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Thanks for getting this guide I put together for you.

Wondering what this is all about?

Basically, this guide contains all of the best, latest and greatest information that I’ve come across
over the past couple of years with regard to optimizing my own health.

All of the information in here, once applied, will allow you to:

•Live longer
•Live Happier
•Perform better physically and mentally
•Feel better everyday

Here’s specifically what I’ll be teaching you in this guide:

1.How light affects your body and how to use it

2.How to use sound waves to change your brainwaves
3.Breathing for better oxygenation of your cells
4.Injection treatments that promote fast healing
5.How to decode your own genome and change your genetic expression
6.Electromagnetic fields, what they are, and how to stop them

Each of these 6 topics will be explained further in their own section.

I’ll give you actionable steps that you can use right away to address all of these things after I
educate you on the importance of them.

It’s that simple really.

When followed, this guide will enhance your life and well being.

When reading this though be sure to implement and follow the reading of this document with

They say knowledge is power, but this is not true.

A better thing to say is “applied knowledge is power”.

This information is not gonna do you any good with it sitting in your head. In order to benefit
from it, you need to use it...

Some of the things I’ll be discussing here might be cost prohibitive for some of you (it at least
might require some saving of money).

HOWEVER, most of what I talk about in this guide can be done for very little or no cost to you
at all.

So again, make sure you implement.

After you’ve grasped what we are doing with these things, put them to work right away.

That’s all I have to say in this little introduction here.

I really hope this guide helps you out. If you have any questions about the stuff contained
here in the guide, then feel free to email me with your questions and I will do my best to give
you my full support!

Let’s get started!


Ever feel run down, tired, and depressed in the middle of winter when there is little
to no natural sunlight hitting your body?

This is often times attributed to a disease called “SAD” which is an acronym for
seasonal affective disorder.

This disease is literally linked to the absence of sunlight.

You see, light is incredibly important for us humans.

It regulates our circadian rhythms (internal clock) which in turn regulate almost every
physiologic function like hormones, vitamins, mood, and so much more.

Unlike our ancestors who received the perfect amount and type of light exposure all
the time, we modern day humans are all messed up.

We deprive ourselves of natural light and expose ourselves to unnatural light all day
long, sometimes without EVER seeing the sun’s light for months.

Here are a few ways in which we are different from our ancestors:

Our ancestors:
1. Woke with the sun shining in their eyes and were exposed to natural, full
spectrum light (aka sunlight) nearly all day
2. Saw almost exclusively red/orange colors at night from fire and sunsets
3. Went to bed with the sunset because it was dark

Compare this to us modern humans who:

1. Wake up in a dark room with an annoying sounding timer that blasts our cortisol
(stress hormone) thru the roof
2. Block themselves from the full spectrum of the sun and expose themselves to
harmful, partial spectrum light. Usually blue light from devices.
3. Stay up late at night while looking at TV screens, computer screens, and other
devices which keep us stimulated and NOT prepared for sleep

What happens when you live like modern humans?

You see a surge in “neolithic diseases”.

Chronically poor sleep alone can lead to a variety of serious health issues, but throw on
top of that depression, immunocompromised, skin cancer (yes, some skin cancers form
most on people who AVOID the sun), and a million other things, and you have a HUGE
PROBLEM on your hands.

My goal with this guide is not to give you super detailed explanations behind the things
I say (you can research that on your own).

What I want to do is give you concrete action steps that you can put to work right away,
and that’s what I’ll get into now.

Blue Blockers & Blackout Shades

Being exposed to blue light (from screens and other electronics) at night is one of the
most disruptive things you can do with your biology and sleep patterns.

It’s imperative you do not expose yourself to blue light at least 3 hours before bedtime.

Doing so will suppress your melatonin (sleep hormone) and really mess things up for

The best option would be to replace all the lights in your house with crystal rock salt
lamps OR to use red lighting and completely avoid screens for 3 hours before bed.

This is not always feasible for people though...

If you can’t do the above then I would at the very least recommend you invest in a pair
of Blue Blocking glasses.

These allow you to look at screens without the damaging light coming into your eyes
and affecting your biology and circadian rhythm.

I talk more about blue blockers in the video.

There are also some programs you can get for your devices like f.lux which
automatically shut off the blue light on your device near bed time.

This is a quite useful tool as is the blue blockers.

But just remember this, in an ideal world you don’t want any kind of bright light around
you at night at least 2-3 hours before bed.

