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Ulleberg Paper Usar PDF
Ulleberg Paper Usar PDF
A mathematical model for an advanced alkaline electrolyzer has been developed. The model is based on a combination
of fundamental thermodynamics, heat transfer theory, and empirical electrochemical relationships. A dynamic thermal model
has also been developed. Comparisons between predicted and measured data show that the model can be used to predict the
cell voltage, hydrogen production, e.ciencies, and operating temperature. The reference system used was the stand-alone
photovoltaic-hydrogen energy plant in J0ulich. The number of required parameters has been reduced to a minimum to make
the model suitable for use in integrated hydrogen energy system simulations. The model has been made compatible to a
transient system simulation program, which makes it possible to integrate hydrogen energy component models with a standard
library of thermal and electrical renewable energy components. Hence, the model can be particularly useful for (1) system
design (or redesign) and (2) optimization of control strategies. To illustrate the applicability of the model, a 1-year simulation
of a photovoltaic-hydrogen system was performed. The results show that improved electrolyzer operating strategies can be
identi2ed with the developed system simulation model. ? 2002 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Alkaline electrolyzer; Hydrogen systems; Stand-alone power; Renewable energy; Modeling; System simulation
0360-3199/02/$ 22.00 ? 2002 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 6 0 - 3 1 9 9 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 3 3 - 2
22 (. Ulleberg / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28 (2003) 21 – 33
Acronyms LMTD log mean temperature diAerence, C
AC alternating current nc number of cells in series per stack
DC direct current p pressure, bar
EES Engineering Equation Solver r parameter related to ohmic resistance of
FZJ ForschungsZentrum J0ulich electrolyte, M m2
HYSOLAR HYdrogen SOLAR Rt overall thermal resistance of electrolyzer,
IEA International Energy Agency W−1 K
IFE Institute for Energy Technology s coe.cient for overvoltage on electrodes, V
JANAF Joint Army-Navy-Air Force (database t coe.cient for overvoltage on electrodes,
for thermochemical properties) A−1 m2
KOH potassium hydroxide SOC state of charge (battery), 0 : : : 1
MPPT maximum power point tracker T temperature, K or C
PEM proton exchange membrane U voltage, V
PHOEBUS PHOtovoltaik-Elektrolyse-BrennstoAzelle UAHX overall heat transfer coe.cient-area prod-
Und Systemtecknik uct for heat exchanger, W−1 K
PV photovoltaic OG change in Gibbs energy, J mol−1
R&D research and development OH change in enthalpy, J mol−1
RE renewable energy OS change in entropy, J K −1 mol−1
RMS root mean square ṅ molar Row rate, mol=s
SAPS stand-alone power system Q̇ heat transfer rate, W
SIMELINT SIMulation of Electrolyzers in INTer- Ot time interval, s
mittent operation
TRNSYS TRaNsient SYstem Simulation program Subscripts
WECS wind energy conversion system
WE-NET World Energy-Network a ambient
cool cooling (auxiliary)
Symbols cw cooling water
gen generated
A area of electrode, m2 H2 pure hydrogen
aq water based solution H2 O pure water
Ccw thermal capacity of cooling water, J K −1 i, o inlet, outlet
Ct overall thermal capacity of electrolyzer, ini initial
J K −1 loss loss to ambient
emf electromotive force, V O2 pure oxygen
f1 parameter related to Faraday e.ciency, rev reversible
mA2 cm−4 Constants
f2 parameter related to Faraday e.ciency
g gas F 96 485 C mol−1 or As mol−1 Faraday con-
hcond parameter related to conduction heat stant
transfer, W K −1 z 2 number of electrons transferred per reac-
hconv parameter related to convection heat tion
transfer, W K −1 A−1 R 8:315 J K −1 mol−1 universal gas constant
I current, A vstd 0:0224136 m3 mol−1 volume of an ideal
l liquid gas at standard conditions
in the area of stand-alone power systems (SAPS) based is being reported in this paper. However, it should be noted
on RE sources and H2 -technology [4 – 6], and joined in that IFE is currently in the process of acquiring a small-scale
1999 the IEA Hydrogen Program Annex 13 [7]. The elec- PEM-electrolyzer unit for testing in a laboratory setup,
trolyzer modeling eAorts performed in this context focused which hopefully will give valuable system performance data
on alkaline electrolysis, as this was the technology chosen over the next 2–3 years. The theory and modeling philoso-
for the relevant applications. It is this modeling eAort that phy presented here could be applied to the PEM-technology.
