00 SRM D Design For Automotive - 2008 PDF
00 SRM D Design For Automotive - 2008 PDF
00 SRM D Design For Automotive - 2008 PDF
Research Supervisor
Mr. Jim Dowling
July 2008
I hereby certify that this material, which I now submit for assessment on the programme
of study leading to the award of Master of Engineering, is entirely my own work, that I
have exercised reasonable care to ensure that the work is original, and does not to the
best of my knowledge breach any law or copyright, and has not been taken from the
work of others save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged
within the text of my work.
Signed: ____________________
ID No.: ____________________
Date: ___________________
Anthony Murphy
Automotive electrical systems are currently 12Vdc supplied from an engine driven
alternator. In an effort to meet electrical system demands of the future this voltage will
be increased to a 42Vdc standard.
Operating at this increased voltage level will facilitate numerous electronic systems to
be incorporated into the vehicle in order to improve safety, increase fuel efficiency and
reduce emissions. As part of the initiative the starter and alternator will be integrated
into a single unit. The 42-volt bus will allow for a more powerful integrated starter
alternator (ISA).
The switched reluctance motor (SRM) could be considered as a viable solution for
implementing integrated starter alternator. The SRM is a low maintenance, low cost,
rugged, brushless motor without permanent magnets. It has a rugged construction that is
ideally suited for automotive applications with its harsh under-bonnet environment. It
provides high torque and power relative to motor volume. The principal disadvantages
of this type of motor include the motor design and control difficulties Modern motor
design software and lower cost digital signal processing chips for motor control have
overcome these difficulties.
This thesis discusses the automotive electrical systems, switched reluctance motors
(SRM), converter configurations. The operation and the design of a 3.5kW full bridge
converter and its associated control circuitry to facilitate the SRM to operate in starter
and alternator modes are described in detail.
I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Mr. Jim Dowling, for all his
guidance, advice and support throughout the duration of this project.
I would like to thank PEI Technologies and DCU for financial support and assistance
during the course of this research.
I am very grateful to the staff in PEI technologies, Liam Sweeney, Ciaran Waters and
Claus Agersbaek, for their guidance and support during the research. They provided
ideas, comments and valuable assistance throughout.
Thanks also to the other PEI postgrads and exchange students, Amra Pasic, Francis
Leonard (RIP), Markus Florian and Ralf Schlosser, for their help, support and
A special thanks to Eoin Kennedy for assistance in the areas of software development
and technical writing and for the opportunity to contribute to a publication.
I also wish to thank all the technical staff of the school of Electronic Engineering, who
provided the necessary equipment and help to complete this research.
Thanks to Breda McManus for her kind words of support and encouragement.
To my fiancée, Shona, my most profound thanks for your ceaseless support and
encouragement and your constant understanding. It has made all the difference.
Finally, I wish to thank my family and friends for all their encouragement and support.
Declaration ii
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements iv
Contents v
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation overview……..….…….………………………………………8
1.2 Outline of thesis………………………………………………………….. 5
3 Converter topologies 41
3.1 Selection criteria and topology groups…...….…………………………. 41
3.2 Bridge converters….………………………..………………………….. 43
3.2.1 Asymmetrical half-bridge converter………………………. 43
3.2.2 Shared phase winding converter …….………………...….. 45
3.2.3 Shared switch converter…………………………………….47
3.2.4 Full-bridge synchronous rectifier converter………………...48
3.3 Capacitive energy recovery converters……………………………...…. 50
3.3.1 C-dump converter……………………………………………50
3.3.2 Buck-boost converter………………………………………...53
3.3.3 Split DC converter…………………………………………...55
3.3.4 Sood converter……………………………………………….57
3.4 Magnetic energy recovery converters ……………………. …………...58
3.4.1 Bifilar converter……………………………………………...59
3.4.2 Auxiliary commutation winding converter…………………..60
3.5 Dissipative converters…………………………..……..………………. 62
3.5.1 R dump converter………………………………………….…62
3.6 Self-commutating converters……………………………………….…. 64
3.6.1 Series resonant converter………………………………….…64
3.6.1 H-bridge converter…………………………………………...66
3.7 Converter selection………………………………..…………………....67
4 Preliminary analysis 69
4.1 Operating conditions………………………………….…………...……69
4.1.1 SRM specifications……………………………………....….. 70
4.1.2 Performance conditions………………………………………70
4.1.3 Operating environment………….…….……..……………….73
4.1.4 Conduction periods and duty cycles………………………….74 Starting and low speed motoring………….………..75 Low speed generating………………………………76 High speed generating…………………………...…77
4.1.5 Automotive electrical parameter limits………………………79
4.2 Switching component analysis………………………..……….……….81
4.2.1 Asymmetric half-bridge converter……………………...……82 Efficiency during starting mode………………..…..87
4.2.2 Full-bridge synchronous rectifier configuration….……...…..89
4.2.3 Parallel configuration……………………….………………..90
4.3 Reverse recovery analysis………………………………….……..……93
4.3.1 Simulation analysis………………………………..…………93
4.3.2 Experimental analysis……………………………..…………95
4.4 Summary………………………………………………………….……97
5 Converter design 99
5.1 MOSFETs in parallel……………………………………………...…. 99
5.2 Heatsink design………………………………………………………102
5.2.1 Fundamentals………………………..……………………...102
5.2.2 System description…………….……………………………105
5.2.3 Determination of Rθs-a ……………………………….……..108 Determination of Rθ for heat spreader…………….109 Determination of junction temperature, Tj………..111
5.2.4 Step-by-step determination of Rθs-a – starting mode…..……111
5.3 Gate drive design……………………………………………...……..115
5.3.1 Gate drive configuration……………………………………116
5.3.2 Determination of peak gate drive current…………………..119
5.3.3 High current buffer……………………………………...….121
5.3.4 Determination of peak current for buffer gate drive circuit..122
5.3.5 Bootstrap components…………………………………...…123 Calculating the bootstrap capacitor value………....123 Selecting the bootstrap diode…………………...…125 Gate resistor selection………………………….….125
5.3.6 Blanking time delay……………………….………………..126
5.3.7 Electrical isolation………………………………………….126
5.4 DC source capacitor analysis……………………………………...…128
5.4.1 Capacitor parameters…………………………………….....128
5.4.2 Specific application requirements…………………………..128
5.4.3 Determining capacitance value………………..………….129
5.5 Bus bar analysis………………………………………………...……131
5.5.1 Bus bar implementation………………………………….....131
5.5.2 General bus bar structure…………...............................……132
5.6 Current sensors……………………………………………………….132
5.6.1 Shunt resistor……………………………………………….132
5.6.2 Current transformer……………………………………...…133
5.6.3 Hall effect transducer……………………………………....134
5.6.4 Sensor selection and implementation………………...…….136
5.7 Circuit layout considerations………...………...……………..………137
5.7.1 Full-bridge circuit……………………………………….…137
5.7.2 MOSFET gate driver………………………………………139
5.7.3 Gate drive buffer circuit…………………………..……….139
5.7.4 Optocoupler electrical isolation…………………………...139
5.7.5 Bus bars……………………………………..…………….140
5.7.6 Current sensor…………………………….……………….141
5.8 Final converter assembly………………………………………..……141
5.9 Summary……………………………………………………………...143
Bibliography 180
Appendix B: Power analysis computations B1
B.1 Operating conditions......……..……..…………………………………B2
B.2 Asymmetrical half-bridge – single devices……………………...……B3
B.2.1 MOSFET – ATP20M11FLL, Diode – SSTH20002TV…....B3
B.3 Full-bridge with synchronous rectification………….…………...……B4
B.3.1 MOSFET – ATP20M11FLL – single devices………......…B4
B.3.2 Parallel MOSFETs – FDP047AN08A0 – 2 devices…….…B5
B.3.3 Parallel MOSFETs – FDP047AN08A0 – 4 devices…….…B6
B.3.4 Parallel MOSFETs – FDH038AN08A1 – 2 devices…….…B7
B.3.5 Parallel MOSFETs – FDH038AN08A1 – 4 devices…….…B8
B.3.6 Parallel MOSFETs – FDP060AN08A0 – 2 devices…….…B9
B.3.7 Parallel MOSFETs – FDP060AN08A0 – 4 devices…...…B10
B.3.8 Parallel MOSFETs – SPP80N08S2L-07 – 2 devices…......B11
B.3.9 Parallel MOSFETs – SPP80N08S2L-07 – 4 devices…..…B12
B.3.10 Parallel MOSFETs –BUK75/7606-75B – 2 devices….…B13
B.3.11 Parallel MOSFETs – BUK75/7606-75B – 4 devices……B14
B.3.12 Parallel MOSFETs –PSMN009-100W – 2 devices…...…B15
B.3.13 Parallel MOSFETs – PSMN009-100W – 4 devices…..…B16
Appendix D: Experimental system D1
D.1 Schematics……………………………….......……..…………D1
D.2 Photographs of the experimental system.........……..…………D2
Chapter 1 – Introduction
Energy efficiency has become increasingly important in the 21st century due to the
increased cost of fossil fuel resources combined with the need to reduce the levels of
greenhouse gases. Combining the capabilities of an electric machine to act as a motor
and a generator in a system significantly reduces the carbon footprint of that system by
eliminating the need for an extra machine. In order to maximise the advantage of this
system integration, the electrical machine must be very efficient and require drive
circuitry of limited complexity while providing equal or better levels of efficiency.
In the automotive environment, the increase in fuel efficiency and the reduction in
greenhouse gas emissions have become critically important issues. The reduction in the
number of motors used, together with providing new opportunities to harness their
regenerative capabilities, is an area under continuous investigation. The integrated
starter-generator (ISG) is an immediate application for the electric machine to operate as
a motor and a generator in the automotive environment. This has expanded into the area
of mild hybrid through to a full hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) that provides varying
degrees of propulsion assistance and regenerative braking.
Vehicles with an ISG and a 42V electrical system are defined as a mild hybrid (Jones
2003). The ISG allows for start-stop mode of operation, where the engine can be shut
down when the car is braking or stopped but when required it can be restarted quickly
and cleanly. At start up the large motor allows the engine to spin up to operating speed
before commencing the engine combustion process. It can also provide some levels of
propulsion assistance and, when the car is slowing down, energy can be recovered
through regenerative braking. All these capabilities contribute to improving the vehicle
fuel efficiency and reducing emissions.
The HEV uses an internal combustion engine (ICE) together with batteries and electric
motors as propulsion sources (Sreedhar 2006). The batteries and machine in this
application can provide some or all vehicle propulsion capabilities and the motor also
provides regenerative braking capabilities when the vehicle is slowing. The ICE that is
currently fuelled by petroleum products (petrol, diesel, etc) is transitioning so that it can
also operate with various forms of biofuels (bioethanol, biodiesel, etc) in order to reduce
the dependency on crude oil. The increasing popularity of hybrid vehicles, for example
the Toyota Prius, together with the sharp increase in cost of petroleum in recent years
has led to intense interest in the application of electric machines for the purpose of
vehicle propulsion assistance and regenerative braking capabilities.
1.1 Motivation
The switched reluctance machine (SRM) is particularly suitable for use in automobiles
(where there is a harsh environment of high temperature and vibration) as it has a
rugged construction and is a brushless motor without permanent magnets (DiRenzo
2000). The SRM is one of the oldest electric motor designs having been used in
industrial applications as far back as the 1830s. Despite its advantages, it has been
largely unused for many years because of design and control difficulties.
The SRM has a very simple construction as shown in Figure 1.1(a). Only the stator has
windings, while the rotor has no conductors or permanent magnets. The windings on
two opposing stator poles are connected to create a single phase winding. Both the rotor
and stator poles are salient in order for the machine to produce reluctance torque. A
magnetic field is created when the stator phase-winding is energized and reluctance
torque is produced by the movement of the rotor to its minimum reluctance position.
Rotor Stator
Poles Poles
The saliency of both the stator and rotor poles creates non-linear magnetic
characteristics which complicate the analysis and control of the SRM. The control
problem arises because phase to phase switching of the drive current must be precisely
synchronised with rotor position for optimal operation under motoring and generating
conditions. Magnetic circuit analysis software has reduced the problems associated with
SRM design, while the arrival of powerful, yet moderately priced, digital signal
processors (DSP) has enabled the control to be addressed in a cost effective manner.
These advances have fuelled a new interest in the SRM for a wide range of consumer
and industrial applications.
The work presented in this thesis was undertaken as part of a larger research project
entitled “Switched Reluctance Design for Automotive Applications”. The project was
carried out by three PEI Technologies (PEI) centres: the University of Limerick
Analogue Centre (ULA), University College Dublin (UCD) centre and the Dublin City
University (DCU) centre. The Dublin City University (DCU) centre was the principal
investigator and had overall management responsibility for the project.
The DCU centre was responsible for selection and design of a prototype machine
controller. This involved the selection and design of generic models for the SRM as a
motor and as a generator, the simulation and implementation of closed-loop control of
the SRM under motoring and generating conditions, and the design and construction of
a suitable power converter for the SRM and the construction of a laboratory test
apparatus. The key sections are illustrated in Figure 1.2.
Figure 1.2: Key project sections for the Switched Reluctance Design for Automotive
The specific part discussed in this thesis is the design and construction of the power
converter, the closed-loop current control strategy and the laboratory test apparatus. The
main purpose of the power converter design and the control scheme for the SRM was to
maximise efficiency when operating as a motor or a generator in low voltage, battery
powered applications. The development of the converter is divided into five stages:
converter selection, preliminary analysis, converter design, experimental setup and
converter control implementation.
The converter is targeted for operation under the 42V automotive specification in order
to maximise the capabilities of automotive power semiconductors. In order to meet the
additional requirements of future electrical systems the automotive industry has
established a new 42V voltage standard (42V PowerNet) to replace the current 14V
system (Kassakian 1996) and (Kassakian 2000). Improvements in fuel economy and
reduction in emissions are the main arguments for the introduction of the 42V standard.
A number of converter topologies were reviewed, the details of which are discussed.
The asymmetrical half bridge and full bridge converters were selected for preliminary
analysis. The analysis includes the evaluation of a number of semiconductor devices to
determine component efficiency, based on a range of operating conditions that are
discussed in detail and to verify reverse recovery times. The full-bridge converter using
synchronous rectifier operation proved to be the most efficient solution for both
motoring and generation over a wide range of operation.
Control strategies were designed to coordinate the full-bridge circuit switching signals
for both motoring and generating modes with synchronous rectifier capability, to
employ blanking time capability and to implement accurate proportional-integral pulse
width modulated (PI-PWM) current control.
Two pieces of laboratory test apparatus were constructed as part of this project. The first
apparatus consisted of the inductive load, the DSP evaluation board (to implement the
switching and current control strategies), low voltage and high voltage power supplies
to power the converter. It was constructed in order to evaluate the converter operation,
to develop the switching strategies for motoring and generating and, from there, the
development of the current control strategy. The second laboratory apparatus consisted
of an SRM coupled with a load/drive machine and torque measurement system. This
apparatus was constructed for the integration of the converter with the SRM control
algorithms for motoring and generating.
The contribution of this work is to illustrate that this converter configuration together
with the control strategy would improve the efficiency of the switched reluctance drive
system operating in both motoring and generating conditions. This topology allows
independent operation of each SRM phase to maximise control flexibility and to enable
the converter to be applied to an SRM with any number of phases. The laboratory
apparatus facilitates evaluation of SRM control strategies under motoring and
generating conditions to further enhance this machine’s application potential.
restrictions are then presented for each converter. The selection of the most suitable
converter topologies for preliminary analysis is then presented.
Chapter 5 discusses the final converter design, including a review of the issues that
needed to be addressed when implementing MOSFETs in parallel: the design of
heatsinks, gate drive circuitry, the determination of the dc-link capacitor, bus bar
configuration, the current sensing circuit and the specific printed circuit board layout
Chapter 7 describes the development and implementation of the current control strategy
implemented with the converter. A detailed description is given of the converter
switching sequence including experimental results. The current control strategy,
including the implementation of the proportional integral controller, is outlined and
experimental results presented to illustrate converter operation at low and high current.
Finally, a summary of the thesis, conclusions and suggestions for possible future
research are given in chapter 8.
Chapter 2 – Operating principles and features of
the SRM
In order to design a power converter for the SRM to operate as both a motor and a
generator a detailed understanding of the machine is required. Knowledge of the
dynamic modes of operation of the SRM as a motor and a generator is central in order to
define the current and voltage waveforms applied to each machine phase. These
waveforms are used to implement a detailed power analysis for each of the switching
components in the converter. To understand the dynamic operation of the SRM, the
fundamental principles of the machine are first discussed and this is followed by a
detailed mathematical analysis. A historical review provides a chronological history of
the SRM up to the present day.
Wheatstone by William Healey in 1842, examples built by Taylor and others built by
Davidson (Miller 2001). They all had very poor magnetic circuits due to the use of solid
instead of laminated iron for the rotor and stator. They also had no means to recover the
stored inductive energy and the pulsating forces yielded structural problems. These
machines were superseded by the ring wound armature dc motor by Pacinotti (1864)
and Gramme (1869) and the polyphase induction motor of Tesla (Keville 1994) that
provided vastly superior performance.
The transition to the modern era of what is now termed the ‘switched reluctance
machine’ occurred in the mid 1960s and it was brought about by four parallel
advancements in industry: developments in power switching devices (thyristors and
power transistors); the evolutions of microprocessors and digital circuitry to implement
control algorithms; the development of high speed computers to analyse and design the
machine using advanced programming languages; and, finally, the general expansion in
the application of the machine and the control systems. According to (Miller 2001),
some of the key features of modern reluctance machines and their drives were
developed at Queen’s College, Dundee, in the early 1960s, specifically in the area of
motor design, electric switching circuits using thyristors and open-loop and closed-loop
In the late 1960s through the early 1970s, Prof. Byrne and his colleagues at University
College Dublin published significant material on the influence of saturation to improve
energy conversion efficiency of the machine [(Byrne 1973) and (Byrne 1976)] that was
verified by [(Miller 1985) and (Stephenson 1989)]. They also did valuable original work
on machines with low phase numbers (Byrne 1973), electronic drives with fewer power
switches (Byrne 1985) and addressed the issue of current imbalance on machine
performance (Devitt et al 1981). Burnice Bedford of the General Electric Company,
USA, published two patents in 1972 describing all the key features of the modern SRM
and the controlled switching circuits [(Bedford 1972a) and (Bedford 1972b)].
Around this period, Lawrenson and Stephenson at the University of Leeds, began work
on the switched reluctance machine and their research efforts culminated in the
landmark paper published in 1980 (Lawrenson 1980). It addressed the many design
issues regarding number of poles, pole arcs and choice of phase numbers and described
the favourable static and dynamic performance of the machine in four quadrants when
compared to an induction motor of equivalent size. This paper marked the beginning of
renewed interest in the switched reluctance machine that continues to this day. Their
research work lead to the formation of SR Drives Ltd. (bought out by Emerson in 1994)
and produced about half the commercial applications for the machines in the early 1980s
(Miller 2001). Since 1987 Professor Miller and his colleagues of the Speed Consortium
at the University of Glasgow have made significant developments in the design and
analysis of the SRM and developed a widely used CAD program called PC-SRD
[(Miller 1990) and (Fuengwarodsakul 2005)].
Up until the 1930s, electronic switching between phases in electrical machines was
controlled using a commutator (Miller 2001). Early electronic switching circuits
consisted of mercury arc rectifiers or thyratrons but offered poor reliability at a high cost
and this severely limited the application of these devices. The advent of thyristors and
power transistors in the early 1960s allowed for the development of reliable (but still at
a relatively high cost) electronics switching circuits to be developed for electrical
machines. Dr. Cruickshank and his colleagues at Queens College, Dundee, developed
some of the first switching circuits using thyristors for the SRM and also developed
some of the fundamental switching techniques for these machines (Miller 2001).
Burnice Bedford of General Electric (GE) Company, USA, developed all the key
features of the modern controlled electronic circuits for the SRM by exploiting new
power semiconductors being developed by GE and the company’s capability to
manufacture a wide range of speciality motors. He initially developed the asymmetric
half-bridge converter (Bedford 1972b) which was further refined and developed by Ray
(Ray 1979) and Lawrence (Lawrence 1980). He also originally developed the split-dc
converter (Bedford 1972a) that was further refined by Graseby Controls Ltd. UK
(Miller 1993). Early work on the C-dump topology was implemented by Prof. J.V.
Byrne (Byrne 1985) and further developed in detail by J.T. Bass (Bass 1987).
During the 1980s through the 1990s, significant developments took place in electronic
switching circuits for the SRM due mainly to the advances in semiconductor
technologies from the development and advances in microprocessor design. This led to
greater power handling capabilities for the power transistor beginning with the bipolar
junction transistor (BJT) but more significantly the MOSFET and the IGBT. These
devices allowed for forced commutation and current regulation using pulse-width
modulation working at switching frequencies higher than was possible with the
thyristors. Numerous topologies facilitating different circuit configurations and
component count were realized during this period and up to the present day. Examples
of these converters include: the R-dump converter (Krishnan 2001), the Sood converter
(Sood 1992), the series resonant converter (Park 1992) and the full-bridge converter
(Krishnamurthy 2005). A useful comparison of many different converter topologies are
included in both (Vukosavic 1990) and (Barnes 1998). A detailed review of a number of
converter topologies is presented in chapter three.
Since the 1990s, the operation of the SRM as a generator has received considerable
attention. Radun emphasised the need for closed loop control of the switched reluctance
generator (SRG) when he discussed the instability of the open loop operation of the
SRG with fixed turn-on and turn-off angles in an important paper from 1994 (Radun
1994). The SRG has been under investigation for application as an automotive
starter/generator [(Kokernak 1999), (Mese 2000) and (Fahimi 2001)], wind power
generation [(Torrey 1993) and (Cardenas 1995)] and various aero space applications
[(MacMinn 1989), (Radun 1994), (Radun 1998) and (Cossar 2004). A thorough
overview of the development of SRG control is provided by (Miller 2001) and (Torrey
In recent years, significant research has being directed towards the operation of the
SRM without a position sensor. A number of different methods of indirectly estimating
the rotor position have been proposed but they all make use of the inductance variation
in one way or another. The aim of these ‘sensorless’ position estimation schemes is to
reduce system cost while also increasing system reliability. A detailed review of the
various approaches is provided by both (Husain 1996) and (Ehsani 2002).
Products Company
While a significant number of developments have occurred with the SRM over the past
number of decades, it has yet to receive significant acceptance in industry. Some of the
most popular applications for the SRM include the Maytag Neptune washing machine
and vacuum cleaners by Ametek, LG and Dyson (Fiedler 2005). In addition Dyson
introduced a new hand dryer in October 2006 that used a SRM operating at 100,000
rpm to generate a 180ms-1 air flow-rate that is claimed to dry hands in 10s (Nathan
2006). A number of current and previous applications of the SRM are provided in Table
2.1 [(Krishnan 2001), (Miller 1993), (Miller 2002), (SR drives Ltd 2007a), (SR drives
Ltd 2007b) and (Dyson UK 2007)].
2.2 Fundamentals
Electrical machines can be broadly defined into two categories by how they produce
torque: either electromagnetically or by variable reluctance (DiRenzo 2000). With the
first type, motion occurs due to the interaction of two mutually coupled magnetic fields,
one generated by the stator and the other by the rotor. This produces electromagnetic
torque, which tends to bring the magnetic fields into alignment. DC and induction
motors operate on this principle. In the second type the motion is produced by variable
reluctance in the air gap between the rotor and the stator. Switched reluctance machines
fall into this second group.
Figure 2.1: (a) Cross-section of an 8/6 four-phase SRM. (b) Classic converter.
Magnetic flux is generated when current flows in a phase winding and results in torque
being produced due to the tendency of the rotor pole to align with the stator pole in
order to yield a minimum reluctance path. In Figure 2.1 (a), the rotor and stator pole
pairs, R1 and S1 illustrate an unaligned position and R2 and S2 illustrate the aligned
position. The flux-linkage and therefore the phase inductance varies with rotor position
where it is at the minimum value (Lu) at the unaligned positions (θ1and θ4) and rises to a
maximum value (La) at the aligned positions (θ2 and θ3) as illustrated in Figure 2.2.
Physically, position θ1 corresponds to the start of overlap where the leading edge of the
rotor pole is aligned with the leading edge of the stator pole and θ4 corresponds to the
end of rotor and stator pole overlap.
Figure 2.2: The variation of idealised phase inductance with rotor position
The rotor angle at which the voltage is applied across the phase winding is called the
turn-on angle and it is removed at the turn-on angle, while the difference in these angles
is defined as the dwell angle or firing angle. The complete cycle from the start of one
variation in inductance cycle until it repeats again is called the pole pitch. The region
where the phase inductance remains constant is defined as a dead zone. The rotor speed
at which the back-emf and the applied voltage across the phase winding are equal in
magnitude is defined as the base speed.
Figure 2.3: The idealised phase inductance, current and torque for motoring operation
The SRM can operate either as a motor or as a generator depending on the range of
rotor angles at which the voltage is applied to the phase winding. The machine’s
operation is independent of the direction of current in the phase windings but is a
function of rotor position with respect to the energised phase. Accurate rotor position
information is essential to ensure smooth operation of the SRM when motoring and
generating. The term “switched reluctance” refers to the switching of sequential phase
excitations that achieve the rotor rotation (Miller 2001).
Figure 2.3 shows the variation in idealised phase inductance and torque with rotor angle
for a constant phase current. For motoring operation, the firing angles are selected so
that current flows in the phase winding when the rotor and stator poles approach
alignment which is when the phase inductance in increasing and this produces a positive
motoring torque in the direction of rotation. The electrical energy consumed in the
alignment of the rotor pole and stator pole pair is converted to mechanical energy in
driving a load attached to the rotor shaft. For generating operation, the firing angles are
selected so that the current flows in the phase winding immediately after the rotor and
stator poles have passed alignment when the phase inductance is decreasing. The rotor
produces negative or braking torque opposing the direction of rotation. Generating
occurs when the mechanical energy expended by a prime mover in pulling the rotor pole
away from the excited stator pole is converted to electrical energy.
To illustrate the fundamental operation of the SRM as a motor and as a generator, only
motoring operation at low speed, and generating at the base speed, are discussed here.
The SRM operation as a motor and a generator at other speeds is discussed in Section
Under motoring operation it is clear that negative torque is undesirable. For this reason,
the phase current must be reduced to zero before the θ3 – θ4 interval when the poles are
separating (The operation in the intervals θ1 – θ2 and θ2 – θ3 are discussed in the
following paragraphs).Therefore, the ideal motoring current waveform should be a
series of pulses where the position of the pulses coincides with the rising inductance
interval. Thus, the ideal motoring torque waveform for a single-phase SRM has the
shape shown in Figure 2.4.
Figure 2.4: The idealised phase inductance, current and torque for motoring operation
The inductance at the unaligned position (θ1) tends to be a very small value resulting in
the value of current in the phase winding increasing very quickly. The rectangular
current waveform (current pulse) can then be approximated by chopping the current
along θ1 – θ2. To avoid production of negative torque the current must be reduced to
zero before alignment at θ3 and this can be achieved by reversing the voltage across the
phase before alignment.
As can be seen in Figure 2.4, the single-phase SRM produces regions of discontinuous
torque. Continuous rotation of a single-phase machine relies on either the momentum of
the machine when motoring or on the prime mover when generating. Similarly, the
machine cannot start from every position, as at least two phases are required to
guarantee starting and at least three phases are required to ensure starting direction
(DiRenzo 2000). It is shown in Section 2.3 that the torque can only be produced in
regions of increasing and decreasing inductance. Hence, no torque is produced in the
‘dead zones’ between θ2 and θ3 at the aligned position and in the unaligned position
between θ4 and θ1.
Figure 2.5: The idealised phase inductance, current and torque waveforms for a four-
phase 8/6 SRM under motoring conditions
Under generating operation, the ideal generator current should be a series of pulses
where the position of the pulses coincides with the falling inductance interval as shown
in Figure 2.6. The rectangular current waveform can be approximated when the back-
emf and the applied voltage balance and the current stays constant until pole overlap
ends. Current pulses must be applied at areas of decreasing inductance over the full 360
degrees of rotor rotation to produce continuous generating torque as illustrated in Figure
Figure 2.6: The idealised phase inductance, current and torque for generating operation
Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase
Current Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase
0o 60o 120o
Rotor Angle
Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase Phase
Figure 2.7: The idealised phase inductance, current and torque waveforms for a four-
phase 8/6 SRM under generating conditions
Like other motors, the machine torque is restricted by maximum allowed current, and
the speed by the available bus voltage. The current must be maintained within a
maximum allowable limit until the rotor reaches the base speed. At this speed the back-
emf of the machine is equal to the applied voltage to the phase winding and the current
will not increase further. Above the base speed the back-emf continues to increase so
the conduction angles can be enlarged to maintain constant power output. At very high
speeds, when the conduction angle cannot be increased any further, the torque decays
rapidly. The SRM can still operate at very high speed but only under light loads. The
torque/speed characteristic for motoring in a particular direction is illustrated in Figure
2.8. The characteristic for generating in the same direction of rotation would be
achieved by reflecting the waveform in the speed axis, while that for motoring and
generating in the opposite direction is achieved by reflection in the torque axis.
• Good starting torque like a dc series motor as the torque is proportional to the
square of the current (explained in Section 2.3).
• Power density equivalent to, or better than, induction machines but less than
permanent magnet synchronous, and brushless dc, machines for speeds up to
20,000rpm, while above this speed, power density is comparable to, or greater
than, these other machines (Krishnan 2001).
• A number of sensorless position estimation schemes are possible using the
principle that the phase inductance variation of the SRM is uniquely dependent
on rotor position and the phase current. This allows the elimination of the
position sensor to further improve reliability and reduce cost.
• Independence of torque with respect to current direction which means that the
converter only needs to facilitate unidirectional current. Converter topologies
can use less than two switches per phase, leading to a reduction in cost.
