Zeitlyn, D. (2012) - Anthropology in and of The Archives
Zeitlyn, D. (2012) - Anthropology in and of The Archives
Zeitlyn, D. (2012) - Anthropology in and of The Archives
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Contingent Pasts. Archives as
Anthropological Surrogates∗
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
David Zeitlyn
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, School of Anthropology and Museum
Ethnography, University of Oxford, Oxford OX2 6PE, United Kingdom;
email: david.zeitlyn@anthro.ox.ac.uk
AN41CH28-Zeitlyn ARI 16 August 2012 19:27
Some archives holding the work of early an- in particular (Cohn 1987, Stocking 1991, Pels
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thropologists and others, such as missionaries, 1997, Mathur 2000, Dirks 2002, Burton 2003,
have been used by anthropologists and indige- Stoler 2009). As Appadurai (1993) and Asad
nous groups to recover material spanning the (2002) have stressed, the development of quan-
past 150–200 years of more-or-less structured titative approaches was a device to improve gov-
research.1 ernmentality to increase control in the Indian
colonies [Stoler (2009) also discusses the im-
portance of counting in Indonesia (p. 167)]. I
PART ONE: THE NATURE discuss other aspects of subaltern readings of
OF ARCHIVES colonial archives below. However, there is a
notable parallel and irony: Foucault and his fol-
Plurals and Capitals: archive or
lowers [such as Davies (1987) and many other
Archive, Archive or Archives?
historians and anthropologists] have explored
Archives are both the repositories of material how the archive suppresses, suborns, and con-
(buildings, suites of rooms, or a Web address) trols groups such as women, the insane, and re-
and the materials contained therein. Many au- ligious dissidents in Europe, in the home states
thors have exploited the slippage between these of the global colonizers. Is there a significant
two senses, pitting them against each other. difference between the experience of control of
Some usage differences map onto substantive such people and that of colonized groups? Per-
differences between authors. Broadly speaking, haps governments colonize all their subjects,
professional archivists discuss “an archives”: whether in cities or the distant colonies (Fou-
Dictionaries indicate that the word is usu- cault analyzed the development of the modern
ally plural (because even one building contains
many files). By contrast, theorists who use the
idea of records in an extended (metaphorical) 3
Foucault is notoriously unclear about the difference between
sense, following Foucault and Derrida, discuss archeology and genealogy (see Sheringham 2011, discussed
the singular archive, often with a definite article: below).
the archive, and sometimes even the Archive.2 4
For Richards, colonies could not really be governed given
the resources available and the limits of paper-based com-
munication across distance (1993, p. 3). He sees the ad-
ministrators controlling paper instead of people, resting on
the illusion of their files, hence his subtitle: Knowledge and
See Savage 2007 and other papers in Sociological Research the Fantasy of Empire. In Seeing Like a State, Scott says,
Online 12(3) in the section, “Reusing Qualitative Data.” “[T]here are virtually no other facts for the state than those
See Supplemental Appendix 1 (follow the Supplemen- that are contained in documents” (Scott 1998, p. 82, quoted
Supplemental Material tal Material link from the Annual Reviews home page at in Ketelaar 2001, p. 133). Similarly, Joyce sees archives as a
http://www.annualreviews.org) for relative rates of usage. crucial technology of liberal states (1999).
462 Zeitlyn
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state and the oppression of its subjects in gen- representations” through appraisal/selection,
eral). The distinction between colonizers and organization,8 and cataloging.