(. Ulleberg / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28 (2003) 21 – 33 23
Voltage, V/cell
splitting reaction: (a) hydrogen and oxygen are ideal gases, 1.8
(b) water is an incompressible Ruid, and (c) the gas and T = 80°C
1.6 Overvoltage
liquid phases are separate. Based on these assumptions the Utn@T=20-80°C
change in enthalpy OH , entropy OS, and Gibbs energy OG 1.4 Urev@T = 20°C
of the water splitting reaction can be calculated with refer-
ence to pure hydrogen (H2 ), oxygen (O2 ), and water (H2 O) 1.2
Urev@T = 80°C
at standard temperature and pressure (25 C and 1 bar). The 1.0
total change in enthalpy for splitting water is the enthalpy 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
diAerence between the products (H2 and O2 ) and the re- Current Density, mA/cm2
actants (H2 O). The same applies for the total change in
entropy. The change in Gibbs energy is expressed by Fig. 4. Typical I –U curves for an electrolyzer cell at high and low
OG = OH − T OS: (4)
At standard conditions (25 and 1 bar) the splitting of water used in this study is, for a given temperature
r t
is a non-spontaneous reaction, which means that the change U = Urev + I + s log I + 1 : (7)
in Gibbs energy is positive. The standard Gibbs energy for A A
water splitting is OG = 237 kJ mol−1 . For an electrochem- Fig. 4 shows the cell voltage versus the current density at
ical process operating at constant pressure and temperature a high and low operation temperature for a typical alkaline
the maximum possible useful work (i.e., the reversible work) water electrolyzer. As seen, the diAerence between the two
is equal to the change in Gibbs energy OG. Faraday’s law I –U curves is mainly due to the temperature dependence of
relates the electrical energy (emf) needed to split water to the overvoltages.
the chemical conversion rate in molar quantities. The emf In order to properly model the temperature dependence
for a reversible electrochemical process, or the reversible of the overvoltages (Eq. (7)) can be modi2ed into a more
cell voltage, is expressed by detailed I –U model, which takes into account the tempera-
OG ture dependence of the ohmic resistance parameter r and the
Urev = : (5) overvoltage coe.cients s and t. A temperature dependent
I –U model has been proposed by the author [21]:
The total amount of energy needed in water electrolysis r1 + r2 T
is equivalent to the change in enthalpy OH . From Eq. U = Urev + I
(4) it is seen that OG includes the thermal irreversibil-
ity T OS, which for a reversible process is equal to the t1 + t2 =T + t3 =T 2
+ s log I +1 : (8)
heat demand. The standard enthalpy for splitting water is A
OH = 286 kJ mol−1 . The total energy demand OH is
related to the thermoneutral cell voltage by the expression The Faraday e.ciency is de2ned as the ratio between the ac-
tual and theoretical maximum amount of hydrogen produced
OH in the electrolyzer. Since the Faraday e.ciency is caused
Utn = : (6)
zF by parasitic current losses along the gas ducts, it is often
called the current e9ciency. The parasitic currents increase
At standard conditions Urev = 1:229 V and Utn = 1:482,
with decreasing current densities due to an increasing share
but these will change with temperature and pressure. In the
of electrolyte and therefore also a lower electrical resistance
applicable temperature range Urev decreases slightly with
[20]. Furthermore, the parasitic current in a cell is linear to
increasing temperature (Urev@80◦ C; 1 bar = 1:184 V), while
the cell potential (Eq. (8)). Hence, the fraction of parasitic
Utn remains almost constant (Utn@80◦ C; 1 bar = 1:473 V). In-
currents to total current increases with decreasing current
creasing pressure increases Urev slightly (Urev@25◦ C; 30 bar =
densities. An increase in temperature leads to a lower re-
1:295 V), while Utn remains constant.
sistance, more parasitic currents losses, and lower Faraday
e.ciencies. An empirical expression that accurately depicts
2.2. Electrochemical model these phenomena for a given temperature is
The electrode kinetics of an electrolyzer cell can be mod- F = f2 : (9)
f1 + (I=A)2
eled using empirical current–voltage (I –U ) relationships.
