Chapter 1-3 (Quantitative Research)
Chapter 1-3 (Quantitative Research)
Chapter 1-3 (Quantitative Research)
This study examines in some depth the influences of marketing mix, social factors,
emergence of the, self-esteem and customer decision making on the male consumer
In do so, the customer behavior theory, customer decision making’s theory, theory of
and theory of the four Ps in marketing mix strategy are employed as a theoretical
framework and also adapted with theory of the self-esteem involvement. It also
endeavors to find out the reasonable impacts of perception on the relationship between
People across many different civilizations and time periods have always
understood to have begun in the late 1600s in Europe. From that point, consumption
intensified throughout the 1700s and 1800s and became a major societal phenomenon
in which the consumption of products became a vitally important task for most people in
and education provide people to have better standard of living and styles. Relating to
the development of purchasing power in consumers and market trend that people
become more conscious of hygiene and grooming (Souiden & Diagne, 2009), it affects
to the rapid growth in beauty care industry, especially in this decade. Because of the
characteristic of the market is quite high by value, thus it attracts many companies to
enter to this market continually. Not only domestic companies that try to take as much
as advantages in their local market but multinationals also desire to reach the market.
Even there is intensive competition in beauty care market; many companies still pay
attention to invest in this market to respond for the high demand available in market.
conscious women because appearing beautiful can boost their level of confidence
especially when dealing with others. According to Trampe, Stapel, and Siero (2007), the
majority of research on women and their self-esteem has been historically related to
how they feel about their body shape and size. In addition, there is various beauty
classes held to teach women on the correct use of cosmetic products. Dhadhal (2011)
defined cosmetics as the products used for the purpose of cleansing, beautifying,
not only focused on women of a certain age but also women of all ages, especially in
career women.
They have their own way of increasing their confidence level. This led to the use
of beauty products to make them feel confident while performing their daily activities.
Knowledge about beauty products is very important to avoid any potentially harmful
effects from using the products. Consumers need to know the safety level of these
products prior to its use. They must ensure that the products are safe and comply with
the authorized safety standard. This is because some products are incompatible and
thus affects the wearer. Such example is allergic reaction from using the beauty
products. Therefore, they have to monitor their skin prior to product use in order to avoid
side effects. Each user needs to know the importance of using beauty-related products.
Apaolaza-Ibáñez, Hartmann, Diehl, and Terlutter (2011) stated that people use
cosmetics for many purposes, such as for sexual attractiveness, social and professional
acceptability. They believed the use of beauty products affects the mood of the wearer.
People who wear make-up feel more confident and present an attractive image.
However, there are important issues regarding cosmetic products. Local cosmetic
product producers often encounter problems in materials used for the products. This is
because half of those using the products suffer from allergies observable through
changes in their skin. Cosmetic products may cause the wearer's face to be acne
ridden. This will result in the wearer losing confidence and feeling inferior when they
deal with others. In such case, the user should seek the advice of a specialist before
using any cosmetic products. They need to know the state of their skin before they can
find suitable products to use. This can prevent them from using products that cause
As women are concerned about their appearance, serious skin problems such as
pimples or peeling may cause them to feel inferior and insecure and thus, affect their
daily activities. Normally, working women wear make-up for long period of time.
Therefore, they must ensure that the make-up used is of good quality. Users need to
make sure the product they are using is appropriate for them. Proper self-care of
makeup tools is also important. Cosmetic users should know how to wash the tools
properly by washing them thoroughly after each use to prevent future skin problems.
The use of skin moisturizer should be also crucial to avoid dry skin due to excessive use
of cosmetic products. Furthermore, users need to be wary of fake products which have
become more widespread. Those who want to look good but lack affordability will likely
use fake products since fake products are usually cheaper than the original products.
