for whatever reason, after you’ve blender or shaker cup with water or skim milk, blend makes them ve ry difficult to digest—and distressful to Regular creatine monohydrate has been shown to
tried Lean System 7, you aren’t completely satisfied it up, and serve. It’s really as simple as that! The best your stomach. effectively increase lean body mass, strength, and
with your results, simply return the unused portion, part might just be that you get to choose the size athletic (anarobic) performance. But a new study
along with your original receipt, within 60 days of shake you want to make (a smaller eight ounce or Eat-Smart is a nutritious, state-of-the-art formula. has shown esterfied creatine (CEE) can exert its pos-
your initial purchase for a complete refund of the pur- larger 16 oz). Unlike other meal replacements, Eat-Smart does not itive effects above and beyond regular creatine
chase price (less shipping contain any useless, out- monohydrate.
and handling). That means Eat-Smart is thick, rich, dated, or unhealthy ingredi-
there’s no risk to you, what- creamy, and satisfying. ents like hydrogenated oils, I normally drink two serv-
soever, for trying it. That’s Eat-Smart is the o n ly corn syrup solids, maltodex- ings of 3-XL on the days I
how confident we are of the meal supplement that con- trin, fructose, dextrose, or weight train and one serving
results you’ll experience with tains Nutrim™—the all- aspartame. Instead, Eat-Smart on my non-weight-training
Lean System 7. natural heart-healthy, low- is made from only the highest days. And I’ll shamelessly say
glycemic oat complex that is quality proteins (like whey), that the Fruit Punch flavor
Make no mistake about it, clinically proven to satisfy whole-grain/low-glycemic tastes even better than our
Lean System 7 will work for your hunger and make you carbohydrates (from oat extremely popular Meta-CEL
you, just as it has for thou- feel fuller, longer (for up to flour), “good” fats from product. No kidding!
sands and thousands of other three hours), and more flaxseed, and added fiber—to
people across America. I importantly, stabilize your provide your body with the H e re are the highlights of
might be so bold as to say blood sugar levels and lower nutrients it needs to recover 3-XL:
that if you use Lean System 7 your cholesterol. Finally, you from strenuous physical
for eight weeks (the same don’t have to worry about activity, sustain your energ y 3-XL is backed by solid clin-
length of time as our clinical being hungry 20 minutes levels, and build a healthy, ical science.
study) and follow a sensible after you drink one of those strong, new you. Our trademark creatine monohydrate/Inzitol® f o r-
eating plan, combined with a regular exercise plan thin, watery ready-to-drink protein shakes... mula, Meta-CEL, co-developed with “Mr. Creatine”
(like the one I’ve outlined in this book), it may even Thankfully, Eat-Smart has a thick, rich, creamy milk- Eat-Smart is guaranteed “best-tasting” or it’s free. himself, Anthony Alamda, was released back in May
change your life! At the very least, you will be shake-like texture. So, no more hunger cravings... it Eat-Smart comes with an unconditional “Total Taste of 2003. Make no mistake: when we develop a new
absolutely thrilled with your results. I guarantee it. makes eating sensibly so much easier (and keeps you and Superior Formula Satisfaction” guarantee. We did supplement at iSatori, we use every shred of evi-
sane!) not hesitate for one minute to assume all of the risk by dence we can find to create the most innovative,
Eat-Smart® asking our customers not to necessarily take our word research-driven product possible.
The World’s “Perfect” Meal Supplement! Eat-Smart is full of flavor—eight sinfully delicious for the claims we make about the flavors and the supe-
For me, Eat-Smart provides a convenient, cost- flavors and counting. rior formula... but to allow you to purchase Eat-Smart But scientific research is revealing new information
effective way to replace literally any meal throughout See, with Eat-Smart, for the first time ever, thanks to essentially risk-free, so you can evaluate for yourself, every day on supplements, their specific forms,
the day... like breakfast, lunch, or an in-between a proprietary/patented flavor technology, you can for a full 30 days, if our claims hold 100% true. byproducts, metabolites, applications, delivery sys-
meal. You whip up a shake in just under a minute… choose from a wide assortment of our outrageously tems, and alternative uses. This research is at the
it’s truly the world’s perfect one-minute nutrition solu- delicious, sinful flavors... that taste like Cookies & As you can plainly see, Eat-Smart is the “smart” choice epic-center of the performance and physique
tion to fast, easy weight loss. I typically use Eat-Smart Cream, Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups, Strawberry for supplementing meals to help you lose bodyfat and enhancement industry. It is what drives companies
to replace at least three of my “normal” whole-food Cheesecake, Cinnamon Rolls, Mint Chocolate Chip, gain new muscle mass—as long as you combine it with like ours to continually experiment with and explore
meals a day. Banana Cream Pie, Double Vanilla Ice Cream, and healthy eating habits and our intense weight-training Plan. all of these new possibilities. Knowing full well that

42 43

some will work out, while most will not. Thankfully, the muscle cell—which typically gives people that
with trial and exploration, you sometimes do stum- unwanted “bloated” feeling. In addition, 3-XL was
Energize iSatori formulate Energize to work with your body’s
natural ability to produce safe, long-lasting energy.
The All Day Energy Pill™
ble on newly designed supplements that are worthy developed without adding unnecessary fat-
There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t reach
of further experimentation. One such supplement storing sugars, like dextrose. Instead, 3-XL is sweetened Energize provides immediate relief from exhaus-
for a cup of coffee first thing in the morning to get me
has become a new form of creatine called creatine with sucralose, which makes it ideal for “carbopho- tion—whenever you need it.
going. Maybe you follow this ritual too? That is, until
ethyl ester (CEE). bics” or calorie cutters. The great thing about Energize is that it was care-
we created Energize.
fully designed to safely work with your body’s natural
3-XL delivers immediate and impre s s ive re s u l t s . 3-XL is guaranteed to help you build new muscle, or ability to fight physical and mental fatigue. In fact, the
E n e rgize was developed to safely give your body
The really exciting news is that with CEE, you can you pay nothing. proprietary blend of ingredients found in Energize
back the energy it needs and to keep your energ y
experience positive effects with lower dosages because That’s right. Just like all of the supplements we was formulated in collaboration with Dr. Mark Tallon
levels up longer. In fact, I’ve discovered that for
it penetrates target cells more efficiently via a different sell, we’re so confident of the type of results you’ll specifically to:
most people, one dose of Energize in the morning • Relieve exhaustion;
transporter than the monohydrate form. So, apparently, likely experience with 3-XL, we offer a 100% “no-
keeps them energized all day. And quite possibly • Combat physical and mental fatigue;
no “loading” or “cycling” is required—just a single questions-asked” guarantee. That is, every first
the best part is, there are absolutely no “crashes” • Improve reaction time;
dose a day (normally one to three grams) does the trick. purchase of 3-XL, ordered direct, is backed by an
afterwards, like you typically experience with cof- • Enhance mental alertness;
unconditional, no-questions-asked 60-day money-
fee, energy drinks, soda, candy, and pep-up pills • and Increase pre-workout energy.
And, there seems to be two other important benefits: back guarantee.
like ephedrine.
CEE appears to work relatively well for most creatine
Energize is ex c e p t i o n a l ly safe—with a proven
“non-responders” (about three or four out of every ten Which means if, for whatever reason, after you have
As you know, most stimulants, like these, last only t ra ck re c o rd .
people do not respond to cre- tried 3-XL, you aren’t com-
about an hour before they wear off, The Energize formulation is sup-
atine monohydrate), and pletely satisfied with your
■ ■ ■ leaving you feeling worse than you ported by over 20 individual ingredi-
there doesn’t appear to be any results, simply return the
did before. This is called the ent clinical studies and is the subject
extra-cellular water retention unused portion (or used—we
“crash.” I hate the way this makes of a double-blind, cross-over trial, at
with CEE, which causes the “…you can in fact would like you to use the
me feel. That’s why I helped create the Ohio Research Group by Ron
infamous “creatine bloat.” entire container to give it a fair
Pretty cool stuff, isn’t it?! trigger new muscle chance), along with your orig-
and use a supplement, instead, Mardel and his associates. The propri-
called Energize. etary blend of ingredients found in
growth and significantly inal receipt, within 60 days of
E n e rgize contains only the safest,
3-XL is delicious and easy your initial purchase for a
I normally use Energize right most effective, physiologically active
to use. increase your chances of complete refund of the entire
about 30 minutes before I plan to ingredients, which have been tested
3-XL is a delicious, easy-to- purchase price. That means
use drink mix you simply stir building more calorie- there’s no risk to you, w h a t s o-
exercise to really add some inten- for the highest purity and potency.
sity and keep my workouts
in eight ounces of water or burning muscle…” ever, for trying it. That’s how
focused… Or, I’ll sometimes take a Energize is composed of a combi-
your favorite protein or meal- confident we are of the results
dose during the middle of the day, nation of important B vitamins and
replacement shake and drink ■ ■ ■ you’ll experience with 3-XL. It
to keep me from “hitting the wall” minerals, as well as a proprietary
it within 30 minetes after your doesn’t get any fairer than that,
at around 3 o’clock, and to keep blend, which consists of L-tyrosine (an
workout. And remember, don’t you agree?
me mentally clear, refreshed, and in a good mood amino acid), glucoranolactone (a simple sugar), a nat-
unlike with most other creatine products, you don’t
while I’m at work or before I go home (so I can spend ural source of caffeine, theobromine (from cocoa
need to “load” with 3-XL. Just drink one to two servings If you liked Meta-CEL, in my humble opinion, you’re
more quality time with my wife and kids, rather than trees), rhodiola and panax ginseng (adaptogens), and
a day. Under these guidelines, your muscle cells will going to think 3-XL kicks serious butt. Think of 3-XL as
just sitting on the couch, watching TV). octacosanol (from wheat germ).
still undergo retention and complete “super-saturation” Meta-CEL with a new, updated engine and turbocharg-
of the 3-XL compounds to reach their maximum vol- ers. It’s that much more powerful! Plus, we’ve even
Here are the highlights about Energize, to help you Energize is the only energy pill that lasts all day.
ume—appearing fuller, rounder, and more defined. As made 3-XL taste better than Meta-CEL! If you’ve had
restore your natural energy: We know our mental and physical exhaustion is the
a result, you’ll continue to build muscle faster and the pleasure of experiencing Meta-CEL already, then
result of our body’s natural response to physical exer-
more efficiently. I’m sure you can appreciate these two statements.
Energize was co-developed by Dr. Mark Tallon. tion, emotional stress, poor nutritional habits (like eat-
Now, with that said, if you are currently happy with the
We developed this all-natural supplement with Dr. ing on the go), or lack of sleep. Normally, though, we
3-XL is easy to digest and wo n ’t cause any “water results you are getting from using Meta-CEL, then stick
Mark Tallon. He is a very bright person, earning his reach for a quick fix by drinking coffee, sugared energ y
bloating.” with it. But, if you would like to see what new science
Ph.D. in biochemistry from Southampton University drinks, or resorting to pep-up pills like ephedrine. The
Unlike most creatine-based supplements, 3-XL was has to offer in the way of creatine supplementation for
in England. He even works with Olympic athletes as problem is, those stimulants provide only a temporary
specially formulated to promote complete absorption muscular size, strength, and hardness, then I’d strongly
a nutrition consultant and is an IronMan triathlete boost—lasting an hour at best. Worse, after they wear
of the creatine (inside of the muscles), using a specific encourage you to consider adding 3-XL to the nutrition
himself. To say this guy is brilliant and a true athlete off, your energy levels crash—leaving you even more
combination of sodium and chloride, thereby avoiding and workout regimen I’ve outlined in this guide. You
is an understatement. He helped our research team at exhausted than before. Energize, on the other hand,
any possible intestinal distress or holding water outside won’t be disappointed!

44 45

was designed to sustain the energy release, evenly Department, he and several of his colleagues are As you can see, I don’t try to overcomplicate the use I find that learning about supplements is the most con-
throughout the day, for a safe, comfortable boost of now “hooked,” calling it their “wake-up” pill, since of supplements, like some people do. Instead, I use sup- fusing part about building a better body—I don’t know
energy. That means… there are no jitters. No shaking they need to be alert all of the time. plements as “tools” to help me build my best body. Just who to trust—do you?
hands and nervous tremors. And no “crash” afterwards! like a carpenter uses his tools (hammer, nails, etc.) to
I find that for most people, Energize works espe- build a house. You can learn more about each of the

Who could benefit from Energize? Anyone who cially well either in the morning to really perk you supplements I use and see how you can easily integrate
consistently exerts themselves physically; people who up or during the middle of the day to help you avoid them together into a custom solution in the section enti- When I first started using supplements, I used to feel
undergo constant emotional stress; individuals who the fatal midday “crash” after lunch. For me, I tled “Building Your Customized Plan.” But remember, the way you do. I was totally confused by all of the
lack sleep (less than eight hours per night); or those absolutely love using it before I weight train. I find it no matter which supplements you use, relying on them claims made by manufacturers and hundreds of choices
who work late into or through the night; or virtually clears my mind and cranks up my workout intensity. alone will not help you reach your goal to build a of products on the store shelves. I realize how frustrat-
any individual who has the desire to think more clearly (This is helpful when you train, like I do, at 6:00 in leaner, healthier, more energetic body… if you don’t ing it can be to choose supplements, and that was the
and feel alive—to get more out of their day! the morning.) apply the right principles of nutrition and exercise. main reason I started my online newsletter over four

years ago. And now, I am proud to say we have
And since Energize doesn’t “over-stimulate” you, Once you try any of my favorite supplements, please branched out into a full-color printed magazine as well.
I believe it’s ideal for parents, businessmen and email me and tell me what you think. I’m certain It’s called Real SOLUTIONS, and it provides lots of
women, military, armed forces, and medical person- you’re going to enjoy the way they make you feel (and What do you think of protein or energy bars. Do you questions and answers from leading experts; informa-
nel. In fact, since I introduced Energize to my friend look). Let me know about your experience, would ya? eat them? tive articles on training, nutrition, and supplements; and
Angelo, who is on the local Denver Police You can reach me at Stephen@iSatoriTech.com. it even contains real success stories from people who
have followed our programs, like The Lean System

To be honest, whenever I am attempting to get leaner, Success Plan.
and lose bodyfat, I try to avoid all types of nutrition bars
altogether. You see, choosing the best protein bar is like Basically, in each issue, you will find the most accu-

Answers to Your Questions…

Questions trying to find the healthiest pizza…in my opinion, there’s
really no such thing! If you inspect the label closely
rate, up-to-date, straightforward information on what
works, and just as important, what doesn’t work. As you
enough, you’ll find that most bars are loaded with satu- know, there are lots of gimmicks out there, and my goal
About Supplements rated fats, sugar alcohols, fructose, gelatin, and other is to help you spend your hard-earned money only on

ingredients even most chemists can’t pronounce, and what will work for you!
some that are downright unhealthy. It’s for these reasons,
bars should be pretty darn close to the last option you You can subscribe to my monthly online
Are there any other supplements you use in your nutri- in NUTRITION journal in February, the formula is choose to eat when it comes to feeding your body to pro- newsletter right now, if you’d like, by visiting
tion plan, and which do you recommend? safe to use on a daily basis. mote fat loss. www.RealSOLUTIONSMag.com and clicking on the
button, on the right side of the page, which says “Free
In addition to these two supplements, I also use 3.XL, Of course, I have to admit, bars are still better than not eNewsletter.” As an added bonus, and to help you get

First, let me get something straight: if you do not pay which I feel is the most advanced creatine delivery sys- eating at all. But the truth is, many bars really aren’t much the facts (before you buy any supplements), I’ll also
careful attention to your nutrition plan—the foods you tem on the market—I take two servings on days I weight different from traditional candy bars—filled with unnec- send you a special report I co-wrote with science editor
put into your body—each and every day, throughout the train and one serving on non-weight-training days to essarily high amounts of calories, sugars, and loaded with James O’Byrne called “7 Secrets You Must Know Before
duration of this Plan—you will not succeed. I cannot help my muscles recover faster after workouts and to unhealthy fats. Still, I realize that when we're busy, bars Buying Supplements.” It’s a seven-part series of emails
overstate the importance of quality foods and the role help them rebuild stronger. are ultra-convenient, and some do taste outrageously that contains the unfortunate “dirty little secrets” sup-
they play in your physical and mental strength and abil- delicious, so they can be hard to resist. For that reason, plement manufacturers use to literally “steal” your
ity to lose bodyfat. The only other supplement I use on a daily basis, I’m not going to shun the use of bars altogether because money. Quite honestly, I feel this report could be the
which I’ve been taking since I was a kid, is a multi- sometimes we simply don’t have the time to shop for, most important thing you ever read, especially if you
That being said, when I am trying to lose bodyfat, I vitamin/mineral formula. I currently use a brand by GNC prepare, and eat whole-food meals. However, when currently use or are considering using supplements.
do use three supplements, which I feel are important called Mega-Men®. (There is also a formula for women faced with the opportunity to rate the choices of food to
for helping me reach my goals, faster. I already men- called Women's Ultra Mega). I wouldn’t go a day with- nourish my body, I continue to choose to consume Or, if you would like to receive the printed version of
tioned I use Eat-Smart, a great-tasting complete nutri- out taking a multivitamin. The way I see it, a vitamin is whole-food first, followed by a meal-replacement nutri- Real SOLUTIONS magazine and have it delivered right
tion shake, but I consider this more of a “super food” like an “insurance policy” for your health. In addition to tion shake (like Eat-Smart®), ready-to-drink shakes and to your doorstep, I am offering a fantastic deal for read-
than a supplement. In addition to my daily Eat-Smart these supplements, I sometimes use a powerful, natural then, and only then, a protein/energy bar. In other words, ers of this book. Simply turn to page 118 near the back
shakes, I use a clinically proven, targeted fat-loss sup- “energy” pill called Energize first thing in the morning I’d eat a bar only when I’m on a mountain top, hiking or and look for the subscription offer. It’s an amazing offer,
plement called Lean System 7®. I like Lean System 7 when I need an extra boost of energy for my workouts or snowboarding (and there’s no blender in sight), or I’m which includes two free gifts and costs only $16. A
because it’s clinically proven to do what it says it will need that “little something” to keep me going strong and stuck on a long airplane flight (and I’d rather not eat the small price to pay for the inspiration and information
and, based on the scientific study recently published feeling mentally clear throughout the day. contents of the tiny bag labeled “party mix.”) you will receive in e a c h issue!

