Dark Heresy - Imperial Atomica 1.1
Dark Heresy - Imperial Atomica 1.1
Dark Heresy - Imperial Atomica 1.1
Introduction Part 2, Tactical-Scale Warfare, contains the
“It worked.” systems and rules for surviving, coping with
-J. Robert Oppenheimer and carrying out nuclear conflict. It
includes character creation options for the
By the time of the 41st Millenium, above-mentioned systems, from Imperial
humanity has pretty well mastered and Guard nuclear artillery to the Magii
moved beyond nuclear physics. Fusion Nucleic of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the
power is not merely well-understood, it is subtle Rad-Poisoners of the underhives.
commonplace, from the huge plasma Next up, it presents a full armoury of
reactors of Imperial Navy voidships to the radiological weapons, anti-radiation
tiny self-contained power cells of Astartes protection gear and chems, as well as
power armour. While ancient atomic vehicle built for surviving the harshest
weapons are rare, they are not unheard of. environments in the Galaxy.
It is only natural that, from the irradiated
depths of a Calixian underhive to the empty What’s Next
void of space, the heroes and villains who This volume is still very much a rough draft
exist in the grim darkness of the far future or work in progress, and there are a variety
should occasionally run into the sinister of major additions to look forward to in the
hazard of atomic radiation and nuclear future. Updates will include the addition
warfare. of, among many other things:
• A Template system, for
What’s in This Book representing changes to NPCs and
Imperial Atomica is a sourcebook for nuclear enemies due to prolonged radiation
warfare and nuclear survival in the 41st exposure.
millennium. It contains content for both • A variety of nuclear-themed air
editions of Dark Heresy, as well as Only vehicles and vehicular weapons
War and Rogue Trader. With it, you can • Nuclear Psykana, in the form of the
play Inquisitorial agents exploring the Fragormancy Discipline, with
irradiated underhive, or a privateer crew powers for all systems.
hauling strange radioactive ore for profit,
or Guardsmen face to face with apocalyptic Acknowledgements and Contact
nightmare of a nuclear firestorm. While this Thanks are in order as always to anon and
content has not been tailored to the to the rest of the fa/tg/uys for their help
Deathwatch or Black Crusade systems, it and advice and to the good folks of Ordo
can easily be adapted. Discordia for providing useful commentary
and balance advice.
This book is divided into two main parts. As always, I can be reached on the Ordo
Part 1, Strategic-Scale Warfare, covers nuclear Discordia server, or by email at
weaponry on a grand scale, dealing with the windowsfullofglass@gmail.com. You can
effects of radiation and the kind of nuclear find other stuff I’ve written, and donation
and post-nuclear environments players will links if you’re inclined, at
encounter. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4432611.
Part 1: Strategic-Scale Warfare simplified unit does a very poor job of
“Paw saw a flash on the horizon, like heat actually reflecting anything like reality, but
lightnin’, but we didn’t think nothin’ of it ‘til the is simple enough that even those uninitiated
black rain started to fall, and all the Grox died.” into the arcane secrets of nuclear physics
-Mungo Hunklin, last survivor of the might be able to grasp it simply and easily.
Cleansing of Lenk IX
The Ferm gauge functions not dissimilarly
Nuclear weaponry, however outdated as it to the Insanity and Corruption systems
might be in the 41st millennium, still has the already present in game. It is scaled from 0
power to wither continents, turning verdant to 100, with 0 representing a character who
landscapes into choking, glassy wastelands has been exposed to no dangerous
of irradiated dust. Even outside of the radiation, and 100 representing a character
endless warfront, the cold ticking of a instantly dying from lethal exposure. The
Geiger counter is no stranger to many effects of Ferm levels can be seen in Table 1
Imperial citizens. The beating heart of below. All listed effects are cumulative-
many a Hive City is an ancient fission or severe radiation exposure in no way reduces
fusion reactor, tended by wizened keepers the symptoms of mild radiation exposure, it
who grow more twisted with each irradiated only exacerbates them. Once a character
generation. Some worlds are even naturally drops below a Ferm level, so too do their
radioactive due to quirks of atmosphere or symptoms diminish, with the exception of
geology, their hardy inhabitants never quite Mutation Potential, which cannot be
sure why other Imperial citizens regard reduced through normal means.
them with such disgust.
You will notice that some levels of the table
This chapter covers how radiation works in include options, usually to take levels of
the 41st millennium- how to measure it, Mutation Potential (explained in the
detect it, where it emanates from, and the section below) or merely further
myriad ways it can kill you. Characteristic penalties. This is to allow
variable levels of realism when handling
The Ferm Gauge radiation exposure in the Warhammer 40k
“Past ten? See a medic. Past thirty? See a universe. The citizens of the Imperium of
Hospitaller. Past sixty? See a priest.” Man are supposed to have fairly mutable
-Sergeant Lamasa DuFresne, 11th genetics, hence the presence of Abhumans
Haigerloch Lamplighters and Psykers, but sometimes you just need
the messy horror that is dying from
The databases of the Adeptus Mechanicus radiation poisoning.
record dozens of different systems for
measuring radiation exposure used
throughout human history, but the one
most familiar to the average Imperial
citizen is the Ferm. Named in honour of a
legendary Magos from Earth’s past, this
Table 1: The Ferm Gauge
Ferm Effect
0-10 None
50+ Hair loss and agonizing burns: -2 to Willpower and Fellowship. Character must test
Toughness or Willpower at +0 or be immediately reduced to 0 Wounds.
60+ Total hair loss and excruciating burns: -2 to Willpower and Fellowship.
Character must test Toughness or Willpower at -10 or be immediately reduced to 0
+1 Mutation Potential, or a further -1 to Willpower and Fellowship.
70+ Early stage organ failure: -2 to Strength, Agility, Toughness and Perception. Character
must test Toughness or Willpower at -20 or be immediately reduced to 0 Wounds.
Character now glows in the dark: enemies gain gain a +10 to any vision-based perception
tests to locate them in poor visibility or Character’s total Wounds are temporarily reduced
to a value equal to their Toughness Bonus.
80+ Significant organ failure: -3 to Strength, Agility, Toughness and Perception. Character
must test Toughness or Willpower at -30 or be immediately reduced to 0 Wounds.
+1 Mutation Potential, or character gains a level of Fatigue which cannot be removed or
ignored until their Ferm level is reduced below 50.
90+ Total Bodily Collapse: -2 to all Characteristics. Any character with the Unnatural
Characteristic trait halves the value of that trait. Character cannot make Full Actions to
move. Character must test Toughness or Willpower at -30 or be immediately reduced to 0
+2 Mutation Potential, or if character ever hits 5 Critical Wounds to any Location they die
immediately from exhaustion and organ failure.
100 Character dies from lethal radiation exposure. If they choose to burn Fate to survive this,
they automatically gain 1d5 random mutations, or permanently reduce any 3 of their stats
by 5.
Tracking Radiation ever month a character spends in a non-
iirradiated environment, they reduce their
Unlike Insanity or Corruption, however, Ferm level by an amount equal to half their
players might not know their current Ferm Toughness Bonus, rounded down.
level- tracking Ferms requires external
equipment. It is up to the GM to either Human beings of exceptional physical
track Ferm values themselves or put players strength and resilience may be able to resist
in a situation where their characters are a certain amount of radiation before
provided with, or can easily acquire, Ferm succumbing. A character reduces any
detection gear. Characters may feel the incoming Ferm by a value equal to their
effects of radiation exposure, but they Toughness Bonus -3, to a minimum of 0.
seldom know how much they’ve absorbed
until it is far, far too late. Various pieces of Clothing and worn gear can also provide a
gear that allow a character to track their certain amount of protection against
Ferm exposure can be found in the radiation. Any piece of specifically anti-
Armoury in Part 2. radiation gear has a Ferm Reduction value,
which is the number subtracted from the
Coping with Radiation amount of Ferm a character would normally
gain when exposed to a hazard. If the gear’s
It is well-night impossible to actively Ferm Reduction is equal to or greater than
combat the effects of radiation on the the current amount of incoming Ferm, the
human body in a field setting; this is an character’s Ferm level naturally does not
unfortunate fact of human biology. While increase. Ferm Reduction is distinct from,
chemicals can be taken that will flush and entirely separate to, AP, except in the
radiation out of the body, and many of the case of armour that does not normally
symptoms of radiation poisoning and burns provide radiation protection (See Armoury).
can be easily mitigated with a variety of
drugs, the underlying cause, namely Reducing radioactive presence in the
damage to the cells in the body, is simply human body through non-natural means is
out of reach of the vast majority of human well within the scope of Imperial medical
medecine, even in the 41st Millennium. technology, but it requires a variety of
advanced medical equipment and is slow
In gameplay terms, this means that enough to be impractical in the field. For
characters will be able to repress the every week a character spends in a medical
symptoms of their Ferm level with a variety facility equipped with functioning baseline-
of items and consumables, found in the level Imperial medicae technology, they
Armoury section in Part 2, but will find it reduce their Ferm level by an amount equal
very difficult to actually reduce their Ferm to half their Toughness Bonus, rounded up.
level in the course of normal play. There is
a certain amount of natural reduction as
isotopes stabilize, but this happens
incredibly slowly. In gameplay terms, for
Mutation Potential Table 2: Mutation Potential
Mutation Toughness Test
One of the most sinister thing about Potential Level Difficulty
radiation exposure is its long-term
effects. What might feel in the short 0 None (no Test needed)
term like the symptoms of a mild cold
can, decades later, re-manifest as lethal 1 Challenging (+0)
cancers and organ failures. Mutation
2 Difficult (-10)
Potential represents this longer-term
cellular damage. Whenever a character 3 Hard (-20)
with any levels of Mutation Potential
loses all of their Critical Damage, 4 Very Hard (-30)
whether through natural healing or
supernatural means, they must test 5 Arduous (-40)
Toughness at the end of their healing 6 Punishing (-50)
period. The penalty on this test is equal
to the number of levels of Mutation
Potential they have, as shown in Table 2. If Mutation Potential, unless they are
they fail this Test, they immediately gain a undergoing some form of highly advanced
randomly generated Mutation, rolling off genetic therapy during their healing
whatever mutation table from whatever process. Generally speaking, a cost of 100xp
system the GM deems most relevant. A per level of reduction of Mutation
character cannot reduce their levels of Potential would be reasonable.
Irradiated Environments Dosage Test: Easy (+20)
“And the sky will be rent with smoke, and the Ferm Gain: 1
land seething as molten glass, and the seas will boil Characters who eat, drink or heal Wounds
and steam, and the lamenting of the unfaithful in an area of Minor Ambient Radiation
will go unheard by the Emperor.” automatically gain 1 Ferm, not reduced by
-De Templum Nuclei Exitium, Volume 12 armor or Toughness, for each time this
Different irradiated environments are
represented by three stats. Dosage Time Moderate Ambient Radiation
indicates how long it takes for an invidivual
in that environment to absorb a dangerous After a certain point, background radiation
or noteworthy amount of radiation. It is in an area stops being a minor irritation and
measured in in-game Days, Hours or starts to become a serious health problem,
Rounds, representing a Ferm gain every 24 though not necessarily an immediately fatal
hours, every single hour, and every combat one. Such conditions might be found in the
round (approximately 5 seconds) operating areas of Imperial power plants,
respectively. environments which have recently
undergone significant nuclear
The Dosage Test indicates what difficulty bombardment, or in the void of deep space
of Toughness Test needs to be passed to when in proximity to stellar objects.
prevent a character from receiving any Dosage Time: Days
levels of Ferm. This test is modified by Dosage Test: Challenging (+0)
talents such as Resistance (Radiation), and Ferm Gain: 1d5
unless specified otherwise is purely Characters who eat, drink or heal Wounds
pass/fail- Degrees of Success do not matter. in an area of Moderate Ambient Radiation
Dosage Tests are considered to take no automatically gain 2 Ferm, not reduced by
amount of in-game time. If no Test is armor or Toughness, for each time this
listed, then the Ferm gain is automatic and occurs.
cannot be avoided.
Major Ambient Radiation
Minor Ambient Radiation
In some areas, every cubic millimeter of
The presence of radioactive minerals or space contains tiny particles of fissile
chemicals in an area can leave its material, leading to ambient radiation levels
atmosphere saturated with continuous, but so high as to kill an unprotected human in a
thankfully low-level radiation. Such matter of hours. Such conditions can be
conditions might be found in the outer found in damaged Imperial industrial areas,
areas of Imperial power plants, plasma environments in which a nuclear
reactors, industrial facilities, environments bombardment has just occurred, areas of a
which underwent nuclear bombardment voidship damaged by enemy Atomics, or in
long ago or even the void of deep space. the void of deeps space when in close
Dosage Time: Days proximity to stellar objects.
Dosage Time: Hours immediately gain 1 Ferm and their Ferm
Dosage Test: None Gain becomes 1d5+1 for the remainder of
Ferm Gain: 1d5 +1 their time in the area.
