Meanwhile, the Enslavers began to dominate the The Necrons in the 41st Millennium
psychic races for their own agendas. They pushed At present, the Necrons are more of a shadowy
their way into the real world, killing millions and presence than a full-fledged force. They strike
entering the minds of any living creatures, which from nowhere and without warning, slaughtering
they drove to fight and die for them. The Old their enemies and departing before reinforcements
Ones' places of power fell to the horrors of their can arrive. The origins of these attacks and their
own creations. The Old Ones tried to save them- motives are unknown, though it is clear that the
selves by creating new races to defend their Necron forces in the galaxy are but the first
strongholds, but it was too late. glimpses of the full might of the Necron war ma-
As for the C'tan, the sentient beings of the galaxy chine. Of the four remaining C'tan, only two are
were being culled by the enslavers. While enslav- active: The Deceiver and the Nightbringer. The
ers could not harm the C'tan, the C'tan's sentient Deceiver has been active for much longer than the
food was disappearing. Instead of returning to a Nightbringer, infiltrating various cultures and ma-
bland existence suckling the energy of stars, the nipulating events. The Nightbringer was later in-
C'tan elected to enter stasis, and await a new gal- tentionally awakened from its tomb on Pavonis by
axy where sentient life teemed again.
the Deceiver, as the cunning C'tan knew it would
need to draw on more of the Necron forces to take
on the current war-torn galaxy. The other two are
the Void Dragon and the Outsider: both are cur-
rently dormant.