colonized strangely seems less significant from Following Garfinkel’s (1984 [1967]) eth-
this viewpoint.5 nomethodological analysis of medical records,
Another general reading of archives is found another approach examines the role of power in
in Derrida (1995, but see also 2002). For archives’ composition. Some research archivists
Derrida (1995), like Foucault, there is no es- have examined the creation of records, the
cape from archival hegemony; it is a way of raw material that will (if passing the selection
thinking about memory, of exploring Freud’s threshold) become archived. Garfinkel explores
ideas of the fear of death, and of repression as how doctors create patients’ records that are
a type of archiving, a reversible form of for- sufficient for the patients’ immediate treatment,
getting (p. 43; I discuss archival liminality be- but are inadequate for administrators or epi-
low). He plays with the ambiguity of his title, demiologists. He makes clear the “‘Good’ Or-
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
Archive Sickness or Fever: One can be simultane- ganizational Reasons for ‘Bad’ Clinic Records”
ously sick of and sick (with desire) for archives. (his title). Later, Yakel studied how radiogra-
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Steedman responded to this by considering lit- phy records were created, transmitted around
eral forms of archive fever, such as anthrax from a hospital, then stored (1997, 2001). In an-
parchment and leather bindings, and the anx- other domain, Cicourel (1968), Morash (1984),
iety and joys of archival research (2002, 2007, and Coulthard (2002) examined the creation
2008). and use of legal records. Considering these ap-
Parallels with Foucault arise when consid- proaches, Trace (2002) distinguished the pur-
ering the role of archivists, the gatekeepers se- pose from the use of a record (p. 143). A record
lecting which items are archived and which are may be created for one purpose but used for
condemned to oblivion by being omitted. This other ends: “[R]ecords are more than purely
process is another instrumentality of power. technical facts,” requiring “an understanding
Present choices determine future history, se- of records as social entities, where records are
lecting the materials available to future histori- produced, maintained, and used in socially or-
ans (Derrida 1995, p. 17).6 ganized ways” (2002, p. 152). Her work con-
Archivists have recently discussed the exer- nects explicitly to the social study of science (see
cise of power in archival appraisal, the deter- Shankar 2002, 2004).
mination of what becomes the archival record7 The purpose/use distinction parallels one
[see especially Craig (2002), Schwartz & Cook made by archival historians: Between sources
(2002), Manoff (2004, p. 20), Cook (2007); intended to inform, created with an evidential
Assman (2010) is discussed below]. Yakel purpose, and “the evidence of witnesses in spite
(2007) considers how archivists create “archival of themselves,” sources never intended to be
part of the historical record but which were
nonetheless archived becoming more valuable
for that9 [Olwig (1984) and Bastian (2003, p. 77)
This will be read differently in Mumbai, Liverpool, and
Douala: Such different readings challenge the discipline of
anthropology. We need to rethink the conceptual extensions 8
Derrida (1995, p. 10) describes an archive as a prison for
of the archive and colonization [see Povinelli’s (2011, p. 158) documents (under house arrest). This notion evokes Clif-
discussion of postcolonial archives]. ford’s (1985, p. 240) discussions of museums as appropriating
Derrida started with the physical basis of the archive as the objects and Foucault’s (1977) work on prisons.
house of the archon (magistrate), the place where (judicial) 9
“Archival records are the by-products of human activity. At
records were kept; so archives connect directly to the power their most transparent they are unselfconscious creations in-
of the state (and Foucault’s work). tended not to interpret or investigate a particular topic but
Examples include the destruction/selection of files by ac- to complete a normal and often routine transaction. In mod-
cessioning archivists in Germany (Ernst 1999, p. 18) and the ern archival theory, such records derive reliability and au-
United States (Brown 1998, p. 23). thenticity as evidence; consequently they result from activity
credit Bloch (1954, p. 51) with the phrase]. Ass- in ways never intended or envisaged by those
mann (2010, p. 99, citing Burkhardt) similarly creating or maintaining the archives.11
distinguishes messages (consciously aimed at There is “no view from nowhere” (Levy
the future) from traces (present signs without 1998, p. 168): Every ethnography, history, and
future intention, which survive and become his- archive is positioned or biased in one or many
torical remains).10 The idea of accidental wit- ways. This does not make archival (or any
nesses of future, albeit unintentional, signifi- other) research worthless; rather, we must deal
cance leads to the next section. with the positionality or bias of the accounts.
There are two general strategies for doing so.
The Comaroffs “read against the grain” (1991,
ARCHIVES AS INSTRUMENTS pp. 52/53, citing Benjamin 1968, p. 257) using
OF SUBVERSION sources such as newspapers and songs [calling
Foucault and Derrida also develop the idea of them “textual traces” (Comaroff & Comaroff
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
archives challenging the hegemony just con- 1992, p. 33)] to help interpret records in con-
ventional archives. For them, archives contain
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464 Zeitlyn
AN41CH28-Zeitlyn ARI 16 August 2012 19:27
1992, p. 109).12 Considering material from the renders an image more than a nice photograph.
