Empowerment Tech Cidam
Empowerment Tech Cidam
Empowerment Tech Cidam
Core Subject Description: Information and communication technologies as a tool for curating, contextualizing, collaborating, and creating ocntent and experiences for learning in the professional tracks.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learners indepently compose an insightful reflection paper on the nature of ICT in the context of their lives, society and professional tracks (Arts,Tech- Voc, Sports,Academic)
Power Standard: Students will create their own individual, personal page in which be callled ePortfolio. An electronic portfolio or eportfolio is a collection of outputs development by learners uploading an online platforms.
from past
K Remembering experiences to
create a
from past
K Remembering experiences to
create a
4. use imagery,
diction, figures of Write an essay
speech, and K creating using imagery and
specific figures of speech.
5. read closely as Read an article with
writers with a their corresponding
consciousness of group
craft (Group Activity)
D Evaluating
D creating Diary
4. write a short
scene applying
the various
techniques, and
literary devices
4. Reading and 1. identify the
Writing Drama (one- various elements,
act)* Elements of the techniques, and
genre literary devices in
a. Character drama
b. Setting K Understanding Oral Recittion
c. Plot
d. Dialogue
4.1. Techniques and
literary devices
a. Intertextuality
b. Conceptualization
of modality
4.2. Modelling from
well-known local and
foreign playwrights
c. Plot
d. Dialogue
4.1. Techniques and
literary devices
a. Intertextuality
b. Conceptualization
of modality
4.2. Modelling from
well-known local and 2. understand
foreign playwrights intertextuality as a U Analyzing Script Writing
technique of
3. conceptualize a
character/setting/ Presenting elements
U Applying
plot for a oneact of drama
drama as a genre and compose at least one
are able to analyze its scene for a one-act
elements and play that can be
techniques staged
4. explore
different staging
modalities vis-à- K Understanding Group Discussion
vis envisioning the
5. write short
exercises involving
dialogue, plot, D creating Script Writing
and other
elements of
6. write at least
one scene for
one-act play
applying the
various elements,
techniques, and D creating Role Play
literary devices
5. The creative work the different produce a craft essay 1. situate the
in literary and /or orientations of on the personal creative work in
sociopolitical context creative writing creative process literary and /or
deploying a sociopolitical
consciously selected context
orientation of
creative writing
U Applying Reaction Paper Oral Recittion
2. demonstrate
awareness of and
sensibility to the
different K Understanding Reporting
orientations of
creative writing
3. write a craft
essay D creating Essay
6. Final output** 1. create a group
blog for poetry
and/or fiction
applying ICT
appropriate D creating Written Blog
multimedia forms
2. explore various
modes of
publishing media
for manuscripts K Understanding Publishing Blog
3. understand the
possibilities of
intertextual forms
Writing Poems or
K Understanding Short Story
4. write a suite of
poems, a
short story or a
script for a one- D creating Portfolio
act play
Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in Developing
the Highest Thinking Skill to Assess
Representation Quescussion
Representation Quescussion
Reasoning and
Group Discussion
Representation Quescussion
Representation Quescussion
Representation Quescussion
presentation Quescussion
Group Discussion
communication and Activity
presentation Quescussion
Fish Bowl
communication Technique
communication Video Presentation
presentation Critic
presentation Story with a Twist
communication Quescussion
communication Brainstorming
Focused Group
communication Discussion
presentation Quescussion
presentation Quescussion
communication Think-Pair-Share
communication Think-Pair-Share