Characters who eat, drink or heal Wounds
in an area of Major Ambient Radiation Rad Storms
automatically gain 1d5 Ferm, not reduced
by armor or Toughness, for each time this Nuclear detonations in dusty or desert
occurs. areas, especially those already prone to dust
storms and high surface winds, can result in
Catastrophic Ambient Radiation deadly rad storms. Huge clouds of fallout
carpet the area, blasting anything foolish
In such places, life simply cannot exist; enough to get out in the open. Similar
molecules are constantly battered with conditions can also occur in extremely cold
energy, and living beings die in seconds. environments, where snow and hail become
Thankfully, such conditions are rare, but contaminated instead.
they might be found in the heart of Dosage Time: Hours
Imperial or xenos power generators, or in Dosage Test: Challenging (+0)
the upper layers of a star. Ferm Gain: 2d5
Dosage Time: Rounds Characters operating in a Rad Storm
Dosage Test: None without mouth and nose protection, such as
Ferm Gain: 3d10 a Respirator, increase their Ferm Gain to
Characters who eat, drink or heal Wounds 2d5+2. All characters operating in a Rad
in an area of Catastrophic Ambient Storm recieve a -10 to all vision and
Radiation must burn a Fate Point or die. hearing-based Perception and Awareness
Black Rain
Tactical Fission Weapon
Black rain occurs when a nuclear detonation
occurs in an area with large amounts of Fission Weapons function by tearing atoms
surface or subsurface water, which is apart in a chain reaction that releases a
evaporated by the explosion and then falls tremendous amount of energy, in the forms
again as contaminated rain, frequently of both heat and radiation. Because of their
black in colour because of soot and dust in comparatively small yield, the radiation
the air. threat from a Fission Weapon is relatively
Dosage Time: Hours low, and the fallout it produces is much
Dosage Test: Routine (+10) more dangerous.
Ferm Gain: 1d5 Dosage Time: Rounds
If at any time a character in an area Dosage Test: Hard (-20)
experiencing Black Rain drinks any Ferm Gain: 2d10
exposed surface water or rainwater, or The Dosage Time for this environment
allows the rainwater to contact their skin occurs only on the Round in which the
for more than a few seconds, they weapon is detonated; it is a one-off dose
which does not reoccur. Depending on the radius 5m across. Ferm-detection
environment in which it is detonated, a equipment is needed to locate them.
Tactical Fission Weapon detonation might Moving out of this radius removes the
cause Minor Ambient Radiation, Rad radiation threat. Vents are clouds of
Storms, or Black Rain. upwelling superheated radioactive gas from
scorched cracks in the earth, occupying a
Salted Fission Weapon radius 10m across. A character who fails
their Dosage Test in a Vent area also takes
These radiological weapons are designed to 1d5 Wounds because of the extreme heat
spread massive amounts of fallout over a involved. Vents can be detected with a
wide area which will not dissipate for an Challenging (+0) Vision, hearing or smell-
extremely long time. Though their initial based Awareness Test. Moving out of a
blast is not particularly strong, they can Vent radius removes the radiation threat.
poison the blast zone for centuries.
Dosage Time: Hours Underwater Blast
Dosage Test: None
Ferm Gain: 2d5 Though the actual detonation of a nuclear
Characters caught in the blast of a Salted weapon underwater is relatively mild for
Fission Weapon take Ferm as if they were those on the surface, the same cannot be
in the blast of a Tactical Fission Weapon, said of its fallout. Radiation is absorbed by
except that the Ferm Gain is 1d10+4. impurities in the water which are then
carried along by the superheated steam of
Subterranean Blast the blast, coating the target area in a thick,
poisonous mist. When it dries, it leaves
Nuclear blasts contained wholly behind a thin, delicate coating- of intensely
underground are relatively easy to cope radioactive salts.
with, because dense soil and rock absorbs Dosage Time: Rounds
the bulk of the radiation. However, highly Dosage Test: Hard (-20)
radioactive gasses can leak out in the form Ferm Gain: 2d5
of minor seeps or geyser-like vents, both of Characters in the radius of an Underwater
which can be deadly and difficult to detect. Blast, but not in the water, only take half
If characters are underground in an area damage from the resulting explosion,
where a Subterranean Blast occurs, instead rounded down. Characters in the water take
treat this environment type as Major the full damage. For ten rounds after the
Ambient Radiation, as radioactive gasses detonation, the blast area is treated as being
will build up belowground. filled with Smoke and the weapon’s Ferm
Dosage Time: Hours (Seep), Rounds (Vent) Gain and Dosage Tests are calculated as
Dosage Test: Challenging (+0) (Seep), normal. After these ten rounds end, the
Difficult (-10) (Vent) environment becomes Major Ambient
Ferm Gain: 1d5 (Seep), 3d5 (Vent) Radiation.
Subterranean Blast seeps are clouds of
almost-undetectable gasses occupying a
Atmospheric Blast The Dosage Time for this environment
occurs only on the Round in which the
An atmospheric blast, or airburst, occurs weapon is detonated; it is a one-off dose
when a nuclear device is detonated high which does not reoccur. Depending on the
above ground. This produces very little environment in which it is detonated, a
fallout, because there is no dust in the blast Fusion Weapon detonation might cause
area to contaminate, but also an intense Moderate or Major Ambient Radiation,
shock wave, as the concussion of the bomb Rad Storms, or Black Rain.
bounces off the ground and turns in on
itself. Neutron Weapon
Dosage Time: Rounds
Dosage Test: Hard (-20) A sinister and rarely-used Imperial
Ferm Gain: 1d10 + 6 radiological device, a Neutron Weapon is
The Dosage Time for this environment an ordinary Fusion Weapon custom-
occurs only on the Round in which the designed to put out the largest possible
weapon is detonated; it is a one-off dose amount of radiation in its initial blast.
which does not reoccur. On the turn in Though this radiation clears relatively
which an Atmospheric Blast goes off, all quickly, it burns away all life in the blast
characters in the Blast Radius become area almost instantaneously.
Stunned for 1d5 Rounds and gain a level of Dosage Time: Rounds
Fatigue from the force of the concussion, Dosage Test: None
in addition to any other injuries gained Ferm Gain: 8d10
from the weapon’s blast. Depending on the The Dosage Time for this environment
environment in which it is detonated, an occurs only on the Round in which the
Atmospheric Blast detonation might cause weapon is detonated; it is a one-off dose
Minor Ambient Radiation or Black Rain. which does not reoccur. Depending on the
environment in which it is detonated, a
Fusion Weapon Fusion Weapon detonation might cause
Major Ambient Radiation, Rad Storms, or
Fusion weapons force atoms to collapse in Black Rain.
on themselves, releasing exponentially
more energy than fission weapons. While Sanctic Weapon
the blast is intense, the amount of radiation
emitted is minimal, and the bomb can The exclusive preserve of the Ordo
actually be designed to tailor exactly how Malleus, Sanctic Fusion Weapons are
much it puts out. A Fusion Weapon designed to purge daemonic entities on a
environment represents a ‘standard’ fusion massive scale. These high-yield fusion
weapon, designed to output as little weapons produce little radiation, but every
radiation as possible. single one of their components has been
Dosage Time: Rounds laced with holy materials and the strongest
Dosage Test: Difficult (-10) blessings the Ecclesiarchy can produce. The
Ferm Gain: 3d10
blast from these weapons sear the body as
well as the soul.
Dosage Time: Rounds
Dosage Test: Very Hard (-30)
Ferm Gain: 4d10
The Dosage Time for this environment
occurs only on the Round in which the
weapon is detonated; it is a one-off dose
which does not reoccur. A character caught
in the blast of a Sanctic Weapon receives an
extra 1d5 Ferm for every 10 points of
Corruption they possess. Any Daemons or
warp entities that enter this environment
must pass the Dosage Test or be
immediately destroyed. Depending on the
environment in which it is detonated, a
Sanctic Weapon might cause Major
Ambient Radiation or Catastrophic
Ambient Radiation.
Exterminatus-Scale Weapon
Part 2: Tactical-Scale Warfare
“I marvel always at the remarkable ability of the
human being to live, and continue living in
environments so thick with poison and suffering
that it makes the mind recoil.
-General Iszek Ironheart, Atomkrieg
Atomic Origins
“Somehow the ticking of them rad-counters
always reminds me of Nana’s hab-unit. Sounds
like going home.”
-Reliyon Kreth, Imperial Agent
Rad-Blasted World Linguistics (Low Gothic), Medicae and
Many fairly advanced Imperial worlds have
seen some deployment of nuclear The Dust Settles: Characters from these
armaments in their history, but the worlds have lived through conditions
inhabitants of this planet have gone utterly inimical to human life, but the scars
through the hell of a large-scale nuclear of such conditions have permanently
conflict and survived intact. The most weakened them. Rad-Blasted World
famous of these worlds is Krieg, of course, characters take a -10 penalty to all tests to
but there are numerous others. Soldiers and resist Radiation, but can ignore the
citizens hailing from these planets have negative effects of radiation exposure up to
lived through blast waves, rains of fallout, 30 Ferm.
and the cold dark of nuclear winter, but Life in the Dark: Prolonged nuclear
their poisonous home environment leaves bombardment blackens and thickens a
them frail and sickly. planet’s atmosphere, and anyone living
there must quickly adapt to survive in the
Only War dusty blackness of nuclear winter.
Characters from a Rad-Blasted World
Cost: 3 Points halve any skill penalties as a result of
Characteristics Modifiers: +3 to Perception operating in extreme darkness or with their
and Agility, -3 Toughness and Fellowship vision impaired.
Starting Skills: Rad-Blasted World Wounds: Rad-Blasted World characters
characters start with Common Lore (War), begin play with -2 starting Wounds.
Dark Heresy
Rad-Blasted World: Lenk VIII
Rad-Blasted Worlder Skills: Rad-Blasted
The Lenk system was considered a World citizens start with Medicae.
breadbasket of the Segumentum Solar before The Dust Settles: Characters from these
M.40; a system with five major planets and worlds have lived through conditions
four moons, all of them habitable and well- utterly inimical to human life, but the scars
suited for agriculture. Defended by an of such conditions have permanently
ancient archaeotech missile defence array on weakened them. Rad-Blasted World
Lenk III, it was a prosperous, hard-working characters take a -10 penalty to all tests to
system by all accounts. resist Radiation, but can ignore the
negative effects of radiation exposure up to
Then the local Inquisition discovered the 30 Ferm.
Tzeentchian chaos cult shadow government Life in the Dark: Prolonged nuclear
controlling the entire system. They had bombardment blackens and thickens a
infiltrated all levels of the Administatum and planet’s atmosphere, and anyone living
Munitorum without being detected, and were there must quickly adapt to survive in the
planning… something involving the system’s dusty blackness of nuclear winter.
next grain tithe. Immediate action was Characters from a Rad-Blasted World
needed. halve any skill penalties as a result of
operating in extreme darkness or with their
Inquisitorial troops stormed the Lenk III vision impaired.
Missile Control Center, killed the PDF Make it Work: The constant
troops occupying it, then fired its entire electromagnetic pulses of nuclear blasts can
payload off, cleansing the whole system. The scramble the systems of even the most
populations of Lenks I through VII, hardened electronics, and the survivors
including the Stormtrooper team, were killed must make do with frequently broken and
instantly. The missiles that hit Lenk IX defective equipment. Rad-Blasted World
detonated high in the atmosphere, creating characters treat all Poor-Craftsmanship
rad-storms that left the planet devoid of life weapons and equipment as being Common-
in a matter of months. Craftsmanship.
After the End: Rad-Blasted Worlders have
Lenk VIII’s thicker atmosphere protected it lived through a veritable apocalypse. Drive
from the worst of the barrage, but not from (Agility), Chem-Use (Int), and Survival (Int)
the Space Marine purgation team that moved count as Basic Skills for Rad-Blasted World
in to make sure everyone left alive in its characters.
irradiated wastelands wasn’t a heretic. Now it
is barely on the level of a Feudal World, with
traumatized, tumor-ridden survivors eking
out subsistence farming in ashy, tainted soil.
Rogue Trader Starting Fate Points: Roll 1d10 to
determine a Rad-Blasted World character’s
Replaces: Death World starting Fate Points. On a 1-4, he begins
Characteristc Modifiers: +5 Perception, +5 with 1 Fate Points, on a 5-8 he begins with 2
Agility, -5 Toughness, -5 Fellowship Fate Points, on a 9-10 he begins with 3 Fate
Starting Skills: Living in the midst of
intense radiation requires a modicum of DARK HERESY 2nd EDITION
medical knowledge. All Rad-Blasted World
characters begin with Medicae. Characteristic Modifiers: +Perception, +
The Dust Settles: Characters from these Agility, -Toughness
worlds have lived through conditions Fate Threshold: 3 (Emperor’s Blessing 5+)
utterly inimical to human life, but the scars
of such conditions have permanently The Dust Settles: Characters from these
weakened them. Rad-Blasted World worlds have lived through conditions
characters take a -10 penalty to all tests to utterly inimical to human life, but the scars
resist Radiation, but can ignore the of such conditions have permanently
negative effects of radiation exposure up to weakened them. Rad-Blasted World
40 Ferm. characters take a -10 penalty to all tests to
Life in the Dark: Prolonged nuclear resist Radiation, but can ignore the
bombardment blackens and thickens a negative effects of radiation exposure up to
planet’s atmosphere, and anyone living 30 Ferm.
there must quickly adapt to survive in the
dusty blackness of nuclear winter. Home World Aptitude: Fieldcraft
Characters from a Rad-Blasted World Wounds: A Rad-Blasted World character
halve any skill penalties as a result of starts with 6 + 1d5 Wounds
operating in extreme darkness or with their Recommended Backgrounds: Mutant,
vision impaired. Imperial Guard, Outcast
Make it Work: The constant
electromagnetic pulses of nuclear blasts
can scramble the systems of even the
most hardened electronics, and the
survivors must make do with frequently
broken and defective equipment. Rad-
Blasted World characters treat all Poor-
Craftsmanship weapons and equipment
as being Common-Craftsmanship.
