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Bestiary P1 - Fallout Vaults & Deathclaws PNP

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Table of Contents
Table of Contents 1

Disclaimer 3

Acknowledgments 3

Document Links 4

Introduction 5
Defcon Tiers 5
Skills 6
Abilities 8
Equipment & Secondary Stats 9
Additional Effects 10
Languages 10
Sizes, Body, and Targeted Attacks 11
Horde Enemies Variant 11
Groups Tactics 12
Variants 14
Creatures 15
Land Animals 15
Sea Animals 59
Flying Animals 78
Cryptids 84
Feral Ghouls 92
Insects 97
Trog 113
Tunneler 116

Forced Evolutionary Virus 119

Super Mutants 119
Other Experiments 125

Robots 137
Calculator 137
RobCo Industries 146
General Atomics 153
Alien Robots 156

Big MT 158
Chinese Robots 161
Turrets 164

We do not own nor are we affiliated with Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Media Inc, or any
company associated with the Fallout franchise. We take no responsibility for translations and
any legal disputes for this is a free project and purely funded through passion. Please give credit
if you plan to use this PNP.

Thank you Black Isles Studios, Obsidian Entertainment, Bethesda Softworks for creating and
working on one of my favorite franchises of all time. I would like to thank all the people that are
helping make this Pen and Paper System better. This passion project could not have even seen
light without people backing me up.

Maybe one day, Bethesda will find this and support it.

I would like to thank my players for being the first playtesters and main team for the PNP, Vaults
& Deathclaws. We would like to thank the Vaults & Deathclaws Community and their

Vaults & Deathclaws Team

Osvel Cabrera (Skyeris), Arnold Norona (Thenonexistent), Jose Daniel Cuellar Jr. (Winnings),
Michael Carmine (Chuckles), Vladimir, ChronoKing777, and Ace of Consultants.

Honorable Mentions
DJCP2506 and Lex.

Document Links
Discord Server
If you want to get involved with the project, by all means, join our Discord Server!

DGB - Part 1
The first part of the Dweller’s Guidebook. It consists of Character Creation, Level Advancement,
Roleplaying, and Combat.

DGB - Part 2
The second part of the Dweller’s Guidebook. It consists of the Equipment Rules, Crafting, Robot
Upgrades, Cybernetics, Implants, and Vehicles section.

Bestiary - Part 2
Covers Factions, Wastelanders, and Wasteland Legends.

Items Guide
The Items Guide is in its own section to make load time for the document faster.

Overseer’s Guide
A guide for those that wish to run their own Fallout Campaign. This guide covers some basics
but if you want additional ideas ask us on the Discord. All who wish to run a Fallout Campaign
should read this document.

Vaults & Deathclaws - YouTube Channel

For those who like to listen to Roleplaying Streams or wish to see how the system has evolved
since its creation with a fun and gritty campaign. We also have Video guides to better explain
the V&D PNP system. The more subscribers we get the more cool stuff we can do.

We have our own subreddit now! Discuss in our thread the wonders of Fallout and the Fallout:
Vaults & Deathclaws PNP System.

Character Sheet
A simple Character Sheet to be used for home games.

Welcome to the Bestiary Guide of Fallout: Vaults & Deathclaws PNP. Here we have multiple
entries of creatures and wastelanders that roam the world of Fallout. This is primarily for
Overseers to get ideas on how to set up NPCs for their campaigns. Be sure to take note of the
topics below before looking into the stats of the NPCs.

Defcon Tiers
Trying to figure out what NPCs are best suited for certain levels Assuming the character’s equipment aligns with the level they’re
can be difficult at times. In this system we have Defcon Tiers. at, from Defcon Tier 5 - 3, one creature, robot, etc. can fight one
Defcon Tiers are a range of five levels that will determine the character with some combat capability. This doesn’t account for
difficulty of NPCs. The chart below defines the Defcon Tier to Exotic items or items outside of the rarity. For Defcon Tier 2 and 1
its corresponding level range.
it's assumed that two are fighting one of them. Defcon Tier also
Some are higher than others within the same Defcon Tier. This relates to how much XP gained from killing a group of NPCs.
is identified with the following markings: Low (<), Medium (-), Weapons and Armor that aren’t part of the Equipment have a
and High (>). Low being the weakest within the Defcon Tier and specific rarity for the purposes of their Weapon Resistance and
High being the strongest within the Defcon Tier. This can help sale price.
Overseer’s identify what threats may be too high or too easy
for level range. This doesn’t apply to Defcon Tier 2 and 1. If you wish to increase the difficulty, increase all the skills
specified by +15. Increase the DM for all attacks by +0.15, and
increase all SPECIAL Stats by +1 per Defcon Tier up.

Defcon Tier Level Range Experience Points Range Rarity

5 1-5 1 - 100 Common / Uncommon

4 6 - 10 125 - 950 Rare

3 11 - 15 1,000 - 4,000 Very Rare

2 16 - 20 5,000 - 10,000 Legendary

1 21+ 11,000+ Epic

The Skills presented for the entries in the Bestiary are its set All abilities cease when the NPC dies. Breaks, R&R, and Robot
skills which include bonuses and its base. All other skills follow healing rules are applied from the DGB. Special Moves function
standard skill equations but can be ignored as you’ll most likely the same for NPCs as Players.
never use them. However, if you do plan to use them, all Skills
Creatures can also do Special Moves but they’re limited. The skill
not stated are 20 and the Skill Formula is ignored for this
requirements for them are ignored and some have unique
purpose only. conditions. Refer to the tables below for additional information.

Many entries have abilities that function similar to perks.They

give FM, ignore DT/DR, etc. As an optional rule, NPCs can apply
Combat Skill Specializations or Perks to make encounters
interesting and challenging.

Condition Description

Handy It doesn’t require an Unarmed check but the SPECIAL check is considered an Attack Roll.

Stay Keep both you and your opponent in place. If you move while you have them in a specific SM, your
opponent will move with you but you can only do the Walk movement.

Sturdy Doesn’t work against Exo Suits unless you are Large or wearing an Exo Suit.

Special Move AP Cost Target Area Base DM Description

Charge 3 Cannot Target 1.2 If you Run or Sprint at least 20 ft in a straight line you can do Charge. The first attack made
once charge is declared gets a +20 Hit Chance. If you wish to Charge during the same round
of another Charge, you have to move at least 20 ft again while Running or Sprinting.

Hold 4 Cannot Target - This SM requires one arm. Roll Attacker STR vs. Defender STR/AGI. The Attacker can still
attack with one hand and both feet. The Attacker has to spend AP equal to the SM in order
to maintain it once a round. The Defender can only attempt to escape for 4 AP during their
turn. The same check conditions are repeated and the Defender is the one held in the
Hold. You may move with the held person, but you cannot Run nor Sprint. You may use the
held individual as a Shield but this can only be done to someone of equal size or lower. If
they are of equal size they’re considered a Large Shield. If their size is below they’re
considered a Medium Shield. If after applying the AC bonus the attack hits the Attacker, the
Defender takes no damage. But if after the AC bonus is applied and it misses the Attacker,
but the AC is above that of the Defender, the Defender takes the damage. Someone
outside of the Hold can help the Defender break free from it on their turn. They’ll be
considered the Attacker and the Defender is the one who did the Hold. The Defenders AC is
halved while in Hold.
Handy Stay Sturdy

Repel 4 Cannot Target - When someone attacks with a Melee Weapon/Unarmed Attack adjacent to you, Roll
Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender STR. If the Attacker succeeds, the Defender is pushed back 10
ft and is Knocked Down. Counterattack, Deflect, and Parry cannot be used against or with
Repel. Only Creatures with STR 7 and above can do this move.

Special Move AP Cost Target Area Base DM Description

Shove 4 Cannot Target - Roll Attacker STR +1 vs. Defender STR/AGI. The Attacker can only do this if they're Standing.
If the Attacker wins, the Defender is Knocked Down. If the Defender wins, nothing
Handy Sturdy

Tackle 4 Cannot Target - Roll Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender STR/AGI. The Attacker can only do this if they're Standing
or Crouching. If the Attacker wins, the Defender is knocked down but the attacker ends up
prone. If the defender wins, they remain as they were, but the Attacker is Knocked Down.
Handy Sturdy

Deflect 3 Cannot Target - Can only be done to attacks directed at you but doesn’t inflict weapon damage. If a
Melee/Unarmed Attack or a Ranged Weapon Attack adjacent to you, hits you, roll
Unarmed against the opponent’s Attack Roll. The Attack Roll functions as a skill penalty. If
you exceed the Attack Roll, the attack misses. If you fail the attack hits you. Can be done
anytime in combat but it takes AP from your next turn. Doesn’t work against Sneak Attacks.
You cannot Deflect a Counter Attack, Parry, Deflect, or a Sneak Attack.

Claw Swipe 5 Cannot Target 1 This SM requires two arms. Attack everyone adjacent within 5 ft. Increase Hit Chance
penalty by -10 for each target in range. For Damage use Claw. Only Creatures that can do a
Claw Attack can do this SM.

Gore 4 Anywhere 1.5 This SM requires a head with horns. Inflict 1d10+5 Bleed for 1 minute.

Counter Attack 4 Cannot Target 1 Same as Deflect except it inflicts damage. You can also send back an Explosive if the center
of the EXR is adjacent to you or you’re in the center of it. You can also throw back Throwing
Weapons. Roll Unarmed against the opponents Throwing. You cannot Counter Attack a
Counter Attack, Parry, Deflect, or a Sneak Attack.

Takedown 4 Cannot Target 0.75 Knock down the opponent. For Damage use one equipped Unarmed Weapon. Attempting
this on a target of larger size, you’ll get a -20 Hit Chance per size higher.

Power Throw 5 Cannot Target - This SM requires two Arms. Roll Attacker STR +2 vs. Defender STR/AGI. If the Attacker
succeeds, they can throw the Defender in any direction up to 10 ft. The Defender will be
Knocked Down. For each size the Defender is above the Attacker, the Attacker gets STR -2.
For each size the Attacker is above the Defender, increase the throwing range by 5 ft. If the
Attacker wants to throw the Defender to another target, they’ll roll Attacker STR +2 vs.
Defender AGI. If it hits, both will be Knocked Down and Fall Damage is applied. If it misses,
the Defender will end up behind the target.

Below is a list of abilities that many Bestiary entries have.

Adaptable R1: This creature/character can do any of the following actions twice and it resets on their next turn: for checks get +2 to checks that involve a d10
and +25 to checks involving a d100 (Max of two per check); get AC +25 against one Attack Roll (Max of two); or reroll any of their Attack Rolls. This can only be
used in Combat after SQ is rolled. Overseer’s must declare how many Adaptables are being used and which one they’re using.
Adaptable R2: Increases charges up to four.
Adaptable R3: Increases charges up to six.
Adaptable R4: Increases charges up to eight.

Addict: Double the effects of Chems and Drinks when used on this character/creature.

Armor Breaker R1: All Melee/Unarmed Attacks inflict DT -5 and DR -10%.

Armor Breaker R2: All Melee/Unarmed Attacks inflict AC -10, DT -10, and DR -30%.
Armor Breaker R3: All Melee/Unarmed Attacks inflict AC -20, DT -20, and DR -50%.
Armor Breaker R4: All Melee/Unarmed Attacks inflict AC -30, DT -30, and DR -50%.

Assassin: Sneak Attack damage is increased by +50%.

Burrow: 2 AP to go down underneath the earth. Cannot be hit while underneath the ground. 1 AP is one space. Cannot dash nor sprint while underground. 2 AP
to go back up. This character/creature cannot burrow through metal and concrete floors. If there is a rider mounted, increase the AP cost to 3 when burrowing
and unburrowing.

Climber: Can climb without movement being penalized and it costs 1 AP to climb 10 ft with no SPECIAL check required.

Flight: Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties and can apply Run and Sprint movement while in the air.

Gills: Can breathe underwater.

Iron Will: Immune to Knock Down.

Light Step R1: 3 FM.

Light Step R2: 6 FM.
Light Step R3: 9 FM.

Quiver With Fear: At the cost of 2 AP, any opponents within sight must roll a RS check with the penalty being that of the Attacker’s RS +20%. Those that fail get
a -50 to all Skill checks for 1d4 turns. Those affected can attempt to roll CHA +1 at the beginning of their turn to end the effect. This can only be attempted once
a round and it doesn’t stack. This is considered a Condition.

Rebuke: Every time this creature/character would be downed or killed, roll EN to stay at 1 HP. For every 10 damage from the final damage result, subtract 1
from EN rolls. This stacks.

Screw Luck: Ignore the Instant Death Critical Effect and bonus damage from Critical Hits. This doesn’t apply to Critical Success Effects and Body Part bonus

Sixth Sense: Immune to Blindness.

Swimmer: Ignore Difficult Terrain Penalties and Attack Roll Penalties when in water.

Two For One: Can wield two-handed weapons as one-handed weapons.

Equipment & Secondary Stats
Many entries in the Bestiary have items they use to support Resolve is dependent on the Defcon Tier as stated in the chart
them in battle. All the stats of the item are already included in below.
the entry. This includes Secondary Stats as well. To provide a
smoother understanding, the items include if necessary their
Defcon Tier Resolve
weapon type. For example, if an enemy is using an Assaultron
Blade, it’ll state it’s a Sword so the Overseer can quickly 5 40%
reference the Special Moves for Swords if they decide to use
them in combat. This also includes mods and Burst Attacks 4 60%
3 80%
If an item requires lower AP to use than stated in the DGB,
that’ll apply for all weapons of the same category. For example, 2 100%
if an NPCs AP Cost for the Assaultron Blade is lower than the
1 120%
standard PNP, that’ll apply to all Melee Weapons. Ignoring
Weapon STR Requirements is upon the Overseer’s discretion.
Humanoids usually have two copies of a weapon with them.
This doesn’t apply to Explosives. If they carry items that have
multiple uses such as Buffout, they get the item at full use.

NPCs don’t have to worry about reloading weapons. Ammo and

mag amount upon death is Overseer discretion. It’s
recommended to use 1d2 for mags amount and 2d20 for
ammo amount. Some entries have multiple items divided into
Sets that give the Overseer options. Some entries share the
same stat block but have different armor. Overseers, feel free
to mix and change items on NPCs and change them. Some Sets
have specific Primary and Skill check bonuses. NPCs do not get
the Player Race abilities from the PNP.

Few entries have immunity to certain effects such as being

immune to LR, ER, etc. These immunities are defined as being
able to ignore effects related to these Secondary Stats.
Weapons that can only Burst have their damage set for Burst
Attacks such as Miniguns. System System can be ignored by
NPCs used by the Overseer.

Companions of the party however are not exempt from this. If

however, an NPC takes too many Chems or Drinks that are
considered to be inhumane, such as 6 Psychos or 10 Jet, the
Overseer will kill the NPC from overdose.

Additional Effects
Below are effects that certain items may have. You may notice some are mods.

Effect Description

Battle Cup Ignore Targeted Attack Effect to the Groin.

Bipod Must be prone or have something stable to prop the bipod on. You can do the Set-Up action. Upon
Set-Up you get SR +20%.

Buckshot / If you hit a target, anyone adjacent to the line of attack but not behind the target will get hit as well
Flechette but the Hit Chance penalty for them is -20. You can choose not to apply this and you must state if
you’re using this effect before the attack is rolled.

Chestplate Ignore Targeted Attack Effect to the Torso.

Conductive If you’re hit with something that would Stun you through an item that’s powered or something
electrical-based, get END -2.

Combat Scope Observation +15 when looking for something at a distance.

Insulated If you’re hit with something that would Stun you through an item that’s powered or something
electrical-based, get END +2.

Maneuverable Ignore AS Type penalty.

Night Sight Ignore Night Time and half Total Darkness penalties.