Several empirical I –U models for electrolyzers have been According to Faraday’s law, the production rate of hydro-
suggested [11,13,14,20]. The basic form of the I –U curve gen in an electrolyzer cell is directly proportional to the
26 (. Ulleberg / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28 (2003) 21 – 33
transfer rate of electrons at the electrodes, which in turn is balance can be expressed as
equivalent to the electrical current in the external circuit. dT
Hence, the total hydrogen production rate in an electrolyzer, Ct = Q̇gen − Q̇loss − Q̇cool ; (13)
which consists of several cells connected in series, can be
expressed as where
nc I Q̇gen = c (U − Utn )I = nc UI (1 − e ); (14)
ṅH2 = F : (10)
The water consumption and oxygen production rates are sim- 1
Q̇loss = (T − Ta ); (15)
ply found from stoichiometry (Eq. (1)), which on a molar Rt
basis 2 is
Q̇cool = Ccw (Tcw; i − Tcw; o ) = UAHX LMTD (16)
ṅH2 O = ṅH2 = 2ṅO2 : (11)
The generation of heat in an electrolyzer is mainly due to
electrical ine.ciencies. The energy e9ciency can be calcu- (T − Tcw; i ) − (T − Tcw; o )
LMTD = : (17)
lated from the thermoneutral voltage (Eq. (6)) and the cell ln[(T − Tcw; i )=(T − Tcw; o )]
voltage (Eq. (8)) by the expression
The 2rst term on the right-hand side of Eq. (13) is the in-
Utn ternal heat generation, the second term the total heat loss
e = : (12)
U to the ambient, and the third term the auxiliary cooling de-
mand. The overall thermal capacity Ct and resistance Rt for
For a given temperature, an increase in hydrogen production
the electrolyzer, and the UA-product for the cooling water
(i.e., an increase in current density) increases the cell voltage
heat exchanger are the constants that need to be determined
(Fig. 4), which consequently decreases the energy e.ciency.
analytically or empirically prior to solving the thermal equa-
For a given current density, the energy e.ciency increases
tions. It should be noted that the thermal model presented
with increasing cell temperature. It should be noted here that
here is on a per stack basis.
Eq. (12) is only valid for systems where no auxiliary heat
A simple method to calculate the electrolyzer tempera-
is added to the system. (If auxiliary heat is added, the volt-
ture is to assume constant heat generation and heat transfer
age may, at very low current densities, drop into the region
rates for a given time interval. If the time steps are chosen
between the reversible and thermoneutral voltage, and the
su.ciently small, the result is a quasi steady-state thermal
e.ciency would be greater than 100%). In low-temperature
model. Using Eq. (13) as the basis, a quasi steady-state ther-
electrolysis, the cell voltage will during normal operation
◦ mal model can be expressed as
(50 –80 C and 40 –300 mA cm−2 ) always be well above the
thermoneutral voltage, as observed in Fig. 4. However, some Ot
T = Tini + (Q̇ − Q̇loss − Q̇cool ): (18)
initial heating may be required during start-up if the elec- Ct gen
trolyzer has been allowed to cool down to ambient temper-
ature (∼ 20 C). A more complex method is to solve the diAerential equation
In order to calculate the overall performance of an elec- analytically and calculate the temperature directly. How-
trolyzer system, information about the number of cells in ever, for this to be possible an expression for the outlet cool-
series and=or parallel per stack and the number of stacks per ing water must 2rst be found. If a constant temperature in
unit is needed. The rated voltage of an electrolyzer stack is the LMTD-expression above is assumed, Eq. (16) can be
found from the number of cells in series, while the number of rewritten to
cells in parallel yields the rated current (and H2 -production). UAHX
The total power is simply the product of the current and Tcw; o = Tcw; i + (T − Tcw; i ) 1 − exp − : (19)
Using Eq. (13) as the basis and inserting Eqs. (14) – (16)
and (19), it can be demonstrated that the overall ther-
2.3. Thermal model mal energy balance on the electrolyzer can be expressed
by the linear, 2rst-order, non-homogeneous diAerential
The temperature of the electrolyte of the electrolyzer can equation
be determined using simple or complex thermal models,
depending on the need for accuracy. Assuming a lumped dT
+ aT − b = 0 (20)
thermal capacitance model [22], the overall thermal energy dt
with solution
2 Gas Row rates are commonly given on a normal cubic meter b b
T (t) = Tini − exp(−at) + ; (21)
per hour (Nm3 h−1 ) basis (Eq. (A.1)). a a
(. Ulleberg / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28 (2003) 21 – 33 27
where 2.2
1 Ccw UAHX Predicted
a= + 1 − exp − ; (22) 2.0
t Ct Ccw
Voltage, V/cell
nc UI (1 − e ) Ta
b= +
Ct t T = 30°C
1.6 T = 40°C
T = 50°C
Ccw Tcw; i UAHX
+ 1 − exp − : (23) T = 60°C
Ct Ccw 1.4 T = 70°C
T = 80°C
Electrolyzer switched ON
60 Predicted
T = 40°C
PHOEBUS: T = 60°C Measured
T = 80°C T = 80°C 1 Predicted
0 50 100 150 200 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Current Density, mA/cm Time, h
Fig. 6. Predicted versus measured faraday e.ciency for two ad- Fig. 8. Predicted versus measured H2 -production for a typical day
vanced alkaline electrolyzers: (1) PHOEBUS (26 kW; 7 bar) and with variable electrolyzer current input. (For clarity, only every
(2) HYSOLAR (10 kW; 5 bar). fourth measured data point was plotted).