Caribbean, Trouillot (1995) encourages us to It connects photographs as (social) objects to
think about the power plays affecting silences, the lives of their subjects. For visual theorists,
determining which stories get told and which in Michelet’s spirit, putting names to faces is
leave traces (p. 29). Recognizing this, we can redemptive (whether of the people or the im-
read the silences: Reading archival absences ages). However, Farge (1989) sounds a balanced
against the grain is a way of making silence caution: Historical (or ethnographic) research
speak (see Pels 1997, p. 166). does not revive the dead, but passes them on to
The work of the subaltern studies group future others so that more stories “can be built
(e.g., Guha 1983) in South Asia exemplifies on their enigmatic presences” (p. 145).13
these approaches, using an understanding of Enigmatic or ghostly, more or less substan-
how records were created (reading along the tial, our families dead, alive, and as yet unborn:
grain) to recover history from below (reading These are the people we relate to. Our rela-
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
across the grain). Working on material from the tions to these people mark and affect humans
now, as they always have. Thinking about
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This alerts us to collaboration in archive creation: Colo-
nized subjects were clerks (and more), writing documents in See Crowley (2007) on the importance of names for Pierre
colonial archives under orders from, and sometimes in dis- Michon; see Zeitlyn (2008, pp. 167–68) for a similar position
cussion with, their colonial masters. on life writing.
forgetting. In order to remember anything and silences they contain (p. 52). This view
one has to forget; but what is forgotten is parallels the role of ethnographic museums as
not necessarily lost forever” (Assmann 2010, “contact zones” (Pratt 1991, Clifford 1997),
pp. 105–6). For Assmann, both memory and especially when indigenous museums (Erikson
archives have active and passive aspects. Of et al. 2002, p. 31) act as mediators between
memory, she says, “The institutions of active indigenous groups and the public, anthropol-
memory preserve the past as present while the ogists, and other researchers. The complexity
institutions of passive memory preserve the of such mediation is brought out in studies
past as past” (2010, p. 98, emphases in original). of museums (and archives) as institutions
However, she further distinguishes among and of the archivists who work in them (see
political archives, tools of power [e.g., the Stasi below). Ricœur (1988) considers another type
archives in East Germany (p. 103)], and histor- of mediation, seeing archival documents as
ical archives, once but no longer of immediate mediating traces connecting past and present
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
use, preserved inert for future uses/contexts. [p. 123; see Fabian (2008) and Meehan (2009)
If in the truly long term we are all, if not for- on “the archival nexus”]. Similar ideas about
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gotten, at best archaeology, then the archive is photographs view them as traces, which the
a liminal state, demonstrating optimism about viewer uses to construct (evoke) a person
the long term, which is even more important (discussed in Zeitlyn 2008).
for being unfounded.14 This viewpoint sees the Meehan (2009) discusses “Yeo’s suggestion
archive as a liminal zone where objects, files, that evidence and memory [. . .] be thought of as
and memories may be lost or retrieved. Taylor ‘affordances’ (or properties or functions) pro-
(2003) calls this the politics of ephemerality, vided by records. An archival concept of evi-
the power to choose to preserve/remember dence as a relation between record and event
(pp. 173–74, 192–93) or to forget. Discussing offers one explanation for how and why records
photographs of the “disappeared” in Argentina, are capable of fulfilling the role of touchstones
she examines archives’ political role and their or providing whatever affordances they are ca-
function as “performance installations” (p. 178). pable of offering” (p. 160). The path actually
Seeing archives as liminal zones in rites taken depends on interactions among readers,
of passage between memory and forgetting documents, and archivists.
fits well with Nora’s suggestion that lieux de Concluding this section, consider archivists
mémoire (“realms of memory”; Kritzman 1996) as mediators, agents in the research process.