However, there are some original products sold at affordable price. The users must
know which factors have the impacts of decision making toward purchasing of skin care
products. What these terms mean at present in men aspect, taking into consideration
purchasing of skin care products. The focus is on the relationship between their
consumption habit and market characteristic. Some said that men and women were not
explicitly ready to use, or directly buy their skin care products by themselves whereas
others considered the mentalities ready to confront an explosion of this new market
toward the skin care consumption, for instance; in the connection of self-concept theory
with the need for an individual to be recognized by others. And also to figure out which
reasons and factors have highly impacts of men customers before making decision to
use the skin care products or to buy products, such as price, advertising, press, store
location, the effects from others as spouse, family, friend, celebrity endorsement, and so
on. Additionally, the factors influencing the purchase at the purchasing point, such as
choices of products, packaging, product odor, promotion are studied whether it can
To what extent does those factors affect the consumption of local cosmetic products in
Research Questions
• Do the factors affect the consumer’s buying behavior in cosmetic market?
• Is there a link between the factors and the customer’s buying behavior?
The scope of this research is limited to study on factors affecting the consumers
of local cosmetic products toward their purchasing decision making of skin care products
in Watsons Carmona, Cavite only instead of the global market due to time limitation and
point’s focusing. And in order to keep away from the cultural differences that can be one
factor to affect their purchasing decision making, doing survey across multi-nationality is
avoided in this study. The use or purchase of skin care products is possibly not the same
the analysis of empirical result, this consideration could be too complicated, and then the
terms of mentality. It could be difficult to know whether there is the real answer without
Nonetheless the data would be analyzed following the finding and empirical results based
on the questionnaires.
Significance of the Study
Marketers- This research will help them to better understand the consumers need and
Manufacturers- This study will help them to analyze the strength and weaknesses of
Future researchers- Using this study as their basis for their future research will be indeed
a great help. Especially in knowing all the factors which affects the consumption of local
cosmetic products. Future researchers can draw a valid data about the results and
Definition of Terms
Grooming, a moderately arbitrary term, and the meaning is culturally defined and varies.
Commonly, even if the connotation is that one's personal hygiene practices as freely
traditional to the customary cultural norm (Waters, 2002). To have the same
comprehension, the word of ‘Men’s grooming products’ here covers five categories as
hair color and others, shaving products, lotions/balms, manual shavers, electric shavers
Toiletry, any item used for grooming, personal care or toiletries is the beauty industry
that manufacture consumer products used for beautification and in personal hygiene. To
give a few examples, personal care includes products as various as chapstick, lipstick,
lip gloss, colognes, deodorant, body spray, perfumes, cotton swabs, cleansing pads and
wipes, facial tissue, makeup, eye liner, hair clippers, shampoo, mouthwash, toothbrushes,
toothpaste, nail files, pomade, personal lubricant, lotion, skin cream, talcum powder,
evaluating, acquiring, using or disposing of goods and services (Louden and Bitta, 2019)
Consumption, defined as spending for acquisition of utility, using of resources, and the
value of goods bought by people. Besides, it is a major concept in economics and is also
studied in many other social sciences. It is seen in contrast to investing, which is spending
Skin care, the work of providing maintenance and treatment of the hygienic term of the
skin under optimal conditions of sanitation and comfort for or attending to someone or
something; "no medical care is included". Effective in skin care are probably washing,
cleansing, bathing, and the use of soaps, detergents, oils, etc. In an assortment of disease
aspect, therapeutic and protective solutions and ointments are practical. Caring of skin is
Metrosexual, a usually heterosexual straight stylish urban male who has a strongly
sensitive aesthetic sense and inordinate interest in his personal appearance by fastidious
grooming, stylish living, beauty treatments, the art of decorating and fashionable clothes,
similar to that of feminine or homosexual males against extraordinary more emotional and
cares than most males. Some people mistake a metrosexual for a gay guy (Coad, 2008).
Masculinity, a typical near-synonym of masculinity is virility, which refers to manly
character. It particularly describes men and boys in terms of personal and human,
dissimilar to male which can also mention toward animals, or masculine which can also
describe noun classes. When masculine is used to mention toward men, it can classify
levels of comparison- as more masculine or most masculine (Kimmel & Aronson, 2004).