Or ancestors (and our biology) are wired to only see bright lights during the day and
being exposed to them at night makes our body think it’s day which can obviously lead
to a host of issues.

This leads me onto another topic…

Blackout Shades

The environment in which you sleep should have absolutely no light in it.

Being exposed to even the smallest amount of light in the evening can disrupt your

I suggest not only using a sleep mask, but also investing in “black out shades” which are
shades for your windows that black out the window completely causing total darkness.

I final step to take when creating the darkest environment possible to sleep in is turning
off all devices that are in the room with you the emit light. This one is obvious, but you
definitely don’t want little lights on around you, especially if they are flashing.

Even small light disturbances like this can disrupt your sleep.

Bright Light in The Morning is Good (specifically sunlight and blue)

I’ve been hating on blue light a lot so far, but it’s really only bad to be exposed to at

In fact, bright lights, even better if blue, are actually good to be exposed to in the
morning because they tell your body to WAKE UP.

This is why I use something called a go.LITE during my morning meditation.

I also use a sunrise alarm clock.

If you don’t want to buy these things, then here’s a really simple hack I would

Wake up with the sun (just like our ancestors did) and go for a walk first thing in the
morning letting the sunlight hit your face for at least 10-15 min.

This is something I do everyday in conjunction with the sunrise alarm clock and blue
light during my morning meditation routine.


Light has INCREDIBLE influence over our biology, and I only SKIMMED the surface in this

Use light properly.

Use it in the morning and limit the brightness and spectrum to red and orange in the

Sleep is one of the most important physiologic process that humans go through. It’s
when our bodies heal, repair, and regenerate.

It’s timed and synced with our internal clock (circadian rhythm).

Anything (like light) that can mess up this process is very damaging to your health, so
use it to reprogram your system, not throw it out of balance.

Most people know that meditation is good for them, or at least they’ve heard someone
say that before.

Some of the MANY benefits of meditation include:

Stress Reduction
Memory Improvement
Cognitive Function Improvement
Increase in Happiness
Activation of The Parasympathetic Nervous System (responsible for healing and a bunch
of other stuff)

The list goes on and on...

What’s the key feature here, though? Does all meditation have these benefits?

Well, the short answer is yes, BUT only if you are able to change your brain waves...

You see, when experienced meditators are meditating what they are actually doing is
changing the state of their brainwaves.

They are going from faster, more chaotic brain wave states into slower and more
rhythmic ones.

This is possible for anyone to do with enough practice, but this is a skill that takes time
to develop.

A cool hack to get you there faster is to use something called binaural beats while

Binaural beats are specific sound frequencies that “entrain” your brain.

Basically, they get your brain to adapt to the sound waves based on the frequency of
the sounds being played thru the headphones.

Different frequencies have different effects on the brain, but if you are trying to get into
a more meditative state, then what you want to do is shoot for alpha or theta waves.

Take a look at this below:

Gamma waves = super awareness (I’m using this right now as I write this document)

Beta waves = what most stressed people are in all the time

Alpha waves = relaxation

Theta waves = deep state of relaxation

These are truly powerful states to be in.

I’ve been using them for years to produce differences in my brain waves and get me
into states faster than they would otherwise take me.

The KEY with binaural waves though, is that they must be listened to thru headphones
and NOT speakers.

This has to do with the way the binaural wave actually works.

You see, binaural beat soundtracks actually play two different frequencies in your ears
(between left and right) and your brain basically hears a frequency between the two
different frequencies.

When the brain does this, it “entrains” itself and the very waves in your brain begin to
match the perceived sound frequency. It’s pretty cool...

Basically, just use headphones and download a track to experiment with this during

I’d recommend using air tube headphones to avoid putting EMFs into your brain, but
more on that to come in the EMF section.


Binaural beats are sort of controversial, although the science seems to prove their
efficacy with regard to stress reduction and relaxation.

Again, I will let you look into that on your own.

I can tell you that in my n=1 experiment on myself over the years shows that they

Is it just placebo? Maybe, but who cares?

If it’s allowing me to get into a relaxed state faster or a more concentrated one faster,
then why does it matter if it’s placebo if the end result is the same?

There are tons of sources of these tracks all over the internet, but I particularly like this


Deep inhalation can promote relaxation, but that can all encourage you to breath out
too much.

Why is this bad? Well, because you are losing too much co2 (carbon dioxide).

Now, let’s just stop right there. You are probably going:

“Isn’t co2 a waste gas that we want to be breathing out?”.

