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Fantasy Edition
What is EZ20? Bringing It All Together
The GM and the other players work with
EZ20 is a free, simple, open content, one another to weave an interesting tale of
introductory roleplaying system designed to be adventure. Specifically, the Game Master sets
accessible to hobby newcomers while also up engaging challenges for the ensemble cast
appealing to older gamers who seek a less of a given game to overcome and, as they do
complex rule set that they can more easily fit so, a story unfolds during actual play. It is this
into their busy day to day schedule. dynamic that sets a tabletop roleplaying game
apart from a board game.
The Basic Concepts It is important to note that, while the
GM sets up obstacles for the other players, to
The choices that you can make during overcome, he does so for their enjoyment – if
a game of EZ20 are limited only by your own the G M is setting up challenges that diminish
imagination. This freedom of choice is made the fun for the other players, he’s missing the
possible because the flow of the game is point of EZ20 altogether. The Gam e Master
influenced by living, breathing, people as should, of course, have fun himself – but not at
opposed to a computer program or other the expense of others.
artificial structure that provides only for a finite Similarly, while the other players work to
number of options by design. overcome the obstacles set up by the GM , they
aren’t working against the GM himself – they
The Gam e Master are expected to overcome obstacles. If either a
W hen you play EZ20, one player player ot a G M sees trumping the other party
assum es the role of the Game M aster (GM for as being the goal of the game, again, they’re
short). The G M is the player responsible for missing the point of EZ20.
describing an imaginary world as other players Ultimately, tabletop roleplaying gam es
interact with it. Also, the GM is responsible for are a cooperative endeavor, and every player
assuming the roles of those characters and (including the Game M aster) has a specific role
creatures not portrayed by other players (non- to play in order to make such games work as
player characters or NPCs). they are intended to work by design. EZ20 is no
Ideally, the player chosen to be the GM exception – all of the players must work with
should be familiar with all of the rules herein each other in order for everybody to have fun.
and possess good common sense. The GM If anybody is only in it for themselves , they’ll
will not always be able to rely on the written likely wreck the game for others.
rules to provide an answer to a problem .

The Other Players Materials Needed to Play

The other players in a game of EZ20 In order to play a gam e of EZ20 you’ll
are just that – dramatic players upon a stage. need to gather a few things other than the two
These players assume character roles known as or more people willing to cooperate with one
player characters (in this respect, these players another. Here’s a list:
are not unlike actors in a film). Collectively, First, each player (including the GM)
these 'player characters' (PCs) are known as will need one twenty-sided die (i.e., a sphere-
the “ensemble cast” of a given EZ20 game. shaped die that is numbered from one to 20).

Game play will move more quickly if you have different types of traits used in EZ20 – broad
access to multiple dice, but they aren’t strictly traits and narrow traits.
required to play the game (everybod y can Broad traits are those that encompass a
share one die, if necessary). wide variety of possible actions by virtue of their
Second, every player other than the GM scope. For instance, the trait Dextrous can
will need a copy of the EZ20 record sheet feasibly be linked to all actions that require a
located at the end of this document (if you degree of agility or hand-to-eye coordination,
don’t have access to a computer printer, a from slight of hand tricks to sword dueling.
blank sheet of paper will do in a pinch). Broad traits allow a character to cover a lot of
Players use these sheets to keep track of their ground but due to the lack of focus associated
characters during actual game play. with such traits, they grant players a relatively
Finally, each player (including the GM) small die roll bonus.
will need either an erasable pen or a pencil. If Narrow traits are those that have a very
you’re wondering, yes, such pens or pencils tight focus, encompassing only a small body of
are used by players to fill in the record sheets possible actions. For instance, the trait Oral
mentioned previously (in the case of the GM, Surgery can only feasibly be linked to actions
he’ll be using a pencil to take notes). that involve. . . er. . . oral surgery. While
narrow traits are not, by nature, as widely
applicable as broad traits, they make up for