Reflex Scope Observation +20 when looking for something at a distance.

Silencer Anyone further than 50 ft spaces from you won't hear the shot. Anyone within 50 ft gets a
Observation -25 when trying to find you. This doesn't apply if they can see you.

Sniper Scope Observation +20 when looking for something at a distance.

Super Conductive If you’re hit with something that would Stun you through an item that’s powered or something
electrical-based, get END -4.

Tripod Can only be installed on Big Guns and Assault Rifles. You can take Set-Up Action while Set-Up get SR
+50% and +20 Hit Chance.

Languages can be tricky but usually, in the world of Fallout, most humanoids speak English,
unless specified. Animals, or creatures are incapable of speaking, reading, and writing language,
but can communicate with others in their own creature-like way.

Sizes, Body, and Targeted Attacks
Size refers to the height and width of the character's personal For Targeted Attacks, usually it’s that of the average Human, but
space. Body type refers to the physiological orientation of the in some cases you’ll have additional areas you can target such as
individual which is either humanoid, creature, or robot. multiple heads, legs, etc. In other cases you won’t have areas to
Humanoid refers to body type similar to Humans such as hit like Arms or Legs. For Crippled Effects, only apply the Arm and
Leg condition to NPCs that are expected to not last for more than
Ghouls, Super Mutants, etc. Creatures can be any animal or in
an encounter or aren’t important like Raiders or Mole Rats.
context to the situation. Robot refers to any robot in relation to Important NPCs such as bosses or Defcon Tier 3 and up should
the situation such as Protectrons, Mr. Handys, Eyebots, etc. Use have Crippled applied if it happens. This is upon the Overseer’s
common Observation. discretion.

The range of an attack is not dependent on the size. The attack

specifies the range of the body part/weapon. One Small
creature can share a space with one creature. Bonuses from
Size are already included in each entry.

Size Space in Feet Square Bonus

Small 2.5 ft by 2.5 ft 0.5 by 0.5 Nat AC +10

Medium 5 by 5 ft 1 by 1 -

Large 10 by 10 ft 2 by 2 -

Huge 15 by 15 ft 3 by 3 MD +5. +5 ft of Melee/Unarmed Range.

Gargantuan 20 by 20 ft or Larger 4 by 4 or Larger MD +10. +10 ft of Melee/Unarmed Range.

Horde Enemies Variant

For Overseers, sometimes it can be quite difficult to manage This method is best used for above Level 4 on Defcon Tier 5 and
multiple enemies at once. A method is to instead of keeping 4. Overseer discretion. Don’t use this on important NPCs such as
track of HP, DT, DR, etc., you keep track of the amount of hits bosses or elite guards. Those are meant to provide a challenge,
the target can take by increments of 10 instead. This is while the horde enemies are meant to be a nuisance.
determined by the HP of the target in the tenths place. For AC
be sure to still have the total with the Armor and Natural AC.

Example: The HP of a Feral Ghoul is 30. Instead of 30 or more

damage being required to kill a Feral Ghoul, instead they’ll die
in 3 successful attacks. DT and DR are ignored. Horde damage
is by increments of 10 damage. If the Wastelander is inflicted
with 12 damage, it’ll be considered one hit. If the Raider is
inflicted with 9 or less damage, it’s assumed its body is
protected enough to be insufficient damage and it doesn’t
count as a hit. Matching or exceeding the required hits will kill
the NPC.

Groups Tactics
A method to make low level enemies a threat against high level enemies and easier to manage,
Enemy Groups. Enemy groups comprise of 5 Defcon Tier 5 enemies with their stats put together.
This is recommended with Melee and Unarmed focused NPCs than Ranged. Groups function as
a single NPC in Combat but if an SM states it can hit multiple targets they’ll apply as normal.
When creating Groups, the following happens:

● Defcon Tier will increase to 4 < if 5 <, 4 - if 5 -, or 4 > if 5 > and the size increases by 1.
● HP is multiplied by 5 and all skills stated will increase by +25 except for Sneak.
● Base DM is increased to 2. For effects such as Rads and DT reductions multiply them by
● Group Total DT is multiplied by 5, Total DR is increased by +10%, and Total AC increased
by +40%. They inflict AC -20, DT -20, and DR -20%. This DT is not doubled.
● LR and PT don't apply to Groups. Groups cannot do Targeted Attacks and they cannot be
Knocked Down.
● If an attack has EXR, Persistent Fire Damage, On-Hit Fire, Poison Damage, or an SM that
can hit multiple targets at once, increase the DM by 1.0.
● If SMs with Handy is successful towards a Group, ignore all the SM effects and instead
inflict AP -1 on the Group next turn.
● They get a +2 to SPECIAL Checks.
● Counter Attack, Deflect, and Parry’s get -20 Hit Chance towards Groups. This doesn’t
apply when using a Shield for the specified SMs.
● Groups do not gain the benefit of the Flanking bonus and cannot occupy the same space
of their allies.
● For every round a Group would be Stunned , they instead lose -1 AP on their next turn.
For Unconscious it’s -2 AP. For Failure Effect 9 and 10 it’s assumed to be -1 for Stunned
and -2 for Unconscious.

Below is an example comparison of Feral Ghouls and Feral Ghoul Group.

Feral Ghoul
Humanoid creatures that used to be humans. They’ve taken up too much rads and have turned into feral creatures that roam the
wastes. These are the most common.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 5 PER: 5 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 30
AP 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Targeted Attacks follow the standard of an average human.

Observation 50
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 20

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
20 Rads per hit. ER: 20%
PR: 25%
RR: Immune

Feral Ghoul Group

A group of five Feral Ghouls that move as one unit.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 5 PER: 5 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 150
AP 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 SPECIAL Checks +2 and Base DM is 2.0.

Observation 75
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 28

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft ER: 20%
AC -20, DT -8, and DR -20%, and 100 Rads per hit. PR: 25%
RR: Immune

Total DR +10%.

In the wasteland you’ll come across some variants of known creatures, humanoids, and robots.
These variants are stated in the Bestiary Entry and alter their stats. Some variants are specific to
an entry which is found on their page, others are restricted by their body type, and few can be
found for all entries.

Variant Variant Description

Albino Limited Their texture is a light pink all throughout the body. Double Max HP and DM +0.2. Increase the
Defcon Tier by one.

Diseased Humanoid All Unarmed Attacks have a chance to give diseases to opponents. The disease is the
Creature Overseer's decision. When an Unarmed Attack is successful, the Overseer rolls in secret a
1d100. On a 51 - 100 the target will be infected with the disease and the effects and
symptoms will activate the next day. FEV, Robots, and Turrets cannot be this variant.

Glowing Limited The texture is black with green glowing veins that expand all around the body giving off
radiation. Unarmed Attacks that hit inflict 3d10+10 Radiation.

Hardened Robots DT +6 and DR +20% to all Armor Stats. Double Max HP. AC +30.

Nuka Limited They emit a light blue glow all around their body through cracks. Max HP +100.

Renowned Anything Max HP is doubled and receives a +1 to all SPECIAL stats. DT +5 and DR +30% to all. DM
increases by 0.2 for all attacks. When they’re at half their HP, they go back to full hp. They can
only do this every 24 hours.

Scorched Humanoids All who are Scorched are linked via a hive mind born of a fungal infection. They work as one.
Creatures They also work with Scorchbeasts. Their skin is pink and shredded with several sores and small
crystalline ultracite protrusions poking out. The ultracite gives off a weak radiation signature
that makes them easier to track.

Mutated by the radiation lingering from the Great War and prior. The creatures of the wasteland vary in size with
one goal. All Creatures have Survival 100 and are immune to Radiation. Medium Creatures have Intimidation 75,
Large has 100, Huge has 125, and Gargantuan has 150. Creatures cannot do any stances or wield weapons. They
can fend for themselves in terms of food and water.

Land Animals
The native wildlife of the wastes has been altered throughout the years of living in the open radiation. Land animals
typically are on dry land.

Mutated bighorned sheep that live in the high mountains.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 8 PER: 5 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 6 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 80
AP 8
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted, has four Legs, and it has Horns. CW +1500.
Observation 50
Sneak 25 Adaptable R1
Armor Breaker R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Headbutt AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+16 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 5/30%
L: 2/20%
LR: 4
PR: 40%

Bloodworm Larva
A carnivorous worm that has adapted and grown to be a predator. However, it's only a baby at this stage.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 3 CHA: 2 INT: 4 AGI: 6 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 30
AP 8
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Only the Torso can be Targeted.

Observation 75
Sneak 75 Burrow
Light Step R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 15%

A carnivorous worm that has adapted and grown to be a predator. They can be as big as humans.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 4 CHA: 2 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 80
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Only the Torso can be Targeted.

Observation 75
Sneak 75 Burrow
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 20%

Bloodworm Queen
The queen of the Bloodworms. She protects her future babies with her life.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 8 PER: 6 END: 6 CHA: 2 INT: 5 AGI: 9 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 150
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Only the Torso can be Targeted.

Observation 100
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+19 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
PR: 30%

A two headed scorched female cow commonly used by caravans and provides plenty of food. They can carry up to 500 lbs of items.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 7 PER: 3 END: 7 CHA: 1 INT: 1 AGI: 5 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 40
AP 8
Sequence 4

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. CW +1000.

Observation 50
Sneak 25 Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Headbutt AC: 15
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+14 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 2/25%
LR: 4
PR: 35%

A two-headed scorched male cow is commonly used to breed more brahmin. They’re a bit more aggressive than Brahmin.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 8 PER: 4 END: 8 CHA: 1 INT: 1 AGI: 5 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 60
AP 8
Sequence 5

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted, has four Legs, and it has Horns. CW +1500.
Observation 50
Sneak 25 Adaptable R1
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Headbutt AC: 20
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+16 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 5/35%
LR: 4
PR: 40%

The little shits that’ll look you straight in the eye and knock the vase down.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 2 PER: 10 END: 2 CHA: 6 INT: 6 AGI: 10 LCK: 6
Size Small
Max HP 20
AP 10
Sequence 10

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. All Fall Damage is halved.
Observation 100
Sneak 150 Climber
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+2 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
1d4 True Damage. PR: 10%

Coyote / Dog
Similar to dogs, coyotes live in the wild and are not as tame. They could be confused as dogs from a glance.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 5 PER: 8 END: 5 CHA: 4 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 40
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. When tracking they get Survival +50. When extracting Raw Meat and Hide
Observation 75 this is considered Small.
Sneak 75
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
1d6 True Damage. PR: 25%

Young Deathclaw
These immature Deathclaws are about the same size as a human and they’re easy pickings for the most experienced wastelanders.
However, they often travel with an adult.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 10 PER: 6 END: 6 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 150
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 A variant found in the former states of Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas is the Young Hairy Deathclaw. These Deathclaws are
Observation 75 mammal-like and are covered in patches of fur and some are capable of speech. They get the Climber but not the Sixth
Sneak 75 Sense and Max HP +25.

Adaptable R1
Armor Breaker
Climber (Young Hairy Deathclaw Only)
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino, Glowing, and Nuka.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 50
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+21 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 11/50%
L: 12/60%
F: 6/50%
P: 9/40%
Ex: 9/40%
LR: 3
PR: 30%

The scariest and most intimidating creatures in the wasteland. With massive claws of death and horns just as big, they will destroy
anything in their path. They can even flip cars.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 14 PER: 8 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 350
AP 10
Sequence 19

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 A variant found in the former states of Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas is the Hairy Deathclaw. These Deathclaws are
Observation 100 mammal-like and are covered in patches of fur and some are capable of speech. They get the Climber but not the Rebuke
Sneak 100 and Max HP +50. This Creature has Horns.

Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker
Climber (Hairy Deathclaw Only)
Light Step R2
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino, Glowing, and Nuka.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 65
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+32 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 17/65%
L: 20/75%
F: 12/65%
P: 15/55%
Ex: 15/55%
LR: 4
PR: 75%

Deathclaw Matriarch
The spawners of Satan themselves. Deathclaw Matriarchs are very protective of their young and if even one gets hurt, or worse,
they’ll enter a rage against anything that isn’t a Deathclaw. They’re not as Strong as Alphas, but they’re a lot faster.

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 16 PER: 12 END: 10 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 12 LCK: 10

Size Huge
Max HP 650
AP 11
Sequence 22

Skills Notes

Unarmed 175 A variant found in the former states of Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas is the Matriarch Hairy Deathclaw. These Deathclaws
Observation 150 are mammal-like and are covered in patches of fur and some are capable of speech. They get the Climber but not the
Sneak 100 Rebuke and Max HP +50. This Creature has Horns.

Adaptable R3
Armor Breaker R3
Climber (Matriarch Hairy Deathclaw Only)
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino, Glowing, and Nuka.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 85
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d8+46 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 22/70%
L: 25/80%
F: 17/70%
P: 20/60%
Ex: 20/60%
LR: 5
PR: 60%

Alpha Deathclaw
The pack leader of a Deathclaw nest. Their horns are longer and curved. If you see one, it’s already too late.

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 16 PER: 10 END: 12 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 12 LCK: 10

Size Huge
Max HP 800
AP 11
Sequence 21

Skills Notes

Unarmed 200 A variant found in the former states of Illinois, Missouri, and Kansas is the Alpha Hairy Deathclaw. These Deathclaws are
Observation 150 mammal-like and are covered in patches of fur and some are capable of speech. They get the Climber but not the Rebuke
Sneak 100 and Max HP +50. This Creature has Horns.

Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R3
Climber (Alpha Hairy Deathclaw Only)
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino, Glowing, and Nuka.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 100

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d8+48 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 27/80%
L: 30/90%
F: 22/80%
P: 30/70%
Ex: 30/70%
LR: 6
PR: 70%

Young Gecko
A reptilian creature that stands, often travels with a pack to search for prey. These types are not fully mature.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 4 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 40
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 A unique variant of the Young Gecko exists called the Young Golden Gecko which has a golden scale texture and it inflicts
Observation 50 Rads 10 and 1d4 True Damage with any of its Unarmed Attacks.
Sneak 50
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 20
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
1d4 True Damage. PR: 20%

Young Fire Gecko
A reptilian creature that stands, often travels with a pack to search for prey. These types are not fully mature with a dark purple
texture and spikes on their back.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 4 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 40
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Throwing 75 Climber
Unarmed 75 Light Step R2
Observation 50 Swimmer
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 20
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft F: Immune
1d4 True Damage. LR: 2
-Fire Breath PR: 20%
Skill: Throwing S: 2 Dmg: 2d6+5 Dmg Type: Fire Rng: 15 ft
Inflicts 5 Persistent Fire Damage if hit.

Young Green Gecko
A reptilian creature that stands, often travels with a pack to search for prey. These types are not fully mature with a light green

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 4 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 40
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Throwing 75 Climber
Unarmed 75 Light Step R2
Observation 50 Swimmer
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 20
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
1d4 True Damage. PR: 20%
-Poison Breath
Skill: Throwing S: 2 Dmg Type: Poison Rng: 30 ft
If Poison Breath hits, the target rolls END. If the target fails, they take 10 Poison
Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per Hour, roll END
every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the target doesn’t take
Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 10 Poison Damage for the hour.

A reptilian creature that stands, often travels with a pack to search for prey. They’re fully mature.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 7 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 A unique variant of the Gecko exists called the Golden Gecko which has a golden scale texture and it inflicts Rads 20 with
Observation 75 2d4 True Damage any of its Unarmed Attacks.
Sneak 75
Light Step R2

Variant(s): Golden

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
1d4 True Damage. PR: 25%

Fire Gecko
A reptilian creature that stands, often travels with a pack to search for prey. They’re fully mature with a dark purple texture and
spikes on their back.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 7 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Climber

Unarmed 100 Light Step R2
Observation 75 Swimmer
Sneak 75

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft F: Immune
1d4 True Damage. LR: 2
-Fire Breath PR: 20%
Skill: Throwing S: 2 Dmg: 2d10+5 Dmg Type: Fire Rng: 30 ft
Inflicts 10 Persistent Fire Damage if hit.