The short answer to this is no, co2 is not a waste gas, but actually VERY important to
have inside of your bloodstream in decent quantities.

Why is co2 important to have in your blood?

Well, it turns out oxygen (o2) and co2 work together in harmony.

Co2 controls the uptake of the oxygen present in our bodies.

The more co2 we have in circulation, the more our body is able to effectively use its

Seems crazy right? Most people do not learn this in school, in fact, most are taught a
version that is quite contrary to this. Most people still think co2 is a waste gas.

Here’s something to consider…

The blood of most people is already almost packed pull of oxygen.

If you took an average person and measured their blood oxygenation by using
something called a pulse oximeter you wind find that most people have a blood oxygen
saturation of 95% or higher.

Yet even with a high average of blood oxygen concentration, many people still suffer the
effects of low oxygen.

How can this happen if most people already have a lot of oxygen in their blood?

Well the answer is that most people don’t have enough uptake of their oxygen because
they don’t have enough co2 due to overbreathing.

Over breathing (especially easy to do if you are a mouth breather), releases too much
carbon dioxide, which renders that oxygen in your blood useless to your body.

I know this is contrary to almost everything you’ve been told, but this book here
explains the science behind it and also give some great exercises.

Also, if you want to do more research on your own, look into the BOHR effect on

What can we do to keep our co2 up so we can utilize our blood oxygen?

The simplest thing you can start doing to limit the amount of co2 your are releasing
thru breathing and bring it back to normal levels is breathe through the nose!

Your body is designed to breathe through the nose. Not only does breathing through
the nose mix the air with humidity and other gases, but it is a smaller port that allows
for less airflow.

Naturally, it’s very hard to over breathe, and therefore expel too much carbon dioxide
when you are breathing through your nose.

For me, the hardest time for me to breath through my nose is when I’m sleeping
because I’m not longer conscious over my breathing patterns.

This is why I use a piece of electrical tape over my lips to keep them shut during the

Does it look weird? Yes. Is it freaky? Yes.

Does it work to keep your mouth closed which promotes nose breathing, which
promotes better co2 retention, which promotes better utilization of blood oxygen?


This is a cool little hack I recommend everyone to try.

Breathing through the nose during exercise

This technique is pretty self explanatory. During exercise you can simply resort to
exclusively nose breathing instead of breathing through the mouth.

This is excellent and I do this when I’m lifting weights as well as when I’m doing cardio.

This is contraindicated, meaning you shouldn’t do it, if you are a powerlifter or

someone lifting extremely heavy weights.

In this case the extra power you will get thru breathing through pursed lips is a bigger
benefit than the cons of mouth breathing are a con.


Co2 is NOT a waste gas as we’ve all been told it is.

It’s critically important for our bodies respiratory system to function properly.

Simply put, your ability to use oxygen is directly linked to the amount of co2 in your

Overbreathing by doing deep breathing exercises (sorry yogis, I was sad too) or
breathing through your mouth are two of the biggest causes of co2 depletion.

There are lots of devices and technology that can help you with this (which I will talk
about in the future), but the simplest way to get the benefits of this hack are simply to
start breathing through the nose only.

Do WHATEVER it takes to be able to do this. Get surgery to clear a deviated

septum. Use breathe right strips.

Whatever it is...make sure you are getting the air into and out of your nose!

This is undoubtedly one of the most popular things for me to talk about.

As with everything in this guide, I’ve had lot’s of personal experience with this.

Prolotherapy, prolozone, platelet rich plasma are all injection treatments for soft tissues
that promote healing.

They are NOT related to the evil cortisone shot, in fact, they typically work the exact
opposite way that cortisone works.

Both cortisone, and the other injections above can be used to treat soft tissue injuries
that aren’t healing for their own for whatever reason.

The difference between the two?

One promotes HEALING and the other SLOWS healing.

Cortisone shots reduce inflammation in the tissues they are injected into.

Unfortunately, the inflammatory process is HOW the body HEALS from injuries.

When someone is given cortisone, inflammation shuts down and the person will
temporarily feel better because inflammation is gone (although inflammation is natural
and supposed to be painful), BUT as a result of this the area will not heal in the long

This is why you will typically feel better after a cortisone shot until it wears out a short
time later.

It’s just not healing your body.

What’s a better alternative?

PRP, Prolotherapy, and Prolozone are all superior (in my opinion) because they work in
exact opposition to cortisone.

Prolotherapy and Prolozone PURPOSEFULLY induce more inflammation in the joints in

which they are injected.