2.3 Mathematical Modeling of the SRM
Because each phase is identical and energised in sequence, the analysis is confined
initially to a single phase. Firstly it is assumed that no saturation occurs and a linear
approach is taken. Later, saturation is taken into account using non-linear analysis. The
following discussion on linear and non-linear operations is from the analysis by (Miller
2001). The linear and nonlinear analysis discussed here for motoring can be applied to
v ph = i ph R ph + v Lph (2.1)
vph = the applied phase voltage
iph = the phase current
Rph = the phase winding resistance
vLph = the induced voltage on the phase inductance
The induced voltage vL is defined by the magnetic flux linkage, ψ, that varies as a
function of the phase current, i, and the rotor position, θ.
dψ (i,θ ) ∂ψ (i,θ ) di ∂ψ (i,θ ) dθ
vL = = + (2.2)
dt ∂i dt ∂θ dt
∂ψ (i,θ ) di ∂ψ (i,θ ) dθ
v = iR + + (2.3)
∂i dt ∂θ dt
Where, dθ/dt is the angular velocity, ω, in rad/s, and ∂ψ(i,θ)/∂i represents the
instantaneous inductance L(i,θ). For simplicity, it is assumed that there is no magnetic
saturation, which means that the phase inductance is unaffected by variations in phase
current, then L(θ) = ψ(θ)/i. Equation (2.3) can be further expanded using linear analysis
to yield:
di dL(θ )
v = iR + L(θ ) + iω (2.4)
dt dθ
Thus, the applied phase voltage is equal to the sum of the voltage drops on the right
hand side of Equation (2.4), the resistive voltage drop, the inductive voltage, and the
induced emf or ‘back-emf’. The back-emf, e, is equivalent to:
dL(θ )
e = iω (2.5)
di dL(θ )
vi = i 2 R + L(θ )i + i 2ω (2.6)
dt dθ
d 1 2 1 2 dL(θ ) di 1 dL(θ ) di
L(θ )i = i + L(θ )i = i2ω + L(θ )i (2.7)
dt 2 2 dt dt 2 dθ dt
Assuming no losses other than i2R and in order to agree with the law of conservation of
energy, the mechanical power must equal to the electrical input power less the resistive
power losses (i2R) and the rate of change in the magnetic stored energy. Therefore, the
instantaneous mechanical power, which is equivalent to ωT, where T is the
instantaneous electromagnetic torque, can be written as:
1 2 dL(θ )
ωT = iω (2.8)
2 dθ
1 2 dL(θ )
T = i (2.9)
2 dθ
Equation (2.9) indicates that the torque is independent of the sign of the phase current
and is instead determined by the sign of the dL/dθ, where the absolute value of dL/dθ
contributes to the amount of torque produced. For this reason, SRMs are generally
designed to have a large ratio between the aligned and unaligned inductance in order to
attain high torque levels. Large air gaps between the stator and rotor pole at the
unaligned position increases the inductance ratio (Miller 1993). Typically, an SRM with
a low phase number and therefore a low rotor and stator pole count has larger air gaps.
From the perspective of the phase winding terminals of the SRM, equation (2.4) appears
to indicate the equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2.9 comprising of a resistance (R), an
inductance (L) and a back-emf (e) that is proportional to speed. However, with L and e
varying with both rotor position and current, the torque cannot be calculated from a
simple equivalent circuit but requires direct solution of equations (2.1) and (2.9). A
method to directly solve these equations requires non-linear analysis of the SRM.
Figure 2.10: Magnetization curve indicating magnetic field stored energy (Wf) and the
magnetic field co-energy (Wc)
W f = ∫ i (ψ ,θ ) dψ (2.10)
It is more desirable to express torque in terms of current instead of magnetic flux and
this is achieved using the term of co-energy (Wc) instead of energy. Magnetic field co-
energy is defined as
Wc = ∫ψ (i,θ )di (2.11)
The relationship between field energy and co-energy is illustrated in Figure 2.10 and
defined as
W f + Wc = i ψ (2.12)
Figure 2.11: Magnetization curve showing the effect of the rotor moving from position
A to position B
∆We = ∫ ivdt = ∫ i dt = ∫ idψ = ABCD (2.13)
Therefore, the mechanical work is the change in electrical energy minus the change in
magnetic field energy is expressed as:
This value corresponds to the increase in the magnetic field co-energy, ∆Wm = ∆Wc. The
mechanical work done during the displacement ∆θ, from A to B, can be expressed as:
Therefore, in the limit, when ∆θ → 0, the instantaneous torque (T) is the partial
derivative in co-energy with respect to angular displacement.
T = C (2.18)
∂θ i = cons tan t
In a motor with no saturation all the magnetization curves would be straight lines and
the stored magnetic field energy would equal the magnetic field co-energy at all times to
W f = Wc = L(θ )i 2 (2.19)
This expression for Wc implies that equation (2.18) for electromagnetic torque reduces
1 2 dL(θ )
T = i (2.20)
2 dθ
For a multi-phase SRM, the instantaneous torque equation becomes the summation of
the individual torque values for each phase and is of the form:
T = ∑T
n =1
n (2.21)
where Tn is the torque produced by the nth phase and k is the total number of phases.
The circuit diagram for the SRM to operate as a generator is shown in Figure 2.12. An
example of the generator current and the idealised inductance is shown in Figure 2.13
io iL
Q1 D2
C Vs Load
Phase A iout
D1 Q2
Figure 2.13: Switched reluctance generator phase currents and idealised inductance
The instantaneous current flowing in the phase winding is defined as iph. As illustrated
in Figure 2.12 and 2.13 at the angle θon, the voltage (VS) is applied to the phase winding
and current (iph = iin) begins to flow. Negative voltage (-VS) is applied at θoff and current
(iph = iout) continues to flow due to the generating action until the end of the rotor and
stator pole overlap at which point the current in the phase winding decays to zero at θext.
The current flow in the phase winding between θon and θoff is called the excitation
current (iin), while the current flowing between θoff and θext is defined as the generated
current (iout).
The average of the excitation current, Iin, over a single stroke is determined as follows:
θ off
I in = ∫θ i dθ (2.22)
θ off − θ on
The average of the generated current, Iout, over a single stroke is determined as follows:
θ ext
I out = ∫θ i dθ (2.23)
θ ext − θ off
The net generated average current, Io, over a single stroke is expressed as:
The power conversion in the SRM when operating as a generator can be characterized
by the excitation penalty, ξ, (Miller 2001) and is expressed as:
Pext I I in
ξ = = in = (2.25)
Pout I out I o + I in
where Pext is the mean electrical excitation power and Pout is the mean electrical output
power. An excitation penalty that is as small as possible is desired in order to minimise
Figure 2.14: (a) Static view of the converter. (b) Magnetization mode. (c) Freewheeling
mode. (d) Forced demagnetization mode
2.4.1 Low speed motoring
The current pulses must be regulated at low speed as back-emf is insufficient to limit the
current. There are two main methods of current regulation at low speed: voltage-PWM
and current hysteresis. The regulation of the phase current is implemented by chopping,
which is the switching on and off the power switches in Figure 2.14 at a frequency that
is much higher than the fundamental frequency of the current waveform (Miller 1993).
There are two types of chopping schemes: soft chopping and hard chopping.
The soft-switching strategy has three modes of operation as illustrated in Figure 2.14b, c
and d. The first mode is called the energization mode or magnetization mode or
positive-voltage loop (PVL) as indicated in Figure 2.14b. During this time both switches
(Q1 and Q2) are on and the current rises rapidly in the phase winding as indicated in
Figure 2.15a (I). During the second mode, the freewheeling state or zero-voltage loop,
only one switch and one diode (Q2 and D1) are on as illustrated in Figure 2.14c. There is
zero volts applied across the phase winding and the current continues to flow through
the switch and the diode, although it is gradually decaying as indicated in Figure 2.15a
(II). No energy is transferred to or from the supply during this period. The third mode,
the demagnetization state or the negative-voltage loop, occurs when both switches are
off and the energy returned to the supply via the freewheeling diodes (D1 and D2) as
shown in Figure 2.14c. Both diodes are forward biased and a negative voltage is applied
across the phase winding, forcing the current to rapidly decay to zero as indicated in
Figure 2.15a (III).
The hard-switching strategy has only two modes of operation, the magnetization and
demagnetization states. The magnetization and demagnetizations waveform for the
hard-switching scheme is illustrated in Figure 2.15b (IV) and Figure 2.15b (V)
respectively. During demagnetization, the decay in the current waveform is greater
leading to greater current ripple but reduced dynamic response time.
During the zero-volt period of the soft chopping operation the change in the phase
current is very small, which allows for a reduced switching frequency and current ripple
rating for the converter filter capacitor (Miller 2001). Additionally the soft chopping
scheme produces lower acoustic noise and lower EMI levels (Miller 1993).
Lmax Lmax
Lmin Lmin
Vg Vg
Q1 Q1
Vg Vg
Q2 Q2
Vph Vph
iph iph
Rotor Rotor
Angle Angle
Torque Torque
Figure 2.15: Low speed motor of operation for both (a) soft switching – (I)
energization, (II) freewheeling and (III) demagnetization and (b) hard
switching - (IV) Energization and (V) Demagnetization
The energy conversion process starts when the power switches are turned on and current
begins to flow in the phase winding at θon, the current increases rapidly to the required
value before rotor and stator pole overlap at θ1. Torque production begins as the rotor
and stator poles approach overlap and it then rises rapidly to the required value. By
maintaining a constant current value between the beginning (θ1) and end of overlap (θ2),
a constant torque value can be maintained over this period. The power switches are
turned off at θ2 and the phase voltage has a negative polarity, which leads to the current
freewheeling through the diodes. The current falls rapidly to zero and must be at zero
before θ3, in order to prevent the production of a negative torque. The process is
illustrated in what is called the energy conversion loop illustrated in Figure 2.16 for low
speed operation. The maximum energy conversion area, W, is bounded by the aligned
and unaligned magnetization curves and is traversed in a counter clockwise direction
from the unaligned to the aligned position. A single cycle of the loop is achieved during
each stroke.
As noted previously, there are two main methods of current regulation at low speed:
voltage-PWM and current hysteresis. Voltage-PWM implementation requires that one or
both of the power switches are turned on and off at a fixed frequency, while the duty
cycle varies depending on the current requirements. This method can be implemented
with either hard or soft chopping switching schemes. Under soft chopping operation,
one of the power switches are turned on and off and the other power switch remains on
during the conduction period, while with hard chopping both of the power switches are
turned on and off together.
Current hysteresis necessitates that one of the power switches be switched off when the
current exceeds a particular set point value and switches back on again the current fall
below a second level. The range between the current limits is referred to as the
hysteresis-band. The switching frequency varies, which can lead to unwanted audible
noise and current harmonics. Both soft and hard chopping switching are possible with
this type of current regulation. Delta modulation is a variation of current hysteresis in
which the current is sampled at a fixed frequency. When the phase current exceeds a
reference current value one of the power switches is turned off and when the current
drops below the reference value, the power switch is turned on again. The switching
frequency can vary up to the fixed sampling frequency value. Soft and hard chopping
schemes are also possible with this type of current regulation.
Figure 2.17: Single pulse control for single phase motoring at high speed
The energy conversion process starts when both power switches are turned on after
passing the unaligned position of the previous stroke at θ4 and current rises rapidly in
the phase winding due to the low value of inductance and no back-emf. At θ1 the
inductance begins to increase and the back-emf quickly exceeds the supply voltage and
forces the di/dt to become negative. The greater the speed, the faster the drop off in
current in this region and only an increase in the supply voltage can counteract this
effect. The dwell angle must be increased linearly with speed above the base speed in
order to maintain a reasonable torque output although it will be decaying in value. The
energy conversion loop for high speed operation is illustrated in Figure 2.18 and is
traversed in the counter clockwise direction.
is illustrated in Figure 2.19. It is assumed that the inductance is linear and that the
current reaches its set point before θ3 and the conduction cycle ends at θ4.
In one PWM period the excitation current corresponds to the area A1 and the generated
current corresponds to the area A2 in Figure 2.19. Assuming that the duty cycle d is
constant over a conduction period and the current ripple due to PWM is negligible
compared to its average peak value ip, then
A1 = D1tpwmip
A2 = D2tpwmip (2.26)
Where D1 = d and D2 = 1 – d and tpwm is the PWM period (tpwm = 1/fpwm). The net
generated current in one PWM period (Io,pwm) is:
Io,pwm = A2 – A1
= (D2 – D1)tpwmip (2.27)
In the analysis, the initial excitation current in the area indicated (1) in Figure 2.19 and
the generated current after the turn-off angle at θ4 in the area indicated (2) are neglected.
The ratio between excitation power and the generated power yields the excitation
penalty, ξ, (Miller 2001) for the current regulated with PWM is defined as:
D1 d
ξ= = (2.28)
D2 − D1 1 − 2d
During the excitation period, the terminal voltage of the phase winding is expressed as
v ph = L(θ ) −e (2.29)
where the voltage drop (iR) due to the resistance of the coil is neglected and the back-
emf, e, is equivalent to:
dL(θ )
e = iω (2.30)
where ω is the rotor speed, dL/dθ is always negative under generating operation and the
negative sign is placed alongside e for clarity. For effective PWM control at low speeds
the condition |e| < |Vs| must always be true, otherwise the generating current is
uncontrollable and increases during the demagnetization period. During the excitation
period the equation is:
L(θ ) = VS + e > 0 (2.31)
di gen
L(θ ) = − VS + e < 0 (2.32)
Assuming that the change in L over the PWM period is small and can be neglected, in
order to keep the average current constant over a PWM period, then
diexc di gen
D1t pwm = D2 t pwm (2.33)
dt dt
VS + e D1 = V S − e D2
From equation (2.28), in order to generate net energy which is greater than the
excitation power, the condition of d < 0.333 must be satisfied. Substituting this
condition into equation (2.34) gives the condition required in order to generate net
power greater than the power consumed during the excitation of the phase winding with
voltage-PWM is:
where ωb is the base speed. It therefore can be concluded for net power generation at
low speed using voltage-PWM is possible between one third of the base speed and the
base speed. The energy conversion loop for low speed generating operation is illustrated
in Figure 2.20 and is traversed in the clockwise direction.
2.4.4 High speed generating
Generating at high speed can be defined for two regions: (a) at the base speed and (b)
above the base speed. The power switches turn on at θon and excitation power is applied
to the phase winding and magnetic energy is built up in the air gap and at θoff the power
switches are turned off and regenerated current flows through the freewheeling path
until the current goes to zero at θext.
Figure 2.21: Single pulse control for single phase generating at high speed
At the base speed, the magnitude of the back-emf and the combined magnitude of the
applied voltage plus the resistive voltage drop in the phase winding are in balance and
this yields current that remains constant without the need for current regulation (Torrey
2002) until the overlap of the poles at θ4 and then decays to zero by θext as indicated in
Figure 2.21 (a). Above the base speed, the back-emf in the phase winding has a larger
magnitude than the combined magnitude of the applied voltage plus the resistive voltage
drop of the phase winding, and the current increases after the power switches turn off at
θoff and the current increases until pole overlap at θ4 where it decays to zero at θext as
indicated in Figure 2.21(b).
The energy conversion loop for high speed generating operation is illustrated in Figure
2.22 and is traversed in the clockwise direction.
Current (A)
2.5 Summary
The SRM has gone through significant developments since its beginnings in the early
1800s to the present day. The evolution in high speed computers and magnetic analysis
software has allowed significant developments in the design of the SRM. Since the
1980s, significant developments in semiconductor technologies have led to greater
power handling capabilities for power switching devices, particularly the MOSFET and
the IGBT. These devices have allowed for converter operation with forced commutating
schemes and for current regulation schemes to operate at much higher frequencies. The
development of powerful microprocessors and in particular low cost digital signal
processors (DSP) in recent years has allowed for the implementation of complex control
algorithms for the SRM. This has increased the application potential of the SRM in
many commercial arenas from starter/generator for articulated vehicle and mild hybrid-
electric powertrain to washing machines and hand dryers.
For the implementation of the SRM in an automotive application as both a motor and a
generator, it is desirable to have high torque capability to drive loads (starting an engine
or actual propulsion assistance) or to operate as a generator, particularly under
regenerative conditions where high braking torque may be beneficial. A two-phase
SRM would be the most suitable for these applications if operating in only one
direction. This SRM configuration would minimise the complexity of the power
converter. The larger areas around the stator poles of a two-phase SRM allow for phase
windings with copper of larger cross section. This enables lower copper losses at higher
current operation. The larger iron sections of the rotor and stator poles keep core losses
low and maintain good mechanical stiffness which is important in minimising acoustic
noise (Miller 1993). The core losses are also reduced by the lower commutation
frequency of the two-phase SRM. The larger air gap, higher current handling capability
and reduced core losses all contribute to the increased torque capability of the two-phase
SRM as discussed in Section 2.3.
From the review and the analysis of the SRM, the converter in this application should
operate under voltage-PWM for both low speed motoring and generating conditions and
single-pulse operation under high speed conditions. Variation in the source voltage
would be desirable under high speed generating to maintain the condition |e| = |Vs - iR|,
in order to maintain constant generator current.
Chapter 3 Converter topologies
Significant research effort has been invested in the design of electronic power
converters for the SRM. A review of a cross section of the numerous converter
topologies that are available is presented in this chapter before finalizing the
configuration that is most suitable for this application. The general requirements are
defined for the converter in order to determine the most suitable choice. The converters
are grouped into various classifications, which are based on the predominant feature of
the converter. Each converter from a topology group is described under the heading of
its predominant features, the modes of operation and the main benefits and limitations.
On review of all the groups, the most suitable converter configuration is selected for
preliminary analysis.
The converter topologies are divided into two primary classifications: hard- switching
and soft-switching. The fundamental converter configurations are illustrated in Figure
3.1. The hard-switching classification contains five subgroups: bridge, capacitive
energy recovery, magnetic, dissipative and single phase. The soft-switching
classification contains a single subgroup: self-commutating There are four bridge
converters topologies: the asymmetrical half-bridge, the shared winding converter, the
shared switch converter and the full-bridge converter. The capacitive energy recovery
group has five fundamental configurations but there are variations within each
configuration. The configurations are: C-dump converter, voltage boosting converter,
the split dc converter and the Sood converter. The magnetic energy recovery group have
two basic converter schemes: the bifilar converter and the auxiliary commutation
winding converter. The dissipative group has a single elementary configuration called
the R-dump but there are variations defined as the decay converters. The self-
commutating group has four essential configurations but there are some derivatives.
They are: series resonant, zero-voltage transition (ZVT) PWM converter, auxiliary
quasi-resonant dc-link (AQRDCL) converter and the H-bridge converter. The single
phase converter topology is included here for completeness but is not discussed here as
the application requires a minimum of a two phase SRM to implement unidirectional
starting capability.
Converter Configurations
Hard-Switched Soft-Switched
Converters Converters
Assymetric C Bifilar R Series
Half-Bridge Dump Dump Resonant
Shared phase Voltage ZVT PWM
winding Boosting Pollock
Full Sood H
Bridge Bridge
3.2 Bridge Converters
Four fundamental bridge converter topologies are addressed in this section and these are
the asymmetrical half-bridge converter, the shared phase winding converter, the shared
switch converter and the full-bridge converter. A brief description is provided for each
converter topology that includes a discussion on the possible modes of operation
together with an illustration. The main benefits and limitations are outlined for each
D1 Q2
Q1 Q1 V(D2)
Q1 V(Q1) D2 D2
Vph = VS Vph = 0 Vph = -VS
D1 V(D1) D1 V(D1)
D1 V(Q2) Q2 V(Q2) Q2 Q2
Figure 3.2: The asymmetrical half-bridge or classic converter. (a) Static view of
converter. (b) Energization mode. (c) Freewheeling mode. (d) Forced demagnetization
This converter has two possible switching strategies, soft-switching and hard-switching.
The soft-switching strategy has three modes of operation as illustrated in Figure 3.2 b, c
and d. The first mode is called the energization mode or magnetization mode as
indicated in Figure 3.2b. During this time both switches (Q1 and Q2) are on and the
current rises rapidly in the phase winding as indicated in Figure 3.3a (I). During the
second mode, the freewheeling state, only one switch and one diode are on as illustrated
in Figure 3.2c. There is zero volts applied across the phase winding and the current
continues to flow through one switch and one diode, although it is gradually decaying
as indicated in Figure 3.3a (II). No energy is transferred to or from the supply. The third
mode, demagnetization, occurs when both switches are off and the energy in the phase
winding is returned to the supply via the freewheeling diodes as shown in Figure 3.2c.
The voltage is reversed across the phase winding which forces the current to rapidly
decay to zero as indicated in Figure 3.3a (III).
Figure 3.3: Half-bridge converter modes of operation for both (a) soft switching – (I)
energization, (II) freewheeling and (III) demagnetization and (b) hard switching - (IV)
energization and (V) demagnetization
The hard-switching strategy has only two modes of operation, the magnetization state
and the demagnetization states. The magnetization and demagnetizations waveform for
the hard-switching scheme is illustrated in Figure 3.3b (IV) and Figure 3.3b (V)
respectively. During demagnetization, the decay in the current waveform is greater
leading to greater current ripple but reduced dynamic response time.
The most significant advantages of this circuit are (i) the possibility to independently
control the upper and lower switched for maximum flexibility, (ii) all possible firing
angles can be implemented with soft-switching allowing for maximum regenerative
braking capability and (iii) equal performance in forward and reverse directions. The
main limitation is the high power semiconductor count per phase, which can become
expensive with switched reluctance drives with a large number of phase windings. Other
disadvantages are the relatively low demagnetization voltage at high speeds due to the
fixed voltage supply and the requirement for a large capacitor on the supply voltage in
order to filter the voltage ripple associated with the magnetization and demagnetization
of the phase winding. Demagnetization during generator mode of operation could yield
significant power losses through the freewheeling diodes due to the large forward
voltage drop across the diode coupled with the large operating current.
This converter can also be operated with soft-switching and hard-switching strategies.
Soft-switching again has three modes of operation: magnetization, freewheeling and
demagnetization, while hard-switching has only magnetization and demagnetization as
discussed previously with the asymmetrical converter. The main difference is that the
desired phase winding becomes active when the SCR is turned on (Phase 1 by SCR1 and
Phase 2 by SCR2 as illustrated in Figure 3.4). The operation of Phase 1 is illustrated
graphically in Figure 3.4 and Phase 2 operates in the same manner when SCR2 becomes
Figure 3.4: The shared-phase winding converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b)
Energization mode. (c) Freewheeling mode. (d) Forced demagnetization mode
• SCR gate drive circuits would increase the component count and therefore drive
costs, while also increasing complexity with the requirement for gate drive
circuit isolation.
• Current overlap is not possible between phase winding within the same half-
Figure 3.5: The shared switch converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Energization
mode. (c) Freewheeling mode. (d) Forced demagnetization mode
This converter can also implement soft-switching and hard-switching strategies in the
same fashion as with the asymmetrical half-bridge converter. The operation of phase 1
is illustrated in Figure 3.5, while phase 2 operated in the same way except the Q3 and D3
are now active devices instead of Q1 and D1.
The benefits of this converter are greater utilization of the power switches due to the
shared switch operation and the topology is applicable to two or more phases and has
fewer constraints on phase current overlap when the phase number is greater than four.
The main limitations of this topology are that there are restrictions on the current control
options during current overlap conditions. For phase count greater than or equal to four,
two or more phases can be operated independently but not all the phases can be operated
Figure 3.6: The full-bridge converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Energization
mode. (c) Freewheeling mode. (d) Forced demagnetization mode
indicated in Figure 3.6c. During demagnetization, Q3 and Q4 turn on and both Q1 and Q2
are off as shown in Figure 3.6d. During magnetization and freewheeling modes, Q3
operates as a synchronous rectifier, (Mohan 1995c) while both Q3 and Q4 operate as
synchronous rectifiers during demagnetization cycle of operation. The idealized
waveforms of control signals for all the switches in magnetization, freewheeling and
demagnetization modes of operation and phase winding voltage and current waveforms
are illustrated in Figure 3.7a for soft-switching and Figure 3.7b for hard-switching
Figure 3.7: Full-bridge converter modes of operation for both (a) soft switching – (I)
energization, (II) freewheeling and (III) demagnetization and (b) hard switching - (IV)
energization and (V) demagnetization
A delay period, called blanking time, is required between the switching on and off of Q1
and Q2 pair and Q3 and Q4 pair in order to prevent a short circuit of the power supply.
During the blanking period the diode in parallel with the switch conducts until the
power switch turns on.
The main advantages are the same as with the half-bridge converter but with improved
operational efficiency during freewheeling and demagnetization modes of operation
using synchronous rectification scheme, which is especially beneficial during generator
mode of operation. The mail limitation is again the same as with the half-bridge with
under utilization of the power switches being further exacerbated in the full-bridge with
the additional power switches. The additional cost of the extra gate drive circuits for the
additional power switches must be taken into account.
Figure 3.8: The parallel C-dump converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b)
Magnetization mode (c) and (d) Freewheeling with energy recovery mode. (e) and (f)
Demagnetization with energy recovery mode
There are three distinct mode of operation: magnetization, freewheeling with energy
recovery and demagnetization with energy recovery. During magnetization, the supply
voltage is applied to the phase winding when Q1 is turned on as indicated in Figure
3.8b. When the phase winding current exceeds a predetermined threshold, switch Q1
turns off and forward biasing diode D1 to allow the current to freewheel and charge the
capacitor, Cd as indicated in Figure 3.8c. This has the effect of reducing the phase
winding current below the reference value. During the next magnetization cycle of the
switch, Q1, a feedback control circuit varies the duty cycle of the energy recovery
switch, Qr, to regulate the voltage across the dump capacitor by transferring energy from
the capacitor to the dc source and the inductor, Lr, as indicated Figure 3.8d. This cycle
of energization, freewheeling and energy recovery is repeated during the conduction
period of the phase winding. At commutation, the demagnetization begins when the
switch, Q1, turns off and the energy in the machine is partially transferred to the dump
capacitor as indicated in Figure 3.8e and the voltage across the capacitor increases. The
voltage difference between Vo and Vs is impressed across the phase winding and the
current decays rapidly to zero. The voltage across the dump capacitor is regulated by
controlling the duty cycle of the energy recovery switch, Qr, as indicated in Figure 3.8f.
The waveforms for the C-dump converter during the complete cycle of operation are
shown in Figure 3.9.
Figure 3.9: Waveforms for the C-dump converter with energy recovery circuit
The main advantage of this converter is the ability to have independent phase control
with the minimum number of switches. The main disadvantage is that demagnetization
voltage is limited due to it being the difference in the voltage across the dump capacitor
and the supply voltage. Additional losses are incurred in the energy recovery circuit
resulting in a decrease in the efficiency of the motor drive. Failure of the energy
recovery circuit can lead to uncontrollable charging of the dump capacitor yielding
catastrophic results. The circuit shown in Figure 3.8 is a parallel C-dump converter,
while it is also possible to have a series C-dump converter as illustrated in Figure 3.10a
and this circuit allows for the dump capacitor to be rated at the demagnetization voltage
and not the demagnetization voltage plus the supply voltage as is the case with the
parallel C-dump. A further modification of the C-dump circuit is provided in Figure
3.10b (Mir 1997). This revised circuit reduces the VA rating of the power switches and
the voltage rating of the dump capacitor. A freewheeling mode of operation is possible
with this revised configuration.
Figure 3.10: Variations of the C-dump converter circuit, (a) the series C-dump
converter, (b) the modified C-dump converter
Qa Qa
Q1 Q1
+ Da D1 + Da D1
_ - _ -
La La -
VCb Cb Phase VCb Cb
Vphase Phase
+ +
(a) (b)
Qa Qa Qa
Q1 Q1 Q1
+ Da D1 + Da D1 + Da D1
_ - _ - _
+ - -
La VCb + La VCb
VLa Cb VLa La VCb Cb
+ Vphase Phase +
Phase Phase
- + +
(c) (d) (e)
Figure 3.11: The buck-boost converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Magnetization
(c) Demagnetization (d) Charging of Cb with Qa turned on (e) Charging of Cb with Qa
turned off
The most significant advantage of the buck front end allows for the input voltage to be
greater than the dc source voltage to accelerate current buildup in the phase winding,
which is especially useful in generator mode as rapid current build up is required in the
phase winding near rotor and stator pole alignment. Another advantage is the each phase
can be controlled independently of the other even though there is only one switch per
machine phase. The main disadvantages are extra circuit complexity and the higher
voltage rating requirement for the power switches, the voltage across Q1 is VCb, while
the voltage across Qa is VCs plus VCb.
There are a number of other voltage boosting circuits including: (a) parallel dc-link
voltage-boosting converter (top) and series dc-link voltage-boosting converter (bottom),
are shown in Figure 3.12a (Barnes 1998). The boost capacitor in the dc-link voltage-
boosting converters increases the turn on and turn-off voltage applied for part of the
motoring stroke. The auxiliary rail boost converter is shown in Figure 3.12b (Hava
1992), parallel (top) and series (bottom). In these circuit the auxiliary voltage boost
capacitor, Cb, is switched in and out of the energization cycle using the switch, Qb, and
diode, Db. The sequential boost converter is shown in Figure 3.12c (Le-Huy 1990).
This circuit is similar to the series auxiliary rail boost converter but has a boost
capacitor and blocking diode per phase winding. The variable dc-link converter is
illustrated in Figure 3.12d (Krishnan, 2001). Here the switch, Qc, the diode, Dc, the
inductor, Lc, and the capacitor, Cc, form a step-down switching power stage. This stage
varies the input dc source voltage to obtain the desirable input voltage to the machine
Figure 3.12: (a) Parallel dc-link voltage-boosting converter(top) and series dc-link
voltage-boosting converter (bottom), (b) Auxiliary rail boost converter, parallel (top)
and series (bottom) (c) Sequential boost converter (d) Variable dc-link converter
Figure 3.13: The Split dc converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Magnetization
mode. (c) Demagnetization mode
The main advantage is this circuit achieves the capability of having one switch per
phase without adding extraneous passive components and still achieves significant
control flexibility and efficiency. The main limitation is the requirement for balancing
the charge across the dc link capacitors, C1 and C2, which requires an even number of
machine phases. Additionally, the balancing of energy flow in the capacitors results in
some loss in the independent control of the phase windings. Another disadvantage to
this configuration is that only half of the supply voltage is applied to the phase winding
during magnetization and demagnetization, decreasing dynamic response of the current
control loop and reducing the maximum motoring speed capability.
The boost capacitor voltage must be kept within a narrow band. The minimum voltage
is determined by the demagnetization requirements and this value also determines all
switch and boost capacitor voltage ratings. Low speed operation requires PWM current
control and alternates between state one and state four. State three is only implemented
at very low speed when time is not critical. During state four, the switch, Qa, must
remain off until the phase winding current has decayed to zero. The main advantage of
this configuration is the low component count and that the four possible states allow
additional motor control freedom. The main limitation is the complex control required to
implement the four states. There are also additional power losses through the energy
recovery circuit.