Femininity as femaleness does not assume an essentialist perspective (i.e., that women,
as a group, have personality characteristics that are innate and that those characteristics
are different from those that men innately possess). Vary from one society/culture to
another, within any society/culture over time, within each individual over time, and,
perhaps most important, among different individuals in one group at one point in time
After the study of varied sources about demand, supply, the offer and the market,
'the selling price-fixing’ is the most pricing strategy employed in market. The companies
are in the position to fix the selling price of products according to many factors in the
market as the relevant actors in order to buy or sell a product, or sustain under the
surrounding conditions of market as that price is still in a price range by the group of
market makers related to supply and demand while the buyers make a decision how
much they are willing to pay for products (Schneider, 2003). More scrupulously, the
selling price that the company set for the products must relate to the production’s cost,
the quality or attribute of products, the product ingredient, the positioning alternative,
product brand, the evaluation of competition, the customer perception and the value
toward the products. Actually, in order to set the price, it has to be set in relation with
the value provided to customer and perceived by him, including after consumption
(Kotler, 2000). Price can be concerned as differentiation of products and brand image
providing by the companies comparing each other in the skin care market against men’s
customer mind. In addition to the relationship between price and men’s customer, price
The price is important when consumer decides to buy a product. If the price is
affordable, they will buy the product. According to Foster and Cadogan (2000), price is
probably the most important consideration in the average consumer. However, price of
brand loyalty does. A loyal customer is ready to pay more for a brand even though the
price is higher in order to avoid any perceived risks (Singh & Pattanayak, 2014).
Promotion of a product is an important element in attracting customers. This is because
the promotion of products will influence or attract the person to buy or use a product or
service. It is a way to encourage people to pay with their money for a product or service
(Clow, Hucklebridge, Stalder, Evans, & Thorn, 2010). Vracken (2015) suggested that
television advertising plays crucial role to disseminate product information where 10% of
Malaysians using a product or service rank television as their number one source of
new product information and 46% rank television advertising second as their top source
to use a product. Such personal factors comprise age, occupation, stages in life cycle,
lifestyle, personality, and values (Kotler & Keller, 2009). Customers will compare price
of products before making decision to use or buy a product. The price must be
reasonable and affordable. If the price for the same product is different, a customer will
report, released in March, price was considered as primary factors on men in order to
purchase their personal care products. More than 50 percents of all respondents
answered that price had either "high" or "very high" impact on their product purchasing.
This result was a significantly higher response rate than other factors, even though
"ease of use" or "habit/preferred brand" are realized as the important factors in men
As in the present market, there are various price ranges of skin care products
provided in the market. Price-setting normally relate to the distribution channel the
company used. For intensive distribution, some skin care products are launched and
easily at all over the place they go as super store, supermarkets, convenience store,
direct sale or internet, etc. (Lamb et al, 2008), and here ‘penetration pricing strategy’ is
adopted for intensive distribution. Price is set as low price to extremely promote for
obtaining more market share and to earn more advantage from economies of scale
faster than other competitors. This pricing strategy is presumed to work well with the
male customers who are price sensitive, and it also imply that there is low of product
awareness (Hirschey, 2009). In the same time other competitors can be quickly use the
same pricing strategy and become direct competitors. Like Nivea, they set low price for
their products to go through the market with distributing their products as many places
as possible.
For a selective distribution, ‘skim pricing strategy’ is employed with the products
that are distributed by a few screening dealers. Only a few distributors are selected,
consumers have to seek out the products in specific place as cosmetic counter,
perfumery and drug store (Lamb et al, 2008). Consequently there are many brands
adopted premium price because they aim to obtain more profit margins, to have a
superior product image or to be the top of the market from using high pricing strategy to
consumers, who are less sensitive toward price, (Brown, 2006), such as the line of
In general, the word ‘place’ in marketing mix strategy refers to how the products
would be sold or distributed to the customers. What products the company is selling,
can directly affect on how the products should be distributed, and it chiefly impact on the
local branch, the appropriate position in the distribution system is at the end of the chain
Direct sales/Internet
Nowadays the direct sales or internet can facilitate the customers to buy skin
care products because it’s more comfortable, convenient (particularly for male
customers), and sometimes these direct sales or internet offer customers a discount.
