501 10 08
501 10 08
501 10 08
Rice University
ECO 501: Microeconomic Theory I
Lecture 10: Risk
Christian Roessler
November 5, 2008
1 Money Lotteries
A lottery over continuous amounts of money x 2 R can be described
most generally in terms of its cumulative distribution function F : R !
[0; 1]. (The more direct approach would be to use density functions
f ( ), but these do not always exists and exclude
Rx the case of discrete
outcomes. If f ( ) does exist, then F (x) = 1 f (t) dt.)
R(Note that f (x)R dF (x) =dx, so that dF (x) = f (x) dx, and thus
u (x) dF (x) = u (x) f (x) dx whenever the density exists.)
that u ( ) is increasing, continuous and bounded. (If it were unbounded,
small probability events could make a lottery in…nitely desirable - the
St. Petersburg paradox.)
2 Risk Attitude
A risk-averse agent is someone who rejects fair gambles (that have
neither an expected gain nor loss).
The criterion for risk aversion implies, when U ( ) has the expected
utility form, Z Z
u xdF (x) u (x) dF (x) :
Figure 1: Bernoulli utility functions for risk-averter (left) and risk-seeker
utility increases more slowly with gain than it decreases with a loss.
Since the agent has, in utility terms, more to lose than gain from a
lottery that is fair in money terms, she declines the lottery unless the
odds are strictly favorable.
Figure 2: Certainty equivalent for risk-averter (left) and risk-seeker (right)
u ( ): Z
u (c (F; u)) = u (x) dF (x) :
Beyond these formal characterizations, risk-averse behavior is evident
in the propensity to buy insurance, even when premia are not "actuar-
ially fair" (i.e. the expected payout is less than the premium).
Example. A strictly risk averse agent with initial wealth w faces a possible
damage of $D with probability . The agent is o¤ered insurance at a fair
premium per dollar-payout in the event of a loss. If dollars of insurance
(i.e. conditional payout) are purchased at this premium, the agent’s wealth
will be either w (if no damage occurs) or w D+ = w+
(1 ) D (if there is damage). Expected utility from a choice of ,
which induces a lottery over w + (1 ) D and w with probabilities
( ;1 ), is then
U ( ) = u (w + (1 ) D) + (1 ) u (w ):
u0 (w + (1 ) D) = u0 (w );
(at anRinterior solution). Since the left side is greater than zero at = 0,
given zdF (z) > 1 and that u ( ) is increasing everywhere, we must have
> 0, whether or not the individual is risk-averse. The general principle
is that an agent will always invest some share of wealth in an actuarially
favorable asset.
De…nition. The Arrow-Pratt coe¢ cient of absolute risk aversion is, for a
twice di¤erentiable Bernoulli utility function u ( ) at x,
u00 (x)
rA (x; u) = :
u0 (x)
sides, we have u0 (x) =u (x) = @ ln u (x) =@x = a, and integrating once more
on both sides, u (x) = e ax , i.e. the utility function is exponential when the
Arrow-Pratt coe¢ cient is constant. I have constructed one particular utility
function, assuming the integration constants are zero, but others are still
exponential (solve the di¤erential equation to see this). Exponential utility
functions therefore constitute the CARA (constant absolute risk aversion)
The DARA class of Bernoulli utility functions has the plausible prop-
erty that wealthier people tend to be less risk-averse.
De…nition. The coe¢ cient of relative risk aversion is, for a twice di¤eren-
tiable Bernoulli utility function u ( ) at x,
u00 (x)
rR (x; u) = x :
u0 (x)
3 Stochastic Dominance
Up to now, we have compared agents in terms of the risk aversion
exhibited by their utility functions. Now we are interested in compar-
ing lotteries and …nding criteria by which they can be ranked, given
properties of preference, such as risk attitude.
If distribution F yields a higher expected utility than lottery G, re-
gardless of risk attitude (i.e. the speci…c form of the Bernoulli utility
function), F is said to …rst-order stochastically dominate G.