Green Gecko
A reptilian creature that stands, often travels with a pack to search for prey. They’re fully mature with a light green texture.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 7 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Climber

Unarmed 100 Light Step R2
Observation 75 Swimmer
Sneak 75

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
1d4 True Damage. PR: 20%
-Poison Breath
Skill: Throwing S: 2 Dmg Type: Poison Rng: 30 ft
If Poison Breath hits, the target rolls END. If the target fails, they take 20 Poison
Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per Hour, roll END
every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the target doesn’t take
Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 20 Poison Damage for the hour.

A massive Fire Gecko that wreaks havoc wherever it goes.

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 15 PER: 10 END: 15 CHA: 5 INT: 10 AGI: 10 LCK: 10

Size Gargantuan
Max HP 5000
AP 15
Sequence 30

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Adaptable R4

Unarmed 100 Armor Breaker R4
Observation 75 Climber
Sneak 75 Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 100

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d8+60 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft N: 30/100%
-Atomic Breath L: 30/100%
Skill: Throwing S: 2 Dmg: 5d10+20 Dmg Type: Fire Rng: 200 ft F: 30/100%
DR -50%. Inflicts 30 Persistent Fire Damage if hit. This hits anyone in the line of attack P: 30/100%
up to the range. Ex: 30/100%
LR: 30
PR: 100%

A unique Rabbit found in the wilds of Kentucky with the distinct ability to turn invisible. The kids call them Ghostys. They can even
change the color of their coat on command.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 2 PER: 7 END: 3 CHA: 5 INT: 4 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Small
Max HP 20
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Unarmed 25 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. Cannot be a Scorch variant. They’ll run from a fight.
Observation 125
Sneak 125 Burrow
Light Step R2

Stealth Mode: Can turn invisible at will for up to six hours. This can be turned off/on up until the six hours are used up
throughout a day. While invisible they get Sneak +75 and all attacks toward them get a -25 Hit Chance. This resets after an

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+2 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 15%

Giant Rat
It wouldn’t be an apocalypse without giant rats lurking about. These little dimples love to eat garbage and human flesh. Watch out,
their bite is nasty.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 4 PER: 6 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 20
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 50 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. If it hits a target, the Overseer rolls a 1d100. On a 51 - 100 the player hit is
Observation 75 inflicted with a disease of the Overseer’s choice. Only one disease can be inflicted per Giant Rat per target.
Sneak 100
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+4 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
When you attack, declare if it’s a Bite or Claw before the Attack Roll. If Bite hits, the PR: 30%
target rolls END -1. If the target fails, they take 5 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds,
they take half the Poison Damage. Per Hour, roll END -1 every hour for the next two
hours. If they succeed the END roll, the target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour.
If they fail they take 5 Poison Damage for the hour. If Claw hits, it inflicts DR -10%.

Horses roam the wastelands again after a sudden reappearance. They are often used as mounts over slower and clumsier animals
like bighorners and brahmin, and are highly valued.

Defcon Tier 5> STR: 8 PER: 8 END: 7 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 100
AP 10
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. CW +500.

Observation 50
Sneak 25 Adaptable R1
Light Step R1

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Kick AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+15 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 5
If Kick hits, target rolls END -4. If you fail you’re knocked back 5 ft and Knocked Down. PR: 50%

It’s a leech! It’ll get stuck on you and suck your blood.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 2 PER: 5 END: 2 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 20
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Only the Torso can be Targeted.

Observation 75
Sneak 75 Burrow
Light Step R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Leech Suck AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+2 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
1d4 True Damage. Any damage inflicted Heals the Leech for an equal amount. PR: 10%

Typical reptiles that dwell in the United States. Iguanas, horned lizards, and other scaly critters. They’ve adapted to radiation, and are
often found scavenging carrion, or hardy plants. Resilient buggers, and tasty too.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 3 PER: 7 END: 3 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 30
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 50 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. When in water or in a swamp, they get Sneak +25.
Observation 100
Sneak 125 Burrow
Light Step
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+3 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 15%

Baby Megasloth
That’s right. A giant mutated sloth with algae growing on its back. They’re typically docile and playful at this age.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 10 PER: 5 END: 8 CHA: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 5 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 200
AP 8
Sequence 5

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Armor Breaker R1

Observation 50 Climber
Sneak 25 Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+15 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
-Spore Gas PR: 40%
S: 3 Dmg: 15 Dmg Type: Poison
Spore Gas inflicts Damage in the form of a Gas and inflicts PR -10%. Anyone within 10 ft
of the creature is affected by this and must roll END -1. If they succeed they take half
the Poison Damage.

That’s right. A giant mutated sloth with algae growing on its back. Although they’re typically docile, they’ll do anything to protect
their young.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 12 PER: 5 END: 10 CHA: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 500
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Armor Breaker R2

Observation 75 Climber
Sneak 50 Light Step R1
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 50
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+32 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 5
-Spore Gas PR: 50%
S: 3 Dmg: 20 Dmg Type: Poison
Spore Gas inflicts Damage in the form of a Gas and inflicts PR -20%. Anyone within 15 ft
of the creature is affected by this and must roll END -2. If they succeed they take half
the Poison Damage.

Mole Rat
The oddest creature that no one expected in the apocalypse. Mole rats travel in packs and are often led by a Brood Mother. These
little buggers burrow themselves into the ground and sprout out at times for an ambush.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 4 PER: 6 END: 4 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 25
AP 8
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 60 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs.

Observation 50
Sneak 75 Burrow
Light Step R1
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 22
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+4 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 20%

Broodmother Mole Rat
The mothers of the Mole rat packs. These things are fatter and hit harder, but all in favor of the pack.

Defcon Tier 5> STR: 6 PER: 7 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs.

Observation 50
Sneak 50 Burrow
Light Step R1
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
1d6 True Damage. PR: 25%

With the body of a coyote, and the head and tail of a snake, these abominations travel as a pack.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 6 PER: 7 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 70
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. When extracting Raw Meat and Hide this is considered Small.
Observation 75
Sneak 75 Light Step R2
Sixth Sense
Stealth Scale: Can turn invisible at will for up to three hours. This can be turned off/on up until the three hours are used
up throughout a day. While invisible they get Sneak +50 and all attacks toward them get a -25 Hit Chance. This resets after
an R&R.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
If Bite hits, the target suffers PR -10% and rolls END -2. If the target fails, they take 20 PR: 25%
Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per Hour, roll
END -2 every hour for the next hour. If they succeed the END roll, the target doesn’t
take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 20 Poison Damage for the hour. If
Claw hits, it inflicts DR -15%.

The other nature’s ninja but with three heads.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 4 PER: 7 END: 5 CHA: 5 INT: 6 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 20
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. They can use Deception to play dead. Cannot be a Scorch variant.
Deception 125
Observation 75 Climber R2
Sneak 100 Light Step R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 20
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+4 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
PR: 25%

Rad Chicken
It’s a chicken. That’s been radiated.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 2 PER: 5 END: 3 CHA: 5 INT: 2 AGI: 6 LCK: 10
Size Small
Max HP 15
AP 8
Sequence 16

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted. When it’s in danger it makes a loud noise and attracts the attention of anyone nearby. Overseer
Deception 125 rolls a 1d100. On a 75 - 100 a Deathclaw appears. This can only be attempted once every 12 hours.
Observation 75
Sneak 100 Light Step R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Peck AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+2 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 15%

Rad Badger
Run. Just run.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 10 PER: 8 END: 10 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 350
AP 10
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs.

Observation 100
Sneak 100 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R3
Light Step R2
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+30 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 14/80%
When you attack, declare if it’s a Bite or Claw before the Attack Roll. If Bite hits, it L: 15/80%
inflicts 1d10 True Damage. If Claw hits, inflicts 5 True Damage. F: 9/80%
-Toxic Gas P: 12/70%
S: 3 Dmg: 30 Dmg Type: Poison Ex: 12/80%
Toxic Gas inflicts Damage in the form of a Gas and inflicts PR -30%. Anyone within 15 ft LR: 5
of the creature is affected by this and must roll END -3. If they succeed they take half PR: 100%
the Poison Damage.

Rad Rabbit / Squirrel
It’s a cute little bunny or squirrel with slight radiation.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 2 PER: 7 END: 3 CHA: 5 INT: 4 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 20
AP 10
Sequence 19

Skills Notes

Unarmed 50 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. Cannot be a Scorch variant.
Observation 125
Sneak 125 Burrow (Rad Rabbit Only)
Climber (Rad Squirrel Only)
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+2 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 15%

Rad Turkey
It appears the radiation has only made Turkeys more violent and they don’t travel alone.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 4 PER: 6 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 25
AP 8
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 65 Light Step R1

Observation 75 Quiver With Fear
Sneak 75

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Peck AC: 20
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+4 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
PR: 25%

Still a great source of two-headed meat, but it’s very important to down them quickly, as you don’t want to be on the business end of
his antlers.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 6 PER: 10 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 60
AP 9
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. Cannot be a Scorch variant.
Observation 85
Sneak 100 Adaptable R1
Light Step R3

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Kick AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+11 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
-Antler Ram PR: 25%
Skill: Unarmed S: 4 Dmg: 2d8+18 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
Inflict DT -5 and DR -20%.

Radstag Doe
The best source of two-headed meat in the wasteland, considering you don’t have to worry about it turning YOU into dinner.
However, it’s important that you manage to land a good shot on the first try to down her before she can escape.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 5 PER: 10 END: 4 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 40
AP 10
Sequence 10

Skills Notes

Unarmed 60 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. Cannot be a Scorch variant.
Observation 85
Sneak 100 Light Step R2

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Kick AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 20%

A freak of nature that will instantly destroy you with its stinger. These things can burrow into the ground and sprout out and strike
like a ninja.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 6 PER: 5 END: 6 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 80
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 It has six Legs.

Observation 75
Sneak 100 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw Strike AC: 35

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+11 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 8/60%
1d6 True Damage. L: 3/40%
-Poison Sting F: 6/50%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 2d4+11 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft P: 2/40%
If Poison Sting hits, the target suffers PR -15% and rolls END -2. If the target fails, they Ex: 6/40%
take 15 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per LR: 3
hour, roll END -2 every hour for the next six hours. If they succeed the END roll, the PR: 20%
target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 15 Poison Damage
for the hour.

Giant Radscorpion
A freak of nature that will instantly destroy you with its stinger. These things can burrow into the ground and sprout out and strike
like a ninja.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 8 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 150
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 It has six Legs.

Observation 100
Sneak 125 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw Strike AC: 45

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+21 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 12/70%
1d10 True Damage. L: 8/50%
-Poison Sting F: 11/60%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 2d6+21 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft P: 6/50%
If Poison Sting hits, the target suffers PR -30% and rolls END -3. If the target fails, they Ex: 11/50%
take 25 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per LR: 4
hour, roll END -3 every hour for the next six hours. If they succeed the END roll, the PR: 40%
target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 25 Poison Damage
for the hour.

Bark Radscorpion
A smaller variant of the traditional radscorpion found in the desert. They’re faster but weaker than standard.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 5 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 5

Size Small
Max HP 50
AP 8
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 It has six Legs.

Observation 50
Sneak 75 Burrow
Light Step R1
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw Strike AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 5/50%
1d6 True Damage. L: 3/30%
-Poison Sting F: 2/40%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft P: 3/30%
If Poison Sting hits, the target suffers PR -5% and rolls END -1. If the target fails, they Ex: 2/30%
take 15 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per LR: 3
Hour, roll END -1 every hour for the next four hours. If they succeed the END roll, the PR: 25%
target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 15 Poison Damage
for the hour.

Rad Toad
A giant toad that’ll slap you with its tongue.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 2 PER: 5 END: 4 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 25
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 50 Groin cannot be Targeted. Can jump up to 30 ft high and long with no penalties.
Observation 75
Sneak 75 Gills
Light Step R1

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tongue Slap AC: 20

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+2 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 20 ft LR: 2
PR: 20%

Just a normal snake.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 8 PER: 7 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 40
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 90 Arms, Legs, and Groins can be Targeted. For every turn the Creature has someone in any Hold action, inflict 1d6 True
Observation 75 Damage at the end of the Creature’s turn.
Sneak 100
Light Step R1

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 1d4+8 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
PR: 40%

Venomous Snake
A snake, but this one’s got a nasty bite. Hope you’re ready to suck out the venom.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 6 PER: 7 END: 7 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Small
Max HP 30
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 90 Arms, Legs, and Groins can be Targeted. For every turn the Creature has someone in any Hold action, inflict 1d6 True
Observation 75 Damage at the end of the Creature’s turn.
Sneak 100
Light Step R1

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 1d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
If Bite hits, the target suffers PR -10% and rolls END -2. If the target fails, they take 20 PR: 35%
Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per Hour, roll
END -2 every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the target
doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 20 Poison Damage for
the hour.

Not as altered as other species, wolves typically roam in packs led by the Alpha. Rarely do you see them alone.

Defcon Tier 5> STR: 6 PER: 8 END: 5 CHA: 4 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 70
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. When tracking they get Survival +50.
Observation 125
Sneak 125 Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
When you attack, declare if it’s a Bite or Claw before the Attack Roll. If Bite hits, it PR: 25%
inflicts 1d6 True Damage. If Claw hits, it inflicts DT -2 and DR -10%.

Yao Guai
Not as terrifying as a Deathclaw, but just as terrifying. The Yaoguai is a large bear that has barely mutated but still wanders the waste.
Be wary of these beasts for once they get you, they can snap your neck in an instant.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 10 PER: 8 END: 10 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 300
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs.

Observation 100
Sneak 75 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R2
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 50
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 2d6+30 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 12/70%
When you attack, declare if it’s a Bite or Claw. If Bite hits, it inflicts 1d6+2 True Damage. L: 9/60%
If Claw hits, it inflicts DR -10%. F: 8/70%
P: 6/40%
Ex: 12/70%
LR: 5
PR: 50%

Sea Animals
Sea animals live either in or near a body of water. This can vary from a marsh to the ocean. All Sea animals gain the
following abilities:

Unlike Gatorclaws, alligators are well, alligators. Dangerous, ravenous, and well-protected, they are best avoided.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 6 PER: 8 END: 6 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 80
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. Cannot breathe underwater but can hold their breath up to 30 minutes.
Observation 100
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R1
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+16 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 8/40%
If Bite hits the arms or legs, after damage is applied, the Alligators can do the Death Roll L: 11/50%
Action. For 4 AP, roll Attacker STR vs. Defender STR. Attacker is the Alligator. If the F: 3/40%
Alligator wins, they cripple the arm/leg that was hit on the target. If the Defender P: 6/40%
succeeds, they’re able to break free and nothing happens. Ex: 9/50%
LR: 3
PR: 30%

Mutated fish with a fleshy bioluminescent growth that sits atop their heads to act as camouflage for predators to disguise themselves
as the surrounding lure weed to fool their prey.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 8 PER: 7 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 300
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Throwing 125 Armor Breaker R2

Unarmed 125 Climber
Observation 75 Light Step R1
Sneak 50 Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 50
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+26 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 8/50%
-Fireball L: 15/60%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d10+10 Dmg Type: Fire Rng: 30 ft F: 9/40%
Inflicts 15 Persistent Fire Damage if hit. P: 8/30%
Ex: 6/40%
LR: 4
PR: 40%

Aren’t they cute with their three eyes and rows of giant teeth?

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 7 PER: 10 END: 7 CHA: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 150
AP 10
Sequence 10

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Can hold its breath underwater for 10 minutes.
Observation 100
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 45
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+12 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
1d10 True Damage. PR: 35%

It’s a fish.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 2 PER: 5 END: 4 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 10
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 50 Only the Torso can be Targeted.