(Moungthong et al, 2008). Consequently, the choices of direct sale and internet are new
attempt to convey with customers in order to attract and establish the customer’s
demand and consumption (Borden, 1964). Here are the main key issues related to
Brand is more likely used to introduce a new product to the consumers. If the
brand looks good, it can attract a consumer to use the product. Brand loyalty is
(Wood, 2004). According to Lau, Chang, Moon, and Liu (2006), seven factors influence
consumers’ brand loyalty towards certain brands. Brand image is used first to introduce
a product to a community. In other cultures, brand image can come in the form of a
human being with nothing else featured whereas in a collectivistic culture like Malaysia,
brand can represent quality of the product and trust in a firm (Rahim, 2010). According
customers, especially marketing experts who use brand image in making different
position and extending the brand. Brand image will determine whether the product is
successful or otherwise.
Next, quality is divided into two categories, such as product quality and service
(Khraim, 2011). This means the quality of a product that is worthy of the sacrifice and
meets the expectation of the consumer. Meanwhile, service quality is defined as the
degree of disparity between the customers’ normal expectation of the service and their
perceptions of service performance (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, & Berry, 1985). Thus, the
product and service quality are also important in attracting the consumer to use the
During the intensive competition in many markets, the word ‘brand’ is primarily
the company has reputed brand as a commercial application (Clifton, 2004). Besides,
brand name communicates product image which connect to certain values. So the
"Grooming Trends: Profiting in 2009 and Beyond" report, released in March, found that
there was over half of consumers do not care to search for new products in their
personal care, they probably cling to the products that they have experienced with and
in customers. A consumer must recognize the brand image and quality of a product
before proceeding to buy the product. Hence, brand loyalty will influence a consumer’s
ingredients used are compatible to their skin or may cause skin problems. Knowledge
has positive influence on attitude towards organic cosmetic as proven in past research
Yaacob, 2010) and (Rodda, 2004), AHA (alpha hydroxyl acid) and BHA (beta hydroxyl
acid) are the two common ingredients in skin care and beauty products.
Skin problem refers to the impact of cosmetic products on the skin of users. Skin
can become sensitive and eventually damaged when consumers overdo the lightening
and whitening process (Rodda, 2004). Hersch (1999) mentioned that most people
continue using the products although they know the adverse effects of using cosmetic
on their skin. The skin can become more sensitive and thinking that it is under attack,
the skin may develop allergic reaction when using the cosmetic products without the
proper protection.
The right knowledge influences the consumer’s decision when buying the
product. A consumer must know the product ingredients when they want to use it. If the
ingredient is not suitable then they should not use the product. Besides that, a
consumer must be aware of the potential skin problems when using the products
Is the combination of the science, technology, art and fashion to protect and keep
the products to customers that involve with the considerations of products attribute,
distribution, storage, use, sale, production, cost, public image, customers, etc. (Soroka,
2002). Marketer has to pay attention on the package design because package is the
first thing that customer sees, so it should present product in an enviable and suitable
way to draw the customer’s attention. The vital points that should be realized carefully
are the form, texture, the smell and colors of packaging. All that criteria on package can
Regarding to Desborder & Kimmel (2002), the packages small, clear, soft, pink,
will be felt to be rather female than male, contrary on the packages which is huge, dark,
tough, hard, or blue. Therefore, Clarins is a good example presenting itself to capture
male market by using a dissimilar color, logo and name from women’s product. The
tone reds intended for the women are transformed into blue for the male line of goods
(Tan, 2008).
Moreover, package should not have something like flowers on bottle. Even men
maybe into experimenting with these pictures, but they are not going to buy bottle with
flower (Miller, 1997). In addition to upper market, the finest brands design more plainly
style and less descriptive on their product package. They believed that their customer
has already known well what they are purchasing (Woods, 2005).
It is one of promotional activity to inform and activate the public in order to rise up
the product sales. There are many forms of these promotions such as press, television,
internet, sponsoring, public relation and sale promotions (Moungthong et al, 2008).