replace milieux de mémoire [more general set- Archivists select material for archiving and
tings in which memory is part of everyday ex- mediate in the process of research: helping
perience (Nora 1989, p. 7)]. As the past becomes researchers find documents, suggesting rele-
unimportant in everyday life, we valorize mu- vant new materials, and helping researchers
seums and archives instead (Velody 1998, p. 13; frame “a good question” (Nardi & O’Day 1996,
Hutchens 2007, p. 38). Stoler (2009) suggests Trace 2006). They are generally more knowl-
that “rather than being the tomb of the trace, edgeable than researchers about the quirks of
the archive is more frequently the product of their archives. They understand how the cat-
the anticipation of collective memory” (p. 16). alogs work, the idiosyncrasies that can hide
Trouillot (1995) examined the role of material under terms obscure to outsiders.
archives as mediators, bridging times, places, Marquis (2007) sees archivists as “mediators
and people in Haiti, despite the lacunae between records creators and records repos-
itories, between archives and users, between
conceptions of the past and extant documen-
tation” (p. 36). Taking this seriously, we must
The Long Now Foundation (http://www.longnow.org/)
explores the implications of thinking in the seriously long consider archives as complex social organi-
term. zations, studying them anthropologically to
466 Zeitlyn
AN41CH28-Zeitlyn ARI 16 August 2012 19:27
2002, p. 58). Studies of record creation, the raw If everything is an archive, then everything we
do and think is conditioned by and part of the
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personal memories (often aided in recent and how it is cataloged. The World Wide Web
years and in some cultural traditions by apparently (misleadingly16 ) admits everything
records, photographs, and prompts from and is automatically indexed, not cataloged. In-
family members). A social group recognizes dexing problems led to the development of the
and discusses collective or social memories Semantic Web with more intelligent links and in-
[see Bloch (1998) on the complex relationship dexes. It has been less successful than the World
between personal autobiographical and social Wide Web. Some people see user-created tag-
knowledge]. According to Jimerson, historical ging as an alternative to the strictly defined
memory is the narrative produced by historians ontologies of the Semantic Web (Shirky 2008).
on the basis of artifacts such as archival records Also, as critics of search engines have pointed
and testimony from individuals. He discusses out, although Google, Bing, etc., index most
“archival memory” but does not explore how it (not all) of the Web, if the reference you seek
relates to “personal memory.” is among five million hits, then it is, practically,
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
Steedman (2002) is vehement that memory lost and inaccessible. Archivists (or their equiv-
is not like an archive (p. 68). As she points out, alents) still play a vital role in creating and man-
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archives have (some) boundaries and are them- aging the metadata on which search engines rely
selves human creations. Archivists reject and when responding to searches. Moreover, much
discard items in ways profoundly different from education is still needed in the logic and im-
how forgetting occurs, and in ways that are ir- plications of searching (Grigg 1991, Gilliland-
remediable (unlike memory, where what is for- Swetland 2000).
gotten can sometimes be recalled) such as files Following these caveats about conceptual
marked in an archival catalog as “destroyed by approaches to archives, I conclude this half
enemy action during the Second World War” by considering two relatively new, underdevel-
(p. 68). oped (hopefully provocative) models.
Rose (2009) provides another demonstra-
tion of the difference. He discusses a study
of students describing the 2001 World Trade Two Models for Archives
Center attack, restating their accounts a year I next consider two different approaches, which
later. He comments that the “huge discrep- may form the basis of alternative ways of think-
ancies between their first and second accounts ing about archives. These are orphanages (or
indicated just how labile memories of quite dra- hospices) and performance records (records of
matic events are. Far from passively recording performances).
the past, we in our memories actively recon-
struct it” (p. 66). So “records are not memories, Orphanages or hospices. Orphan works are
but rather are the triggers or touchstones that prominent in discussions of copyright (Usai
lead to the recollection of past events” (Meehan 1999, Strateg. Content Alliance et al. 2009).