Starting Wounds: Rad-Blasted World
characters double their Toughness
Bonus and add 1d5-2 to determine their
starting number of Wounds.
Atomforged World Only War
including plasma weaponry, even if they are Swords into Plowshares: Atomforged
not trained in their use. Worlders believe they can use the most
Dangerous Optimism: The Mechanicus dangerous technology to build a brighter
maintains a tight control over nuclear future for themselves. Demolition (Int),
technology in the wider imperium for very Tech-Use (Int) and Pilot (Agility) are Basic
good reason; if it fails, it fails hard. Skills for Atomforged World characters.
Tinkering is the first step on the road to a
lethal nuclear accident, after all. When a Rogue Trader
character from this homeworld fails any test
to operate a nuclear or fusion-based Replaces: Forge World
technology, increase their number of Starting Characteristics: +5 Willpower, +5
Degrees of Failure by 2. Fellowship, -5 Perception
Starting Wounds: Atomforged World
characters generate their Starting Wounds Atomforged World Skills: To operate
normally. nuclear technology, you need to
understand the theory behind it.
Dark Heresy Atomforged World characters start with
Scholastic Lore (Nuclear Physics).
Atomforged World Skills: Atomforged Your Friend the Atom: Having a fairly
World characters start with Scholastic Lore well-versed understanding in nuclear
(Nuclear Physics) devices of all forms, from simple cloud
Your Friend the Atom: Having a fairly chambers to full-scale fusion reactors,
well-versed understanding in nuclear Atomforged World characters generally
devices of all forms, from simple cloud possess an intuitive grasp of how to operate
chambers to full-scale fusion reactors, atomic machinery. Characters from these
Atomforged World characters generally worlds gain a +10 to Tests to operate any
possess an intuitive grasp of how to operate nuclear or fusion-based technologies,
atomic machinery. Characters from these including plasma weaponry, even if they are
worlds gain a +10 to Tests to operate any not trained in their use.
nuclear or fusion-based technologies, Dangerous Optimism: The Mechanicus
including plasma weaponry, even if they are maintains a tight control over nuclear
not trained in their use. technology in the wider imperium for very
Dangerous Optimism: The Mechanicus good reason; if it fails, it fails hard.
maintains a tight control over nuclear Tinkering is the first step on the road to a
technology in the wider imperium for very lethal nuclear accident, after all. When a
good reason; if it fails, it fails hard. character from this homeworld fails any test
Tinkering is the first step on the road to a to operate a nuclear or fusion-based
lethal nuclear accident, after all. When a technology, increase their number of
character from this homeworld fails any test Degrees of Failure by 2.
to operate a nuclear or fusion-based Scent for Danger: High levels of ionizing
technology, increase their number of radiation can cause chemical changes in air
Degrees of Failure by 2. which are detectable by human scent… if
you know what you’re looking for. Atomforged World: Haigerloch
Atomforged World characters gain
Heightened Senses (Scent) and gain a +5 An unimportant Industrial World on the far
bonus to any Perception-based Test to edges of the Eastern Fringe, Haigerloch was
detect the presence of radiation. one of few Imperial worlds not immediately
Starting Wounds: Atomforged World
overtaken by the first wave of Hive Fleet
characters double their Toughness Bonus Kraken. Primarily a mining hub for the
and add 1d5 to determine their starting export of medicinal radioisotopes, it was
number of Wounds. utterly unprepared to deal with an oncoming
Starting Fate Points: Roll 1d10 to Hive Fleet. The world was strategically
determine an Atomforged World unimportant- and left to defend itself.
character’s starting Fate Points. On a 1-5,
he begins with 1 Fate Points, on a 6-8 he When Imperial forces re-established contact
begins with 2 Fate Points, on a 9-10 he more than six months later to find Haigerloch
begins with 3 Fate Points. utterly transformed. Once a mundane and
temperate planet, it had become a glassy,
Dark Heresy 2nd Edition blasted moonscape, its atmosphere so
intensely radioactive that the world visibly
Characteristic Modifiers: +Willpower, glowed. And yet, its inhabitants were thriving.
+Fellowship, -Perception
Fate Threshold: 2 (Emperor’s Blessing 9+) The Haigerlan government instituted a
massive armament program, producing
Your Friend the Atom: A life spent in the hundreds of thousands of nuclear weapons of
presence of advanced nuclear technology all kinds in factories that employed almost
gives one an intuitive sense of how to use it, the entirety of the planet’s population; young
but also when things are going wrong. An
and old, all worked feverishly to build an
Atomforged World character gains a +5 to
arsenal strong enough to fend off the
all Tests to operate fusion or fission-based Tyranids. Most of the population was moved
devices, including weapons, as well as to all into the depths of the world’s few Hives,
Perception-based Tests to detect radiation
where they would be safe from the fallout.
The Haigerlan people bombarded their own
Home World Aptitude: Intelligence world for three continuous months before the
Wounds: An Atomforged World character Tyranids finally withdrew. They had burned
starts with 7 + 1d5 Wounds their own homeworld’s biosphere away, but
Recommended Backgrounds: Adeptus
emerged proud, unified, and confident that
Mechanicus, Rogue Trader Fleet, Imperial
their nuclear technology had preserved their
civilization. Now their main tithe is their
Lamplighter Imperial Guard regiments, some
of the finest nuke-troops in the Imperium.
Irradiated World Only War
Every isotope has its half-life, and even the Cost: 2 Points
burns of nuclear fallout fade with time. Characteristic Modifiers: +3 Strength, +3
There are many worlds in the Imperium Toughness, -2 Intelligence
which have recovered from ancient nuclear Skills: Irradiated World characters begin
conflict, and many more which simply bear play with Common Lore (Imperium,
natural deposits of radioactive materials Imperial Creed) and Linguistics (Low
which lead to high levels of ambient Gothic)
radiation. Indeed, the relics of ancient
conflicts can prove a boon to those who Bred for Resilience: Those born and raised
inhabit worlds once torn by conflict, as new in environments high in radiation tend to
societies scavenge the dessicated remains of develop a natural resistance to low-level rad
the old. poisoning. Irradiated Worlders begin play
with the Resistance (Radiation) Talent. Any
Life on such worlds may be quite mundane time they would increase their radiation
and humdrum, but centuries of human dosage, reduce the number of Ferm they
breeding in a tainted environment makes gain by 1, to a minimum of 0.
for hardy, but surprisingly mutable citizens. Unstable Helix: A higher exposure to
Unfortunately, citizens of such worlds tend radiation also leads to a higher rate of
to attract a great deal of Inquisitorial mutation, much to the detriment of those
attention; unusually high levels of mutation from Irradiated Worlds who head out into
tend to attract attention, unfortunately. the wider Imperium. Irradiated Worlders
recieve a -20 penalty to any Tests made to One Step from Normalcy: Irradiated
resist mutations. Worlders live lives not dissimilar from many
Marked for Observation: Anywhere there Imperial citizens. Mostly. They treat
is the potential for new strains of Common Lore (Imperial Creed, Imperium)
Abhumans to form, or simply for mutation and Forbidden Lore (Mutants) as Basic
to express itself, one will also find Imperial Skills
authorities looking to clamp down on
sedition and heresy. Soldiers from this Rogue Trader
homeworld will find themselves subjected
to much more frequent and rigorous Replaces: Imperial World
screenings for evidence of mutation and Starting Characteristics: +5 Strength, +5
genetic degradation. What this means in Toughness, -5 Intelligence
terms of gameplay is up to the GM.
Wounds: Irradiated World characters begin Bred for Resilience: Those born and raised
play with +1 Starting Wounds. in environments high in radiation tend to
develop a natural resistance to low-level rad
Dark Heresy poisoning. Irradiated Worlders begin play
with the Resistance (Radiation) Talent. Any
Bred for Resilience: Those born and raised time they would increase their radiation
in environments high in radiation tend to dosage, reduce the number of Ferm they
develop a natural resistance to low-level rad gain by 1, to a minimum of 0.
poisoning. Irradiated Worlders begin play Unstable Helix: A higher exposure to
with the Resistance (Radiation) Talent. Any radiation also leads to a higher rate of
time they would increase their radiation mutation, much to the detriment of those
dosage, reduce the number of Ferm they from Irradiated Worlds who head out into
gain by 1, to a minimum of 0. the wider Imperium. Irradiated Worlders
Unstable Helix: A higher exposure to recieve a -20 penalty to any Tests made to
radiation also leads to a higher rate of resist mutations.
mutation, much to the detriment of those Trust Not the Mutable: Even if not
from Irradiated Worlds who head out into actively mutated, characters from
the wider Imperium. Irradiated Worlders Irradiated Worlds represent the very real
recieve a -20 penalty to any Tests made to possibility of mutation, and that prospect
resist mutations. tends to make Imperial citizens
Trust Not the Mutable: Even if not uncomfortable. Irradiated World characters
actively mutated, characters from recieve a -10 penalty on all non-Intimidate
Irradiated Worlds represent the very real Interaction Tests with characters who know
possibility of mutation, and that prospect what planet they are from.
tends to make Imperial citizens Starting Wounds: Irradiated World
uncomfortable. Irradiated World characters characters double their Toughness Bonus
receive a -10 penalty on all non-Intimidate and add 1d5-1 to determine their starting
Interaction Tests with characters who know number of Wounds.
what planet they are from.
Starting Fate Points: Roll 1d10 to Atomforged World: Somdele
determine an Irradiated World character’s
starting Fate Points. On a 1-6, he begins A tiny, rocky world in the Ultima
with 2 Fate Points, on a 7-9 he begins with Segmentum, Somdele’s history is remarkable
3 Fate Points, on a 10 he begins with 4 Fate for its sheer instability. It has been fought
over by warlords, crusaders, revolutionaries,
anarchists, xenos and daemons, and still its
Dark Heresy 2nd Edition native population endures.
[OW] Regiment Type: Nuclear Shock Standard Regimental Kit: Regimental
Any shock and awe operation requires a Favored Basic Weapon, One Arad Harness,
follow-up, and few things produce more one Radgauge, one Injector with three
shock or awe than the newborn sun of a doses of Radduce per Player Character.
thermonuclear detonation. Nuclear shock
regiments are light mechanized infantry [OW] Regiment Type: Nuclear Artillery
used to exploit the opening left by tactical The Imperial Guard depends on a huge
nuclear attacks. Though they are equipped roster of specialized long-range
with basic radiation protection, they are bombardment and siege weapons, but
first and foremost breakthrough troops, sometimes mono-purpose vehicles like
expected to move past the blast zone, not Medusa Siege Bombards or Deathstrike
hold ground within it. Being a nuclear Missile Launchers simple aren’t available
shock trooper requires incredible esprit de and an artillery force needs to hit well
corps, if not the most delicate tactical sense. above its weight class. The addition of
Cost: 3 nuclear warheads to an artillery round
Characteristics: +3 Willpower, -3 provides this force multiplier- though by
Intelligence no means subtle, dropping a few dozen
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface) kilotons on a battle line has all the same
Starting Talents: Berserk Charge effect as hundreds of conventional rounds.
Standard Regimental Kit: One Chimeron Nuclear artillery troopers are known more
per squad, One Rad-coat, rebreather and for collateral damage and inaccuracy than
Mars-Pattern Fermatic Augur per Player anything else, but their effectiveness is
Character. undeniably terrifying.
Cost: 4
[OW] Regiment Type: Zone Operations Characteristics: +3 Perception, -3 Ballistic
To undertake truly effective military Skill
operations in a haze of lethal radiation Starting Skills: Operate (Surface)
requires heavy personal protective Starting Talents: Bombardier
equipment and iron tenacity. Though the Standard Regimental Kit: one Basilisk with
Imperium tends to field very few radiation 8 Modo-Pattern Atomic Warheads or one
Zone Operators, those regiments that do Manticore with 4 Laplace-Pattern Atomic
see combat are vaunted for their ability to Warheads per Squad or one mortar with 3
fight in environments that would kill the Pascal-Pattern Atomic Warheads per 2
average infantryman in seconds. Equipped Player Characters, one vox-caster per
with heavily specialized power armour and Squad, one Rad-coat, rebreather, Mars-
gear, Zone Operators know that they are Pattern Fermatic Augur, pair magnoculars
truly the elite, albeit with a very niche role. per Player Character.
Cost: 5
Characteristics: +3 Toughness, -3 Agility [OW] Training Doctrine: Duck and Cover
Starting Skills: Tech-Use, Navigate For any infantryman to survive in parallel
(Surface) with massive bombardment operations,
Starting Talents: Weapon-Tech they must be light on their feet and willing
to sacrifice their dignity for their own wastelands that came after. You have faced
personal safety. Many trench and atomic the apocalypse head-on, and the experience
combat regiments expose their soldiers to a has left you twisted but unbroken.
wide variety of blasts, concussions, Rad-Waste Resilience: You gain the
shockwaves, conflagrations and airbursts to Sound Constitution talent as well as the
better teach them the importance of both Chem-Use Skill.
ducking and covering. Tainted to the Bone: Your body is still
Cost: 4 riddled with tiny quantities of radioactive
Starting Skill: Dodge material, too small to excise. Your Ferm
Starting Talent: Formidable level can never be reduced below 5. Any
Special: Sprinting headlong towards the time you take Critical Wounds, you gain 1
nearest cover doesn’t look particularly Ferm for each level of damage received.
brave, but if it works it works. Characters
with this Training Doctrine gain a +10 to
any Dodge Test made as a Reaction on any
turn in which they have already spent a Full
Action to move.