46 47
—— PA R T 3 ——

Building Your
Customized Plan
How to Custom Design a Total Solution to Help
You Achieve Your Absolute Best Body Ever

Although there is no such thing

as a perfect way to build your
absolute best body, I can say, with
absolute certainty, the foundation
of any successful weight-loss plan
or transformation program is regu-
lar exercise; healthy, balanced
nutrition; and scientific supple-
m e n t a t i o n. Unfortunately, there is
so much confusion about exercise,
nutrition, and supplementation out
there, it’s difficult to sort out how to
put them all together. What I hope
to help you discover in this section
is that it’s really not at all that com-
plicated. The fundamental routines
outlined on the pages that follow
offer an excellent place to start (not
to mention a great source of motiva-
tion that “it can be done”). So rather
than relying on trial and error,
which is a slow, frustrating, and
oftentimes expensive learning
process, please consider applying
these proven strategies, which have
worked for me and thousands of
others already.

GOAL: Lose Bodyfat and Before After GOAL: Lose Bodyfat and Gain Before After
Increase Energy Muscle Definition
Exercise Strategy Exercise Strategy
• Perform 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, three times per week, first • Perform 30 minutes of aerobic exercise three times per week, first
thing in the morning (on an empty stomach). thing in the morning (on an empty stomach).
• Conduct intense weight-training exercises, using basic exercises • Conduct intense weight-training exercises, using basic exercises
such as the dumbbell press, lunges, shoulder press, bent-over rows, such as the bench press, squats, shoulder press, bent-over rows,
curls, triceps extensions, etc., 30 to 40 minutes three times per week. barbell curls, triceps extensions, etc., 40 to 50 minutes three times
per week.
Nutrition Strategy
• Not to exceed your “Maximum Daily Calorie Requirement” (using Nutrition Strategy
the BMR formula on page 5), consume approximately ten calories • Not to exceed your “Maximum Daily Caloric Requirement” (using
Marina Popelka, age 37, from Lakewood, Colorado, lost M a rty Reddy, of Northville, Michigan, lost 70 lbs of fat,
per pound of bodyweight (that you want to weigh), per day, divided the BMR formula on page 5), consume this approximate number
19 lbs of bodyfat, firmed and flattened her stomach, dropped 10 pant sizes, and now, at 40 years old, is in
into five or six balanced meals or snacks. of calories per day, divided into five or six balanced meals or
and sculpted beautiful muscle tone! the best shape of his life!
(For example, if you weigh 140 lbs and your goal is to weigh 120 snacks.
lbs, you should consume approximately 1,200 calories a day, (For example, if your BMR is 1,800, you should consume approx-
preferably divided into five or six meals that contain between 200 Before After imately 1,800 calories a day, preferably divided into five or six Before After
and 240 calories each.) meals that contain between 300 to 360 calories each.)
• Consume approximately one gram of protein and no more than • Consume approximately 40% of your calories from protein and
one gram of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight (again, body- carbohydrates and no more than 20% of your calories from fats
weight that you desire to weigh) per day. per day.
(For example, if you weigh 140 lbs, and your goal is to weigh 120 (For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, and your BMR is 1,800, you
lbs, you should try to consume approximately 120 grams of protein should try to consume approximately 180 grams of protein and
per day and no more than 120 grams of carbohydrates per day. Try carbohydrates per day, and try to keep your fat intake to about
and keep your fat intake to about 30 grams per day.) 40 grams per day.)
• Drink at least eight to 10 tall glasses of water per day. • Drink at least eight to 10 tall glasses of water per day.

Supplement Strategy
Supplement Strategy
• Drink two to three Eat-Smart® Nutrition Shakes each day,
along with using two to three servings of Lean System 7® and one Julia Lacy-Adelé, age 33, from Morrison, Colorado, lost • Drink two to three Eat-Smart® Nutrition Shakes each day, David Silbaugh, age 30, of Centreville, Virginia, lost 23
serving of Energize, whenever you feel you need it. 24 lbs of post-baby fat, mostly from her tummy, and along with using two to three servings of Lean System 7® and one lbs of bodyfat, mostly from his belly, and gained five lbs
now has more energy than ever before! serving of 3-XL™. of high-powered muscle—in only eight weeks!
• A one-month supply of this supplement combination, called
“The Lean System Success Solution,” includes: • A one-month supply of this supplement combination, called
“The Lean System Transformation Solution,” includes:
• Three 30-serving containers of Eat-Smart®
Before After • Four 15-serving containers of Eat-Smart® Before After
• Two 90-capsule bottles of Lean System 7®
• Two 90-capsule bottles of Lean System 7®
• One 84-tablet bottle of Energize
• One 30-serving container of 3-XL™

Shari Friedman, age 40, of Lawrenceville, Georgia, Barry Ratzlaff, age 37, of Abbotsford, B.C., slashed his
dropped her bodyfat in half, increased her self-confi- bodyfat in half, developed a great-looking set of six-
dence, and now is an inspiration to her friends and family! pack abs, and has more energy than ever!

50 51

(both featured in our Exercise photos)… have all down each morning—regardless of where the weight
Answers to Your Questions… enjoyed incredible changes in their bodies by follow-
ing similar principles to those outlined in my Plan.
is coming from. I call this “illusional weight loss”; it’s
temporary, and the best case scenario is that they go

About Building Your Plan from looking like a large pear to a smaller pear (or
maybe a large apple to a smaller apple, depending on

their body shape).
Together, my wife and I have committed to following
your exercise and nutrition plan. Unfortunately, we Now, remember when I presented this fact: one
Following your Plan, how long will it take to start Of course, the higher the goals you have set for your- can’t agree on something: the right way to track our pound of muscle takes up five times less space on the
seeing “results”? self, both in losing bodyfat and bodyweight, the progress. My wife seems to think it’s by using the body than a pound of fat. Obviously, that’s a pretty
longer it might take. But with a disciplined effort, you bathroom scale, and I can’t convince her otherwise. amazing difference in the amount of space taken up.
will achieve your goals! Can you tell me the best method to use for tracking You see, fat is much bulkier than muscle, and fat

If you follow everything I have spelled out for you our progress while we’re trying to get in shape? And clings to all the wrong places (e.g., hips, thighs, belly,
to the letter, and you have set reasonable goals, you should we be losing weight at all costs? and lower back), and well…it’s fat. Now think about
should start to see results in as little as one to two this: if you were to replace just ten pounds of fat with

weeks. It is not uncommon, however, to hear of peo- Should men and women follow your Plan the a few solid pounds of muscle, overtime, you would
ple losing up to six pounds during their first week on same way? You bet I can help, but first, you’ve got to promise look (and measure) so much leaner and firmer than
the Plan. That might be because they have never fol- me you’ll congratulate your wife for taking a step in when you started. While you would appear smaller in
lowed such an intense Program or eaten such qual- the right direction (with you!) to build a strong, size, what’s really happened is a process known as

ity, nutrient-dense calories. I’m not sure. Most definitely. To my knowledge, there is no sci- healthy body. “body mass composition transferal.” That is, you’re
entific basis for why a woman should train with changing not just your size but your shape too.
Now, make no mistake, the results you will wit- weights and exercise any differently than a man Surprisingly, what I’ve seen for many years is that You’ve traded in ugly, unhealthy bodyfat for muscle.
ness after your first or second week may not be earth- does. In fact, it has become quite an inaccurate literally millions of people who are dieting, or striving That’s the essence of my plan.
shattering. Nevertheless, if you are using Lean belief that women, for some reason, should only to build a better body, completely overlook the fun-
System 7® and take it as directed (and maybe add in weight train using higher repetition ranges (some- damental difference between weight loss and fat loss. What’s essential to understand here (hint: this is the
the Eat-Smart® meal-replacement nutrition shake to thing in the range of 20 to 25 repetitions is what I Make no mistake about it, these two objectives are part you can explain to your wife) is that while you
substitute for a couple of meals each day), it’s safe to commonly read) and should perform much more not the same. If your goal is to build a leaner, might weigh the same on a scale (your overall body-
say you will be very pleased with the bodyfat losses cardiovascular/aerobic exercise. stronger, healthier body, then you must focus on, and weight), your actual body composition (lean mass
you will notice within the first couple of weeks. track, your fat loss, not weight loss. Here’s why… verses bodyfat) has dramatically changed… and that
I am not sure where this information originated, transference is what changes your entire physical
Many people have noted that all of a sudden, after but I can tell you that, unfortunately, still to this day, If you were to focus only on weight loss, you’d run appearance. For this reason, you must concentrate on
about three to four weeks, their bodyweight drops it is proliferated in several leading women’s health the risk of losing mostly a great deal of water weight, losing bodyfat and gaining or preserving muscle…
fairly significantly. Clothes that might not have nor- and fitness magazines—and it’s completely false. precious muscle tissue, bone mass, and some fat. and along the way, measure your body-composition
mally fit in the past started to become a little easier That’s why when people follow the latest fad diet or changes.
to put on. And people around you may start to pay Another myth is that women will become bulky use some sort of dieting gimmick (like this Hollywood
you some unexpected compliments. It’s really pretty and easily obtain as much muscle as men if they diet drink stuff I’ve seen lately), they sometimes lose You see, since we can’t tell if we’re losing fat with
cool. work out with weights. This is simply not true! It’s 10 or 12 lbs in the first week. Although this amount just a bathroom scale, we need to measure our over-
physiologically impossible. Because women natu- of weight loss is not unusual, the reality is they’re los- all body composition—the amount of lean mass ver-
Regardless, from the first week and beyond, you rally lack the ability to produce as much of the ana- ing a great deal of water weight (considering the body sus bodyfat—to be certain we’re losing bodyfat, with-
should be able to experience a loss of at least one to bolic hormone testosterone as men and therefore is comprised of 75% water anyway). And, as soon as out sacrificing muscle. There are several ways to
two pounds of unhealthy, good-for-nothing bodyfat cannot build muscle mass like men do. they stop severely restricting calories or refrain from measure body composition. The best, most cost effec-
each week. This is a safe amount of weight to lose. using a “dieting drink,” they instantly gain back the tive and convenient way I’ve found (and used myself
This would only happen, of course, because you fol- I don’t see any reason a woman should follow my original weight that was lost and usually some bonus with great success) is to use an accessory called
lowed the Plan to a “T.” That means… Eating smart. Plan any differently than a man. By setting realistic weight on top of that (because their bodies are so far “skin-fold” calipers. You start by pinching yourself on
Exercising regularly. Drinking plenty of water. goals, eating properly, exercising intensely, and taking out of whack now!). You can see where the term “yo- specific locations on the body using this device.
Getting adequate rest. And using the recommended the recommended supplements, women like Marina yo dieting” comes from, as literally millions of men Then, with a simple calculation (we’re talking basic
supplements. Popelka, who not only lost 19 lbs of bodyfat but also and women every year torture their bodies with this math here), you can compute the amount of bodyfat
gained three pounds of lean, sexy muscle (in only eight vicious cycle several times throughout the year. In you have compared to your lean body mass (muscle).
One thing to consider is that everyone is different weeks)… Martiza Franco, who is a professional fitness any case, people who follow these types of haphaz- You might find that your local gym or fitness center
in the amount of weight they might lose, and your model… and Michael Ryan, who is also a fitness ard approaches to losing weight almost always rely has these calipers on hand. You can always ask one
results will vary depending on a number of factors. model, as well as a trainer to several “A-list” celebrities on watching the numbers on the bathroom scale go of their personal trainers.

52 53

Or, you can buy a set of skin-fold calipers (so you Bush, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dale Earnhardt, Jr., of sleep per night and may even try to catch a few more bodyfat. More inches from your waistline or
can measure yourself in the convenience of your own Montel Williams, and many, many others) have days “extra” hours of sleep on the weekends from time to other “problem areas.” Or, perhaps you want to focus
home). I use a brand called Accu-Measure, which just as hectic as ours (if not more so). They’ve got time. Though not the required therapeutic dose of eight on losing enough bodyfat to reveal a well-defined set
you can purchase for under $20 by calling them plenty of daily obligations too: commitments to work, hours, I find this is the optimal amount needed for my of abs (a “six-pack”). It’s really up to you.
direct at 1-800-866-2727, or by visiting their website friends, family, and even kids (who pose plenty of body to recover from the strenuous, exciting, hectic
at www.accufitness.com and order them online. unanticipated obstacles—I know, I have two). And days of work and exercise. Any less, and I find I The one option I highly suggest is that you take a
yet at the end of the day, we’re all confined to an become irritable and grouchy, and besides that, I’m couple of weeks “off” of following a structured plan,
One final note: I would suggest taking your meas- equal amount of time—the same 24 hours. smart enough to know (and feel) that my body has not like this one, and then set your new goals and follow
urements about every two weeks for the first couple of fully recovered from the previous day. Remember, it is the eight-week Lean System Success Plan again.
months, then at least every four weeks thereafter. Also, Make no mistake about it, my friend, to be suc- during the time when you’re not training that your Many people follow this Plan over and over again
taking pictures is not a bad idea either (preferably cessful (at building their careers and a better body), muscles are actually repairing themselves to become until they are satisfied with their results and new way
when they reveal most of your body). I still do this and these individuals don’t just find the time to continu- stronger and firmer. of life.
find it’s one of the best ways to chart my progress ally make exercise an integral part of their daily rou-
because pictures never lie. In fact, when you follow tine: they create time to do it. A recent study, presented at the North American One example that comes to mind is Marty Reddy,
my Plan, you will be measuring your progress every Association for the Study of Obesity, found that our from Northville, Michigan. He followed the same
two weeks—using “checkpoints” such as your body- So how do you “create” time? Simple! You can b o d i e s ’ biological recovery processes—muscle principles, found in this Plan, for six months and lost
weight, bodyfat, and body-part measurements. This instantly create time if you begin to plan, plan, and repair and immune functioning—occur during a remarkable 70 lbs of bodyfat. And now, for the first
way, you can more accurately gauge whether you are plan some more. You don’t think each one of these nighttime sleep. But more importantly, these time ever, he can see his abdominal muscles. He
getting closer to your goals and staying on target to individuals I listed above doesn’t plan their day, week, processes occur only during our initial 45 to 60 loves it. His wife loves it. And more important, he
reach them in your specified amount of time. or even their month out, well in advance, do you? Of minutes and into our deepest hours of sleep, greater now knows that he’ll be healthy, and have enough

course not! They all do. Maybe someone, like a pro- than six hours—which will interfere with or stop energy, to enjoy his family for many more years than
fessional assistant, does it for them. But the point is— altogether if we shorten our resting hours. So, if you he would have had he continued living so unhealth-
they plan ahead; they don’t react to each day. They want your muscles to develop, and the bodyfat to ily. You can see Marty’s incredible “before and after”
I can’t ever seem to find enough time to work out, make it a point to schedule time for themselves. An drop off, you need to get the proper amount of pictures on page 51 of this book. If you’d like to read
eat better, work, and play—and get in my favorite TV appointment for a workout (just as they would for any- sleep each night. his truly inspiring story too, you can visit Marty (and

shows. I don’t want to be spending hour upon hour thing else important—like a doctor’s appointment). other men and women as well) on
exercising just to get in better shape. It takes too What could be more critical than fulfilling an obliga- www.RealSolutionsMag.com. Once there, just click
much time, and I don’t have it to give. Can you help tion to yourself? The way I see it, nothing! on the upper tab that says “eNewsletter” and then fol-
me find more time? After I’ve completed your 8-Week Plan, wh a t low the link which says “Success Stories.” I encour-
To be successful, and ensure your workouts are a should I do nex t ? age you to read his story. It will change your life. I
part of your daily lifestyle, you must schedule an know, because it changed mine.