2009, p. 160; see also Best 2010, p. 152). These works have no traceable author or copy-
This active reconstruction affects not only right holder. This lack poses problems for re-
personal and collective memories, but also, searchers and archivists (especially because the
on a slower scale, historical memory: Each fair use quotation rights for film is less well es-
generation constructs new narratives about the tablished than for printed material): Permission
past, often on the basis of the same bodies of is needed to copy material in copyright. Copy-
“evidence.” right extends for up to 70 years beyond the
468 Zeitlyn
AN41CH28-Zeitlyn ARI 16 August 2012 19:27
death of the creator.17 If the creator is unknown, Performance records. Theater studies sug-
one cannot know whether copyright persists. gest another model: Geiger et al. (2010, pp. 16,
Cohen and Usai report filmmakers using 17) discuss concerns about loss of context (of
“orphan films” to great effect. Recently, some interviews, etc.) limiting possible reuse of qual-
archives such as the British Library sound itative data. Performance studies are exemplary
archive (containing many orphan recordings) because the score, script, even actual recording,
have made many sound recordings available for of a performance differ importantly from the
researchers after agreeing on a series of proto- performance itself (no audience, no possibility
cols with the World Intellectual Property Or- of responding to audience or other performers,
ganization (WIPO).18 etc.). Much is lost, but performance archives
For Cohen (2004), “[T]he term film archive are still valuable. So archival material, par-
is ineffective in understanding the politics of ticularly archives of anthropological research,
the complex lives of films. [Usai (1999)] sug- field notes, and interview recordings, might
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
gests that thinking of the archive as a ‘film or- be viewed as archives of the performance of
research. Performance studies researchers have
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survive for long. This notion provides a differ- to implement, and may fail to mask identities
ent viewpoint on the discussion above, espe- from those intent on identifying informants.
cially whether the dead can be given voice, re- One can rarely anonymize office holders or
stored to named agency, subverting the present. those in positions of power and responsibility
How to care for future (possibly subversive) (see Corti et al. 2000, 2005; and especially Rock
traces without knowing which surrogates will 2001). Anonymization removes material from
be significant is part of the fascination (and ten- the purview of the UK Freedom of Information
sion) of running an archive. or Data Protection Acts (and equivalent legisla-
tion in other countries). However, anonymiza-
PART TWO: ARCHIVES tion keys, if retained, are liable to formal re-
OF ANTHROPOLOGY quest under those statutes, thereby breaking
Archiving Anthropologists’ Work anonymity, so archival anonymization must be
all or nothing. Even the researcher must be un-
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
earlier diaries. Even before Malinowski became personal records to be retained as long as the
so influential, there were moves to archive results are anonymized.22 However, success-
the records of missionaries21 , explorers, and ful anonymization of a body of research ma-
anthropologists. Leaving aside connections terial would prevent future researchers (histo-
between archiving and reflexivity, and the rians such as Steedman and Foucault, following
contentious issue of whether the products of Michelet, or anthropological historians, such as
anthropological research are data, I concentrate Macfarlane or Laslett) from undertaking some
here on other current debates. of their work, and it precludes the descendants
At the risk of obvious anachronism, when of the people no-longer-named from discover-
the oldest archives were created (such as the ing what their ancestors said; therefore, these
Smithsonian Institution’s National Anthropo- records may be less useful to indigenous com-
logical Archives and the UK’s Royal Anthro- munities than to those with names retained.23
pological Institute archives) ethical concerns A default assumption that notes will be
(about content, possible uses, and access) were anonymized conflicts with an individual’s moral
not discussed. Before considering recent ini- right to be recognized as the author of his or
tiatives and problems of digital preservation, her words. There is a significant difference in
I consider anthropologists, their reluctance to the default presumptions in the codes between
archive field notes, and ethics codes. social science (assuming anonymity) and oral
history [assuming that names will be preserved,
Tensions Within Ethics Codes: unless special factors obtain (Ward 1995;
Conflicting Guidelines Caplan 2010, p. 17)]. Indeed, Parry &
Supplemental Material Supplemental Appendix 2 contains extracts Mauthner (2004) suggest oral history as a model
from relevant ethics codes about archiving and of good practice for qualitative sociologists, and
anonymization. I note the following tensions “Hopi anthropologist Hartman Lomawaima
between and among them. suggests that anonymity perpetuates a ‘we-they’
attitude, implying that only anthropologists can
make sense of traditional data” (Fowler 1995,
Anonymization is difficult to achieve (especially
with photographic and video records), costly 22
http://www.soas.ac.uk/infocomp/dpa/policy/use/ pro-
vides a concise summary.
Jolly (2008) discusses potential issues arising from return-
See http://www.mundus.ac.uk/ for archives of UK-based ing (or enabling access to) the Griault archives to Mali; see
missionary organizations. also Childs et al. (2011).
