Lab Report 11
Lab Report 11
Lab Report 11
College of Engineering
QECA312 – GE21
Engineering Electric Circuits 1 Lab
Group Members:
An operational amplifier is a particular type of differential amplifier. Most op-amps receive two input
voltage signals and output one voltage signa. They are called operational amplifiers, because they can be
used to perform arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication) with signals. In fact, op amps
can also be used to integrate (calculate the areas under) and differentiate (calculate the slopes of) signals.
Operational amplifiers are convenient building blocks that can be used to build amplifiers, filters, and even
an analog computer. Op-amps are integrated circuits composed of many transistors & resistors such that
the resulting circuit follows a certain set of rules. The most common type of op-amp is the voltage feedback
Voltage-to-current Converter
Current-to-Voltage Converter
Current Amplifier
1. Ideally, the currents in Table 11.1 should be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, and 10mA. Give three reasons why the
measured current different?
2. After removing the potentiometer and voltmeter at the input of figure 11.1, the circuit that remains
can be used as an electronic voltmeter. Why is it true?
3. Suppose we want 1V to produce 2mA of current in figure 11.1. What change can we make?
4. In Figure 11.2, what is the ideal value of output voltage when the input current is 5mA?
5. After removing the potentiometer, 1k Ω resistor, and ammeter from the input of Figure 11.2, the
converter acts like an electronic ammeter. Why is true?
6. What change can we make in Figure 11.2 to get an output voltage of 2V when the input current is
7. What is the theoretical current gain in Figure 11.3?
8. What is the current gain in Table 11.3 for an input current of 4mA?
2. Yes, because the electronic voltmeter makes the amplifier more sensitive.
3. The changes we can make is mainly the values of the resistors in the circuit.
4. The ideal value of output voltage is 5V when the input current is 5mA.
5. Yes, because removing the potentiometer, 1k Ω resistor, and ammeter from the input allowed us to
measure small currents.
6. Adjust the value of the resistors.
7. 1 mA with 11mA Iin amplified by 10mA.
8. 17ma with 4mA Iin
James Mallapre
In this activity, we have learned the basic fundamentals of operational amplifiers or op-amp. Here,
we were able to understand its concepts by using a 741C op amp with its inverting and non-inverting input.
Operational amplifiers are linear devices that have all the properties required for nearly ideal DC
amplification and are therefore used extensively in signal conditioning, filtering or to perform mathematical
operations such as add, subtract, integration and differentiation. It is an amplifying device designed to be
used with external feedback components such as resistors and capacitors between its output and input
Observing the table above (Table 11.1 voltage to current converter), we observed that the output
current increases as the VTH increases, therefore there is a direct proportionality between the two. Same
with the current to voltage current in Table 11.2, there is also direct proportionality between the output
voltage as we increase the input current. Meanwhile in the table 11.3 which is the current converter, the
output current remains the same at 17mA except from the input current of 1mA yielding to 11mA of output
This activity helped us in understanding the concept of operational amplifiers that can be of great
help in our future laboratory works.
Carlos Moral
Op amps or operational amplifiers are electronic units in which they behave as voltage or current
controlled sources. Their function is to total, amplify, integrate, or differentiate signals. These mathematical
operations are the reasons why it is called an operational amplifier. They are practical in circuit designs
because they are versatile, inexpensive, easy to use, and fun to work with.
In this experiment, concepts that we have learned on op amps were applied in actuality. We made
use of a 741C op amp with its inverting and non-inverting input. We understood its physical characteristics
where, there is the inverting input pin, noninverting input pin, output pin, positive power supply pin,
negative power supply pin, and the offset null pins.
From the data gathered in table 1, the output current increases as the Vth increases, indicating a
direct proportionality between the two. In table 2, the voltage and input current also have direct
proportionality. Finally, in table 3, the output current does not have dependency on the input current.
To further recheck the gathered data, we made us of multism software and simulated it. This activity
made us understand op amps more and will be a great help in future lab works.