appointment with yourself by preparing yourself in

You say you don’t have enough time in the day to advance for what you want to accomplish each day, Once you’ve completed this 8-Week Plan, it’s
“fit” in an exercise program…? Well, to me, that’s each week, each month, etc. In fact, you can start highly likely you’ll have established some great new
nothing but an excuse. It’s like brushing your teeth: right now by writing this time down in The Lean habits and lost an impressive amount of bodyfat. (In If I have more questions, is there any way I can
you know you need to, so you don’t have bad System Eating & Exercise Journal section. (Heck, you fact, I’ve witnessed people who have lost up to 24 lbs contact you?
breath and your teeth don’t fall out. So if your could even do something as simple as wake up 45 of good-for-nothing bodyfat and dropped up to six
health is important to you, you find time to work minutes earlier than you normally do and do your inches off their waists, in eight weeks. Believe me, it

out. Maybe you don’t feel building a strong, workout then). And before you do anything, always is possible!) You bet. Unlike many health and fitness compa-
healthy, more energetic body is important enough ask yourself, “What else could I be doing that would nies today, who don’t really care about whether or
at this time in your life? be more productive and take me closer to my goals?” In fact, it’s probably safe to say that by the end of not you reach your goals, I do care. In fact, I’ve

the eight weeks, you will literally be a “new” person. built my business around helping thousands of
But if it is important, then you absolutely, positively Like night and day. You will have learned a new people, just like you, look and feel better… to
have to overcome this roadblock. What you might mindset possible for losing bodyfat (and keeping it build the absolute best bodies their genetics will
not know is, while this obstacle—your lack of time— Is sleep re a l ly that important when losing body f a t ? off!) and will probably be striving to learn more about allow. And I would be honored and privileged to
may appear to be holding you back and keeping you How many hours a night do you sleep? fitness, living a healthier lifestyle, and want to take on do the same for you!
from building a better body, in reality, it is not. Your new, more exciting challenges.
problem is elsewhere. Let me explain. There are a couple of ways you can reach me:

Sleep is vitally important: especially if you’re trying With that in mind, what I recommend is that, after first, I am, from time to time, active in our lively
Believe it or not, individuals who achieve extraor- to lose bodyfat, increase muscle, and gain more your eight weeks are completed, you decide what n ew discussion forum on the Real SOLU T I O N S
dinary levels of success in their lives (like President energy! I usually get anywhere from six to seven hours goals you would like to pursue. It might be to lose even Message Board. I occasionally update information

54 55

about my Plan, introduce new techniques and likely an operator or secretary at best. And, if you left a
tools, and we have Fitness Experts, as well as others message, you’d probably never see anything in return,
who have followed my Plan, post answers to peo- besides a typical “form” letter. That’s not true with me.
ple’s questions. To find me there, simply visit
www.RealSOLUTIONSMag.com and click on the
section in the middle of the screen which says “Hot
Forum Topics.”
You can email me anytime
Stephen@iSatoriTech.com, and although I might
not be able to email you back immediately, I will
Putting Your Plan
Another way you can reach me is to email me or write
me. Yep. If you emailed most of the supplement compa-
absolutely, p o s i t i ve l y reply to your question or
comment in a timely manner. I promise. (Try me!)
Alternatively, you can write to me. Just send your
Into Action
nies I know of, or tried to contact the president or CEO, comments to iSatori, ATTN: Stephen Adele, 15000
you wouldn’t make it past their first layer of insulation— W. 6 Ave., Ste. #202, Golden, CO USA 80401.

Up to this point, it’s safe to say

you now have a better understand-
ing of your body and appreciate the
importance of your metabolism for
burning calories and losing bodyfat.
We have also uncovered several
destructive myths surrounding
nutrition and explored, at greater
depth, the healthier, balanced way
to eat for greater fat loss and
increased energy. We’ve uncovered
why muscle is so important to re-
sculpting our physiques, as well as
continually burning bodyfat. And,
you’ve even discovered new, scien-
tifically researched supplements to
help aid in your efforts to build a
better body, faster.

But we’re far from being done…

Now it’s time to put everything
together. Simply put, this is where
the “rubber meets the road.”


Seeing Your Future Physique It’s for these reasons we are going to use a goal-
The easiest way to do this is to find someone setting technique I learned when I was studying
who has turned his or her body and life from ordinary psychology at the University of Colorado. It is
to extraordinary and use this as your source of fuel to called the S.M.A.R.T. technique, which, if followed

inspire you, from day one, until you reach your goals. closely, will help pave your way to success. In
other words, using the S.M.A.R.T. technique will
One way I’ve found which works particularly ensure you've set an effective and straightforward
well to keep me inspired is to start off by attempt- goal and, in turn, compel you to achieve it.
But first, before we start, there is one last strategy I and we all have to sleep, eat... ahh... you get the ing to “see” what I want to become. It’s easy to do.
need to share with you. It’s called the “Success point.) The only difference is, successful people follow Simply find a picture of someone's physique you S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, A c t i o n -
Mindset.” It’s pretty much the hidden secret, if you successful habits, and unsuccessful people follow would most like to emulate. (You can probably find Oriented, Realistic, and Time-Sensitive.
ask me. For some reason, though, too many people unsuccessful habits. It's really as simple as that. it in your favorite fitness, fashion, or tabloid maga-
dismiss the mental aspects of achievement as nothing zine.) Cut it out, and hang it someplace where Here's how it works:
but a bunch of rah-rah, pep talk. But make no mis- With that in mind, what I’d like to share with you are you're likely to see it over and over again through-
take about it, my friend, this information is what sep- the steps necessary to think like a winner. To act like a out the day. You might even jot down exactly (S)pecific—you must be specific about what you
arates those who are truly successful and reach their successful person. And most important, to b e in control which body parts you like and w hy you want to want to achieve, creating your goal in the present
goals from those who continue to struggle in life and of your life and your level of fitness. To have what I call achieve this inspiring physical appearance. tense…that means using “I am (in the process
do not reach their goals. So please pay careful atten- the “success mindset.” of…)” to start your goal statement.
tion to what I am about to share with you. It may very This process allows you to physically see the
well be the most important part of my Plan you read. As I’ve continued to try to better myself as a per- body you want—pointing your subconscious ( M ) e a s u ra b l e —how do you measure “better
I know, because it was for son, I've always striven to toward the realization of shape” or a “slimmer
■ ■ ■
me, when I first learned it— ■ ■ ■ learn more and more about your future body. This con- waist?” You can’t !
over 15 years ago. the mental aspects of moti- stant source of inspiration is Therefore, you must ensure
“…my belief is that vation. Whether physical or a reminder of w h o you want “A goal…a statement so your progress can be meas-
mental, it’s inevitable that to become and where you ured by scaling your goal to
The Success all successes success always seems to are going.
compelling it literally a specific number (e.g.,
Mindset and failures start with motivation. pulls you, like a magnet, 10% bodyfat, a 33-inch
Over my years of working Motivation is, in some ways, Setting a S.M.A.R.T. Goal waist, or a size six).
with people to improve their in life are like the match to a fire. The Your next step is to estab- in the direction of
physical appearances, I've spark in a car engine cylin- lish a goal you feel is wor- (A)ction-oriented—you
been able to recognize “what based on habits. ” der. I've studied its uses and thy of achieving and imme-
its achievement.” must be able to create an
works” and “what doesn't.” drawbacks in both ordinary diately write it down. The action list of things you
■ ■ ■
■ ■ ■
For better or worse, I've used and extraordinarily success- reason is, if you don’t set a must do to achieve success.
my mistakes, along with ful people for years. So by specific goal for what you want, you are pretty (This is similar to a to-do list, only it pertains
those of countless others, to rule out what doesn't now, I'd like to think I know a great deal about darn guaranteed not to reach it. directly to the achievement of your goal.)
work and focus on what does work. human mental performance.
See, I’ve learned that when we write down our (R)ealistic—make certain your goal is realistic, that
Because of these experiences, I’ve noticed a spe- If there's one thing I’ve learned for sure, though: goals, what we are really doing is convincing our- it stretches you but is something you can achieve,
cific set of traits, characteristics, and actions—or what motivation almost never lasts, whereas inspiration selves we can achieve them. So that’s what we are given your expectations and timeframe.
I'll refer to as habits—about those who successfully can serve as a long-term guide to your ultimate goal. going to do—write down the goal you are
“transform“ their physiques. And like I said, just as But I've also become aware of the fact that absolutely, p o s i t i ve l y committed to achieving. (T)ime-conscience—this is where we harness the
important, I also take notice of what specific traits, without motivation, there would be no action or the power of a deadline. Nothing becomes important
characteristics, and actions (habits) those who don't slightest movement in the direction toward any par- In doing this exercise, you are going to need to to us unless we set a deadline on it. A date forces
reach their ideal physiques and are not successful in ticular set of goals. So, as you can plainly see, moti- be specific about what you want to achieve, about us to give it priority and set positive pressure on us
“transforming” their bodies exhibit. vation is as important as inspiration. We just need to what it’s going to take to make you feel happy to achieve it.
understand how to use both more thoughtfully. about your progress, and about how long it will
While it may seem startling, my belief is that a l l s u c- take you to obtain. Knowing you want to “lose So now, I’d like you to go ahead and write down
cesses and failures in life are based on habits. Those To start, you need a source of motivation in your weight or bodyfat” or “trim your waist” is a great yo u r goal on the next page)—the fitness goal you
who are unsuccessful have the exa c t same biological life—something to get you out of bed in the morning start, but you need something more than that—a are completely committed to achieving. As you
makeup as those who are successful. (We all have ten and carry you through the day. To accomplish this, statement so compelling it literally pulls you, like a write it out, test it against the surefire approach to
fingers, ten toes, two hands and two feet, one brain... you need to discover your source for inspiration. magnet, in the direction of its achievement. effective goal setting, using S.M.A.R.T.

58 59

My Goal: ____________________________________ As you can clearly see, while goals are vitally Your answers to these questions will ultimately focus on the smaller, manageable steps ahead and
_____________________________________________ important, thinking about these feelings helps you help you gain an understanding of what you are com- celebrate each accomplishment along the way. This
_____________________________________________ truly know the deepest reasons you want to achieve mitted to and, more importantly, why you are com- gives you a tremendous sense of control, forward
_____________________________________________ them in the first place and provides the enduring mitted to it! motion, and achievement. And builds your confi-
drive and motivation necessary to persist and follow dence, each step of the way. I have included my
Revealing Your Reasons through. The bottom line is: if you have enough Progress Is Made Where Progress Is Measured “checkpoint” example on the following page.
Something interesting I've come to learn is that if strong reasons why you should do something, you Now, after you’ve answered these questions, there
you’re going to gain the full benefits of goal setting, can always figure out how to achieve it. is one last thing for you to consider, which I feel is the So make no mistake, we will be tracking your suc-
after you’ve set your sights on what you want to final step in preparing your mindset for success. That cessful progress along the way—every two weeks to
achieve, it’s quite likely you have become aware that So, with this in mind, I’d like you to ask yourself is, increasing your confidence. See, I believe that be exact. Whether it’s bodyfat, bodyweight, body-
something in your life just isn’t working, that some- some very important questions. And please, do your- confidence is the foundation of all successes in life, part measurements, or simply taking a photograph of
thing doesn’t feel right—and that you are truly capa- self (and me) a favor—take a minute to allow each which includes losing bodyfat or improving your yourself to track your progress, I promise, by the time
ble of so much more. one to really resonate before you write them out. health. And the easiest way I know to help boost your you are nearing the end of your first month of my
confidence and keep you on track is to measure your Plan, despite the ups and downs, you will absolutely,
Perhaps you’ve found yourself dissatisfied with the Ask yourself: progress. This way, you will never, at any time, lack a positively begin to feel more confident. You will
way you look or the way you feel. Maybe you’ve lost What will I gain as a result of accomplishing my sense of accomplishment and, more powerfully, you stretch your “comfort zone” and do something more
your energy, or your reflection in the mirror is less than goal…? will be building your confidence with each and every than you originally thought you were capable of
pleasing. Becoming aware of these feelings is the first _____________________________________________ step you take. doing. You will be utterly determined to advance one
step that change is desirable and possibly needed. _____________________________________________ more step, and another, and so on, and make the
_________________________ But I know from my own experience, we can't gain effort to complete your transformation and build your
Research shows that we ■ ■ ■ _________________________ confidence until we begin to take action, which in absolute best body.
can’t really grow or move for- _________________________ effect builds our confidence. Yet, we don't want to
ward until we feel uncom- “…if you have enough take action until our confidence levels are raised suf- R e m e m b e r, each step, each day you live,
fortable with our current What will this cost me if I ficiently, and we feel certain about our new under- whether positive or negative, will take you either
state. But once we clearly strong reasons w h y you do not change my current taking. See the dilemma here? This is what typically closer to or further away from your desired goals—
“see” that we don’t like state right now? keeps most people from ever attempting to change depending on your mindset. So whether you
where we are, the internal
should do something, you _________________________ their physical appearance. But ultimately, our level of choose to waiver from your Plan or use an excuse
stress created to overcome it can always figure out how _________________________ confidence is increased only when we do something (like so many people do) to keep you from reaching
is stimulating—serving as a _________________________ tangible that can be measured for progress. your goals, each day you will ultimately have to
driving force to propel us to achieve it. ’” _________________________ decide whether to live another day where external
forward. This is called “posi- _________________________ That's why, to gain your confidence, you must f o rces are in control of you or you are in control of
tive pressure.” The truth is, it ■ ■ ■ break your goal down into measurable increments. your life. As for me, I prefer to be in control of my
is a healthy stress, and it What has it cost me so far What I call “checkpoints.” Something on an every- body and my life, d o n ’t yo u ?
works wonders to move us to not take action on other-week basis works great.
toward our goals. my aspirations concerning my physical condition, Now, before you start on your journey, though,
which carries over into my health, energy levels, and In fact, you’ll find that I’ve already set up your there’s something I need to tell you. Like I said before,
Now, take a moment to think about all of the things, self-confidence? “checkpoints” within the Daily Eating and Exercise there are plenty of ways to lose bodyfat, as well as
related to your body and your health, that you are not _____________________________________________ Journals Section. Every other week, you’ll track your strengthen and develop muscle definition, and in no
satisfied with or that you would like to improve. _____________________________________________ progress using these worksheets. They are really easy way am I proclaiming my way is the only way. (Far too
Perhaps you would like to reduce the bodyfat around _____________________________________________ to fill out and extremely valuable to gauging your many self-proclaimed “experts” do this already!) What
your waist or hips…maybe even trim your thighs or _____________________________________________ progress, increase your confidence, and serve as a I can honestly say, with absolute certainty, is these
increase the size of your biceps. Or perhaps you would continual motivation toward your goal. techniques and tools are simply what have worked for
like to increase your energy and improve your vitality. And more importantly, if I do make a change in my me—year after year—and continue to work for count-
Go ahead and think about these for a moment. life now, how will that make me feel about myself— For example, if you wanted to lose 16 lbs of less others. And if you follow them to the letter, through
how will this accomplishment impact my life tomor- bodyfat within eight weeks, then you could realisti- the duration of this Plan, you will absolutely, positively
Think about what you will gain by achieving these row, 60 days from now, and a year from now? cally set your “checkpoint” increments for a four- achieve the body you deserve. (Head-turning results
improvements in your body and health. Consider _____________________________________________ pound reduction in bodyfat every other week. This you can be darn proud of.) I promise.
how you will feel and act when you reach them. _____________________________________________ way, you don't have to focus on the entire goal at
Think about what you would miss out on if you did _____________________________________________ any given time, nor do you notice all that you have So, if you are ready…it’s time for us to get started and
not achieve them. _____________________________________________ not yet accomplished to date. Instead, you can put your plan into action!

60 61
The Lean System Success Tr a c k e r ™

Daily Eating &
Stephen Adele
Name: _____________________________________ June 5
Today’s Date: ______________
Exercise Journals
Please include your "current" pictures here:

To make this Success Plan as simple

as possible for you to follow, I’ve cre-
ated a fully detailed “Calendar
Schedule” (on the next page) that tells
Photo #1 Photo #2 (optional) you exactly what days and which
This should be a full frontal view. This should be a full rear view.
body parts to work out and when to
rest. All you do is check off your daily
Tape your “after” Tape your “after” scheduled workout after you exer-
cise. It’s really that simple! I suggest
photo here. photo here. you make a copy and hang the calen-
(Double-sided tape works best!) (Double-sided tape works best!) dar up on your refrigerator or some-
place you’re more likely to see it,
every day. This way, you won’t forget
when to workout, and you’ll stay
more motivated to exercise.