470 Zeitlyn
AN41CH28-Zeitlyn ARI 16 August 2012 19:27
p. 67). Finally, the UK DPA does not protect unknown others who might use it in novel ways
the dead, nor give rights to their relatives (an (including fiction writing). Can a researcher
individual cannot make a DPA request, which obtain meaningful prior informed consent if the
a deceased relative could have requested when uses to which the material might be put in the
alive). Simpson (2011) discusses mismatches future cannot be explained (Parry & Mauthner
between ethical review procedures and actual 2004, p. 147)? Some ethicists take this to mean
ethnographic research by stressing differences that anthropological material, like medical
between the ethics of the “human subjects” and samples, should be destroyed to prevent reuse
“social subjects” (p. 380). without new explicit permissions. Paradoxically
Caplan (2010) has already discussed many of most anthropologists want neither to destroy
these issues: their field material nor to archive it. Academic
anthropologists expect to consult their field
[T]his is a way of “giving back” data to the peo- notes throughout their career for various
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
ple with whom we have worked, and serving as research purposes. Many argue that ethics
their record-keepers.[. . .]Archiving forces us codes, which deem this practice illegitimate,
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to put our material in order in a way we might are flawed. Participatory research24 provides
not otherwise have done, so that it becomes at a (partial) solution, which fits much social and
least partially intelligible to others and, [. . .] cultural anthropological research at the price
enables us too to view it from another angle. of discomforting ethics committees. Under
Thirdly, it allows other scholars to make use this model, little is set in advance: neither the
of our data, perhaps somewhat differently than detailed topic of research nor consent to partic-
we might have done ourselves given the fact ipate (and archive). Topic(s), archiving proto-
that they will read it with their own eyes, not cols, and publication authorship are repeatedly
ours. But it also enables us to leave behind for renegotiated during the research process. After
others material we have not published, since fieldwork, it may be impossible to renegotiate in
most social scientists collect far more than they person, but hopefully the process of fieldwork
are ever able to use. Finally, it enables compar- will establish parameters that equip a respon-
ison not only between our own work and that sible anthropologist to decide whether to
of others, but also, [. . .] between our prepub- archive, and if so on what conditions. Hope but
lication data and what we write and publish. hope with guidance is as good as it gets. Signa-
In this respect, it gives glimpses into the con- tures on paper may satisfy bureaucrats (ethical
struction of knowledge. Institutional Review Board committees) and fa-
Yet archiving data also [. . .] moves things cilitate legal cases but provide no guarantee that
out of our control. We sign deposit forms the spirit of the agreement will be honored. An-
which give copyright to the holding institu- derson & Younging (2010) argue for protocols
tion, and which allow the material to be read, (rather than rules or laws) to provide practical
looked at or listened to by many other people, and helpful guidance by recognizing the need
including, potentially, the subjects of the re- for situational, culturally sensitive, flexibility.
search. Who knows what all of these people Campbell’s review (2010) concludes that
will make of it? In that respect, we are indeed the participative frame and collaboration have
hostages to fortune. (p. 17) limits. Particular problems do exist for those
“studying up” (or “studying through”25 ): Not
Ethics codes stipulate that consent for archiving See http://www.lancaster.ac.uk/researchethics/5-5-
infcons.html for consent and participatory research (in
should be discussed with research participants, Supplemental Appendix 3).
but this is particularly difficult to obtain. Once 25
Campbell (2010, p. 8) credits Shore & Wright (1997) for
material is archived, it may be consulted by this expression.
only may anonymity be unachievable, but the bought.27 This policy directly contradicts some
research subjects can prevent publication if they ethnic groups’ cultural traditions concerning
disagree with conclusions reached. If there is secrecy and controlled access to information
a professional injunction to “speak truth to (Isaac 2011).
