ISMS Checklist
ISMS Checklist
ISMS Checklist
The major change is the removal of the Plan-do-check-act cycle and the specific mention of the “process
This does not remove or prohibit the adoption of either, simply, gives the Organisation flexibility in the
methods and models they use. Assessors should ensure that the ISMS “is part of and integrated with the
organizations processes and overall management structure”.
2 Normative references
Reference to ISO/IEC 27000, Information technology – Security techniques – Information security
management systems – Overview and vocabulary.
3 Terms and definitions
changed definitions include;
5.2 Policy
a) Is appropriate to the purpose of the Organisation
b) Includes information security objectives or provides the framework for setting information
security objectives
c) Includes a commitment to satisfy applicable requirements related to information security
d) Includes a commitment to continual improvement of the information security management
e) Is available as documented information
f) Be communicated within the Organisation
g) Be available to interested parties
The Policy is required Documented Information.
5.3 Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities
Roles and authorities are assigned and communicated
Top management shall assign responsibilities for; ensuring the ISMS conforms to the standard,
reporting on the performance to top management (and within the Organisation)
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.1.1 General
The organizations shall consider; context of the Organisation, needs and expectations of
interested parties.
Determine the risks and opportunities that need to be addressed; ISMS achieves intended
outcomes, prevents or reduces undesired effects and achieves continual improvement
The Organisation shall plan; actions to address risks and opportunities and how to; integrate and
implement actions into its ISMS and evaluate the effectiveness
Auditors shall be selected and conduct audits “that ensure the objectivity and impartiality of the audit
process” however the statement “auditors shall not audit their own work” is omitted.
The Audit Programme and Results are required Documented Information.
9.3 Management review
Top management shall review the ISMS this shall include;
Status of actions from previous meetings
External and internal changes
Feedback on performance
Non-conformities and corrective actions
Monitoring and measurement
Audit results
Fulfilment of objectives
Feedback from interested parties
Results of risk assessments and treatment plans
Opportunities for continuous improvement
The results of Management Review are required Documented Information.
10 Improvements
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective actions
The Organisation shall react to nonconformities, evaluate the need for actions, implement
Information on Non-conformances and actions are required Documented Information.
10.2 Continual improvement
The organizational shall continually improve the ISMS
A.18.2.2 Compliance with security Control - Managers shall regularly review the compliance of
was policies and standards information processing and procedures within their area of
A.15.2.1 responsibility with the appropriate security polices, standards and any
other security requirements. Was “shall ensure that all security
procedures within their area of responsibility are carried out
correctly to achieve compliance with security policies and
standards” and added “any other security requirements”.
A.18.2.3 Technical compliance Control - Information systems shall be regularly reviewed for
was review. Was “checking”. compliance with the organisation’s information security policies and
A.15.2.2 standards. Was “security implementation standards” and