Air Quality Questions NEHA Study Guide
Air Quality Questions NEHA Study Guide
Air Quality Questions NEHA Study Guide
1. Which of the following are used to monitor air pollution? d
a. Hi-vol filter
b. Slit sampler
c. Electrostatic precipitator
d. Both A and B
2. An electro-static precipitator is used to remove __________ from the air b
a. Microbiological substances
b. Suspended particulates
c. Corrosive gases
d. Sulfur Dioxide
3. A Hi-vol filter is used to monitor: b
a. Microbiological factors in air
b. Total Suspended Particulates
c. Corrosive Gases
d. Sulfur Dioxide
4. Which standards are set to protect the publics health? a
a. Primary Air Quality Standards
b. Public Health Air Quality Standards
c. Federal Air Quality Standards
d. Carbon Monoxide Emission Standards
5. Which of the following is an effective strategy to reduce air pollution? d
a. Modification of transportation
b. Reducing the number of times one mows their lawn
c. Reducing waste
d. All of the above
6. Health effects of ozone on humans does NOT include: d
a. Throat irritation
b. Shortness of breath
c. Chest pain
d. Throat cancer
7. Wind that blows predominately from one direction over the earths surface is: b
a. Dominant Wind
b. Prevailing Wind
c. Katabatic Wind
d. Trade Wind
8. A graph showing wind speed and direction at a given location over time is: c
a. Wind plot
b. Wind data graph
c. Wind rose
d. Wind report
9. The air pollutant ozone can be attributed to which of the following? d
ACDEHSA Outdoor Air Quality Module Questions
a. Dry cleaners
b. Forest Fires
c. Automobiles
d. All of the above
10. The air pollutant sulfur dioxide can be attributed to which of the following? d
a. Coal burning power plants
b. Paint shops
c. Volcanoes
d. Both A and C
11. Which of the following is NOT classified as a particulate? a
a. Gases
b. Smoke
c. Dust
d. Mist
12. An inversion occurs when:
a. Warmer less dense air moves over cooler, dense air a
b. Cooler dense air moves over warmer, less dense air.
c. Warmer dense air moves over cooler, less dense air
d. Cooler less dense air moves over warmer, dense air
13. When fuel (gasoline, oil or coal) does not sufficiently react with oxygen to form water and carbon dioxide, this is
a. Slow combustion
b. Rapid combustion
c. Incomplete combustion
d. Turbulent combustion c
14. Nitrogen oxides, water, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide are all resultant compounds of: c
a. Slow combustion
b. Rapid combustion
c. Incomplete combustion
d. Turbulent combustion
15. When organic materials undergo decomposition due to extreme heat in the absence of oxygen, this process is
a. Thermal combustion
b. Pyrolysis
c. Volatile combustion
d. Thermolysis
16. Over a period of three years one contracts asbestosis disease after coming into contact with asbestos. How would
this disease be classified?
a. Chronic
b. Acute
c. Symptomatic a
ACDEHSA Outdoor Air Quality Module Questions
17. Dental office employees may be exposed to which of the following systemic poison?
a. Mercury
b. Benzene
c. Cadmium
d. Carbon tetrachloride a
18. The use of a central air system would be important to check if which of the following occurred?
a. Viral Disease outbreak
b. Airborne Disease outbreak
c. Bacterial Disease outbreak
d. Parasitic Disease outbreak b
19. What is used to determine whether emissions of smoke are within established limits?
a. Ringelmann Chart
b. Smoke Chart
c. Smoke Particulate Monitor
d. Pollutant Standards Index Monitor a
20. Sulfur Dioxide, Ozone and Hydrogen fluoride are most harmful to:
a. Humans
b. Plants
c. Rivers
d. Oceans a
21. Pollutants are often trapped within the _________________ of an inversion
a. Warm air layer
b. Hot air layer
c. Cool air layer c
d. Primary layer
22. What mixes water and gas to remove particulates like rain fall?
a. J et Scrubber
b. Hi-vol Filter
c. Electrostatic Precipitator
d. None of the above a
23. The most common occupational ailment is:
a. Mesothelioma
b. Hepatitis
c. Dermatitis
d. Silicosis c
24. Which diseases result from small particles being inhaled?
a. Dermatitis and Silicosis
b. Throat Cancer and Asbestosis
c. Silicosis and Asbestosis
d. Dermatitis and Throat Cancer c
ACDEHSA Outdoor Air Quality Module Questions
25. Which of the following respiratory diseases is common among coal miners?
a. Tuberculosis
b. Black lung disease
c. Mesothelioma
d. Empyema b
26. In Donora, Pennsylvania, in October 1948, what occurred and resulted in up to 70 human deaths?
a. Air inversion
b. Acid Rain
c. Radiation event
d. Release of a toxic gas a
27. The guideline for occupational exposures in healthy adults is called:
a. Threshold Limit Status (TLS)
b. Threshold Limit Value (TLV)
c. Threshold for Continuous Exposure (TCE)
d. Threshold for Acceptable Exposure (TAE) b
28. A fume is:
a. Solid particles suspended in gas
b. Liquid particles suspended in gas
c. Gaseous particles suspended in liquid
d. Both A and C a
29. For a 320 home subdivision, calculate yearly CO emissions based on the following:
Average 3 daily trips per family
Average trip length 11.5 miles
CO emission factor: 1 gram per mile
a. 4.44 tons per year
b. 2,014.8 tons per year
c. 5.52 tons per year
d. 189.04 tons per year a
30. Incomplete combustion results in the emission of carbon monoxide. What is its most acute health effect?
a. Headache
b. Asphyxiation
c. Seizure
d. Carcinogen b
31. Which of the following emit the greatest amount of sulfur oxide?
a. Cross-country Truck traffic
b. Volcanoes
c. Coal combustion
d. Biomedical Plants c
32. Photo-chemical smog is:
a. Smog that reacts with sunlight to create secondary pollutants
b. Smog that can be seen only through a lens
ACDEHSA Outdoor Air Quality Module Questions
c. Smog that is caused by the sun
d. Smog that reacts with sunlight, to rid the air of pollutants a
33. Fibers per cc of air is the unit used to measure:
a. Dust
b. Asbestos
c. Filter level
d. All of the above b
34. The correct balance of which of the following will most affect ones comfort in a room?
a. Air movement, number of people in the room, absolute humidity
b. Air movement, absolute humidity and temperature
c. Air movement, relative humidity and temperature
d. Number of people in the room, temperature and relative humidity c
35. Vehicles and boats emit:
a. Nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and lead
b. Hydrocarbons, ozone and sulfur dioxide
c. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, and hydrocarbons
d. Carbon monoxide, ozone and lead c
36. During an event that severely affects air quality, what would be the most appropriate advice to residents of the
a. Stay inside your homes
b. Tape off all windows and air ducts
c. Evacuate your homes
d. Wear face masks at all times a
37. Which of the following is used to calculate air pollution concentrations?
a. Visual Plume Model
b. Pollution Curve Model
c. Gaussian Plume Model
d. Atmospheric Dispersion Model c
38. Acid rain is produced by:
a. Nitrogen oxides +water
b. Ozone +water
c. Sulfur oxides +water
d. Carbon monoxide +water c
39. What filtering process is produced by rain?
a. Biofilter
b. Absorption
c. Chemisorption
d. Humidifier c
40. What deadly gas can be produced from a water heater that is not burning correctly?
a. Carbon Monoxide
ACDEHSA Outdoor Air Quality Module Questions
b. Sulfur Monoxide
c. Nitrous oxide
d. Ozone a