Study Guide in Science 9 Matter: First Quarter Lessons
Study Guide in Science 9 Matter: First Quarter Lessons
Study Guide in Science 9 Matter: First Quarter Lessons
Learning Competencies
Formation of an ionic bond (ion) takes place through the following steps:
Atom of one of the elements loses one or more electrons to form a cation,
e.g., an atom A loses one electron to form a cation A+
An atom of the other element gains one or more electrons to form an anion,
e.g., an atom B gains one electron to form an anion B–
The cation and anion so formed come closer and are held together by the
electrostatic force of attraction, i.e., the two ions are bound by an ionic bond.
Covalent bonds share electrons in order to form a stable octet around each atom in
the molecules.
3. Metallic bonds form between two metal atoms. Metallic bonds result from the
electrostatic attraction between metal cations and delocalized electrons. The nature
of metallic bonding accounts for many of the physical properties of metals, such as
conductivity and malleability.
Weekly Tasks
You can use your study guide to review the lesson and get ready for your
written assessment tomorrow.
Madriaga E., 2013. Science Links 9, Rex Publishing Bookstore, Inc.
Pictures retrieved from google image
Weekly Tasks (Science 9)
Pointing system:
5- correct and concise
2- partly correct and concise
1- Incorrect but somehow considerable
1- Wrong answer at all.
Day 2: Written Assessment (Chemical Bonds: Connected to Ion Formation?)
- The submission is on the 3rd day from the day this activity was given.
So, you’ll be given a 3-day period to accomplish this task. Upload to google
classroom you output.
10 5 2
Accuracy of the The student shows The student shows The student
Content deep understanding shallow shows limited
of the topic; All understanding of the understanding of
items are correct topic; Partly items the topic;
are incorrect Majority of the
items are
Organization of All elements are Some elements are Few elements are
Ideas logically presented logically presented logically
Creativity The product is very The product is The product is not
creative, detailed and somewhat creative, creative, very
a lot of effort went limited detailed and limited detailed
into work. effort went into and effort went
work. into work.