Figure 3.15: The Sood converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Magnetization from
Vs. (c) Magnetization from boost capacitor (d) Demagnetization through freewheeling
(e) Demagnetization by charging the boost capacitor
3.4.1 Bifilar Converter
This configuration uses one switch and one diode per phase and using a bifilar-wound
SRM with closely coupled primary and secondary windings to regenerate the stored
magnetic energy to the source [(Krishnan 2001) and (Ray 1979)]. The switch is in series
with the primary winding, while the diode is in series with the secondary winding as
illustrated in Figure 3.16a.
Q1 VQ1 D1 Q1 D1 Q1 D1
Figure 3.16: The bifilar converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Magnetization state
(c) Demagnetization state
Figure 3.17: Waveforms for the bifilar converter circuit
The main advantage is the component count is low due the use of the magnetic recovery
winding. The main drawback is that the bifilar winding is not economical for large
motors. The voltage across Q1 at turn off is VS + aVS, where ‘a’ is the turns ratio
between the primary and secondary winding, requiring the switch to have a higher
voltage rating that consequently results in greater power losses. Another limitation is
that the coupling is never perfect and snubber circuits are required to limit the transient
voltages. This adds cost and complexity to what is otherwise a simple configuration.
The bifilar winding also decreases the efficiency of the system due to the poor copper
utilization from the reduced winding area available for the main winding. Soft-switching
is not possible as there is no freewheeling condition.
Figure 3.18: The auxiliary winding converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b)
Magnetization state (c) Freewheeling state (d) Demagnetization to auxiliary winding
and to dc-link
The main advantages are that the magnetic energy is recovered in the auxiliary winding
and therefore increases the performance of the system. Another benefit is that current is
allowed to rapidly build up in the phase winding using the stored magnetic energy of the
auxiliary winding. This circuit also allows for soft-switching capability. The main
disadvantage is the extra cost for an SRM with the auxiliary winding.
3.5 Dissipative Converters
As the name suggests, these converters do not recover the magnetic stored energy in the
phase winding, but instead dispel all the energy. The most fundamental type of
dissipative converter is the R-dump converter (Barnes 1998) (Krishnan, 1990). It has
two variants known as the decay type converter and a modified version of the decay
Figure 3.19: The R-dump converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Magnetization
state (c) Demagnetization to the dump resistor, Rd
During magnetization, the switch, Q1, turns on and current flows in the phase winding
as illustrated in Figure 3.19b. The demagnetization commences when Q1 turns off and
the phase current freewheels through the diode, D1, charging the capacitor, C1, and later
flows through the dump resistor, Rd as shown in Figure 3.19c. The detailed waveforms
for the circuit operation are provided in Figure 3.20.
Figure 3.20: Waveforms for the R-dump converter circuit
At low power levels, the simplicity, low cost and low semiconductor component count
of the converter may outweigh the loss in drive efficiency. Another advantage is that
only grounded gate drive circuits are required, which further reducing converter costs.
The main limitation is that this type of converter is impractical for high power
applications as the dissipation of stored energy would substantially reduce the drive
efficiency. Other limitations are that the negative voltage drop tends to decrease as
current decreases, and the inability to apply zero volts across the voltage winding during
current conduction.
There are two variations on the R-dump circuit; the first provides a switch, Qa, in
parallel the dump resistor as illustrated in Figure 3.21a (Barnes 1998). This circuit is
called the decay converter and it provides for a zero-voltage loop and therefore the
possibility of soft-switching operation. Another version of the decay circuit adds
another switch, Qb, and diode, Db, and this allows for one voltage loop to operate in
freewheeling mode, while another phase is in demagnetization mode as shown in Figure
3.21b (Barnes 1998).
Figure 3.21: (a) Static view of the decay converter. (b) The modified version of a dual
decay converter
Figure 3.22: The series resonant converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b)
Magnetization state (c) Demagnetization to the dump resistor, Rd
Figure 3.23: (a) The ZVT PWM converter, (b) and the AQRDCL converter
The AQRDCL converter uses a resonant circuit to allow for the transition of the main
switches to occur at zero volts to further reduce switching losses. The main limitations
are the additional conduction losses in the resonant circuit switches and limitations in
independent control of the phases due to the zero voltage switching.
Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
D1 D2 D1 D2 D1 D2
ph1 ph2 ph1 ph2 ph1 ph2
D3 D4 D3 D4 D3 D4
Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4
Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2 Q1 Q2
D1 D2 D1 D2 D1 D2
ph1 ph2 ph1 ph2 ph1 ph2
D3 D4 D3 D4 D3 D4
Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4 Q3 Q4
Figure 3.24: The H-bridge converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Stage1
(c) Stage 2 (d) Stage3 (e) Stage 4 (f) Stage5
The magnetic energy recovery converters that require an SRM with a bifilar or auxiliary
winding can be eliminated as the SRM that is used in this application is not of this type.
As efficiency is of critical importance, the dissipation converter topologies are not
suitable as the power requirements for the SRM are quite large. Of the bridge converter
topologies, the shared switch converter is also unsuitable as the conduction losses in the
switching device in series with the phase winding would have a significant effect on
efficiency. Independent control of phase windings during motoring and generating
modes of operation prohibits the use of the shared winding, the shared switch, the split-
dc, and the H-bridge converters.
Minimising circuit complexity and therefore the converter cost is also an important
consideration, so the resonant converters, the auxiliary and the sequential converters are
eliminated for this reason, as the component count is high in these converters. The series
and parallel dc-link converters are also eliminated due to the circuit complexity, as these
circuits have essentially a voltage boost front end on a bridge converter. The AQRDCL
converter is also be ignored for the same reasons as the dc-link converters above but
also due to the reduced efficiency incurred by the passive components in the resonant
circuit outweighing the theoretical zero switching losses under resonant operation The
C-dump is discarded mainly on the grounds of circuit complexity contributing to extra
converter costs and there are additional losses due to energy recovery circuit. The Sood
converter is discarded due to the potential costs of implementing the complex control
may outweigh the reduced component count.
Chapter 4 - Preliminary Analyses
In order to design an efficient converter for SRM motoring and generating modes of
operation, power switching components were selected and evaluated to maximise
efficiency and reliability and minimise cost. To identify suitable components to
evaluate, the operating conditions were first defined in which these devices needed to
function. The efficiency of the components and the converter configuration options
were then determined through power analysis. The components were first evaluated on
the half-bridge converter and then on the full-bridge converter. The MOSFET reverse
recovery times were evaluated through simulation and experimental analysis in order to
evaluate worse-case operation for implementation as synchronous rectifiers in the full-
bridge converter. The most efficient converter configuration was determined during this
assessment and the final selection was matched with the optimum components for this
The performance conditions in this situation are the modes and speeds at which the
SRM operates as an automotive ISG; these modes are: starting, low speed motoring,
low speed generating and high speed generating. The speed range for each mode
determines the conducting periods and the duty cycles of operation for the switching
devices, and the voltage and current requirements.
The application also determines the operating environment that is encountered by the
converter and therefore by the switching devices, which includes temperature extremes
and cycles and varying levels of vibration.
The automotive electrical parameter limits defined the voltage and current limits used to
specify and completely evaluate the switching components. Safety margins were
defined for the voltage and current ratings. Limits were provided for other parameters
including MOSFET on-resistance, diode forward voltage, reverse recovery time, trr, of
diodes and synchronous rectifier MOSFETs, and finally, for the case and junction
temperature limits. This allowed for the evaluation of different switching devices and
converter configurations in order to achieve the most efficient solution, and
consequently defined the requirements for the heat sinks, gate drive circuitry, filter
capacitors and the choice and configuration of the high current conductors.
Type Power range Stall torque Current Efficiency Mass
1 0.8-1.0kW 11Nm 175A @ 5Nm 61% @ 5Nm 3.5kg
2 1.0-1.7kW 15-28Nm 160-220A @5Nm 71% @ 5Nm 2.6-3.2kg
3 1.7-2.5kW 36 - 42Nm 400A @ 15Nm 70% @15Nm 3.9-4.1kg
Type 1 starter for 4-cylinder petrol (1.0L to 1.6L) and diesel (up to 1.4L) engines
Type 2 starter for 4 to 8 cylinder petrol (1.4L to 4.0L) and diesel (up to 1.8L) engines
Type 3 starter for 4-cylinder diesel (up to 2.5L) engines
Table 4.2: Typical starter motor specifications for standard automobile
Starting is the primary motoring mode of operation for the ISG, typically in the engine
speed range of 100 – 200rpm for current vehicle engines with equivalent power
capabilities in the range of 0.8-2.5kW [(Bosch 2000), (Visteon 2005a), (Visteon 2005b)
and (Visteon 2005c)]. Low speed motoring applies to start-stop or idle-stop mode of
operation that would be in the range of 500 – 1000 rpm [(Service Tech Magazine 2001)
and (Albertoni, L et al 2003)]. Generating at low speed provides a reduced power
output, equivalent to the maximum power of 1.1kW – 2.1kW for current generators, and
operates at engine speeds in the region of 1000rpm – 2000rpm (Bosch 2008). High
speed generating is defined for an engine speed range of 2000 – 3000rpm and is capable
of providing up to 3.5kW as a standard generator or through regenerative braking. At
very high speeds, 3000-6000rpm, the ISG would be disabled to provide maximum
vehicle acceleration. It was assumed that the SRM rotor would rotate twice for each
engine revolution as this would utilize almost the full SRM speed range and provide
increased torque handling capability for the given ISG package size. The operating
speeds of the SRM for each mode of operation are illustrated in Table 4.4. An
illustration of a potential implementation of the ISG in an automotive environment is
shown in Figure 4.1 and a description of each mode of operation is provided in Figure
Specification Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Min. speed (rpm) 200 1000 2000 4500
Max. speed (rpm) 400 2000 4500 6000
ISG Converter Battery Power is supplied from the 36V
battery on starting and the ISG
Starting Solenoid Engine Transmission restarts the engine. A level of
propulsion assistance may also
be provides during this time
Aux. A/C, Power
steering, etc.
Normal 36V
ISG Converter Battery
driving The engine drive the vehicle. The
battery charge status is
(Low and high Solenoid Engine Transmission continuously monitored and the
speed amount of generation is
generating) controlled as required
Aux. A/C, Power
steering, etc.
Deceleration ISG Converter Battery The wheels of the vehicle drive
the ISG during deceleration
(Low and high Solenoid Engine Transmission activating regenerative braking.
speed Clutch
Some of the vehicle driving
energy is recovered to the battery
Aux. A/C, Power
steering, etc.
The ISG implementation would use a belt drive coupling system as illustrated in Figure
4.1 and the configuration is similar to systems what has been implemented by a number
of manufacturers [(Delphi 2008), (Visteon 2003) and (Teratani et al 2003)]. The ISG
would be part of a 42V power supply system that uses a 36V battery (Teratani et al
2003). This system would easily integrate into existing powertrain and would still
achieve the benefits of stop/start mode, regenerative braking and potentially launch
assistance. A solenoid clutch would be connected between the engine crankshaft and
crank pulley and would engage and disengage on command when the various operating
modes were implemented as illustrated in Figure 4.2.
Applications that have high power dissipation represent the greatest challenge to
electronic cooling systems design. Motor control electronic modules must be able to
operate in ambient temperatures up to 150oC. This provides a significant challenge to
the reliability of the design, especially considering the requirement for faultless
operation in all weather conditions for 10 years or more (Myers 2003).
The ambient temperature requirements for the converter in this application are defined
as –40oC to 100 oC by locating the converter low down and at the front of the engine to
maximise cool airflow or use water cooling to maximise heat transfer. The ambient
temperature experienced by the ISG during cold starting is defined to be -40oC to 45oC,
while during other modes of operation would experience the full temperature range. For
power analysis, the upper temperature is of greatest importance. The proposed worst-
case temperatures to be experienced by the converter under the different modes of
operation of the ISG are shown in Table 4.5 (at the end of section 4.1)
A typical circuit schematic for a single phase SRM converter is shown in Figure 4.4.
The duration over which a phase winding becomes active and repeats the cycle again is
defined in this application to be the conduction period. The active interval is then
defined to be the conduction duty cycle, DC. These definitions are illustrated for starting
and low speed motoring, low speed generating and finally high speed generating in
Figures 4.5a, 4.5b and 4.6, respectively.
Phase Winding
D1 Q2
74 Starting and low speed motoring
During starting and low speed motoring, it is assumed that current is flowing just before
and during the entire motoring cycle (region of positive dL/dθ) and for a short period
after alignment for demagnetisation as indicated by the interval θon, θ1, θ2 and θext in
Figure 4.5a. An ISG starting speed of 200rpm implies that one revolution takes
approximately 300ms. Since the SRM has 6 rotor poles, each phase is energised six
times for one complete revolution, which yields a conduction period of 50ms for each
SRM phase.
Figure 4.5: PWM current control for single phase operating at low speed.
(a) Motoring - Soft chopping (b) Generating - Hard chopping
It is assumed there is a maximum conduction duty cycle for motoring mode of 50%.
Therefore, the MOSFET, Q2, is on for 25ms with the switching frequency of the device
determined by the SRM operating speed, which under starting conditions is 20Hz
(50ms). The MOSFET, Q1, is pulse width modulated (PWM) at 25kHz - 50kHz,
depending on audible noise and allowable levels of component switching losses during
the commutation duty cycle in order to maintain the phase winding current at its set
point value. The PWM duty cycle varies in order to maintain the maximum phase
current and here it is assumed an average duty cycle value of 50%, which yields an
overall duty cycle for Q1 of 25%. The diode, D1, is on when Q1 is off, and vice versa as
part of the freewheeling cycle, yielding an overall duty cycle of 25%, but this device
also conducts during the demagnetisation cycle, which is assumed to be 10% duty cycle
at 20Hz. The diode D2 is only on during the demagnetisation of the phase winding and
therefore a 10% duty cycle at 20Hz can be assumed. These would be deemed as the
worst-case conduction duty cycles for the converter during starting operation. Low
speed motoring assumes the same duty cycles as starting but for a speed of 1000rpm.
The specific duty cycles and switching frequencies for each device are provided in
Table 4.5 (at the end of section 4.1) and a detailed graphical representation of the
current and voltage waveforms for each device is provided in Appendix A.
Low speed generating requires current regulation as the magnitude of the back-emf is
smaller than the combined magnitude of the applied voltage and resistive voltage drop
below the base speed. The SRM low speed generating range is defined where back emf
is greater than 0.333 of the DC link voltage and less than the value of the DC link
voltage and therefore the rotor speed is greater than 0.333 of the base speed but less
than the base speed (Miller 2001).
Low speed generating uses hard-chopping PWM current regulation and that implies that
all devices are operating at the same PWM frequency with the average duty cycle
assumed to be 50%. This points to an overall duty cycle of 25% for all the devices over
the conduction period. D1 and D2 are on for an additional 10% for demagnetization.
The specific duty cycles and switching frequencies for each device are provided in
Table 4.5 (at the end of section 4.1) and a detailed graphical representation of the
current and voltage waveforms for each device is provided in Appendix A.
At the base-speed, the generating current is approximately constant due to the source
voltage being approximately equal to the back-emf. The source voltage is 42Vdc during
generating at an ISG operating speed range of 4500rpm – 6000rpm and consequently
provides maximum generating power capability over normal automotive engine cruising
speed. The generator output is assumed to be disabled above 6000rpm.
The worst case high speed generating occurs for 42Vdc at 4500rpm and the worst case
duty cycles are 40% in motoring mode and 30% in generating mode and a further 10%
for demagnetisation. The switching frequencies and associated duty cycles for the
switching devices at 4500rpm are provided in Table 4.5 (at the end of section 4.1) and a
detailed graphical representation of the current and voltage waveforms for each device
is provided in Appendix A.
Figure 4.6: Single pulse control for single phase generating at high speed
4.1.5 Automotive Electrical Parameter Limits
As noted previously, a 36Vdc battery is used in this 42Vdc power supply system
[(Service Tech Magazine 2001) and (Teratani et al 2003)]. According to the SRM
specifications [(Motion System Tech 2002) and (Chapmore Controls Ltd. 2007)], the
peak power capability is 5900W at 6000rpm at the rated voltage of 42Vdc, which
implies a peak current, Im, of 140A.
Based on the above criteria, it is possible to define the electrical requirements at the
various engine speeds. Under cold starting conditions the available battery voltage is
36Vdc, which assuming a peak current capability of 140A available to the SRM phase
winding during initial engine start-up. During SRM low speed motoring for start-stop
operation, it is assumed that up to 42Vdc is available and the current values are the
same as start-up. During low and high speed generating, the peak voltage and peak
current are assumed to be 42Vdc and 140A, respectively.
A safety margin was assumed for all specifications. With an operating voltage of
42Vdc, and assuming a safety margin of 50%, a minimum voltage rating of 63Vdc is
required for the power semiconductors. The peak operating current rating is 140A, and
assuming a safety margin of 25%, this yields a peak current rating of 175A. The on-
resistance of all MOSFETs and the forward voltage of the diodes must be as low as
possible in order to maximise efficiency. The reverse recovery time, trr, specification of
120ns is based on the average value from the ten most suitable diodes available that
meet the voltage and current specifications [(Microsemi 2004), (International Rectifier
1997), (IXYS 2003), (STMicroelectronics 2004), (Fairchild 2002b)]. The case
temperature of a power semiconductor can range from 90oC to 110oC in practice
(International Rectifier 2005a). An upper value of case temperature was used in this
application. A summary of the electrical requirements is given in Table 4.5.
ISA Function Starting Low speed motoring Low speed generating High speed generating
Voltage (VS) 36 42 42 42
PeakCurrent (A) 140 140 140 140
PeakCurrent (A) per Switch 140 140 140 140
Avg Current (A) 77 77 77 77
Avg Current (A) per Switch 77 77 77 77
Peak Power (W) 5040 5880 5880 5880
Avg Power (W) 2772 3234 3234 3234
ISA Speed (rpm) 200 1000 2000 4500
Rev/Sec 3.33 16.67 33.33 75
Period/Rev (ms) 300 60 30 13.3
Rotor Pole 6 6 6 6
Pole Period (ms) 50 10 5 2.2
Frequency (Hz) 25000 20 25000 100 25000 200 450 450
Dudy Cycle - Q1 25% 25% 25% 40%
Dudy Cycle - Q2 50% 50% 25% 40%
Dudy Cycle - D1 25% 10% 25% 10% 25% 10% 30% 10%
Dudy Cycle - D2 10% 10% 25% 10% 30% 10%
1. Maximum ambient temperature in all cases (TA ): 90 C 8. Heat Spreader length: 0.05 m
2. Maximum semiconductor case temperature (TC): 110 C 9. Heat Spreader width: 0.025 m
3. Maximum semiconductor junction temperature (TJ): 110 C 10. Heat Spreader depth: 0.016 m
Since the SRM is capable of efficiency levels greater than 90% (Chapmore Controls
Ltd. 2007), it is imperative that the converter circuit be equally efficient in order to
maximise the advantages of this motor configuration. The analysis was conducted on
three converter configurations: asymmetric half-bridge converter, the full-bridge
synchronous rectifier converter with single components and the same full-bridge
configuration with a number of switching components mounted in parallel, as illustrated
in Figure 4.7(a), (b) and (c) respectively. The first case for analysis consists of two
MOSFETs and two diodes per phase winding, while in the second case the diodes are
replaced with MOSFETs to implement synchronous rectification. In the third and final
case each MOSFET is replaced with a number of lower current rated MOSFETs
connected in parallel and is defined as the parallel configuration.
Figure 4.7: (a) Asymmetric half-bridge converter, (b) full-bridge synchronous rectifier
converter with single components and (c) full-bridge synchronous rectifier with
switching components mounted in parallel
The power analysis was implemented for motoring operation at two speeds, 200rpm and
1000rpm, and for generating operation at two speeds, 2000rpm and 6000rpm. Detailed
power calculations are presented for the starting speed (200rpm) of the asymmetrical
half-bridge converter, while the power calculations for the other speeds were
implemented using spreadsheet program. Appendix A provides a complete analysis of
the switching waveforms for each component of the asymmetrical half-bridge converter
and the full-bridge synchronous rectification converter for each converter mode
(magnetisation, freewheeling or demagnetisation) and at each ISG mode of operation
(starting, low speed motoring, low and high speed generating) and was used to select
the relevant equations for the power calculations, while the parameter values for each
component is provided in Table 4.5 at the end of section 4.1. A summary of the
efficiency calculations for all three converter configurations and suitable component
options for all ISG modes of operation is provided in Table 4.9 (at the end of section
4.2) and the full power analysis results are provided in Appendix B. The most efficient
components were then evaluated for reverse recover time specification under simulated
conditions. Short-listed components from the simulation study were electrically tested
in order to determine final selection.
The power dissipation of the MOSFET, Q1, consists of conduction losses and switching
losses. The conduction losses depends on the value of its on-resistance (RDS(ON)) and
this value must be derated by the on-resistance temperature coefficient. The on-
resistance temperature coefficient for maximum junction temperature was assumed to
be the worst-case condition. A summary of the relevant data from the component
specifications (Advanced Power Technology 2004) and operating conditions to
implement the power analysis that follows is provided in Table 4.6. It was assumed that
the worst case rise (tr) and fall (tf) times of the MOSFET to be 10 times greater than the
value in the specifications as a rule of thumb (Sweeney 2002). The power analysis for
Q1 and Q2 under ISG starting mode of operation is implemented according to the
analysis described in section A3 of Appendix A.
RDS(ON) 11mW
thermal coefficient for RDS(ON)at TJ = 150oC 2.25
RDS(ON) at TJ = 150oC, RDS(ON)HOT 25mΩ
tr 50ns
tf 100ns
Worst case tr, tr(wc) 0.5µs
Worst case tf, tf(wc) 1µS
trr 500ns
Peak current, Im 140A
Minimum switching frequency, fs(Q1) 25kHz
Switching duty cycle (DSW) 25%
Commutation duty cycle (DCOM) 50%
Commutation frequency (Starting), fs(Q2) 20Hz
Demagnetisation duty cycle (DDM) 10%
VDS(Q1) = VDS(Q2) = VDC 36V
V(D1) = V(D2) = VF 1.8V
Table 4.6: Component specifications and operating conditions for power analysis
I RMS (Q1) = I m DSW (4.4)
I RMS ( Q1) = 70 A
PC ( Q1) = 121W
The switching transition power losses are:
VDS ( Q1) * I m
PS ( Q1) = * (t r ( wc ) + t f ( wc ) ) * f s ( Q1) (4.5)
PS ( Q1) = 95W
Total power dissipation for this device, PT(Q1), is the sum of the conduction losses,
PC(Q1), and the switching losses, PS(Q1).
PT(Q1) = 216W
The power dissipation of the MOSFET, Q2, consists of conduction losses and switching
losses. In this case, the commutation duty cycle, DC, is 50% and the switching losses
also occur at the commutation frequency, fs(Q2), of 20Hz, otherwise the component data
is the as in Table 4.4. The conduction power losses are determined as follows:
I RMS ( Q 2 ) = 99 A
PC (Q 2 ) = 243W
PS (Q 2 ) = 76mW (negligible)
Total power dissipation for this device, PT(Q2), is the sum of the conduction losses,
PC(Q2), and the switching losses, PS(Q2).
PT(Q2) = 243W
The losses of the diode, D1, occur in two regions: (I) freewheeling and (II)
demagnetisation. A summary of the relevant data from the specifications (ST
Microelectronics 2004) and the operating conditions to implement the power
calculations is provided in Table 4.7. The power analysis for D1 and D2 under starting
speed of operation was implemented according to the analysis from Appendix A.
Table 4.7: Component specifications and operating conditions for power analysis
(I) Freewheeling
The conduction power losses during freewheeling, PCF(D1), are determined as follows:
The switching transition power losses during freewheeling, PSWF(D1), are determined as
PSF ( D1) = Qrr ( D1) *V R * f sw (4.8)
(I) Demagnetisation
The conduction power losses during demagnetisation, PCDM(D1), are determined as
I m ( D1) = 0.5 * I m (4.9)
The current waveform during demagnetisation is of a triangular shape; therefore the
output current is approximately half during this interval.
I m ( D1) = 70 A
PCDM ( D1) = 13W
Total power dissipation for this device, PT(D1), is the sum of the conduction losses,
PCF(D1), and switching losses, PSWF(D1), during freewheeling, and the conduction losses
PCDM(D1), and switching losses, PSWDM(D1), during demagnetisation.
PT(D1) = 76W
The power dissipation of the diode, D2, only occurs during demagnetisation, which is
be the same as for the D1 during demagnetisation. Therefore the total power loss for
this device is:
PT(D2) = 13W
The power loss for the single phase, PT(SP), during starting is the sum of the total power
losses incurred by each device.
PT(SP) = 550W
86 Efficiency during starting mode
The efficiency during starting mode of operation is implemented as described in A2 of
Appendix A. The power transfer occurs in two regions (I) magnetisation and (II)
demagnetisation as indicated in Figure 4.8.
θon θ1 θ2 θext θ3 θ4 θs θ
t1 t2
t0=0 D1TS t3 = TS t
Figure 4.8: Phase winding voltage and current waveforms during starting and low
speed motoring
(I) Magnetisation
During the interval t0 – t1, the current is constant with a peak value, Im, of 140A and the
voltage is a square wave and has a peak value, VS, of 36Vdc and a duty cycle, D1, of
50%. The equation for the average power during demagnetisation (PM) that was
determined in Appendix A is defined as:
PM = 0.5I mV S D1 (4.12)
PM = 1260W
(II) Demagnetisation
In the interval t1 – t2, the voltage is constant with a peak value, -VS, of -36Vdc the
current is approximated by a triangular wave and has a peak value, Im, of 140A and a
duty cycle, D2, of 10%. The equation for the average power during demagnetisation
(PDM) is:
PDM = − 0.5VS I m D2 (4.13)
The power transfer is from the phase winding to the battery so the average power during
demagnetisation is:
PDM = 252W
Pphase = 1512W
Therefore the efficiency for the converter phase during starting mode of operation is
η= (4.16)
Pphase + PT ( SP )
η = 73%
The power analysis calculations were repeated for low speed motoring, low speed
generating and high speed generating as described in A.2 of Appendix A and the results
generated using a spreadsheet program and the efficiency results for each speed of
operation are provided in Table 4.9 at the end of section 4.2, while the detailed power
analysis calculations are provided in Appendix B. From the results, it can be seen that
the efficiency for this configuration was < 90% and was therefore not suitable for the
For the sack of completeness, a power analysis study was implemented on this
configuration. The power calculations follow the procedure described in A.3 of
Appendix A. The efficiency calculations are provided for each speed of operation in
Table 4.9, while the detailed power analysis is provided in Appendix B. As can be seen
from the results in Table 4.9, this implementation is less efficient than the asymmetric
half-bridge configuration. This is due to Q3 having significant conduction power losses
that do not occur with the diodes in the asymmetric half-bridge configuration. Therefore
this scheme is not suitable on two counts, poor efficiency and reverse recovery time.
The analysis follows the same procedure as the full-bridge synchronous rectification
configuration for the Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 as described in A.3 of Appendix A. The current
through each device was evaluated for different numbers of devices in parallel. The
power loss for the single-phase converter is the sum of the component power losses
multiplied by the number of devices in parallel. The number of devices evaluated in
parallel was two and four in order to determine the minimum quantity required to meet
the efficiency specification of ≥ 90%. The specifications for the most suitable devices
[(Fairchild 2002a), (Fairchild 2003), (Fairchild 2004), (Infineon 2003), (Philips 2002)
and (Philips 1999)] are provided in Table 4.8 and a detailed summary of the efficiency
results for each component is provided in Table 4.9. There were no suitable components
from International rectifier, On Semiconductor, ST Microelectronics, IXYS, APT,
Toshiba and Vishay. The complete analysis for each component is presented in
Appendix B.
Make & Model Vds Ids Rds(on) Rds(on) RthetaJC trise tfall trr Package
Fairchild (Vdc) (A) (mOhm) Derating ( C/W) (nS) (nS) (nS)
FDP047AN08A0 75 80 4.7 2.34 0.48 88 45 53 TO-220
FDH038AN08A1 75 80 3.8 2.67 0.33 141 126 50 TO-247
FDP060AN08A0 75 80 6 2.17 0.58 79 38 37 TO-220AB
SSP80N08S2L-07 75 80 7.1 1.83 0.5 81 78 100 TO-220
BUK7506-75B 75 75 5.6 2.1 0.5 56 48 86 TO-220AB
PSMN009-100W 100 100 9 2.78 0.5 100 100 80 TO-247
It can be seen from the results that only the Philips BUK7506-75B can satisfy the
specification (≥ 90% efficiency) for all ISG modes when 4 devices are used in parallel,
while the Fairchild FDP047AN08A0 and FDP060AN08A0 are marginal. The Fairchild
FDH038AN08A1, the Infineon SPP80N08S2L-07 and the Philips PSMN009-100W
failed for all device numbers and therefore this device was eliminated from further
evaluation. The actual number of switching devices that were implemented in parallel
was a trade off between efficiency, cost, heatsink capabilities, gate drive complexity and
cost. Two devices in parallel were deemed as sufficient to achieve the efficiency
specification and still retain a reasonably low level of circuit complexity and cost. The
selected components were then evaluated for reverse recovery time capabilities in order
to finalize the most suitable candidates.
Power Analysis Starting Low speed motoring Low speed generating High speed generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Classic Configuration
Efficiency (% ) 73 76 85 93
Efficiency (% ) 71 74 79 87
Parallel Configuration
Fairchild FDP047AN08A0
Efficiency (%)- 2 devices 86 87 87 97
Efficiency (%)- 4 devices 89 89 89 98
Fairchild FDH038AN08A1
Efficiency (%)- 2 devices 80 81 80 97
Efficiency (%)- 4 devices 82 82 81 98
Fairchild FDP060AN08A0
Efficiency (%)- 2 devices 86 87 88 96
Efficiency (%)- 4 devices 89 89 89 98
Infineon SPP80N08S2L-7
Efficiency (%)- 2 devices 79 80 80 95
Efficiency (%)- 4 devices 82 82 82 97
Phillips BUK7506-76B
Efficiency (%)- 2 devices 87 88 89 97
The test circuit for reverse recovery simulation is illustrated in Figure 4.12. The pulse
period was adjusted in order to obtain a forward current (IF) through the diode of 20A
and once the desired forward current is achieved, a reading was obtained for the reverse
recovery time (trr) and the maximum reverse recovery current (IRM). The resultant
waveforms trr and dif/dt are illustrated in Figure 4.13, respectively. The simulation
results for all the candidate devices are tabulated in Table 4.11.