Creating Characters their narrow scope by granting a relatively large

die roll bonus when a player calls upon them
All characters in EZ20, whether they are during actual play.
the domain of the Ga me Master or other At this time, you need to choose four
players, are created using the sam e simple traits that accent the features of your character
process, as outlined directly below. you consider most important. For instance, if
you visualize your character as an elven
1. Visualize a Character huntress who wields a magic bow in combat
This first step is arguably the easiest and communes with the spirits of the dead, you
part of creating a character – simply think of may choose the traits Elf, Huntress, Magic Bow,
what kind of character you would like to play and Spiritualist.
in the context of the setting proposed by the
GM and visualize that character in your mind’s 3. Determine Cha racter Level
eye. For instance, you might choose to play a A character’s level is a purely abstract
crusading knight or an elven princess. representation of their life experience, the many
things that they have seen and done over the
2. Choose Four Traits course of their life and how those many things
Traits are words or short phrases that have impacted them. The more experience that
are used to define your character concept by a character has accrued, the higher their level
determining what your character will be good will be. For instance, a veteran of many wars
at doing during actual play. To this end, a may be a Level 11 character.
given trait grants a die roll bonus to a player In EZ20, the Game Master will often tell
whenever their character performs an action players what their character’s initial level is
feasibly linked to said trait. There are two (most GM s often have characters start at first

level, for example). If your GM does not set a How to Roll the Die
starting level for characters, assume that they When a player wants their character to
start play at first level (i.e., Level 1). perform a certain action under duress (be it
striking a character in combat, deciphering an
5. Finishing Touches ancient scroll, or trying to shrug off the effects
Mechanically, characters are now fully of a bad cold), they will need to roll a d20 and
defined – players need only briefly describe add som e num bers to the die roll result that
their characters, telling the other players what they generate.
their characters look like, act like, and what The numbers that a player adds to the
equipment that they carry*. result of such a die roll are their character’s
level and the total number of die roll bonuses
granted by their character’s relevant traits (if
*Your character will still need to hold a
any). Broad traits grant a +1 bonus to die roll
sword in order to use one, though it is
results, while narrow traits grant a +3 bonus to
merely a prop (i.e., the sword has little
die roll results.
impact on play, mechanically speaking).
A player always wants to roll as high as
they possibly can. Specifically, the player will
After a player has done these things, need to generate a final, modified, die roll
they are ready to play in a game that uses the result that equals or exceeds a difficulty class
EZ20 rules. (DC) assigned by the Game M aster to the
action that the player’s character is attempting
to perform.

The Basic Rules If the player generates a die roll result

that meets or exceeds the DC of the action
Herein you will learn the basics of how whose outcome is in question, then their
to play a game using the EZ20 rules (rules and character performs successfully. If the player
advice for the Game M aster are presented in fails to generate such a result, then their
a later section of this document). character fails to perform the action in question
How to Read the Die Finally, die roll results of natural (i.e.,
Reading the die used in EZ20 is simple. unmodified) 20 always indicate an automatic
In order to save space, a hobby abbreviation success, while die roll results of natural one
is used to refer to the twenty-sided die from always indicate an automatic failure.
here on out, classifying the dice by referring to
the number of sides on the die preceded by a When to Roll the Die
lowercase “d” – thus a d20. A player only needs to roll the die when
When you are asked to roll a d20 and their character is trying to perform either an
read the result in these rules, you will merely action under duress (i.e., when a character,
roll said die and read the numerical value that monster, or force is bearing down on them) or
is showing on the side of the die facing up. when what they are attem pting to do falls
For example, if you roll a d20 and the number outside of their areas of expertise (e.g., a Saxon
three is facing up, then the result of the die roll warrior attempting to decipher a Latin scroll
in question is three. obtained from a Roman statesman).

If a player’s character is not under Characters act in descending order of
duress and the action they are attempting to the die roll results generated on their behalf,
perform is specifically related to an area of from highest to lowest. Any ties should be re-
expertise that they have ranks in, then it is rolled before proceeding to the resolution of
automatically successful (treat the situation as any actions being taken.
if the player had generated a die roll result of Acting order can be determined once at
natural 20, as discussed previously). the beginning of a given combat or at the
beginning of every combat turn. Ultimately, the
GM gets to decide which method works best for

Combat in EZ20 the game being played.