Careers in Nuclear Science
“See those white rocks? Boil them down for 48
hours, then mix what’s left with the blue rocks over
there and you get a poison that’ll melt a man from
the inside out. How do I know? Trade secret.”
-Grell Torbors, Calixian Hive Scum
Table 3: Rad-Poisoner Advances [DH1]
[DH1] Alternate Rank: Rad-Poisoner Advance Cost Type Prerequisite
The poisoner’s art encompasses a vast Chem-Use 100 S
range of chemicals, toxins, venoms,
Chem-Use +10 100 S Chem-Use
tinctures, potions and other arcane
Concealment 100 S
methods, but few can compare to the
horror of death by radiation Concealment +10 100 S Concealment
+5 to Willpower Tests while in areas of Radiation Poisoning for Fun and Profit
Radiation, as well as +20 to Intimidate Obviously, the Rad-Poisoner represents
Tests. a very dark shade of gray in the 41st
Millenium’s spectrum of “good versus
New Talent: Rad-Killer evil.”
Talents applied to contract killing can just
as easily prove useful on the battlefield, and This raises the question of how to play a
a Rad-Poisoner forced to fight for their life Rad-Poisoner character in a party of
is a deadly opponent for any living being devout do-gooders, like Arbites or
foolish enough to get in their way. Once Sisters of Battle, who generally frown on
per combat, the Rad-Poisoner can make a injecting their enemies with chemicals
Difficult (-10) Scholastic Lore (Nuclear that make them melt at the genetic level.
Physics) Test to make a number of When picking the Rad-Poisoner
subsequent ranged or melee attacks equal to alternate rank, check with your GM that
their number of Degrees of Success gain the character concept you have in mind
the Fleshbane Weapon Quality. All these fits the overall tone of your party.
attacks must be made with the same
weapon. If they fail the test by more than 2 With that said, playing a Rad-Poisoner
Degrees of Failure, they gain 1d5 Ferm. can be an excellent way to bring in a little
drama to a stable party scenario, or
New Talent: Patient Murderer represent a once-pure character’s slow
The Rad-Poisoner is an expert in the slow descent into corruption and madness.
kill, and they take s ick satisfaction in Just bear in mind that the character
reducing an enemy to a limp pile of concept is a fairly dark and edgy one,
quivering flesh before dispatching them. even by Warhammer 40k standards, and
Experienced Rad-Poisoners can utilize the make sure your party is on board.
tools of their trade to maximize this drawn-
out death. Any
time a Rad-
Poisoner attacks
with a weapon
that has the
Quality, the
attack also gains
the Rad-Phage
quality if it did
not already have
it, and increases
its Damage by 3.
Table 4: Nucleic Initiate Advances [DH1]
specialized equipment, the Initiates have Climb +10 100 Skill Climb +10
few qualms about expanding the Climb +20 200 Skill Climb +20
filtration and protection systems of their
Contortionist 100 Skill
own augmetics, the better to serve the
Contortionist +10 100 Skill Contorionist
needs of the Omnissiah. Systems that aid
their mobility are also highly favored; if Trade (Miner) 100 Skill
you can’t block radiation poisoning you Trade (Miner) +10 100 Skill Trade (Miner)
can at least run away from it, after all. Trade (Miner) +20 200 Skill Trade (Miner) +10
New Talent: Duplex Filters than Servitors, made to haul heavy loads for
long periods of time. Experienced Initiates
A simple improvised method used by many just avoid this by reinforcing their hands
Initiates to afford themselves an extra level with magnetic load-bearing units. A
of radiation protection, the addition of a Nucleic Inititate with this Talent gains a
second layer of particulate and chemical +10 to Strength tests to lift, carry or throw
scrubbers can keep one alive for that much metallic objects, a +30 to the Opposed Test
longer. That being said, such systems can to resist the Disarm talent, and their
quickly become oversaturated. A Nucleic unarmed melee attacks gain the Shocking
Initiate may roll twice on Toughness Tests Weapon Quality.
to resist airborn toxins or radiation and
choose the higher result. If both rolls fail,
however, any amount of Ferm they would
gain is doubled.
[DH1] Elite Advance: Twisted Survivor Additionally, they may spend xp on the
Twisted Survivor advances seen in Table 5.
In the 41st Millenium, surviving a nuclear
blast can seem to be a blessing in the short Table 5: Twisted Survivor Advances [RT]
term, but may just as easily be a curse. Years Advance Cost Type Prerequisite
of ambient radiation and Warp energy
exposure have made the human genome Forbidden Lore 100 Skill
more than a little mutable, and intense,
wracking mutations can quickly follow what Forbidden Lore 100 Skill Intelligence 30,
might appear to be a miraculous escape. A (Mutants) +10 Forbidden Lore
Twisted Survivor is a mutant who has
passed through the nuclear gauntlet Disguise 100 Skill
unscathed in mind if not in body; though Disguise +10 100 Skill
they frequently must operate outside of the
bounds of Imperial law to avoid being Scholastic Lore 200 Skill Scholastic Lore
(Nuclear Physics) (Nuclear Physics)
purged, for more radical Inquisitors the
unique abilities and talents of an intelligent Resistance 100 Talent Toughness 30
and motivated mutant can be extremely (Radiation)
valuable if applied correctly. True Grit 200 Talent Toughness 35
of the effect, the character automatically
By pushing their mutated biology beyond takes 1d10 points of Impact Damage,
the limits of what should be humanly ignoring Armour and Toughness. If
possible, this character can unleash strength gaining this mutation would cause the
and attacks that defy belief, though at the character to gain Corruption, they gain it at
cost of long-term damage to their already the end of the effect, when they take
unstable souls. Once per day, this character damage.
may choose, as a Free Action, to gain one
level of Unnatural Characteristic in one
Characteristic of their choice. This effect
lasts for a number of hours
equal to half their
Willpower Bonus,
rounded up. At the end of
the effect, the character
automatically takes 1d5
points of Corruption.
Table 6: Atomic Scholar Advances
Advance Cost Type Prerequisite
[RT] Alternate Rank: Atomic Scholar
Evaluate 100 Skill
array of strange isotopes which can only Scholastic Lore 200 Skill Scholastic Lore (Nuclear Physics)
(Nuclear Physics) +10
be found on the fringes of Imperial
space. Some Rogue Trader crews who Scholastic Lore 300 Skill Scholastic Lore (Nuclear Physics)
(Nuclear Physics) +20 +10
involve themselves in this obscure
industry will deliberately seek out those Scholastic Lore 400 Skill Scholastic Lore (Nuclear Physics)
(Nuclear Physics) +30 +20
few Imperial scholars, engineers and
Search 200 Skill
miners who still specialize in antique
atomic theory, or even seek training Search +10 300 Skill Search
When in a radioactive environment,
this Explorer may test Scholastic Lore
(Nuclear Physics) to increase their
default Ferm Reduction, as well as a
number of allies equal to their
Intelligence Bonus, by 3. This effect
lasts for a number of hours equal to
their Intelligence bonus divided in
half, rounded up. In addition, this
Explorer always knows their Ferm
level, even without access to a
detection method.
In order to play an Atomic Scholar, one first needs a place to study. Here are some
Ryboth: This ruined Forge World is an excellent example of the effects of massive
radiation bombardment on a planetary population, and the destruction that resulted. An
Atomic Scholar on Ryboth could be a well-educated native, or merely interested in
studying the aftereffects of the planetary cataclysm.
The Serpent’s Cradle: Rumors of xenos influence aside, the worlds of the Serpent’s Cradle
present a fascinating insight into how life forms evolve under sustained radiation.
Atomic Scholars with more of a biological-centric bent could find a lifetime of learning
here. Or perhaps something more sinister.
Maleziel: Though the grim inhabitants of this barren penal world are not rich by any
means, their continued survival on the irradiated planet depends on outside help, and
they would likely be willing to pay handsomely for an expert in radiation to assist them
in any way possible.
Zayth: The ancient combats between the city-ships of Zayth have left the planetary crust
saturated with all manner of exciting radioactive elements just waiting to be mined,
studied, and sold to the highest bidder. The same applies to the ancient and esoteric
technologies driving the cities themselves.
[RT] Alternate Rank: Magos Nucleic Table 7: Magos Nucleic Advances
Advance Cost Type Prerequisite
Among the rarest of the Magii of the Command 100 Skill Fellowship 30
Adeptus Mechanicus, the Magii Nucleic Survival 200 Skill
are specialists in all things nuclear, from
Medicae +10 200 Skil Medicae
handling ancient reactor cores to
extracting the transuranic elements that Scholastic Lore (Nuclear 100 Skill
form the core of so many Taghmata
Scholastic Lore (Nuclear 200 Skill Scholastic Lore (Nuclear
weapons systems. Little-known even to Physics) +10 Physics)
the rest of the Mechanicus, they tend to
Scholastic Lore (Nuclear 300 Skill Scholastic Lore (Nuclear
operate in lonely postings with little Physics) +20 Physics) +10
oversight so long as their projects do not Scholastic Lore (Nuclear 400 Skill Scholastic Lore (Nuclear
result in catastrophe, their interest in Physics) +30 Physics) +20
semi-obsolete technologies an Chem-Use 200 Skill
eccentricity at best and borderline tech-
Chem-Use +10 300 Skill Chem-Use
heresy at worst. Their bodies insulated
Trade (Reactor 100 Skil
and sealed against hellish levels of Technician)
radiation, they lack the spidery grace or
Trade (Reactor 200 Skill Trade (Reactor Technician)
gothic bulk of other Techpriests, Technician) +10
preferring instead forms that emphasize
Demolitions 300 Skill Scholastic Lore (Nuclear
simplicity, high function in extreme Physics)
environments and layer upon layer upon The Flesh is Weak I 500 Talent Mechanicus Implants
layer of lead.
Machinator Array 600 Talent The Flesh is Weak I
The servo-limbs of a Magos Nucleic are of New Talent: Fermatic Purge
a peculiar design, for they involve layer Prerequisites: Shielded Bulk
upon layer of rad-warded lead and heavy A system of radiation protection is nothing
metal plating over a tiny core of insulated if it doesn’t have a way to clear accumulated
organic material. Supported by a complex radiation out of the protected area, and the
system of motors, this layout provides near- Magii Nucleic know this full well. A
human levels of mobility and dexterity, as fermatic purge system allows their organic
well as immense levels of radiation components to be flooded with radiation-
protection. Despite these advantages, the suppression chemicals.
end result is unbelievably heavy. As a Half Action, a Magos Nucleic may
Each time the Magos Nucleic takes this choose to gain a level of Fatigue in order to
Trait, they increase their Ferm Reduction reduce any Ferm they would gain to 0 for a
by 3, gain 1 AP in all locations, and increase number of rounds equal to twice their
their weight by 250 kilograms. These effects Toughness Bonus.
stack with themselves and with armour
worn by the Magos Nucleic. What this
extreme weight, and its interaction
with Machinator Array entails is up
to the Game Master, but a Magos
Nucleic might have significant
difficulty operating light vehicles,
climbing and moving over soft
terrain, or manoeuvring in zero-
Table 8: Twisted Survivor Advances [RT]
[RT] Elite Advance: Twisted Survivor
Advance Cost Type Prerequisite
human genome more than a little Forbidden Lore 200 Skil Forbidden Lore
mutable, and intense, wracking mutations (Mutants) +20 (Mutants) +10
can quickly follow what might appear to Forbidden Lore 200 Skill Forbidden Lore
be a miraculous escape. A Twisted (Mutants) +30 (Mutants) +20
Survivor is a mutant who has passed
Scholastic Lore 200 Skill Scholastic Lore
through the nuclear gauntlet unscathed in (Nuclear Physics) (Nuclear Physics)
mind if not in body; though they
Resistance 100 Talent Toughness 30
frequently must operate outside of the
(Radiation) x 3
bounds of Imperial law to avoid being
purged, for more unorthodox Rogue True Grit 200 Talent Toughness 35
Traders the unique abilities and talents of Font of Radiation 300 Talent
an intelligent and motivated mutant can
Break the Bonds 400 Talent
be extremely valuable if applied correctly.
New Form, 500 Talent Character has at least 3
Heavily mutated individuals frequently Terrible Purpose Mutations
find their homes on the edge of Imperial
society, where they live solitary existences gains the Twisted but Unbroken Trait.
in an attempt to escape purgation or Additionally, they may spend xp on the
enslavement. Sometimes, enterprising Twisted Survivor advances seen in Table 8.
Rogue Trader crews will employ such
individuals as local guides, mercenaries or New Talent: Font of Radiation
scouts, their bizarre biologies permitting This Twisted Survivor’s body has become
them to survive in environments that would so impregnated with radiation that they can
kill a normal human in seconds. Some may actually release it at will, creating small
even find employ as performers or pockets of localized fallout. A number of
entertainers, the novelty of their anatomy times per day equal to their Toughness
an entertainment in and of itself. Bonus, this character may make a
Career: Any Challenging (+0) Toughness Test to create
Restrictions: Character must have at least 2 an area of Moderate Ambient Radiation
Mutations, and have survived exposure to around themselves with a radius equal to
an irradiated environment for at least a twice their Toughness Bonus. If they pass
month. this test with more than 3 Degrees of
Advance Cost: 500xp Success, they may choose instead to create
Effect: Character gains Enemy (Imperium), an area of Major Ambient Radiation. They
loses any Peer Talents they might have, and recieve no Ferm gain while in this area,
though the same does not apply to other their Toughness Bonus in either direction.
characters. This effect persists for 24 hours.
