Ragas PDF
Ragas PDF
Ragas PDF
Abstract---Before some decades, ancient Indian classical musical guide lines. This is kind of a grey area when it comes to
maestros affirmed that, ragas influences emotions of human being differentiating between a few Sanskrit words that start with
by changing the resonance of human body.Some ragas like darbari “ra”, like ranj, which means to colour with emotion. In Indian
kanada, khamaj and pooriya are found to help in defusing mental classical music, a raga is performed at a set time of day or
tension, particularly in the case of hysterics. Raga malhar Pacifies season with the intention of evoking specific moods within the
anger, excessive mental, excitement & mental instability, Raga
jaijaivanti have also been pound effective in curing mental
listener and self very much like theatre and paintings, which
disorders and calming the mind.Although it is require to verify this were closely related mediums of communication. Each different
raga correlation systematically. By survey, it has been seen that no raga holds its own set of rules upon which the melody relies and
schemes have demonstrated yet. In the light of above discussion, respects. There are rules for upward directions of the scale,
the proposed research presented in this paper is aimed to discover “aahroh,” and downward movements, “aavroh”; rules that
the science behind phonetics of raga and its effects on nerve specify phrases to use and to avoid and which notes to use
system. This research is one step to explore scientifically the sparingly and often. The character of the raga is defined by the
ancient way of alternative medicine i.e. raga therapy, which is a order and sequence of these notes and, just as importantly,
need of the day since current advances in technology and rising subtle grace-notes called gamakas[2].
workload on human being is accompanied by stress. This research
focuses on to study the influence of Indian classical ragas structure
Emotions give meaning to our lives. No aspect of our
on human body while person is listening and experiencing an mental life is more important to the quality and meaning of our
emotion in it by capturing EEG signals. The brainwave signals existence than emotions. They make life worth living, or
database will be collected and analyze. This research work sometimes ending. The English word “emotion” is derived from
addresses these objectives and aims to present a strong case which the French word ‘emouvoir’ which means ‘move’. Great
will help medical practitioners like psychiatrist, to treat patient by classical philosophers Plato, Aristotle, Spinoza, Descartes
injecting music stimulus. conceived emotion as responses to certain sorts of events
triggering bodily changes and typically motivating
Keywords: Music therapy, Emotion, raga and emotions, EEG, characteristics behavior[3]. Traditionally music is said to evoke
Brainwave Signals. seven basic emotions: sadness, romance, peace,
strength/courage, anger, dispassion, devotion. Each raag elicits
I. INTRODUCTION a unique emotional state (rasa) consisting of one or more of
In our daily life human being generally come across these emotions [4].
stress resulting in various physical and psychological ailments.
A. Emotions and Ragas
Ancient Indian tradition provides various therapies such causes
like yoga, meditation and raga chikitsa. Raga chikitsa was an Each raga is uniquely defined by its pitch collection
ancient manuscript which dealt with the therapeutic effects of and characteristic phrase. Each raga has some mood associated
raga. Some ragas like darbari kanada, khamaj and pooriya are with it that can be related to its pitches and their relations one
found to help in defusing mental tension, particularly in the case with another. Certain pitch classes commonly occur in ragas
of hysterics. Raga malhar Pacifies anger, excessive mental, conveying a particular kind of emotion. The pitch set of a raga
excitement & mental instability, Raga jaijaivanti have also been and its characteristic phrase establish the flavor or mood of the
pound effective in curing mental disorders and calming the raga. It is a well-accepted notion that there are 11 basic moods
mind [1]. In Sanskrit ‘Raga’, literally means “colour” or (based on "Raga, the soul of classical music") in North Indian
“mood” similar to rasa but involving specific musical rules or
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -3, Issue- 4, Aug. 2016, ISSN: 2394 - 8124
Impact Factor : 4.564 (2015)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail: editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
Classical Music that can be depicted through a combination of 1. karuna, 2.shringar,3.shanta4.veer,5.raudra,6 vyragya,
music, dance and poetry: 7. bhakti, 8.bhayanak,9.hasya,10.bibhatsa,11.adbhuta.
