The A320 autothrust (A/THR) system controls the engines through the FADEC to maintain target speeds or thrust levels as computed by the FMGCs. The A/THR can be engaged manually by pressing a button on the FCU when above 100 feet, or automatically in takeoff or go-around modes or when alpha-floor is detected above 100 feet, except for 15 seconds after liftoff. The autothrust can be disconnected manually by pressing a disconnect switch on the thrust levers or setting the levers to idle, or automatically in case of failure.
The A320 autothrust (A/THR) system controls the engines through the FADEC to maintain target speeds or thrust levels as computed by the FMGCs. The A/THR can be engaged manually by pressing a button on the FCU when above 100 feet, or automatically in takeoff or go-around modes or when alpha-floor is detected above 100 feet, except for 15 seconds after liftoff. The autothrust can be disconnected manually by pressing a disconnect switch on the thrust levers or setting the levers to idle, or automatically in case of failure.
The A320 autothrust (A/THR) system controls the engines through the FADEC to maintain target speeds or thrust levels as computed by the FMGCs. The A/THR can be engaged manually by pressing a button on the FCU when above 100 feet, or automatically in takeoff or go-around modes or when alpha-floor is detected above 100 feet, except for 15 seconds after liftoff. The autothrust can be disconnected manually by pressing a disconnect switch on the thrust levers or setting the levers to idle, or automatically in case of failure.
The A320 autothrust (A/THR) system controls the engines through the FADEC to maintain target speeds or thrust levels as computed by the FMGCs. The A/THR can be engaged manually by pressing a button on the FCU when above 100 feet, or automatically in takeoff or go-around modes or when alpha-floor is detected above 100 feet, except for 15 seconds after liftoff. The autothrust can be disconnected manually by pressing a disconnect switch on the thrust levers or setting the levers to idle, or automatically in case of failure.
The engines are manually controlled by throttle levers, which
are located on the center pedestal When the thrust levers are moved, they transmit signals to the FADEC, which computes the thrust rating limit and EPR. If a thrust lever is set in a detent, the FADEC selects the rating limit corresponding to that detent. If the thrust lever is set between two detents, the FADEC selects the rating limit corresponding to the higher detent. This limit is displayed on the upper ECAM. There are five positions defined by stops or detents: TLA The engines are controlled by the A/THR system. Note that the throttle levers never move Automatically. The autothrust ( A/THR ) system is part of the auto flight system . The A/THR system fulfills the following functions through the control of the thrust: 1) speed or mach hold (either FMGS computed or from throttle levers position) 2) thrust hold (either FMGS computed or from throttle lever position) 3) reduction of the thrust to idle during descent and during flare in Final approach 4) protection against excessive Angle-Of-Attack (AOA) called alphafloor protection, by ordering a maximum thrust when an alphafloor detection signal is received from the Flight Augmentation Computers (FACs). The alpha floor (excessive AOA) and wind shear detections are sent to the FMGCs. To get the A/THR function, the thrust target computed by the Flight Management and Guidance Computers (FMGCs) is chosen by the Flight Control Unit (FCU). Then each FCU processor sends, along its own bus, the thrust target to the FADEC via the Engine Interface Units (EIUs). AUTOTHRUST ENGAGEMENT
The engagement of the A/THR function can be manual or automatic.
The A/THR is engaged manually by pressing the A/THR P/BSW on the FCU. This is inhibited below 100 feet RA, with engines running. The A/THR is engaged automatically: 1) when the AP/Flight Director (FD) is engaged in Take-Off (TO) or Go Around (GA) modes 2) or in flight, when the alpha-floor is detected; this is inhibited below 100 feet RA except during the 15 seconds following the liftoff. The auto thrust is disconnected by:
1) either by pressing the A/THR instinctive disconnect switch on any
thrust lever 2) or by setting all thrust levers to idle position 3) or through the dedicated FCU P/BSW 4) A/THR is automatically disconnected in case of failure detection. When A/THR is engaged: 1) the FCU A/THR P/BSW is lit, 2) the engagement status is displayed on the Flight Mode Annunciator (FMA).