Following the calendar, I’ve pro-

Please write your “current” body-part measurements here: vided you with seven days of blank
(You can use a simple measuring tape or the convenient Myo-Tape™ by AccuFitness). Eating and Exercise Journals, so you
can plan and record your daily meals
Waist: ____________ —
Hips:_____________ 27 1/2 Left thigh: ____________
Right thigh: ____________ 28 and workouts. I'd suggest you photo-
Right arm: _________ 19
Left arm: __________ 47
Bust/Chest: _____________ 17 1/2
Neck: ________________
copy these pages for your entire eight
weeks. (Keep in mind that each
215 lbs / ________
Bodyweight/BMI: __________ 29 7%
Bodyfat %: ___________ following week is a repeat of this
first full week.) Or, you can visit
TheLeanSystem.com and download
Total progress made (subtract your final measurements from your beginning measurements)!:___________
the full eight-week journal for free!
___________I __got
___set _____n_e_w
_____my ____goals
The Lean System The Lean System
Nutrition & Exercise Calendar Nutrition & Exercise Calendar
Name: Goal: Name: Goal:

Month: ___________________________ Start Date: ___________________________ Completion Date: ___________________________ Month: ___________________________ Start Date: ___________________________ Completion Date: ___________________________


C h e ckpoint 1: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Checkpoint 3: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout:
Chest, Biceps, Abs & Cardio Back, Shoulders Abs & Cardio Quads, Abs & Cardio Chest, Biceps, Abs & Cardio Back, Shoulders Abs & Cardio Quads, Abs & Cardio
BMI/Body Triceps (Traps) Hamstrings, BMI/Body Triceps (Traps) Hamstrings,
Measurements Calves Measurements Calves

“Reward Day”
Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3 Workout #4 Workout #5 Workout #6 Workout #25 Workout #26 Workout #27 Workout #28 Workout #29 Workout #30


Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout:
Chest, Biceps, Abs & Cardio Back, Shoulders Abs & Cardio Quads, Abs & Cardio Chest, Biceps, Abs & Cardio Back, Shoulders Abs & Cardio Quads, Abs & Cardio
“Reward Day” Triceps (Traps) Hamstrings, Triceps (Traps) Hamstrings,
Calves “Reward Day” Calves

Workout #7 Workout #8 Workout #9 Workout #10 Workout #11 Workout #12 Workout #31 Workout #32 Workout #33 Workout #34 Workout #35 Workout #36


Checkpoint 2: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Checkpoint 4: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout:
Chest, Biceps, Abs & Cardio Back, Shoulders Abs & Cardio Quads, Abs & Cardio Chest, Biceps, Abs & Cardio Back, Shoulders Abs & Cardio Quads, Abs & Cardio
BMI/Body Triceps (Traps) Hamstrings, BMI/Body Triceps (Traps) Hamstrings,
Measurements Calves Measurements Calves

“Reward Day” “Reward Day”

Workout #13 Workout #14 Workout #15 Workout #16 Workout #17 Workout #18 Workout #37 Workout #38 Workout #39 Workout #40 Workout #41 Workout #42


Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Workout: Final
Chest, Biceps, Abs & Cardio Back, Shoulders Abs & Cardio Quads, Abs & Cardio Chest, Biceps, Abs & Cardio Back, Shoulders Abs & Cardio Quads,
“Reward Day” Triceps (Traps) Hamstrings, Triceps (Traps) Hamstrings, Checkpoint:
Calves “Reward Day” Calves BMI/Body
Workout #19 Workout #20 Workout #21 Workout #22 Workout #23 Workout #24 Workout #43 Workout #44 Workout #45 Workout #46 Workout #47

Photocopy or download the Calendar and more Daily Worksheets Photocopy or download the Calendar and more Daily Worksheets
at www.TheLeanSystem.com to continue The Lean System Success Plan. at www.TheLeanSystem.com to continue The Lean System Success Plan.

64 65
The Lean System Success Tr a c k e r ™ Day 1

Do you remember when I said “Progress is made where progress is measured?” Well, tracking your
success starts with making an initial assessment of your current state of health and your physical
appearance. You can start by taking a picture of yourself as well as measuring a few specific body parts.
Although you may not like what you see, I can’t understate the importance of doing this. It’s such a
simple but powerful exercise.
We will do this every two weeks. (I like to call these “Checkpoints.”) This way, you can compare
your current self to your future self and really get a visual sense of the progress you have made along
the way. I’ve always loved this exercise, and I’m certain you will too.

Name: _____________________________________ Today’s Date: __________________

Photo #1 Photo #2 (optional)

This should be a full frontal view. This should be a full rear view.
This should be a full frontal view.

Tape your “current” Tape your “current”

photo here. photo here.
(Double-sided tape works best!) (Double-sided tape works best!)

Please write your “current” body-part measurements here:

(You can use a simple measuring tape or the convenient Myo-Tape™ by AccuFitness).

Waist: ____________ Hips:_____________ Right thigh: ____________ Left thigh: ____________

Right arm: _________ Left arm: __________ Bust/Chest: _____________ Neck: ________________

Bodyweight/BMI: ___________ /________ Bodyfat %*: ___________

* You can use several different methods to determine your bodyfat percentage. The one I like best is simple bodyfat calipers from
Accufitness.com. They are convenient, easy to use, and really quite accurate. And best of all, it takes only about five minutes—much
faster than many other methods. You can, however, ask your doctor or a personal trainer to measure your bodyfat as well, and they may
be able to help you.

The Lean System Worksheet
The Lean System Worksheet Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Cardio/Weight-Training Journal Workout #1 of 47

Time Planned Nutrition: Day 2—Workout #1 ✔= Yes! Did it.

Weight Tra i n i n g : C h e s t , B i c e p sE
, TrX
i c eE
ps R C I S E
Breakfast (meal 1):
Snack (meal 2):
Lunch (meal 3):
Snack (meal 4):
Dinner (meal 5):
Protein Drink (meal 6):
Planning Session:
Tip: To download healthy recipes and more Lean System Daily Worksheets, please visit www.TheLeanSystem.com

68 69
The Lean System Worksheet
The Lean System Worksheet Name: ________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Cardio/Weight-Training Journal Workout #2 of 47

Time Planned Nutrition: Day 3—Workout #2 ✔= Yes! Did it.

Ab Tra i n i n g , Cardio Exe r c i s eE X E R C I S E
B reakfast (meal 1):
Snack (meal 2):
Lunch (meal 3):
Snack (meal 4):
Dinner (meal 5):
Protein Drink (meal 6):
Planning Session:
Tip: To download healthy recipes and more Lean System Daily Worksheets, please visit www.TheLeanSystem.com

70 71
The Lean System Worksheet
The Lean System Worksheet Name: ________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Cardio/Weight-Training Journal Workout #3 of 47

Time Planned Nutrition: Day 4—Workout #3 ✔= Yes! Did it.

EldeXrs,ETraRps C I S E
Weight Tra i n i n g : Back, Shou
B reakfast (meal 1):
Snack (meal 2):
Lunch (meal 3):
Snack (meal 4):
Dinner (meal 5):
Protein Drink (meal 6):
Planning Session:

Tip: To download healthy recipes and more Lean System Daily Worksheets, please visit www.TheLeanSystem.com

72 73
The Lean System Worksheet
The Lean System Worksheet Name: ________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Cardio/Weight-Training Journal Workout #4 of 47

Time Planned Nutrition: Day 5—Workout #4 ✔= Yes! Did it.

Ab Tra i n i n g , Cardio Exe r c i s eE X E R C I S E
B reakfast (meal 1):
Snack (meal 2):
Lunch (meal 3):
Snack (meal 4):
Dinner (meal 5):
Protein Drink (meal 6):
Planning Session:
Tip: To download healthy recipes and more Lean System Daily Worksheets, please visit www.TheLeanSystem.com

74 75
The Lean System Worksheet
The Lean System Worksheet Name: ________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Cardio/Weight-Training Journal Workout #5 of 47

Time Planned Nutrition: Day 6—Workout #5 ✔= Yes! Did it.

Weight Tra i n i n g : Q u a d s , H a mE
s t rX
i n gE R lC
s , Ca ve s I S E
B reakfast (meal 1):
Snack (meal 2):
Lunch (meal 3):
Snack (meal 4):
Dinner (meal 5):
Protein Drink (meal 6):
Planning Session:

Tip: To download healthy recipes and more Lean System Daily Worksheets, please visit www.TheLeanSystem.com

76 77
The Lean System Worksheet
The Lean System Worksheet Name: ________________________________________________ Date:___________________ Cardio/Weight-Training Journal Workout #6 of 47

Time Planned Nutrition: Day 7—Workout #6 ✔= Yes! Did it.

Ab Tra i n i n g , Cardio Exe r c i s eE X E R C I S E
B reakfast (meal 1):
Snack (meal 2):
Lunch (meal 3):
Snack (meal 4):
Dinner (meal 5):
Protein Drink (meal 6):
Planning Session:
Tip: To download healthy recipes and more Lean System Daily Worksheets, please visit www.TheLeanSystem.com

78 79
The Lean System Success Tr a c k e r ™ Day 56


Name: _____________________________________ Today’s Date: ______________

Please include your "current" pictures here:

Photo #1 Photo #2 (optional)

This should be a full frontal view. This should be a full rear view.

Tape your “after” Tape your “after”

photo here. photo here.
(Double-sided tape works best!) (Double-sided tape works best!)

Please write your “current” body-part measurements here:

(You can use a simple measuring tape or the convenient Myo-Tape™ by AccuFitness).

Waist: ____________ Hips:_____________ Right thigh: ____________ Left thigh: ____________

Right arm: _________ Left arm: __________ Bust/Chest: _____________ Neck: ________________

Bodyweight/BMI: ___________ /________ Bodyfat %: ___________

Total progress made (subtract your final measurements from your beginning measurements)!:___________


Exercise Descriptions
and Photos

Shoulder Triceps





The Lean System Success Plan exe rcises are primarily a compilation of basic
yet very effective we i g h t - t raining movements that are to be performed
a c c o rding to your exe rcise worksheets. I will go through a rev i ew of these F L AT D U M B B E L L B E N C H P R E S S
Alternate Lifts: • Barbell Bench Press • Cable Press • Smith Machine Bench Press • Machine Press
exe rcises just to clarify what I am referring to by the various exe rcise titles.
The bench press is the king of
all upper body exercises. It prima-
rily works the muscles of the chest,
CARDIO EXERCISES but the shoulders and triceps are
also involved.
Cardiovascular exercise can be performed either outside or
inside, depending on your preference. I t’s really up to you. To start, grab two dumbbells,
lie back so you’re flat on your back
When it comes to outside, cardio exercises that come to on a bench, and position yourself
very securely with your feet flat on
mind are riding a bike, roller blading, running and/or sprinting,
the floor. Grip the dumbbells with
and even trail hiking. These are all great fat-burning activities.
your hands directly over your
As for indoor cardio exercises, I usually stick to the “basics,” elbows with your arms bent at a 90-degree angle. To perform the exercise, simply push the weight up until your
like jumping rope, step ups on a bench, or boxing; however, arms are straight, directly over your shoulders or mid-chest area. Then, not too slowly but under control, lower
if you belong to a gym or fitness center that only has machines, the weight back to the starting position.
those work great too. Recumbent bikes, stationary bikes, tread-
mills, rowing machines, and elliptical trainers have become TIP: While yo u ’re performing the exe r c i s e , try to keep your back flat on the bench, and do not lift your butt up
very popular lately, and these are all fine to use. off the bench, as this will cause undue stress on the lower back.
Stairmaster When you perform any cardiovascular exercise, it’s best to
keep it to three days per week for just 30 minutes per session Treadmill Alternate Lifts: • Cable Flye • Machine Flye
following my Metabolic PEAK Cardio Solution™. Lie back on a flat bench and
Try and do your cardiovascular exercise on non-weight start with a dumbbell in each hand,
training days if you can. If you don’t have time on your non- arms extended directly over your
training days and would rather do cardio exercise on your shoulders with your palms facing
weight workout days, then please do it after your weight- each other. With your elbows
training session, not before (like so many people do!) slightly bent, slowly lower the
dumbbells out to the sides, stopping
when your upper arms are parallel
Performing your cardio exercise before you work out will
to the floor. Maintaining the slight
only deplete your body of the
bend in your elbows, return to the
essential glycogen (energ y ) starting position by following the
reserves it needs to train S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT same arc (sometimes characterized
Stationary Bike intensely. Basically, you’ll be as “hugging a barrel”). The dumb-
exhausted before you train, and bells may touch, lightly, at the top, but don’t slam them together.
you don’t want that to happen.
To begin, start with a three-minute warm up Alternate Lifts: • Smith Machine Incline Press • Incline Cable Press • Plate-Loaded Press Machine (e.g., Hammer Strength)
at an intensity of two just to get your blood Incline and decline dumbbell
moving. For the next three minutes, you’ll dou- bench presses are fantastic exer-
ble your intensity, up to a four. But then for two cises for not only building upper
minutes, you’ll drop it again to your “warm up” Boxing (or lower) pectoral muscles but
intensity level (two). Then you’ll start working a increasing your maximum force on
the bench press.
little harder and get up to a level six for three more minutes. But remember,
this is interval training, so after those three minutes, you’ll lower your inten-
To perform this exercise, lie
sity level to a three for two more minutes. Just continue to follow the chart, back on an inclined or declined
which you’ll find on the “Cardio & Abs” exercise worksheet, until your 30 bench with your two dumbbells as
minutes of cardio have been completed. You’ll find the Metabolic PEAK you did on the flat dumbbell bench S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT
Cardio Solution to be fun and really effective at burning calories and body- press. Then simply drive the dumb-
fat, faster than any other type of cardio you’ve tried or read about. bells up to a lockout position over the chest. It is a good idea to have a spotter on this exercise. Your spotter
should be holding his/her hands underneath your elbows and assisting only when necessary. Please note, the
weights listed on the protocol for dumbbell exercises are per dumbbell.
Jumping Rope
84 85


S E AT E D S I N G L E - A R M D U M B B E L L C U R L Alternate Lifts: • Overhead High-Cable Triceps Extension • Overhead Close-Grip Dumbbell Extension
Alternate Lifts: • Single-Arm Cable Curl
This exercise is performed in the standing posi-
This exercise is performed in a seated posi- tion with a cable machine of some sort. You can
tion with or without back support. use a rope, a straight bar, or a V-shaped bar—
whichever you prefer. I use a rope on this exerc i s e .
The seated dumbbell curl is a very effective,
general biceps exercise. The alternating motion Lean slightly forward starting with your hands
allows more weight to be used. at about mid-chest height before driving the
weight down until your arms are locked and
Perform the exercise using dumbbells, curling you’re really flexing the triceps. Then slowly,
one arm up to a full contraction and lowering back under control, let the weight come back up until
down, then performing the same motion with the your hands are at chest level. Keep the upper arm
other arm. The required reps are per arm. still during the entire exercise.

TIP: While performing this exe r c i s e , try to avo i d TIP: While performing this exercise, try not to let
swinging your arms and using any momentum to your hands come up past your chest. They should
carry the weight. be just above parallel to the floor, before you
S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT attempt to push the weight back down.
Alternate Lifts: • Incline Cable Curl
This is a slight variation of the single-arm dumbbell curl (above) and is a fantastic biceps exercise. Take two KICKBACKS
dumbbells, one in each hand, and sit on an incline bench, set at about a 60-degree angle. Hold the dumbbells Alternate Lifts: Stretch-Band Kickbacks
with your palms up throughout the movement. With your elbows slightly behind you, near your sides, curl the Stand beside a flat
dumbbells to the peak of contraction. Lower the weight slowly. bench, and bend your
right knee and place it on
the bench. Lean forward
TIP: Don’t stop halfway down (when yo u ’re in line with your body); get the maximum stretch on your biceps
and place your right
by lowering the dumbbells all the way dow n , until your arms are almost straight, b e f o re coming back up.
hand on the bench. Pick
up a dumbbell with the
left hand.
Alternate Lifts: • Standing Barbell Curl • Standing Cable Bar Curl
To start the exercise,
In the standing position, hold a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms hanging down by your sides, in bend your elbow, holding
front of your hips, with your palms facing forward. Bend your arms, curling up both of the dumbbells at the same the dumbbell about even
time using minimal cheating, all the way up to with your chest. Then S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT
the shoulders. “kick back” your arm until
your elbow is locked out and your arm is parallel with your body. Then slowly return to the starting position. Once
TIP: While performing this exe r c i s e , try to ke e p you have finished all of the reps for the left side of your body, switch position, so your left knee and arm are on the
your upper body straight, and don’t bend for- bench, and your right arm is holding the dumbbell.
ward (or backward) too much while lifting the
weight. TIP: While performing this exe r c i s e , keep your back stationary and your eyes fixed on a spot or object slightly in
front of bench. (In other words, don’t turn your head to either side. Keep looking straight forward.)


