Deworming 05/21/10
H. Physical Assessment
Anthropometric measurements Results
Length 84 cm
Temperature 36.2 °C
Weight 8.62 kg
Parts Assessment
Eyes Pinkish conjunctiva; Eyelashes are equally distributed. The pupil is color black.
Nose No lesion, Sinuses are not tender to palpation and no crepitus is evident.
Heart Normal heart sounds characterized by “lub dubb”. No murmurs heard during
2. One sector with two or more delay or more sectors with one Abnormal
4. One or more sector with one delay and in that same sector Questionable
G. Calculation of Toddler’s
To get the chronological age of a
toddler, subtract the birth date of the
client from the date of administration.
Date of Test: September 22, 2011
Date of birth: October 21, 2009
- 2011
Total Age: 01 11 01
Uses Spoon spilling Pass The client was able to use spoon Helps feed self; enjoys holding spoon (often upside
little while eating and a little spilling of down) and drinking from glass or cup; not always
food was noticed. accurate in getting utensils into mouth; frequent
spills should be expected. Eisenberg, A., Murkoff,
H.E.&,Hathaway, S.E. According to what to expect
the toddler years.
Puts on Clothing Pass The client was able to wear her Toddler gradually will become more cooperative
dress without asking supervision during dressing and learn to extend legs and arms
from her mother. to help put on coats and pants. At the age of two,
he or she will be able to pull on simple clothing.
Pillitteri, A.(2005). Maternal and Child Health
Nursing care of the childbearing and childrearing
Removes Garment Pass The Child was able to remove her Toddler may e able to remove one or two loose
clothes without any help from her items of clothing. Lippincott W. & Wilkins (2005)
mother. Maternal and Child Health Nursing care of the
Dumps Cheese Pass The child spontaneously The child is ale to perform the given task y just
Curls from bottle – dumps the cheese curl out of telling her to transfer the cheese curl to the other
spontaneously. the small glass according to bottle. The eye-hand coordination is developed
what had been told to her resulting manipulation of objects.
without a demonstration how Pilliteri, A (2007). Maternal and child health
to do it. nursing.
Dumps cheese Pass The child dumps the cheese The child was able to do it after the examiner
curl out of the bottle with a
curls form the demonstration given how to showed how the task done. The eye-hand
bottle - do the task. coordination is developed resulting manipulation
demonstration. of objects.
Pillitteri, A. (2005). Maternal and child Health
Nursing Care of the childbearing and
Points to 1 named body Passed The client was able to point body The easiest things that a child is able to identify at the earliest onset of life would be those
part parts like nose, lips, ears, eyes most commonly taught by elders, such basics as letters, body parts, colors, and shapes These
and arms. would then progress into the more complicated nuances of language and development of
thought expression.
Pilliteri, A. (2007). Maternal and Child Health Nursing.
(14) Names one picture Passed The client was able to name fish Toddler name familiar people and objects. Their Attention span is short. Recognition of
and dog during assessment. pictures of familiar persons. Eisenerg, A., Murkoff, H.E.&,Hathway, S.E. According to what
is expected to toddler years.
(13) Follows Direction 2 Passed The client was able to follow Once the children becomes toddlers, they are ready to learn how to follow directions.
or 3 directions given like getting the Pillitteri, A. (2005). Maternal and child health nursing care of the childbearing and
ball on the other side of the chair childrearing family (4th Edition.)
and putting it to the table.
Gross Motor
Kick Ball Forward Passed The client was able to kick the ball Around 18 months, your toddler will
forward. probably be able to kick a ball forward.
Pilliteri, A. (2008). Maternal and Child
health nursing.
(24) Throwing ball Passed The client was able to Throw the ball By the age of 24 months, many toddlers can
overhead overhead 3 feet within arm’s reach of now throw a ball overhead.
tester. Pilliteri, A. (2005) Maternal and child
health nursing care of the childbearing and
childrearing family. (4th Edition)
Balance on 1 foot Passed The client was able to balance her body The capacity of the child in balancing on 1
1 second for about 3 seconds with 1 foot. foot for about 1 sec. Is less than 30% out of
2 of 3 90%.
Lippincott W. & Wilkins (2005) Maternal
and child health Nursing Care of the
Jumps in place Passed The client was able to perform jumping Toddlers like to jump. Place pillows,
in place slowly. Cushion, or a mattress on the floor.
Pilliteri, A. (2008). Maternal and Child
Chapter V
A. Summary
◦ The study aims to determine the developmental
status of a toddler. The chosen client was Kristine
Hermosa (not her real name), 1 year, 11 months
and 1 day old. From Km. 10 Emerald St. Doña
Salud Subd., Sasa Davao City an assessment
was done to the client and his family to determine
the factors that contributes to the growth and
developmental status of the child. This will help
you to determine if the child development is
within his normal age. And taking particular of the
child’s ability to do whatever was required for him
and evaluated accordingly.
During the test, the client was a little bit
shy but still cooperates with the test. After
a while the shame was replace with a very
energetic and noisy child. The child
passed the entire task that belongs in his
age line. The child obtained to pass the
item intersecting of his age line, with the
score of passed item of 15 out of 15 items
intersecting age line. The test results
reveals the interpretation that the growth
and developmental status of the chills is at
the normal level, in all the four sectors of
the test personal-social, fine motor
adaptive, language and gross motor.
I therefore concluded that my client is
developing properly within his age.
Because she was able to do the entire
test properly without any problems. In the
personal – social skills the task of the
client is to put on clothing, know how to
remove garments and use spoon but with
the consideration if it spills a little. In fine-
motor skills the task are to make a tower
of 4 cubes, dumps cheese curls from
bottle spontaneously and demonstrate it.
She was able to do all of these without
any help from others.
Part of the developmental growth of the child
is the language skills that may help the client
in communicating to others, especially soon
when she will be attending in school. The
tasks is to spoke 3 words other than mama
and papa, combines two words, points to 1
named body parts, name’s one picture and
follows direction. The client passed these
tasks and she properly done the task without
asking any help from his mother. Knowing
words that she talk’s can help the client so
that he can properly understand and explain
words within his capacity and knowledge. The
gross motor skills use group of muscles in
doing tasks. In this test the client is using his
whole body to perform the task like kicking
the ball forward, throwing the ball overhead,
balancing on 1 foot and jumping in place.
C. Recommendation
To The Client
she should stop eating candy.
she should avoid eating junk foods; and replace it with
good and nutritious foods that are necessary for health.
To the Family
The family should continue in supporting the child mentally
emotionally, physically, socially and spiritually so that the
child will attain the optimum level of functioning.
To community:
The parents should teach their children in proper hygiene,
and not to throw their garbage anywhere to provide clean
environment in order to have a healthy lifestyle.
The elders of the community must be aware for any
problem that is present to their community.
hey should be united for easy promotion of health that
could lead to healthy community.
To The Student
They should be more knowledgeable in conducting
the interview; establishing trust is needed.
They should continue to conduct studies regarding
the growth and development.
They must give appropriate health teaching to the
people in the community.
Be a role model to the people in the community
especially to the client.
http://pediatrics.about .com
Fundamental of Nursing by Kozier, Erb, Berman 7th
Maternal and Child Health Nursing: Care of the
Childbearing and Childrearing Family by Adele Pillitteri
5th edition.
Health Assessment In Nursing by Janet Weber and Jane
Kelley 3rd edition.
Maternal and Child Health Nursing Care of The
Childbearing and Childrearing Family by Lippincott W. &
Marriage Certificate and Birth Certificate