4.3.2 Experimental Analysis
The test circuit for the reverse recovery electrical test is illustrated in Figure 4.14. The
pulse period was adjusted for a forward current (IF) of up to 20A and the readings taken
for forward current (IF), diF/dt, reverse recovery time (trr) and current (IRM) are tabulated
in Table 4.11. Examples of the reverse recovery time waveforms are included in Figure
4.15 for forward current (IF) and diF/dt and in Figure 4.16 for reverse recovery time (trr)
and current (IRM). From the results, it can be seen that all of the devices from Fairchild
Semiconductor are suitable for implementation in the converter. The reverse recovery
time of Infinion device is too high, while there was no simulation file available to test
the device from Philips Semiconductor. The Fairchild Semiconductor FDP047AN08A0
was selected for the circuit implementation due to component availability.
Q1 R Load
L Load
Figure 4.15: Reverse Recovery Electrical Test Waveform – IF
4.4 Summary
Component cost and efficiency are essential aspects of the converter design. The
switched reluctance motor has an efficiency value of over ninety percent, so the
converter must also operate at an equivalent level. The key element in the converter
design is keeping the switching component losses to a minimum. Significant
developments in MOSFET technology have enabled conduction losses to be reduced
significantly. The choice of switching frequency has a significant bearing on the
component losses to the point where these are the dominant losses. Therefore,
component power analysis is essential in determining if single components or multiple
components in parallel provide the optimum solution. From the implementation of the
power analysis, simulation study and electrical tests, the full bridge synchronous
rectifier converter with parallel switching devices offers the most efficient solution for
both motoring and generating operation. The implementation of a number of switching
devices in parallel requires careful consideration in order to obtain efficient and reliable
operation of the converter.
To evaluate the converters configurations and the associated switching components, the
operating conditions were defined in order to set limits for the converter operation. The
operating conditions were determined by the SRM specification and the application of
the machine as an ISG. The application specific conditions included the performance
conditions and operating environment for the ISG, the conduction periods and duty
cycles experienced by all the switching components under all converter modes
(magnetisation, freewheeling and demagnetisation) and ISG modes (starting, low speed
motoring, low and high speed generating), and the specific automotive electrical
parameter limits.
The full-bridge synchronous rectifier with two MOSFETs mounted in parallel provided
the best compromise of efficiency, cost and complexity for implementation with the
ISG under motoring and generating operation. The most efficient MOSFETs were
evaluated for reverse recovery time capability in order to minimise the possibility of
current shoot through during freewheeling mode of operation. The analysis was
implemented under simulated and experimental conditions and a device from Philips
(BUK7506-75B) was deemed the most acceptable component for this application and
two devices from Fairchild (FDP047AN08A0 and FDP060AN08A0) were deemed as
As can be seen from the power analysis computations in Appendix B, the power
dissipation of the switching devices during low speed generating is excessive. As low
speed generating occurs in the region from engine idle speed (1000rpm) up to engine
cruising speed (2000rpm), it would represent only a small contribution to the total
generating requirements. Generating at around engine idle speed would be rare when
the vehicle is operating in start/stop mode. Eliminating generating operation between
engine idle speed and engine cruising speed would be more efficient as this would
represent the region where vehicle acceleration would occur. Low speed generating is
therefore not considered beyond this preliminary analysis even though it is a
theoretically possible mode of operation.
Chapter 5 Converter Design
The previous chapter addressed the power losses in the switching components and
determined that a parallel component configuration is the most effective solution. This
chapter addresses the detailed design process for the converter. A detailed discussion is
presented on the implementation of the parallel component configuration and its
associated requirements. The heat sink design to determine the most appropriate heat
sink configuration for this application is described. Gate drive design is then addressed
incorporating the issues of blanking time and circuit isolation. The selection of the
appropriate value of filter capacitor is explained and a discussion on the high current
conductor configuration is included. Current sensor requirements are addressed and
finally the specifications for the prototype circuit layout are outlined.
Careful attention needs to be given to the thermal coupling when MOSFETs are
connected in parallel. Under steady state conditions the positive temperature coefficient
of the MOSFET on-resistance tends to equalize the current in parallel devices
(International Rectifier 2004a), (Gauen 1984) and (Mohan 1995). Although, this has
less of an effect under dynamic operation, it is still essential to have close thermal
coupling between devices to maintain junction temperature equilibrium (Gauen 1984)
and (Pelly 2004). Parallel devices should be mounted on the same heat sink and a
current derating of 20% is also required to account for variation in device
characteristics. The requirement for tight thermal coupling weighs against electrical
isolation and when a thermal barrier is placed between the individual devices it tends to
decouple the individual junction temperatures. Therefore, thermally conductive
insulator pads, placed directly at the cooling surface of a TO-220 or TO-247 device or
electrically isolated TO-220 and TO247 packages, are not ideal for parallel device
configuration (Pelly 2004). From this observation, the Fairchild Semiconductor device,
FDH038AN08A1, with its TO247 electrically isolated package was deemed unsuitable
for this application. The parallel devices should be mounted on a common heatsink. If
electrical isolation is required, the parallel devices can be mounted on a common
heatspreader to thermally couple the junctions. The isolation barrier is placed between
the heatspreader and the main heatsink as illustrated in Figure 5.1.
Figure 5.1: Using a heatspreader to provide thermal coupling between parallel devices
and electrical isolation with main heatsink.
The effect of stray collector, source and gate inductances can be significant when the
devices are connected in parallel. Stray collector inductance can lead to voltage
imbalance and overshoot conditions but it can be tolerated so long as it does not exceed
device ratings (International Rectifier 2004a). It can also affect the turn-on times by
dropping voltage at the collector. Stray source inductance must be balanced, especially
at high frequencies of operation, as it affects device turn-on times due to the
counteractive voltage drop slowing the rise of the gate voltage (International Rectifier
2004a). It can also lead to different turn-off times in devices causing excessive current
in some devices. Any significant levels of stray gate inductance can lead to dv/dt
induced device turn-on (International Rectifier 2004b).
illustrated in Figure 5.2a (Pelly 2004). Where switching losses are low due to switching
frequency and/or switching voltage is relatively low, the simple in-line layout illustrated
in Figure 5.2b can be used even though it is not electrically symmetrical.
Special attention also needs to be given to the gate drive circuitry implementation and
layout and to the prevention of parasitic oscillations. The gate drive circuit must
represent a stiff voltage source for rapid device turn-on and it must provide very low
impedance for fast device turn off in order to help negate some circuit imbalance
(International Rectifier 2004a), (Forsythe 1981), (Fairchild 1993) and (Gauen 1984). It
is also extremely important that the gate drive impedance is matched through careful
layout (Gauen 1984). Close symmetrical layout assists in matching the gate drive
impedances and minimising stray inductances (Gauen 1984).With the low impedance
paths created when using MOSFETs in parallel, parasitic oscillations can become a
significant problem. Individual gate decoupling resistors (10Ω – 20Ω) or ferrite beads
provide damping to prevent oscillations (International Rectifier 2004a), (Forsythe
1981), (Gauen 1984) and (Mohan 1995). Zenor diodes to protect the MOSFET gate
should be placed on the drive side of the gate resistor to prevent oscillations, while any
capacitors in the gate drive circuit can also lead to oscillations (International Rectifier
The following are the key areas that need to be addressed when implementing
MOSFETs in parallel:
• Close thermal coupling of parallel MOSFETs to prevent junction temperature
• Symmetrical component placement and layout with minimum length connection
paths in order to balance and minimise any stray circuit inductance.
• Gate drive circuit that represents a stiff voltage and has very low impedance.
• Individual decoupling resistors or ferrite beads on the MOSFET gates to prevent
5.2.1 Fundamentals
Three factors affect junction temperature: the sum of all thermal resistance from the
junction to the ambient environment (air, oil or water), the amount of heat to be
dissipated and finally the ambient temperature (Hill 2004). A schematic (Hill 2004) and
(Polyfet 2005) of the “equivalent circuit” for the thermal resistances is given in Figure
Thermal resistance, Rθ, is derived from the equation for energy flow from the higher
temperature end to the lower temperature end of a material as illustrated in Figure 5.4
and is determined from the formula (Mohan 1995)
Pcond = (5.1)
∆T d
Rθ = = (5.2)
Pcond λA
Where Pcond is the energy flow per unit time (W), λ is thermal conductivity (Wm-1oC-1),
A is the cross sectional area (m2), ∆T is the temperature difference, T2 – T1 (oC), d is the
length of material (m) and Rθ is defined as the thermal resistance. The units of thermal
resistance (Rθ) is degrees centigrade per watt (oCW-1).Aluminium is typically used in
heatsinks and has a thermal conductivity of approximate 220 Wm-1-oC-1 when 90% pure
(Mohan 1995), (Tillmann Steinbrecher 2005) and (Electrocomp 2003).
T2 A T1
Figure 5.4: Conduction of heat energy per unit time, Pcond, in a material
The type and size of heatsink can be determined from the following equation (Mohan
1995), (Hill 2004), (Wakefield 2005) and (Polyfet 2005):
Tj - Ta
R θs − a = − (R θj −c + R θc − s ) (5.3)
The above expression can also be used to determine the temperature at the different
locations in the heat flow path.
The predominant types of cooling strategies for power electronics are air (forced or
natural) or liquid. Air is favoured over liquid due to the complexities of the hardware
required to control and circulate liquid and the extra design effort and cost (Soule 2005).
The use of a fan with the heatsink provides additional cooling but valuable space is used
for the fan, fan mount, and air flow entry and exit. As fan speed increases the airflow at
higher speed generates two sources of noise: the moving fan and the friction of the air
moving between the cooling fins.
Heat dissipation is proportional to surface area of the device and the volume of fluid (air
or liquid) moving along the heat transfer surface (Bertrand 2003). A liquid cooled heat
sink can dissipate more heat with considerable less flow volume, maintain better
temperature consistency and generate less local acoustic noise (Soule 2005). Liquid
cooled heatsinks are also unaffected by elevation, which would be an important
consideration in the automotive environment. The surface area required for liquid
cooled heatsinks is much smaller than that required for air-cooled heatsinks.
There are a number of different schemes for implementing liquid cooled heatsinks
(Bertrand 2003) and these includes: embedded or pressed tube in aluminium plate,
expanded copper tube, gun-drilled plate, one-piece castings, direct cooling, bolted cold
plate and brazed cold plate. The embedded copper tube in aluminium cold plate
illustrated in Figure 5.5a (Aavid Thermalloy 2007a) provides the most cost effective
solution in a light package but with a possible lack of uniformity across the surface of
the plate and differences in thermal characteristics in double sided applications. The
brazed cold plate illustrated in Figure 5.5b (Aavid Thermalloy 2007b) provides the
highest performance and the most uniform cooling across the entire plate and can have a
very compact footprint that can facilitate double sided cooling.
Figure 5.5: (a) The embedded copper tube in aluminium cold plate, (b) brazed cold
5.2.2 System Description
The implementation of the converter in this application using MOSFETs in parallel
necessitates that the junction temperature of the devices also be equalised so good
thermal coupling is vital. In order to achieve this, the devices must be mounted on a
common heat sink and, if electrical isolation is required, a heat spreader or bus bar can
be used to thermally couple the junctions. An isolation barrier, called an electrically
isolated thermal conductor, can then be placed between the heat spreader and the main
heatsink (Pelly 2004). Illustrations of the side view and the top view for a possible
configuration are provided in Figure 5.6 and Figure 5.7, respectively.
Figure 5.6: Side view of air cooled converter mechanical assembly
Thermal conductor
Figure 5.8: Heat Flow Path for a Single Phase Converter
5.2.3 Determination of Rθs-a
In order to determine the thermal resistance requirement for heat sink-to-ambient path,
one needs to calculate the sum of thermal resistances from the junction-to-sink. The heat
flow path from junction-to-ambient for a single-phase converter, Rθj-a, (assuming device
number equals two) is shown in Figure 5.8. As there are parallel paths for heat flow, the
thermal resistance combine like electrical resistors in parallel (Mohan 1995). First, the
thermal resistance from the junction-to-heat spreader is determined for each component
from the sum of the thermal resistance junction-to-case, Rθj-c, and case-to-heat spreader,
Rθc-hs. Then the parallel sum of these thermal resistances is calculated for the selected
number of devices. The total thermal resistance in parallel is the thermal resistance for
the individual component divided by the number of devices in parallel (N) since the
thermal resistances are the same value (Mohan 1995) and (Fowler 1989). Next, this
value of thermal resistance is added to the value of thermal resistance for the heat
spreader-to-thermal conductor, Rθhs-tc, and the thermal conductor to the heat sink, Rθtc-s,
and this yields the thermal resistance junction-to-sink, Rθj-s, for each component group
(e.g. Rθj-s(Q1)). Finally, this step needs to be repeated for the other three component
groups (Q2, Q3 and Q4) and the parallel sum of the thermal resistances for the four
groups of components yields the converter phase thermal resistance junction-to-sink,
Rθj-s(Phase), when using a single heat sink for each phase. The thermal resistance sink-to-
ambient, Rθs-a, is then determined using equation 5.3. The revised equation to determine
the thermal resistance sink-to-ambient, Rθs-a, is:
Rθ j − c ( Device ) + Rθ c − hs
T j( max ) − Ta ( ) + ( Rθ hs − tc + Rθtc − s )
Rθ s − a = ( )− N (5.4)
PT ( SP ) 4
where PT(SP) is the total power dissipation of the MOSFETs from the single converter
phase, Ta, is the maximum ambient temperature of 45oC during ISG cold starting
conditions and Tj(max) is the maximum junction temperature experienced by the
MOSFETs (Q1-Q4) during that particular ISG mode of operation (starting, low speed
motoring and high speed generating).
The junction temperature, Tj, determined from the following equation.
where PT(device) is the total power dissipation for each of the MOSFETs devices (Q1-Q4)
from the single converter phase, Rθj-c is the thermal resistance for the TO-220 package
and Tc is the case temperature of 100oC. (Polyfet 2005)
In order to determine the thermal resistance sink-to-ambient, Rθs-a, the values of thermal
resistance had to be determined for the heat spreader and the electrically conductive
thermal conductor. The step-by-step process of calculating the thermal resistance values
under starting mode of operation is illustrated in section 5.2.4 and the results for this
and the other speeds during motoring and generating modes of operation are included in
Table 5.3. The table also includes results for different numbers of devices in parallel for
each component group and the effects of different ambient temperatures on the heat sink
selection process. The calculations were implemented using a spreadsheet program to
automate the heat sink analysis in order to evaluate the effects of different device
numbers in parallel (2 and 4), variations in ambient temperatures (45oC and 90oC),
using alternative types of thermal conductor materials and different sizes of heat
spreader. These calculations were implemented for each ISG mode of operation
(starting, low speed motoring and high speed generating). The specific objective of the
analysis was to determine the optimum heat sink selection (Rθs-a value). The detailed
analysis for each component is provided in Appendix C, while a summary of the results
is provided in Table 5.4.
allow sufficient area to attach electrical connections to the heatspreader/bus bar in order
to complete the connections for the full-bridge converter. These dimensions provide the
worse case sizing of the heat spreader to be used in this application. The thermal
resistance of the heat spreader, Rθhs-tc, is:
Rθ hs −tc = = 0.058 o CW −1
λA (5.6)
Rθ tc − s = = 0.135 o CW −1 (5.7)
The thermal resistance values for each product (Bergquist 2005), (Bergquist 2004) and
(Warth 2004) are given in Table 5.1. The Bergquist Sil-Pad 2000 provides the best
solution (Rθtc-s = 0.058oCW-1) for this application.
-1 o -1 o -1
Vendor Product Construction λ (Wm - C ) d(max) (mm) Rθtc-s ( CW )
Bergquist Sil-Pad 2000 Silicon/fiberglass 3.5 0.254 0.058
Bergquist Sil-Pad K10 Silicon/film 1.3 0.152 0.094
Warth K200 Silicon/fiberglass 1.3 0.22 0.135
Table 5.1: Sources of Thermally Conductive Insulators
110 Determination of junction temperature, Tj
The value of the junction temperature for Q1 during starting mode when using the
Fairchild Semiconductor FDP047AN08A0 is
T j = Tc + Rθ j − c PT (Q1 ) = ) 127 o C (5.8)
where PT(Q1) = 55W during ISG starting mode, Tc = 100oC and Rθj-c =0.48oCW-1. The
junction temperature determined for each device (Q1 - Q4) is provided in Table 5.2.
Device Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Tj ( C) 127 113 127 101
PT(device) (W) 55 27 57 2
Table 5.2: Calculated junction temperatures for each MOSFET (Q- Q4)
during ISG starting mode
Rθj-c (oCW-1) Rθc-hs (oCW-1) Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) Rθtc-s (oCW-1) Tj(max) (oC) Tc (oC) Ta (oC) N PT(SP) (W)
0.48 0.1 0.058 0.058 127 100 45 2 283
Rθj-c is the thermal resistance of the TO-220 package provided in the device data sheet
(Fairchild 1999), Rθc-hs is the thermal resistance of the heat sink compound (Wakefield
2008), Rθhs-tc is the thermal resistance of the heat spreader determined in section,
Rθtc-s is the thermal resistance of the thermal conductor determined in section, Tc
is the maximum case temperature of the MOSFET, Ta is the maximum ambient
temperature, and Tj(max) is the maximum junction temperature experienced by the
MOSFETs (Q1-Q4) during ISG starting mode, N is the number of devices connected in
parallel and PT(SP) is the total power dissipation of the single phase converter in ISG
starting mode. The thermal resistance sink-to-ambient, Rθs-a, is:
Rθ j −c ( Device ) + Rθ c− hs
T j (max) − Ta ( ) + ( Rθhs −tc + Rθtc − s )
Rθ s − a = ( )− N (5.9)
PT ( SP ) 4
= 0.19 o CW −1
The thermal resistance sink-to-ambient, Rθs-a, for the different initial conditions were
calculated in the automated spreadsheet program and a summary of the results is shown
in Table 5.4, while the detailed results for the thermal analysis calculations are provided
in Appendix C.
From Table 5.4, it can be seen that the Philips BUK7506-76B provides the most
suitable solution for this application but the Fairchild Semiconductor FDP047AN08A0
and FDP060AN08A0 are also acceptable. For the FDP047AN08A0, the worst-case
thermal resistance sink-to-ambient is 0.03 oCW-1 at Ta = 90oC and 0.17 oCW-1 at Ta =
45oC. It is possible to use a forced air-cooled heatsink for implementation in a
laboratory environment as Ta < 45oC. A suitable heatsink would be the HS Marston
890SP-01000-A-100 (HS Marston 2001), which provides a thermal resistance of
0.12oCW-1 when using an airflow rate of 22.2ls-1.
It can be seen in the detailed analysis provided in Appendix C that when using 2 devices
in parallel that the Tj ≈ 130oC during starting and low speed motoring while the Tj <
115oC when using 4 devices in parallel. The heat sink requirement is almost the same
for 2 or 4 devices in parallel under starting and lower speed motoring conditions but is
significantly lower for 4 devices under high speed generating conditions. Using 2
devices in parallel reduces cost and complexity but leads to a compromise of reduced
reliability for the components due to the higher junction temperatures experienced by
the devices.
Figure 5.9: Side view of water cooled heat sink
5.3 Gate Drive Design
The full-bridge synchronous rectifier with two MOSFETs mounted in parallel was used
in this application and is illustrated in Figure 5.10. It utilizes a high side switch
configuration (with the MOSFET drain connected to the voltage supply and the
MOSFETs source connected to the load) and this places specific requirements on the
gate drive circuit. To fully turn on the high side switch, the gate voltage must be higher
than the voltage supply, which is frequently the highest voltage in the system. The gate
voltage must be controllable from logic circuits which are normally referenced to
ground. The control signals need to be level shifted to the source of the high side
device, which in most cases swings between positive and negative voltage supplies. The
power absorbed by the gate drive circuitry should not significantly affect the overall
efficiency of the converter.
The gate driver can provide large peak output current that is acceptable for most
applications. However, when driving MOSFETs in parallel a current buffer may be
required to facilitate the necessary peak current levels. The implementation of a current
buffer is determined by the peak gate drive current requirement of the parallel
MOSFETs configuration.
A dead time period or blanking time needs to be provided between switching states of a
high and low side switch (e.g. Q1 and Q2 in Figure 5.10) in order to prevent current
cross conduction or shoot through condition. The gate driver provides almost no dead
time period (Clemente 1990), so a resistor diode network was placed on the gate driver
output to implement the additional dead time requirement.
Isolation of the logic control signals is required to protect the low voltage control logic
circuitry from the power switching circuits in the event of a fault condition. Isolation in
this application is achieved using optical isolators. The output of the optical isolators
and the gate drivers for all the switching groups (Q1 –Q4) for all converter phases would
be powered by a single isolated power supply.
Method Basic Circuit Main Features
Can be used to generate a gate voltage higher than
the supply voltage (Vs) controlled by a level
shifter or to “pump” the gate when device is on.
Charge Requires level shifting circuitry and turn on times
Pump or
too long for fast switching applications.
Low side Gate can be turned on for an infinite time period.
Oscillator device
Inefficiencies in voltage pumping circuit may
require more that two stages of pumping
The specific device selected for use in this application is the International Rectifier
IR2110 gate driver (International Rectifier 2005b) is illustrated in Figure 5.11
(functional block diagram) and Figure 5.12 (typical connection diagram). This device is
a high voltage and high speed gate driver with independent high and low side referenced
output channels. The floating high side channel is designed for bootstrap operation and
can drive a MOSFET that operates up to 600V. The input logic is TTL/CMOS
compatible down to 3.3V logic. The signals from the input logic are coupled to the
individual channels through high noise immunity level translators. The high side
channel is built into what is defined as an “isolation tub” that is capable of floating from
600V to -5V with respect to ground. This ‘tub’ floats at a potential of VS, which is
established by the voltage applied to VB. The gate charge for the high side MOSFET is
provided by the bootstrap capacitor, CB, which is charged by the VCC supply through the
bootstrap diode during the time when the device is off (assuming that VS swings to
ground during that time, which generally is always the case). As the capacitor is charged
from a low voltage source the power consumed to drive the gate is small.
Figure 5.11: Functional block diagram with lead definitions for the IR2110 gate driver
Figure 5.12: Typical connection diagram when using IR2110 gate driver
A number of issues need to be addressed when using the IR2110 gate driver including,
the selection of the bootstrap components (capacitor, CB, and diode, DB) and minimising
negative spikes at the high side floating supply pin, VS. Negative spikes are minimised
by reducing parasitic inductances through careful layout, discussed in section 5.7.2,
improved local decoupling by using low ESR capacitors in parallel with CB and
capacitor at low side supply (VCC to COM), selecting the gate resistor value to minimise
the amplitude to the negative spike.
The process of charging the gate is defined in three stages as illustrated in Figure 5.13
[(Dunn 2003) and (Barkondarian 2000)]. The first stage is the charging of the gate-
source capacitance, CGS, the gate-drain capacitance, CGD, or the Miller capacitance is
also charging but it is very low. Once CGS is charged up to the gate threshold voltage,
the device begins to turn on and the current ramps up to its full value. On reaching the
full current value, the drain-to-source voltage begins to collapse. It is at this point that
the gate voltage levels out due to the Miller capacitance being charged as the drain
voltage falls. When the drain voltage has fallen to its final level, the gate capacitance
(both CGS and CGD) is charged the rest of the way to the gate drive voltage.
Figure 5.13: (a) Gate capacitance model for MOSFET and (b) gate charge waveform
The gate charge value simplifies the calculation of the current required from the gate
drive circuit to turn on and turn off the MOSFET, as illustrated in equation 5.10 [(Dunn
2003), (Dunn 2004), (Barkondarian 2000), (Hussain 2002), (Dorf 1999), (Winters 2002)
and (Andreycak 1999)].
IG = (5.10)
where IG is the gate drive current, QG(tot) is the total gate charge for the MOSFET and ∆t
is either the turn on or rise time, tr, or the turn off or fall time, tf, for the MOSFET,
which are specified in the device data sheet. The rise and fall times and the total gate
charge specifications for the output devices determine the amount of gate drive current
to source or sink. The relevant specifications for all suitable MOSFETs for the
converter are provided in Table 5.5.
The power dissipated by the IR2110 gate driver is typically < 500mW (Clemente 1990)
and this would have a negligible effect on the overall converter efficiency. The power
dissipated to charge the device gate capacitance Qg(tot) whenever a capacitor is charged
or discharged through a resistor is defined by equation 5.11, [(Dunn 2003), (Dunn
2004), (Supertex 2001) and (Andreycak 1999)].
PG = Qg(tot) VG f (5.11)
where Qg(tot) is the total gate charge, VG is the gate voltage and f is the switching
frequency of 25kHz. The step by step calculation of the peak source and sink currents
for the Fairchild FDP047AN08A0 are provided in detail in the following section and the
results for all the devices are included in the Table 5.5. The gate voltage of 12V is
sufficient, as a greater value has little effect on reducing the on-resistance of the
MOSFET (Andreycak 1999).The peak source current and peak sink current are
determined as follows:
IG(turn on) = 3.14A
The power dissipated to charge the device gate and consumed by the gate drive circuitry
are determined as follows:
PG = 41.4mW
where Qg(tot) is the total gate charge provided in Table 5.5, VG is the gate voltage of 12V
and f is the switching frequency of 25kHz.
As can be seen from the results in Table 5.5, the current requirement for the MOSFETs
in parallel is significantly more than the IR2110 gate driver can provide so a high
current buffer was a requirement in this application.
This circuit can deliver 8A peak output current, has high input impedance and low
output impedance. When the input changes states the resistor, R1, limits the current
through Q1 and Q2 when both transistors are on for a few ns. The output stage formed
by Q3 and Q4 can be sized to suit the peak current demand and also corrects the logic
flow from the gate drive input to output. The truth table for the input, output and
transistor states is provided in Table 5.6.
Input Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Output
H Off On On Off H
L On Off Off On L
There is a delay in the turn on, due to the RC time constant formed by R1 and the input
capacitance of the output transistor, which is beneficial in providing a dead time in the
overall converter operation. The configuration as it is implemented in this application is
shown in Figure 5.15.
Figure 5.15: High and low side gate drive using the IR2110 gate driver and high
current buffer circuits
5.3.4 Determination of peak current for the buffer gate drive circuit
The calculation of the peak input gate drive current for the buffer circuit determines the
gate driver selection. When 12V (VG) is applied to the buffer input, the p-channel device
(Q1) turns off, the n-channel device (Q2) turns on and Q3 turns on and current flows into
the gate and thereby charges the gate capacitance. Therefore peak current requirement is
determined using the combined gate charge values for Q1 and Q2, and using either the
fall time of Q1 or the rise time of Q2, which ever is greater. The power dissipation is
determined from the following device data as illustrated in Table 5.7 [(Fairchild 2002a,
2004) and (Philips 2002)].
The peak source and sink current are determined using equation 5.10, while the power
dissipated to charge the gate drive capacitance is determined by equation 5.11. The
results are given in Table 5.8.
The gate driver circuit must source up to 1A and it must be capable of sinking 0.63A.
The IR2110 (International Rectifier 2005b) can sink and source 2A, so is suitable for
use in this application. The total power dissipation for the gate driver is ≈500mW
(IR2110 <500mW and buffer <5mW) and therefore has negligible contribution to the
overall converter power losses.
I qbs (max) I Cbs ( leak )
Qbs = 2Q g + + Q LS + (5.12)
f f
where Qg is the gate charge of high side MOSFETs, f is the frequency of operation,
ICbs(leak) is the bootstrap capacitor leakage current and QLS is the level shift charge
required per cycle which equals 5nC for the IR2110 (International Rectifier 2005b). In
order to minimise the amount of ripple on the high side gate voltage (VBS), the
minimum charge in the bootstrap was multiplied by a factor of 15 (rule of thumb)
(Adams 2004). The capacitor value is determined by the equation (Adams 2004):
C bs ≥ 15 (5.13)
VCC − V f − VLS − VMin
where Vf is the forward voltage drop across the bootstrap diode, VLS is the voltage drop
across the low side MOSFET (or load for the high side driver) and VMin is the minimum
voltage between VB and VS of the IR2110 gate driver.
The calculation for the bootstrap components is implemented step-by-step for the
Fairchild FDP047AN08A0 and the results are tabulated in Table 5.9. The gate charge
for the high side MOSFET was determined from the combination of the high side buffer
circuit and the two high side MOSFETs of the converter. The total gate charge values
for the devices are given in Table 5.7. On high side circuit activation, the charge (Qg)
must be supplied to the gates of Q2 and Q3 of the buffer circuit and the two parallel high
side MOSFETs of the converter and on deactivation, charge is only supplied to Q1 and
Q 4.
Q g (nC) I Cbs (leak) (µA) Q LS (nC)1 f (kHz) V f (V) V Min (V) V LS (V)2 V CC (V) I qbs(max) (nA)
293 3 5 25 0.875 13 0.5 15 230
assumes a worst case of 50% duty cycle
The minimum charge that needs to be supplied by the bootstrap capacitor is determined
from equation 5.12.
Qbs = 590nC
The bootstrap capacitor value is determined from equation 5.13. A 47µF 100V capacitor
was used in order to provide sufficient margin.
C bs ≥ 28µF
buffer circuit, while a 4.7Ω gate resistor was placed on each MOSFET in a parallel
configuration and was located as close as physically possible to the gate of the device.
Figure 5.16: Gate resistance vs. negative voltage spike amplitude and turn-off time
Figure 5.17: Full Bridge Converter
5.4 DC Source Capacitor Analysis
Essentially during magnetization and demagnetization, the full-bridge circuit mimics
the operation of a boost converter, while during freewheeling mode, it operates like a
buck converter during freewheeling operation. The dc source needs to have low internal
impedance for the instantaneous current and a large capacitor can provide this low
impedance path (Mohan 1995). It provides the regulated dc connection between the dc
source and the inverter (Krein 1998) and (Lander 1981). Selecting the dc source
capacitor requires knowledge of the general capacitor parameters, the specific
application requirements in order to determine the correct value for the application.
5.4.3 Determining Capacitance Value
The percentage voltage ripple on the dc source capacitor, CS, determines the actual
capacitor value. High speed generating defines the worst case cycle of operation for the
voltage ripple as the switching period is determined by the speed of the machine. It has
a minimum value of 2.2ms at 4500rpm. It is assumed that the capacitor voltage is
maintained at 42V maximum and that excess current is directed to the battery voltage
supply by QG as illustrated in Figure 5.18. All the ripple current through Q4 flows
through the capacitor. The shaded area in Figure 5.19 represents the charge ∆Q.