Observation 50
Sneak 50 Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+2 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
PR: 20%

Fog Crawler
Shrimp-like abomination that exists to torment all of us.

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 15 PER: 10 END: 12 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 10 LCK: 10

Size Huge
Max HP 600
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Unarmed 175 Groin cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs.

Observation 100
Sneak 50 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R3
Iron Will
Light Step R2
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 100

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 3d8+47 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 31/90%
All attacks hit everyone around the Fog Crawler except for allies. L: 35/100%
F: 27/90%
P: 35/80%
Ex: 35/80%
LR: 6
PR: 60%

A water Deathclaw.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 12 PER: 10 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 300
AP 10
Sequence 10

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Cannot breathe underwater but can hold their breath up to 30 minutes.
Observation 100
Sneak 100 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R2
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 50
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+30 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 11/60%
When you attack, declare if it’s a Bite or Claw before the Attack Roll. If Bite hits the L: 14/70%
arms or legs, the Alligators can do the Death Roll Action. For 4 AP, roll Attacker STR vs. F: 6/60%
Defender STR. Attacker is the Gatorclaw. If the Gatorclaw wins, they cripple the arm/leg P: 9/60%
that was hit on the target. If the Defender succeeds, they’re able to break free and Ex: 12/50%
nothing happens. Damage is still inflicted from the attack. If Claw hits, it inflicts DT -2 LR: 4
and DR -10%. PR: 50%

Great White Shark / Orcas
Duuu dun. Duuu dun. Dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun. Orcas are also referred to as Killer

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 15 PER: 10 END: 10 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 10 LCK: 10

Size Gargantuan
Max HP 600
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Unarmed 175 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted.

Observation 150
Sneak 100 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R3
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 70
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d8+55 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft N: 31/100%
AC -25. If Bite hits, it can attempt Hold as a Free Action with its mouth. If Hold is L: 35/100%
successful, the one in the Hold will take 10 True Damage at the end of the round till F: 27/1000%
they break free. It can Run and Sprint with Hold. P: 35/90%
Ex: 35/90%
LR: 10
PR: 70%

Young Gulper
The hatching mutated-salamander-like creature that can hang on trees to catch victims by surprise.

Defcon Tier 5> STR: 6 PER: 7 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 9 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Climber
Observation 75 Light Step R1
Sneak 75
Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 5/30%
L: 8/40%
F: 3/30%
P: 2/20%
Ex: 3/30%
LR: 3
PR: 25%

A mutated-salamander-like creature that can hang on trees to catch victims by surprise.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 8 PER: 8 END: 6 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 10
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Armor Breaker R1

Observation 75 Climber
Sneak 75 Light Step R2

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+13 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 8/40%
L: 11/50%
F: 6/40%
P: 5/30%
Ex: 6/40%
LR: 3
PR: 30%

Hermit Crab
A massive monstrosity that uses a trailer as its shell. You’d think the trailer would slow them down? You’re wrong.

Defcon Tier 3> STR: 12 PER: 5 END: 10 CHA: 1 INT: 4 AGI: 5 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 350
AP 13
Sequence 5

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Groin cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. Cannot breathe underwater but can hold their breath for up to 30 minutes.
Observation 50
Sneak 25 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+32 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 17/70%
1d6 True Damage. L: 20/70%
-Hermit Shield F: 12/40%
S: 2 P: 15/70%
Upon taking this action, the Hermit Crab’s AC is doubled and all damage is halved Ex: 15/70%
before DT/DR are applied. It can’t do any attacks or movement in this action unless it LR: 5
spends 2 AP. PR: 50%

Mirelurk Spawn
They may look cute to some (They’re not), but in swarms these little buggers will overrun you.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 2 PER: 4 END: 2 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 5 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 20
AP 8
Sequence 5

Skills Notes

Unarmed 50 Only the Torso can be Targeted. When in water or in a swamp, they get Sneak +25.
Observation 25
Sneak 25 Light Step R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 20
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+2 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
Rads +10 per hit. PR: 10%

If giant crabs survive the apocalypse, everyone living on the coast will feast upon them. Mirelurks travel in packs and have a hard
shell on the back that makes it difficult to sneak attack from behind.

Defcon Tier 5> STR: 8 PER: 5 END: 7 CHA: 2 INT: 4 AGI: 6 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 8
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125
Observation 75
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R1
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing and Nuka.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+13 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 6/60%
L: 8/60%
F: 2/40%
P: 6/50%
Ex: 8/50%
LR: 5
PR: 35%

PT 5 and Chestplate.

Mirelurk Hunter
A variant of the Mirelurks that originated as lobsters, they’re a bit stronger than the average Mirelurk and come with an acid spit
attack that makes everyone cry.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 8 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 2 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Groin cannot be Targeted and it has eight Legs. When in water or in a swamp, they get Sneak +25.
Unarmed 150
Observation 75 Armor Breaker R1
Sneak 75 Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino, Glowing, and Nuka.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+13 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 9/70%
Acid Spit L: 11/70%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d8+4 Dmg Type: True Rng: 15 ft F: 5/50%
P: 9/60%
Ex: 11/60%
LR: 4
PR: 40%

Bloodrage Mirelurk
This type of Mirelurk is unique for its black texture and glowing red eyes.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 9 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 140
AP 9
Sequence 17

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Groin cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. If a Bloodrage Mirelurk hides in its shell and stands still in the environment,
Observation 100 in water, or a swamp, they get Sneak +25. CC +5.
Sneak 100
Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R3
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+27 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 14/75%
L: 14/75%
F: 9/55%
P: 14/65%
Ex: 15/65%
LR: 10
PR: 40%

PT 10 and Chestplate.

Mirelurk King
The king lurks underneath the waters killing all in its path. They’re not as feared as Deathclaws, but their Sonic Blast begs to differ.
This can also be used for Lakelurks.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 12 PER: 8 END: 10 CHA: 2 INT: 5 AGI: 12 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 300
AP 11
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Throwing 125 CC+5.

Unarmed 150
Observation 100 Adaptable R2
Sneak 75 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing and Nuka

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 75
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+32 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 18/80%
-Sonic Blast L: 17/80%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d10+10 Dmg Type: True Rng: 50 ft F: 9/60%
Anyone hit in the line of attack by Sonic Blast rolls END -2. If they succeed, they take P: 17/70%
half the True Damage. Ex: 18/70%
LR: 5
PR: 50%

Mirelurk Queen
A massive abomination that spawns babies and spits acid out at everyone. Every wastelander that sees this creature better run or
they’ll have to face the Queen and her horde.

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 18 PER: 8 END: 10 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 5 LCK: 10

Size Gargantuan
Max HP 3000
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Throwing 150 Groin cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs.

Unarmed 150
Observation 100 Adaptable R3
Armor Breaker R4
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Nuka.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 100

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d8+56 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft N: 18/90%
CC +5. L: 21/90%
-Acid Spit F: 12/80%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 3d10+10 Dmg Type: True Rng: 50 ft P: 17/80%
Ex: 15/90%
LR: 20
PR: 60%

Cthulhu’s playful cousin twice removed.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 10 PER: 7 END: 8 CHA: 1 INT: 4 AGI: 9 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 150
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted and it has eight Arms.
Observation 100
Sneak 100 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Albino and Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tentacle Slap AC: 50

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+15 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
AC -20. If Tentacle Slap hits, it can attempt Choke Hold or Tactical Hold for free. If either PR: 40%
SM is successful, the one in the SM will take 20 True Damage at the end of the round till
they break free. It gets STR +3 when attempting these moves.

Sand Shark
A calm shark that lurks near the shoreline of tropical environments.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 6 PER: 8 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 100
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted.

Observation 100
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+19 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 12/60%
1d10 True Damage. L: 6/30%
F: 3/40%
P: 6/40%
Ex: 12/70%
LR: 4
PR: 30%

A mutated shark with tiger-like features that allows it to walk on land and swim just as fast.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 10 PER: 10 END: 10 CHA: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 250
AP 10
Sequence 15

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs.

Observation 100
Sneak 100 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R3
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 70
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+20 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 9/60%
When you attack, declare if it’s a Bite or Claw before the Attack Roll. If Bite hits, it L: 12/70%
inflicts 1d10 True Damage. If Claw hits, it inflicts 5 True Damage. F: 8/60%
P: 8/60%
Ex: 11/50%
LR: 5
PR: 50%

Flying Animals
Although rare, some animals still fly around in the sky often avoiding direct confrontation from threats. All Flying
Animals have two wings and they’re considered the Arms. If both wings are crippled, they lose their Flight and
Light Step abilities.

Any small bird that comes to mind. This includes cranes, crows, and pigeons.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 1 PER: 8 END: 1 CHA: 4 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 5
AP 10
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Head, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted.

Observation 75
Sneak 75 Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Peck AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+1 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
PR: 5%

Eagle / Hawk / Vulture

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 8 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Small
Max HP 30
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Legs cannot be Targeted. When tracking they get Survival +50.
Observation 100
Sneak 75 Light Step R3

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Peck/Talon AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
1d4 True Damage. PR: 25%

Young Glide Geckos
A rarer find, Glide Gecko derived from the Cliff Diving Geckos before the war. They would hang at the top of cliffs then swoop down
into the canyons in search of food. These types are not fully mature.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 4 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 9 LCK: 5

Size Small
Max HP 50
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Legs cannot be Targeted.

Observation 50
Sneak 50 Climber
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
1d6 True Damage. PR: 20%

Glide Gecko
A rarer find, Glide Gecko derived from the Cliff Diving Geckos before the war. They would hang at the top of cliffs then swoop down
into the canyons in search of food. They’re fully mature.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 7 END: 5 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 70
AP 10
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Climber

Observation 75 Light Step R2
Sneak 75
Variant(s): Golden

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 45
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
1d6 True Damage. PR: 25%

If you ever fight this, you’re going to die.

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 18 PER: 12 END: 12 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 10 LCK: 10

Size Huge
Max HP 5000
AP 15
Sequence 22

Skills Notes

Throwing 175 This Creature has two Arms and two Wings. This is considered a Scorch variant.
Unarmed 175
Sneak 50 Adaptable R3
Observation 75 Armor Breaker R3
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Wind Push: For 3 AP, everyone within 25 ft of you must roll STR -4. If they succeed, they don’t move and are unaffected. If
they fail they’ll be pushed back to the edge of Wind Push.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 100

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d8+50 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 26/90%
-Sonic Blast L: 27/90%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d10+10 Dmg Type: True Rng: 100 ft F: 23/90%
Anyone hit by Sonic Blast rolls END -4. If they succeed, they take half the True Damage. P: 20/90%
-Toxic Gas Ex: 21/90%
S: 3 Dmg: 35 Dmg Type: Poison LR: 20
Toxic Gas inflicts Damage in the form of a Gas and inflicts PR -40%. Anyone within 20 ft PR: 100%
of the creature is affected by this and must roll END -4. If they succeed they take half
the Poison Damage.

Scorchbeast Queen
If you ever fight this, you really pissed off the Overseer and probably deserve it.

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 20 PER: 14 END: 20 CHA: 3 INT: 8 AGI: 10 LCK: 10

Size Gargantuan
Max HP 10000
AP 20
Sequence 30

Skills Notes

Throwing 200 This Creature has two Arms and two Wings. This is considered a Scorch variant.
Unarmed 200
Sneak 50 Adaptable R4
Observation 125 Armor Breaker R4
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

God Save The Queen: All Scorched within 1000 ft of the Queen increase their DM by 0.25. This doesn’t apply to other
Scorchbeasts. When the Queen reaches half her HP, she heals back to Max HP but her DM increases by 0.5. This can be
done again after 12 hours.
Wind Push: For 3 AP, everyone within 25 ft of you must roll STR -4. If they succeed, they don’t move and are unaffected. If
they fail they’ll be pushed back to the edge of Wind Push.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 150

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d8+70 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft N: 40/100%
-Sonic Blast L: 40/100%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 3d10+15 Dmg Type: True Rng: 100 ft F: 40/100%
Anyone hit by Sonic Blast rolls END -5. If they succeed, they take half the True Damage. P: 40/100%
-Toxic Gas Ex: 40/100%
S: 3 Dmg: 50 Dmg Type: Poison LR: 30
Toxic Gas inflicts Damage in the form of a Gas and inflicts PR -50%. Anyone within 20 ft PR: 100%
of the creature is affected by this and must roll END -5. If they succeed they take half
the Poison Damage.

A variation to animals that are related to local folklore and a questionable existence. Cryptids don’t speak any

The experiments of the Zetans. Kill on sight.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 7 PER: 5 END: 7 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 7 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 50
AP 9
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 This is a Humanoid.

Observation 50
Sneak 50 Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+14 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
PR: 35%
RR: Immune

It’s the Zetans! They’re everywhere!

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 10 PER: 10 END: 10 CHA: 10 INT: 10 AGI: 10 LCK: 10

Size Medium
Max HP 600
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 200 This is a Humanoid. Cannot be a Scorch variant.

Observation 125
Sneak 125 Adaptable R3
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 60

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+10 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 30/70%
Set 1 L: 30/70%
-Alien Atomizer (One-Handed) F: 30/70%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 12d4+20 Dmg Type: Plasma WR:12 Rng: 100 ft P: 30/70%
Set 2 Ex: 30/70%
-Alien Blaster (One-Handed) LR: 5
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 Dmg: 20d4+40 Dmg Type: Plasma WR:12 Rng: 50 ft PR: 100%
Set 3 RR: Immune
-Alien Disintegrator (Two-Handed)
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 Dmg: 16d4+30 Dmg Type: Plasma WR:12 Rng: 200 ft
Set 4
-Drone Cannon (Two-Handed)
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 5 T: 6 Dmg: 8d8+20 Dmg Type: Plasma WR:12 Rng: 200 ft
Anything within 10 ft of the explosion also suffers damage, and takes an additional 1d6
True Damage. Roll AGI -3. If you succeed, take half damage. This weapon uses Laser
Weapon ranges.

Flatwoods Monster
A rare creature that is said to manipulate the minds of many.

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 6 PER: 10 END: 10 CHA: 5 INT: 10 AGI: 10 LCK: 7

Size Medium
Max HP 500
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Groin cannot be Targeted. Ignore Difficult Terrain. If both Legs are crippled, it loses the Flight and Light Step ability and it
Observation 50 doesn’t ignore Difficult Terrain. Cannot be a Scorch variant.
Sneak 50
Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R3
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Controller: For 2 AP, select on creature or robot within 30 ft and they must roll INT -3. If they succeed, nothing happens
and this cannot be done to the target again for the next 24 hours. If they fail, they’ll be under the control of the Flatwoods
Monster for 1 minute. At the end of every round, those under control can roll INT -6 to try and break free. This is a free

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d8+31 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 18/60%
L: 18/60%
F: 18/60%
P: 18/60%
Ex: 18/60%
LR: 10
PR: 100%

Grafton Monster
A massive abomination made of flesh by West Tek in Huntersville. If you see the massive wall of flesh, run.

Defcon Tier 3> STR: 12 PER: 5 END: 10 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 400
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Throwing 125 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted.

Unarmed 125
Observation 50 Adaptable R2
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R2
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Smash AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+32 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 20/60%
This move counts as Claw. L: 20/60%
-Ooze F: 20/60%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d6+5 Dmg Type: True Rng: 50 ft P: 20/60%
Ex: 20/60%
LR: 8
PR: 50%

The Mothman sees all and knows all. It watches silently in the distance waiting to strike.