The next results make use of some integral relationships that may be
found through "integration by parts." The technique is based on the
product rule applied to u (x) F (x):
u (x) F (x) = u0 (x) F (x) + u (x) f (x)
u (x) f (x) = u (x) F (x) u0 (x) F (x)
and, integrating both sides,
u (x) f (x) dx = u0 (x) F (x) dx;
and Z Z Z x
0 1 00
u (x) F (x) dx = u (x) F (t) dt dx:
2 1
(where is a constant, since 21 u0 (1) 1
F (t) dt = 12 u0 (1)).
u (x) dF (x) = u0 (x) F (x) dx
Z Z x
1 00
= + u (x) F (t) dt dx:
2 1
Proposition. The payo¤ distribution F ( ) …rst-order stochastically domi-
nates G ( ) if and only if 8x, F (x) G (x).
Proof.R (If) Let F (x) GR(x) for all x. From Rintegration by parts,
R 0 have u (x) dF (x) = u0 (x) F (x) dx and u (x) dG (x) =
u (x) G (x) dx, so
0 0
u (x) F (x) dx u (x) G (x) dx () u (x) dF (x) u (x) dG (x) :
Rx Rx
Proof. (If) Let 1 F (t) dt 1
G (t) dt for all x. From integrating
R R Rx
by parts, we have u (x) dF (x) = + 21 u00 (x) 1 F (t) dt dx and
R R Rx
u (x) dG (x) = + 12 u00 (x) 1 G (t) dt dx. If u ( ) is concave, then
u00 (x) < 0, so
Z x Z x Z Z
F (t) dt G (t) dt () u (x) dF (x) u (x) dG (x) :
1 1
Hence F second-order Rdominates G. R
x x
(Only if) Suppose 1 F (t) dt > 1 G (t) dt for some x. To show that
F fails to second-order
R dominateR G, we need to …nd a concave function
u ( ) such that u (t) dF (t) < u (t) dG (t) at x. Let u (t) = t, except
R x0 R x0
in an interval [x; x] containing x where 1 F (t) dt > 1 G (t) dt for all
x0 2 [x; x]. On this interval, let u (t) be strictly concave.
From integration by parts,
Z Z Z Z x Z Z x
00 00
u (t) dF (t) > u (t) dG (t) () u (x) F (t) dt dx > u (x) G (t) dt dx:
1 1
Since u00 (x) = 0 for all x 2= [x; x] and u00 (x) < 0 for all x 2 [x; x], where
Rx Rx R
F (t) dt > x G (t) dt, the left inequality cannot hold, so u (x) dF (x) <
R x
u (x) dG (x). This means G SOSD F , a contradiction.
Example. Consider two lotteries that reward outcomes of rolling a fair die.
F gives $1 if a number up to 3 is rolled and $2 if the number is greater
than 3. G pays nothing for a 1 and $5 for a 6, and $1 otherwise. These
lotteries have the same mean, 3=2, and probabilities (1=2; 1=2) over ($1; $2),
respectively (1=6; 2=3; 1=6) over ($0; $1; $5). To obtain G from F , replace
the $1 and $2 wins in F with lotteries that give ($0; $1; $5) respectively with
probabilities (1=3; 7=12; 1=12) and (0; 3=4; 1=4). Observe that the expected
values of these lotteries are $1 and $2. The compound lottery over ($0; $1; $5)
that plays (1=3; 7=12; 1=12) and (0; 3=4; 1=4) with equal probability reduces
to (1=6; 2=3; 1=6) = G. So we have constructed G as a mean-preserving
spread of F , i.e. F %SOSD G.
is the lottery (7=10; 0; 3=10). This is a mean-preserving spread via lotteries
(1; 0; 0), (4=5; 0; 1=5) and (0; 0; 1) in place of the $0, $1 and $5 wins.