Therefore the peak-to-peak voltage ripple is represented by equation 5.15, which when
rearranged allows for the calculation of the capacitor as illustrated in equation 5.16
(Hart 1997).
∆VS = = = (5.15)
CS = (5.16)
The peak-to-peak voltage ripple in this application is assumed to be the dip in the dc
source voltage, VS. The percentage ripple, ∆VS /VS, on the dc source capacitor is defined
to be 10%, the duty cycle, D, for the magnetization period during high speed generating
is 40%, and the period, Ts, is 2.2ms. The resistance value, R, is determine from the
series resistance, ESR, of the electrolytic capacitor (typically > 25mΩ) (Epcos 2006),
the phase winding resistance of the SRM (typically 0.8mΩ) (Motion System Tech
2002), and the on-resistance of the MOSFETs (typically 4mΩ) (Fairchild 2004). Using
the above data, the value of dc source capacitor is determined to be 0.3F. This is quite a
large capacitor value and would add excessive cost to the overall system. As the
capacitor requires a voltage rating of 100Vdc (double the maximum power supply
value), the most cost effective device would be the 10,000uF capacitor. In order to
implement the converter with this device, the magnetisation duty cycles needed to be
limited at each speed of operation. Table 5.11 illustrates the magnetisation duty cycles
and percentage voltage ripple values for the various generating speeds of operation
when using this capacitor value. Ultimately, the capacitor selection is a compromise
between cost and acceptable performance limits.
Figure 5.18: Full-Bridge Converter with charging circuit
θ1 θon θ2 θ3 θoff θ4 θext Angle
& ∆Q
∆V S /V S (%) D (%) T s (ms) Speed (rpm)
5 25 0.04 2000
10 1 2.22 4500
20 3 2.22 4500
50 7 2.22 4500
10 2 1.67 6000
20 4 1.67 6000
50 10 1.67 6000
Table 5.11: Magnetization duty cycles and percentage voltage ripple values at various
generating speeds of operation when using a 10,000uF capacitor
either high side or low side configuration as illustrated in Figure 5.20. The high side
measurement is the preferred method, as it is less intrusive as long as the sense resistor
is small. The low side measurement is easier to implement but disrupts the ground path
of the load and this can cause noise problems in the system. In either case, the load
current, IL, is determined using the equation (Lepkowski 2003).
IL = (5.17)
The shunt resistor measurement scheme is inexpensive to implement but it requires
additional circuitry to improve signal quality and it has no electrical isolation (Mohan
1995) and (Lepkowski 2003). This scheme is impractical for use in circuits where the
current measurements are above 20A and has poor accuracy over a wide temperature
range (Dickinson 2002) and (Lepkowski 2003).
Figure 5.20: Shunt resistor measurement schemes, (a) High-side and (b) low-side
Figure 5.21: Current sensing transformer
There are two main techniques: open loop and closed loop (Dickinson 2002) and
(Lepkowski 2003). The open loop scheme amplifies the Hall generator voltage to
provide an output signal as illustrated in Figure 5.23a. Closed loop transducers uses the
output voltage of the Hall element to develop a secondary or compensation current in a
secondary coil as illustrated in Figure 5.23b. This secondary current in conjunction with
the secondary ratio generates a magnetic flux that is equal in magnitude but opposite in
polarity to the flux created in the primary current to yield a total flux of zero
(Lepkowski 2003).
Both techniques are suitable for measurement of dc, ac and complex current waveforms
in power applications that need galvanic isolation (Melexis 1997) and (LEM
Components 2004). The two schemes provide a robust solution to environmental
disturbances, including vibration, moisture and dirt or oil film (Gilbert 2002). The
closed loop design has the advantage of very good accuracy and linearity, low gain drift,
wide bandwidth (0Hz - 200 kHz), and fast response time, but the current measurement
is limited due to the finite compensation current (Mohan 1995), (Dickinson 2002),
(Melexis 1997), (Lepkowski 2003) and (LEM Components 2004). Closed loop
transducers have very good reaction times (less than 1µS) and are able to measure di/dt
of 50 – 500AµS-1 and greater, which makes them suitable for short circuit protection
(LEM Components 2004).
Figure 5.23: (a) Open loop Hall Effect transducer, (b) closed loop Hall Effect
Recently, a hybrid scheme (LEM Components 2004) has being developed that works
like an open loop Hall Effect transducer up to 10kHz and like a current transformer at
higher frequencies. Both Hall effect and current transformer signals are electronically
added to form a common output signal as illustrated in Figure 5.24.
Figure 5.24: Combined Open loop and closed loop Hall effect transducer
This scheme is similar to closed loop Hall effect transducers but only requires a small
secondary power supply (LEM Components 2004). At higher frequencies, the current
transformer yields high bandwidth and fast response. Open loop at low frequencies
implies that there are gain and offset drifts with temperature and a moderate level of
accuracy. Low frequency open loop operation requires more expensive construction
when compared with the closed loop scheme (LEM Components 2004). Bandwidth,
response time and di/dt behaviour are similar to closed loop transducers although it is
slightly less efficient at high frequencies (LEM Components 2004).
In order to implement the current sensor in this application, the following items had to
be addressed: the layout of the power conductors and the sensor output signals, the
power supply requirements, the determination of the measurement resistor and finally
any signal conditioning requirements for the transducer output signals. The specific
layout issues are discussed in section 5.7.6. The closed loop sensor requires a bipolar
power supply (LEM Components 2005) ±15V power supply provides the power
IS = IP(NP/NS) (5.19)
VM = RMIS (5.20)
where IS is the secondary current, IP is the primary peak current, NP is the number of
primary turns and NS is the number of secondary turns (LEM Components 2004).The
connections to the current sensor are implemented as shown in Figure 5.25b (LEM
Components 2005).
LA 100 – P/SP13
M - +
OV - +
(a) (b)
Figure 5.25: (a) Current sensor physical layout, (b) current sensor connections
Figure 5.26: Complete converter illustrations (a) top view (b) side view and (c) circuit
5.7.2 MOSFET gate driver
Negative voltage spikes are generated at the Vs pin of the IR2110 gate driver due to
di/dt in the stray inductance in the ac path (Clemente 1990). Once stray inductance was
reduced in the ac path, decreasing switching speed with a gate resistor further reduced
the di/dt-induced spikes. The circuit layout minimised the stray inductance on the gate
drive charge/discharge loop by minimising track lengths. This reduces oscillations and
improves switching speed and noise immunity to prevent dv/dt turn-on (Clemente
1990). The connections went directly from the gate driver pins to the MOSFET pins
using parallel tracks in a PCB layout. The IR2110 gate driver was placed as close as
possible to the power switches and local decoupling was improved by using one low-
ESR capacitor for the bootstrap capacitance and in the VCC-COM and VDD-VSS pin
locations of the IR2110. The low side capacitance, VCC-COM pins, was ten times
greater than the bootstrap capacitor (Clemente 1990). A ceramic capacitor was placed
as close as possible to the VB and VS pins of the gate driver when using an aluminium
electrolytic capacitor for the bootstrap capacitor, as the low-ESR capacitor provided
good de-coupling.
Figure 5.27: Manufacturers recommended layout for optocoupler
This format equalizes the dimensions and provides symmetry to the layout, which
further reduces stray inductance; the bus bar layers are stacked in the following
configuration: the bottom layer of the bus bar is the positive power plane, +VS, next is
the negative power plane, -VS, then the positive motor phase plane, A+, and finally the
negative motor phase layer, A-. A thin layer of insulation is placed between each motor
and power plane to implement a laminated bus bar construction. This configuration
minimises mutual inductance due to the close association of opposite polarity currents.
The symmetrical connections between MOSFET and the source stud were implemented
using copper tined conductor as illustrated in Figure 5.26a.
Figure 5.29: Top view of the single phase full-bridge converter
5.9 Summary
The full-bridge converter with synchronous rectification using two MOSFETs in
parallel provides the best compromise of efficiency, cost and complexity for
implementation with the ISG under motoring and generating operation. Using
MOSFETs connected in parallel improved the current handling capability of the circuit
but the implementation was more complex than using individual modules. To finalize
the converter design, a thermal analysis was conducted in order to determine the most
suitable heat sink configuration. When using MOSFETs in parallel, the gate drive
circuit needs particular consideration in order to provide sufficient current to charge the
gates of the MOSFETs and effective operate the high side devices of the full-bridge
configuration. The provision for blanking time was addressed in order to provide
prevent current shoot-through conditions and electrical isolation was implemented using
optoisolators as part of the gate drive configuration, in order to protect the control logic
circuitry. A source capacitor value was selected in order to provide instantaneous
current for motor drive and act as a filter capacitor to reduce ripple during generating
operation. The main converter interconnections and power conductors in this
application were provided by a laminated bus bar structure in order to minimise stray
inductance in the circuit. A closed loop Hall effect current sensor was selected for this
application in order to implement current regulation during converter operations and
allow for the potential inclusion of short circuit protection. Specific layout conditions
needed to be addressed for the full bridge converter, the gate drive circuit with electrical
isolation, the bus bar configuration and the current sensor in order to achieve the most
efficient operation of the circuit in this application.
Chapter 6 – System Implementation
Practical implementation in this application involves both hardware and software. The
issues discussed range from the experimental setup for converter evaluation through to
the development of control strategies to provide precise operation of the converter under
motoring and generating modes. Two experimental setups were developed, one
consisting of the SRM and a load/drive motor with a torque measurement system and a
second setup comprising of a bench load to model the resistive and inductive
characteristics of a single phase the SRM. Experiments were only carried out on the
bench load.
6.1 Hardware
The experimental setup comprising of the SRM and load/drive motor with a torque
measurement system was developed to provide a load or facilitate drive under motoring
and generating operating modes of the ISG, respectively. The experimental set-up for
the converter evaluation and the development of the current control strategy under
bench conditions consists of a resistive-inductive load to model the SRM phase
winding, a 1kW power supply, a low voltage power supply and interface circuit, the
full-bridge converter and the digital signal processing development board (DSP
controller) as illustrated in Figure 6.1. The development of the converter prototype
included the converter layout, mechanical component considerations, converter
assembly and preliminary evaluation of the converter to verify that it satisfies functional
1 k W P o w er S u p p ly
C o n verter L V P o w er S u p p ly
& PC
In terfa ce U n it
RL Load
S et-u p
D S P C o n tro ller
6.1.2 The Digital torque measurement system
The digital torque measurement system consists of a dc-machine (MV 1042) attached
via ball bearing at each end of the machine to the machine housing, a machine bed
(MV1004) and a control unit (MV 1041) (Terco 2003). The machine bed aligns and
secures the dc machine to the test machines. Torque measurement is achieved using a
torque arm attached beneath the machine on which is mounted a strain gauge transducer
and this constitutes the signal source for the torque measurement. The machine also
contains a speed indicator, which generates a pulse train proportional to speed. The
control unit consists of digital instruments for torque, speed, and field and armature
currents, while the front panel of the control unit also contains a potentiometer for
control of the field rectifier for load tests. The field can also be supplied by an external
source by removing the jumpers and there are terminals on the front panel for
connecting the armature winding to an external power source (motor drive) or to a load
resistor (generator drive). There are analogue outputs for speed and torque and an
analogue input for control of load torque.
An interface chassis was developed to align and connect the SRM with the dc machine
and machine bed. A suitable coupler was acquired to interface the SRM with the dc-
machine. It is a general-purpose coupler with a flexible rubber insert for flexibility and
shock resistance. It is capable of accommodating accidental misalignments and has a
torque range of up to 90Nm (Fenner 2006). The digital torque measurement system is
illustrated in Figure 6.2.
Manchine bed
6.1.3 Experimental RL load setup and 1kW Power Supply
The RL load setup consisted of an inductor that modelled the worse case phase
inductance and winding resistance when the SRM was in the unaligned position and the
inductance was at the minimum value. It was used as part of the bench test setup to test
the converter operation and develop the current regulation strategy. The experimental
RL load setup with converter is illustrated in Figure 6.3.
RL Load Setup
Q1 Q4
Q3 Q2
A 1kW power supply was used for the dc link power supply for the converter. It
provides dc power up to 1kW over a wide range of voltage and current combinations.
The power supply has a voltage range of 0-60V and a current range of 0-50A.
The interface circuit’s primary purpose is to provide optical isolation for the SRM gate
drive signals from the DSP controller circuit. This reduces the risk of damage to the
DSP controller circuit in the event of an electrical failure on the converter. The circuit
also provides a distribution point for the power supply voltages for the converter and
DSP controller circuits. Finally, this circuit provides an interface for signals being
routed to and form the DSP controller circuit, i.e. current sensing signals and the output
enable switch. A detailed schematic of the interface circuit is provided in Appendix D.
A bock diagram of the interface circuit and the low voltage power supply is given in
Figure 6.4; while a detailed interconnection schematic for this system is included in
Appendix D.
Figure 6.4: Block diagram of interface and low voltage power supply
The ADSP21992 is a mixed signal DSP controller that integrates the fixed point ADSP-
219x family base architecture (Analog Devices 2003a). A functional block diagram of
the DSP controller is provided in Figure 6.5 and the key features are listed in Table 6.2.
(The ADSP21992 costs approximately €19 when ordered in quantities of between 1000
and 5000). The ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite development board was employed in the
experimental set-up for evaluation of the converter and development and test of the
current regulation scheme (Analog Devices 2003b). The integrated special purpose and
motor control peripherals (the analog-to-digital conversion (ADC), the pulse-width
modulation (PWM), the programmable interrupts and the programmable Flag I/O pins)
were employed in the converter evaluation and in the current controller implementation.
An overview description of the development board and how these specific peripherals
are setup are provided in Appendix E.
Figure 6.5: Functional block diagram of ADSP-21992
6.1.6 Converter prototyping
The prototyping of the converter is discussed under four specific headings: electronic
circuit layout, mechanical layout, converter assembly and preliminary converter
evaluation. As image of the complete converter assemble is shown in Figure 6.6.
Current Sensor
ground plane
Figure 6.7: Printed circuit board layout illustrating the various ground planes
Figure 6.8: Converter circuit schematic
153 Mechanical layout
The mechanical outlines of all the major components were defined during the PCB
layout. This allowed for detailed sizing of all mechanical components (heat spreaders
heatsink, cooling fan and bus bars) to be finalized including determination of the exact
locations of all the components. There were interactions between the various mechanical
components and the PCB, which included the bus bar drain connections (heat spreader),
locating the sources studs on the PCB to attach the bus bar source connections,
attaching the PCB to the heat sink while electrically isolating the heat spreader, routing
the bus bar through the current sensor and locating of the cooling fan was also finalized
during the PCB layout. The specific hole sizes and locations for all the mechanical
components (heat spreader, heatsink and bus bar) and the PCB were also defined during
the layout. An illustration of the converter assembly with the heat spreader, thermally
conductive insulators and the heatsink is shown in Figure 6.9, while a detailed drawing
of the complete converter assembly is provided in Figure 6.10.
A number of templates were created as part of the PCB layout process that would allow
marking of the exact hole locations on the heat spreader (both top and sides), the exact
size and mounting hole locations for the thermally conductive insulator and the exact
mounting hole locations on the heat sink to attach the heat spreaders and the cooling
fan. A number of template outline drawings were also created for the bus bars to
specify the exact size and mounting hole locations for each bus bar layer and insulator
The holes drilled in the top of the heat spreader were through-holes for the mounting
bolts to attach the PCB heat spreader assembly to the heat sink. The hole diameter
needed to be sufficient to accommodate the mounting bolt and an insulating spacer.
Holes were drilled on the side of the heat spreader and tapped for M4 bolts to attach the
relevant laminated bus bar connections. The thermally conductive insulators were cut to
a sufficient dimension so as to allow four millimetres of the electrically insulating
material to protrude all around the heat spreader as illustrated in Figure 6.9. Through-
holes were punched to just allow the PCB heatspreader to heat sink mounting bolts to
pass through in order to maximise electrical isolation.
Figure 6.9: Converter assembly with heat spreaders and heatsink
155 Converter assembly
The assembly of the converter was divided into various stages: the PCB assembly, the
heat spreader with MOSFET assembly, the installation of the bus bar assembly, the heat
sink been put in place and finally the fitting of the heatsink cooling fan. The PCB
assembly involved the installation of all the circuit components except for the power
MOSFETs. Two MOSFETs were installed to each of the four heat spreaders and the
each assembly was then attached to the printed circuit board at the four locations for Q1,
Q2, Q3 and Q4. Insulating spacers were placed between the heat spreader and the PCB
and additional insulating spacers were placed in the through-holes for the bolts attaching
the PCB heat spreader assembly to the heat sink as illustrated in Figure 6.10b. This
provided electrical isolation between each head spreader MOSFET drain connection that
would otherwise be compromised when the PCB heat spreader assembly was bolted to
the heat sink. The bus bar lamination was routed through the current sensor and then
affixed to the appropriate drain and source locations as described in section 5.7.5 of
chapter 5 and filler strips were inserted to the bus bar at the current sensor to improve
signal strength as illustrated in Figures 6.10a and 6.10b. The remaining bus bar layers
were attached to the appropriate drain and source connections together with appropriate
thin insulator separating each layer as illustrated in Figures 6.10a and 6.10b. The
thermally conductive insulators were placed at the appropriate locations on the heat sink
and the PCB - heat spreaders assembly was aligned with the heat sink and bolted in
place. The PCB - heat spreader assembly to heat sink mounting bolts were tightened to a
torque value of 15Nm following a diagonal pattern to provide uniform pressure on all
the heatsink, thermal conductive insulator and heat spreader junctions in order to
achieve the best possible thermal equilibrium between the power switching devices. The
heatsink cooling fan was then attached to the heatsink. The complete converter
assembly drawings are shown in Figure 6.10.
Drain Drain
Source Source
Figure 6.10: Complete converter assembly (a) top view (b) side view and (c)
approximate 3D view
157 Preliminary converter evaluation
The initial evaluation of the converter involved visual inspection of the converter and
the electrical test of the converter in incremental stages through to full converter
switching operation on a load resistance. The first area to be addressed was the visual
inspection of all components to determine if the values and device orientations were
correct. The gate driver IC was removed and power is applied to the circuit to verify no
short or open circuits and that all power supply levels were available. The output pins of
the gate driver were shorted to their respective common pins to prevent a floating input
to the buffer circuit. A square wave test signal was then applied to verify that the input
signal lines were functional. The gate drive IC was then inserted but with the output
pins floating and the test signal was again applied to verify the output gate drive signal
was available. A differential probe was used to verify the all-high side gate drive
signals. The gate drive IC was then completely inserted and the test signal applied once
more to verify the outputs of the gate drive buffer circuit, in order to verify that the
correct signals were present and at the correct levels. Finally a low voltage and low
current power supply was applied once more to the dc link without the presence of the
dc source capacitor and the test signal was applied to verify the output switching signal
of the converter across a large value resistor in order to evaluate that the converter was
functional. The converter was then ready for full operation and for the development and
test of current control strategies.
6.2 Software
Precise control is required for the SRM and the full-bridge converter to operate
efficiently. The level and timing of the current that enters each phase winding of the
SRM is extremely important to ensure smooth torque generation. In order to evaluate a
converter design, the first area of control to be addressed tends to be current regulation.
Initially, this can be achieved using an open loop scheme at very small duty cycles, but
is really only suitable for functional tests. The operation of the converter precisely over
a wide range requires closed loop current control as shown in Figure 6.11. In this
project, it was implemented using voltage-PWM with a Proportional-Integral (PI)
controller to determine the duty-cycle values
Figure 6.11: Converter current control scheme
The overall control structure was first defined in order to achieve precise step-by-step
operation of the converter and following this the precise implementation of current
regulation was then addressed. The control strategy was then implemented on the
ADSP-21992 DSP evaluation board using the C programming language through the
VisualDSP++ application. The central function in the project source code was the
interrupt service routine (ISR) for the PWM duty-cycle update. A number of
experiments were conducted to evaluate the fundamental operation and the worst-case
performance of the converter and the current control strategy.
The implementation of the switching strategies for precise converter operation was
addressed prior to the design of the current controller. These switching strategies control
the operation of the individual converter MOSFETs in order to execute the four modes
of operation (magnetisation, freewheeling, demagnetisation and shut-down) of the
converter as shown in Figure 6.12 and described in Chapter 2. The PWM output signals
were connected to the MOSFETs, Q1 and Q3, and I/O logic level signals were
MOSFETs, Q2 and Q4.
Figure 6.12: The full-bridge converter. (a) Static view of converter in shut down mode,
(b) magnetization mode, (c) freewheeling mode, and (d) demagnetization mode
SRM control requires precise rotor position information in order to determine the
correct turn-on and turn-off angles, which in turn defines the conduction interval over
which the current flows into and out of the phase winding of the SRM. For operation as
a single-phase unit with an RL load, signal pulses were generated to simulate the turn-
on and turn-off angles instead of reading and decoding the actual rotor position
information. The position information allowed for the establishment of control signals to
precisely implement switching strategies as shown in Table 6.3.
There are five distinct cycles that happened during the conduction interval for the
converter: start-up PWM, PI voltage-PWM, freewheel PWM, demagnetisation PWM
and shut-down. Start-up PWM and PI voltage-PWM implements magnetisation and
freewheeling operation as shown in Table 6.3. At the turn-on angle, there is a start-up
routine using PWM operation but at fixed duty-cycles in order to allow the current in
the SRM phase winding to rise quickly and controllably to a threshold current (Ith)
value. The current is then controlled by PI voltage-PWM operation and regulated at the
reference current (Iref) value and this requires PWM operation with variable duty-cycle
values determined by a PI controller. If the current exceeds an upper limit current (Ihigh),
assigned to be 10% above Iref, then freewheel PWM operation is required to allow the
current to decrease sufficiently. This mode applies 0% duty cycle to Q1 and 100% duty
cycle to Q3.
At the turn-off angle, demagnetisation of the phase winding commences and when the
value of the current is above the threshold level the MOSFETs, Q3 and Q4, are turned
on. Q3 requires PWM operation and is implemented at 100 kHz with 100% duty cycle.
This higher frequency operation allows more frequent current measurement to determine
if the minimum current threshold has being reached. Finally, demagnetisation at low
current and shut-down requires that all MOSFETs are turned off and the remaining
current conducted through the intrinsic diodes of the MOSFETs. Shut down also signals
the end of close loop control for that particular phase.
The angle data and current measurement (Imeas) data determine the transition points
between the different cycles. The current measurement defines the point to toggle
between start-up PWM and PI voltage-PWM (PI PWM) and the changeover between
demagnetisation at high current (demag PWM) and shut-down if the shut-down angle
has not yet being reached. The angle data defines when PWM (start-up and PI)
commences and when demagnetisation commenced.
The PI controller determines the new duty-cycle value required to regulate the current at
a predetermined reference value. The control law used for the PI controller is shown in
equation 6.1 (Dorf 1998).
u (t ) = K p e(t) + K i ∫ e(t) dt (6.1)
In this application, u(t) is the new duty-cycle value, Kp the value of gain applied to the
error signal, e(t). The error signal, e(t), is the difference between the reference current,
Iref, and the actual measured current, Imeas. Ki is the value of gain applied to the integral
of the error signal. The time increment, dt, is the PWM period (40µs for 25kHz
switching frequency), as the integral of the error is determined at a fixed time interval
during the ISR for the PWM update.
The PI controller was tuned manually. The resultant values of Kp and Ki, were Kp =
0.015 and Ki = 0.1.
A tutorial on how to implement the configuration requirements for the DSP modules
(ADC, PWM, Auxiliary PWM, Program sequencer and Peripheral interrupt controller,
and Flag I/O) used in this project are documented in Appendix E and tutorial on using
the VisualDSP++ development suite to create the source code is provided in Appendix
F. The complete source code is documented in Appendix G
The main function calls the functions in the appropriate sequence for successful
program operation for the PWM current control update. A number of DSP modules
(Clock speed, Interrupts, ADC, PWM, Aux PWM and FIO) registers needs to be
configured before program execution. These setup requirements are grouped together in
a single initialization function, initialization().The flowchart for the overall structure of
the program source code is shown in Figure 6.13.
The central function in the project source code is the ISR for the PWM update. A
number of other functions are required for the ISR implementation and to provide
structure in the execution of the source code. In order to implement the PWM
successfully, the exact rotor position is required so a function, read_rotor_angle(), was
developed to provide rotor angle information. As the converter was only evaluated as a
single phase with a RL load, the function only provided the angle output data needed to
test the converter operation. The angle information is used by the commutation function,
commutation_four_phase(), to generate the appropriate control signals to implement the
various modes of operation for each phase and disable the other phases at the same time
as illustrated in the flowchart shown in Figure 6.14.
Figure 6.14: The commutation function to determine the control signals
The control signal information is then used by the motor control function,
motor_control_a(), to configure and enable the PWM outputs and the FIO outputs for
phase A, as illustrated in the flowchart shown in Figure 6.15. This implements each of
the five distinct cycles (startup PWM, PI PWM, freewheel PWM, demag PWM and
shutdown) that occur during the conduction interval of the converter. A duty cycle
update control variable is then set to allow the ISR to be called.
The steps involved to implement the ISR function for the PWM, PWM_ISR(), are
illustrated in the flowchart shown in Figure 6.16. The first step in the ISR is to clear the
interrupt and then check if in the 2nd half-cycle of the PWM signal as an update is only
implemented at this time. This provides a half PWM period between the ADC reading
and the duty-cycle update. The ISR then reads the ADC value and calculates the current
value, and then using this information calculates the duty-cycle value from the PI
difference equation. Then depending on the control signal for the converter mode of
operation (magnetisation, freewheeling and demagnetisation) and the level of current,
the final duty-cycle update codes are determined and assigned to the appropriate
registers. The duty cycle update control variable is then cleared before exiting the ISR.
Start-up PWM
Demagnetisation Shut down
PI Voltage-PWM
Imeas > Ith Imeas < Ith
Figure 6.15: The motor control function to initial the appropriate converter cycle
Clear Interrupts
Yes No
Current Reading
Read ADC
Scale reading to true
current value
PI Controller
Calculate Error
Calculate Integral
Calculate duty cycle (D)
Startup PWM
and Demagnetisation
Imeas Imeas
Set D = 2.5% for Q1 Set D = D for Q1 Set D = 0% for Q1 Set D = 0% for Q1 Set D = 0% for Q1
Set D = 2.5% for Q3 Set D = 1-D for Q3 Set D = 100% for Q3 Set D = 100% for Q3 Set D = 0% for Q3
Start-up PWM PI PWM Freewheel PWM Demag PWM Shut-down
6.2.3 Design Verification
As noted previously, the control strategy was implemented on an ADSP-21992 DSP
development board. Only a single phase converter was evaluated and an RL load was
used to model the phase winding resistance and inductance at the unaligned position.
This provided the worst-case condition to evaluate both the converter operation and the
current control strategy. Initially the elementary converter and source code operation
was evaluated under three separate conditions: the gate drive operation, the gate drive
switching operation under the different cycles of operation and finally the current
measurement capability. The current control algorithm was then evaluated at different
current levels in order to verify the converter operation and current control accuracy.
Figure 6.17: Gate drive signal path for Q1 at DSP 3.3V output (Channel 1), at the
IR2110 gate driver 5V input (Channel 2 1V = 50mV) and at buffer circuit 15V output
(Channel 3 1V = 20mV)
The current measurement by the DSP was verified in conjunction with the basic
MOSFET switching operation using the setup illustrated in Figure 6.18. The MOSFET
switching signals for start-up PWM, PI PWM, demagnetisation or demag PWM and
shutdown were evaluated at this time. The signals for the transition between start-up
PWM and PI PWM, and between PI PWM and demag PWM are shown in Figures 6.19
– 6.20, respectively.
Figure 6.19: Transition between shutdown and start-up PWM operation, Q1 (Channel
1), Q2 (Channel 2), Q3 (Channel 3) and Q4 (Channel 4). Q1 has fixed duty cycle of 2.5%
and consequently Q3 has a duty-cycle of 97.5% during start-up, while Q2 is on and Q4
is off
Figure 6.20: Transition between PI PWM and demag PWM operation, Q1 (Channel 1),
Q2 (Channel 2), Q3 (Channel 3) and Q4 (Channel 4). The Q3 PWM gate signal operated
at 100 KHz and 100% duty cycle during demagnetisation.
As can be seen from Figure 6.20, unstable PWM operation occurred during the
transition between PI PWM and demag PWM. During this interval of approximately 10
– 20µs, Q1 turned on while Q3 was on leading to a shoot through current condition. A
number of attempts were made to prevent this glitch from occurring including adding a
delay in the angle reading source code to shut down the converter between transitions,
but a solution could not be found. As this occurred at the reference current, which could
be up to 100A and as the result of one board failure at much lower current, it was
decided to disable this feature and go directly to shutdown from PI PWM as illustrated
in Figure 6.21. While demag PWM is possible, this glitch would need to be resolved in
order to implement both demagnetisation mode at high motor speed and generator mode
at high efficiency and achieve the maximum advantage of this converter design. As the
converter was designed for operation with a duty cycle of 10% during demagnetisation
mode and the value experienced during testing as <1% at ISG starting speed (200rpm),
the demag PWM mode was disabled to achieve stable software operation. Therefore,
during shutdown the demagnetisation current would flow through the intrinsic diodes of
Q3 and Q4.
Figure 6.21: Transition between PI PWM and shutdown operation, Q1 (Channel 1), Q2
(Channel 2), Q3 (Channel 3) and Q4 (Channel 4).
Once the current measurement and MOSFET switching operation was verified, the PI
current controller was developed for operation at 5A, initially. The controller was tuned
heuristically with the test results shown in Table 6.4 for proportional gain, Kp, integral
gain, Ki, 5A reference current, Iref, peak current, Ipeak, steady state current, Iss, percentage
overshoot, OS%, rise time, tr, settling time, ts, and steady state error, ess, to illustrate the
transient and steady state response of the system. The resultant values of Kp and Ki, that
yielded the best performance characteristics were Kp = 0.015 and Ki = 0.1.
A comparison between the measured current of 5A in the RL load and the value
calculated in the source code and plotted by the VisualDSP++ application is shown in
Figures 6.22 and 6.23, respectively. This verified the converter current sensor operation
and measurement accuracy using the source code calculation.