This makes the body go through the acute inflammatory process (healing process)
because the body responds to the injected solution as though the area has just been
seriously injured.

The area is not being injured more, however, it’s just a chemical irritant.

The body doesn’t know this though and it floods the area with new cells that repair

It’s amazing!

What’s the drawback? Well, since it’s inducing further inflammation it will make the
area hurt a bit more for a few days.

This is a small price to pay for lasting relief and healing though. At least in my book…

PRP therapy is a bit different and involves drawing out your blood, isolating growth
factors, and then injecting that back into the damaged area.

This also works very well.

Why aren’t these more popular?

Well, there isn’t a lot of money to be made in these minimally invasive treatments. Nor
are they costly to manufacture for doctors to use...

Surgeons everywhere would be very unhappy if these were to ever become

mainstream, although professional athletes have been using them for years and you can

Where can you get this done?

These types of injections require a physician.

I recommend finding a good MD or DO who specialized in sports medicine and do these

injections using a google search and confining it to your city.

Insurance typically doesn’t cover this, but in the USA Prolotherapy (my recommended
injection) will run anywhere between $100-200 per injection.

Expensive? Yes, but not compared to surgery used to treat a minor tear somewhere.


Prolotherapy saved me during my recovery from shoulder surgery back in 2011.

I also realized that I probably didn’t even need surgery since the tear on my labrum was
small. If I could go back in time before surgery and try out Prolotherapy beforehand, I
definitely would have done that and probably wouldn’t have had to get surgery at all.

If you are someone considering surgery, or if you are someone with a nagging injury,
then I want you to highly consider this.

This is a video I made after my last prolo session.

NOTE: If you have muscle imbalances and horrible posture that are causing your
injuries than you NEED to fix those first before opting in for Prolotherapy, prp, or
prolozone. I’ve talked about this on YouTube for so go there, take care of your
alignment and balance, and if you still need help then consider these therapies.

Have you ever heard of 23 and me? This company sells you $99 DNA tests and ships
straight to your door.

When you receive them, you simply spit in a tube, mail it back to them, and then a few
weeks later your data is posted online.

They show you some cool stuff like where your ancestry is from, your chances of going
bald, and a bunch of other stuff.

The problem is, they don’t tell you a ton of information about your health.

They do include a health section that shows your genetic predisposition to certain
diseases like Parkinson’s, but this data is limited.

This is where SelfDecode comes in.

This is a company that integrates with 23 and me and sequences EVEN more of your
genetic data.

It shows you at least 10x more health stuff than 23 and me delivers alone.

You will be able to find out your genetic predisposition to MANY different diseases with
a tool like this.

Now you may be wondering:

“Why the f*** would I want to know what I’m genetically predisposed too? What if it’s
bad? Don’t our genes control our fate?”

Well the good news is that genetics are NOT deterministic as they were once thought to

Basically, just because you have a gene for breast cancer doesn’t mean you will get
breast cancer.

Geneticists are now studying something new called “epigenetics” which literally means
above genetics etc…

Epigenetics is a study of how and why genes are EXPRESSED.

In essence, with genetic and epigenetic information on yourself you can control the
expression of your genes.

You have WAY more influence here than you think you do, but you need to be aware of
what you have going on in order to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Without awareness, you are not gonna be able to make effective change.

Isn’t this toxic knowledge?

Knowing about your genetic predisposition to disease is only “toxic knowledge” if you
believe you can't do anything about the expression of your genes.

If you believe your genes are fully deterministic (meaning if you have a gene for
something, then you WILL get it) then this will be toxic knowledge that is very

Keep in mind, though, we have TREMENDOUS influence over the expression of our

We can turn certain ones of while turning other ones on all thru our lifestyle.


I’ve had this done myself.

I was a bit freaked out at first to discover my genetic predispositions, but then I
remembered the epigenetic factor in all this.

I remembered that I’m not fated to the genes I’ve been given, but rather they are fated
to the LIFESTYLE that I choose to live.

This technology is cool at the very least and you can acquire all of this information
about yourself for less than $200.

Technology is cool. It connects us all and makes a lot possible.

Hell, I even run my own business using technology.

I want to ask the question though, what is the cost of having technology around us all
the time?

More specifically, what’s the cost of having transmitting technology (devices that send
and receive signals) around us all the time?

At this point, we (as humans) don’t know a lot about this.