This effect lasts for a number of hours
New Talent: Break the Bonds equal to their Toughness Bonus when they
By pushing their mutated biology beyond made the roll. At the end of the effect, the
the limits of what should be humanly character automatically takes 1d10 points of
possible, this character can unleash strength Impact Damage, ignoring Armour and
and attacks that defy belief, though at the Toughness. If gaining this mutation would
cost of long-term damage to their already cause the character to gain Corruption,
unstable souls. Once per day, this character they gain it at the end of the effect, when
may choose, as a Free Action, to gain one they take damage.
level of Unnatural Characteristic in one
Characteristic of their choice. This effect
lasts for a number of hours equal to half
their Willpower Bonus,
rounded up. At the end
of the effect, the
character automatically
takes 1d5 points of
[DH2] Elite Advance: Magos Nucleic have at least Scholastic Lore (Nuclear
Physics) +10.
Among the rarest of the Magii of the Instant Changes:
Adeptus Mechanicus, the Magii Nucleic are Character gains Resistance (Radiation),
specialists in all things nuclear, from Resistance (Heat), and the Shielded Bulk
handling ancient reactor cores to extracting trait, listed below.
the transuranic elements that form the core Unlocked Advances: The Magos Nucleic
of so many Taghmata weapons systems. gains access to 3 new Talents which are
Little-known even to the rest of the purchased
Mechanicus, they tend to operate in lonely as normal.
postings with little oversight so long as
their projects do not result in catastrophe, New Trait: Shielded Bulk
their interest in semi-obsolete technologies The servo-limbs of a Magos Nucleic are of
an eccentricity at best and borderline tech- a peculiar design, for they involve layer
heresy at worst. Their bodies insulated and upon layer of rad-warded lead and heavy
sealed against hellish levels of radiation, metal plating over a tiny core of insulated
they lack the spidery grace or gothic bulk organic material. Supported by a complex
of other Techpriests, preferring instead system of motors, this layout provides near-
forms that emphasize simplicity, high human levels of mobility and dexterity, as
function in extreme environments and layer well as immense levels of radiation
upon layer upon layer of lead. protection. Despite these advantages, the
end result is unbelievably heavy.
Many of the greatest Imperial hives or Each time the Magos Nucleic gains this
ancient voidships have a few Magii Nucleic Trait, they increase their Ferm Reduction
operating at their hearts, who seldom take by 3, and increase their weight by 250
on new disciples to teach their bizarre and kilograms. These effects stack with
esoteric ways. To acquire the services, or to themselves and with armour worn by the
become a Magos Nucleic, is to immerse Magos Nucleic. What this extreme weight
one’s self in an exotic and semi-forgotten entails is up to the Game Master, but a
form of Imperial technology, which is no Magos Nucleic might have significant
less dangerous for its air of mystery. And difficulty operating light vehicles, climbing
Inquisitorial warband with a Magos Nucleic and moving over soft terrain, or
supporting will find itself protected by the manoeuvring in zero-gravity.
toughest individuals the Mechanicus has to
offer. Elite Talent: Shielding Upgrade
Tier: 2
Experience Cost: 500xp Aptitudes: Intelligence, Defence
Prerequisites: Character must be a member Prerequisites: Toughness 35, Intelligence 35
of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and must have A little bit of radiation shielding is good,
spent extensive amounts of in-game time but a lot is better. When a Magos Nucleic
working on nuclear equipment or operating purchases this Talent, they gain another
nuclear weapons in battle. They must also
level of the Shielded Bulk Trait.
They may purchase this talent 3
[DH2] Elite Advance: Rad-Poisoner chemicals, and even a brief insight into such
mind can leave more stable, normal souls
The poisoner’s art encompasses a vast range deeply shaken. A Rad-Poisoner with this
of chemicals, toxins, venoms, tinctures, Talent gains a +5 to Willpower Tests and a
potions and other arcane methods, but few +20 to Intimidate Tests while in areas of
can compare to the horror of death by Radiation.
radiation poisoning. Such a death is slow,
agonizing and nearly impossible to treat, Elite Talent: Rad-Killer
keeping the victim conscious for as long as Tier: 2
possible even while their bodies melt away. Prerequisites: Fear the Glow
Indeed, it is not uncommon for victims of Aptitudes: Offense, Willpower
such poisonings to seek suicide long before Talents applied to contract killing can just
their bodies would naturally succumb. as easily prove useful on the battlefield, and
a Rad-Poisoner forced to fight for their life
In the growing anarchy of Askellon, rad- is a deadly opponent for any living being
poisonings are a worryingly common foolish enough to get in their way. Once
occurrence to the citizens of the major Hive per combat, the Rad-Poisoner can make a
Worlds. The breakdown of society makes it Difficult (-10) Scholastic Lore (Nuclear
easier and easier for ordinary people to gain Physics) Test to make a number of
access to toxic industrial chemicals and subsequent ranged or melee attacks equal to
waste they should not have, and many small their number of Degrees of Success gain
criminal empires have been started by the Fleshbane Weapon Quality. All these
particularly murderous labourers with attacks must be made with the same
access to the right kind of materials. weapon. If they fail the test by more than 2
Experience Cost: 500xp Degrees of Failure, they gain 1d5 Ferm.
Prerequisites: Character must have at least
10 Corruption, and have killed an enemy Elite Talent: Patient Murderer
with radiation or a radiation weapon. Tier: 2
Instant Changes: Prerequisites: Fear the Glow
Character gains the Paranoia and the Aptitudes: Offense, Willpower
Enemy (Adeptus Arbites) Talents. They The Rad-Poisoner is an expert in the slow
also gain 1 rank in the Security Skill. kill, and they take sick satisfcation in
Unlocked Advances: The Rad-Poisoner reducing an enemy to a limp pile of
gains access to 3 new Talents which are quivering flesh before dispatching them.
purchased as normal. Experienced Rad-Poisoners can utilize the
tools of their trade to maximize this drawn-
Elite Talent: Fear the Glow out death. Any time a Rad-Poisoner attacks
Tier: 1 with a weapon that has the Fleshbane
Prerequisites: 10 Insanity Quality, the attack also gains the Rad-
Aptitudes: Offense, Willpower Phage quality if it did not already have it,
It takes a disturbed mind to willingly and increases its Damage by 2.
poison an enemy to death with radioactive
[DH2] Elite Advance: Twisted Survivor Unlocked Advances: The Twisted Survivor
In the 41st Millenium, surviving a nuclear gains access to the following Talents which
blast can seem to be a blessing in the short are purchased as normal.
term, but may just as easily be a curse. Years
of ambient radiation and Warp energy Elite Talent: Font of Radiation
exposure have made the human genome Tier: 1
more than a little mutable, and intense, Prerequisites: 35 Toughness or 35 Willpower or
wracking mutations can quickly follow what 35 Strength, Twisted Survivor
might appear to be a miraculous escape. A Aptitudes: Toughness, Offence
Twisted Survivor is a mutant who has This Twisted Survivor’s body has become
passed through the nuclear gauntlet so impregnated with radiation that they can
unscathed in mind if not in body; though actually release it at will, creating small
they frequently must operate outside of the pockets of localized fallout. Once per day,
bounds of Imperial law to avoid being this character may make a Challenging (+0)
purged, for more radical Inquisitors the Toughness Test to create an area of
unique abilities and talents of an intelligent Moderate Ambient Radiation around
and motivated mutant can be extremely themselves with a radius equal to twice their
valuable if applied correctly. Toughness Bonus. They recieve no Ferm
gain while in this area, though the same
In service to an inquisitorial warband, does not apply to other characters. This
mutant soldiers play roles as diverse as their effect persists for 24 hours.
mutations. Some may be brutal shock
troopers, tearing down enemies with claws Elite Talent: Break the Bonds
and teeth, others may be devious Tier: 2
infiltrators who can slip through cracks, or Prerequisites: 40 Toughness or 40 Willpower
even interrogation specialists who use their or 40 Strength, Twisted Survivor
horrifying appearances to terrify their Aptitudes: Toughness, Offence
victims into confessions of guilt. By pushing their mutated biology beyond
the limits of what should be humanly
Experience Cost: 300xp possible, this character can unleash strength
Prerequisites: Character must have at least and attacks that defy belief, though at the
2 Mutations, and have survived exposure to cost of long-term damage to their already
an irradiated environment for at least a unstable souls. Once per day, this character
month. may choose, as a Free Action, to gain
Instant Changes: Unnatural Characteristic (X) to one
Character gains Enemy (Imperium of Man) Characteristic of their choice, where X is
and loses any and all Peer talents they equal to half their Willpower Bonus,
might have. rounded up. This effect lasts for X hours.
Character gains True Grit, 2 levels of At the end of the effect, the character
Resistance (Radiation), the Twisted but automatically takes 1d5 points of
Unbroken Trait (see below), and increases Corruption.
their base Ferm Resistance by 1.
Elite Talent: New Form, Terrible Purpose They roll 1d100, and may modify the result
Tier: 3 by their Toughness Bonus in either
Prerequisites: 45 Toughness or 45 Willpower direction.This effect lasts for a number of
or 45 Strength, Twisted Survivor hours equal to their Toughness Bonus when
Aptitudes: Toughness, Offence they made the roll. At the end of the effect,
This character has fully embraced the the character automatically takes 1d10
mutability of their bodies, and can call points of Impact Damage, ignoring
forth new and horrific forms to suit their Armour and Toughness. If gaining this
own purposes, at the cost of great damage mutation would cause the character to gain
to their twisted forms. Once per day, this Corruption, they gain it at the end of the
character may choose, over the course of 2 effect, when they take damage.
Full Actions in which they cannot move or
act, to temporarily gain one new Mutation.
New Skills, Talents and Traits
“You know how to work a fancy plasma reactor? Talent: Formidable
Well la-dee-dah, I’m sure that will be a great help Tier: 2
when you’re heaving around graphite blocks with Prerequisites: Iron Jaw, Sound Constitution
your skin melting away.” Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence
-Magos Nucleic Ulabash Though the human body can never truly
adapt to the intense pressure, heat and
The unusual nature of nuclear technology, vibration shocks of explosions, any
and the extraordinary risks involved with its experienced demolition or artillery trooper
use, demands unusual skills and abilities. becomes somewhat accustomed to such
harsh conditions.
Scholastic Lore: Nuclear Physics (Int) When this character takes damage from a
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge weapon with the Blast or Atomic Blast
The formal (or somewhat informal) study of Quality, they halve the number of Wounds
nuclear materials, technology, science, of damage they receive after accounting for
theory and practice in all its forms, Nuclear armour and Toughness, rounding up.
Physics know-how is a must when dealing
with atomic equipment or concepts. While Talent: Fast Metabolism
most Imperial citizens will have little more Tier: 1
than a rudimentary understanding of Prerequisites: Toughness 35
nuclear technologies, expertise in this field Aptitudes: Strength, Toughness
can be a literal life-saver. Some human beings are naturally better
able to purge radioactive substances from
their bodies, or maintain a diet that flushes
Example Modifiers
their system free of contaminants.
+30: Studying the basic principles of
Whenever a character with this Talent
atomic structure or chemistry.
reduces their Ferm level from natural
+20: Performing study with the aid of a
healing or time spent in a medical bay, they
data-vault or reference text.
reduce it by an amount equal to their
+10: Researching a specific unstable
Toughness Bonus per month and per week,
+0: Learning the operating mechanisms of
a fission reactor.
Talent: Feverish Focus
-10: Studying the fuel mixtures of an
Tier: 2
ancient fusion weapon.
Prerequisites: WIllpower 40
-20: Mapping the fallout spread from a
Aptitudes: Willpower, Offense
wide-scale nuclear bombardment.
In the nightmarish depths of lethal
-30: Assembling the plans to build a
radiation sickness, some find an odd clarity;
compact fission reactor from scratch.
though their bodies melt away, their minds
hold on to reality with an almost
supernatural focus. In combat, a character
with this Talent may spend a Full Action to
make a Difficult (-10) Willpower Test. If
they succeed, they may add half their Ferm
level, rounded down, to the first Ballistic
Skill or Weapon Skill Test they make on
their next turn. If at any point between
these two turns they are attacked, Pinned,
or otherwise distracted, they become
Stunned for one round instead. Characters
cannot Dodge or make Reactions while this
ability is active.