Regarding to men’s skin care market, the marketers have to consider who your target
Consumer’s Behavior
This part mainly focuses on consumer behaviors that affects decision making.
use or dispose of products, services, ideas and experience to satisfy needs and desires
(Askegaard, 1999). Moreover, Askegaard (1999) noted that people do not buy
the product for what they do but for what they mean. That sentence implies that the
roles of products play in our lives go well beyond the tasks it performs. Customer will
choose the brand or product that has an image consistent with his or her underlying
There are many factors that influence on men’s purchasing behavior both
external and internal factors. Age, occupation, income, living area, reference group,
family, celebrity endorsement and culture are the basic factors that affect the consumer
Customers in different age groups have different needs and want. While people
who belong to same age group differ in many other ways, they tend to share a set of
values and common cultural experiences that they carry throughout life (Askegaard et
al., 1999). In term of skin care products, younger generation tend to be more open to
In a relation with this kind of market, Amanda (2004) revealed that men who are
in the 18-24 years old, were driving apparel spending and are increasingly spending
occupations have to take care and maintain their appearance. Staying competitive in
(2001) said that many working men believe personal appearance does influence
al., 2008, noted that people who have different income have different selection of
product. Moreover, people who have high income are more ready to buy expensive
products but people who have low income are not. Therefore, income is one factor that
Keynes (2018) said that the amount of aggregate consumption depends mainly
on the amount of aggregate income. Researchers are entitled to depend with great
confidence both a priori from our knowledge of human nature and from the detailed
facts of experience is that men and women are disposed, as a rule and on an average
to increase their consumption as their income increases, but not by as much as the
increase in their income. If sufficient investment opportunities are not available, the
economy would then run into trouble and in that case, it would not be possible to
depends mainly on absolute income of the current period, that is, consumption is a
positive function of the absolute level of current income. The more income in a period one
has the more is likely to be his consumption expenditure in that period. In other words, in
any period the rich people tend to consume more than the poor people do. These result
follows from the studies of family budgets of various families at different income levels.
The fraction of income spent on consumption by the rich families is lower than that of the
poor families.
Living area
Living area is one factor that influences on customer’s consumption. Elsey and
Sukato (2009) said that consumer behavior might change according to location; urban
and rural area. People who live in urban area do not have the same desires as people
The influence from group of people (friends and colleagues, etc.) or family is
to Elsey & Sukato (2009), friends or family possibly convinced consumers into purchasing
a particular product. Moreover, Antoinette (2006) noted that women (wife or partner) have
an influence on men behavior such as men will buy skin care products easier or take care
more on themselves if they are encouraged and accepted by people who surround them.
Celebrity Endorsement
Beckham and Brad Pitt who openly admits to using skincare product and publicizing
that men can make themselves look better with the product had contributed to making
men more comfortable and positively changed men’s attitude toward the idea of
consuming male grooming products. Young men choose brand or product through the
imitation of celebrity endorser such as David Beckham and Brad Pitt because they are
known for their looks and style which resonate well with the metrosexual tastes (Cheng
et al 2010).
Self-esteem depends on many factors such as physical appearance, career and social
status, etc.
people are confident, willing to try new things, responsible for their action either good or
bad and open for it, etc. In contrast, low self-esteem people are opposite such as be
afraid to try new thing, blame the other for their problem and compare themselves with
selfesteem, 2010). High- and low-esteem subjects are motivated to maintain favorable
self-images, but that low-esteem subjects are constrained in this effort by less favorable
beliefs about themselves (Lynch et al., 1992). Therefore, improving self-image might be
In the past, men were supposed to be assertive, competitive and tough but women were
supposed to be more concern with taking care of their home, of children and of people
in general (Hofstede, 1991). Women evolution might be one factor that affects men’s
behaviors. Today women do not have to stay at home and take care of their home
anymore; women can do whatever they want such as get a college education,
participate in sport events and run for president. Women can be doctors, police officers
and whatever if they yearn for. A large increase in mothers working outside the home
feminine roles (Twenge, 1997). So, it seems that the gap between masculinity and
femininity have been reduced in term of value from time to time. Twenge (1997)
supported that it is possible for both men and women to adapt feminine and masculine
In a relation with this study, Hofstede (1991) mentioned that Sweden and Norway
are seen as the most feminine countries. There was no difference between score of
masculine and feminine, and both (males and females) expressed equally tender,