There simply hasn’t been a ton of research on the long term effects of exposure to such
things, but I personally would not like to test on myself to determine whether or not
there are.

Wireless devices (all electronic actually) emit something called EMFs which stands for
electromagnetic fields.

These fields of energy are not noticed, smelled, or felt (typically), although some people
claim to be very sensitive to them.

There is some evidence to suggest that long exposure to these fields can disrupt sleep
patterns and cause genetic mutations leading to things like cancer (particularly,
childhood leukemia).

These fields are literally all over the place and the best thing you can do to protect
yourself is remove your physical body from them or do your best to limit your exposure
to them (which is what many of you will have to do).

Now you may be asking:

“How am I supposed to do that if I can’t see, smell, or feel them?”

Well the answer is you get a meter that can measure these things.

You can purchase a handheld device on amazon for just a little over $100 called a tri-
field meter.

What this does is it measures electromagnetic energy.

The best part about it? It works REALLY well.

I’ve personally tested this thing all over my house around devices and objects I NEW
would emit EMFs when turned on (microwave, cell phone, smart meter outside house,
etc...) and this detects surging energy fields around these things reliably every time.

Now if you live in the suburbs, or even more terrifying, a big city like New York you are
not going to be able to avoid EMF exposure all together.

Wifi routers, cell phones, wiring in walls, and other electronics that emit EMFs are all
around you.

This is even true for me living in the suburbs of Detroit.

The best thing you can do is simply try to limit your exposure...

Where you sleep matters with EMFs

Where you are sleeping is crucial because you are spending a considerable chunk of
your time and life in that spot!

8 hours a day everyday equate to YEARS of life in the long run.

If you can find a spot in your house to put your bed in that has low EMFs then that’s
exactly where you want to be sleeping.

Personally, I’ve just recently moved my bedroom and bed in my own home to
accomplish this.

I used my tri field meter to scan my house and I found one room in particular that has
very low EMFs and I’ve decided to sleep there.

How to lower the emfs throughout your whole house

You can go a little crazy with one of the tri field meters once you realize EMFs are ALL

It’s easy (for me at least) to go into a tin foil hat mode and be afraid of all these wireless
waves penetrating my cells and damaging them.

However, like I said earlier, it’s really hard to completely eliminate EMFs unless you are
prepared to move into the woods in some remote location without electronics.

For most of us this is not an option.

What is an option though is to lower the amount of EMFs in your house (particularly at
night) to reduce your overall EMF load.

Here are a couple of things you might want to consider doing:

Getting a cable (ethernet) modem and not using wifi in your house (you will probably
have faster internet anyway with this method)
If you are using Wifi, get a timer on the outlet that powers it and set it to shut off during
bed time and turn back on during the morning
Turn off all lights and devices before bed
Get all of the electronic devices out of the room you sleep in (and for god’s sake, DON’T
EVER sleep next to a wifi router)
Consider turning off the circuit breaker to your house at night

These are all things you can do to reduce your exposure to EMFs.


At the end of the day, it’s your choice whether or not you want to take steps to avoid or
reduce your EMF exposure.

Like I said earlier, for me, it’s just about living optimally and not waiting to find out if
constant exposure to these fields is bad or not.

I’d rather be safe than sorry in other words.

From what I’ve seen, there’s been enough data on the dangers of EMF to persuade me
to get the trifield meter and also take steps to reduce my EMF exposure at home.

If for nothing else, it makes for a sort of cool toy that you can freak your friends out
with when you see them standing in front of a microwave or something. haha.

Honestly, I truly believe constant EMF exposure is a big problem for modern humans.

Even if it does something as simple and small as disrupting sleep patterns, this can have
catastrophic effects on the rest of the physiology.

Because I’m always trying to feel, think, and perform at my best I choose to not let
these things constantly bombard my life by doing everything I can to avoid it. Just want
this to be on your radar too!

It’s my hope that you learned something new by going through this guide and you are
now armed with strategies that you can use right away to start optimizing your health.

Remember, just knowing this stuff, but not acting on it is not gonna make any difference
for you.

Dormant knowledge in your brain is just gonna take up space.

Put this stuff to work now!

Start filtering out that blue light at night!

Get yourself a sleep mask!

Consider getting a Prolotherapy session for that old rotator cuff injury that has not

AND FOR GOD’S SAKE stop sleeping in a room with a wifi router!

If you need help with anything or have any questions about the information presented
here in this guide, then shoot me an email and I’ll respond personally

Again, thank you for reading this!

In health



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