Atomic Armoury The target's Armour values function as
“In this our time of desperate need we call upon normal.
the benefice of Saint Geiger; free us, noble soul,
from this invisible menace.” Rad-Phage: This weapon causes debilitating
-De Templum Nuclei Exitium, Volume 3 radiation poisoning, leaving those who
survive its attack wracked with sickness. If
Many tend to make the assumption that an enemy receives a wounding hit from this
nuclear weapons are gigantic and messy weapon, they must make a Challenging (+0)
weapons, deployed only by Titans or heavy Toughness Test or suffer 2d10 Toughness
aircraft and artillery, but that is very much Damage. If they fail the test by more than 4
not the case. Radiological weapons are degrees, the damage is permanent.
found at all scales, from tiny directed-
radiation pistols to megaton-level Atomic Blast (X/X/X): Full-power fission
warheads. and fusion warheads have a blast radius just
like their smaller counterparts, but on a
However, nuclear equipment is not limited massively larger scale. This means they can
to weapons; protective equipment, be wildly inconsistent in the kinds of
shielding and anti-radiation medication are damage they do- people hundreds of
also vital parts of the nuclear arsenal. meters from the epicenter of a blast will
Weapon Qualities
Scorched Souls
Electromagnetic Pulse (X): A haywire field on
If you’re running a campaign that
a grand scale, a nuclear-initiated EMP can
involves a darker or more horror-themed
scramble electronics across continents. This
tone, you may wish to enhance the
Weapon Quality functions identically to
nightmarishness of a nuclear blast with a
the Haywire quality, save that its area of
little something extra, to reflect the real-
effect is equal to the Moderate Radius of
life psychological effects of being close
the firing weapon’s Atomic Blast Weapon
to a nuclear blast. In this case, add the
Quality. It goes without saying that only
following Weapon Quality to any large-
weapons with the Atomic Blast Quality can
scale radiological weapon attacks.
also have the Electromagnetic Pulse
Atomic Horror: Sometimes the sheer scale
of a nuclear weapon going off can be an
Fleshbane: This weapon is designed
assault to the mind and the senses so
specifically to attack biological targets
violent it drives men mad. Any character
through the use of noxious chemicals,
within line of sight of this weapon when
radiation, biological agents or other nasty
it activates, but unaffected by it, must
methods. Damage from this attack ignores
test versus Fear (3). If this character has
the target's Toughness Bonus, if it has one.
witnessed an atomic detonation, or the
If the target has Unnatural Toughness, it
use of similar weapons before, the test
instead reduces the value of that Trait by 1.
instead becomes versus Fear (1).
survive, but targets kilometers away are fields. The damage received, on the other
utterly destroyed. hand, depends on the radius the character
occupies on the turn the weapon detonates.
The Atomic Blast quality represents these If a character is in the Close Radius, damage
different degrees of nuclear lethality. It is received is as follows:
divided into three different radii from the 10d10 E, Pen 12, Concussive (6), Flame,
blast: Close, representing immediate Flash (10), Fleshbane
proximity to the point where the blast wave If a character is in the Danger Radius,
originates, Danger, representing a distance damage received is as follows:
well within the effective blast radius of the 8d10 I, Pen 8, Concussive (4), Flame, Flash
weapon, and Moderate, representing an (5), Fleshbane
area on the edge of a weapon’s blast radius. If a character is in the Moderate Radius,
If a character is within any one of these damage received is as follows:
radii, they will take damage; a nuclear blast 6d10 I, Pen 4, Concussive (2), Flash (2)
cannot be dodged or absorbed by force
For every 2 kilometers in a damage radius, it takes that long for the damage to be applied to
characters, in turns. A character who is 10 meters from the center of the Critical Radius of a
bomb will always take damage the moment it goes off, but a character in the Danger Radius
2km away will take damage on the next turn after that, while a character in the Moderate
Radius 4km from the blast’s center will take damage 2 turns after it goes off.
If a character on the edge of two different radii moves from one radius to another after taking
damage, don’t apply the damage twice; Just because Jeff the Space Marine decides to walk
from the outer edge of the Danger Radius to the inner edge of the Moderate Radius doesn’t
mean the blast wave politely waits for him to get there and then clobbers him, after all. As
always, use common sense!
Exotic Ammunition sears the flesh around the wound site.
Nuclear materials generally tend to be Though the intensely unstable elements
fairly mundane, if relatively rare, metals, present in such rounds make carrying,
and as such can be processed into a wide manufacturing and storing them dangerous,
variety of ammunition and warheads. they have become increasingly common in
the ever more desperate Imperial battles
Posturanic Rounds: Though the Taghmata against the Tyranids.
of the Mechanicus are the most famous A weapon firing Unstable Fermic Rounds
users of ultra-dense transuranic munitions gains the Flesh-Bane Quality. Any
in their projectile weapons, some regiments character carrying Unstable Fermic rounds
of the Imperial Guard use a cheaper, on their person must pass a Challenging
somewhat more dangerous option in the (+0) Toughness Test or gain 1d5 Ferm per
form of posturanic munitions. These ultra- day.
dense rounds are composed of depleted Used With: Any Solid Projectile Weapon
transuranic elements, which make for Rarity: Extremely Rare
excellent armour-piercing munitions that
are also extremely flammable. Semistable Fermic Rounds: A halfway step
Unfortunately, their slight radioactivity can on the road towards posturanic munitions,
make storing them long-term hazardous. the Semistable Round incorporates an
internal cavity packed full with nuclear
A weapon firing Posturanic rounds materials that are easily absorbed by
increases its Penetration by 4 and its weight organic tissues. Though not much more
by 50%. If it deals 5 points of damage or damaging than standard bullets, they can
more to a target, that target (or, in the case saturate a target with radiation, weakening
of a vehicle, the vehicle’s crew) must make a them over time.
Difficult (-10) Agility Test or catch fire. A weapon firing Semistable Fermic Rounds
Any character carrying Posturanic rounds gains the Rad-Phage Quality. Any
on their person must pass an Easy (+20) character carrying Semistable Fermic
Toughness Test or gain 1d5 Ferm per day. rounds on their person must pass a Routine
Used With: Any Solid Projectile Weapon (+10) Toughness Test or gain 1d5 Ferm per
Rarity: Very Rare day.
Used With: Any Solid Projectile Weapon
Unstable Fermic Rarity: Extremely
Rounds: Table 9: Exotic Ammunition Rare
Impregnating a Posturanic Rounds Very Rare
solid projectile U. Fermic Rounds Extremely Rare Atomshard Bolts:
bullet with a variety S. Fermic Rounds Extremely Rare Developed for use
of exotic and Atomshard Bolts Extremely Rare by the XIV Legion
unstable elements Pascal Warhead Extremely Rare not long before the
can create a weapon Modo Warhead Very Rare Horus Heresy,
which, when it hits a Laplace Warhead Extremely Rare Atomshard bolt
target, poisons and rounds are a heavily
proscribed technology used only
occasionally by the Mechanicum and the Modo-Pattern Atomic Warhead: The
Ordos of the Imperial Inquisition. These most common nuclear warhead in the
very heavy bolt rounds incorporate Imperial arsenal, if nuclear warheads can be
thousands of microflechettes made of said to be common, the Modo is a variable
transuranic elements; when they hit a yield fission warhead capable of producing
target, they spread through the wound site, anywhere from 8 to 30 kilotons of explosive
saturating it with radiation. force. There are numerous sub-variants of
A weapon firing Atomshard Bolts changes the Modo designed for use in a wide variety
its damage type to Rending and increases of standard Imperial cannons, though all
its Damage by 3. Any target that suffers except the Basilisk variants are highly
Wounds from an Atomshard Bolt gains 1d10 unpopular, because of the extreme risk of
Ferm per day, without a test, for a number collateral damage they present. Generally
of days equal to 10- their Toughness Bonus. speaking, Modos are only ever fired on
Any character carrying Atomshard bolts on their lowest yield for this reason.
their person must pass a Routine (+10) Stats (8 Kiloton): (Atomic Blast
Toughness Test or gain 1d5 Ferm per day. (180m/900m/2km), Electromagnetic Pulse
Used With: Bolt Weapons (1) | Reload: Weapon’s Reload + 4 Full
Rarity: Extremely Rare Actions)
Stats (19 Kiloton): (Atomic Blast
Pascal-Pattern Atomic Warhead: These (260m/1.2km/3km), Electromagnetic Pulse
ultracompact nuclear fission warheads are (1) | Reload: Weapon’s Reload + 4 Full
light enough for a single human being to Actions)
carry, though not easily. Producing a yield Stats (30 Kiloton): (Atomic Blast
on the order of 20 tons of standard (300m/1.5km/16km), Electromagnetic Pulse
explosives and a powerful flash of radiation, (2) | Reload: Weapon’s Reload + 4 Full
they make for a powerful, if somewhat Actions)
short-ranged tactical weapon. Most Environment Produced: Tactical Fission
weapons firing Pascals are designed to be Weapon, Salted Fission Weapon,
operated by remote because the blast radius Atmospheric Blast
of the weapon is signifcantly larger than the Rarity: Very Rare
range of the weapon. A weapon can only
load one nuclear warhead at a time. Laplace-Pattern Thermonuclear
Stats: (Range: Weapon’s Maximum Range - Warhead: This warhead is the largest
100 | Atomic Blast (150m/400m/1km), tactical weapon in the Imperial arsenal, a
Electromagnetic Pulse (1) | Reload: 900-pound masterpiece of fusion
Weapon’s Reload + 3 Full Actions) technology capable of producing 200-
Environment Produced: Tactical Fission kiloton blasts. Though it is not particularly
Weapon, Salted Fission Weapon, flexible and cannot be dialled to different
Atmospheric Blast power levels, it can also be field-modified
Used With: Missile Launchers, Mortars for an enhanced-radiation mode, turning it
Rarity: Extremely Rare into a lethal neutron weapon, and is quite
sturdy and reliable by the standard of with Dirty Explosives must pass a
Imperial rad-weapons. To minimize Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or gain
casualties from the weapon’s gigantic blast 1d5 Ferm per day.
radius, Laplaces are mounted on modified Used With: Any weapon with the Explosive
extended-range Manticore damage type
missiles, normally loaded singly to avoid Rarity: Scarce
Stats (Standard Setting): (Range 20km | Remote Firing System: Most weapons
Atomic Blast (1.5km/22.5km/80km), firing atomic rounds present a significant
Electromagnetic Pulse (3), Reliable | Reload risk to their users, and the safest way to
Weapon’s Reload + 4 Full Actions) operate them is from very, very far away.
Stats (Neutron Setting): (Range 20km | This simple upgrade kit fits a weapon with
Atomic Blast (80m/200m/1km), an electromechanical firing system that
Electromagnetic Pulse (3), Reliable | Reload allows the operator to pull the trigger from
Weapon’s Reload + 4 Full Actions) the safety of… somewhere else, but also
Environment Produced: Atmospheric Blast, resist the electromagnetic pulses generated
Fusion Weapon, Neutron Weapon by firing. A weapon fitted with a Remote
Used With: Manticore Missile Launchers Firing System can be fired from up to 2km
Rarity: Extremely Rare away, provided its control cable is not cut.
A remotely fired attack gains the Indirect
Weapon Upgrades quality, and the weapon must still be loaded
If you can put nuclear materials in as normal. Multiple Remote Firing Systems
warheads, rounds and bullets, you can just can be combined together with an Easy
as easily attach it to weapons in excitingly (+20) Tech-Use or Common Lore (Tech)
dangerous ways. Test to extend the firing radius by 2km for
each System used.
Dirty Explosives: The addition of live Used With: Any ranged weapon
radioactive materials to a preexisting Rarity: Average
explosive warhead creates a crude but
undeniably effective radiological weapon, Glas Weaponry
scattering radiation sources all over the The Adeptus Mechanicus uses Irad and
blast zone. A weapon upgraded with Dirty Radium weaponry on the battlefield, but
Explosives causes targets to gain 2d10 Ferm they have largely moved away from Glas-
in addition to the regular damage of its Gamma Laser weaponry due to its
attack. If the weapon has a Blast radius, that numerous flaws, preferring to leave such
area is treated as devices for the Astra
being one of Table 10: Upgrades and Glas Weapons Militarum to use.
Moderate Ambient Dirty Explosives Scarce Glas weapons
Radiation for the Remote Firing System Average produce a coherent
next 24 hours. Any Glaspistol Rare beam of gamma
character carrying a Glasrifle Rare rays, punching
weapon upgraded Glascannon Very Rare through enemy
armour and cooking a target from the bursts of radiation.If a target hit by a
inside out. While they are long-ranged and Glascannon fails their Toughness Test for
extremely effective at destroying organic Rad-Phage, they also gain 6d5 Ferm.
targets, they are also bulky, fuel- Whenever a Glascannon overheats, its user
inefficient, and very dangerous for their gains 2d5 Ferm.
wielders. To wield a Glas weapon, a
character must have Weapon Training (Heavy | Range 450m | S/-/- | 4d10 + 10 E |
(Las). Pen 8 | Clip 1 | Reload 4 Full | Fleshbane,
Rad-Phage, Overheats | 50kg | Very Rare)
Glaspistol: This heavy energy ‘hand
cannon’ can direct a torrent of surprisingly Anti-Radiation Clothing
potent radiation towards an enemy, but at Sometimes, you just need to place a layer of
great risk to the user. If a target hit by a very heavy material between you and the
Glaspistol fails their Toughness Test for outside world, and pray that it’s enough to
Rad-Phage, they also gain 2d5 Ferm. keep your insides from being fried.
Whenever a Glaspistol overheats, its user
gains 1d5 Ferm. Any suit of armour or clothing that
contains its own air supply or filtration
(Pistol | Range 50m | S/-/- | 1d10+5 E | Pen 2 systems by definition will act as a system of
| Clip 5 | Reload 2 Full | Fleshbane, Rad- radiation protection, to a limited degree.