4 4
2 2
1 1
RMS error = 0.053 Nm /hr
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Measured, Nm /hr
3 Current, A
Fig. 7. Predicted versus measured hydrogen production. Fig. 9. Predicted and measured H2 -production as a function of
measured electrical current. (The same day as shown in Fig. 8, but
with all of the data points included).
5 min intervals over a 15-h time period) was compared
to the model. The results (Fig. 7) show that for system 500 50
simulations it su.ces to model the Faraday e.ciency with Electrolyzer switched ON
a simple non-temperature-dependent expression. This can
UA-product, W/°C
400 Measured Predicted 40
Current, A
there is good agreement between the measured data and the Time, h
Fig. 10. Overall UA-product for the heat exchanger between the
cooling water and the electrolyzer.
3.2. Thermal model
The cooling of the electrolyzer is crucial to prevent over- the cooling water and the electrolyzer was proposed in Eq.
heating. The most convenient cooling method is usually to (24). A comparison between the measured and predicted
use regular tap water, as was the case with the PHOEBUS UA-product is given in Fig. 10. The results clearly shows
electrolyzer. The average tap water Row rate and inlet tem- that there exists an indirect relationship between the elec-
perature for the speci2c day discussed here was 0:6 Nm3 h−1 trolyzer current and the UA-product, and that this can, to
and 14:5 C, respectively. In order to estimate the cooling a good approximation, be accounted for by the proposed
eAect an overall UA-product for the heat transfer between empirical equation.
(. Ulleberg / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28 (2003) 21 – 33 29
100 500 two distinct modeling areas: (1) system design (or redesign)
Electrolyzer switched ON Tmeas
and (2) optimization of control strategies.
Temperature, °C
The applicability of the model is best illustrated by show-
Current, A
60 300 ing some results from integrated system simulations. The
reference system (Fig. 12) used in the simulations pre-
40 200 sented here is the PHOEBUS demonstration plant at the
Research Center in J0ulich, Germany [23]. At the time of
20 100
Current the study this system consisted of four diAerently oriented
0 0 PV-arrays with maximum power point trackers (MPPTs),
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 a pressurized advanced alkaline electrolyzer, hydrogen and
Time, h
oxygen storage pressure vessels, an alkaline fuel cell, power
Fig. 11. Predicted versus measured electrolyzer temperature.
conditioning equipment (two DC=DC-converters and one
DC=AC-inverter), and a lead acid battery bank.
The level of detail of the electrolyzer model makes it pos-
The electrolyzer temperature for a day with variable sible to investigate a number of important system perfor-
power input (solar energy minus user load) is depicted in mance parameters such as the number of electrolyzer starts,
Fig. 11. The initial temperature (at midnight) was 56:4 C
H2 -production, operating time, and standby (idling) time.
and the temperature at start-up of the electrolyzer (04:00 Statistical data such as minimum, maximum, and average
AM) was 51:7 C. This initial decrease in temperature is electrolyzer current, voltage, power, Row rates and temper-
only due to natural cooling to the ambient, with a tempera- atures can also be analyzed. Comparisons with the reference
ture of about 20 C. The values for the thermal capacitance system show that the model has a suitable level of detail
and for the overall thermal resistance were found by inves- [5].