Figure 6.23: Current of 5A calculated during source code execution and plotted by the
VisualDSP++ application. Current measured by current sensor on the converter
171 Current controller evaluation
The performance was then evaluated under the different operating cycles (start-up
PWM, PI PWM, demagnetisation PWM and finally shut-down). Figure 6.24 illustrates
the full-bridge converter modes of operation for soft switching to provide a reference for
comparison with the actual results. Operation under start-up PWM conditions is shown
in Figure 6.25, while the transition between start-up PWM and PI PWM conditions is
shown in Figure 6.26. The current ramped up with a fixed duty cycle value until the
threshold current, Ith, was reached and then continued under PI PWM operation until the
reference value, Iref, of 5A was reached. Once at the reference current, the PI PWM
control strategy regulated the current at the reference value. At demagnetisation, all the
MOSFETs (Q1 - Q4) were turned off and the transition between PI PWM and shut-down
is shown in Figure 6.27. The current handling capability was then evaluated at three
different current levels, 20A, 40A and 100A, and are shown in Figures 6.28 – 6.30,
Figure 6.24: Full-bridge converter modes of operation for soft switching (I)
magnetisation, (II) freewheeling and (III) demagnetisation
Figure 6.25: Start-up operation at transition period between shutdown, start-up PWM
and PI PWM, Q1 (Channel 1), Q3 (Channel 2), RL voltage (Channel 3) and RL current
(Channel 4 – 5A/div).
Figure 6.26: Current waveform and control signals at transition period between start-up
PWM and PI PWM, Q1 (Channel 1), Q3 (Channel 2), RL voltage (Channel 3) and RL
current (Channel 4 – 5A/div ).
Figure 6.27: Current waveform and control signals at transition period between PI
PWM and shut-down, Q1 switching signals (Channel 1), Q2 switching signal (Channel
2) and RL load voltage (Channel 3), Current (Channel 4 – 5A/div)
Figure 6.28: Current and voltage waveform and control signals for 20A RL load
current. Q1 switching signals (Channel 1), Q2 switching signal (Channel 2) and RL load
voltage (Channel 3), Current (Channel 4 – 10A/div)
Figure 6.29: Current and voltage waveform and control signals for 40A RL load
current. Q1 switching signals (Channel 1), Q2 switching signal (Channel 2) and RL load
voltage (Channel 3), Current (Channel 4 – 20A/div)
Figure 6.30: Current and voltage waveform and control signals for 100A RL load
current Q1 switching signals (Channel 1), Q2 switching signal (Channel 2) and RL load
voltage (Channel 3), Current (Channel 4 – 50A/div)
6.3 Summary
The system implementation consisted of both hardware and software. The hardware
included two experimental setups and the full-bridge converter prototyping. One
experimental setup consisted of the SRM and a load/drive motor with a torque
measurement system and a second setup comprising of a bench load to model a single
phase winding of the SRM. Experiments were only carried out on the bench load. The
full-bridge converter prototyping included the electronic circuit layout, the mechanical
layout, the converter assembly and the preliminary converter evaluation.
The software operation centred on the switching strategies to control the operation of
the individual converter MOSFETs and the implementation of the PWM current
regulation strategy. The execution of precise current control required an understanding
of the DSP evaluation board used in this application. The specific areas included the
ADC, the PWM, and the auxiliary PWM, the program sequencer, the peripheral
interrupt controller and the flag I/O. An understanding of the software development
environment, used in conjunction with the DSP evaluation board, was required in order
to implement all the DSP functions required in this application.
The design was evaluated under a range of operation from initial functional testing
through to full power operation and the limitations and the results are presented to
illustrate each level of operation.
Chapter 7 - Conclusion and Recommendations
7.1 Conclusions
In this thesis a number of converter topologies for implementation with the SRM were
presented. The full-bridge converter with synchronous rectification using two
MOSFETs mounted in parallel was chosen for the design that would be used as part of
integrated starter generator (ISG). Control strategies were designed to provide precise
control of the full-bridge converter switching devices and implement current regulation
using voltage PWM with a proportional-integral controller.
The opening chapters presented a review of the SRM and a number of converter
topologies. This provided the criteria to define the operating conditions when operating
the SRM as an integrated starter generator and narrowed the converter selection to the
half-bridge asymmetrical converter and the full-bridge converter. Preliminary analysis
on the switching devices and the converter topologies determined the most efficient
configuration for operation under motoring and generating conditions and also defined
the limits for the converter operation under these conditions. The switching frequency
was defined to be fixed at 25kHz and the current was regulated using PWM and the
duty cycle value determined using a proportional-integral controller.
Based on this analysis, the full-bridge with synchronous rectification using two
MOSFETs mounted in parallel was deemed to provide the most efficient solution for
SRM operation as a motor and especially when operating as a generator. MOSFETs
connected in parallel improved the current handling capability of the circuit but the
implementation was more complex than using individual modules. The issues that had
to be addressed centred about maximising the current balance between parallel devices.
This was achieved through minimising stray inductance by using symmetrical layout
and using laminated bus bars for all high current connections, designing a gate drive
circuit to provide the significant charge required by the parallel devices at turn on and a
low impedance path for fast device turn off, and through close thermal coupling of
parallel devices by mounting them on a heat spreader. Thermal analysis determined the
most suitable heat sink configuration while a closed loop Hall effect transducer was
selected for the current measurement.
The converter was evaluated using an experimental setup comprising of a bench load to
model the characteristic of a single SRM phase winding. C code was developed to
implement the switching strategy for the converter switching devices to implement
magnetisation, freewheeling and demagnetisation modes of operation based on angle
information data. PWM with the duty cycle updated through a proportional-integral
controller as the method used to implement current regulation.
A second experimental setup was constructed consisting of a 3.5kW 4 phase SRM and a
load/drive motor with torque measurement system but only the bench load setup was
used for converter testing and software development.
7.2 Recommendations
While software was developed and tested to implement the PWM strategies to operate
the converter in start-up PWM, PI PWM and in demag PWM modes, the unstable
transition between PI PWM and demag PWM need to be resolved in order to achieve
stable system operation.
With full motor operation and precise position information it could be possible to apply
0% duty cycle to Q1 and 100% duty cycle before turning off Q2 and turning on Q4.
Developing a test circuit to implement precise rotor position information would be the
next logical stage for prototype software development.
The 1kW power supply was completely saturated in attaining the 125A measurement,
therefore, to operate a 3.5kW SRM at high power levels a 3.5kW – 5kW power supply
would need to be obtained or designed to fully evaluate the converter with the SRM.
The current measurement accuracy would need to be analysed to determine if the non
linearity in the reading could be corrected in software or if an alternative current sensor
would be required.
There is a possibility that the start-up PWM mode could be eliminated as this would
allow faster rise time of the current waveform. Experiments would need to be conducted
to verify that the current overshoot was not excessive, especially at high current levels.
Three more single phase converters would need to be constructed in order to evaluate
the 4 phase converter operation with the load/drive motor. To evaluate a 4 phase
converter, the low voltage power supply and interface circuit would have to be
redesigned to facilitate of a four phase converter.
Further source code development would be required to implement the PWM current
control of the fourth phase using the auxiliary PWM module of the DSP evaluation
board. Software development would be required to implement and adapt control
strategies for operating the 4 phase SRM as a motor and a generator.
From the preliminary analysis it is better to operate the SRM at a higher speed in order
to reduce the losses during starting conditions and to have the majority of the generating
and regenerative braking occurring at a higher speed in order to maximise converter
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Appendix A – Power Analysis Derivations
The detailed analysis provided in the following sections presents the relevant equations
and parameter values that are used to implement the power analysis for each component
in both the asymmetrical half-bridge converter and full-bridge synchronous rectification
converter and to determine the overall converter efficiency. The analysis is divided into
three specific ISG modes of operation: (a) starting and low speed motoring, (b) low
speed generating and (c) high -speed generating. A number of equations are defined for
the current, voltage and power calculations and these equations are used throughout this
appendix. A method is presented to determine the efficiency for a single phase converter
phase in each ISG mode of operation. The current and voltage waveforms are presented
for each component (Q1, Q2, D1 and D1) of the asymmetrical half-bridge converter and
the relevant equations and parameter values are then selected for at each ISG mode of
operation. The same procedure is implemented for each component (Q1, Q2, Q3 and
Q4) of the full-bridge synchronous rectification converter.
DT t
The average value of current for the periodic square wave shown in Figure A.1 is
determined from the equation (Hart 1997):
I AVG = ∫ i (t ) dt = I m D (A.1)
T 0
The RMS value of current for the periodic square wave is determined from the equation
(Hart 1997):
1 2
T ∫0
I RMS = i (t )dt = I m D (A.2)
DT t
The average value of current for the periodic triangular wave shown in Figure A.2 is
determined from the equation (Ness 2006):
I AVG = ∫ i (t ) dt = 0.5I m D (A.3)
T 0
The RMS value of current for the periodic triangular wave is determined from the
equation (Ness 2006):
1 2 D
T ∫0
I RMS = i (t )dt = I M (A.4)
The conduction power losses for the MOSFET are determined by the equation
(Williams 1987):
Pc = ( I RMS ) 2 Rds ( ON ) HOT (A.5)
The hot on-resistance (RDS(ON)HOT) is the MOSFET drain to source resistance at the
maximum allowable junction temperature.
Im Vm
tf t
Figure A.3: Typical voltage and current at turn-off switching transition for an inductive
load. Current and voltage are interchanged at turn-on
The MOSFET switching transition power loss is determined using the equation for an
inductive load as shown in Figure A.3 (Williams 1987):
Vm I m
Ps = (t r + t f ) f s (A.6)
Vm = VDS = VS (the applied voltage) for Q1 and Q2 of both the half-bridge and full-bridge
converter, as shown in Figure A.9 (page A15). Vm = VD = VSD (the forward voltage of
the intrinsic diode) for Q3 and Q4 of the full-bridge converter, as shown in Figure A.22
(page A28). Im equals the maximum phase current, while tr and tf are the worst case rise
and fall times, respectively.
The conduction losses for the diode are determined using the equation (Williams 1987):
Pc = I m VD D (A.7)
Where VD = VF (the forward voltage of the diode) and Im is the peak current and D the
duty cycle of the current, an example of this is shown in Figure A.9 (page A15).
The switching losses for the diode are determined using the equation (Williams 1987):
Ps = Qrr VR f s (A.8)
Where, Qrr is the reverse recovery charge, VR = -VD = VS, the reverse voltage applied to
the diode just after turn-off and fs is the switching frequency.
The total power loss for a single phase is the sum of all the component losses, both
conducting and switching losses, and is determined by the equation:
During magnetisation the power is transferred from the battery voltage source to the
phase winding while during demagnetisation and generating the power transfer is from
the phase winding to the battery. Power losses occur in the converter, PT(SP), during all
stages of operation, so the total output power of the converter is the sum of all power
transfers, Pphase.
The current and voltage waveforms for the phase winding of the SRM are nonsinusoidal
periodic waveforms as shown in Figures A.4 (page A6), A5 (page A8) and A.6 (page
A10). The current and voltage waveforms can be represented by the Fourier series as
shown in Equations A.11 and A.12 (Hart 1997).
v (t ) = V 0 + ∑V
n =1
n cos(nω 0 t + θ n ) (A.11)
i (t ) = I 0 + ∑I
n =1
n cos(nω 0 t + φ n ) (A.12)
T ∫0
P = v(t )i (t )dt (A.13)
The average power for nonsinusoidal periodic voltage and current waveforms is
expressed as
Vn ,max I n ,max
P = V0 I 0 + ∑
n =1 2
cos(θ n − φ n ) (A.14)
The total average power is the sum of the powers at the frequencies in the Fourier series.
For practical analysis in order to determine the worst case power losses, the idealized
periodic voltage waveforms are constructed from a sequence of square waves, while the
idealized periodic current waveforms are constructed from a sequence of square waves
and triangular waves. The average power losses were analysed for three specific ISG
modes of operation: (a) starting and low speed motoring, (b) low speed generating and
(c) high-speed generating.
The power transfer for the converter is assumed to be positive when it is from the
battery to the phase winding, while during demagnetisation and generating the power
transfer is assumed to be negative. The power transfers in either direction contribute to
power losses by the converter components so the magnitude of all the power transfers is
assumed to contribute to the output power of the converter. In order to determine the
total power transfer for the converter, the power transfer during generating and
demagnetisation is multiplied by -1.
A.2.1 Starting and Low Speed Motoring
The calculation of the average power during starting and low speed motoring is divided
into two regions, (I) magnetisation and (II) demagnetisation as indicated in Figure A.4.
The phase winding voltage is assumed to be square waves during the magnetisation
region and constant during the demagnetisation region, while the current is assumed to
be constant during magnetisation and a triangular wave shape in the demagnetisation
θon θ1 θ2 θ3 θ4 θs θ
t1 t2
t0=0 D1TS t3 = TS t
Figure A.4: Phase winding voltage and current waveforms during starting and low
speed motoring
The time corresponding to the turn-on angle (θon) is t0 = 0, the turn-off angle at the
alignment angle (θ2) occurs at t1, the end of demagnetisation occurs at t2 and the end of
the stroke (θs) is at t3 = TS. The value of Ts is determined from the speed of the SRM.
The duty cycle for the magnetisation region (I) is D1 and the duty cycle for the
demagnetisation region (II) is D2. The PWM square wave voltage waveform has a
switching frequency of 25 kHz and has an average duty cycle of 50% as described in
Chapter 4, Section This yields an overall duty cycle for the voltage square wave
of 0.5D1.
The equation for the average power (P) over the stroke during starting and low speed
motoring is defined as:
P =
TS ∫ v(t )i(t )dt
1 t1 t2 t3
v(t )i (t )dt + v(t )i (t ) dt + v(t )i (t )dt
t∫ ∫ ∫
P= (A.16)
0 t1 t2
During magnetisation (I) the interval t0 – t1, the current is constant (Im) and the voltage
square wave has a peak value of VS as shown in Figure A.4 The equation for the average
power during magnetisation (PM) is defined as:
t1 D1TS
1 0.5I m
PM =
TS ∫t v(t )i(t )dt = TS ∫ v(t )dt = 0.5I
m VS D1 (A.17)
During demagnetisation (II) in the interval t1 – t2, the voltage is constant (-VS) and the
current is approximated by a triangular wave and has a peak value of Im as shown in
Figure A.4. The equation for the average power during demagnetisation (PDM) is:
− VS
TS ∫t v(t )i(t )dt = TS ∫ i(t )dt = − 0.5V
S I m D2 (A.18)
The power transfer is from the phase winding to the battery so the average power during
demagnetisation is:
PDM = − 1( − 0.5VS I m D2 ) = 0.5VS I m D2 (A.19)
The average power loss during the interval t2 – t3 is zero as the voltage and current is
zero during the interval. Therefore, the average power (P) over the stroke during
starting and low speed motoring is defined as:
A.5. The phase winding voltage waveform is assumed to be square waves during the
magnetisation and generating regions and constant during the magnetisation
demagnetisation region, while the current is assumed to be constant during
magnetisation and generating and a triangular wave during demagnetisation.
θ1 θ2 θon θ3 θ4 θs θ
iexc igen
t1 t2
t0=0 D1TS t3 = TS t
Figure A.5: Phase winding voltage and current waveforms during low generating
The time corresponding to the turn-on angle (θon) is t0 = 0, the turn-off angle at the
unaligned angle (θ4) occurs is t1, the end of demagnetisation occurs at t2 and the end of
the stroke (θs) is at t3 = TS. The value of Ts is determined from the speed of the SRM.
The duty cycle for the magnetisation and generating region during the interval t0 – t1 is
assumed to be the same at D1 and the duty cycle for demagnetisation during the interval
t1 – t2 is D2. The PWM square wave voltage waveform has a switching frequency of 25
kHz and has an average duty cycle of 50% as described in Chapter 4, Section
This yields an overall duty cycle for the voltage square wave of 0.5D1 for magnetisation
and 0.5D1 for generating.
The equation for the average power (P) over the stroke during low speed generating is
defined as:
1 t1 t2 t3
v(t )i (t )dt + v(t )i (t ) dt + v(t )i (t )dt
t∫ ∫ ∫
P= (A.21)
0 t1 t2
t1 D1TS
1 0.5I m
PM =
TS ∫t v(t )i(t )dt = TS ∫ v(t )dt = 0.5I
m VS D1 (A.22)
t D1TS
1 1 0. 5 I m
PG = ∫
TS t0
v(t )i (t )dt =
TS ∫ v ( t ) d t = − 0. 5 I
mVS D1 (A.23)
The power transfer is from the phase winding to the battery so the average power during
generating (PG) is:
PG = − 1( − 0.5 I mVS D1 ) = 0.5 I mVS D1 (A.24)
During demagnetisation in the interval t1 – t2, the voltage is assumed to be constant (-Vs)
during the interval and the current is approximated by a triangular wave with a peak
value of Im as indicated in Figure A.5. The average power during demagnetisation is:
− VS
1 2
PDM = ∫
TS t1
v(t )i (t )dt =
TS ∫ i(t )dt = − 0.5V
S I m D2 (A.25)
The power transfer is from the phase winding to the battery so the average power during
demagnetisation is:
The average power loss during the interval t2 – t3 is zero as the voltage and current is
zero during the interval. Therefore, the average power (P) over the stroke during low
speed generating is:
Figure A.6: Phase winding voltage and current waveforms during high speed
The time corresponding to the turn-on angle (θon) is t0 = 0, the magnetisation turn-off
angle (θoff) occurs is t1, the end of generating occurs at the rotor and stator pole overlap
(θ4) occurs at t2, the end of demagnetisation occurs at t3 and the end of the stroke (θs) is
at t4 = TS. The value of TS is determined from the speed of the SRM during high speed
generating. The duty cycle for the magnetisation during the interval t0 – t1 is D1, the
duty cycle for generating during the interval t1 – t2 is D2 and the duty cycle for
demagnetisation during the interval t2 – t3 is D3.
The equation for the average power (P) over the stroke during low speed generating is
defined as:
1 t1 t2 t3 t4
v(t )i (t ) dt + v(t )i(t ) dt + v(t )i(t ) dt + v(t )i(t ) dt
TS t∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
0 t1 t2 t3
t D1TS
1 1 V
PM = ∫
TS t0
v(t )i (t )dt = S
TS ∫ i(t )dt = 0.5I
m VS D1 (A.29)
During generating in the interval t1 – t2, the current and voltage are assumed to be
approximately constant at Im and -Vs, respectively, as indicated in Figure A.6. The
average power during generating (PG) is:
− VS I m
1 2
PG = ∫
TS t1
v(t )i(t )dt =
TS ∫
d t = − V S I m D2 (A.30)
The power transfer is from the phase winding to the battery so the average power during
generating (PG) is
PG = − 1( − VS I m D2 ) = VS I m D2 (A.31)
During demagnetisation in the interval t2 – t3, the voltage is assumed to be constant (-Vs)
during the interval and the current is approximated by a triangular wave with a peak
value of Im as indicated in Figure A.6. The equation for the output power during
demagnetisation is:
D3TS + D2TS + D1TS
− VS
1 3
PDM = ∫
TS t2
v(t )i(t )dt =
TS ∫ i(t )dt = − 0.5V
S I m D3 (A.32)
The power transfer is from the phase winding to the battery so the average power during
demagnetisation is:
The average power loss during the interval t3 – t4 is zero as the voltage and current is
zero during the interval. Therefore, the average power (P) over the stroke during
starting and high speed generating is:
A.3 Component Analysis
The analysis for each component of both the asymmetrical half-bridge and full-bridge
synchronous rectification converter is divided into three specific ISG modes of
operation: (a) starting and low speed motoring, (b) low speed generating and (c) high
speed generating. The mechanical rotor position, inductance profile, the switching
waveforms for all components (Q1, Q2, D1 and D2), and the associated phase voltage
and current are illustrated in Figure A.7 for (a) starting and low speed motoring and (b)
low speed generating.
Figure A.7: Waveforms at speeds of operation (a) starting and low speed motoring (b)
low speed generating
The mechanical rotor position, inductance profile, the switching waveforms for all
components (Q1, Q2, D1 and D2), and the associated phase voltage and current are
illustrated in Figure A.8 for high speed generating
s s s s
Poles Direction of
rotor rotation
Conduction Period
θ1 θon θ2 θ3 θoff θ4 θext Angle
|e| = |VDC|
I II III Rotor
A.3.1 Asymmetrical half-bridge
The determination of the relevant equations and parameter values for evaluating each
component (Q1, Q2, D1 and D1) in each ISG mode of operation (starting, low speed
motoring, and low and high speed generating) for the asymmetrical half-bridge
converter is presented in the following sections. The schematic of the asymmetrical
half-bridge converter including the converter modes of operation (magnetisation,
freewheeling and demagnetisation) are illustrated in Figure A.9
Figure A.9: The asymmetrical half-bridge or classic converter. (a) Static view of
converter. (b) Energization mode. (c) Freewheeling mode. (d) Forced demagnetization
A.3.1.1 Starting and low speed motoring – Q1
I(Q1) Lmin
Q1 V(Q1)
D2 θon θ1 θ2 θext θ4 Rotor
D1 Q2
(a) (b)
Figure A.10: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q1.
(b)Voltage and current waveforms for Q1 during magnetisation
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.2 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a square wave with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.10b. D is the duty cycle of
continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 25%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6. Vm = VS (the applied voltage)
for Q1 as shown in Figure A.10a and Im is shown in Figure A.10b. The switching
frequency, fs, is 25 kHz. The tr and tf time are obtained from the specific MOSFET data
A.3.1.2 Starting and low speed motoring – Q2
Figure A.11: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q2.
(b)Voltage and current waveforms for Q2 during magnetisation and freewheeling
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.2 as the current waveform is assumed to be a square wave
with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.11b. D is the duty cycle of continuous
operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 50%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6. Vm = VS (the applied voltage)
for Q2 as shown in Figure A.11a and Im is shown in Figure A.11b. The switching
frequency, fs, is determined from the speed of the SRM. From the analysis in chapter 4,
starting at 200RPM yields 20Hz and low speed motoring at 1000RPM yields 100Hz.
The tr and tf time are obtained from the specific MOSFET data sheet.
A.3.1.3 Starting and low speed motoring – D1
θon θ1 θ2 θext θ4 Angle
D1 V(D1) Q2
(a) (b)
Figure A.12: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for D1.
(b)Voltage and current waveforms for D1during freewheeling and demagnetisation
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
freewheeling and (II) demagnetization.
(I) Freewheeling
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.7. The current waveform is
assumed to be of the form of a square wave with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure
A.12b. VD = VF (the forward bias voltage) for D1 as shown in Figure A.12a and D is the
duty cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 25%. The
switching losses are determined using equation A.8 where VD = VS (the reverse voltage)
across D1 and fs is 25 kHz. Qrr for the specific diode is obtained for the diode data sheet.
(II) Demagnetization
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.7. The current waveform is
assumed to be of the form of a triangular wave with the peak current is assumed to be
0.5Im. D is the duty cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to
be 10%. The switching losses are determined using equation A.8 where VD = VS (the
reverse voltage) across D1 and fs is 20 Hz for starting and 100Hz for low speed motoring.
Qrr for the specific diode is obtained for the diode data sheet.
VS Lmin
D1 Q2 -VS
(a) (b)
Figure A.13: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for D2.
(b)Voltage and current waveforms for D2 during demagnetisation
The conduction and switching losses are the same as for D1 in the second region of
operation, (II) demagnetization.
A.3.1.5 Low speed generating - Q1
I(Q1) Lmin
Q1 V(Q1)
D2 θon θ3 θ4 θext Rotor
D1 Q2
(a) (b)
Figure A.14: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q1.
(b)Voltage and current waveforms for Q1 during magnetisation
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.2 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a square wave shape with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.14b. D is the duty
cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 25%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6. Vm = VS (the applied voltage)
for Q1 as shown in Figure A.14a and Im is shown in Figure A.14b. The switching
frequency, fs, is 25 kHz. The tr and tf time are obtained from the specific MOSFET data
A.3.1.6 Low speed generating – Q2
Figure A.15: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q2.
(b)Voltage and current waveforms for Q2 during magnetisation
The conduction and switching losses for both regions are the same as for Q1.
A.3.1.7 Low speed generating – D1
θon θ3 θ4 θext Rotor
D1 V(D1) Q2 V(D1)
(a) (b)
Figure A.16: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for D1.
(b)Voltage and current waveforms for D1during generating and demagnetisation
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
generating and (II) demagnetization.
(I) Generating
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.7. The current waveform is
assumed to be of a square wave with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.16b. VD =
VF (the forward bias voltage) for D1 as shown in Figure A.16a and D is the duty cycle of
continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 25%. The switching losses
are determined using equation A.8 where VD = VS (the reverse voltage) across D1 and fs
is 25 kHz. Qrr for the specific diode is obtained for the diode data sheet.
(II) Demagnetization
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.7. The current waveform is
assumed to be of the form of a triangular wave with the peak current is assumed to be
0.5Im. D is the duty cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to
be 10%. The switching losses are determined using equation A.8 where VD = VS (the
reverse voltage) across D1 and fs is 200 Hz. Qrr for the specific diode is obtained for the
diode data sheet.
VS Lmin
D1 Q2 V(D2)
(a) (b)
Figure A.17: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for D2.
(b)Voltage and current waveforms for D2 during generating and demagnetisation
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
generating and (II) demagnetization. The conduction and switching losses for both
regions are the same as for D1.
A.3.1.9 High speed generating – Q1
I(Q1) Lmin
D1 Q2 V(Q1)
(a) (b)
Figure A.18: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q1. (b)Voltage
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.4 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a triangular pulse shape with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.18b. D is the duty
cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 40%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6. Vm = VS (the applied voltage)
for Q1 as shown in Figure A.18a and Im is shown in Figure A.18b. The switching
frequency, fs, is determined from the speed of the SRM. From the analysis in chapter 4,
high speed generating at 4500RPM yields 450Hz and 6000RPM yields 600Hz. The tr
and tf time are obtained from the specific MOSFET data sheet.
A.3.1.10 High speed generating – Q2
Q1 θ1 θon θ2 θ3 θoff θ4 θext Angle
D1 V(Q2) Q2 V(Q2)
(a) (b)
Figure A.19: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q2. (b)Voltage
The conduction and switching losses for both regions are the same as for Q1.
A.3.1.11 High speed generating – D1
VS Lmin
D1 V(D1) Q2 V(D1)
(a) (b)
Figure A.20: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for D1. (b)Voltage
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
generating and (II) demagnetization.
(I) Generating
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.7. The current waveform is
assumed to be of the form of a square pulse shape. D is the duty cycle of continuous
operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 30%. Switching losses are determined
using equation A.8 where fs for high speed generating at 4500RPM yields 450Hz and
6000RPM yields 600Hz.
(II) Demagnetization
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.7. The current waveform is
assumed to be of the form of a triangular pulse shape with a peak current is assumed to
be 0.5*IM. D is the duty cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4
to be 10%. Switching losses are determined using equation A.8 where fs for high speed
generating at 4500RPM yields 450Hz and 6000RPM yields 600Hz.
A.3.1.12 High speed generating – D2
Q1 V(D2) D2
I(D2) θ1 θon θ2 θ3 θoff θ4 θext Angle
D1 Q2 +VS
(a) (b)
Figure A.21: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for D2. (b)Voltage
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
generating and (II) demagnetization. The conduction and switching losses for both
regions are the same as for D1.
A.3.2 Full-bridge with synchronous rectification
The determination of the relevant equations and parameter values for evaluating each
component (Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4) in each mode of operation for the full-bridge with
synchronous rectification is presented in the following sections. The schematic of the
full-bridge synchronous rectification converter including its modes of operation are
illustrated in Figure A.22.
Q1 Q4
Q3 Q2
Q1 Q4 Q4 Q1 V(Q4) Q4
Vph = VS Vph = 0 Vph = -VS
Q3 Q2 Q3 V(Q3) V(Q2)
Q2 Q3 V(Q3) Q2
Figure A.22: The full-bridge converter. (a) Static view of converter. (b) Energization
mode. (c) Freewheeling mode. (d) Forced demagnetization mode
A.3.2.1 Starting and low speed motoring – Q1 and Q2
The conduction and switching losses are the same as for Q1 and Q2 from the asymmetric
half bridge.
Q1 Q4
θon θ1 θ2 θext Angle
iph PWM
Q3 V(Q3) Q2 V(Q3)
(a) (b)
Figure A.23: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q3. (b)Voltage
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
Freewheeling and (II) demagnetization.
(I) Freewheeling
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.2 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a square pulse shape with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.23b. D is the duty
cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 25%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6 with the switching frequency, fs,
of 25 kHz and Vm is equal to the peak voltage, VS, across Q3 as shown in Figure A.23a
and I(Q3) = Im as shown in Figure A.23b. The tr and tf time are obtained from the specific
MOSFET data sheet.
(II) Demagnetization
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.4 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a triangular pulse shape with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.23b. D is the duty
cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 10%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6. The switching frequency, fs, is
determined from the speed of the SRM. From the analysis in chapter 4, starting at
200RPM yields 20Hz and low speed motoring at 1000RPM yields 100Hz. Vm is equal
to the peak voltage, VS, across Q3 as shown in Figure A.23a and I(Q3) = Im as shown in
Figure A.23b. The tr and tf time are obtained from the specific MOSFET data sheet.
A.3.2.3 Starting and low speed motoring – Q4
Q1 V(Q4) Q4
θon θ1 θ2 θext Angle
Q3 Q2 +VSD
(a) (b)
Figure A.24: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q4. (b)Voltage
The conduction and switching losses are the same as for Q3 in the second region of
operation, (II) demagnetization.
A.3.2.4 Low speed generating – Q1 and Q2
The conduction and switching losses are the same as for Q1 and Q2 from the
asymmetric half bridge.
L Pitch
Q1 Q4
θon θ3 θ4 θext Rotor
Q3 V(Q3) Q2 PWM
(a) (b)
Figure A.25: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q3. (b)
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
Generating and (II) demagnetization.
(I) Generating
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5 The RMS current is
determined using equation A.2 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a square pulse shape with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.25b. D is the duty
cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 25%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6 with the switching frequency, fs,
of 25 kHz and Vm is equal to the peak voltage, VS, across Q3 as shown in Figure A.25a
and I(Q3) = Im as shown in Figure A.25b. The tr and tf time are obtained from the specific
MOSFET data sheet.