Music alone cannot convey all 11 sentiments and
its scope is limited to the first 7 moods. Each raga or ragini is associated with a definite mood
or sentiment that nature arouses in human beings. The
The ten parent classes are: ancient musicologists were particularly interested in
1. Bhairav - An early morning raga usually played at the effects of musical notes, how it affected and
daybreak. enhanced human behavior. Music had the power to
2. Bhairavi - A morning raga often played at the finale cure, to make you feel happy, sad, disgusted and so on.
of any musical performance. Extensive research was carried out to find out these
3. Asavari - A morning raga popularly known as a effects. This formed the basis of time theory as we
romantic raga. know it today. Aligned with the emotional and
4. Todi –A morning raga meditative in nature. psychological effect of music on the human mind, the
5. Kafi - This raga does not have a performance time, semitones or Shrutis of the octave were named
known for its shringar (romantic) mood. according to subtle shades of different sentiments,
6. Marwa - A raga played around dusk bringing about feelings and emotions. The Ragas and Raginis emerge
an ascetic mood. as the suggestive sound images of these sentiments,
7. Purvi - An afternoon raga conveying a mood of emotions and passions[6].
serenity. Western classical music is based on harmonic
8. Khamaj - An evening raga, often used in semi- relations between notes, while Hindustani music (HM)
classical and folk music owing to its lilting is based on melodic mode (raga) structures within
character. rhythmic cycles. Hence, these two forms of "music
9. Kalyan - An evening raga used to convey may demand qualitatively different cognitive
descriptions of beauty. engagements. Each raga in HM, conventionally
10. Bilawal - A morning raga that conveys joy [5]. assigned to a corresponding rasa/emotion is known
consistently evoke a certain emotion. The artist
B.Raga and Time of day exploits her creativity and elaborates melodic
framework to bring out the rasa or the emotion [7].
One of the unique characteristics of Indian
music is the assignment of definite times of the day and C .Raaga Structure
night for performing Raga melodies. It is believed that
only in this period the Raga appears to be at the height a)Raag Yaman for Peace ,Happiness is traditionally
of its melodic beauty and majestic splendor. There are performed only during the early evening. It conveys a
some Ragas which are very attractive in the early hours mood that is serene, calm,and peaceful and at the same
of the mornings; others which appeal in the evenings, time joyful and lively. In the South Indian music
yet others which spread their fragrance only near the tradition, the counterpart of Raag Yaman, with the
midnight hour. There are Ragas associated with the same melodic structure, is called Raag Kalyani.The
rainy season (Raga Megha and Raga Malhar), the notes in a Raag Yaman roughly correspond to the
autumn season (Raga Basant) and the spring following notes in the western scale, in the key of D:
season (Raga Bahar). Seasonal Ragas can be sung and Thaat : Kalyan
played any time of the day and night during the season Aaroha : Sa Re Ga Ma(Kori Ma/trivra Ma i.e. Ma#)
allotted to them. The obligation of time in case of such Pa Dha Ni Sa
melodies is relaxed. This connection of time of the day Avroha : Sa Ni Dha Pa Ma((Kori Ma/trivra Ma i.e.
or night, with the Raga or Raginis is based on daily Ma#)) Ga Re Sa
cycle of changes that occur in our own moods and Pakad : Ni-Re-Ga-/Re-Ma(Kori Ma/trivra Ma i.e.
emotions which are constantly undergoing subtle Ma#)-Pa- /Ma(Kori Ma/trivra Ma i.e. Ma#-Pa-
changes in that different moments of the day arouse Dha/Dha-Ni- Sa'(upper octave)
and stimulate different moods and emotions. The Vaadi :Ga
mental and emotional responses in the autumn or Samvaad:i Ni
winter or during the rainy season are different from the Prahar (Time): Night (Pratham Prahar)
spring. Scheduling playing times of ragas has a variety
of advantages. It fits the mood of the raga with our own b)Raag Todi is mostly pervaded by a pensive,
mood, thus forming a fusion of body and soul. It also mournful mood.
creates a definite space of time hence making it
possible for various ragas to get a turn at performance.