Phage, Overheats | 5kg | Rare) Keeping radioactive particulates out of the
respiratory system, and minimizing skin
Glasrifle: Using the same stock and trigger contact with radiation sources, can mean
group as a standard Lasgun, the Glasrifle is the difference between life and death. Any
an effective midrange weapon, though its suit of armour or clothing that has been
high power output compared to its size vacuum-sealed or provides its own air
makes it very prone to overheating.If a supply, but is not explicitly designed to
target hit by a Glasrifle fails their protect against radiation, has a Ferm
Toughness Test for Rad-Phage, they also Reduction value equal to its Body AP-5, to
gain 4d5 Ferm. Whenever a Glasrifle a minimum of 1.
overheats, its user gains 1d5 Ferm.
Lead Apron: More commonly seen in
(Standard | Range 150m | S/2/- | 1d10 + 6 E | Medicae facilities than out in the field, a
Pen 3 | Clip 8 | Reload 2 Full | Fleshbane, simple layer of fabric-wrapped lead shields
Rad-Phage, Overheats, Unreliable | 12kg | the vital organs from radiation. A Lead
Rare) Apron provides 2 AP versus Impact and
Rending damage to the Body, and has a
Glascannon: The heaviest Imperial Ferm Reduction of 1.
standard gamma-ray weapon, the Weight: 8kg
Glascannon is a heavy anti-materiel rifle, Availability: Average
capable of punching holes in armour but
also vaporizing organic matter with intense
Rebreathers and Radiation and has a Ferm Reduction of 3. In hot
conditions, it grants the wearer a -20
A rebreather is simply an air filtration system, penalty on all tests to resist gaining Fatigue
and most have some kind of scrubber or filter or dehydration.
to remove dust from inhaled air. This is also an Weight: 10kg
effective, if limited anti-radiation system- as Availability: Rare
radioactive particulates build up in the filters,
wearing the mask becomes a hazard instead of Reactor Suit: Worn by starship crewmen
a help. A Rebreather provides 1 point of Ferm and Adeptus Mechanicus tech-serfs, these
Reduction for a set amount of time before its hunchbacked suits of lead-plated armour
filters need changing. Poor-Craftsmanship are designed for use in the hellish
Rebreathers last 1 hour, Common conditions on the engine decks of Imperial
Craftsmanship lasts 4 hours, Good voidships and plasma reactors. Though they
Craftsmanship lasts 8 hours and Best provide excellent protection, and even
Craftsmanship lasts 24 hours. incorporate air coolers and a water supply
to keep the wearer comfortable and
Radcoat: A bulky, poncho-like garment, hydrated, they are incredibly heavy and
the Radcoat provides a bare minimum of clumsy to wear. A Reactor Suit provides 6
radiation protection without overly AP to all locations and has a Ferm
impeding movement, making it a common Reduction of 5. The wearer can only take
item of protective equipment among the Half Actions to move, and takes a -20
Imperial Guard. Additionally, it is baggy penalty to all Tests involving fine manual
enough to be easily worn over armour and dexterity or delicate muscle movements.
combat gear. A Radcoat provides 2 AP to Weight: 30kg
the Body and Head, which does not stack Availability: Rare
with other armour, and has a Ferm
Reduction of 2. Arad Harness: A full suit of anti-radiation
Weight: 5kg power armour, the Haigerloch-Pattern
Availability: Scarce Arad Harness is a brutal, direct piece of
machinery- a motor-assisted block of
Radsuit: Covering the entire body with a metal, filtration systems and feedback
thick, plated layer of radiation-absorbent amplifiers designed to keep a wearer alive,
plastics, Radsuits are heavy and and above all, fighting, in the midst of
uncomfortable but effective in their role. nuclear hell. Though it only grants the
They incorporate integrated gloves, boot wearer human-normal mobility, it is heavily
liners, a neck seal armoured against
and hood, making Table 11: Anti-Rad Clothing both radiation and
them highly Lead Apron Average weapons fire, and
unpleasant to wear Radcoat Scarce incorporates survival
in warm weather. A Radsuit Rare system that allows it
Radsuit provides 3 Reactor Suit Rare to be worn for days,
AP to all locations, Arad Harness Extremely Rare or even weeks.
However, it is designed to prioritize lightweight, if somewhat limited, piece of
protection over flexibility, and has some safety equipment. A Film Badge is a small
serious limitations as a result. radiation-sensitive patch that attaches to
clothing which changes colour from black
An Arad Harness grants the wearer a +10 to to white when it has absorbed at least 10
all Strength-based Tests, 8 AP on all Ferm worth of radiation. Once it has
locations, and a Ferm Reduction of 6. It changed colour, it is no longer functional
contains an air recycler system with enough and must be replaced. Poor-Craftsmanship
breathable air for 72 hours of continuous Film Badges are difficult to read, and
use, and a water filter and food dispenser require a Hard (-20) Perception Test to
loaded with enough potable water and iron notice if they have changed colour. Good-
rations for 2 weeks. Its bulky, inflexible Craftsmanship Film Badges incorporate a
helmet inflicts a -20 penalty on Perception- second layer of film which changes colour
based Tests, and gives all weapons fired by after absorbing a further 10 Ferm, while
the user the Inaccurate quality. It cannot be Best-Craftsmanship Badges change colours
operated continuously for more than one at 10, 20 and 30 Ferm absorbed respectively.
week before its batteries run out. If its When acquired, Film Badges come in packs
batteries are drained or its power systems of 12.
damaged, an Arad Harness becomes so Weight: 0.5kg
heavy that its user cannot move in it. An Availability: Plentiful
Arad Harness cannot be worn with other
helmets, armour or facial equipment such as Radgoggles: A piece of sensory equipment
goggles or masks. of debatable utility, Radgoggles find their
Weight: 90kg use in locating radiation leaks in otherwise
Availability: Extremely Rare non-radioactive environments. Their visual
sensors allow the wearer to ‘see’ heavy
Radiation Detection Gear radiation through filters superimposed over
One of the most sinister things about their regular vision, with radioative sources
radiation is how difficult it is to detect at showing up as bright splotches of luminous
low levels; by the time the average human blue. Unfortunately, they are almost totally
being can sense it by sight or feel, they’re useless in areas of high radiation, as the
dead, but just don’t know it yet. intensity of the image overpowers the
wearer’s regular vision. A pair of
Film Badge: The simplest and most Radgoggles allows the wearer to make
ubiquitous method vision-based
to detect radiation Table 12: Radiation Detection Gear Perception Tests to
in the Imperium, Film Badge Plentiful instantly see
the lowly film badge Radgoggles Rare radiation sources
exists in the earliest Fermatic Augur Scarce within line of sight,
records of the Ion Chamber Augur Rare though it gives no
Adeptus Rad Auspex Very Rare numerical indication
Mechanicus as a Radgauge Very Rare of intensity.
Weight: 0.5kg Weight: 0.5kg
Availability: Rare Availability: Scarce
Mars-Pattern Fermatic Augur: A bare- Ion Chamber Augur: More commonly seen
bones device mass-produced by the employed in industrial facilities than in the
Mechanicus for use in its Forge Worlds and field, Ion Chamber Augurs are reliable and
the Imperial Guard, the Fermatic Augur capable of extremely precise measurements,
consists of little more than a compact ion but they are designed for directional use-
chamber detection unit, a bright light, a they can only pick up the presence and
shrill speaker unit and a wristband. It lights intensity of a radiation source if they are
up and makes an irritating noise in the pointed directly at it. Operating an Ion
presence of ionizing radiation. Though Chamber Augur requires a Challenging (+0)
sturdy and reliable, the Augur is generally Awareness Test to scan the environment for
unpopular with its users because it gives radiation sources. Once pointed at a source,
little practical information- it is not tuned the Augur indicates the intensity of the
to detect strengths or directionality of source in Ferms per hour. If pointed at a
radiation, merely its presence. Additionally, character, the Augur indicates that
the noise caused by the Augur cannot be character’s current Ferm level.
easily silenced, and the light bulb has a Weight: 1kg
nasty tendency to burn out at the worst Availability: Rare
possible time.
Good-Craftsmanship Fermatic Augurs Lucius-Pattern Rad Auspex:
include a knob that allows the volume on Incorporating a full suite of radiation
the speaker unit to be altered. detection and analysis equipment, and
capable of being operated underwater, in
The Standard Auspex
the vacuum of space, and with very little
training, the Rad Auspex would be a
Many characters in the 41st Millenium will
miracle of technology if it weren’t so
possess an ordinary Auspex of some kind, a
damned heavy. Operating a Rad Auspex
multi-purpose sensor unit designed to detect a
requires an Ordinary (+10) Intelligence
wide variety of energy fields, vibrations,
Test or an Easy (+30) Tech-Use Test.
electromagnetic spectra, etc. Though they are
Success allows the operator to know the
quite capable of being used as radiation
direction and intensity in Ferms per hour
detectors, this is not their specific purpose. A
of every radiation source within a radius
standard Auspex can be operated in the same
equal to 1 kilometer +1 for every Degree of
way as a Rad Auspex, save that it cannot
Success on their original Test, as well as
simultaneously detect ambient radiation or the
the Ferm level of any character, including
Ferm levels of characters- it can do either, but
the operator, within direct line of sight.. A
not both at the same time, and switching back
character carrying a Rad Auspex treats
and forth requires 5 minutes’ uninterrupted
their Agility Bonus as being 2 lower for the
time spent adjusting settings and reciting
sake of determining their Movement
Speed unless they have a Strength Bonus
of 5 or greater. A Rad Auspex can be carried Anti-Radiation Drugs
by one character and its handset operated Once in the human body, radioactive
by another. Good-Craftsmanship versions substances are tenacious and perfidious,
of a Rad Auspex are more compact, if not difficult to root out without advanced
actually lighter, and only reduce the Agility medical equipment. Many substances exist
Bonus of the wearer by 1. that can suppress its negative effects, but
Weight: 30kg they tend to carry with them unpleasant
Availability: Very Rare side effects.
hours. Additionally, they take no extra an aggressive purgative that flushes the
Ferm from consuming food or drink in body systems clean of free radioactive
irradiated areas. If they have also consumed elements, in the most literal sense. A
a dose of Radfungus (see below), the character who ingests a dose of Radduce
positive effects of the Radfungus are lowers their Ferm level by 2 x their
immediately lost until the Kojibalm wears Toughness Bonus. However, they find
off. themselves helpless for the next 2d5
minutes as they begin vomiting
On planets where rice is a staple food crop, uncontrollably and their bladder and
Kojibalm is treated as Rare. bowels release explosively. They must also
Availability: Very Rare make a Challenging (+0) Toughness or
Willpower Test or gain 1 level of Fatigue.
Fermblock: The cocktail of chemicals Availability: Scarce
known as Fermblock would be much
beloved, if it weren’t for horrific false Substance 691: A potent bacterium
advertising. Fermblock is still largely developed by the Magus Biologis of the
marketed as an anti-radiation drug, when a Adeptus Mechanicus, Substance 691 is an
more accurate description would be an anti aggressive genetic repair system which can
radiation sickness drug- it suppresses the rapidly undo damage to a human being’s
symptoms of radiation poisoning, but does DNA from long-term radiation exposure.
actually prevent the body from absorbing One of the finest ‘field’ radiation
further radiation. Indeed, casualties from treatments known to Man, Substance 691’s
Fermblock use are high, not because it is only flaws are the extreme cost of
particularly dangerous but because of the manufacturing it- gene-engineering
false confidence it instills in its users. When bacteria isn’t cheap- and the minor genetic
a character consumes a dose of Fermblock flaws it can induce- not nearly as serious as
they may ignore the negative effects of any radiation poisoning, but potentially
Ferm level below 60 for 6 hours. If they dangerous in the very long term. A
have a Ferm level above 60, they instead character who injects a dose of Substance
halve any negative effects for that time. If 691 reduces their Ferm level by 1d5-1 per
they consume more than 3 doses in a 24- hour for the next 12 hours. They also gain
hour period, they permanently lose 1 point one level of Mutation Potential.
of Perception as the chemical mix causes Availability: Very Rare
minor nerve damage.
Availability: Scarce Radfungus: Many irradiated planets have
natural plantforms which are quite happy to
Radduce: Almost the polar opposite of metabolize hard radiation, sequestering it
Fermblock, Radduce is a truly functional in their tissues. Some of these species can
anti-radiation drug whose side effects are even survive inside the human body, and
so deeply unnerving and unpleasant that it provide a powerful if unpleasant form of
has proven unpopular even in situations radiation protection.
where it could be needed. Simply put, it is
A character who ingests a handful of engineered radiation-metabolizing fungus
Radfungus spores is soon beset by crippling that grant the partial ability to purge the
stomach cramps and fever- they gain 3 body of radiation.
levels of Fatigue which last for a number of
hours equal to 24-their Toughness Bonus. A character implanted with Radfungal
Once this time has passed, the symptoms Lining naturally reduces their Ferm level
subside. Until the next time they are healed by 1 per day. If they consume any
of Critical Wounds, or consume any antifungal product or Kojibalm, they are
poisonous or toxic product, they naturally racked by intense cramps and internal
reduce they Ferm level at a rate equal to bleeding- they must test Toughness or take
half their Toughness Bonus rounded down 1d5 levels of Fatigue. If they fail by more
per day. Good-Craftsmanship Radfungus than 1 Degree of Failure, their Lining
Spores increase this amount to half their becomes nonfunctional for a number of
Toughness Bonus rounded up. days equal to their Degrees of Failure.