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 8 PER: 10 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 500
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Throwing 125 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted, it’s two Arms are considered Wings, and it has six Legs. If both wings are crippled, it
Unarmed 125 loses the Flight and Light Step ability.
Observation 50
Sneak 50 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R3
Iron Will
Light Step R3: 9 FM.
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 100

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+31 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
-Sonic Blast PR: 40%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 3d10+10 Dmg Type: True Rng: 100 ft
Anyone hit by Sonic Blast rolls END -4. If they succeed, they take half the True Damage.

A mythical creature stalking the hills and mountains of Appalachia. Be wary of its massive horns.

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 15 PER: 8 END: 12 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 1000
AP 10
Sequence 30

Skills Notes

Throwing 200 It has Horns.

Unarmed 200
Observation 150 Adaptable R2
Sneak 100 Armor Breaker R4
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 80
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+47 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 30/90%
-Urine Fur L: 30/90%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg Type: Poison Rng: 100 ft F: 30/90%
If Urine Fur hits, the target suffers PR -20% and rolls END -3. If the target succeeds, they P: 30/90%
take half the Poison damage. If the target fails, they take 30 Poison damage. Ex: 30/90%
LR: 20
PR: 80%

A cannibal mythical monster that lurks in the wild. A nightmare incarnate.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 8 PER: 8 END: 7 CHA: 1 INT: 4 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 300
AP 10
Sequence 19

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Adaptable R2

Observation 100 Armor Breaker R2
Sneak 125 Climber
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 80
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+18 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
-Shriek PR: 35%
S: 3 Dmg: 2d10+10 Dmg Type: True
For Shriek, anyone except for Robots within 15 ft of the creature must roll END -3. If you
fail you take full damage and you’re Stunned for 1d2 turns. If you succeed you take half
the True Damage and aren’t stunned.

Wendigo Colossus

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 15 PER: 10 END: 12 CHA: 1 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 10

Size Gargantuan
Max HP 5000
AP 15
Sequence 25

Skills Notes

Unarmed 175 Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted and it has three Heads.
Observation 125
Adaptable R3
Armor Breaker R4
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 90
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d8+57 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft LR: 25
-Shriek PR: 100%
S: 3 Dmg: 2d10+10 Dmg Type: True
For Shriek, anyone except for Robots within 30 ft of the creature must roll END -3. If you
fail you take full damage and you’re Stunned for 1d2 turns. If you succeed you take half
the True Damage and aren’t stunned.
-Acit Spit
S: 3 Dmg: 2d8+10 Dmg Type: True

Feral Ghouls
The unwanted zombies of the wasteland that exist only to kill. They’re mindless creatures that for some strange
reason avoid sane Ghouls and Super Mutants. If you’re anything else you’ll be attacked by them and most likely in
hordes. Feral Ghouls don’t speak any languages. All Feral Ghouls are immune to disease and there is no Scorch
variant. These are Humanoids. Radiation inflicted on Feral Ghouls heals them. All Feral Ghouls are Humanoid and
they’re immune to Radiation.

Feral Ghoul
Humanoid creatures that used to be humans. They’ve taken up too much rads and have turned into feral creatures that roam the
wastes. These are the most common.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 5 PER: 5 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 30
AP 9
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 -
Observation 50
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 20

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
20 Rads per hit. PR: 25%

Glowing One
Humanoid creatures that used to be humans. They’ve taken up too much more radiation than they should and are the living
embodiment of radiation. Glowing Ones emit a strange heat and don’t travel alone.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 6 PER: 5 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 7 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 40
AP 9
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 A rare form of Glowing Ones is the Bloated Glowing One. They’re thicker and more grotesque and they possess the
Observation 35 following bonuses: Max HP +100, DT +5 and DR +30% to all Base Armor.
Sneak 35

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 20

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
200 Rads per hit. PR: 30%
-Radiation Bath
S: 3 Rng: 20 ft
Radiation Bath heals anything immune to Radiation except Robots, by 30 HP. If any
dead Feral Ghouls that have an intact body are in range of Radiation Bath, they come
back to life with full HP. Standing and being healed. Radiation Bath can only be used
once a turn.

Feral Ghoul Reaver
Humanoid creatures that used to be humans. Far more durable and “lucky” enough to have been turned into zombies with armor on
them. They’re a lot tougher but it only gets worse from here.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 6 PER: 5 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 50
AP 9
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Armor Breaker R1

Observation 50
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet Enameled Metal Armor

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
50 Rads per hit. AC: 32
N: 7/35%
L: 2/20%
F: 1/30%
P: 1/20%
Ex: 3/25%
LR: 4
PR: 30%

Withered Feral Ghoul
Humanoid creatures that used to be humans. The most dangerous and formiddle ghouls hiding away in the darkest depths. One
strike has the potential to bring you down.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 8 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 9 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 75
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Armor Breaker R1

Observation 100
Sneak 75

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet Polished Metal Armor

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d4+13 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
1d4 True Damage and 75 Rads per hit. AC: 34
N: 7/65%
L: 5/40%
F: 2/30%
P: 2/20%
Ex: 6/45%
LR: 7
PR: 35%

Gangrenous/Rotting Feral Ghoul
Humanoid creatures that used to be humans. Although rarer than the Withered Feral Ghoul, the Gangrenous is stronger and more

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 9 PER: 7 END: 8 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 A rare form of Rotting Feral Ghoul is the Bloated Rotting Ghoul. They’re thicker and more grotesque and they possess the
Observation 100 following bonuses: Max HP +100, DT +5 and DR +30% to all Natural Armor.
Sneak 75
Armor Breaker R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 50

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d4+19 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 9/60%
1d6 True Damage and 100 Rads per hit. L: 9/60%
F: 9/50%
P: 8/50%
Ex: 8/60%
LR: 4
PR: 40%

The native creepy crawlers of the wastes that we all wish were dead but they come back to haunt us. It’s a
reminder that roaches can survive nukes and mutate. When extracting Raw Meat, all Insects are considered Small
and hide cannot be extracted.

Giant mutated flies that spew out a strange disgusting ooze. They were originally the tabanus horse fly.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 1 PER: 7 END: 1 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 15
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Throwing 75 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, it’s two Arms are considered Wings. If all wings are crippled, it loses the Flight and
Observation 25 Light Step ability.
Sneak 25
Light Step R1

Variant(s): Glowing

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Ooze AC: 30
Skill: Throwing S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d6+4 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 50 ft LR: 1
10 Rads per hit. PR: 5%

Giant mutated mosquitoes that hunger for blood.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 1 PER: 6 END: 2 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 20
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, it’s two Arms are considered Wings. If all wings are crippled, it loses the Flight and
Observation 25 Light Step ability.
Sneak 25
Light Step R2

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Blood Suck AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d6+1 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
1d4 True Damage. Any damage inflicted, except for the True Damage, Heals the PR: 10%

A ginormous tick that’ll run up and bite yeah.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 1 PER: 7 END: 1 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 10
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 50 Only the Torso can be Targeted.

Observation 25
Sneak 50 Light Step R3

Blood Bomb: Upon death it’ll explode in a blood bath and inflict Poison Damage. Those hit must roll END -1. If they
succeed, they take half Poison damage. If they fail they take 10 Poison Damage.

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+1 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
10 Rads upon hit. PR: 5%

Cave Cricket
A giant cricket that needs to die.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 5 PER: 10 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 90
AP 10
Sequence 10

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs. Can jump up to 20 ft high and long with no penalties.
Observation 50
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R3

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Horn Strike AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+10 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 5/50%
30 Rads upon hit. L: 3/20%
F: 3/30%
P: 2/20%
Ex: 2/30%
LR: 3
PR: 25%

Giant Butterfly
A beautiful insect with lovely patterns on its wings.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 1 PER: 8 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 30
AP 10
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, it’s two Arms are considered Wings. If all wings are crippled, it loses the Flight and
Observation 50 Light Step ability.
Sneak 25
Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tackle AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
-Stun Sting PR: 60%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Rng: 5 ft
If Stun Sting hits, the target rolls END -3. If the target fails, they’re Stunned for 1d4
rounds. If they succeed nothing happens.

Young Cazador
Young satanic tarantula hawk spider wasps that need to die.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 4 PER: 7 END: 4 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 150
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, it’s two Arms are considered Wings. If all wings are crippled, it loses the Flight and
Observation 50 Light Step ability.
Sneak 25
Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tackle AC: 50
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
-Poison Sting PR: 50%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 2d4+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
If Poison Sting hits, the target suffers PR -10% and rolls END -2. If the target fails, they
take 30 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per
Hour, roll END -2 every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the
target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 30 Poison Damage
for the hour.

Satanic tarantula hawk spider wasps that need to die.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 5 PER: 8 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 300
AP 10
Sequence 19

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, it’s two Arms are considered Wings. If all wings are crippled, it loses the Flight and
Observation 50 Light Step ability.
Sneak 25
Adaptable R1
Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R2
Quiver With Fear

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tackle AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+20 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
-Poison Sting PR: 60%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 2d6+20 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
If Poison Sting hits, the target suffers PR -15% and rolls END -3. If the target fails, they
take 30 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per
Hour, roll END -3 every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the
target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 30 Poison Damage
for the hour.

Giant Cazador
Kill it with a mini nuke!

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 7 PER: 10 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 4 AGI: 12 LCK: 5

Size Huge
Max HP 500
AP 11
Sequence 21

Skills Notes

Unarmed 175 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, it’s two Arms are considered Wings. If all wings are crippled, it loses the Flight and
Observation 100 Light Step ability.
Sneak 25
Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R3
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tackle AC: 75
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d8+33 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft LR: 3
-Poison Sting PR: 80%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 2d8+33 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft
If Poison Sting hits, the target suffers PR -20% and rolls END -4. If the target fails, they
take 50 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per
Hour, roll END -4 every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the
target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 50 Poison Damage
for the hour.

Rise beautiful Waspra! Rise!

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 9 PER: 10 END: 10 CHA: 1 INT: 4 AGI: 12 LCK: 10

Size Gargantuan
Max HP 5000
AP 15
Sequence 22

Skills Notes

Unarmed 200 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted, it’s two Arms are considered Wings. If all wings are crippled, it loses the Flight and
Observation 125 Light Step ability. Cannot be a Scorch variant. If Waspra dies within 1000 ft of Gojira, Gojira will regain all of its HP and all
Sneak 25 of its damage will inflict True Damage.

Adaptable R3
Armor Breaker R4
Iron Will
Light Step R3: 9 FM.
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tackle AC: 150

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d8+49 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft LR: 20
-Sonic Blast PR: 100%
Skill: Throwing S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d10+20 Dmg Type: True Rng: 5 ft
Anyone hit by Sonic Blast rolls END -5. If they succeed, they take half the True Damage.
-Poison Sting
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 4d8+49 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft
If Poison Sting hits, the target suffers PR -30% and rolls END -5. If the target fails, they
take 60 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per
Hour, roll END -5 every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the
target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 60 Poison Damage
for the hour.

Giant Ant
After years of being burned and beaten, the giant ants come back for revenge in packs.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 3 PER: 6 END: 2 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 25
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs.

Observation 25
Sneak 25 Climber

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 15
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+3 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
PR: 10%

Giant Soldier Ant
The grand army of the ants that will fight to protect their colony and their queen.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 4 PER: 6 END: 3 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 7 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 50
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs. A variant of the Giant Soldier Ant is the Giant Fire Ant which possesses the
Unarmed 100 ability to breathe fire thus making it immune to all Fire Damage.
Observation 50
Sneak 25 Armor Breaker R1

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 20
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+4 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 2
-Fire Breath (Giant Fire Ant Only) PR: 15%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d10+10 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft
5 Persistent Fire Damage.

Giant Ant Queen
The queen of the ants will spit at the non-believers.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 8 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Huge
Max HP 1000
AP 9
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs. A variant of the Giant Ant Queen is the Giant Fire Ant Queen which possesses
Unarmed 100 the ability to breathe fire thus making it immune to all Fire Damage.
Observation 50
Sneak 25 Armor Breaker R2

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+26 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
-Acid (Giant Ant Queen Only) PR: 70%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 4d6+4 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 50 ft
-Fire Breath (Giant Fire Ant Queen Only)
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 4d10+25 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 100 ft
20 Persistent Fire Damage.

Flying Ant / Bee Swarm
A swarm of flying ants / bees.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 1 PER: 6 END: 1 CHA: 1 INT: 2 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 10
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Cannot be Targeted. Cannot be a Scorch variant. Cannot do SMs.

Observation 25
Sneak 25 Flight

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Sting AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 1d4+1 Dmg Type: True Rng: 5 ft PR: 0%

Honey Beast
A mutated bee that sends out its bee army to their victims.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 8 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 7 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 200
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs.

Observation 50
Sneak 25 Armor Breaker R1

Bee Spawn: Spawn 1d4 Bee Swarms at the beginning of the turn. No more than eight Bee Swarms can be out at once.

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+21 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
PR: 40%

Giant Mantis
It’s a giant mantis. What else do you expect?

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 1 PER: 7 END: 2 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 30
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Groin cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs. All attacks to hit get -25 Hit Chance.
Observation 50
Sneak 50 Climber
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d4+1 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
PR: 10%

Kill it with fire.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 1 PER: 7 END: 1 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 4 LCK: 10
Size Small
Max HP 10
AP 7
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 50 Only the Torso can be Targeted.

Observation 25
Sneak 25 Climber
Light Step R2

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tackle AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+1 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 1
DT -4. 10 Rads per hit. PR: 10%

Originating from an infection called Troglodyte Degeneration Contagion, 25% of the population of the Pitt have
turned into what many called the Trog. The disease has caused them to turn hairless, naked, and primate-like with
long gangly arms and legs. Their skin appears raw and wrinkled with a scrunched face with their teeth constantly
bared. They walk on all fours with four fingers and four toes. Their feet appear to be turning into hands. They retain
some intelligence and can even communicate with each other. They work like a pack of wolves and slowly circle
their prey. Trogs know no languages. These are Creatures and cannot be a Scorch variant. All Trogs walk on their
Arms and Legs.

The most common type of trog.

Defcon Tier 5> STR: 6 PER: 5 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 7 LCK: 6
Size Medium
Max HP 50
AP 9
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Light Step R1

Observation 75
Sneak 75

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 25
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
PR: 20%

Trog Brute
Brutes are slightly larger than their common variant but they hit twice as hard.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 7 PER: 5 END: 7 CHA: 1 INT: 5 AGI: 9 LCK: 7
Size Medium
Max HP 80
AP 10
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Armor Breaker R1

Observation 100 Light Step R2
Sneak 100

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 2d4+12 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
PR: 35%

Trog Savage
The Strongest of the trog but rarely encountered.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 8 PER: 5 END: 8 CHA: 1 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 7
Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Adaptable R1

Observation 125 Armor Breaker R2
Sneak 125 Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 2d4+18 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
PR: 40%

Although their origins are unknown, the Tunneler is believed to have been created after the Great War and reside
in deep underground nests. They pose a threat to the Mojave if they continue to spread. Tunnelers know no
languages. These are Creatures. All Tunnelers walk on their Arms and Legs.

The most common type of Tunneler can pose a great threat in a swarm.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 6 PER: 5 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 40
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Armor Breaker R1

Observation 125 Burrow
Sneak 125 Climber
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+11 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
PR: 30%

Venomous Tunneler
They’re smaller than the average Tunneler and don't hit as hard, but they have poison to make up for it.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 4 PER: 5 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Armor Breaker R1

Observation 75 Burrow
Sneak 75 Climber
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 50
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
If Smack hits, the target suffers PR -10% and rolls END -2. If the target fails, they take PR: 30%
20 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per Hour,
roll END -2 every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the target
doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 20 Poison Damage for
the hour.