86 87


Alternate Lifts: • Close-Grip Bench Press • Close-Grip Bench Smith Machine Press • Upright Dips (on Parallel Bars) Alternate Lifts: • Iso-Row Plate-Loaded Machine • Seated Cable Single-Arm Row • Bent-Over Dumbbell Row
Stand beside a flat
This is a fantastic bench, and bend your
e x e rcise for building the right knee and place it on
triceps. Sit down on a the bench. Lean forward
bench and place your and place your right
hands, palms down, on hand on the bench. Pick
up a dumbbell with the
each side of your hips.
left hand.
Straighten your legs until
they’re just slightly bent
To start the exerc i s e ,
in front of you. Then lift hold your arm straight
your hips up and off the down, under your left
bench, supporting your shoulder. Keeping your
body with your arms. arm close to your body,
S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT bend your elbow, lift the
weight until the upper
Slowly bend your arms until they’re bent at a 90-degree angle, lowering your hips toward the ground. Then arm is parallel with the floor and the dumbbell is about even with your abs. Slowly lower the dumbbell toward
press up, straightening your arms until your hips are again level with the bench. the ground. Once you have finished all of the reps for the left side of your body, switch position, so your left
knee and arm are on the bench, and your right arm is holding the dumbbell.
TIP: While performing this exercise, be sure to keep your upper body straight, and don’t lean forward.
TIP: Be cautious while performing this exe r c i s e , so as not to rotate your back and shoulders while lifting the
weight. Try to keep your back straight.
A slight variation of this exercise is to remove the bench and bend over at the waist, holding a dumbbell in
Alternate Lifts: • Lying Triceps Extension (EZ Curl Bar) • Overhead Dumbbell Extension • Lying Dumbbell Extension
each hand, as if you are trying to touch the dumbbells to the ground. Then turn your hands slightly inward, so
This is a fantastic tri- the palms of your hands face backward, and pull both of the dumbbells upward, at the same time, toward your
ceps exercise. upper abdomen area. Imagine you have a bar in your hands, trying to make a straight line across the dumbbells.

To begin, set up the

cable machine with a C L O S E - G R I P L AT P U L L D O W N
rope. Standing with your Alternate Lifts: • Close-Grip Pull-Up
back toward the weight
Grab a V-handle bar at a cable pulley sta-
stack, grasp one side of
tion, and sit on the seat with your knees placed
the rope in each hand.
under the support. Pull the bar down under
control until it touches the top of your chest.
Take one foot, and step Make sure the upper back does the work and
forward so you’re in a sta- you’re not swaying back to involve your lower
S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT ble position. back. Then slowly let the weight go back up,
extend the arms, and really feel your lat mus-
cles get a full stretch.
Bend forward at the waist, and start with your elbows bent, with your hands just above your head. Drive the
weight forward until your arms reach the lockout position, with minimal elbow flare or motion of the upper arm.
TIP: While performing this exercise, try to ke e p
your eyes positioned on the pulley or on the
ceiling. Also, try to keep your chest slightly
raised, especially when you bring the weight
d ow n , to get a full contraction of your back

88 89


CLOSE-GRIP SEATED CABLE ROW Alternate Lifts: • Seated Barbell Press • Seated Overhead Machine Press
Alternate Lifts: • Iso-Row Plate-Loaded Machine
The shoulder press works the muscles of the
This back exercise is performed on a cable shoulders and upper back. This exercise can be
machine, with the cable running parallel to the performed seated on a flat bench or on one with
floor. a backrest. I prefer to use a backrest because it
keeps the stress off my lower back and focuses
my effort on the whole shoulder.
Sit upright, with your abs held tightly, and pull
the bar to your abs as you slightly arch and con-
tract your back muscles. Start with one dumbbell in each hand, with
the weights held at about shoulder height with
the palms facing forward. Press the weight up
As you let the weight back to its starting posi- overhead (both arms at the same time), continu-
tion, control the negative portion of the lift, keep-
ing to keep the dumbbells directly over the
ing tension on the back and shoulders. Stretch the
shoulders. (The dumbbells should not touch at
back, but do not bend at the waist. (In other words,
don't make your lower back do the work.) the top of the movement.) Then slowly lower the
weight to the starting position.
WIDE-GRIP LAT PULLDOWN Alternate Lifts: • Reverse Pec-Dec Flye • Reverse Cable Flye
Alternate Lifts: • Wide-Grip Pull-Up
First, with a dumbbell
This is a great exercise to in each hand, bend for-
develop the outer back muscles. ward from your hips,
lowering your entire
Grab a long pull-down bar upper body, so your back
with a wide overhand grip, and is almost parallel to the
sit on the seat with your knees f l oor. Bring the dumb-
placed under the support. Pull bells toward your feet,
the bar down under control near the floor, about
until it almost touches the top shoulder width apart.
of your chest. Make sure the Raise the dumbbells
upper back does the work and straight out to the sides
you’re not swaying back to S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT until your hands are
involve your lower back. Then about the same height as
let the weight go back up slowly, extending the arms, and really feel your lats get a full stretch. your shoulders, keeping a slight bend at the elbow. Hold the dumbbells in this position for a second, palms fac-
ing down, and then let them down slowly.
Try not to raise your upper body while doing this exercise; otherwise, it will put unneeded stress on your
Cable pulley machines are commonly used in
lower back. The slower you go on this exercise, the better.
place of pull-ups because of the ability to change
the resistance on the machines. Plus, many people
simply cannot do pull-ups adequately. But it is TIP: Also, while performing this exercise, try to keep your eyes fixed in front of you. (It’s easy to drop your head
worth the effort to practice until you can perform and look down, but this disrupts your form.)
this exercise using your bodyweight.

A variety of grips can be used, including wide,

parallel, narrow, and reverse grips. When doing
any pull-up exercise, always keep the head vertical
and your shoulders tight. Control your body during
the lowering motion.

TIP: Relaxing at the bottom, especially during wide

S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT pulls, can cause serious damage to the shoulders.


Alternate Lifts: • Smith Machine Squat • Simulated Squat Machine Press • Dumbbell Squat Alternate Lifts: • Hack Squat • Simulated Leg Press Machine
The squat is one of the most productive exer- This can be a produc-
cises you can do. It is performed by positioning tive leg exercise provided
a barbell at a spot just below the traps and above you have access to a
the rear deltoids. It does not belong on your neck good leg press. Some of
or on top of your traps! Your feet should be posi- the older leg presses are
tioned just outside shoulder width. not well designed and
can place damaging
To perform the exercise, bend your knees and stresses on your joints.
carefully lower the hips down to a point where Most of the popular 45-
the hip joint breaks parallel with the knee joint, degree angle sleds are
and then drive the weight back up to the stand- good.
ing position.
S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT After getting firmly
When lifting heavy weights on this exerc i s e , situated in the leg press
I recommend having a competent spotter. Done machine, placing your feet about shoulder width apart (with your toes slightly pointed outward), the weight can
correctly and safely, the squat will not injure be slowly lowered to a point where the top of the thighs touch the abdominal area. Then the weight should be
S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT your knees but will actually help prevent injury. pushed out to a point just before a full lockout position of your knees. Use a full range of motion on this exer-
cise, or you won’t enjoy maximum (or even minimal) benefits.
TIP: While performing this exe r c i s e , it is important that you concentrate on keeping your head straight (slightly
up), your chest should be lifted up slightly, and your abs slightly contracted. Also, when lowering the weight, TIP: Be sure to keep your back flat to the bench, and slightly raise your chest, to ensure proper form and avo i d
don’t allow your upper body to lean too far forwa r d , as this can cause undue stress on your lower back. a ny potential injuries.

Alternate Lifts: • Reverse Leg Extension Machine DUMBBELL LUNGES
Leg extensions are great for getting defini- Alternate Lifts: • Barbell Lunges, Walking Lunges, Step-Ups
tion in the quads (thighs), and particularly for With a dumbbell in each hand by your side,
strengthening the area around the knees. step your feet so they’re about three feet apart,
with your front foot flat on the floor. Bend both
To begin, take a seat on a leg extension legs, lifting your back heel off the floor, until
machine and hook your legs underneath the your front leg is parallel with the floor and your
lever mechanism. Extend your legs until they’re back leg is nearly touching the ground.
straight in front of you until locked out (getting
a complete contraction), but don’t allow your- As you bend your legs, always think in
self to lift off and cheat up the weight. Then terms of 90-degree angles. That is, in the bottom
lower the weight slowly until your feet come to position, the thigh of your front leg will be at a
under your knees and the thighs are fully 90-degree angle with your calf. And your hip
stretched out. Make sure you really focus on the should be directly over the back knee, again
top, getting a tremendous peak contraction for with your thigh at a 90-degree angle with your
every repetition. calf.

S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT Straighten your legs and repeat, doing the

prescribed number of reps for that leg before S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT
switching so the opposite leg is in front. Then
repeat the exercise for that leg.

Or, you can alternate legs, such that you perform one repetition for one leg and then switch to perform
another rep with the other leg. Continue until you reach the desired number of repetitions on each leg.
Personally, I prefer alternating legs whenever I’m doing lunges.

TIP: While performing this exercise, try to avoid leaning forward as you lower your body, keeping your torso
upright and straight.

92 93


Alternate Lifts: • Standing Leg Curl Machine Alternate Lifts: • Swiss Ball Crunches
Staying flat on the Lie back on a Swiss ball with
machine, curl your legs your feet flat and your body forming
up as far as possible, a 45-degree angle with the ball.
until the hamstrings get a Cross your hands and place them on
peak contraction. your upper chest.

Release and lower the

weight under control Visualize the rib cage being
back to the starting posi- drawn down and in toward the
tion. Hold on to the han- pelvis when the abdominals contract
as you curl your left shoulder toward
dles or even the bench S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT your right knee, and then your right
itself to keep yourself S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT shoulder to your left knee, alternat-
from coming up off the
bench. Leg curls should be done through the fullest range of motion possible. ing sides with each rep. Keep your head and neck stable. Both the contraction and the eccentric (i.e., lowering)
phase should be slow and precise.
CAUTION: Don’t put your hands behind your head. This leads to poor form and possible injury.
S T R A I G H T- L E G G E D D U M B B E L L D E A D L I F T
Alternate Lifts: • Bent-Legged Barbell Deadlift • Straight-Legged Smith Machine Deadlift CRUNCHES
While this lift involves a lot of muscles, it is Alternate Lifts: • Reverse Crunches
an excellent exercise for developing the ham- Lie flat on your back on an exer-
strings. However, caution should be taken if you cise mat or on a flat bench with your
have had any lower back injuries. arms crossed over your chest.

Grip the dumbbells shoulder width apart, Imagine pulling your belly but-
with your arms vertical. You may want to start by ton toward your spine, as you con-
doing these off the floor to limit your range of tract your abs. Focusing completely
motion. As you increase your flexibility, you can on the abdominal muscles, roll your
do these off a block, platform, or a bench. Keep upper body up and toward your hips,
your head up and your knees slightly bent. just until your shoulders lift off the
( D o n ’t lock them out!) Pull slowly upward, keep- mat or bench. While keeping your
ing the dumbbells close to your legs all the way abs tight, slowly lower your upper body until your shoulders are again flat on the bench or the mat.
up. If the dumbbells get away from your body, it
places too much stress on the back.
TIP: N ever do less than six reps with this exe r- Alternate Lifts: • Hanging Leg Raises
S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT cise, and always keep your form strict. Lie on your back on a flat or slightly inclined
bench, and grab the bench firmly with both hands.
Start with your legs slightly bent (but straight out), so
CALF EXERCISES your thighs are about parallel to the floor and your
toes are pointed. Keep your knees and your feet close
S TA N D I N G C A L F R A I S E S together to reduce unnecessary motion.
Alternate Lifts: • Machine Calf Raises (Standing/Seated)
Well-defined calves are a sign of a well- Slowly contract the abdominals, focusing on rais-
developed, complete physique, but they don’t ing the legs up until they are perpendicular to the
come easy. One of the most effective ways to build floor. (Let the abs do the work.) Lower your legs
impressive calves is with standing calf raises. slowly to the starting position, maintaining constant
tension on the abs.
Stand and place your toes on a block, with
your heels extended out into space with a dumbbell CAUTION: Don’t perform this exercise quickly;
in each hand. Lower your heels as far as possible excess momentum can cause you to lose proper
toward the floor. You should keep your knees some- S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT form and may lead to lower back injury.
what bent throughout the exercise, so you work the
lower area of the calves as well as the upper, and TIP: During all abdominal exercises, it is important that you breathe out during the concentric (i.e., flex i n g / ex t e n-
feel the calf muscles stretch completely. At the top sion) move m e n t , and breathe in during the eccentric (i.e., relaxing) move m e n t .
of the movement, drive up on your toes as far as S TA RT / F I N I S H MID-POINT
possible to get a great peak contraction.

Fun, Delicious,
Healthy Recipes
Eating can be fun. It should be delicious.
And, it doesn’t have to be all that compli-
cated to prepare food either. I’ll admit,
though, I am not the world’s best chef. I
have, however, learned that preparing
healthy, balanced meals can be easy and
not take a lot of time. Other than cooking
egg-white omelets and oatmeal, opening
up a can of tuna, or barbequing chicken
on the grill, I’ve never been that great at
preparing gourmet meals. But that all
changed, about seven years ago, when I
met my wife, Julia.

Raised in the South (in Virginia), Julia

learned traditional, home-style
cooking early on. Now, through
trial and error, she’s learned
how to slightly “alter” her
recipes to make them
healthier yet still retain all of
their flavor. She then teamed
up with her friend—and culi-
nary specialist—Stella Juarez,
and they assembled step-by-step
recipes that even a clumsy cook like myself
could prepare. Plus, as you’ll soon find out,
these meals are so delightful, your entire
family can enjoy them while eating smart!

B ee f & B uf falo F UN , DE L I CI OU S, H E ALT HY R E CI PE S B ee f & B uff alo F UN , DE L I CI OU S, H E ALT HY R E CI PE S

Grilled London Broil Brick House Beef Kabobs (4 servings)

Served with Green Beans and Sweet Potato (4 servings) Here’s a delicious way to get the protein blocks you’ll need to Directions
preserve muscle tone and lose fat. These kabobs can be grilled Mix marinade ingredients in a glass bowl; set aside. Prick meat
Meat Ingredients Sweet Potato Ingredients
on an indoor electric grill too. Be sure to turn them so all sides chunks with fork and soak in marinade overnight if possible.
1 small to medium London broil 4 small sweet potatoes
cook evenly. Place alternating pieces of meat and vegetables on the skewer
salt and pepper Butter Buds
sticks. Grill to desired temperature (ensuring the meat is
Ingredients cooked through) and serve.
Directions salt and pepper
1 pound top round, cut in 1-inch cubes
Heat grill to medium heat or preheat oven to broil. Season
1 large onion, cut in chunks Modifications
meat with salt and pepper (or other preferred seasoning) by Directions
1 small red bell pepper, cubed Pineapple chunks, cherry tomatoes, eggplant, corn, or squash
rubbing seasoning into meat lightly with your fingertips. Make Bake sweet potatoes in oven or on grill for 45 minutes or until
1 small green bell pepper, cubed are also terrific vegetables to skewer onto kabobs.
sure you cover both sides. Grill for 12 to 18 minutes, depend- tender when pierced with fork. Add Butter Buds, cinnamon,
8 whole mushrooms
ing on the thickness of the meat. Or broil for 11 to 17 minutes, and salt and pepper to taste.
4-8 skewers (soak wooden skewers overnight) Nutritional Info (per serving)
again depending on the thickness.
Calories — 183
Nutrition Info (per serving)
Marinade Carbohydrates — 11 grams
Green Bean Ingredients: Calories — 264
1/2 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce Protein — 27.1 grams
1/4 teaspoon minced garlic Carbohydrates — 21 grams
1 tablespoon white wine or red wine vinegar Fat — 3.4 grams
1/4 teaspoon light oil Protein — 20 grams
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger Fiber — 2.5 grams
2 cups green beans (cleaned and snipped) Fat — 9 grams
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
salt and pepper
3 ounces light beer
1 tablespoon onion powder
In a nonstick skillet, add minced garlic to light oil. Sauté for
two minutes. Turn heat to high and sear beans until bright
green. Salt and pepper to taste.