nurturing values. However, men’s value and women’s value need not be identical in all
aspects, only they do not differ along a tough-tender dimension. Moreover, female can
learn to function in a masculine way and vice versa. So, it is not a surprise that men
also have feminine side when talking about how to take care and maintenance their
Customer decision-making
behavior. And the knowledge of buying behavior sheds the light on the psychology of
how consumers think, feel, argument and select among existing alternatives (e.g.,
brands, products, and retailers), also how the consumer’s environment (e.g., culture,
whether or not the store concepts, product ranges and strategies of the companies are
understand how individual or group make their decision to spend their available
The essence of this approach is critical for organizational success, so that they
can have a better understanding of their customer behavior. The physical action or
behavior of consumer and their buying decision every day can be measured directly by
marketers. For that reason, many organizations these days are spending lot of their
resources to research how consumer makes their buying decision, what they buy, how
much they buy, when they buy, and where they buy. To get a well coherent result,
organizations normally looked at these behaviors base their analysis on difference
perspectives, such as product quality and better service, lower price structured
Different theories and researchers have claimed that when organization fully
meet all aspects of its customer needs, the result enhances their profitability and also
enable them to develop a better tackling strategy for consumer. Possibly, the most
challenging concept in marketing deals with the understanding why buyers do what they
do and what method or philosophy are they using to evaluate the product after the
transactions and what might be the effect on future transaction. The reason why
marketer chooses to learning about consumers” buying behavior is, from a business
chances for success. Therefore, the field of consumer behavior has taken a tremendous
turn in the commercial world and became the fundamental concepts of achieving
need and desires. And consumer behaviors have a huge impact in a firm marketing
decision making process every year. There is a risk that what a consumer does will
inflict on his or her behavior and generate consequences. There is a risk that what a
consumer does will inflict on his or her behavior and generate consequences. The user
and the purchaser can be different person, in some cases; another person may be an
influencer providing recommendations for or against certain products without actually
consumers think, feel and select from alternatives like products, brands and the like and
how the consumers are influenced by their environment, the reference groups, family,
and salespersons and so on. Consumer is the study “of the processes involved when
experiences to satisfy needs and desires” (Solomon 1995). In the marketing context, the
term, consumer refers not only to the act of purchase itself, but also to patterns of
purchase activity might consist of the growing awareness of a need or want, and a
search for and evaluation of information about the products and brands that might
satisfy it. Post-purchase activities include the evaluation of the purchased item in use
and the reduction of any anxiety which accompanies the purchase of expensive and
infrequently-bought items. Each of these has implications for purchase and repurchase
and they are amenable in differing degrees to marketer influence (Foxall 1987).
Chapter 3: Methodology
Research Design
Deductive approach was adopted in this research. According to Brymen & Bell
(2007) and Greenspum (2010) noted that deductive approach begins with a general
ideas (such as theory, laws, principles) and based on them, specific hypotheses are
formed which can be tested in order to support the general ideas. Then observation will
be conducted to test all issues. The purpose of deductive approach is to confirm or
reject the given theories. Moreover, quantitative approach was applied in this research.
give priority to fixed measurement, hypothesis and a lesser flexible form of fieldwork
The purpose of this research is to understand and to find out factors that affect
men’s behaviors and their buying decision in skin care products. Deductive approach
was applied in this research because this approach supported us to confirm and reject
all issues that were form base on pervious researches and theories. Furthermore,
Quantitative approach was an appropriate way to find out the tendency of men’s skin
care products and men behavior toward skin care products. Moreover, quantitative
approach was also useful to evaluate, summarize and report the finding accurately.
for this study. The close-ended questionnaire consisted of seven-point interval scale for
respondents to choose. The question in the questionnaire is about how the independent
variables such as knowledge, price, factors, and brand loyalty affect the dependent variable
Research Instrument
To provide and gather as much informative and relative evaluation. Descriptive
method will be used. This method includes the use of questionnaires and interviews. The tools
that will be used by the researchers will be discussed. A questionnaire will be used as the main
gathering instrument for the study. It is divided into two main sections. The profile and the
Sampling Procedure
Non-probability sampling is the convenient sampling that will be used in this study. It
refers to the collecting of information provided by part of population as the respondents. The
convenient sampling will be frequently utilized by the researchers in order to cover a large
number of surveys quickly and cost effectively. Most of the respondents are women such as