Tunneler Queen
All kneel before the mighty Queen of the Tunnelers.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 9 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 300
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Adaptable R2

Observation 75 Armor Breaker R3
Sneak 75 Burrow
Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Smack AC: 60
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+32 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
PR: 40%

Forced Evolutionary Virus
A result of experimentation with the Forced Evolutionary Virus. These experiments were a ploy to counter the New
Plague but the result wasn’t what they ended, yet they continued. All F.E.V. creatures are immune to radiation and

Super Mutants
The super soldiers created through F.E.V. All Super Mutants know English. Somewhat. All Super Mutants are
Humanoids and they’re immune to Radiation.

Eastern/Western Super Mutants

The most common Super Mutant found in the wasteland. They typically travel in squads of 3 - 4 and pack quite the punch.

Defcon Tier 5> STR: 10 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 80
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Melee Weapons 100 Light Step R1

Energy Weapons 75
Small Guns 75
Throwing 75
Unarmed 100
Observation 50
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Large Fist & Feet Leather Rags

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+14 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft Enameled Metal Armor
-Molotov Cocktails (2)
10 Persistent Fire Damage. AC: 40
N: 11/55%
Set 1 L: 3/40%
-AER9 Laser Rifle (MFC, Two-Handed) F: 3/30%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 5d6+20 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 4 Rng: 400 ft P: 2/25%
Set 2 Ex: 4/25%
-AK-74 (5.45, Assault Rifle, Two-Handed) LR: 6
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 3d4+10 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 4 Rng: 320 ft PR: 55%
AC -5, DT -5, and DR -20%.
Set 3 Conductive.
-War Axe (One-Handed) For Eastern increase all DR
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 2d8+19 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 4 Rng: 5 ft +10%.
-Molotov Cocktails +2

Eastern/Western Super Mutant Brute
A cut above the average Super Mutant. A Brute is more vicious and brutal with better equipment.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 11 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 3 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Large
Max HP 120
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Big Guns 100 Armor Breaker R1

Energy Weapons 100 Light Step R1
Melee Weapons 125
Small Guns 100
Throwing 75
Unarmed 125
Observation 75
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Large Fist & Feet Metal Helmet

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+20 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft Leather Rags
-Pipe Bombs (2) Polished Metal Armor
Skill: Throwing S: 4 Dmg: 2d10+20 Dmg Type: Fire Rng: 75 ft EXR: 10 ft
AC -10 and DR -5%. 1d6 True Damage. Roll AGI -3. If you succeed, take half damage. If AC: 45
you fail you take full damage. N: 11/75%
L: 11/55%
Set 1 F: 5/30%
-Auto Laser Rifle (MFC, Two-Handed) P: 5/25%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 5d4+10 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 6 Rng: 320 ft Ex: 8/45%
Burst Attack max is ten. LR: 7
Set 2 PR: 60%
-Sledgehammer (Bludgeon, Two-Handed)
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 4 T: 5 Dmg: 2d8+35 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 10 ft Battle Cup and Conductive.
SM: Knockback - When targeting the chest, knockback opponent 5 ft back, DM +0.1. PT 2.
-Pipe Bombs (+2) For Eastern increase all DR
Set 3 +10%.
-Rockwell CZ53 (5mm, Minigun, Two-Handed)
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 4d10+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 400 ft
AC -5, DT -7, and DR -15%.
Set 4
-Mutant Punch Dagger (One-Handed)
Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 3d4+26 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 5 ft
-Pipe Bombs (+2)

Eastern/Western Super Mutant Master
These masters lead their own gang of Super Mutants and take no prisoners. They’re often more ruthless and a bit more intelligent
than their lesser brethren.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 12 PER: 7 END: 9 CHA: 3 INT: 4 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 150
AP 9
Sequence 18

Skills Notes

Big Guns 125 Adaptable R2

Energy Weapons 125 Armor Breaker R2
Melee Weapons 150 Iron Will
Small Guns 125 Light Step R2
Throwing 100 Two For One
Unarmed 150
Observation 100
Sneak 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Large Fist & Feet Combat Helmet

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 2d4+26 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft Leather Rags
-Frag Grenade (2) Polished Robot Armor
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 10d4+30 Dmg Type: Explosive Rng: 80 ft EXR: 25 ft
AC -15 and DR -15%. If it hits roll AGI -3. If you succeed, take half damage. AC: 60
N: 14/75%
Set 1 L: 13/60%
-Gatling Laser (MFC, Beam Focuser, Two-Handed) F: 10/40%
Skill: Energy Weapons B: 5 Dmg: 4d6+10 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 8 Rng: 255 ft P: 6/30%
DT -10 and DR -20%. Burst Attack ranges from five to ten. Ex: 9/40%
Set 2 LR: 9
-Rockwell CZ53 (5mm Armor-Piercing, Minigun, Two-Handed) PR: 65%
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 4d10+8 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 425 ft
AC -15, DT -22, and DR -35%. Battle Cup.
Set 3 PT 4.
-Mutant Ballistic Fist (12 Gauge Slug Armor-Piercing, One-Handed) For Eastern increase all DR
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 3d4+3d10+27 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 8 Rng: 5 ft +10%.
AC -10, DT -20, and DR -40%.
-Frag Grenades (+2)
Set 4
-Bumper Sword (Sword, Two-Handed)
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 4d6+38 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 8 Rng: 10 ft
DR -10%.
-Large Shield (Shield, One-Handed)
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 1d12+30 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 5 ft
AC +20.

Eastern Super Mutant Overlord / Western Super Mutant Commando
A step above a master, Overlords are intelligent and much more resilient. You’ll find these types of Super Mutants lead a battalion of
Super Mutants. Western Super Mutant Commandos are Remnants of the Master’s Army, the Western Super Mutants retain their
sanity and memories from their past. Although they can’t become Behemoths like their eastern counterparts, their years of
experience and intelligence have made them formidable opponents in the wasteland. They mostly tend to themselves.

Defcon Tier 3> STR: 13 PER: 8 END: 10 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 9 LCK: 6
Size Huge
Max HP 300
AP 10
Sequence 19

Skills Notes

Big Guns 125 Adaptable R2

Energy Weapons 125 Armor Breaker R3
Melee Weapons 150 Iron Will
Small Guns 125 Light Step R3
Throwing 125 Rebuke
Unarmed 150 Two For One
Observation 100
Sneak 75

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Large Fist & Feet T-45 Helmet

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 2d4+27 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft Leather Rags
-Frag Grenade (2, Concentrated Charge) T-45
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 10d4+30 Dmg Type: Explosive Rng: 85 ft EXR: 25 ft
AC -15, DT -10, DR -35%, and DM +0.25. If it hits roll AGI -3. If you succeed, take half AC: 75
damage. N: 27/70%
L: 19/60%
Set 1 F: 17/50%
-AER12 Laser Rifle (MFC, Tri-Beam Splitter, Red-Dot Sight, Two-Handed) P: 17/50%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 B: 5 Dmg: 6d6+30 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 8 Rng: 100 ft Ex: 21/45%
AC -30 and DR -30%, and DM +1.0. One Single Attack expends 3 ammo from the Laser LR: 11
or Plasma Weapon. +10 Hit Chance at 50 ft or less. PR: 70%
Set 2
-Browning M2HB (.50, Minigun, Two-Handed) Battle Cup, Chestplate,
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 6d8+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 10 Rng: 720 ft Conductive, and immune to
AC -25, DT -20, and DR -40%. Flashbangs and Gas.
Set 3 PT 17, STR +3, AGI -2, CW
-Super Sledgehammer (2, Bludgeon, Two-Handed) +200, and Sleight of Hand and
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 6d4+43 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 10 Rng: 15 ft Sneak -50.
SM: Knockback - If you hit with a Targeted Attack to the Torso, knockback the opponent Overlord increases all DR
15 ft back. +10%. Commando increases
-Frag Grenades (+2, Concentrated Charge) all DT +5.

Eastern Super Mutant Primus / Nightkin
The second ultimate Super Mutant. The Primus is the de facto leader of a Super Mutant Army. Nightkin is a unique version of the
Western Super Mutant who had too much exposure to Stealth Boys. Overuse of the Stealth Boys caused their skin to turn blue and
for their personalities to change. They prefer to not be seen and are obsessed with Stealth Boys. Finding a tamed Nightkin is nearly

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 15 PER: 9 END: 10 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 10 LCK: 7

Size Huge
Max HP 400
AP 15
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 175 Adaptable R2

Melee Weapons 150 Armor Breaker R3
Small Guns 150 Iron Will
Throwing 125 Light Step R3
Unarmed 150 Rebuke (Primus Only)
Observation 125 Two For One
Sneak 100
Stealth Mode (Nightkin Only): Can turn invisible at will for up to three hours. This can be turned off/on up until the three
hours are used up throughout the day. While invisible they get Sneak +50 and all attacks toward them get a -25 Hit
Chance. This resets after an R&R.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Large Fist & Feet T-51 Helmet

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 2d4+34 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft Leather Rags
-Frag Grenade (2, Concentrated Charge) T-51
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 10d4+30 Dmg Type: Explosive Rng: 90 ft EXR: 25 ft
AC -15, DT -10, DR -35%, and DM +0.25. If it hits roll AGI -3. If you succeed, take half AC: 100
damage. N: 29/70%
L: 29/70%
Set 1 F: 22/50%
-Gatling Plasma (Plasma Core, Plasma Focuser, Two-Handed) P: 19/50%
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 4d6+8 Dmg Type: Plasma WR: 10 Rng: 190 ft Ex: 31/50%
AC -10, DT -5, and DR -35%. Burst Attack ranges from five to ten. LR: 13
Set 2 PR: 80%
-Browning M2HB (.50 Armor-Piercing, Minigun, Two-Handed)
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 6d8+8 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 10 Rng: 760 ft Battle Cup, Chestplate,
AC -15, DT -30, and DR -40%. Conductive, and immune to
Set 3 Flashbangs and Gas.
-Verti-Claymore (Sword, Two-Handed) PT 20, STR +3, AGI -2, CW
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 6d6+55 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 10 Rng: 10 ft +200, and Sleight of Hand and
DT -4 and DR -20%. Sneak -50.
-Frag Grenades (+2, Concentrated Charge) Primus increases all DR +10%.
Nightkin increases all DT +5.

Eastern Super Mutant Behemoth
The Behemoth is the most monstrous of all the Super Mutants. They have the potential to level towns.

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 20 PER: 5 END: 12 CHA: 1 INT: 1 AGI: 10 LCK: 10

Size Gargantuan
Max HP 3000
AP 15
Sequence 35

Skills Notes

Melee Weapons 200 Adaptable R4

Unarmed 200 Armor Breaker R4
Throwing 150 Light Step R3
Observation 100 Rebuke
Screw Luck
Two For One

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Large Fist & Feet AC: 150

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 2d4+41 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft N: 30/100%
-Fire Hydrant Club (Bludgeon, Two-Handed) L: 30/100%
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 4d10+67 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 20 Rng: 20 ft F: 30/100%
1d10+5 True Damage. P: 30/100%
Ex: 30/100%
LR: 20
PR: 100%

PT 15.

Other Experiments
These experiments are nothing more than mindless creatures roaming the wastes. These count as Creatures.

Mutant Hound
These dogs have undergone a major mutation from FEV. Super Mutants keep them as pets and they’re great for tracking those pesky

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 8 PER: 8 END: 8 CHA: 3 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 70
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. When tracking they get Survival +50.
Observation 100
Sneak 75 Armor Breaker R1
Sixth Sense

Variant(s): Glowing.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+13 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 8/40%
1d6 True Damage and Rads +20. L: 6/50%
F: 6/40%
P: 5/30%
Ex: 6/40%
LR: 3
PR: 40%

New California Floaters
Abnormal abominations that hover through the air by storing noxious gases in their flotation bladders. These variants reside in the
New California region.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 2 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 6
Size Medium
Max HP 90
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted.

Observation 75
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tentacle AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+11 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
If Tentacle hits, the target suffers PR -10% and rolls END -2. If the target fails, they take PR: 35%
10 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per Hour,
roll END -2 every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the target
doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 10 Poison Damage for
the hour.

Floaters Gnasher
Abnormal abominations that hover through the air by storing noxious gases in their flotation bladders. Gnashers primarily deal acid
to their prey.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 2 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 6
Size Medium
Max HP 90
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties. Upon death, they explode in an acidic burst.
Unarmed 100 Anyone within 10 ft must roll AGI -2. Those that fail take 2d4+5 True Damage. Those that succeed take no damage.
Observation 75
Sneak 50 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tentacle AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+11 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
Inflict AP -1. PR: 100%
-Acid Spit
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d4+4 Dmg Type: True Rng: 30 ft

Floaters Flamer
Abnormal abominations that hover through the air by storing noxious gases in their flotation bladders. Flamers primarily deal fire
damage to their prey.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 2 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 6
Size Medium
Max HP 90
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties. Upon death, they explode in a fiery burst.
Unarmed 100 Anyone within 10 ft must roll AGI -2. Those that fail take 3d8+10 Fire Damage with DR -15%. Those that succeed take no
Observation 75 damage.
Sneak 50
Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tentacle AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+11 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft F: Immune
Inflict AP -1. LR: 4
-Fire Spit PR: 35%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d8+10 Dmg Type: Fire Rng: 30 ft
DR -15%.

Floaters Freezer
Abnormal abominations that hover through the air by storing noxious gases in their flotation bladders. Freezers primarily deal cryo
damage to their prey.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 2 INT: 3 AGI: 10 LCK: 6
Size Medium
Max HP 90
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Arms, Legs, and Groin cannot be Targeted. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties. Upon death, they explode in a cryo burst.
Unarmed 100 Anyone within 10 ft must roll AGI -3. Those that fail take 3d8+10 Normal Damage with DR -15% and can’t Run, Sprint, or
Observation 75 Charge for 1d6 turns. Those that succeed take half damage.
Sneak 50
Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tentacle AC: 35
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+11 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft LR: 4
Inflict AP -1. PR: 35%
-Ice Spit
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d8+10 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 30 ft
DR -15%. Those hit by Ice Spit roll END -2. If you succeed, take half damage from
Cryo Blast. If you fail, you can’t Run, Sprint, and Charge for 1d4 turns. This can
only be done once. Resets on their next turn.

A complete mess of FEV experimentation by tossing in a mix of humans, dogs, cats, and other animals. An abomination of what an
FEV chimera would be. Beware of the tentacles. They’re often pets for Eastern Super Mutants.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 8 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 3 AGI: 6 LCK: 7

Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 8
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Throwing 75 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted and it has three Arms.
Unarmed 100
Observation 75 Armor Breaker R1
Sneak 25

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tentacle AC: 30
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d4+10 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
Inflict AP -1. PR: 30%
-Rad Spit
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 1d8+5 Dmg Type: True Rng: 30 ft
Rads 100.

Evolved Centaur
An older and grotesque-ish version of a Centaur. They’re often pets for Eastern Super Mutants.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 7 PER: 10 END: 8 CHA: 1 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 7
Size Large
Max HP 300
AP 9
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Throwing 100 Legs and Groin cannot be Targeted and it has three Arms. Some may have several heads. Overseers should specify any
Unarmed 125 altered versions of Evolved Centaurs.
Observation 100
Sneak 25 Armor Breaker R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Tentacle AC: 45
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+25 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 4
Inflict AP -1. PR: 50%
-Rad Spit
Skill: Throwing S: . Dmg: 2d10+5 Dmg Type: True Rng: 60 ft
Rads 200.

A strange mutant animal that lives mostly underground. Although some confuse them as aliens, they’re actually created as F.E.V.
weapons similar to Deathclaws.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 7 PER: 8 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 4 AGI: 7 LCK: 7

Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 9
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted.

