HW6 (1)
HW6 (1)
HW6 (1)
Jihwan Do
(2) Suppose that the decision maker has the expected utility with Bernoulli
numbers u(x̄) = x̄, where x̄ ∈ C is his final wealth. Derive an optimal
choice of x for each λ.
(3) Suppose now that u(x̄) = (100 − x̄)x̄. Derive an optimal choice of x for
each λ.
Q2. A decision maker has wealth w > 0 and needs to decide an amount of
money x > 0 to invest in a risky project. If the project is successful, his money
will be doubled, yielding w + 2x of final wealth. If the project fails, the final
wealth becomes w − x. The project is successful with probability λ ∈ (0, 1) .
The decision maker has an expected utility function with the Bernoulli utility
function u(·), which is strictly increasing and strictly concave in x.
(1) Compute the expected value of the final wealth level when he invested
x > 0 in a risky project.
(3) Write down the decision maker’s problem and provide the conditions for
the optimal choice of x (assuming interior solution).
Q3. We consider a variant of Q2. Other things being the same, suppose now
that the return following the project’s success follows some continuous distribu-
tion. More precisely, if the project is successful, the decision maker who invested
x will obtain αx, where α follows the uniform distribution on [1, 3].
(1) Derive the (cumulative) distribution function F (α) and its density f (α)
(be careful about the range of α).
(3) Let u(x) = (100 − x)x and w = 0. Derive the optimal x∗ for the decision
(2) For your u(·), compute the Arrow-Pratt measure of absolute risk aversion.
(3) Consider a lottery L1 : x becomes 100 or 200 with probability 0.5 each.
For your u(x), is the certainty equivalence greater or smaller than 150?
Explain why.
(4) Consider another lottery L2 : x becomes 100 or 130 or 200 with probability
0.3, 0.2, and 0.5, respectively. Which of L1 and L2 does the decision maker
with your u(·) prefer? Explain why.
(5) Now, suppose u(x) = x and consider the following lottery (gamble): x
becomes 100 or 400 with probability 0.5 each. Calculate the certainty
equivalence and risk premium of this lottery.
Q5. Recall the insurance problem covered in class. Show that if q > π (that
is, a unit price of the insurance is higher than the probability of loss), then the
decision maker will not choose full insurance.
Q6. Check examples 6.C.2 and 6.C.3 on p.188, p.189, and p.192 in M.W.G.