Blackened Buffalo Pitas Wisconsin Pot Roast Packets (4 servings)

Served with Strawberry, Spinach, and Apple Salad (4 servings) These meat and potato packets are similar in taste to a pot roast Tip: You can purchase foil packets in several sizes at the gro-
but are much more convenient. These pot roast packets are cery store for use in packet meals of all sizes. Try using them
Buffalo Ingredients Directions
easily prepared by those with limited kitchen skills. for chicken and shrimp dishes or for mixed vegetable side
1 pound ground buffalo (made into 4 patties) Combine all salad ingredients in a large bowl. In a separate
dishes too.
2 tablespoons blackening seasoning bowl, mix together applesauce, sour cream, cinnamon, and
2 whole-wheat pitas (cut into halves) salt and pepper. Pour dressing over salad and toss well. Keep
1 pound top round cut into 1-inch cubes Nutritional Info (per serving)
salad chilled until ready to serve.
1 large baking potato (or sweet potato), cut into chunks Calories — 250
1 medium yellow onion, chopped Carbohydrates — 27.4 grams
Preheat grill to medium heat or heat a nonstick skillet. Coat Nutritional Info (per serving)
1 green bell pepper, sliced into rings Protein — 27.7 grams
each side of burger with blackening seasoning. Grill patties Calories — 324
3/4 cup sliced carrots Fat — 3.3 grams
until they reach desired temperature. Carbohydrates — 50 grams
seasoning of choice (e.g., salt-free steak seasoning or salt and Fiber — 3.9 grams
Protein — 16 grams
Salad Ingredients Fat — 4.5 grams
2 cups baby spinach
1 apple (cleaned and sliced)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lay out large pieces of aluminum
1 cup strawberries (cleaned and sliced)
foil and place equal amount of all ingredients on one side of
1 small orange bell pepper (cleaned and sliced)
foil. Fold foil inward at all seams to form a packet, allowing foil
to tent slightly on top to allow room for steam. Pinch all edges
Dressing for Salad
closed. You do not need to add liquid. Bake packets on cookie
1/2 cup applesauce
sheet or in shallow baking dish for 45 minutes.
1/4 cup fat-free sour cream
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
salt and pepper to taste

98 99

B ee f & B uf falo F UN , DE L I CI OU S, H E ALT HY R E CI PE S B ee f & B uff alo F UN , DE L I CI OU S, H E ALT HY R E CI PE S

Sweet Cayenne Pepper Beef Fillet Basic Methods for Cooking Lean with Beef (continued)
Served with Wild Rice, Mixed Vegetables, and Marinara (4 servings)
Fillet Ingredients Vegetable Ingredients
Roasting beef means cooking a whole slab of beef “dry” in the oven.
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper 1 cup water
1 teaspoon brown sugar 1 large squash (cleaned and sliced)
1 teaspoon coarse salt 1 large zucchini (cleaned and sliced) To roast beef: Set the meat on a rack inside a pan to ensure it cooks evenly. It should be basted occasionally with broth or its
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 medium onion (cleaned and sliced) own juices. (Basting with plain water will dry it out.) Cook times will vary according to how well done you prefer your meat
4 three-ounce fillets 1 cup marinara sauce and if you’ve used specially labeled “lean” or “light” beef, which takes 1/3 less time to cook than regular meats. Follow the
wild rice instructions in the recipes or your manufacturer’s instructions for best results.
Directions In a steamer or shallow skillet, add one cup of water. Cook Suggested Cuts for Roasting: top round roast, rump roast (sirloin top butt roast), rib or rib eye roast, tenderloin roast
Preheat grill to medium heat or preheat oven to broil. In a vegetables until desired tenderness is reached (three to five
small bowl, mix together cayenne pepper, brown sugar, salt, minutes). In a separate bowl, combine cooked vegetables with GRILL
and black pepper. Rub each side of fillet with seasonings. Then your favorite marinara sauce.
Grilling is a method of cooking beef over an open flame or with an intense heat source. Often meat is rubbed with spices or mari-
grill fillet for 13 to 15 minutes or to desired temperature or
nades before grilling. Steaks should be 1 to 1 1/2 inches thick and fillets up to two inches thick.
broil 13 to 16 minutes or to desired temperature. Nutritional Info (per serving)
Calories — 398.5
Prepare wild rice according to label instructions. Carbohydrates — 42 grams To grill beef: If you are grilling outdoors, your charcoal should be ash gray, and you should only be able to hold your hand over
Protein — 28.5 grams the grill for three or four seconds. The thickest pieces of meats should be placed at the coolest section of the grill because they will
Fat — 15 grams need longer to cook. Cook to desired doneness.

Suggested Cuts for Grilling: rib eye steak, 92% to 96% extra lean ground beef, flank steak, steak tenderloin, tenderloin fillet, New
York strip, London broil, sirloin steak/top butt

Broiled meat is cooked at a very high temperature (500 degrees F). At such high temperatures, it cooks very fast, so you must watch
your meat closely until you have a handle on broiling (to avoid eating charcoal!).

To broil beef: Set rack three to four inches from top heat coils for meats up to 1 1/2-inches thick and four to five inches away for
cuts up to 2 1/2 inches thick. Set oven temperature to “broil” (500 degrees F). Meat should be placed on a rack and turned when
Basic Methods for Cooking Lean with Beef the first side has browned. It will take less time for the second side to brown.

Suggested Cuts for Broiling: New York strip, rib eye steak, London broil, sirloin steak/top butt, steak tenderloin
Try some of these tried-and-true methods for reducing the amount of fat and calories in prepared beef dishes:

Stir-fried meats are typically cooked in oil, but oil is not necessary. All you really need is a little moisture to prevent the meat from
Braising is a method of producing very tender beef. It’s similar to making a stew, except only the bottom 1/3 or so of the meat rests
sticking until it is cooked.
in liquid. The remainder of the meat cooks with steam from the liquid. Any liquid that remains from cooking a braised dish can
be used to make a sauce to drizzle over the meat.
To stir fry: Use a nonstick wok or pan sprayed with nonstick cooking spray and use the natural fat of the meat, apple juice, low-
sodium/nonfat broth, liquid aminos, or cooking spray to cook meat. Add vegetables after meat has cooked.
To braise beef: Brown both sides at a high temperature, place it in a roasting pan filled 1/3 to 1/2 with water and vegetables,
and cook at 300 degrees until the meat pulls apart (usually within about three hours).
Suggested Cuts for Stir Frying: tenderloin, flank steak (most popular), rib eye, top or eye of round strip steak (cut thin), sirloin
top butt
Suggested Cuts for Braising: top round, eye of round, sirloin tip round roast, flank steak

Stewing is a method of cooking beef by immersing it completely in liquid. The liquid becomes part of the “soup.” Unlike a roast,
stew meat should be cut into small chunks before cooking.

To stew beef: Cut beef into cubes and brown it at high heat (some like to dust it in flour, but you can skip that step) in a very tiny
amount of olive oil. Add meat and vegetables to a large soup pot and cover halfway with water. The remaining liquid can be broth,
canned tomatoes, wine, or a combination of all three. Simmer it (do not boil) until cooked, or cook in a crock-pot set at low while
you’re out or just busy for the day. Add herbs toward the last hour of cooking for even more flavor.

Suggested Cuts for Stewing: top round roast, eye of round roast, sirloin tip round roast

100 101

C hi ck en & Tur ke y F UN , DE L I CI O US , HE A LT HY R E CI P E S C hi ck en & Tur ke y F UN , DE L I CI O US , HE A LT HY R E CI P E S

Turkey Triano (4 servings) Roasted Garlic Cornish Game Hens

Now you have something other than turkey sandwiches to Directions Served with Fat-Free Sour Cream Potatoes & Butter Head Lettuce Salad (2 servings)
make with Thanksgiving leftovers! This is a lean, lightly- Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Combine flour, ground pepper,
Hen Ingredients Directions
breaded turkey just right for chicken parmesan or chicken-fried and half of the parsley in a medium bowl and mix well. Dip
2 Cornish game hens Boil potatoes in water until tender when pierced with fork.
steak aficionados. The turkey cutlets are served with a won- turkey cutlets in egg whites and then dip each side in the dry
2 roasted garlic cloves Remove from water. Then combine potatoes, milk, sour
derful white wine and cream sauce, fresh mushrooms, and mixture until well coated. Spray both sides with nonstick cook-
salt and pepper cream, salt, pepper, and butter substitute (two to three table-
diced roma tomatoes. ing spray and bake cutlets for about 20 to 30 minutes or until
spoons). Mix together with a mixer until smooth and fluffy.
coating is crisp and juices run clear. (Cooking time will vary;
Ingredients slices won’t take as long.) While the turkey is cooking, heat a
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Rub inside of hen with 2 cloves Salad Ingredients
4 tablespoons whole-wheat flour sauce pan or large skillet over medium-high heat. Bring white
of garlic and salt and pepper. Then salt and pepper to the out- small head butter head lettuce (cleaned and pulled apart)
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper wine and onions to a simmer; add soup and remaining pars-
side of the hen. Bake at 375 degrees for 50 to 60 1 medium carrot (cleaned and chopped)
2 tablespoons fresh parsley (or 1 teaspoon dried) ley. Reduce heat and cover. Allow sauce to simmer while
minutes or until juice runs clear when hen is pierced. 1 small tomato (cut into small pieces)
1 pound boneless turkey breast cutlets or slices turkey cooks. Serve turkey on a serving platter with sauce
1 cucumber (sliced)
2 egg whites, beaten poured over the top. Garnish with tomato and mushroom
Potato Ingredients 1 small red onion (sliced)
1/2 cup white table wine slices.
3 medium white russet potatoes (clean well but leave the skin rice wine vinegar or lemon wedge as dressing
2 tablespoons onions, diced finely
1 can reduced-sodium, low-fat cream of mushroom soup Tip: Leftover cooked turkey can be stored in the refrigerator
1/4 cup skim milk Directions
1/2 cup roma tomatoes, seeded and chopped for three to four days. If wrapped well, it can be stored in the
1/2 cup fat-free sour cream Combine all ingredients, toss, and serve.
1/2 cup fresh mushrooms, sliced freezer for up to four months.
salt and pepper
Butter Buds or Molly McButter Nutritional Info (per serving)
Nutritional Info (per serving)
Calories — 400
Calories — 224
Carbohydrates — 22 grams
Carbohydrates — 17.2 grams
Protein — 56 grams
Protein — 31.4 grams
Fat — 9 grams
Fat — 3.3 grams
Fiber — 2.8 grams

Stewed Curry Chicken Every Day Chicken Picks

Served over Mushroom Couscous with Steamed Broccoli (4 servings) While this Guide provides a wealth of easy-to-prepare dishes, there are times when even chopping up vegetables is too time con-
Chicken Ingredients Prepare couscous according to directions on the label, and suming. These suggestions make preparation a snap and do not call for any special ingredients. Just pull out your chicken, trim the
1 carrot (diced—about 1/2 cup) add diced mushroom when recipe is five minutes from being fat, and add any of the below:
2 shallots (diced) done. Top with chicken and vegetable mixture.
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts • Tabasco: Tabasco sauce, garlic powder, onion powder, and black pepper
1 cup water Broccoli Ingredients
2 tablespoons curry powder 1 cup water • Italian: Add a variety of Italian herbs (rosemary, basil, tarragon, arugula) and/or a few tablespoons of stewed tomatoes
couscous 1 bunch broccoli
1 cup mushroom of your choice (cleaned and diced) • Lemon-Pepper: Use salt-free lemon-pepper seasoning or squeeze real lemon and pepper onto the chicken
Directions In a shallow skillet, bring 1 cup water to a boil. Add broccoli. • Lemon-Dill: Use salt-free lemon-pepper seasoning and dill or squeeze real lemon juice, dill, and pepper onto the
In a large skillet, add enough oil to lightly coat the pan (remove Reduce heat, cover, and steam for three minutes.
any excess). Add carrots and shallots and sauté them for three
minutes. Remove the vegetables from the pan and set aside. Nutritional Info (per serving) • Vinaigrette: Use a tablespoon of Balsamic vinegar or Balsamic dressing per four-ounce portion of chicken
Add chicken to the hot skillet and cook over medium heat for Calories — 342
• Spicy Tex-Mex: Use prepared salsa or chili powder
about 20 minutes until chicken is cooked through. Return the Carbohydrates — 26 grams
vegetables to the skillet. Add water and curry powder and sim- Protein — 48 grams
• Garlic-Pepper: Crushed garlic, garlic powder, or minced garlic (from a jar) and fresh ground pepper
mer on low heat for 10 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste. Fat — 4 grams

• Lemon-Rosemary: Lemon juice, rosemary, and a bit of garlic powder

102 103

F ish & Se af oo d F UN , DE L I CI OU S, HE ALT HY R E CI PE S F ish & Se af oo d F UN , DE L I CI OU S, HE ALT HY R E CI PE S

Tuna Steaks with Lite Wasabi Mayonnaise Grilled Teriyaki Salmon (4 servings)
Served with Sautéed Spinach and Acorn Squash (4 servings) Sometimes it’s the simplest dish that can win a life over to for a few minutes to allow it to reduce and thicken. Grill or
healthier eating. Indulge yourself with a special treat by allow- bake salmon for five to seven minutes per side, grilling with the
Tuna Ingredients 3 cups spinach (cleaned and chopped)
ing this teriyaki salmon dish to marinate overnight and toasting skin side up first (if fillet has skin). Be sure to lay a small piece
4 three-ounce tuna steaks salt and pepper to taste
the sesame seeds in a pan prior to adding to the teriyaki. of foil down on the grilling surface if you’re grilling outdoors.
light oil
Serve salmon with a spoonful of hot teriyaki glaze drizzled
1 tablespoon sesame seeds Directions
Ingredients over the top.
salt and pepper to taste In a nonstick skillet, add minced garlic to oil. Sauté for two
1/4 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce
minutes. Add spinach and sauté together until spinach is
1 1/2 teaspoon crushed garlic (about 3 cloves) Tips: No juice? The brown sugar or honey traditionally
Directions slightly wilted. Salt and pepper to taste.
3 tablespoons apple juice added to teriyaki for sweetness has been replaced by the
Preheat grill to medium heat or oven to broil. Lightly coat each
3 tablespoons Kentucky bourbon (may substitute with lemon natural sweetness of apple juice. The light acidic nature of
side of tuna steak with light oil. Mix sesame seeds, salt, and Squash Ingredients
juice) the apple juice doubles as a tenderizing agent as well.
pepper and gently rub into the steaks. Grill tuna for approxi- 2 medium acorn squash (cut in half with seeds removed)
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger However, you can replace the apple juice with equal
mately 15 to 20 minutes or until desired temperature is Butter Buds
1 pound salmon fillets amounts of bourbon and reduced-sodium soy and two pack-
reached. Or broil 15 to 20 minutes, again until desired tem- cinnamon
1 teaspoon sesame seeds (optional) ets of artificial sweetener if you prefer.
perature is reached. Splenda (or preferred sugar substitute)
3 tablespoons green onions, chopped
Nutritional Info (per serving)
Wasabi Mayo Ingredients: Directions
Directions Calories — 214.75
1/2 cup fat-free mayonnaise Prepare squash in shallow pan with water covering the bottom
Combine soy, garlic, juice, bourbon, and ginger in a small Carbohydrates — 4 grams
2 teaspoons Wasabi paste (in the tube) of the pan (1/2 inch). Cook for 40 to 45 minutes or until ten-
bowl and whisk together. Marinate salmon in mixture for at Protein — 25.5 grams
1/4 teaspoon sesame seed oil der. Cut skin away from squash. Season with Butter Buds,
least 20 minutes, overnight if possible. Reserve leftover mari- Fat — 7.25 grams
Splenda, and cinnamon.
nade for glazing. While the fish is marinating, prepare the rice Fiber — trace
or a salad side dish if desired. Stir in sesame seeds and green
In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, Wasabi paste, and Nutritional Info (per serving)
onions and cook over very low heat until just before ready to
sesame seed oil. Mix well. Calories — 217
serve the salmon. Just before serving, bring marinade to a boil
Carbohydrates — 15 grams
Spinach Ingredients Protein — 24 grams
1/4 teaspoon minced garlic Fat — 7 grams
1/4 teaspoon light oil