Vehicles unharmed for hours while they perform
repair work too complicated or delicate for
Though the Imperium fields few vehicles servitors. On rare occasions these vehicles
dedicated specifically to functioning within have even been pressed into combat in
zones of high radiation, variants and irradiated environments, where claws that
upgrades of common models do exist for can rip apart reactor shielding are just as
such hazardous conditions. Though they capable of tearing through vehicle armour
tend to be sluggish and poorly-armed, their and fortifications.
thick armour protection is a life-saver.
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Elytra Radiation Disposal Vehicle: Tactical Speed: 10 m
A bizarre tracked vehicle used occasionally Cruising Speed: 20 kph
by the Imperial Navy and Guard for the Manoeuvrability: –10
disposal of damaged atomic weapons and Structural Integrity:
equipment, the Elytra combines a Leman 55 Size: Massive
Russ chassis with a chunky, armoured Armour: Front 40, Side 40, Rear 20
cockpit designed to allow the crew to Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally
operate a series of external servo-arms with Sealed (Advanced), Reinforced Armour,
great precision. An Elytra can park next to Ponderous, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle
an exposed plasma reactor core and keep its
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1 Fine Manipulators: The Elytra’s huge servo
Machinist (Hull weapon) claws are just as capable of peeling a grape
Carrying Capacity: None as they are ripping machinery apart. The
Weapons: vehicle’s Commander may make Tech-Use
Tests in place of any other Test that would
Hull-Mounted Weapon (Choose one of the require fine manual dexterity when
following): operating the vehicle’s servo-arms. Such
Tests gain a +20 bonus.
Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | –/–/6 |
1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Servo-Arms: Much of the Elytra’s
Tearing) powerplant is dedicated to driving its arms
huge motors, giving them incredible
Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/–/– | strength. As a melee attack, the vehicle’s
5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | Commander or Machinist can use the
Proven (3)) servo-arms, with the following profile
Heavy Flamer (Front Facing) (30m | S/–/– | Elytra Servo-Arms (Melee | 4m | 2d10 + 10
1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Reload 2 Full |
R | Pen 4 | Unwieldy, Tearing, Felling (4))
Flame, Spray)
This weapon does not add the user’s
Multi-Melta (Front Facing) (60m | S/–/– |
Strength bonus to its Damage, but does
2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 | Reload Full |
Blast (1), Melta) gain Proven (4) when attacking vehicles or
Special Rules:
Chimeron Nuclear Operations Transport:
Though the standard Chimera is streamlined, does allow it to absorb the brunt
undoubtedly a versatile vehicle, and even of incoming blasts, letting it power through
capable of operating in irradiated nuclear shockwaves with relative ease. So long
environments with the additions of air as it is facing the center of an attack with the
filters and modular anti-radiation plating, it Blast or Atomic Blast Quality, it counts its
is not designed from the ground up for Front Facing AP as being 20 higher against
such work and suffers as a result. For that attack.
situations where prolonged functioning in
heavy radiation was necessary, the Leman Russ Eradicator:
Chimeron variant was developed on Mars. A rarer short-ranged Leman Russ variant,
Though less heavily armed than a standard the Eradicator is functionally identical to a
Chimera, as it lacks a turret or hull- standard Russ with the exception of an
mounted weapon, the hunchbacked Eradicator Nova Cannon in its turret. This
Chimeron’s massively thick armour and unusual weapon is not, alas, a naval-grade
powerful air recycling systems allow it to Nova Cannon firing gigantic plasma blasts,
operate independently for substantial but rather a short-barreled howitzer
amounts of time in conditions that would designed to lob small nuclear shells.
melt a human being in seconds.
Usually loaded with a payload of Pascal-
Type: Tracked Vehicle Pattern shells, the Eradicator’s intense
Tactical Speed: 12 m blastwaves can destroy cover and deal
Cruising Speed: 65 kph devastating damage to entrenched infantry,
Manoeuvrability: +0 making it more of a dedicated linebreaker
Structural Integrity: 40 than vehicles like the Demolisher.
Size: Massive However, the Pascal round is not designed
Armour: Front 35, Side 35, Rear 35 to be fired at the kind of speeds produced
Vehicle Traits: Amphibious, Enclosed, by the Eradicator’s howitzer, and can
Environmentally Sealed (Advanced), become unstable due to the continuous
Ponderous, Rugged, Tracked Vehicle shock of recoil on the tank. Their tendency
Crew: 1 Driver (Heavy Bolter) to breach and splatter the interior of the
Carrying Capacity: 12 Imperial Guardsmen vehicle with volatile radioactive materials is
plus wargear perfectly normal, and an accepted part of
Weapons: Eradicator service. Eradicators see heavy
use among the Cadian regiments, as it is
1 remotely-operated pintle-mounted generally accepted that the nearby
Heavy Bolter (150m | –/–/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Forgeworld Agripinaa makes the highest-
Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing) quality version of the tank.
Structural Integrity: 55 mounted weapons. Choose one of the
Size: Massive following:
Armour: Front 40, Side 32, Rear 20
Vehicle Traits: Enclosed, Environmentally 2 Heavy Bolters (Left Facing/Right
Sealed (Advanced), Reinforced Armour, Facing) (150m | –/–/6 | 1D10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip
Rugged, Tracked Vehicle 60 | Reload Full | Tearing)
Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 1
Gunner (Turret), 1 Loader/Gunner 2 Heavy Flamers (Left Facing/Right
(Turret/Hull Weapon), 2 additional Facing) (30m | S/–/– | 1d10+5 E | Pen 4 | Clip
Gunners (Sponsons; if taken) 20 | Reload 2 Full | Flame, Spray)
Carrying Capacity: None
2 Plasma Cannons (Left Facing/Right
Weapons: Facing) (120m | S/–/– | 2d10+10 E | Pen 8 |
Clip 32 | Reload 5 Full | Blast (1), Maximal,
Turret-Mounted Eradicator Nova Cannon Overheat)
(350m | S/-/- | Clip 2 | Reload 3 Full |
Atomic Blast (150m/400m/1km), 2 Multi-Meltas (Left Facing/Right Facing)
Electromagnetic Pulse (1)) (60m | S/–/– | 2d10+16 E | Pen 12 | Clip 24 |
Reload Full | Blast (1), Melta)
Hull-Mounted Weapon (Front Facing)
Choose one: An Eradicator may take one pintle-
mounted weapon atop its turret:
Heavy Bolter (Front Facing) (150m | –/–/6 |
1d10+8 X | Pen 5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I |
Tearing) Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full)
Lascannon (Front Facing) (300m | S/–/– | Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen
5d10+10 E | Pen 10 | Clip 30 | Reload 2 Full | 4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing)
Proven (3))
Special Rules:
Heavy Flamer
(Front Facing) Unstable Cores:
(30m | S/–/– | 1d10+5 Reloading an
E | Pen 4 | Clip 20 | Eradicator's Nova
Reload 2 Full | Cannon is an
Flame, Spray) exercise in steady
hands and strong
Options: sphincters, as the
slightest slipup
An Eradicator may can cause
take two sponson- immediate death.
Reloading an
Eradicator Cannon requires an Easy (+30) combined with the heavy shielding that
Agility Test on the part of the vehicle's protects the crew from their radioactivity,
Loader in addition to the listed time. means that interior space in a Banelord is at
Failure causes the shell to leak, making the a premium.
vehicle’s interior count as Major Ambient
Radiation for the next 48 hours. The end result is a superior and
surprisingly agile tank hunter with little to
Atomantic Howitzer: An Eradicator’s Nova no anti-infantry weaponry, making their
Cannon is loaded exclusively with Pascal- use very situational. Often complained
Pattern nuclear warheads, and may generate about is the grossly oversized barrel of the
irradiated environments accordingly. reaction cannon- while it ensures excellent
accuracy, it is so large the turret cannot be
Rare Pattern: The best versions of the reasonably traversed in any kind of close
Eradicator (and more importantly its shells) quarters, and actually makes it impossible
hail from Agripinaa, and they are much for a Banelord to fire against vehicles that
appreciated by their Cadian crews. At the get too close. Still, their flexibility as the
GM's discretion, a squad can be assigned an only truly turreted tank-hunting Baneblade
Agripinaa-pattern Eradicator. This variant have gained them a devoted
functions as a normal Eradicator, except following among the few Astra Militarum
that the Agility Test to reload the vehicle is regiments that can afford to keep them
Simple (+40), and the Nova Cannon gains a deployed.
+10 to Ballistic Skill tests to operate it.
Type: Tracked Vehicle
Banelord Superheavy Tank Tactical Speed: 12m
Cruising Speed: 50kph
The Imperium has a long history of Manoeuvrability: -25
advanced anti-tank gunnery, using long- Structural Integrity: 100
ranged platforms like the Leman Russ Size: Monumental
Vanquisher to devastating effect. The Armour: Front 40, Side 35, Rear 28
Banelord represents the pinnacle of the Vehicle Traits: Command and Control,
high-mobility anti-tank ‘sniper’ vehicle, Damage Control, Enclosed,
being a stripped-down Baneblade chassis Environmentally Sealed (Simple),
with its turret crammed full of an extremely Reinforced Armour, Super-Heavy,
long smoothbore Reaction Cannon. This Tracked Vehicle
weapon fires long flechette rounds Crew: 1 Commander (Turret), 1 Driver, 2
composed of depleted posturanium which Gunners (Reaction Cannon/ Hull-
are capable of piercing through Mounted Bolters), 3 Loaders (Reaction
unbelievably thick armour plates and then Cannon). Banelords often have a comms
scouring the interior of a target clean with operator and Enginseer as part of their
heat and radiation. Unfortunately, the crew.
complicated loading systems needed to feed Carrying Capacity: None
the lengthy projectiles in the gun,
Whenever a Banelord’s crew would take
Weapons: critical damage as a result of an attack to
the Banelord’s weapons, they also gain 4d5
Turret-mounted Reaction Cannon (2000m Ferm.
| S/-/- | 6d10 +10 I | Pen 10 | Clip 1 | Reload 3
Full | Lance, Accurate) Oversized Barrel: The Reaction Cannon’s
Hull-Mounted twin-linked Heavy Bolters barrel is almost as long again as the body of
(Front Facing) (150m | -/-/6 | 1d10+8 X | Pen the tank, and it makes manoeuvring the
5 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Tearing, Twin- vehicle in tight spaces well-nigh impossible.
Linked) When operating in enclosed environments,
such as a cityscape, a Banelord takes a -10
Options: penalty to all Maneuvrability Tests. In such
environments, its cannon is treated as being
The Banelord may take one of the Hull-Mounted instead of being in a turret.
following Pintle-mounted weapons atop its
casemate. Overpenetration: The armour-piercing power
of a Posturanic shell means that softer
Heavy Stubber (100m | -/-/8 | 1d10 + 4 I | targets are often holed completely as the
Pen 3 | Clip 80 | Reload 2 Full) shell continues on its merry way. If a
Reaction Cannon shot exceeds a target’s
Storm Bolter (90m | S/2/4 | 1d10 + 5 X | Pen AP by 30 or more, the shot does damage as
4 | Clip 60 | Reload Full | Storm, Tearing) normal, then continues on its flight, hitting
any target behind the first target. A shell
Special Rules: will pass through any number of targets in
this way, though it will hit the ground and
Baneblade Chassis: The Banelord has the same dig in after travelling over 6000 meters or
basic Special Rules as the Baneblade. hitting a target whose AP it does not
overcome by 30. Any hit after the first does
Posturanic Shells: These truly unpleasant not inflict Righteous Fury. Two parts of
rounds are dense, oily, highly radioactive the same vehicle (such as the two legs of a
and violently flammable under the right Titan) count as separate hits.
conditions, and even seasoned Banelord
crews treat them with a wary respect. The
effect such a solid kinetic impactor has on
an enemy target is nightmarish to behold.
The Banelord’s cannon gains a +1 to any
and all Critical damage it might inflict upon
an enemy vehicle. When a vehicle is hit by
rounds from a Banelord, its hull becomes an
area of Major Ambient Radiation for the
next 1d5 rounds.
Vehicles and Radiation
Unlike clothing, the thick armour plating of a vehicle does not necessarily guarantee
protection from the scourge of radiation. Vehicles have ventilation and cooling systems that
recirculate air around the inside, and seldom include more than basic measures to keep out
dust. All too often, vehicle crews become overconfident, not realizing that what they had
thought was a safe haven is slowly filling up with poisonous dust.
Environmentally Sealed (Total): This vehicle is fitted with an environmental control system so
advanced that it can remain airtight for months at a time. It can maintain an airtight
atmosphere indefinitely, unless it receives more than 5 Crticial Damage to any location, in
which case it loses this ability until repaired. Its passengers and crew can fire their personal
weapons from a vehicle with this trait without breaching its seals. This vehicle’s armour
provides a Ferm Reduction equal to its weakest AP value -6, to a minimum of 4.
11/12/2018- Version 1.0! It begins!
14/03/2019- Version 1.1
• Added more art
• Added a Dark Heresy version of the
Twisted Survivor
• Added numerous sidebars on a
variety of subjects
• Changed the Fleshbane Quality to
work with Unnatural Toughness
• Fixed missing availabilities and
added availability quick-reference
• Fixed missing experience costs
• Added the new Elytra and
Chimeron vehicles
• Ported the Leman Russ Eradicator
and Banelord Superheavy Tank
Destroyer from my Potentiam
Gigantio books, with redone
radiation rules.