Observation 75
Sneak 75 Adaptable R1
Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Tentacle AC: 40
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 2d4+12 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 9/50%
When you attack, declare if it’s a Bite or Tentacle before the Attack Roll. If Bite hits, L: 11/40%
inflicts 1d10 True Damage. If Tentacle Slap hits, inflict AP -1. F: 4/20%
P: 8/40%
Ex: 8/40%
LR: 4
PR: 30%

Queen Wanamingo
The Queen of the Wanamingo that resides deep underground.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 10 PER: 10 END: 8 CHA: 1 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 7

Size Large
Max HP 300
AP 9
Sequence 19

Skills Notes

Unarmed 150 Head and Groin cannot be Targeted.

Observation 100
Sneak 75 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R3
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Tentacle Slap AC: 75

Skill: Unarmed S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 2d6+28 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 12/70%
If Bite hits, inflicts 2d8 True Damage. If Tentacle Slap hits, inflict AP -1. L: 14/60%
F: 6/40%
P: 11/60%
Ex: 11/70%
LR: 4
PR: 30%

Spore Carrier
Although not created through F.E.V., these creatures were developed before the Great War in the Big MT Research Facility X-22
Botanical Garden to colonize the bodies of common pests.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 7 PER: 5 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 1 AGI: 7 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 40
AP 9
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Groin cannot be Targeted.

Observation 25
Sneak 25 Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 20

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d4+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
-Spore Gas PR: 100%
S: 3 Dmg: 10 Dmg Type: Poison
Spore Gas inflicts Damage in the form of a Gas and inflicts PR -10%. Anyone within 10 ft
of the creature is affected by this and must roll END -1. If they succeed they take half
the Poison Damage.

A unique creature that looks like a mutated dragon that roams Appalachia.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 6 PER: 8 END: 6 CHA: 1 INT: 4 AGI: 10 LCK: 7
Size Large
Max HP 400
AP 10
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Throwing 125 Arms and Groin cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs.
Unarmed 125
Observation 75 Armor Breaker R2
Sneak 75 Light Step R2
Sixth Sense

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Bite/Claw AC: 75
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d6+22 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft LR: 3
-Acid Spit PR: 50%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 2d10+10 Dmg Type: True Rng: 100 ft

It’s exactly what you’re thinking.

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 20 PER: 12 END: 15 CHA: 3 INT: 6 AGI: 12 LCK: 10

Size Huge
Max HP 1000
AP 10
Sequence 25

Skills Notes

Unarmed 200 This Creature has Horns, two Arms, and two wings which are considered Arms. If both wings are crippled, they lose their
Observation 150 Flight and Light Step abilities.
Sneak 100
Adaptable R4
Armor Breaker R3
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck
Sixth Sense

Happy Halloween: Increase the Quiver with Fear penalty by -2, change the duration from 1d4 to 1d6+1, and the ability
can be attempted twice a round.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw Sting AC: 120

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d8+60 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft N: 27/90%
If Claw Sting hits, the target suffers PR -20% and rolls END -4. If the target fails, they L: 30/100%
take 50 Poison Damage. If the target succeeds, they take half the Poison Damage. Per F: 22/90%
Hour, roll END -4 every hour for the next two hours. If they succeed the END roll, the P: 25/80%
target doesn’t take Poison Damage for the hour. If they fail they take 50 Poison Damage Ex: 25/80%
for the hour. LR: 10
PR: 100%

The mechanical menaces of the wasteland that can be found everywhere. Be warned that finding robots in a
pre-war military bunker may try to kill you. Robots are immune to Gas, Poison, and Radiation. They also can’t
Crouch or Prone or wield weapons unless specified. Their weapons are either already part of the body or are
attached to an arm. Which arm is determined by the Overseer. Energy Weapons are powered by the Robot’s power
source. Robots cannot take Targeted Attacks to the Groin and they have the Super Conductive Effect. Robots with
the EMP Shield Mod ignore the SUper Conductive Effect.

Robots in this section are full units unlike creating your own player-made robot, or your own character. To make
custom robots refer to Character Creation and Robot Upgrades. All Robots know English.

All the robots listed were found by the Calculator AI and turned into its private army. Their true origin is unknown.

Security Robot
A powerful guard robot that travels in a pack hovering above the ground.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 5 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 7 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 45
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 75 Head and Legs cannot be Targeted and it has four Arms. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties.
Unarmed 75
Observation 100 Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 25

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 7/60%
-Security Laser Shot (4) L: 5/30%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 4d6+10 Dmg Type: Laser Rng: 210 ft F: 5/40%
One is attached to each arm. This weapon cannot be Targeted. P: 5/20%
Ex: 5/40%
LR: 3

Scurry Robot
A small crab-like utility robot in the Midwest that burrows into the dirt and pops out on unsuspecting wastelanders.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 3 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 50
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Unarmed 75 Head and Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs.
Observation 75
Sneak 100 Burrow
Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 25

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 8/40%
-Scurry Laser Shot L: 7/30%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 4d6+10 Dmg Type: Laser Rng: 210 ft F: 5/30%
P: 5/40%
Ex: 7/30%
LR: 2

Hover Robot
A unique hover robot that guards and patrols the Midwest. They’re very similar to Eyebots except far more heavily armored.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 4 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 80
AP 10
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 100 Head, Arms, and Legs cannot be Targeted. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties.
Observation 100
Sneak 100 Armor Breaker R1
Unarmed 50 Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 35

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+13 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 9/50%
-Hover Laser Shot L: 6/40%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 6d4+8 Dmg Type: Laser Rng: 260 ft F: 5/40%
P: 5/30%
Ex: 7/30%
LR: 4

Loadlifter Robot
A pre-war utility bot adapted for combat by the Calculator.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 11 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 100
AP 10
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 125 It has one Leg.

Observation 100
Sneak 50 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 50

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+20 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 11/60%
-Lifter Blade L: 10/55%
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 2d6+26 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft F: 8/25%
P: 8/25%
Ex: 8/35%
LR: 5

PT 5.

Tank Track Robot
A utility bot used for agriculture before the Great War, the Tank Track Robot has been adapted by the Calculator as an all-terrain
melee combat machine.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 10 PER: 6 END: 10 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 5 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 250
AP 9
Sequence 16

Skills Notes

Melee Weapons 150 Arm cannot be Targeted and it has one Leg.
Observation 100
Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R1
Two For One

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Track Smasher AC: 50

Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 2d6+30 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 15/60%
L: 15/60%
F: 15/60%
P: 15/60%
Ex: 15/60%
LR: 6

C-27 Series Humanoid Robot
A unique robot created by Acme Corporation before the Great War. These robots served as the main workforce for the Calculator.
They can wield weapons like a Human.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 10 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 250
AP 9
Sequence 17

Skills Notes

Big Guns 125 Can Crouch and Prone.

Energy Weapons 125
Melee Weapons 125 Adaptable R2
Small Guns 125 Armor Breaker R2
Throwing 125 Light Step R2
Unarmed 125 Two For One
Observation 100
Sneak 100

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 60

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d8+24 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 11/70%
-Frag Grenade (2) L: 10/50%
Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 10d4+30 Dmg Type: Explosive Rng: 70 ft EXR: 25 ft F: 8/30%
AC -15 and DR -15%. If it hits roll AGI -3. If you succeed, take half damage. P: 8/30%
Ex: 8/30%
Set 1 LR: 8
-M16A2 (5.56 Armor-Piercing, Assault Rifle, Two-Handed)
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 2d6+8 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 400 ft PT 5.
AC -20, DT -20, and DR -45%.
Set 2
-Gatling Laser (MFC, Beam Focuser, Two-Handed)
Skill: Energy Weapons B: 5 Dmg: 4d6+10 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 8 Rng: 240 ft
DT -10 and DR -20%. Burst Attack ranges from five to ten.
Set 3
-Claymore (Sword, Two-Handed)
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 4d8+40 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 8 Rng: 10 ft
SM: Highland Slash - -20 Hit Chance, DM +0.2.

Humanoid Brain Robot
A unique robot created by the Calculator that consists of a large humanoid robotic suit housing a human brain connected to a robotic

Defcon Tier 3> STR: 10 PER: 6 END: 10 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 300
AP 9
Sequence 17

Skills Notes

Big Guns 125 Adaptable R2

Melee Weapons 125 Armor Breaker R2
Unarmed 125 Light Step R1
Observation 100
Two For One

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet EMP Shield

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d8+24 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
-M2 Browning (.50, Machine Gun) AC: 80
Skill: Big Guns S: 5 T: 6 B: 6 Dmg: 6d8+5 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 8 Rng: 800 ft N: 17/80%
AC -15, DT -10, and DR -20%. L: 11/50%
-Rockwell M76 (Armor-Piercing Rocket, Rocket Launcher) F: 20/90%
Skill: Big Guns S: 6 Dmg: 10d6+35 Dmg Type: Explosive WR: 8 Rng: 800 ft P: 11/50%
AC -30, DT -30, and DR -40%. If it hits roll AGI -2. If you succeed, take half damage. Ex: 17/70%
Inflicts double damage to Environmental Objects and Vehicles. LR: 10

PT 4.

Pacification Robot
An interesting Robot that the Calculator uses for local tactical command and control over lesser robotic entities.

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 15 PER: 10 END: 15 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Huge
Max HP 1000
AP 12
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Big Guns 150 Head and Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. Apply Big Gun Setup Penalties for Attacks.
Unarmed 125
Observation 125 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R3
Iron Will
Light Step R2
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Pacification Bash AC: 80

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 2d8+45 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft N: 20/90%
-Browning M2HB (2, .50 Armor-Piercing, Minigun) L: 20/90%
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 6d8+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 20 Rng: 800 ft F: 20/90%
AC -25, DT -25, and DR 40%. P: 20/90%
Ex: 20/90%
LR: 15

The largest and most dangerous robot of the Calculator’s Army. This six-legged hulk of pure destruction can wipe out a town in an

Defcon Tier 1 STR: 20 PER: 10 END: 20 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Gargantuan
Max HP 2000
AP 15
Sequence 30

Skills Notes

Big Guns 200 Head and Arms cannot be Targeted and it has six Legs. Apply Big Gun Setup Penalties for Attacks.
Unarmed 150
Observation 150 Adaptable R3
Armor Breaker R4
Iron Will
Light Step R3
Quiver With Fear
Screw Luck

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Behemoth Bash AC: 75

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d8+60 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 15 ft N: 30/100%
-Browning M2HB (4, .50 Armor-Piercing, Minigun) L: 30/100%
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 6d8+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 20 Rng: 800 ft F: 30/100%
AC -25, DT -25, and DR -40%. P: 30/100%
Ex: 30/100%
LR: 20

RobCo Industries
All the robots listed were created by RobCo Industries led by the genius Robert House.

A hovering robot used for reconnaissance and propaganda. It speaks in morse code and it comes with a simple laser shot.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 2 PER: 6 END: 2 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 11 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 30
AP 11
Sequence 9

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 75 Only the Head can be Targeted.

Observation 50
Sneak 75 Flight
Unarmed 50 Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+6 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 4/35%
-Eyebot Laser Shot L: 4/25%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 4d4+4 Dmg Type: Laser Rng: 210 ft F: 3/25%
P: 3/25%
Ex: 3/25%
LR: 2

PT 2.

A robot designed for protection and manual labor. Variant versions were made for construction, law enforcement, fire fighting, etc.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 5 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 5 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 8
Sequence 6

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 75
Unarmed 75
Observation 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 7/50%
-Protectron Laser Shot L: 5/30%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 7d4+6 Dmg Type: Laser Rng: 310 ft F: 5/20%
This weapon cannot be Targeted. P: 5/30%
Ex: 5/20%
LR: 3

PT 3.

Hopeville Eyebot
These eyebots are only found in the Great Divide.

Defcon Tier 4< STR: 4 PER: 6 END: 5 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 9 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 60
AP 10
Sequence 18

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 100 Only the Head can be Targeted.

Observation 50
Sneak 100 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet EMP Shield

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+13 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
-Arc Blaster AC: 40
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 4d10+10 Dmg Type: Plasma Rng: 160 ft N: 7/35%
DR -10%. L: 7/35%
F: 4/35%
P: 4/25%
Ex: 6/25%
LR: 4

PT 4.

Securitron MK I
A private security robot created and mass produced by House Industries with help from RobCo Industries. Amazingly they can go up
and down stairs.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 7 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 125 Head cannot be Targeted and it has one Leg.
Small Guns 125
Observation 100 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 50

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+16 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 11/60%
-Gatling Laser L: 10/50%
Skill: Energy Weapons B: 5 Dmg: 4d6+20 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 8 Rng: 310 ft F: 8/40%
Burst Attack ranges from five to ten. P: 7/40%
-MP5 (9mm, SMG) Ex: 10/50%
Skill: Small Guns S: 3 T: 4 B: 4 Dmg: 1d8+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 160 ft LR: 3
AC -15 and DT -2.

A robot designed for the front-line of war, the Assaultron is fast and deadly at close range with a devastating laser that can be fired at
a distance. Some variants, like the Dominator, implement stealth technology.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 6 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 200
AP 10
Sequence 18

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 125 Adaptable R2

Melee Weapons 125 Armor Breaker R2
Unarmed 125 Assassin
Sneak 100 Light Step R2
Observation 100
Stealth Mode: Can turn invisible at will for up to three hours. This can be turned off/on up until the three hours are used
up throughout a day. While invisible they get Sneak +50 and all attacks toward them get a -25 Hit Chance. This resets after
an R&R. This ability is optional.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet EMP Shield

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d8+20 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
-Assaultron Blade (Sword) AC: 50
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d12+26 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 5 ft N: 13/70%
SM: Stealth Slash - Only when sneak attacking, get a +10 Hit Chance and a CC +15. L: 11/50%
-Death Ray F: 10/40%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 5 Dmg: 4d10+40 Dmg Type: Plasma Rng: 310 ft P: 8/30%
DT -20 and DR -30%. This is part of the Head. Anyone in the line of attack is hit by this. Ex: 8/40%
Once Death Ray is used, it’ll take one turn to recharge. This weapon cannot be LR: 5
PT 3

Securitron MK II
Once the platinum chip was inserted, Securitrons had full capabilities to all their functions. They’re much more fearsome and even
have their own auto repair system. Amazingly they can go up and down stairs.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 7 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 200
AP 9
Sequence 17

Skills Notes

Big Guns 125 Head cannot be Targeted and it has one Leg.
Energy Weapons 125
Small Guns 125 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R2
Observation 100
Light Step R1

Self Repair: At the end of every round heals for 15 HP.

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet EMP Shield

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d8+21 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
-Gatling Laser (Beam Focuser) AC: 50
Skill: Energy Weapons B: 5 Dmg: 4d6+10 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 8 Rng: 240 ft N: 11/60%
DT -10 and DR -20%. Burst Attack ranges from five to ten. L: 10/50%
-Rockwell CZ53 (5mm, Minigun) F: 8/40%
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 4d10+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 400 ft P: 7/40%
AC -5, DT -7, and DR -15%. Ex: 10/50%
-Rockwell M76 (Explosive Rocket, Rocket Launcher) LR: 3
Skill: Big Guns B: 6 Dmg: 10d8+35 Dmg Type: Explosive WR: 8 Rng: 800 ft EXR: 30 ft
AC -20, DT -5, and DR -25%. If it hits roll AGI -4. If you succeed, take half damage. This is
attached on the left shoulder.
-Auto Grenade Launcher (40mm Frag)
Skill: Big Guns S: 4 B: 5 Dmg: 3d12+30 Dmg Type: Exp WR: 8 Rng: 240 ft EXR: 20 ft
AC -15, DT -5, and DR -10%. Burst Attack max is four. If it hits roll AGI -4. If you succeed,
take half damage.

Sentry Bot
A robot designed for security before the Great War and they participated in the heaviest of firefights during the war. Although they
have trouble fitting through a door, these mechanical beasts have powerful weapons at their disposal. They’re powered by a fusion
core and if they're ever killed, make sure you’re not close to them.