(II) Demagnetization
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.4 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a triangular pulse shape with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.25b. D is the duty
cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 10%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6. The switching frequency, fs, is
determined from the speed of the SRM. From the analysis in chapter 4, low speed
generating at 2000RPM yields 200Hz. Vm is equal to the peak voltage, VS, across Q3 as
shown in Figure A.25a and I(Q3) = Im as shown in Figure A.25b. The tr and tf time are
obtained from the specific MOSFET data sheet.
A.3.2.6 Low speed generating – Q4
L Pitch
VS I(Q4)
iph +VSD PWM
Q3 Q2
(a) (b)
Figure A.26: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q4. (b)Voltage
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
generating and (II) demagnetization. The conduction and switching losses for both
regions are the same as for Q3.
A.3.2.7 High speed generating – Q1 and Q2
The conduction and switching losses are the same as for Q1 and Q2 from the
asymmetric half bridge.
Figure A.27: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q3. (b)
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
Generating and (II) demagnetization.
(I) Generating
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.2 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a square pulse shape with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.27b. D is the duty
cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 30%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6. The switching frequency, fs, is
determined from the speed of the SRM. From the analysis in chapter 4, high speed
generating at 4500RPM yields 450Hz and 6000RPM yields 600Hz. Vm is equal to the
peak voltage, VS, across Q3 as shown in Figure A.27a and I(Q3) = Im as shown in Figure
A.27b. The tr and tf time are obtained from the specific MOSFET data sheet.
(II) Demagnetization
The conduction losses are determined using equation A.5. The RMS current is
determined using equation A.4 as the current waveform is assumed to be of the form of
a triangular pulse shape with a peak value of Im as shown in Figure A.27b. D is the duty
cycle of continuous operation, which is determined in chapter 4 to be 10%.
The switching losses are determined using equation A.6. The switching frequency, fs, is
determined from the speed of the SRM. From the analysis in chapter 4, high speed
generating at 4500RPM yields 450Hz and 6000RPM yields 600Hz. Vm is equal to the
peak voltage, VS, across Q3 as shown in Figure A.27a and I(Q3) = Im as shown in Figure
A.27b. The tr and tf time are obtained from the specific MOSFET data sheet.
A.3.2.9 High speed generating – Q4
Figure A.28: (a) Converter schematic with voltage and current labelled for Q4. (b)Voltage
The conduction and switching losses are divided into two regions of operation, (I)
generating and (II) demagnetization. The conduction and switching losses for both
regions are the same as for Q3.
Appendix B – Power Analysis Computations
In the following appendix, the complete power analysis calculation results generated by
a spreadsheet program are presented for the asymmetrical half-bridge converter and
full-bridge synchronous rectification converter. The specific components that were
evaluated are tabulated in Table B.1, while a summary of the operating conditions are
provided in section B.1. The power calculation results for the asymmetrical half-bridge
converter are presented in section B.2 and the results for the components that were
evaluated for the full-bridge synchronous rectification converter are presented in
sections B.3 through B.9, respectively. A number of component configurations were
evaluated for the full-bridge synchronous rectification converter and these included
single device and 2 or 4 devices mounted in parallel at each switching location (Q1, Q2,
Q3 and Q4).
ISA Function Starting Low speed motoring Low speed generating High speed generating
Voltage (VS) 36 42 42 42
PeakCurrent (A) 140 140 140 140
PeakCurrent (A) per Switch 140 140 140 140
Avg Current (A) 77 77 77 77
Avg Current (A) per Switch 77 77 77 77
Peak Power (W) 5040 5880 5880 5880
Avg Power (W) 2772 3234 3234 3234
ISA Speed (rpm) 200 1000 2000 4500
Rev/Sec 3.33 16.67 33.33 75
Period/Rev (ms) 300 60 30 13.3
Rotor Pole 6 6 6 6
Pole Period (ms) 50 10 5 2.2
Frequency (Hz) 25000 20 25000 100 25000 200 450 450
Dudy Cycle - Q1 25% 25% 25% 40%
Dudy Cycle - Q2 50% 50% 25% 40%
Dudy Cycle - D1 25% 10% 25% 10% 25% 10% 30% 10%
Dudy Cycle - D2 10% 10% 25% 10% 30% 10%
B.1 Operating Conditions
1. Maximum ambient temperature in all cases (TA ): 90 C 8. Heat Spreader length: 0.05 m
2. Maximum semiconductor case temperature (TC): 110 C 9. Heat Spreader width: 0.025 m
3. Maximum semiconductor junction temperature (TJ): 110 C 10. Heat Spreader depth: 0.016 m
4. Minimum semiconductor voltage rating: 42 Vdc 11. Thermal Coupler RθTC-S 0.2 C/W
5. Minimum semiconductor peak current rating: 140 A
6. Minimum semiconductor continuous current rating: 84 A Device Number 1
7. Minimum semiconductor switching frequency: 25 kHz Rotor Pole No. 6
B.2 Asymmetric Half-Bridge – Single Devices
Power Analysis
Component Manufacturer Model Manufacturer Model
Data Device No.: 1 VF 1.8 V
trr 500 ns Max Peak Current Qrr@di/dt=100A/µs 275 nC
RDS(ON)@Tj=175oC 0.02 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175oC 2.25
tr 500 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 1 µs 80 A (TC = 144oC) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 70 70 70 51
PC(Q1) (W) 121 121 121 65
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 95 110 110 2
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 216 232 232 67
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 99 99 70 51
PC(Q2) (W) 243 243 121 65
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0.076 0.4 110 2
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 243 243 232 67
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
PCF(D1) (W) 63 63 63 76
Switching Losses
PSF(D1) (W) 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.01
Demagnetization Losses
Conduction Losses
PCDM(D1) (W) 13 13 13 13
Switching Losses
PSDM(D1) (W) 0.0002 0.001 0.002 0.01
Total Losses
PT (D1) (W) 76 76 76 88
Total Losses
PT (D2) (W) 13 13 13 13
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 547 563 552 234
Power Transfer of
Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 28
VS (V) 9 11 11 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
VS (V) 0 0 11 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 7 7 7 7
VS (V) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 252 294 294 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1512 1764 3234 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2059 2327 3786 3468
Efficiency (%) 73 76 85 93
B.3 Full-bridge with Synchronous Rectification
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 APT APT20M11JFLL
Data Device No.: 1 VSD 1.25 V
trr 1000 ns Max Peak Current
o o o
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.25) 0.02475 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175 C 2.25
tr 500 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 1000 ns 80 A (TC = 144 C) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 70 70 70 51
PC(Q1) (W) 121 121 121 65
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 95 110 110 2
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 216 232 232 67
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 99 99 70 51
PC(Q2) (W) 243 243 121 65
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 110 2
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 243 243 232 67
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 70 70 70 77
PCF(Q3) (W) 121 121 121 146
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 95 110 110 2
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 26 26 26 26
PCDM(Q3) (W) 16 16 16 16
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 1 2
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 232 248 249 166
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 16 17 249 166
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 707 739 960 465
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP ) (W) 2471 2797 4488 3699
Efficiency (% ) 71 74 79 87
B.3.2 Parallel MOSFETs- FDP047AN08A0 – Two Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild Semi FDP047AN08A0
Data Device No.: 2 VSD 1.25 V
trr 53 ns Max Peak Current
RDS(ON)@Tj=175oC (Coeff: 2.34) 0.011 Ω 184 A (TC = 115oC) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175oC 2.34
tr 880 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 450 ns 80 A (TC = 144oC) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 35 35 35 26
PC(Q1) (W) 13 13 13 7
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 42 49 49 1
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 55 62 62 8
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 49 49 35 26
PC(Q2) (W) 27 27 13 7
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 49 1
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 27 27 62 8
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 35 35 35 38
PCF(Q3) (W) 13 13 13 16
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 42 49 49 1
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 13 13 13 13
PCDM(Q3) (W) 2 2 2 2
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 1
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 57 64 65 20
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 2 2 65 20
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 283 312 508 111
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2047 2370 4036 3345
Efficiency (%) 86 87 87 97
B.3.3 Parallel MOSFETs- FDP047AN08A0 – Four Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild Semi FDP047AN08A0
Data Device No.: 4 VSD 1.25 V
trr 53 ns Max Peak Current
o o o
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.34) 0.011 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175 C 2.34
tr 880 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 450 ns 80 A (TC = 144 C) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 18 18 18 13
PC(Q1) (W) 3 3 3 2
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 21 24 24 0
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 24 28 28 2
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 25 25 18 13
PC(Q2) (W) 7 7 3 2
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 24 0
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 7 7 28 2
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 18 18 18 19
PCF(Q3) (W) 3 3 3 4
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 21 24 24 0
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 6 6 6 6
PCDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 0
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 0
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 25 28 28 5
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 0 1 28 5
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 225 254 450 61
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 1989 2312 3978 3295
Efficiency (%) 89 89 89 98
B.3.4 Parallel MOSFETs- FDH038AN08A1 – Two Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild Semi FDH038AN08A1
Data Device No.: 2 VSD 1.25 V
trr 50 ns Max Peak Current
o o o
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.34) 0.009 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175 C 2.34
tr 1410 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 1260 ns 80 A (TC = 144 C) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 35 35 35 26
PC(Q1) (W) 11 11 11 6
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 84 98 98 2
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 95 109 109 8
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 49 49 35 26
PC(Q2) (W) 22 22 11 6
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 98 2
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 22 22 109 8
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 35 35 35 38
PCF(Q3) (W) 11 11 11 13
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 84 98 98 2
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 13 13 13 13
PCDM(Q3) (W) 1 1 1 1
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 1 2
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 97 111 111 18
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 2 2 111 18
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 430 488 881 103
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2194 2546 4409 3337
Efficiency (%) 80 81 80 97
B.3.5 Parallel MOSFETs- FDH038AN08A1 – Four Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild Semi FDH038AN08A1
Data Device No.: 4 VSD 1.25 V
trr 50 ns Max Peak Current
o o o
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.34) 0.009 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175 C 2.34
tr 1410 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 1260 ns 80 A (TC = 144 C) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 18 18 18 13
PC(Q1) (W) 3 3 3 1
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 42 49 49 1
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 45 52 52 2
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 25 25 18 13
PC(Q2) (W) 5 5 3 1
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 49 1
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 5 6 52 2
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 18 18 18 19
PCF(Q3) (W) 3 3 3 3
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 42 49 49 1
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 6 6 6 6
PCDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 0
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 1
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 45 52 53 5
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 0 1 53 5
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 383 441 835 62
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2147 2499 4363 3296
Efficiency (%) 82 82 81 98
B.3.6 Parallel MOSFETs- FDP060AN08A0 – Two Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild Semi FDP060AN08A0
Data Device No.: 2 VSD 1.25 V
trr 37 ns Max Peak Current
o o o
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.2) 0.013 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175 C 2.2
tr 790 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 380 ns 80 A (TC = 144oC) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 35 35 35 26
PC(Q1) (W) 16 16 16 9
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 37 43 43 1
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 53 59 59 9
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 49 49 35 26
PC(Q2) (W) 32 32 16 9
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 43 1
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 32 33 59 9
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 35 35 35 38
PCF(Q3) (W) 16 16 16 19
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 37 43 43 1
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 13 13 13 13
PCDM(Q3) (W) 2 2 2 2
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 1
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 55 61 62 23
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 2 2 62 23
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 286 311 483 130
Power Transfer of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2050 2369 4011 3364
Efficiency (%) 86 87 88 96
B.3.7 Parallel MOSFETs- FDP060AN08A0 – Four Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild Semi FDP060AN08A0
Data Device No.: 4 VSD 1.25 V
trr 37 ns Max Peak Current
o o o
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.2) 0.013 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175 C 2.2
tr 790 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 380 ns 80 A (TC = 144oC) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 18 18 18 13
PC(Q1) (W) 4 4 4 2
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 18 21 21 0
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 22 26 26 3
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 25 25 18 13
PC(Q2) (W) 8 8 4 2
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 21 0
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 8 8 26 3
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 18 18 18 19
PCF(Q3) (W) 4 4 4 5
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 18 21 21 0
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 6 6 6 6
PCDM(Q3) (W) 1 1 1 1
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 0
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 23 26 26 6
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 1 1 26 6
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 217 242 414 70
Power Transfer of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 1981 2300 3942 3304
Efficiency (%) 89 89 89 98
B.3.8 Parallel MOSFETs- SPP80N08S2L-07 – Two Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Infineon SPP80N08S2L-07
Data Device No.: 2 VSD 1.3 V
trr 100 ns Max Peak Current
RDS(ON)@Tj=175oC (Coeff: 1) 0.016 Ω 184 A (TC = 115oC) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175oC 1
tr 1220 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 1170 ns 80 A (TC = 144 C) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 35 35 35 26
PC(Q1) (W) 20 20 20 10
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 75 88 88 2
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 95 107 107 12
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 49 49 35 26
PC(Q2) (W) 39 39 20 10
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 88 2
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 39 40 107 12
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 35 35 35 38
PCF(Q3) (W) 20 20 20 24
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 75 88 88 2
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 13 13 13 13
PCDM(Q3) (W) 3 3 3 3
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 1 2
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 98 110 111 29
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 3 3 111 29
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 469 521 873 165
Power Transfer of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2233 2579 4401 3399
Efficiency (%) 79 80 80 95
B.3.9 Parallel MOSFETs- SPP80N08S2L-07 – Four Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Infineon SPP80N08S2L-07
Data Device No.: 4 VSD 1.3 V
trr 100 ns Max Peak Current
RDS(ON)@Tj=175oC (Coeff: 1) 0.016 Ω 184 A (TC = 115oC) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175oC 1
tr 1220 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 1170 ns 80 A (TC = 144oC) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 18 18 18 13
PC(Q1) (W) 5 5 5 3
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 38 44 44 1
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 43 49 49 3
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 25 25 18 13
PC(Q2) (W) 10 10 5 3
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 44 1
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 10 10 49 3
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 18 18 18 19
PCF(Q3) (W) 5 5 5 6
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 38 44 44 1
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 6 6 6 6
PCDM(Q3) (W) 1 1 1 1
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 1
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 43 50 50 8
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 1 1 50 8
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 385 437 789 92
Power Transfer of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2149 2495 4317 3326
Efficiency (%) 82 82 82 97
B.3.10 Parallel MOSFETs- BUK75/7606-75B – Two Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Phillips Semi BUK75/7606-75B
Data Device No.: 2 VSD 1.2 V
trr 86 ns Max Peak Current
o o o
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.7) 0.012 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175 C 2.7
tr 560 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 480 ns 80 A (TC = 144 C) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 35 35 35 26
PC(Q1) (W) 14 14 14 8
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 33 38 38 1
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 47 53 53 8
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 49 49 35 26
PC(Q2) (W) 29 29 14 8
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 38 1
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 29 29 53 8
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 35 35 35 38
PCF(Q3) (W) 14 14 14 17
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 33 38 38 1
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 13 13 13 13
PCDM(Q3) (W) 2 2 2 2
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 1
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 49 55 55 21
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 2 2 55 21
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 254 277 430 116
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2018 2335 3958 3350
Efficiency (%) 87 88 89 97
B.3.11 Parallel MOSFETs- BUK75/7606-75B – Four Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Phillips Semi BUK75/7606-75B
Data Device No.: 4 VSD 1.2 V
trr 86 ns Max Peak Current
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.7) 0.012 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175oC 2.7
tr 560 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 480 ns 80 A (T C = 144oC)
Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 18 18 18 13
PC(Q1) (W) 4 4 4 2
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 16 19 19 0
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 20 23 23 2
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 25 25 18 13
PC(Q2) (W) 7 7 4 2
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 19 0
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 7 7 23 2
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 18 18 18 19
PCF(Q3) (W) 4 4 4 4
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 16 19 19 0
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 6 6 6 6
PCDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 0
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 0
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 20 23 23 5
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 0 1 23 5
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 193 215 368 62
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 1957 2273 3896 3296
Efficiency (%) 90 91 91 98
B.3.12 Parallel MOSFETs- PSMN009-100W – Two Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Phillips Semi PSMN009-100W
Data Device No.: 2 VSD 1.2 V
trr 100 ns Max Peak Current
RDS(ON)@Tj=175oC (Coeff: 2.7) 0.024 Ω 184 A (TC = 115oC) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175oC 2.7
tr 1000 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 1000 ns 80 A (TC = 144oC) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 35 35 35 26
PC(Q1) (W) 30 30 30 16
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 63 74 74 1
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 93 103 103 17
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 49 49 35 26
PC(Q2) (W) 60 60 30 16
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 74 1
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 60 60 103 17
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 35 35 35 38
PCF(Q3) (W) 30 30 30 36
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 63 74 74 1
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 13 13 13 13
PCDM(Q3) (W) 4 4 4 4
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 1 1
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 97 108 108 42
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 4 4 108 42
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 506 550 844 238
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2270 2608 4372 3472
Efficiency (%) 78 79 81 93
B.3.13 Parallel MOSFETs- PSMN009-100W – Four Devices
Power Analysis
Component Munufacturer Model
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Phillips Semi PSMN009-100W
Data Device No.: 4 VSD 1.2 V
trr 100 ns Max Peak Current
o o o
RDS(ON)@Tj=175 C (Coeff: 2.7) 0.024 Ω 184 A (TC = 115 C) RDS(ON) Coefficient @Tj=175 C 2.7
tr 1000 ns Max Cont. Current Rise and Fall time assumed worse
tf 1000 ns 80 A (TC = 144 C) Multiply by a factor of 10
Power Analysis Starting Low speed Low speed High speed
motoring generating generating
Speed (RPM) 200 1000 2000 4500
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q1) (A) 18 18 18 13
PC(Q1) (W) 7 7 7 4
Switching Losses
PS(Q1) (W) 32 37 37 1
Total Losses
PT (Q1) (W) 39 44 44 5
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q2) (A) 25 25 18 13
PC(Q2) (W) 15 15 7 4
Switching Losses
PS(Q2) (W) 0 0 37 1
Total Losses
PT(Q2) (W) 15 15 44 5
Freewheeling or Generating
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 18 18 18 19
PCF(Q3) (W) 7 7 7 9
Switching Losses
PSF(Q3) (W) 32 37 37 1
Demagnetisation Losses
Conduction Losses
IRMS(Q3) (A) 6 6 6 6
PCDM(Q3) (W) 1 1 1 1
Switching Losses
PSDM(Q3) (W) 0 0 0 1
Total Losses
PT (Q3) (W) 40 45 45 11
Total Losses
PT (Q4) (W) 1 1 45 11
Power Loss Single Phase
PT(SP) (W) 379 423 717 127
Power Transfer
of Single Phase
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PM (W) 1260 1470 1470 1176
Im (A) 0 0 140 140
Vm (A) 0 0 42 42
PG (W) 0 0 1470 1764
Im (A) 140 140 140 140
Vm (A) 36 42 42 42
PDM (W) 504 588 588 294
Efficiency of Single Phase
Pphase (W) 1764 2058 3528 3234
Pphase + PT(SP) (W) 2143 2481 4245 3361
Efficiency (%) 82 83 83 96
Appendix C – Thermal Analysis Computations
The following sections present the calculations to select the most suitable heat sink for
the full-bridge synchronous rectification converter. A spreadsheet program was used to
implement the thermal calculations for a number of MOSFETs (Phillips BUK7506-75B,
Fairchild FDP047AN08A0 and FDP060AN08A0). Calculations were implemented in
order to evaluate the effect of different number of devices in parallel (2 and 4), variation
in ambient temperatures (45oC and 90oC), using alternative thermal conductor materials
and heat spreader sizes. These calculations were implemented for each ISG mode of
operation (starting, low speed motoring and high speed generating). The specific
objective of the analysis was to determine the optimum heat sink selection (Rθs-a value).
The detailed spreadsheet calculations for the above conditions are presented in sections
C.1 through C.12.
The value of sink-to-ambient thermal resistance (Rθs-a) is determined using Equation 5.4,
where PT(SP) is the total power dissipation of the MOSFETs from the single converter
phase, Tj(max) is the maximum junction temperature experienced by the MOSFETs (Q1,
Q2, Q3 or Q4) in the single phase converter, Ta, is the maximum ambient temperature,
Rθj-c is the thermal resistance of the TO-220 package, Rθc-hs is the thermal resistance of
the heat sink compound, Rθhs-tc is the thermal resistance of the heat spreader and Rθtc-s is
the thermal resistance of the thermal conductor.
The thermal resistance of the heat spreader (Rθhs-tc) and the thermal resistance of the
thermal conductor (Rθtc-s) is determined using Equation 5.2, where d is the thickness of
the material (m), λ is thermal conductivity (Wm-1oC-1) of the material and A is the cross
sectional area (m2)
The specific converter layout is illustrated in Figure C.1 for implementing two devices
in parallel and a side view of the structure illustrating the different thermal resistance
layers (case, heat spreader, thermal conductor and heat sink) is illustrated in Figure C.2.
The heat flow path from junction to ambient is illustrated in Figure C.3.
Thermal conductor
Figure C.3: The heat flow path from junction-to-ambient for the single phase converter
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild FDP047AN08A0 Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 127 130 104 Device # 2
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 TA ( C) 45
TJ ( C) 113 113 104
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 127 131 109 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 101 101 109 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.19 0.17 0.48
C.1 FDP047AN08A0 – Two Devices – Ta = 45oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild FDP047AN08A0 Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 112 113 101 Device # 4
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 TA ( C) 45
TJ ( C) 103 103 101
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 112 114 103 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 100 100 103 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.23 0.20 0.88
C.2 FDP047AN08A0 – Four Devices – Ta = 45oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild FDP047AN08A0 Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 127 130 104 Device # 2
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 TA ( C) 90
TJ ( C) 113 113 104
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 127 131 109 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 101 101 109 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.031 0.030 0.074
C.3 FDP047AN08A0 – Two Devices – Ta = 90oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild FDP047AN08A0 Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 112 113 101 Device # 4
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 TA ( C) 90
TJ ( C) 103 103 101
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 112 114 103 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 100 100 103 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.032 0.028 0.141
C.4 FDP047AN08A0 – Four Devices – Ta = 90oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild FDP060AN08A0 Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 125 128 105 Device # 2
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 TA ( C) 45
TJ ( C) 116 116 105
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 127 130 111 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 101 101 111 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.18 0.17 0.41
C.5 FDP060AN08A0– Two Devices – Ta = 45oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild FDP060AN08A0 Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 111 112 101 Device # 4
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 TA ( C) 45
TJ ( C) 104 104 101
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 111 113 103 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 100 100 103 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.24 0.21 0.77
C.6 FDP060AN08A0– Four Devices – Ta = 45oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild FDP060AN08A0 Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 125 128 105 Device # 2
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 TA ( C) 90
TJ ( C) 116 116 105
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 127 130 111 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 101 101 111 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.026 0.026 0.061
C.7 FDP060AN08A0– Two Devices – Ta = 90oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Fairchild FDP060AN08A0 Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 111 112 101 Device # 4
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 TA ( C) 90
TJ ( C) 104 104 101
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 111 113 103 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 100 100 103 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.032 0.028 0.121
C.8 FDP060AN08A0– Four Devices – Ta = 90oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Phillips Semi BUK75/7606-75B Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 123 125 104 Device # 2
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 TA ( C) 45
TJ ( C) 114 114 104
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 124 126 110 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 101 101 110 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.21 0.19 0.46
C.9 BUK75/7606-75B – Two Devices – Ta = 45 oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Phillips Semi BUK75/7606-75B Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 110 111 101 Device # 4
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 TA ( C) 45
TJ ( C) 103 103 101
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 110 111 103 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 100 100 103 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.27 0.24 0.86
C.10 BUK75/7606-75B – Four Devices – Ta = 45 oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Phillips Semi BUK75/7606-75B Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 123 125 104 Device # 2
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 TA ( C) 90
TJ ( C) 114 114 104
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 124 126 110 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.29 0.29 0.29 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 101 101 110 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.031 0.029 0.070
C.11 BUK75/7606-75B – Two Devices – Ta = 90 oC
Component Munufacturer Model Thermal conductor (tc) Heat spreader (hs)
MOSFET: Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4 Phillips Semi BUK75/7606-75B Rθtc-s (o CW -1 ) 0.058 Rθhs-tc(o CW -1 ) 0.058
Data A (mm ) 1250 L (mm) 50
o -1
Rθj-c ( CW ) 0.48 d (mm) 0.25 W (mm) 25
o -1 -1o -1
Rθc-hs ( CW ) 0.1 λ (Wm C ) 3.5 d (mm) 16
Thermal Calculations Starting Low speed High speed A=LW(mm2) 1250
motoring generating λ (Wm-1oC-1) 220
Q1 200 rpm 1000 rpm 4500 rpm
o -1
Rθj-hs(Q1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Operating conditions
TJ ( C) 110 111 101 Device # 4
Q2 TC ( C) 100
o -1 o
Rθj-hs(Q2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 TA ( C) 90
TJ ( C) 103 103 101
Q3 Notes:
o -1
Rθj-hs(D1) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθj-c (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - junction to case
TJ ( C) 110 111 103 Rθc-hs (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heatsink compound
Q4 Rθhs-tc (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - heat spreader
o -1
Rθj-hs(D2) ( CW ) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Rθtc-s (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - thermal conductor
TJ ( C) 100 100 103 Rθs-a (oCW-1) = Thermal resistance - sink to ambient
Single phase converter
o -1
Rθs-a(Single P hase) ( CW ) 0.038 0.033 0.138
C.12 BUK75/7606-75B – Four Devices – Ta = 90 oC
Appendix D – Experimental System
D.1 Schematics
Figure D.1.2: Interconnect block schematic
Figure D.1.3: Schematic of converter circuit
Figure D.1.4: Schematic of interface circuit (Murphy 2002)
Figure D.1.5: Schematic of power supply circuit (sheet 1 of 2) (Murphy 2002)
Figure D.1.6: Schematic of power supply circuit (sheet 2 of 2) (Murphy 2002)
D.2 Photographs of the experimental system
Figure D.2.3: ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite board
Figure D.2.5: Interface electronics board
Appendix E – ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite
Evaluation System Board
The ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite was developed by Analog Devices in order to allow for
fast and efficient system development. This board was employed in the experimental
set-up for the development and test of the SRM converter operation and current control
strategy. The EZ-KIT Lite development board facilitates access to all the capabilities of
the ADSP-21992 digital signal processor (DSP). The board’s features include (Analog
Devices 2003b):
This development board was designed for use in conjunction with the VisualDSP++
development environment. VisualDSP++ runs on a Personal Computer (PC) and
provides a single, integrated project management and debugging environment for
advanced code development and debugging tasks to be performed. Access to the ADSP-
21992 processor on the EZ-KIT Lite board from the PC is achieved through a USB port
or an optional JTAG emulator. An assembly drawing for the ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite
development board is shown in Figure E.1 (Analog Devices 2003b).
Figure E.1: Assembly drawing for the ADSP-21992 EZ-KIT Lite development board
The ADSP-21992 is ideal for SRM control applications because of the number of
integrated special purpose and motor control peripherals. In the work described in this
thesis, a number of these special purpose units were employed in the operation and
control of the converter, which included the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC), the
PWM Generation unit, the Auxiliary PWM Generation unit, the Program Sequencer and
the Peripheral Interrupt Controller and the Flag I/O peripheral unit. A brief description
of each of these units is included below.
All eight analog inputs applied to the analog input connector on the EZ-KIT Lite board
(Connector P4 in Figure E.1) must be in the range from –1V to +1V. The analog
interface circuitry then converts the ±1V signals on the input connector to signals
centred on the ADSP-21992 reference voltage level (either the internally derived 1V
level or the externally provided 1.024V level). Effectively, the analog interface circuits
offset the analog connector inputs by the reference voltage level.
A functional block diagram of the ADC unit of the ADSP-21992 is shown in Figure E.2
(Analog Devices 2003c). As can be seen, the eight input signals are divided into two
banks of four signals. VIN0-VIN3 makes up one bank while the other is comprised of
the signals on VIN4-VIN7. The internal multiplexers are used to connect the various
analog inputs to the ADC.
There are a number of different conversion modes that can be selected using bits 4-6 in
the ADCCTRL register. However, during the course of this project only one mode of
operation was employed: simultaneous sampling mode (selected by clearing bits 4-6).
In this mode, two analog inputs (one from each four-signal bank) are sampled
simultaneously. VIN0 and VIN4 are sampled first followed by the pairs VIN1/VIN5,
VIN2/VIN6 and VIN3/VIN7 with two cycles of the ADC clock between the sampling
of one pair of analog signals and the next. After each pair of inputs are converted, the
14-bit digital numbers are written in 2’s complement, left-aligned format to a dedicated
16-bit, register i.e. the ADC register ADC0 stores the converted result for the signal on
VIN0 etc. In addition, a dedicated bit is set in the ADCSTAT register. After the ADC
has finished with all of the channels, an interrupt may be generated. Alternatively, the
ADCSTAT can be polled to detect successful conversion of a given pair of inputs.
There are a number of ways in which the conversion process can be started, determined
by bits 0-2 in the ADCCTRL register. For the work described in this thesis, the
conversion process was started by setting bit 1 of the SOFTCONVST register (a mode
selected by setting bits 0-2 of the ADCCTRL register).
Figure E.3: Block diagram of the main functional units of the PWM Generator unit.
The PWM generator produces six PWM output signals that consists of three high-side
drive signals (AH, BH and CH) and three low-side drive signals (AL, BL and CL). The
polarity of the PWM signals is determined by the PWMPOL input pin of the
PWMSTAT register, so that either active HI or active LO PWM patterns can be
produced by tying the PWMPOL input pin high or low. The switching frequency and
the dead time of the generated PWM patterns are programmable using the PWMTM and
PWMDT registers. The PWMDT is internally forced to 0 by hardware when
PWMSR is low to signify that the switched reluctance mode is active. The duty-cycles
of the three pairs of PWM signals are directly controlled by the three duty-cycle control
registers (PWMCHA, PWMCHB and PWMCHC). On the EZ-KIT Lite board shown in
Figure E.1, access to the 6 PWM output signal pins on the ADSP-21992 chip is via
connector P10 (Analog Devices 2003b).
The PWMSTAT register provides status information about the PWM system. In this
project, the PWM polarity is always active HI PWM outputs (this requires placing
jumper JP5, on the EASY-KIT Lite board, in position 2-3 to connect the PWMPOL pin
to +3.3V), there is no external trip (this requires placing jumper JP5, on the EASY-KIT
Lite board, in position 2-3 to connect the PWMTRIP pin to +3.3V) and SRM mode is
activated (this requires placing jumper JP6, on the EASY-KIT Lite board, in position 1-
2 to connect the PWMSR pin to GND). The status of which half cycle is active is
provided by PWMPHASE bit (0 = 1st half and 1 = 2nd half). This register also contains
the interrupt bits to indicate an interrupt has occurred (TRIPIRQ bit =1 when interrupt
has occurred from and external trip and SYNCIRQ bit = 1 when an internal interrupt
has occurred due to the PWM synchronization signal). Only the synchronization
interrupt was used in this project. The source code must write a 1 to clear the interrupt
bit and this is usually done during an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR). An ISR is called
to update the duty-cycle values when the PWM generator unit channel is active.