tigating the cooling pattern for electrolyzer for a number One of the key system control parameters is the opera-
◦ ◦
of diAerent days: Ct = 625 kJ C−1 and Rt = 0:167 C W−1 tional mode of the electrolyzer, which determines whether
(equal to t = 29 h). The heat generation was calculated the electrolyzer is to operate in a 2xed or variable current
from the energy e.ciency (Eq. (14)), where the electrical mode. In the constant current mode the battery is charged
current input was based on measurements depicted in Fig. during periods of excess current on the busbar and dis-
11, and the auxiliary cooling was based on measured tap charged during periods with de2cit current. The battery state
water conditions (0:6 Nm3 h−1 and 14:5 C).
of charge (SOC) in this case will mainly depend on two
The result of this 1-day simulation shows that the model uncontrollable variables, the solar radiation and user load,
slightly underpredicts the temperature. There might be and one controllable variable, the 2xed current (or power)
several explanations for this. One possible reason is mea- setting of the electrolyzer.
surement error, where the main source of uncertainty is the In the variable current scenario only excess current avail-
measured temperature of the electrolyte. Another possible able on the busbar is fed to the electrolyzer, hence the
reason is simply the lack of detail in the thermal model, battery SOC remains constant. It is important to note that
where the main de2ciency of the model is that the tem- most alkaline electrolyzers, even advanced ones speci2cally
perature of the electrolyte is assumed to be homogeneous. designed to manage Ructuating input current, can only
However, in general, the thermal dynamic behavior of the operate down to about 20% of their rated power, and an
electrolyzer is predicted quite accurately. idling current needs to be maintained. Table 1 summarizes
The importance of modeling the electrolyzer temperature the result from an analysis made on the inRuence of alterna-
accurately depends on the purpose of the models. A com- tive electrolyzer control strategies on system performance.
parison between predicted and measured electrolyzer volt- Electrolyzer mode of operation ( :xed or variable): The
age and the corresponding power shows that the slight un- bene2t of operating the electrolyzer in a variable current
derprediction of the temperature has relatively little signi2- mode rather than at a 2xed current is illustrated by com-
cance from an energy system simulation point of view. For paring Sim A–Sim B. In Sim B the electrolyzer was oper-
instance, in the 1-day simulation presented above, the error ating at a 2xed current of 550 A (∼ 21 kW), which gave
between the total simulated and measured energy demand a much more frequent electrolyzer on=oA-switching than in
was less than 2%. Sim A. This is also reRected in the low average run time.
The net result is less hydrogen production, yielding a lower
2nal pressure level in the H2 -storage at the end of the year.
4. System simulation results In Sim A, on the other hand, a large fraction of the energy
from the PV-arrays was used directly to run the electrolyzer.
The intention of the electrolyzer model presented in this As a consequence the use of the battery was minimized. A
study is to integrate it with other renewable and hydrogen en- comparison between Sim A and Sim B shows that the bat-
ergy models, and perform system simulation studies. Thus, tery discharging energy increased by about 50%. Other 2xed
the usefulness of the model can essentially be divided into current set points have been investigated [5] and the trend
30 (. Ulleberg / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28 (2003) 21 – 33
Table 1
InRuence of alternative electrolyzer control strategies on system performance
is the same: variable electrolyzer operation mode gives a were lowered by 10% compared to Sim A, which required
better system performance than 2xed current mode. the battery to operate much more frequently at medium high
Basic control strategy for electrolyzer: The inRu- SOC (60 –80%), and less frequently at high SOC levels.
ence of reducing the upper and lower thresholds for the Hence, the higher threshold settings used in Sim A gave a
on=oA-switching of the electrolyzer can be seen by compar- better utilization of the installed battery capacity. In general,
ing Sim A–Sim C. In Sim C the on=oA-switching set points there is a tradeoA between battery capacity utilization on
(. Ulleberg / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 28 (2003) 21 – 33 31
one hand, and the need to dump energy (at SOC ¿ 100%) goes to J0urgen Mergel (FZJ) for being so helpful. A humble
on the other. This needs to be incorporated into the control thought also goes to my late advisor Professor Odd Andreas
strategy. AsbjHrnsen.
5. Conclusions Appendix A.
Resistance Param. (r), Ω m
Resistance, r:
8x10-5 0.8 step 3
step 5
6x10-5 0.6 step 7
Overvoltage, t:
4x10-5 0.4
step 3
step 5
2x10-5 0.2
step 7
0x100 0.0
20 40 60 80 100
Temperature, °C
Fig. 13. Electrolyzer I –U curve 2tting; illustration of a step-by-step procedure to determine the temperature sensitivity of the resistance
parameter r and the overvoltage coe.cient t in Eq. (8).
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