Sea Bass With Ginger, Shallots, & Lite Soy Sauce

Served with Long-Grain Brown Rice and Seasoned Steamed Broccoli (4 servings)
Salmon with Spicy Sweet Sauce
Served with Basmati Rice and Blanched Asparagus (4 servings) Fish Ingredients
4 three-ounce sea bass steaks Directions
Salmon Ingredients Directions 1 teaspoon light olive oil Bring water and salt to a boil, and add rice. Cover and simmer
4 three-ounce pieces of pink salmon Bring water and salt to a boil, add rice, and reduce heat. 4 sheets aluminum foil for 25 minutes. Rice is done when tender and fluffy.
spray oil Simmer for 20 minutes or until rice is tender and fluffy. 1 shallot (chopped)
4 sheets aluminum foil 2 tablespoons pickled ginger (drained and chopped) Steamed Broccoli Ingredients
1 teaspoon sesame oil Asparagus Ingredients 1 tablespoon lite soy sauce 1 cup water
2 tablespoons rice vinegar 1 cup water 1 bunch of broccoli
1 bunch of asparagus Directions
Directions Preheat grill to medium heat or oven to 500 degrees. Directions
Preheat grill to medium heat or oven to 375 degrees. Lightly Directions Lightly brush the bottom side of the fish with light olive oil. In a shallow skillet, add one cup water and bring to a boil. Add
coat the bottom side of the fish with oil and place it on an alu- In a shallow skillet, bring two cups of water to a boil, add Place fish on the aluminum foil and pile all other ingredients broccoli, cover, and cook for three minutes or until broccoli
minum sheet. In a separate bowl, mix sesame oil and rice vine- asparagus, and cover. Blanch for three minutes. Immerse on top. Wrap the fish and grill or bake approximately reaches desired tenderness.
gar. Using a basting brush, heavily coat top of fish with the oil asparagus in ice water. 20 minutes.
and vinegar mixture. Grill or bake fish approximately 15 to 20 Nutritional Info (per serving)
minutes, depending on how well done you like your fish. Nutritional Info (per serving) Tip: For every 2-inch thickness of fish, cook for 10 minutes. Calories — 299
Calories — 336 Carbohydrates — 44 grams
Tip: For every two-inch thickness of fish, cook for 10 minutes. Carbohydrates — 44 grams Long-Grain Brown Rice Ingredients Protein — 17 grams
Protein — 23 grams 2 cups water Fat — 6.3 grams
Basmati Rice Ingredients Fat — 8 grams pinch of salt
2 cups water 1 cup rice
pinch of salt
1 cup basmati rice

104 105

F ish & Se af oo d F UN , DE L I CI OU S, HE ALT HY R E CI PE S Veg eta ria n F UN , D E LI CI O US , HE A LT H Y R E C IP E S

Fresh Shrimp and Broccoli (4 servings) Penne with Tofu

Don’t order out when you can prepare your stir-fry dishes at home! (4 servings) Served with Fresh Spinach and Sun-Dried Tomatoes (4 servings)

Ingredients Tip: Try adding drained, canned water chestnuts, bamboo Ingredients Directions
1 1/2 teaspoons minced garlic (about 3 cloves) shoots, or bean sprouts to this dish. 1 cup penne pasta Bring water to a brisk boil. Add pasta and cook until tender
1/2 cup reduced-sodium chicken broth 3 ounces firm tofu, drained (gently squeeze out all moisture (about eight minutes). Drain and cool pasta. At the same time,
1 pound medium shrimp, peeled and de-veined Nutritional Info (per serving) with a paper towel) cook tofu in a nonstick skillet with 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil.
1/2 cup onion, sliced Calories — 153 1/4 teaspoon olive oil Add salt and pepper (or other preferred seasoning) to taste.
2 cups broccoli, chopped Carbohydrates — 7 grams salt and pepper to taste Cook until tofu is brown and crispy (about 8 to 10 minutes).
3/4 cup snow peas, fresh or frozen and thawed Protein — 26 grams 1 cup fresh spinach (cleaned and chopped) Chop fresh spinach and sun-dried tomatoes. Then combine all
Fat — 2.3 grams 1 teaspoon sun-dried tomatoes (in olive oil) ingredients.
Directions Fiber — 23 grams
Sauté garlic in broth for one minute. Add shrimp and vegeta- Nutritional Info (per serving)
bles and continue simmering until shrimp is white, broccoli Calories — 184
has softened, and onions are translucent. Carbohydrates — 23.9 grams
Protein — 11.3 grams
Fat — 5.5 grams

It’s Tuna Time!

Tuna has long been a favorite protein source for muscle builders, dieters, and athletes. It’s cheap, fast, portable, and pre-portioned Grilled Tofu and Veggie Pita Sandwich (4 servings)
in convenient sizes. The fact is, it is a great source of protein and omega-3 essential fats, and it even makes a great snack. Solid Ingredients Directions
white albacore can taste great all by itself if it fits your budget. If not, here are a few “straight outta the can” recipes you can use 12 ounces firm tofu (cut into strips) Preheat grill or skillet to medium heat. In a plastic bag, com-
to bring a little life to your next can of chunk tuna or even canned chicken. For variety, salmon may be used in these simple com- 1/4 teaspoon olive oil bine all ingredients, except pitas. Shake well to make sure
binations. 1 yellow squash (cleaned and sliced) everything is seasoned well. Pour the contents of the bag into
1 zucchini (cleaned and sliced) the hot skillet. Cook for 15 minutes or until crispy and brown.
• Lemon-Pepper Tuna: Lemon juice and fresh ground pepper or sprinkle with lemon-pepper seasoning 1 yellow onion (cleaned and sliced) Spoon into pita bread and serve.
1 tomato (cleaned and sliced)
• Balsamic Tuna: Balsamic vinegar and fresh ground pepper 1 teaspoon garlic salt and pepper to taste Nutritional Info (per serving)
2 whole-wheat pitas (cut into halves) Calories — 265
• Mustard-Dill Tuna: Dill, one tablespoon mustard, and chopped celery
Carbohydrates — 45.4 grams
• Southwest Tuna: One tablespoon nonfat mayo, 1/4 of an Anaheim green chile, black pepper Protein — 15.2 grams
Fat — 4.08 grams
• Honey-Mustard Tuna: One to two tablespoons honey mustard

• Tuna Fried Rice: Sauté cooked brown rice, chopped green or yellow onions, and egg whites in pan sprayed with
butter flavored nonstick spray. Mix in tuna and serve.

• Tuna-Stuffed Tomato: Mix one tablespoon nonfat mayo, pepper, and tuna and stuff inside a tomato. Top tomato with
a slice of mozzarella cheese and bake in a toaster oven until the cheese melts.

• Old El Paso Tuna: One heaping tablespoon of salsa or one tablespoon of chopped green chile peppers

• Tuna Italiano: One tablespoon Italian dressing or olive oil vinaigrette, fresh ground pepper
Chickpea Salad with All the Extras (4 servings)
Ingredients Directions
• Tuna Piccata: One teaspoon capers, lemon juice, 1/2 teaspoon parsley, fresh ground pepper
1 can chickpeas (a.k.a. garbanzo beans), drained and rinsed In a medium-sized bowl, combine all ingredients. For best
• All-American Tuna: One tablespoon fat-free mayo, one chopped pickle, 1/2 stalk chopped celery or onion 1 can kidney beans, drained and rinsed results, place in refrigerator for about two hours, so the flavors
1 small onion (diced) combine. (This dish keeps well if the container is sealed
• Texas Tuna: One tablespoon BBQ sauce 1 tomato (diced) tightly.)
1 zucchini (diced)
• Tuna Melt: One tablespoon fat-free mayo, one ounce cheese melted on top 1/4 cup green olives (diced) Nutritional Info (per serving)
fresh chopped parsley Calories — 275
• Tuna Parmesan: Mix in one tablespoon catsup, tomato sauce, or spaghetti sauce. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs or a fresh chopped oregano Carbohydrates — 52 grams
crushed cracker, top with one ounce low-fat mozzarella cheese. Cook in microwave or toaster oven until cheese melts. salt and pepper to taste Protein — 14 grams
Fat — 2.25 grams
• No-Time Tuna: One fork, one glass of water, one can o’ tuna
Fiber — 11.25 grams

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Veg eta ria n — F UN , D E LI CI O US , HE A LT H Y R E C IP E S S ala ds , Si des , S na ck s, & S au ce s F UN , DE L I CI O US , HE A LT HY R E CI P E S

Steamed Broccoli with Lemon and Garlic (8 servings) Protein Nutrition Bar (Healthy Snacks) (10 servings)
(Salad—Vegetable) A nice snack at a mere fraction of the cost of packaged protein Bake until edges are crisp and browned. Cut into 10 bars and
Fresh broccoli was not eaten in my home when I was a child. Modifications bars and none of the glycerin, preservatives, or sugar. These store in an airtight container or freeze. *If you find you want a
When I started to eat healthy, I made an adult decision to try You can pan toast the sesame seeds for a tasty flavor addition. low-fat bars are rich in fiber and taste great. Served with a pro- moister consistency, add a little more applesauce to the recipe.
it… without cheese sauce. I had a dish similar to this in a Try toasting a cup to store in the cupboard for several months tein drink, they make a well-balanced meal.
restaurant and was disappointed to discover I’d missed out on of use. Tip: Did you know you can replace the oil in a recipe with
23 years of eating this amazing vegetable. It’s since become a Ingredients an equal measure of applesauce? Applesauce will add the
favorite. Tip: If you could eat only a single vegetable, broccoli would 3 1/2 cups quick oats same moisture but not the added fat or calories, and it won’t
be a wise choice. Just a single 25-calorie cup of broccoli is 1 1/2 cups powdered nonfat milk alter the flavor.
Ingredients loaded with almost three grams of fiber, 137% of the mini- 4 scoops chocolate protein powder**
5 cups fresh broccoli, cut mum daily Vitamin C requirements, and a little calcium! 2 egg whites, beaten Nutritional Info (per serving)
2 lemons, cut into wedges 1/4 cup orange juice Calories — 140
3 cloves minced garlic (or 2 teaspoons of water-packed Nutritional Info (per serving) 1/4 cup natural applesauce* Carbohydrates — 23 grams
minced garlic) Calories — 166 1 teaspoon vanilla Protein — 15 grams
1 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds (optional) Carbohydrates — 22 grams 1 cup sugar-free pancake syrup Fat — .5 grams
fresh ground pepper to taste Protein — 11 grams Fiber — 4 grams
Fat — 3.4 grams Directions **The brand of protein used in this recipe contains 200
Directions Fiber — 1.25 grams Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Mix all dry ingredients in bowl calories, 4 grams carbs, 44 grams protein, 2 grams fat, and 2
Steam or microwave broccoli a few minutes before mealtime. and blend well. In separate bowl, combine egg whites, orange grams fiber per serving.
Squeeze lemon juice over broccoli, add garlic, and toss. juice, applesauce, vanilla, and sugar-free syrup. Blend well.
Sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired. Stir liquids into dry ingredients until mixed. The consistency
will be thick and similar to cookie dough. Spread batter on
baking sheet coated with nonstick spray, or use a 9x12 baking
dish if you want a thicker bar.

Fresh Salad 101

Selecting greens:
Iceberg lettuce contains little nutritional value because it consists of mainly water. Select greens that are dark and leafy, like
green leaf, red leaf, romaine, or mixed baby greens for your salads instead. Leafy greens offer valuable fiber, which many of
our diets are lacking.
Homemade Oven Beef Jerky (Healthy Snack) (20 servings)
Storing greens: This recipe is for a basic jerky you can make even if you don’t Modifications
Make a big base salad to use all week. When you get home from the store, wash, dry, and tear the leaves. Place a damp own a smoker—it bakes right in your oven. This isn’t a cost- For spicy jerky: Add three or four teaspoons of red pepper
paper towel on top of the greens and store them in a covered bowl so they will stay fresh. Use this as a base and add various saving recipe, but it’s better tasting, natural, and won’t have flakes to the marinade.
items to it as you desire and your schedule permits. any of the added preservatives. You can also control the
sodium level by reducing the amount in the marinade. For teriyaki jerky: Use reduced-sodium teriyaki marinade
Make a meal: instead of soy; add a quarter cup of brown sugar or brown
Add cooked chicken, tuna, beef, egg whites, favorite vegetables, lean ground beef and salsa, leftover fajitas, or other items to Ingredients sugar replacement to marinade.
your green salad base throughout the week for an easy meal. 3 pounds flank steak
1/2 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce Tip: Wait to make this recipe until you find a large cut of
Best dressed: 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce flank steak, London broil, or top round on sale or priced for
Heaviness can overtake a great meal when the greens are drenched in ranch dressing. You can easily make your own olive 3 tablespoons liquid smoke quick clearance. These meats are perfect for making into
oil and vinegar dressing or even a vinaigrette. 3 teaspoons fresh cracked black pepper jerky. It never hurts to ask the butcher if he’s about to mark
3 teaspoons garlic powder down any meat.
To make basic vinaigrette: 3 teaspoons onion powder
Whisk one tablespoon Dijon mustard, one-half tablespoon olive oil, and three tablespoons Balsamic vinegar and season to Nutritional Info (per serving)
taste with pepper. Directions Calories — 113
Remove all fat from the beef. Cut beef into thin slices (quarter- Carbohydrates — <1 gram
To make flavored vinaigrette: inch or less), slicing against the grain. (Or for a tougher, Protein — 19 grams
Simply substitute different types of vinegars or add herbs to the basic recipe. Red wine and raspberry vinegars, finely minced chewier jerky, slice with the grain.) Combine all ingredients in Fat — 3.6 grams
garlic or shallots, basil, rosemary, thyme, or oregano are just a few options you can try in your own vinaigrette. a covered dish and marinate overnight in your refrigerator. Fiber — 0 grams
After marinating, preheat oven to 150 degrees, and place a
cookie sheet lined with paper towels on the bottom rack. Insert
toothpicks into the ends of the beef strips and hang them from
the top grill rack. Keep the oven door cracked slightly open so
water vapor can escape. Cook for six to eight hours.

108 109

S ala ds , Si des , S na ck s, & S au ce s F UN , DE L I CI O US , HE A LT HY R E CI P E S B re ak fas t F U N, DE L IC I OUS , H E ALT HY R E CI PE S

Papa Bear’s Sweet Potato “Fries” (4 servings) (Side Dish — Carbs) Hearty Oatmeal Pancakes (2 servings)
The sweet potato is lower on the glycemic index than the reg- Modifications Pancake mixes use just enough whole-wheat flour to take Tips: Beating the egg whites into a stiff foam is what makes
ular potato with more fiber to keep you full. This makes the Instead of garlic powder, sprinkle cooked sweet potato fries advantage of an unsuspecting consumer who doesn’t notice these pancakes so fluffy. If you do not have a hand mixer or
sweet potato a good choice of carbohydrate for those who with cinnamon and Splenda for a sweet treat. that “white flour” is one of the main ingredients. The recipe blender, whisk the whites as best you can.
monitor their blood sugar levels. While baked sweet potatoes below is devoid of white flour and is actually cheaper to make
are great too, this provides an interesting variation. Nutritional Info (per serving) because it can be made from ingredients you’ve already got in Double Do It—When preparing good food like these oat-
Calories — 121 your cupboards. The oats in this recipe provide an extended meal pancakes, it’s smart to double the recipe and freeze the
Ingredients Carbohydrates — 27.5 grams source of energy and a special taste that comes only with the extra portions in individual measures. This saves money and
1 pound sweet potatoes, cut into fry wedges Protein — 1.9 grams effort of cooking from scratch. time and ensures you get optimum nutrition even when
nonstick cooking spray Fat — .3 grams you’re in a bit of a rush.
garlic powder Fiber — 3.4 grams Ingredients
1 cup soy milk or water Modifications:
Directions 3/4 cup quick oats Blueberry pancakes: Add 1/4 cup blueberries (fresh or
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray sweet potatoes with cook- 4 egg whites thawed) to recipe, omit cinnamon.
ing spray. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes, flipping them once dur- 3/4 cup oat flour (store bought or made by grinding oatmeal in Oat-n-nut pancakes: Add 1 1/2 tablespoons diced pecans,
ing cooking. Sprinkle with garlic powder. your blender) walnuts, or almonds to recipe.
2 teaspoons baking powder Whole-grain pancakes: Replace quick oats with multigrain
1/2 teaspoon salt hot cereal.
2 packets Splenda or other sugar replacement
1 teaspoon cinnamon Nutritional Info (per serving—5 pancakes)
Sugar-Free BBQ Sauce (Healthy Sauces) (6 servings) nonstick spray Calories — 307
Carbohydrates — 47.5 grams
Barbeque sauce is a wonderful marinade for grilling or serving Directions Directions Protein — 19.5 grams
over chicken, beef, and shrimp. However, a mere two table- Combine all ingredients in saucepan and bring to a full boil. Heat soy milk (or water) until hot; stir in oats and set aside. Fat — 4.5 grams
spoons can cost you nine grams of sugar and 20% of your Cover and simmer for at least 20 minutes. Allow to cook Beat egg whites into a stiff foam with hand mixer or blender Fiber — 5.3 grams
daily sodium allotment. This homemade barbeque sauce can uncovered until reduced to desired thickness. Remove from and reserve. Mix the remaining dry ingredients together and
be made quickly from common kitchen ingredients and does heat and store in covered container in the fridge until ready to stir in oatmeal/milk mixture. Fold in egg whites until mixture is
not contain the added sugar or high sodium of store-bought use. well blended. Spray pan with nonstick spray, and cook pan-
sauces. cakes until browned on both sides.
Suggested Uses
Ingredients Marinade, grilling sauce, or sauce base
1 eight-ounce can reduced-sodium tomato sauce Sloppy Joes: Mix with one pound extra lean ground beef
2 cups water BBQ Chicken: Mix with shredded chicken breast
1/4 cup Worcestershire sauce BBQ Beef: Mix with shredded top round beef
1/2 medium yellow onion, finely minced
Omelet Supremo (1 serving)
1/4 cup red wine vinegar Nutritional Info (per 1/4 cup serving) Omelets are more than a Sunday morning pleasure; they’re Directions
3 teaspoons chili powder Calories — 20 also a perfect way to consume protein when you’re in a hurry. Beat eggs and egg whites together and cook in skillet sprayed
2 teaspoons paprika Carbohydrates — 5 grams This particular omelet illustrates the common sense of learning with nonstick cooking spray. Top with cheese and season with
1 teaspoon fresh ground pepper Protein — .5 grams to prepare breakfasts that are simple to make in a few minutes. red pepper flakes.
Fat — 0 grams
Ingredients Nutritional Info (per serving)
2 whole eggs Calories — 292
4 egg whites Carbohydrates — 4 grams
Lean Guacamole (8 servings) (Healthy Dips) 1 slice (1 ounce) low-fat Muenster cheese Protein — 33 grams
One of the more interesting parts of cooking healthy is the dis- Directions red pepper flakes to taste Fat — 15 grams
covery of substitutions that allow us to continue enjoying our Puree avocado, green beans, sour cream, garlic, and lemon Fiber — 0 grams
favorite foods. This is one of those strange ideas that really juice in blender or food processor. Transfer guacamole base to
works! The fat in the avocado is not unhealthy except in bowl and stir in the salsa and diced tomato. Season to taste
excess. This recipe stretches out the guacamole and has just with fresh cracked pepper and salt.
3.3 grams of fat per serving, allowing the enjoyment without
the guilt. Modifications
You can add finely diced red or yellow onion to the guacamole
Ingredients for added flavor.
1 medium avocado, peeled and cubed
1 1/4 cup frozen green beans, thawed Nutritional Info (per serving)
1/4 cup fat-free sour cream Calories — 52
2 cloves garlic, pressed or minced Carbohydrates — 5.9 grams
juice of one lemon Protein — 1.1 grams
3 tablespoons chunky salsa Fat — 3.3 grams
1 small tomato, diced Fiber — 1 gram
fresh ground pepper to taste