Defcon Tier 3> STR: 12 PER: 6 END: 10 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 9 LCK: 5
Size Large
Max HP 500
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Big Guns 175 It has three Legs. Apply Big Gun Setup Burst Penalties for all Ranged Weapons Burst Attacks. Upon death, they explode in
Energy Weapons 175 a fiery burst. Anyone within 15 ft must roll AGI -4. Those that fail take 10d6+60 Plasma Damage with DR -10%. Those that
Unarmed 100 succeed take half damage. Apply Explosive effect.
Observation 125
Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R1
Quiver With Fear

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet EMP Shield

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d8+26 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft
Set 1 AC: 80
-Gatling Laser (Beam Focuser) N: 24/90%
Skill: Energy Weapons B: 5 Dmg: 4d6+10 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 8 Rng: 240 ft L: 19/80%
DT -10 and DR -20%. Burst Attack ranges from five to ten. F: 17/80%
-Rockwell M76 (Explosive Rocket, Rocket Launcher) P: 16/70%
Skill: Big Guns S: 6 Dmg: 10d8+35 Dmg Type: Explosive WR: 8 Rng: 800 ft EXR: 30 ft Ex: 26/70%
AC -20 and DR -20%. If it hits roll AGI -4. If you succeed, take half damage. LR: 18
Set 2
-Rockwell CZ53 (5mm Armor-Piercing, Minigun) PT 8.
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 4d10+8 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 400 ft
AC -15, DT -30, and DR -35%. -20 Hit Chance when firing in melee combat.
-Rockwell M76 (Explosive Rocket, Rocket Launcher)
Set 3
-Auto Grenade Launcher (2, 40mm Plasma)
Skill: Big Guns S: 4 B: 5 Dmg: 5d10+30 Dmg Type: Plasma WR: 8 Rng: 240 ft EXR: 10 ft
AC -10, DT -5, and DR -15%. Burst Attack max is four. If it hits roll AGI -4. If you succeed,
take half damage. Apply Explosion rules.

General Atomics
One of the first companies to introduce modern robots to the market. They were a competitor of RobCo Industries
and eventually joined with them on a joint venture to design Liberty Prime.

Mr. Handy/Ms. Nanny

A utility robot designed for general-chore automatons, they’re capable of defending themselves and their owners. But are far less
combat efficient than the military variant Mister Gutsy. Can wield weapons like a Human.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 6 END: 5 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 7 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 45
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 75 Head cannot be Targeted, it has three Arms, and it has one Leg. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties unless the Leg is crippled.
Melee Weapons 75
Unarmed 50 Mr. Handys and Ms. Nannys are household robots, and may have the following skills at 100, depending on their holotape:
Observation 75 Computer Science, Engineer, Doctor, Insight, Lore, or Survival.

Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+9 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 7/40%
-Flamer Pistol (Biofuel, One-Handed) L: 5/30%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 3 Dmg: 3d6+10 Dmg Type: Fire WR: 4 Rng: 25 ft F: 5/30%
AC -10. All within the line of attack are hit. Inflicts 15 Persistent Fire Damage a turn. P: 5/20%
Uses Pistol Ranges. Long Range is Maximum Range. Ex: 5/30%
-Buzzsaw (EC, Special, One-Handed) LR: 2
Skill: Melee Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 2d6+10 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 4 Rng: 5 ft
Inflict DT -4.

Mr. Gutsy
Get in line cadet! You’re in the army! A variant of the Mr. Handy designed for military use.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 7 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 70
AP 9
Sequence 17

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 100 Head cannot be Targeted, it has three Arms, and it has one Leg. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties unless the Leg is crippled.
Melee Weapons 100
Small Guns 100 Armor Breaker R1
Unarmed 100 Light Step R2
Observation 100

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 40

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+15 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 10/60%
-Flamer (Biofuel, Flamer Fire Pack) L: 8/40%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 Dmg: 4d10+30 Dmg Type: Fire WR: 6 Rng: 40 ft F: 8/50%
AC -5 and DR -15%. All in the line of the attack are hit. Inflicts 25 Persistent Fire Damage P: 7/30%
a turn. Environmental flames last for one turn. Uses Pistol Ranges. Long Range is Ex: 7/50%
Maximum Range. LR: 4

Set 1
-M16A2 (5.56, Assault Rifle)
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 2d6+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 400 ft
AC -10, DT -5, and DR -25%.
Set 2
-Laser Rapid Capacitor Weapon
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 6d4+5 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 6 Rng: 200 ft
Burst Attack max is ten.

A robot designed for both the military and civilian sector. Official records show that only chimpanzee brains were used but at least
some human brains were taken from the bodies of executed criminals and placed into Robobrains. This robot was a joint venture
between General Atomics, RobCo Industries, and the United States Army’s Robotics Division.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 6 CHA: 5 INT: 8 AGI: 6 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 90
AP 8
Sequence 10

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 125 It has one Leg. Apply Big Gun Setup Burst Penalties for all Ranged Weapons Burst Attacks.
Small Guns 125
Unarmed 125 Adaptable R2
Observation 75 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R1

Mesmetron Beam: Once per round for 5 AP, attempt to pacify a creature for one turn. They must roll CHA -2. If they
succeed, they shrug off the effect. If they fail, they don’t feel like fighting anything till their next turn.
Smoke Screen: Costs 4 AP. Choose an area within 25 ft and place a smoke screen that’s 10 ft by 10 ft. All attacks going
through or inside the smoke take the Heavy Fog Environmental Penalty. This is a gas. The smoke lasts for 20 seconds upon

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 50

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+20 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 11/60%
L: 8/50%
Set 1 F: 10/50%
-M16A2 (5.56, Assault Rifle) P: 7/30%
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 2d6+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 400 ft Ex: 10/40%
AC -10, DT -5, and DR -25%. LR: 6
Set 2
-Laser Rapid Capacitor Weapon PT 5.
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 6d4+5 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 6 Rng: 240 ft
Burst Attack max is ten.
Set 3
-Urban Plasma Rifle
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 Dmg: 6d8+30 Dmg Type: Plasma WR: 6 Rng: 240 ft

Alien Robots
Only a handful of people have ever seen such advanced technology.

Support Drone
An advanced alien robot that functions as an assistant.

Defcon Tier 4> STR: 7 PER: 6 END: 5 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Unarmed 100 Head, Arms, and Legs cannot be Targeted. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties.
Observation 75
Engineer 100 Armor Breaker R1
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 50

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+16 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 12/60%
L: 12/60%
F: 12/60%
P: 12/60%
Ex: 12/60%
LR: 5

Guardian Drone
An advanced alien robot armed with a drone cannon. They’ll defend the mothership at any cost.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 6 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 6 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 8
Sequence 15

Skills Notes

Big Guns 150 Head, Arms, and Legs cannot be Targeted. Ignore Difficult Terrain penalties.
Unarmed 75
Observation 75 Adaptable R2
Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Drone Cannon AC: 70

Skill: Big Guns S: 5 Dmg: 8d8+20 Dmg Type: Plasma WR: 12 Rng: 200 ft EXR: 20 ft N: 20/70%
DT -15 and DR -30%. If it hits roll AGI -3. If you succeed, take half damage This weapon L: 20/70%
uses Laser Weapon ranges. F: 20/70%
-Metal Fist & Feet P: 20/70%
Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d8+20 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft Ex: 20/70%
LR: 10

Big MT
The Big Mountain Research and Development Center, or Big MT, was a privately owned Pre-War defense contractor
and research center located in the Southwest Commonwealth. Many unspeakable experiments occurred there and
some even managed to escape out into the Wasteland. Their robots however are highly advanced.

Think Tank
A unique brain bot created by the Big MT to preserve the six Big MT executives. Klein, Mobius, Dala, 0, 8, and Borous. You’ll never
find a robot like this outside of the Big MT.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 3 PER: 6 END: 5 CHA: 5 INT: 10 AGI: 5 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 8
Sequence 16

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 100 Head and Legs cannot be Targeted and it has three Arms.
Unarmed 100
Observation 100 Flight
Light Step R1

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Metal Fist & Feet AC: 30

Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+7 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft LR: 3
-Brain Blast
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 3 Dmg: 2d10+10 Dmg Type: True Rng: 100 ft

Y-17 Trauma Override Harness
A walking corpse, animated by a robotic harness. Without a designated home base, the suit will wander on its own. The suit learns
how the wearer used to move. This is practically a walking coffin with a gun.These can only be found in the Big MT.

Defcon Tier 3- STR: 6 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 150
AP 9
Sequence 15

Skills Notes

Big Guns 150 Head cannot be Targeted. A literal skeleton trapped in a moving coffin.
Energy Weapon 150
Observation 125 Adaptable R2
Sneak 125 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R3

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet Y-17 Trauma Override

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d4+16 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft Harness

Set 1 AC: 60
-Gauss Rifle (2mm EMC, Two-Handed) N: 13/70%
Skill: Big Guns S: 5 T: 6 Dmg: 6d6+60 Dmg Type: Explosive WR: 12 Rng: 860 ft L: 10/40%
AC -20, DT -30, and DR -35%. Uses Rifle range. F: 8/40%
Set 2 P: 7/40%
-P94 Plasma Caster (PC, Plasma Focuser, Two-Handed) Ex: 14/40%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 5d10+20 Dmg Type: Plasma WR: 8 Rng: 160 ft LR: 10
AC -20, DT -5 and DR -45%. Burst range is from two to six.

A special security robot created by the Big MT Research Company. They were created by Dr. Mobius and his team in the X-42
Robo-Warfare Facility in the Big MT. They’re powered by fission batteries.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 7 PER: 6 END: 8 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 200
AP 10
Sequence 16

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 100 It has six Legs.

Unarmed 100
Observation 75 Adaptable R2
Sneak 100 Armor Breaker R2
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Claw AC: 50
Skill: Unarmed S: 2 T: 3 Dmg: 1d8+21 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 13/60%
1d6+4 True Damage. L: 10/50%
-Stinger Laser F: 8/50%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 6d4+10 Dmg Type: Laser Rng: 210 ft P: 8/50%
AC -10, DT -15, and DR -20%. Ex: 10/50%
LR: 4

PT 4.

Chinese Robots
The robots of the People's Republic of China.

A small pre-war drone used by the People’s Liberation Army.

Defcon Tier 5< STR: 4 PER: 6 END: 3 CHA: 5 INT: 7 AGI: 8 LCK: 5
Size Small
Max HP 25
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 75 Head and Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs. Only knows how to speak Mandarin.
Unarmed 75
Observation 75 Climber
Sneak 75 Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Fist & Feet AC: 35

Skill: Unarmed S: 1 T: 2 Dmg: 1d8+8 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 5 ft N: 6/25%
-Liberator Laser Shot L: 4/25%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 3 T: 4 Dmg: 5d4+5 Dmg Type: Laser Rng: 210 ft F: 3/15%
P: 3/15%
Ex: 6/25%
LR: 1

Spider Drone
Literal walking landmines.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 1 PER: 6 END: 1 CHA: 5 INT: 5 AGI: 8 LCK: 5

Size Small
Max HP 40
AP 9
Sequence 7

Skills Notes

Observation 100 Head and Arms cannot be Targeted and it has four Legs.
Sneak 100
Light Step R2

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Frag Grenade (Landmine) AC: 20

Skill: Throwing S: 3 Dmg: 10d4+30 Dmg Type: Explosive EXR: 25 ft LR: 1
AC -15 and DR -10%. If it hits roll AGI -3. If you succeed, take half damage. Once
someone is within their EXR they immediately explode.

A Chinese mining rig modified with a mounted laser cannon acting like a Chinese tank. They may be fantasy, but not to General

Defcon Tier 2 STR: 10 PER: 6 END: 10 CHA: 1 INT: 5 AGI: 5 LCK: 5

Size Huge
Max HP 1000
AP 10
Sequence 20

Skills Notes

Big Guns 175 Head, Arms, and Legs cannot be Targeted.

Unarmed 100
Observation 50 Adaptable R3
Armor Breaker R3
Iron Will
Light Step
Quiver With Fear

Weapons / Attacks Armor

-Laser Cannon AC: 100

Skill: Big Guns S: 5 Dmg: 4d10+20 Dmg Type: Laser Rng: 500 ft N: 27/100%
DT -30 and DR -50%. L: 24/90%
-Chimera Ram F: 23/80%
Skill: Unarmed S: 3 Dmg: 4d8+40 Dmg Type: Normal Rng: 10 ft P: 23/80%
Ex: 23/90%

Similar but different from Robots. Turrets have one goal, shoot whatever isn’t authorized. Turrets do not know any
languages, apply the Big Gun Setup Penalties for all Attacks, they cannot be crippled, and they cannot do STR, CHA,
INT, and AGI checks. Only the Head and Weapons can be Targeted.

Turret MK 1.0
A basic turret that fires ballistics or lasers.

Defcon Tier 5- STR: 5 PER: 10 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 1 AGI: 5 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 40
AP 8
Sequence 8

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 75 -
Small Guns 75
Observation 50

Weapons / Attacks Armor

Set 1 AC: 20
-H&K MP9 (10mm) N: 5/30%
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 3d4+5 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 2 Rng: 200 ft L: 5/30%
AC -10 and DT -3. F: 5/30%
Set 2 P: 5/30%
-AEP7 Laser Pistol Ex: 5/30%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 7d4+12 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 4 Rng: 350 ft

Turret MK 2.0
A more advanced turret that fires ballistics or lasers.

Defcon Tier 4- STR: 5 PER: 10 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 1 AGI: 10 LCK: 5

Size Medium
Max HP 60
AP 10
Sequence 10

Skills Notes

Energy Weapons 125 -

Small Guns 125
Observation 75

Weapons / Attacks Armor

Set 1 AC: 40
-M16A2 (5.56, Assault Rifle) N: 8/50%
Skill: Small Guns S: 4 T: 5 B: 6 Dmg: 2d6+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 350 ft L: 8/50%
AC -10, DT -5, and DR -25%. F: 8/50%
Set 2 P: 8/50%
-Auto Laser Rifle Ex: 8/50%
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 5 T: 6 B: 6 Dmg: 5d4+10 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 6 Rng: 300 ft
Burst range is up to ten.

Turret MK 3.0
Run. Just run.

Defcon Tier 3< STR: 5 PER: 10 END: 5 CHA: 1 INT: 1 AGI: 10 LCK: 5
Size Medium
Max HP 100
AP 15
Sequence 15

Skills Notes

Big Guns 175 -

Energy Weapons 175
Observation 125

Weapons / Attacks Armor

Set 1 AC: 60
-Rockwell CZ53 (5mm, Minigun) N: 15/80%
Skill: Big Guns B: 5 Dmg: 2d10+15 Dmg Type: Normal WR: 6 Rng: 500 ft L: 15/80%
AC -5, DT -7, and DR -15%. F: 15/80%
Set 2 P: 15/80%
-Gatling Laser (Beam Focuser) Ex: 15/80%
Skill: Energy Weapons B: 5 Dmg: 4d6+10 Dmg Type: Laser WR: 8 Rng: 300 ft
AC -15, DT -10 and DR -20%. Burst Attack ranges from five to ten.
Set 3
-Auto Plasma Rifle (Plasma Focuser)
Skill: Energy Weapons S: 4 T: 5 B: 5 Dmg: 5d6+15 Dmg Type: Plasma WR: 6 Rng: 250 ft
AC -10, DT -5, and DR -20%. Burst Attack ranges from two to six.
Set 4
-Rockwell M76 (Armor-Piercing Rocket, Rocket Launcher)
Skill: Big Guns S: 6 Dmg: 10d6+35 Dmg Type: Explosive WR: 8 Rng: 1000 ff EXR: 20 ft
AC -30, DT -30, and DR -40%. If it hits roll AGI -2. If you succeed, take half damage.
Inflicts double damage to Environmental Objects and Vehicles.


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