Random Potion Table
Random Potion Table
Random Potion Table
The great potion generator for WFRP for your skaven brewer or your evil alchemist.
For the next D10+WPB minutes gives the driker the following power.
D10 Power
1 It makes the drinker grain the Breath (Fire) Trait with a Rating equal to their TB and the Inmunity
(Fire) Trait (WFRP Core pg 338, 340).
2 It makes the drinker frame fill and growth to enormous proportions. It gives to the drinker the Big
Trait and changes their Size one step up (WFRP Core page 338, 341)
3 It makes the body of the drinker insubstantial and smoke-like. The drinker gains the Ethereal and
Stealthy traits (WFRP Core page 339, 342).
4 The flesh of the drinker seems to undulate and flux under their skin. The drinker gains the Die Hard
and Regenerate traits (WFRP Core page 339, 341).
5 The drinker skin gets pale and cold. The drinker gains the Amphibious and Cold-blooded traits
(WFRP Core page 338-339) and can breath under water.
6 The skin of the drinker hardens and thickens, their nerves dull. The drinker gains the Armour (3) and
Painless traits (WFRP Core pag 338, 341).
7 The drinker gets light and buoyant, they gain the Flight (Agility) trait (WFRP Core page 339).
8 The drinker skulls seems to swell. They gain the Clever trait and a level of the talents Savant (all lore
skills possessed), Super-Numerate and Tower of Memories (WFRP Core page 338, 143, 146).
9 The drinker develops a kind of animal magnetism. They gain a level of the Attractive and Animal
Affinity talents, the Leader trait and they are subject to the effects of the Beast Tongue Spell (WFRP
Core page 133, 340, 245, keep in mind that now they are unable to speak normally).
10 Multiply the duration x10, roll again but also add an additional Drawback (see below).
It always subjects the drinker to a Minor Exposure to Corruption (WFRP Core page 182).
D10 Drawbacks
1 Upgrade to Mayor Exposure to Corruption (WFRP Core page 182).
2 It makes the drinker very drowsy. Gain 2 Fatigued condition (WFRP Core page 169).
3 It makes the drinker poisoned. Gain 1 Poisoned condition (WFRP Core page 169).
4 It makes the drinker suddenly bleed from any and all their old wounds. 1 Bleeding condition (WFRP
Core page 168).
5 Suddenly the drinker lose their sight. Roll Challenging (+0) Endurance Test to resit 6 Blinded
conditions (WFRP Core page 168). Success and each Positive SL avoids one condition, Negative SL
adds additional ones.
6 Suddenly the drinker lose their hearing. Roll a Challenging (+0) Endurance to resit 6 Deafened
conditions (WFRP Core page 168). Success and each Positive SL avoids one condition, Negative SL
adds additional ones.
7 It makes the drinker innards rumble. The drinker must pass a Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or
contract Galloping Trots (WFRP Core page 187).
8 The drinker must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or contract Ratter Fever (WFRP Core page
187). The drinker became a carrier, they gain the Disease (Ratte Fever) trait no matter the outcome.
9 The drinker Loses 1D10 Wounds minus TB with a minimum of 1.
10 Roll twice on this table and apply both effects.
D10 Container
1 A simple glass bottle with a cork stopper.
2 An ornate glass bottle.
3 A dark coloured bottle.
4 Some kind of beaker.
5 A clay jar, sealed with wax.
6 A stone container.
7 A metal flask with strange etched signs.
8 An ivory container with intricate carvings.
9 An obsidian recipient.
10 A gourd painted with crude symbols.