Combat in the EZ20 system could refer Ending a Combat

to a sword duel, boxing match, or even a A given combat is over when one side of
heated public debate – so long as there are the conflict, be it an individual or group of
two or more parties attempting to achieve a individuals, has been defeated or forced to
clear victory over one another, a given concede victory. So long as two opposing
situation qualifies as “combat”. forces are still actively engaged in conflict with
Combat in EZ20 is, for the most part, one another, combat continues.
simply a series of actions, resolved using the
basic rules discussed previously. Having said
that, these actions must be structured in order
to alleviate any confusion during play. Damage in EZ20
W hen a player’s character successfully
The Combat Turn performs an offensive action in combat, be that
During a given combat, time in EZ20 is action a sword thrust or a clever verbal assault,
divided into combat turns. During a combat they have managed to take the wind out of
turn, a character may attem pt to perform one somebody’s sails. Likewise, when a character is
action (e.g., strike their opponent with a melee performing an action in which the consequence
weapon, cast a magic spell, deliver a moving for failure is clearly injury of some sort, they
argument, etc). have been hurt.
After all characters participating in a
given combat have performed their allotted Types of Damage
action in a given combat turn, that turn is over Damage in comes in as many varieties.
and a new combat turn begins. In social combats, for instance, damage may
take the form of a tied tongue or very emotional
The Order of Action outburst. In martial combat damage, may take
During a combat turn, the players of all the form of an actual wound. When researching
participating characters must roll a d20 and damnable tomes of black magic, failure to take
add their character’s level and any bonuses proper precautions may result in madness.
granted by related traits to the die roll result.
This will determine the order of action in the Tracking Damage
combat round. All damage sustained in a gam e of
EZ20 is measured in units called blows. A blow

represents an instant in which fate has turned may erase the mark from one such blow on
against a character, taking something out of their record sheet, moving from right to left until
them either mentally, physically, or socially. all marks are removed.
The three basic types of blow that a character For every period of one day (i.e., 24
may sustain in EZ20 are, accordingly, mental, hours) that passes without a given character
physical, and social. On the EZ20 record sustaining further physical blows, their player
sheet there is box similar to the one below: may erase the mark from one such blow on
their record sheet, moving from right to left until
all marks are removed.
Mental Blows 999
For every period of one week (i.e., 7
Physical Blows 999
days) that passes without a given cha racter
Social Blows 999
sustaining further mental blows, their player
may erase the mark one such blow on their
Whenever a character in a game of record sheet, moving from right to left until all
EZ20 is the target of a successful attack or marks are removed.
fails to successfully perform an action whose In some settings, magic or advanced
consequences dictate injury of some kind, their technology may be used to heal dam age, often
player crosses out one of the boxes to the right in a much quicker manner than nature alone
of the appropriate type of blow in the lower allows. For instance, a wizard may have access
right-hand corner of their record sheet. to a spell that heals damage or a starship’s
When marking off blows, move from medical bay may have some advanced tissue
left to right on the record sheet. For instance, regeneration tanks installed in it.
a player whose character who is struck once in In such settings, treat attempts at using
martial combat would mark the far leftmost magic or technology to heal damage as you
box for physical blows on his record sheet: would any other action – a success allows the
player whose character is receiving treatment to
erase a mark as though they had healed that
Mental Blows 999
blow naturally.
Physical Blows :99
Social Blows 999

Any given character may sustain a total

Magic in EZ20
of two blows of each type safely. W hen the While many actions in EZ20 can be
third box next to any type of blow on a given attempted by a character even though they lack
character’s record sheet is marked off, that a trait tha t is directly related to it, magical
character has been worn down and is either at energy can only be utilized by a character who
the mercy of their opponent (if in a combat possess some trait that bestows this ability upon
situation) or the Game Master’s judgement. them (e.g., sorcery, elemental magic, etc).

Healing Damage Ca sting M ag ic Spells

For every period of one hour (i.e., 60 The default method of resolving spell
minutes) that passes without a given character casting attempts in EZ20 is not far removed
sustaining further social blows, their player from basic action resolution. The player of a

character who is casting a spell sim ply states Balancing Ch allenges
the desired effect of the spell that they are In EZ20 games, every com bat that a
casting and the GM assigns a DC to it as they character participates in has a challenge rating
would any other action. (CR ). This CR is equal to the total number of
W hen rolling their d20 to resolve the levels possessed by those characters who are
outcome of such a casting attempt, a player opposing the PC (or PCs). As a general rule, a
adds any magic-related traits possessed by combat with a CR equal to the total levels of all
their character to the die roll result. If the final the participating PCs is considered to be
result of the die roll meets or exceeds the DC balanced (i.e., the PC s have a fair chance of
assigned to the spell casting attempt, then the emerging victorious from the combat).
spell effect occurs as the player described it. If So, for instance, a group of three Level
the die roll result is less than the assigned DC, 5 PCs fighting a Level 15 dragon would be
then the spell simply fizzles unremarkably (i.e., considered a balanced challenge, while a
it has no discernable effect). single Level 5 player character being forced to
fight a Level 15 dragon is an example of an
unbalanced challenge (as, for that matter, is a

