Declaration 1

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Summer Internship Report


Submitted Towards the Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Award of the
Degree of
Master of Business Administration (F&C)
Under the Guidance of
Mr. Rahul Adwani
Manager (Finance)

Submitted To Submitted By
Dr Mohd Arif Name: Rahul Jagwani
Assistant Professor Class: MBA (F&C)
IMS Roll No: 180012135083
Batch: 2018-2020

Institute of Management Sciences

University of Lucknow (New Campus)

II | P a g e

This project has been undertaken as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award

This project was executed during the summer break after the second semester under the
supervision of MR. RAHUL ADWANI (Finance Head) at BRINDAVAN BOTTLERS

Further I declared that this project is my original work and the analysis and the findings
are for academic purpose only. This project has not been presented in any seminar or submitted
elsewhere for the award of award of any degree or diploma.

I certify that I have properly verified all the items in this report and ensure that the report
is in proper format as specified in the course hand out.

DATE: 15TH OCTOBER ,2019 Rahul Jagwani


MBA (F&C) 3rd

III | P a g e

I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regard to
Mr. Rahul Adwani, for his exemplary guidance, valuable feedback and constant encouragement
throughout the duration of the project. His valuable suggestions were of immense help throughout
my project work. His perceptive criticism kept me working to make this project in a much better
way. Working under him was an extremely knowledgeable experience for me.

I am grateful to our OSD Sir Prof. VINOD SINGH for their timely guidance and
in providing the required facilities and information for completion the report.

I would also like to give my sincere gratitude of Dr. Mohd Arif for giving me time
encouragement and guidance throughout my report.

I am grateful to my guide for their timely guidance and in providing the required facilities
and information for completing the project.

I would also like to give my sincere gratitude to all the friends and colleagues who help me
throughout my project.

Thanking You

IV | P a g e

Practical and Theory are the two aspects of Management education. The practical training in the
domain of management courses has received vital importance. It exposes to the potential manager
towards the actual work situation and gives a student rich insight into what practically is going on
inside the industries, infect it is the implementation of theory into practices which is the life force
of management.

Two months practical training is an obligatory requirement for the M.B.A. It was of great
advantage to receive practical training in BRINDAVAN BOTTLERS Pvt. Ltd. ( COCA COLA )
at Lucknow Branch office. The management of the company offered an excellent learning

There have been considerable changes in the technology, operation and structure of the industry
due to globalization, mergers, environmental issues and available fiber sources, and new
challenges being posed by the changing customer satisfaction levels and multiple market
requirements are forcing industry to adapt to new solutions.


Doing this project was a great experience. The Coca-Cola in India has set up an independent
organizations which is H.C.C & B.C.C. with a capital of 350 U.S.$ each by virtue of sellout
decision of the passed managing director Sh. S.C.Agarwal.

Present soft drink boon in India was attributed to the legacy of Coca-Cola, which was there in India
till 1977. In toady’s market the Coca-Cola hold a 62% market share that appears to bear
concentrated rush to beg a big share in the soft drink market.

Being a capital & biggest business center of India I choose the area of Lucknow to conduct my
study and to get lot of exposure & various opportunities to meet different kind of customers. This
project has been under taken to study the availability of complete range of Coca-Cola products to
retail outlets.

To conduct the detail study of my project, I worked for a bottling plant in Barabanki. During the
training period I covered the whole market of Lucknow and gathered the information from office
regarding the availability of whole range of Coca-Cola products.

VI | P a g e
Table of Content

Certificate II
Declaration III
Acknowledgement IV
Preface V
Executive Summery VI

Chapter No. Chapter Name Page- No.

1. Industrial Profile 1-2

2. Coca Cola Worldwide and in India 3-26

2.1 The Coca Cola Company 3
2.2 About Coca Cola India 4-7
2.3 Mission, Vision and Values 8-9
Mission 8
Vision 8
Culture and Values 9
2.4 Manufacturing Footprint 10-11
2.5 Our Leaders 12-13
2.6 Diversity and Inclusion 14
2.7 CSR Policy 15
2.8 History 16-19
2.9 Road Map 20-21
2.10 Products 22-26

3. Brindavan Bottlers Pvt Ltd. (Coca Cola) 27-49

3.1 About 27
3.2 Mission 27
3.3 Introduction 27-28
3.4 Company Details 29
3.5 Project Highlights 29-31
3.6 About the Directors 32
3.7 Study on Indirect Taxation 35-39
3.8 Financial Analysis 40-49

4. Scope and Methodology 50

5. Conclusion 52

VII | P a g e

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