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -3, Issue- 4, Aug. 2016, ISSN: 2394 - 8124
Impact Factor : 4.564 (2015)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail: editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -3, Issue- 4, Aug. 2016, ISSN: 2394 - 8124
Impact Factor : 4.564 (2015)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail: editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -3, Issue- 4, Aug. 2016, ISSN: 2394 - 8124
Impact Factor : 4.564 (2015)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail: editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
It has been observed that pleasant music Delta is the place of deepest relaxation, deepest
produces a decrease in the alpha power at the left healing, deepest spiritual connection and deepest
frontal lobe and unpleasant music produces decrease in connection with the subconscious mind.
the alpha power at the right frontal lobe. When subjects Each of us can use brainwave entrainment to
listen to pleasant music, changes occur in the EEG achieve a variety of results. You may want to target a
pattern, and there is an increase in the frontal midline specific brainwave frequency range to help you relax.
(Fm) theta power.Listening to music increases the On the other hand you may want to increase you
power at theta and alpha frequencies of the human creative energy, improve your memory, deepen your
EEG. Selecting the right type of music is thus sleep or get better results when playing a sport[18].
important because the EEG spectral power depends on
the intensity and style of music[7]. III. OBJECTIVES
The Five Categories of Brainwaves
1.Beta brainwaves(14 to 32 Hz alert, focused) The Goal of this research work is to explore,
Features and Benefits of a Beta State: This is the a) To collect the database of different Indian
brainwave for, classical ragas sung by experts of different age
• Increased concentration and alertness group.
• Improved logic, reasoning and critical b) To convert time series of raga to frequency
thinking domain using time-frequency analysis.
c) To study EEG pattern of human subject listening
• Feelings of anxiety, stress, scary unfocused
the raga within a focus on Alpha, Beta Theta and
Delta frequency bands.
d) To correlate sequence of notes in raga within
2. Alpha brainwaves (7 to 14 Hz relaxed,
frequency deviation of EEG, to understand
which raga structure elicit specific emotion such
Features and Benefits of an Alpha State: Our brain
as Peace, Happiness, Cheerful, Sadness and
hemispheres become naturally synchronized, or in-
phase with each other.
• Enables us to remember our dreams and
meditative states.
• Increased vividness benefits creative
visualization and triggers imagination
A. Feasible Study
• Increased memory retention , concentration
& focus for super learning The research focuses on to study the influence
Health benefits include: of Indian classical ragas structure on human body
• Reduced anxiety by capturing EEG signals. For this purpose we will
• Alleviates stress and depression require to collect brainwave signals database of
• Reduces chronic pain persons listening to music .By selecting Indian
• Reduction of high blood pressure classical ragas, we will ask person to listen and
• Increased cerebral blood flow experience an emotion in it.
• Increased motivation, energy, and happiness
B. Input Output Specifications
3. Theta brainwaves (3.5 to 7 Hz deep
relaxation) Features and 1) A data of EEG signal samples of different
benefits of Theta brainwaves subjects with and without knowledge of music,
• Increased sense of inner peace and emotional while listening to different ragas.
stability 2) Extracting brain waves and evaluation.
• Deep relaxation 3) Drawing Experimental Result and Conclusion.
• Calms the chatter of your mind
Health benefits of Theta brainwaves V. DESIGN
• Speed healing, improved physical healing
A. Proposed design
• Sleep onset and better more restful sleep
Our brain is made up of billions of brain cells
• Release beneficial hormones related to health called neurons, which use electricity to communicate
and longevity. with each other. The combination of millions of
• Reduce mental fatigue neurons sending signals at once produces an significant
• Reduction of anxiety and stress amount of electrical activity in the brain, which can be
detected using sensitive medical equipment such as an
4. Delta brainwaves (0.1 to 3.5 Hz deep sleep) electroencephalogram (EEG).This electrical activity of
the brain is commonly known as a Brainwave pattern,
Journal of Management Engineering and Information Technology (JMEIT)
Volume -3, Issue- 4, Aug. 2016, ISSN: 2394 - 8124
Impact Factor : 4.564 (2015)
Website: www.jmeit.com | E-mail: editorjmeit@outlook.com|jmeit@outlook.com
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