A number of additional registers must be configured or status read in order to
implement the PWM generator unit, including, the PWMSEG register, the PWMGATE
register and the PWMLSI register. Each of the six PWM output signals can be enabled
or disabled by separate output enable bits of the PWMSEG register. An additional 3
control bits on the PWMSEG register permits independent crossover of the two signals
of a PWM pair but this feature was not used in this project. The PWMGATE register
controls a high-frequency chopping signal that is mixed with the PWM signals to drive
pulse gate-drive transformers. This feature was not used in this project. When the SRM
mode is activate, the PWMLSI register is used to create the four SRM chopping modes:
hard chop, alternate chop, soft chop-bottom on and soft chop-top on. The low side
invert that is configured by the PWMLSI bits (1 = invert) is the only difference between
hard chop mode and alternate chop mode. Soft chop-bottom on uses a 100% duty-cycle
on the low side of the channel, while with the soft chop-top on it is the high side of the
channel that utilizes a 100% duty-cycle. Alternate chop mode was used in this project.
The PWM switching frequency is controlled by the 16-bit PWM period register,
PWMTM. The required code for the PWMTM register is determined using equation E.1
(Analog Devices 2003c).
f CK
PWMTM = (E.1)
2 × f PWM
The value of fCK is the same as that for the peripheral clock, HCLK, which was 64MHz
in this project and fPWM is the desired PWM switching frequency. Therefore, in this
project the PWM switching frequency was 25 kHz and this yielded a PWMTM register
code of 1280. The hexadecimal value (0x0500) was written to the PWMTM register.
Switched reluctance mode was selected in this project and this requires that both the
high-side and low-side duty-cycle values had to be set. The high-side duty-cycle values
are controlled by the six 16-bit duty-cycle registers. PWMCHA, PWMCHB and
PWMCHC registers control the high-side duty-cycles, while PWMCHAL, PWMCHBL
and PWMCHCL registers control the low-side duty-cycles. The high-side duty-cycles
are determined using formula E.2 (Analog Devices 2003c).
The generic duty-cycle code PWMCHx is replaced by one of the three high-side duty-
cycle codes, PWMCHA, PWMCHB or PWMCHC. The PWM switching frequency
code was 1280 and the desired duty-cycle value (dAH) ranged from 0 – 1, while the dead
time code (PWMDT) was 0 in this application as the switched reluctance mode was
active. Therefore, a duty-cycle of 10% yielded a PWMCHx code of -512, and the
corresponding hexadecimal value (0xFE00) was written to the register. The low-side
duty-cycles are determined using formula E.3 (Analog Devices 2003c).
The generic duty-cycle code PWMCHxL is replaced by one of the three low-side duty-
cycle codes, PWMCHAL, PWMCHBL or PWMCHCL; otherwise the equation
components are the same as equation E.2. Therefore, a duty-cycle of 90% yields a
PWMCHxL code of -512, which corresponding hexadecimal value (0xFE00) is written
to the register. To save time during code execution the code for high-side channel was
assigned to the low-side channel as both values were the same as can be seen in the
examples. In this project, the alternate chop mode was selected and when in this
configuration all the low-side channels were inverted. So when the high-side channel
was on for a particular duty cycle, the corresponding low-side channel was off for the
same duty-cycle.
The auxiliary PWM generator unit can operate in either independent or offset modes.
Only offset mode was used in this project, so it is the only mode that is discussed here.
In this mode, there is an offset time between the rising edge of channel one (AUX0) and
channel two (AUX1) and this implements alternate chop mode for switched reluctance
mode operation. The switching frequency for the two channels is controlled by the
AUXTM0 register, the duty-cycles for channel one and two are controlled by the
AUXCH0 and AUXCH1 registers, respectively, and the offset time is controlled by the
AUXTM1 register.
The auxiliary PWM control register (AUXCTRL) enables the auxiliary PWM output
(AUX-EN bit, 1 = enable), defines operating mode (AUX_PH bit, 1 = independent, 0 =
offset) and enables the synchronization signal (AS_EN bit, 1 = enable) to allow for
interrupt operation. The auxiliary PWM status register (AUXSTAT) provides the
interrupt or raw status. The raw status bit (AUXTRIP, 1 = HI, 0 = LO, active trip)
defines if an external trip has occurred. The synchronisation interrupt bit (AS_IRQ, 1 =
occurred) provides notification that an interrupt has occurred on the synchronisation
signal while the trip interrupt bit (AT_IRQ, 1 = occurred) signals that an interrupt has
occurred due to and external trip. A 1 must be written to these interrupt bits to clear
them. A synchronisation interrupt was only used in this project. An ISR is called to
update the duty-cycle values when the auxiliary PWM generator unit is active. The
offset time also has to be updated during his routine.
The auxiliary PWM switching frequency for both channels is controlled by the 16-bit
auxiliary PWM period register, AUXTM0, in offset mode. The required AUXTM0
register code is determined using equation E.4 (Analog Devices 2003c).
AUXTM0 = (E.4)
t CK
The value of tCK is the fundamental timing unit of the auxiliary PWM unit is the
switching period of the peripheral clock, HCLK, and had a frequency 64MHz in this
project. This yields a fundamental time increment of tCK of 15.625nS. The auxiliary
PWM switching period, TAUXO, for a switching frequency of 25 kHz is 40µs and this
yields an AUXTM0 register code of 2559. The hexadecimal value (0x09FF) must be
written to the AUXTM0 register.
In offset mode, the AUXTM1 register defines the offset time from the rising edge of the
signal for the AUX0 output to that of AUX1 output. The required AUXTM1 register
code is determined using equation E.5 (Analog Devices 2003c).
AUXTM1 = −1 (E.5)
t CK
The offset time, TOFFSET, is equivalent to the on-time for the AUX0 channel, which in
turn depends on the duty-cycle of the channel. Therefore, the offset is equal to the duty-
cycle multiplied by the auxiliary PWM switching period (40µs). For a 10% duty-cycle
for the AUXO channel, this yields an AUXTM1 register code of 255. The hexadecimal
value (0x00FF) must be written to the AUXTM1 register. The code is updated at the
beginning of the next AUX0 switching period.
The duty-cycle or on-time for the AUX0 channel is controlled by the AUXCH0 register
and is updated at the beginning of the next AUX0 switching period. The required
AUXCH0 register code is determined using equation E.6 (Analog Devices 2003c).
d AUX0 × TSW
AUXCH0 = (E.6)
t CK
For a 10% duty-cycle, dAUX0, for the AUXO channel and an auxiliary PWM switching
period, TSW, of 40µs, yields an AUXCH0 register code of 256. The hexadecimal value
(0x0100) must be written to the register. The duty-cycle or on-time for the AUX1
channel is controlled by the AUXCH1 register and is updated at the beginning of the
next AUX1 switching period. The formula to determine the register code is the same as
equation E6. The duty-cycle for AUX1 is determined using equation E7 (Analog
Devices 2003c).
dAUX1 = 1 – dAUX0 (E.7)
structures that direct the DSP to execute an instruction that is not at the next sequential
address and these structures include: loops, subroutines, jumps, interrupts and idle. The
program flow variations for the DSP are illustrated in Figure E.4 (Analog Devices
The sequencer manages the execution of these program structures by selecting the
address of the next instruction to execute. As part of this process, the sequencer handles
the following tasks: Increment the fetch address, maintains stacks, evaluates conditions,
decrements the loop counter, calculates new addresses, maintains an instruction cache
and handles interrupts. To accomplish these tasks, the sequencer uses the blocks shown
in Figure E.5. The sequencer’s address multiplexer selects the value of the next fetch
address from several possible sources. This address enters the instruction pipeline and
ends with the program counter (PC). The pipeline contains the 24-bit addresses of the
instructions currently being fetched, decoded, and executed. The PC couples with the
PC stack, which stores the return addresses.
Figure E.5: Program Sequencer Block Diagram
Interrupts can stem from a variety of conditions, both external and external to the
processor. In response to an interrupt, the sequencer processes a subroutine call to a
predefined address, the interrupt vector. The DSP assigns a unique vector to each
interrupt. The DSP core supports five fixed interrupt sources (Emulator, Reset,
Powerdown, Loop and PC Stack and Emulation kernel Interrupts) and up to 12 user
assignable interrupts. The user assignable interrupts are generated by the peripheral
units of the ADSP-21992 and their connection and prioritization is managed by the
Peripheral Interrupt Control Unit.
The masking of the various interrupts is controlled by the IMASK processor register
and the latching of the pending interrupts is controlled by the IRPTL processor register.
There are dedicated bits of these registers that are associated with the various fixed and
user assignable interrupt sources. Each interrupt has a dedicated 32-bit address in the
interrupt vector table. The dedicated bits and associated vector addresses for each of the
ADSP-21992 five core and 12 user assignable interrupts are shown in Table E.1
(Analog Devices 2003c).
Table E.2: Peripheral Interrupt Sources
The ADSP21992 has 32 individual peripheral interrupt sources that are tabulated and
identified in Table E.2 (Analog Devices 2003c). There is a unique 4-bit code that allows
each peripheral interrupt source to be assigned to one of the 12 user-assignable
interrupts of the DSP core. Four of the 4-bit codes are contained in each of the 8, 16-bit
Interrupt Priority Registers (Interrupt Priority Register 0 (IPR0) to Interrupt Priority
Register 7 (IRP7)).
The user may write a value between 0x0 and 0xB to each 4-bit location in order to
connect the particular interrupt source to the corresponding user assignable interrupt of
the ADSP-21992 DSP. Writing a value of 0x0 connects the peripheral interrupt to the
USR0 user assignable interrupt of the DSP core, while writing a value of 0xB connects
the peripheral interrupt to the USR11 user assignable interrupt. The core interrupt USR0
is the highest priority user interrupt, while USR11 is the lowest priority. Writing a value
between 0xC and 0xF effectively disables the peripheral interrupt by not connecting it
to any ADSP-21992 DSP interrupt input. The masking and interrupt flagging are
controlled by the core registers IMASK and IRPTL. There are additional features and
registers that are available if the user wishes to assign more than one peripheral interrupt
to any given DSP interrupt but this scheme was not implemented in this project. Only
two peripheral interrupts were assigned in this project, PWMSYNC_IRQ was assigned
to USR0 and AUXSYNC_IRQ was assigned to USR1.
When a flag is configured as an input, the FIO can be programmed to invert the input
value, latch a level or detect a signal edge (rising, falling or both) depending on the
contents of the POLAR, EDGE and BOTH registers. When a flag is configured as an
output, the output value is driven from the FLAG register. The 16-bit FLAG register
exhibits ‘sticky’ behaviour; only writing a ‘1’ to a bit can modify that bit. Writing a ‘1’
to a bit of the FLAG register at the even address 0x0002 (FLAGC) clears the FLAG bit
while writing a ‘1’ to a bit of the FLAG register at the odd address 0x0003 (FLAGS)
sets the FLAG bit. Writing a ‘0’ to any bit in either FLAGC or FLAGS has no effect.
On the EZ-KIT Lite board shown in Figure E.1, access to the 16 FIO programmable
flag pins on the ADSP-21992 chip is via connector P8.
Appendix F – VisualDSP++ 3.0 and implementing
the ISR
VisualDSP++ 3.0 has a number of built in or intrinsic functions designed to make
programming a DSP in a C environment even more user-friendly. These intrinsic
functions require the inclusion of a number of header files in order to access these
functions and to define symbolic names for the registers of the ADSP-21992 DSP. The
specific registers and functions that were accessed in this project include Flag I/O, ADC,
PWM, auxiliary PWM and the various functions required to implement an interrupt
service routine (ISR) to update the PWM and the auxiliary PWM duty cycles.
The io_space_read and io_space_write intrinsic functions require the inclusion of the
architecture definition header files, adsp-21992.h, adsp-2199x.h, def2191.h, def219x.h
when using the ADSP-21992 DSP. The definition header file, adsp-21992.h, allows
access the symbolic names that are unique to the ADSP-21992, specifically the CAN
system registers. The common header file, adsp-2199x.h, is required to access the
registers that are common to all the ADSP-2199x DSP family, which includes I/O
registers, interrupt controller registers, PWM registers, encoder interface unit register,
auxiliary PWM registers, watchdog timer registers, ADC module registers. The
definition file, def2191.h, is also required when using the ADSP-21992 DSP as it
contains additional symbolic names including: the DMA Bus Bridge, External Access
Bridge, JTAG debut, clock and system control, interrupt controller, SPORT, SPI and
UART communications controllers and the timer. The definition file, def219x.h, defines
the symbolic names for all the system register bit and addresses that are common to all
ASDP-219x DSP cores. The Flag I/O block defined in the header file, adsp-2199x.h,
supersedes the definitions already called out in the header file, def2191.h. The
definitions for the interrupt controller provided in the header file, adsp-2199x.h, results
in those in header definition file, def2191.h, been undefined.
Once the IOPG register is set appropriately to access the FIO registers, the DIR register
is accessible. The DIR register is an IO space register and is written to using the
io_space_write intrinsic function. Here, the arguments are the address to be written to,
FIO_DIR, which is #defined in adsp-2199x.h to be 0x000 (the physical I/O address on
IO page 6 of the DIR register) and the value to be written to that address, 0x000F,
where bits 0-3 are set to 1 to enable the corresponding PF pins 0-3 to be outputs. The
source code to implement these instructions is shown in Figure F.1. Access to the ADC,
PWM, and auxiliary PWM is done in the same manner, as illustrated in the code
examples shown in Figure F.2 – F.4, respectively.
#include <sysreg.h>
#include <adsp-2199x.h>
main( )
sysreg_write (sysreg_IOPG, FIO_Page); //Go to FlO page
io_space_write (FIO_DIR, 0x000F); //Set DIR register for PF0-3 as outputs
Figure F.1: Configuring the Flag I/O pins 0 3 (PF0-3) of the FIO Peripheral Unit as
#include <sysreg.h>
#include <adsp-2199x.h>
main( )
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG,ADC_Page); //Go to ADC page
io_space_write(ADC_CTRL, 0x0F0F); //max clock, sim.samp.mode
//and pwmsync convert trigger (000),
Figure F.2: Go to ADC page, set ADC clock to maximum, implement simultaneous
sampling mode, and trigger when SOFTONVST bit is active
#include <sysreg.h>
#include <adsp-2199x.h>
main( )
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, PWM0_Page); //Go to PWM page
io_space_write(PWM0_SEG, 0x03F); //Disable all pwm outputs 0x03F
io_space_write(PWM0_CTRL, 0x000); //Disable PWM generation
io_space_write(PWM0_TM, 0x0500); //25kHz PWM Switching Frequency
io_space_write(PWM0_CHA, 512); //Set PWM AH Duty Cycle to 90%
io_space_write(PWM0_CHAL, 512); //Set PWM AL Duty Cycle to 10%
io_space_write(PWM_SI, 0x0); //No invertion of low side outputs,
//SR Alternate mode
io_space_write(PWM0_SYNCWT, 63); //Set pwm sync signal width for 500ns
Figure F.3: Go to PWM page, disable the PWM output and generation, set the
switching frequency to 25kHz, set the duty cycle for the high-side channel to 90% and
the duty-cycle of the low-side channel to 10%, invert the low-side output due to
switched reluctance mode and enable the PWM synchronization signal with the pulse
width to 500ns
#include <sysreg.h>
#include <adsp-2199x.h>
main( )
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, Aux_PWM_Page); //Go to AUX PWM page
io_space_write(AUX_TMA0, 2559); //25kHz PWM Switching Frequency
io_space_write(AUX_CHA0, 256); //10% initial high-side duty-cycle
io_space_write(AUX_CHA1, 2304); //90% initial low-side duty-cycle
io_space_write(AUX_TMA1, 255); //Offset for low-side duty cycle
io_space_write(AUX_CTRL, 0x000); //Disable outputs and interrupt
Figure F.4: Go to auxiliary PWM page, set the switching frequency to 25kHz, set the
duty-cycle for the high-side channel to 90% and the duty-cycle of the low-side channel
to 10%, set the off-set for the low-side output, disable outputs and disable interrupts
F.3 Implementation of the Interrupt Service routine in C
The interrupt handling in C utilizes the header-defined interrupt(signal, subroutine)
module to take care of everything [(Analog Devices 2002) and (Analog Devices
2003d)]. This function associates a specific ISR module to be run for a given signal that
could be received during run-time. The list of possible signals (SIG_INT value) is
detailed in the signal.h header file. The interrupt handling function also sets the correct
bit in IMASK to enable servicing for that interrupt. In this project, the option to
prioritize the interrupts was utilized.
When using the ADSP-21992, the peripheral interrupt sources, PWMSYNC_IRQ and
AUXSYNC_IRQ, must be assigned to the user assignable core interrupts. The PWM
interrupt was assigned to the highest user assignable core interrupt, USR0, and the
auxiliary PWM interrupt was assigned to the second highest user assignable core
interrupt, USR1 (Analog Devices 2003c). The highest user assignable core interrupt,
USR0, has the signal number SIG_INT4 and the second highest user assignable interrupt,
USR1, has the signal number SIG_INT5 (Analog Devices 2002).
PWM_ISR() and AUXPWM_ISR() are the ISR functions that is called to service the user
assignable interrupts, USR0 and USR1, respectively. The ISR function is called to
service the interrupt once the correct bit is latched in the interrupt latch (IRPTL)
register. This bit must be cleared when the ISR is called. In addition to this interrupt-
registering scheme, all interrupts must be cleared or reset at the initial source code
execution, the user must globally enable interrupts by using the intrinsic function
enable_interrupt() that is defined in the sysreg.h header file. The source code
instructions to clear or reset the interrupts at the initial source code execution, assign
the user interrupts to the DSP core, assign the appropriate ISR to in corresponding
signal number and finally to globally enable all interrupts are implemented in an
initialization function in the project source code. The source code to implement these
initialization steps is shown in Figure F.5.
#include <sysreg.h>
#include <adsp-2199x.h>
main( )
//---------------------------Reset Interrupts--------------------------------//
//Clear/Reset All Interrupts
sysreg_write(sysreg_IRPTL, 0x000);
sysreg_write(sysreg_ICNTL, 0x000);
sysreg_write(sysreg_IMASK, 0x000);
// Assign Peripheral interrupt to the core interrupt
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, IntCtrl_Page); //Go to Peripheral Interrrupt
//Control page
io_space_write(IPR2, 0xF0); //Assign PWMSYNC_IRQ to highest user
//assignable core interrupt priority
io_space_write(IPR6, 0xF1FF); //Assign AUXSYNC_IRQ to second highest
//user assignable core interrupt priority
interrupt(SIG_INT4, PWM_ISR); //INT4 is for interrupt USR0
interrupt(SIG_INT5, AUXPWM_ISR); //INT5 is for interrupt USR1
//---------------------------Enable Interrupts---------------------------------//
enable_interrupts(); //Globally Enable Interrupt
//----------------------------------PWM ISR--------------------------------------//
#pragma interrupt
void PWM_ISR()
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, PWM0_Page); // Go to PWM i/o page
PWM_CycleA = io_space_read(PWM0_STAT); // Read the PWM Status Register
io_space_write(PWM0_STAT, 0x20A); // Clear PWM Interupt Latch bit
Figure F.6: The source code for the ISR function to clear the interrupt latch bit.
Appendix G – DSP Implemented Source Code
G.1 srm_pipwm_current_reg.c
// File: srm_pipwm_current_reg.c
// Date: 29/06/2008
// Author: Anthony Murphy
// Purpose:This is the source file to implement the PWM and AUXPWM Generator Unit and
// read the ADC system on the ADSP-2199x
// Ref: ADSP-2199x Mixed Signal DSP Controller Hardware Reference,
// P/N:82-000640-01 Rev. 0, 2003
// Detail: This file used to initialise the PWM Generator Unit, then in the ISR
// implements adc reading and calculate and update the pwm duty cycles and
// implement reading a switch to determine if mag/free mode or demag mode. The
// pwm controller was finally implemented in its own function,
// motor_control_a() for phase A.
//Include files
#include <signal.h>
#include <math.h>
//Symbolic constants
//Function prototypes
void initialization (void);
void PWM_ISR(); // PWM ISR Prototype
void AUXPWM_ISR(); // AUXPWM ISR Prototype
void motor_control_a(); // SRM Phase A current control prototype
void commutation_four_phase(); // SRM commutation of all four phases prototype
void read_rotor_angle(); // Read rotor angle
//Global data variables
int i=0,j=0,count,loop=10;
int DutyCyleUpdateA=0, DutyCyleUpdateB=0, DutyCyleUpdateC=0, DutyCyleUpdateD=0;
int EnablePhaseA=0, EnablePhaseB=0, EnablePhaseC=0, EnablePhaseD=0;
int EnableSRM=0, MagFreeDemagA=0, MagFreeDemagB=0, MagFreeDemagC=0, MagFreeDemagD=0;
int DemagPWMA=0, DemagPWMB=0, DemagPWMC=0, DemagPWMD=0, PWM_CycleA=0;
int StartupA=1, StartupB=1, StartupC=1, StartupD=1;
int ADCStatusA, ADCValueA, DutyCycleTempA, DutyCycleAL, DutyCycleAH;
int ADCStatusB, ADCValueB, DutyCycleTempB, DutyCycleBL, DutyCycleBH;
int ADCStatusC, ADCValueC, DutyCycleTempC, DutyCycleCL, DutyCycleCH;
int ADCStatusD, ADCValueD, DutyCycleTempD, DutyCycleAUX0, DutyCycleAUX1, AUXPWMOffset;
int AngleMinA=10, AngleMaxA=80, AngleMinB=200, AngleMaxB=220, AngleMinC=230,
int AngleMinD=250, AngleMaxD=260, AngleDemagA=0, AngleDemagB=0, AngleDemagC=0,
int AngleDemag=20, AngleOffA=0, AngleOnA=0, RotorAngle=0;
int MagFreePeriodPWM = 1280; //25kHz = 1280, 50kHz = 640, 100kHz = 320;
int DemagPeriodPWM = 320; //200kHz = 160, 500kHz = 64, 1Mhz = 32;
float Ith=0, Ia=0, Ib=0, Ic=0, Id=0, Iref = 0;
float error=0, errorlow = 0, errorhigh =0, Da=0, integral=0, deltaT=0.00004;
float I_a[4096], Ilow = 0, Ihigh = 0;
float tempA=0, tempB=0, tempC=0, tempD=0;
//Main Program
initialization ();
Iref = 90.00;
Ith = 5.00;
Ihigh = Iref*1.1;
Ilow = Iref*0.9;
errorhigh = Iref-Ilow;
errorlow = Iref-Ihigh;
//Function: initialization()
//Description: To initial the DSP clock speed, interrupts, PWM, auxiliary PWM, FIO and
//Inputs: -
//Returns: -
//Bypass mode disable and maintain the same mulitplier value as before
asm("iopg = 0x00;");
asm("ax1 = 0x0850;");
asm("io(0x200) = ax1;");
//---------------------------Reset Interrupts--------------------------------
//Clear/Reset All Interrupts
sysreg_write(sysreg_IRPTL, 0x000);
sysreg_write(sysreg_ICNTL, 0x000);
sysreg_write(sysreg_IMASK, 0x000);
//----------------------Initialize Interrupts--------------------------------
// Assign Peripheral interrupt to the core interrupt
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, IntCtrl_Page); //Go to Peripheral Interrrupt
//Control page
io_space_write(IPR2, 0xF0); //Assign PWMSYNC_IRQ to highest user
//assignable core interrupt priority
io_space_write(IPR6, 0xF1FF); //Assign AUXSYNC_IRQ to second highest
//user assignable core interrupt priority
interrupt(SIG_INT4, PWM_ISR); //INT4 is for interrupt USR0
//interrupt(SIG_INT5, AUXPWM_ISR); //INT5 is for interrupt USR1
//-------------------------Enable Interrupts---------------------------------
//Globally Enable Interrupt
//-------------------------Intitialize PWM-----------------------------------
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, PWM0_Page); // Go to PWM i/o page
io_space_write(PWM0_SEG, 0x03F); //Disable all pwm outputs 0x03F
io_space_write(PWM0_CTRL, 0x000); //Disable PWM generation
io_space_write(PWM_SI, 0x0); //No invertion of low side outputs,
//SR Alternate mode
io_space_write(PWM0_SYNCWT, 31); //Set pwm sync signal width for 500ns
//-------------------------Intitialize FIO-------------------------------------
io_space_write(FIO_DIR, 0xFFFC); // set outputs except PFO and PF1
io_space_write(FIO_EDGE, 0x0000); // PF0 and PF1 are level sensitive
io_space_write(FIO_POLAR, 0x0000); // PF0 and PF1 are active high input
//-------------------------Intitialize ADC-------------------------------------
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG,ADC_Page); //Intitialize ADC
io_space_write(ADC_CTRL, 0x0F07); //max clock, sim.samp.mode
//and pwmsync convert trigger (000),
//Function: PWM_ISR()
//Description: The pwm interrupt service routine
//Inputs: -
//Returns: -
#pragma interrupt
void PWM_ISR()
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, PWM0_Page); // Go to PWM i/o page
PWM_CycleA = io_space_read(PWM0_STAT); // Read the PWM Status Register
io_space_write(PWM0_STAT, 0x20A); // Clear PWM Interupt Latch bit
PWM_CycleA = PWM_CycleA & 0x0001;
I_a[j]=Ia; //Capture initial current data for plotting
if(Ia>Ihigh) //Current too high=>Freewheel
DutyCycleAH = (int)((0-.5)*1280); //Calculate high side duty cycle
DutyCycleAL = DutyCycleAH; //Due to SR mode and alt mode low and
//hide side dutycycle are the same.
//Function: motor_control_a()
//Description: Implements the converter modes of operation magnetisation/freewheeling,
// demagnetisation depending on control signals
//Inputs: -
//Returns: -
void motor_control_a()
if ((MagFreeDemagA==1)&&(EnablePhaseA==1))//Mag/Free mode of operation - Commutation
if(DutyCyleUpdateA==0) //Implement Mag/Free mode PWM - ISR
//------------------------------- PWM Start ---------------------------//
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, FIO_Page);// Go to FIO page
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGC, 0x0100); //Disable MD2 (PF8)
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGS, 0x0200); //Activate MQ2 (PF9)
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, PWM0_Page);
io_space_write(PWM0_TM, 0x0140); //100kHz PWM Switching Frequency
io_space_write(PWM0_SEG, 0x00F); //Activate AH and AL)
//Enable Phase A PWM outputs, 0 = enable,
//1 = disable. only enable phase A
io_space_write(PWM_SI, 0x0); //Inverts low side outputs, SR Alternate
//mode, disables when phase is off
//Invert none = 0x0
io_space_write(PWM0_CTRL, 0x007); //Enable PWM generation with PWMSYNC signal.
//double update (0x007), single update (0x003
DutyCyleUpdateA = 1;
if (DemagPWMA==0) //Disable Full DeMag PWM mode
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, FIO_Page);//Go to FIO page
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGC, 0x0300); //Disable MQ2 (PF9) and MD2 (PF8)
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, PWM0_Page);
io_space_write(PWM0_TM, 0x0140); //100kHz PWM Switching Frequency
io_space_write(PWM0_SEG, 0x00F); //Activate AH and AL)
//Enable Phase A PWM outputs, 0 = enable,
//1 = disable. Only enable phase A 0x00F
io_space_write(PWM_SI, 0x0); //Inverts low side outputs, SR Alternate
//mode, disables when phase is off
//Invert none = 0x0
io_space_write(PWM0_CTRL, 0x007); //Enable PWM generation with PWMSYNC signal.
//double update (0x007)
DutyCyleUpdateA = 1;
else; //Do nothing, update duty cycle next time
if ((MagFreeDemagA==0)&&(EnablePhaseA==0)) //Shut down Phase A operation
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, FIO_Page); //Go to FIO page
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGC, 0x0300); //Disable MQ2 (PF9) and MD2 (PF8)
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, PWM0_Page); //Go to PWM i/o page
io_space_write(PWM0_SEG, 0x03F); //Disable all pwm outputs 0x03F
io_space_write(PWM_SI, 0x0); //No invertion low side outputs,
//Invert none = 0x0
io_space_write(PWM0_CTRL, 0x000); //Disable PWM generation with
//PWMSYNC signal.
DutyCyleUpdateA=0; //This allow motor control to start pwm again
//Function: commutation_four_phase()
//Description: Selects the converter modes of operation magnetisation/freewheeling,
// demagnetisation depending on rotor data
//Inputs: -
//Returns: -
void commutation_four_phase()
read_rotor_angle(); //Read current rotor angle
AngleDemagA=AngleMaxA-AngleDemag; //60
AngleOffA = AngleMaxA-10; //70
AngleOnA = AngleMinA+10; //20
MagFreeDemagA=1; //Implement Phase A Mag/Free mode
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, FIO_Page);// Go to FIO page
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGS, 0x0040); //Activate (PF6)
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGC, 0x0080); //Disable (PF7) =>1
MagFreeDemagA=0; //Implement Phase A Demag mode
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, FIO_Page);// Go to FIO page
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGC, 0x0040); //Disable (PF6)
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGS, 0x0080); //Activate (PF7) =>2
EnablePhaseA=0; //Shut down Phase A
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, FIO_Page);// Go to FIO page
io_space_write(FIO_FLAGS, 0x00C0); //Activate (PF6 & PF7) =>3
motor_control_a(); //Activate Phase A PWM current control
//Function: read_rotor_angle()
//Description: Determines the rotor position value depending on input pulse combination.
//Inputs: -
//Returns: -
void read_rotor_angle()
// Go to FIO page
sysreg_write(sysreg_IOPG, FIO_Page);
//Get value of PF0 Flag
EnableSRM = io_space_read(FIO_DATA_IN);
if ((EnableSRM & 0x0003) ==3) //If Signal pulse is high => implement mag and free mode
RotorAngle = 40; //Constant angle in turn on angle range
if ((EnableSRM & 0x0003) ==1) //If Signal pulse is low => implement demag mode
RotorAngle = 75; //Constant angle in turn off angle range
{ //Shut down phase operation
RotorAngle = 75; //Constant off angle