110 111

B re ak fas t F U N, DE L IC I OUS , H E ALT HY R E CI PE S P ro tein /Me al-R e pla ce m en t N ut ritio n Sh ak es F U N, D E LI C IO US , HE A LT H Y R E C IP E S

Eat Your Oatmeal Death by Chocolate Peaches & Cream Delight

One of the best quick breakfasts you can prepare is a bowl of oatmeal. Not only is it economically priced and easy to make,
Ingredients Ingredients
it’s also versatile. Instead of buying a box of 10 packets for twice the price of a large container, try some of these delicious
1 serving (2 scoops) Eat-Smart Base 1 serving (2 scoops) Eat-Smart Base
and frugal ideas.
16 ounces water 12 ounces water
2 Snackwell Sugar-Free Chocolate Sandwich cookies 1/2 cup frozen (or fresh) peaches
These oatmeal variations pack more energy and flavor than pre-packaged oats without the 13 or more grams of refined sugar.
1 sheet chocolate graham crackers (4 small squares) 1/2 cup vanilla-flavored soy milk
• Apple-Cinnamon: Add chopped apple or a few teaspoons of natural, unsweetened applesauce to oatmeal and cook. 1 tsp International Foods Suisse Mocha instant coffee 3 vanilla wafers (reduced fat)
Sprinkle with cinnamon.
• Maple Brown Sugar: Instead of real brown sugar, you can use sugar-free pancake syrup and a dash of cinnamon. Directions Directions
There is also a brown sugar replacement newly available. Mix one serving of Eat-Smart powder with 16 ounces of water. Mix one serving of Eat-Smart Base with 12 ounces of water.
• Fruit and Cream: Add a little soy milk or vanilla protein powder and a few strawberries or blueberries to oatmeal, or Then add Snackwell chocolate cookies, chocolate graham Then add frozen peaches, soy milk, vanilla wafers, and three ice
mix in a teaspoon of sugar-free preserves. crackers, Suisse Mocha mix, and three ice cubes. Blend at cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds, serve, and enjoy!
• Maple-Walnut: Add one tablespoon sugar-free pancake syrup and a few chopped walnuts. high speed for 45 seconds, serve, and enjoy!
For a smaller shake, simply mix 1 scoop of Eat-Smart Base
• French Vanilla: Add one teaspoon vanilla, a splash of low-fat soy milk, and a packet of Splenda.
For a smaller shake, simply blend 1 scoop of Eat-Smart Base with 6 ounces of water, 1/4 cup peaches, 1/4 soy milk, and
• Cinnamon-Raisin: Try using a few dashes of cinnamon, a splash of sugar-free maple syrup, and a teaspoon of raisins with 8 ounces of water, 1 Snackwell cookie, half a sheet (2 2 vanilla wafers.
instead of flavored packets. small squares) of chocolate graham crackers, and half a tea-
• Protein Boost: Stir in one scoop of your favorite protein powder. spoon of Suisse Mocha mix. Nutritional Info
• Butter-Pecan: Add a drip of imitation butter flavor, teaspoon of butter substitute, or a few sprinkles of Butter Buds and Calories | Protein | Carbs | Sugars | Fat
a teaspoon of chopped pecans. Nutritional Info
• Other Grains: Try a multi-grain hot cereal, five- or seven-grain hot cereal, or oat bran for a little change of pace. Any Calories | Protein | Carbs | Sugars | Fat 398 | 43.38 | 39 | 15.5 | 12
of the flavor varieties listed above work well with these complex carbohydrate hot cereals.
460 | 41 | 50 | 13.5 | 14
Oatmeal on the go?
If you buy oatmeal in packets under the guise of convenience, remember they only contain a third of a cup of oatmeal. A
snack-sized sandwich bag has just enough room for a true half-cup-sized serving of oatmeal. You can quickly pack a few with
no need to measure and store them in the pantry for days when you need to grab and go.

Chocolate Banana Crunch Key Lime Pie (Pudding!)

Protein/Meal-Replacement Breakfast Nutrition Shake Ingredients Ingredients
1 serving (2 scoops) Eat-Smart Base 1 serving (2 scoops) Eat-Smart Base
16 ounces water 16 ounces water
Tropical Fruit Smoothie (post-workout) 2 Snackwell Sugar-Free Chocolate Sandwich cookies 2 tablespoons frozen, concentrated lime juice
1/2 banana 3 reduced-fat vanilla wafers
Ingredients 1 sheet low-fat graham crackers (4 small squares) 1 teaspoon Butter Buds
1 serving (2 scoops) Eat-Smart Base 3 tablespoons instant vanilla sugar-free pudding** (or for a
2 scoops Strawberry Cheesecake Flavor Enhancer Directions shake, use 1 tablespoon instant pudding)
1/2 cup frozen or fresh strawberries Mix one serving of Eat-Smart powder with 16 ounces of
1 serving (2 scoops) 3-XL water. Then add Snackwell cookies, banana, graham crack- Directions
ers, and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed for 45 seconds, Mix one serving of Eat-Smart powder with 16 ounces of
Directions serve, and enjoy! water. Then, add lime juice, vanilla wafers, Butter Buds,
Mix one serving of Eat-Smart powder with 16 ounces of vanilla pudding, and three ice cubes. Blend at high speed
water. Then add 2 scoops of Flavor Enhancer, 1/2 cup of For a smaller shake, simply mix 1 scoop of Eat-Smart Base for 45 seconds, serve, and enjoy!**
strawberries, 2 scoops of 3 - X L, and three ice cubes. Blend at with 8 ounces of water, 1 Snackwell cookie, 1/4 of a banana,
high speed for 45 seconds, serve, and enjoy! and half a sheet (2 small squares) of graham crackers. * This recipe makes one to two servings, depending on the
size of your shake.
For a smaller shake, simply mix 1 scoop of Eat-Smart Base **Let stand for 10 minutes to make pudding.
with 8 ounces of water, 1 scoop of Flavor Enhancer, 1/4 cup Nutritional Info
of strawberries, 1 scoop of Meta-CEL 3-XLcubes. Calories | Protein | Carbs | Sugars | Fat Nutritional Info
Calories | Protein | Carbs | Sugars | Fat
450 | 42 | 54 | 21.5 | 11
Nutritional Info 420 | 38.38 | 55 | 35.5 | 6.8
Calories | Protein | Carbs | Sugars | Fat

358 | 39.5 | 28 | 12 | 11

112 113

P rot ein /Me al-R e pla ce m en t N ut ritio n Sh ak es F U N, D E LI C IO US , HE A LT H Y R E C IP E S P rot ein /Me al-R e pla ce m en t N ut ritio n Sh ak es F UN , D E LI C IO US , HE A LT H Y R E C IP E S

Eat-Smart®, Total Nutrition Shake

Troubleshooting the Protein Shake
Available in eight sinfully delicious flavors (my favorite is Peanut Butter Cups)
We’ve all got our own quirky taste and texture preferences, even for simple protein shakes. Here are a few tips you may find use-
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Banana Cream Pie Cookies & Cream ful in preparing your favorite protein shakes.

• If your shake is too thin: try adding a few ice cubes, frozen fruit, or a tablespoon of sugar-free instant pudding mix to
Nutritional Profile: Nutritional Profile: Nutritional Profile: thicken it.
Calories: 260 Calories: 280 Calories: 290
Protein: 39g • If it’s too thick: Some protein mixes have guar gum or other artificial thickeners in them. To use up less favorable protein
Protein: 38g Protein: 38g
powders, you can make shakes using only a half-serving, mixing in a regular whey protein to cover the protein gap.
Carbs: 16g Carbs: 16g Carbs: 19g
Fats: 6g Fats: 8.5g Fats: 8g
• If it’s not creamy enough: Try using a tablespoon of sugar-free pudding mix.
Sugars: 2g Sugars: 4g Sugars: 5g
• If it’s not “foamy” or frothy enough: Extend the whip time in the blender to fluff the shake.

• If it won’t dissolve: Solubility is usually related to the particular brand of protein. Your best option is to first blend your
liquid and ice and slowly add the protein to the blender. Look for an “instantized” protein that blends easily to avoid the
problem all together.

• If it’s not sweet enough: Add a packet or two of Splenda or a small piece of fruit. Fruit sugar is 70% sweeter than sucrose
(table sugar); a little fruit goes a long way in providing sweetness.

• If the vanilla flavor isn’t rich enough: A 1/2 teaspoon of imitation vanilla flavor or 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract will
Strawberry Cheesecake Double Vanilla Ice Cream Glazed Cinnamon Roll enhance the vanilla flavor without adding calories. Alternatively, you could add a tablespoon of sugar-free instant vanilla

Nutritional Profile: Nutritional Profile: Nutritional Profile: • If the chocolate flavor isn’t rich enough: A teaspoon of real cocoa powder will give you a nice chocolate flavor without
Calories: 300 Calories: 280 Calories: 300 adding the sugar that comes with using chocolate syrup. This is a great idea for those who only purchase one flavor of pro-
Protein: 39g Protein: 38g Protein: 39g tein at a time because you can add cocoa to vanilla protein to make rich chocolate shakes.
Carbs: 13g Carbs: 14g Carbs: 22g
Fats: 11g Fats: 9.5g Fats: 7.5g • If it sticks to the blender glass: Always add the liquid to your blender or shaker first. When blending thicker shakes, try
Sugars: 1g Sugars: 4g pouring the protein into the blender as it whirls or lightly pushing the powder down with a spoon to ensure it mixes.
Sugars: 2g
• If it’s “to go”: To cut down on dishes and make a handy “to go” shake, you may be able to use a pint or quart Mason jar
in place of your blender pitcher. Simply remove the blending attachment from the pitcher; if it twists onto the jar (like a jar
cap), it will work. Put your drink ingredients into the jar, twist on the blending assembly, turn the jar top-down so the
blending attachment fits onto the blender, and hit the switch. Voila!

Iced Mocha Latte Mint Chocolate Chip

■ ■ ■
Nutritional Profile: Nutritional Profile:
Calories: 280 Calories: 310
Protein: 39g Protein: 39g Recipe Sources:
Carbs: 15g Carbs: 20g
Fats: 9.5g Many of these recipes were borrowed with permission from Stella’s Kitchen: Creative Cooking for Fun, Flavor, & a Lean, Strong
Fats: 9g
Sugars: 5g Body by Stella Juarez, © 2003, and additional recipes have been excerpted from Julia Adele’s Healthy, Delicious, Gourmet
Sugars: 2g
Recipes for Active Parents by Julia Adelé, found in Real SOLUTIONS magazine, © 2005.

■ ■ ■

Directions for Use: Add two level scoops of E a t - S m a r t Base powder to 16 oz of cold water or skim or soy milk. Use more or less liquid, depending
on preferred thickness. Add in two full scoops of desired Eat-Smart Flavor Enhancer. Mix for 45 seconds in a blender, serve, and enjoy. If you want a Visit www.TheLeanSystem.com for more “Healthy Recipes”
smaller shake, simply add one scoop of Eat-Smart Base powder to 8 oz of liquid, and combine one scoop of your desired Flavor Enhancer, blend, and and to find support, every step of the way!
serve. For optimal results, drink at least TWO to THREE Eat-Smart shakes a day.

114 115
We Are Here to Help You Succeed Gratitude
I’d like to thank you for your interest in The Lean In life, success can be measured in many ways. As for me, I’ve always measured my personal success by the
System Success Plan, our iSatori supplements, and quality of enduring and loving relationships. And, professionally, by the number of lives I am able to positively
for taking the time to read through this Plan. It was impact as a result of my work. So, to be quite frank, I feel very successful. Yet, success does not happen in iso-
constructed for you. And with all sincerity, I wish
lation. And this book was no exception.
you the absolute best in health, life, and reaching
your goals. I will do whatever it takes to help you.
With that said, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all those whose contributions to this book made
You can think of me as your “coach!” But remem-
ber, when you do reach your goals, whenever that it a success:
may be, please share your story with me. It’s your
wonderful story of success that inspires not only me First, to my loving family—my beautiful wife, Julia Ann, who is my guiding source of light and my soul mate;
but thousands of other people to follow in your my two little princesses, Lane and Elle, who teach me valuable lessons about life every day; my Mother and
footsteps. I can’t wait to hear from you! Father, who, thankfully, taught me early on to value family above all else.

As always, if you have any additional questions Then, there were those “behind the scenes” friends, clients, and co-workers who are equally responsible for
or need expert advice on training, nutrition, or sup- the creation of this book. I am eternally grateful for their support. (May the Universal Law reward you tenfold!)
plements, please feel free to call my company. We To find ongoing support, motivation, and con- These outstanding people are:
can be reached between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and tinual expert advice, please come join me and our
6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, MST, by calling community of over 200,000 people who, much
Bruce Williams, for your patience and persistence and for ensuring that every page looked like the vision
toll-free: 1 - 8 6 6 - 6 8 8 - 7 6 7 9. Or, you can always like you, are seeking the right information to
we set for it; Sue Mosebar, for your wonderful editing skills and the many recommendations you made along
email us at info@iSatoriTe ch . c o m, and one of our build a better body and live a healthier life. We ’ r e
qualified Fitness Experts will gladly help you out. I the way; Marty Reddy, Marina Popelka, Barry Ratzlaff, David Silbaugh, and Shari Friedman, for allowing me
here for you, and you can find us any time at
w o u l d n ’t have it any other way! w w w. R e a l S o l u t i o n s M a g . c o m to share your truly inspirational stories, for once again reminding me why I love what I do so much, and for
continually inspiring others to walk in your footsteps; the Phillips family—Bill, Shawn, Shelly, and espe-
cially BP, for the educational experience they provided me (BP, you will be deeply missed); James O’Byrne,
for always setting the record straight and finding the most current science to use as our basis for sound evi-
dence; Shawn Wingate and Linda O’Byrne, for your expert advice and insight into the “Exercises”; Marc u s
Knodle, for so eloquently laying out our first draft; Kay Evans, for making sensible words out of my hiero-
glyphics; Dennis Lane, David Haskell, and Chris Ward, for your engaging photographs found throughout
our chapters; my TEC Group, for teaching me the discipline to “finish what I start”; Douglas Kalman, for
trusting enough in me to lend your name to our project and for your many contributions to fat-loss and obe-
sity research; Maurice Brisebois, for your unparalleled passion to this industry—you’re “one of a kind”;
James McFarland, a good friend who recently passed in a kayaking accident in our home town of Golden,
Colorado, for fueling my passion to lift weights (I miss you, buddy); and to Charles Atlas and his funny lit-
tle cartoon advertisement, found in most comic books, who originally inspired me to build my best body.

And most of all, I’d like to thank you, the reader of this book, for investing your precious time in me and for
trusting that I will guide you on the right path. Thank you.

This book is dedicated to all those

who seek to build the best body
their genetics will allow.

116 117

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