Citing Evidence
Citing Evidence
Citing Evidence
spotlight skill:
Cite Your
Citing Text Evidence
use with:
“Two Days With No
Phone” (p. 4) and
Common Core Tool
Kit #1
Read “Two Days With No Phone” on pages 4-6 of this issue of Action magazine.
Then answer the questions below. Be sure to use details from the text (text
evidence) to support your responses.
D ays
W ith
No e
orr y that
ts w of
Exper xting is out u
e o
teen t ol. Could y ne
contr your pho r
give u hours? Ou id.
for 48 lunteers d
asked how many texts she because teens text so much, “The problem is, there’s no
sent and received each day. they don’t spend enough downtime.” And people
“I don’t know . . . maybe time talking with others need downtime—especially
© Buena Vista Images/Photodisc/Getty Images; Masterfile; Altrendo/Getty Images; Evan Birch/Flickr RF/Getty Images; page 5: © Chris Mott (Boy); © Rachel Brian (Girl)
1,000?” she answered. “It’s face-to-face. That could be when it comes to sleep.
too many to count.” hurting their relationships
It probably won’t surprise with friends and family. Sleep Texting
you that teens are texting Plus, all that texting Both Franchesca and
more than ever before. (See (and time on social media) Kenny told us that they
page 24 for a chart with takes away from hours that wake up several times
teen-texting statistics.) could be spent studying, during the night to text.
Some experts are worried exercising, pursuing a Kenny even sleeps with his
about how all that texting hobby, or just relaxing. phone beneath his pillow.
is affecting teenagers’ lives. Dr. Elizabeth Dowdell is Dr. Dowdell says that it’s
a professor at Villanova common for teens’ sleep
Teens in Trouble? University in Pennsylvania. to be interrupted by texts.
One concern is that She says that many people Sometimes teens even send
students might not learn expect to be able to access texts filled with nonsense
correct grammar and anyone or to be accessed by words when they don’t wake
spelling if most of the anyone at any time. “It’s up all the way. She has been
writing they do is made very appealing, especially studying this trend, which
she calls “sleep texting.”
Why is sleep texting a
Vocabulary problem? “Adolescents
statistics: a set of numbers that presents information need a solid 8, 10, even
access: reach, get in touch with 11 hours of sleep to really
depressed: feeling very sad for a long period of time function and to think
isolated: all alone, separated from others clearly,” reports Dr. Dowdell.
addiction: a strong need for something, such as drugs If they regularly lose sleep,
she adds, teens may start
stand still
no phone wasn’t easy, he —Sarah Jane Brian