Game Master Advice group of three Level 5 player characters pitted

against three completely nameless, outclassed,
This section of EZ20 is presented for Level 2 NPC soldiers).
the GM , though all players are encouraged to Like combats, non-combat challenges
read it so that they too may someday serve as also have a CR assigned to them, although this
Game Masters in their own EZ20 games. challenge rating is determined solely by the
There are only a few hard and fast rules here; potential of a character to learn from the
for the most part, this section contains only challenge. The more difficult a challenge is, the
suggested guidelines for the GM . more likely a character is to learn from
undertaking it. This being the case, the CR of a
Adjusting DCs non-combat challenge coincides with its
The default difficulty class for actions in difficulty class, as outlined below:
EZ20 games is 15. As the Game Master you
may, of course, adjust this standard DC up Difficulty Class Challenge Rating
(for actions that are especially difficult) or
down (for actions that are especially easy). 5 1/2
When making adjustments, it is recommended 10 1
that you do so in increments of five.
15 3
What is a Challenge? 20 5
A challenge is a pronounced obstacle
(e.g., a puzzle, a trap, a steep cliff, etc) that +5 +2
stands between a player character and their
goals. A combat in EZ20 is always considered Non-combat challenges in EZ20 are
to be a challenge, as is any obstacle overcome weighed against the individual level of each PC
under duress (i.e., any obstacle that a player undertaking such a challenge. As a general
must roll a d20 to overcome). rule, a non-combat challenge whose CR falls

within three points of the performing PC's level After you have determined how many
is considered to be balanced for that levels a given creature has in EZ20, the next
character. A DC 15 trap placed in front of a step of conversion is to quantify their defining
Level 4PC , for instance, is an example of an features (e.g., skills, feats, etc) as traits. Like all
appropriately balanced challenge, while a DC other EZ20 characters, creatures begin with the
30 trap placed in front of the same character standard four traits at Level 1 and gain another
is an example of a very unfair challenge. trait at Level 2, Level 4, Level 6, and so on.
Thus, the aforementioned orc might have the
Character Growth following traits in EZ20:
Whenever a character in EZ20 survives
a given challenge intact (i.e., they aren’t • Orc (Broad Trait)
killed), they gain some experience points. lf the • Warrior (Broad Trait)
CR of this challenge is equal to or less than • Swordplay (Narrow Trait)
the character’s level, they gain only one • Tracking (N arrow Trait)
experience point. If the CR of this challenge is
greater than the character’s level, they gain a As a general rule, important feats, skills,
number of experience points equal to the and any notable special or spell-like abilities
difference between the CR and their level. become narrow traits, while races and classes
W hen a character gains 13 points of become broad traits. And that's it – your
experience in the manner outlined above, they creature (or character) has been converted.
gain a level and, for every two levels that a
character gains, their player gets to choose a Spell Effects
new trait that further defines them (such traits Although the default method of spell
are subject to approval by the GM). casting in EZ20 makes much of the information
pertaining to spells in other d20-based OGL
systems superfluous, the actual spell effects can

OGL Conversion Notes come in quite handy in EZ20.

When converting spell effects from other
The following guidelines are presented d20-based OGL systems to EZ20, you must
to assist the Ga me M aster in their efforts to first disregard any references to casting time or
convert material from other d20-based OGL casting conditions – casting a spell is always a
games into EZ20 terms. single action event in EZ20.
Secondly, you will need to ignore any
Creatures (or Characters) and all references to rolling dice in order to
The first step of converting a standard determine the magnitude of a spell’s effect in
OGL creature to EZ20 is to determine how regard to damage or healing. Healing spells
many levels it has. Every full hit die that a work as described earlier, while those spells
creature possesses in another d20-based OGL that deal damage function as any other attack
system becomes a level in EZ20. For example, in EZ20 (if successfully cast).
the OG L orc would be a Level 1 creature in Finally, to determine how difficult it will
EZ20. Fractions of a hit die are rounded down be to achieve a given spell effect as described
to the nearest whole number when converting in another d20-based OGL system, simply add
to levels (e.g., creatures with less than one hit ten to the spell’s level to obtain an equivalent
die become Level 0 creatures in EZ20). EZ20 spell casting DC.

EZ20 Character Record Sheet

Mental Blows OOO ! Physical Blows OOO ! Social Blows OOO

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