power,” then what is ethically appropriate ac- Many anthropologists surveyed by Jackson
tion (Simpson 2011, p. 382)? There are coun- (1990) exemplify the contradictions Derrida
tervailing professional injunctions. For exam- identified surrounding archives. They were
ple, the development professionals who clashed reluctant to cede or to allow access to their field
with Mosse (see Campbell’s discussion) are un- notes, fearing loss of control or that they might
likely to grant access to other anthropologists, “expose themselves and their failings. Yet they
so Mosse’s research closed doors for future re- were reluctant to ensure that this will never
searchers. An archive of the controversy sur- happen by burning or contemplating other
rounding his analysis may prove important for forms of destruction” ( Jackson 1990, p. 10;
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
future historians of power and development see also Mayer-Schönberger 2009). Povinelli
policy in late-20th-century United Kingdom
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472 Zeitlyn
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is its ideal reader,30 for whom a note might jog questions and often complement archival work
a memory, recovering “headnotes”: field notes by research with living informants. Researchers
“made and kept” in the head (Ottenburg 1990, such as Stoler, Dirks, and Macfarlane strad-
p. 144). However, other readers may still get dle disciplinary boundaries. Space here pro-
something from them. Lutkehaus describes hibits discussion of the archives anthropologists
how her reading of Wedgwood’s field notes use for research except where they are archives
changed after she visited their shared field site. of anthropology, holding material collected by
I benefited from reading Rehfisch’s notes in anthropological researchers. As noted above,
the village where he made them. some important archives were established in
I offer a final thought on reluctance and the nineteenth century. It is unclear whether
openness. To destroy field material is an ex- the existing archives can cope with the mate-
treme assertion of ownership. Despite feelings rial which will require archiving when the post–
of ownership, many professional anthropolo- World War II anthropologists retire and die
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
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the material is being collected. That is the thrust through complex negotiations and discussions
of ethics code guidance. However, we must be with various agents. If that practice becomes the
realistic: Doctoral research is usually carried out norm, then progress will have been made.
by young researchers who often talk to age- Anthropologists place themselves betwixt
mates in the field. At that age, humans seem and between, as agents of the art and sci-
myopic about aging and death, so it may be un- ence of ethnographic research. The long-
realistic to expect them to engage in meaningful term consequences include complex and some-
conversations about what will happen after they times fraught relationships with the people
die. researched, with research funders, and with
This is not to excuse doing nothing. When archives. There are no simple answers (nor
doing research, when considering archiving re- should we seek any) to the question of whether
search material, anthropologists are bound by to archive, and if so how. Digital media increase
critical, ethical, and moral constraints as well access, increase the different types of material
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
as by legal ones. Eschewing legalese, we seek available, and increase the complexity of archive
(a) to do no harm, (b) to do right by those with management as well as the potential for mis-
Access provided by University of Laval on 03/26/18. For personal use only.
whom we work, and (c) to help our successors as representation, for creative reanalysis, and for
much as is consonant with those two principles. community involvement. However, the shift to
What this means in practice varies enormously digital does not change profoundly the concep-
according to cultural context [limiting our abil- tual issues for anthropologists about their re-
ity to generalize meaningfully in the form of lationships to archives. As we have seen, these
edicts, guidelines, or protocols. Brown (1998, connect to wider theoretical issues about how
p. 200) calls this ethical realism]. So, as individ- representations are made and of what they con-
uals well placed to understand cultural specifici- sist and cannot be solved by simple reference to
ties, we must determine the responsible posi- ethics codes or committees. Archives are indeed
tion to archiving in each research circumstance, surrogates for anthropology.
The author is not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that might
be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.
I have greatly benefited from discussions and correspondence on this topic with Jennifer
Bajorek, Pat Caplan, Louise Corti, Elizabeth Edwards, Haidy Geismar, Michael Sheringham,
and an anonymous reviewer for Annual Reviews. I am extremely grateful to them all for their
comments. Anna Rayne has helped me clarify the issues. Both she and I know how much I owe
her. The remaining faults, of course, are my own.
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Annual Review of
Prefatory Chapter
Ancient Mesopotamian Urbanism and Blurred Disciplinary Boundaries
Annu. Rev. Anthropol. 2012.41:461-480. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
The Archaeology of Emotion and Affect
Sarah Tarlow p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 169
The Archaeology of Money
Colin Haselgrove and Stefan Krmnicek p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 235
Phenomenological Approaches in Landscape Archaeology
Matthew H. Johnson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 269
Paleolithic Archaeology in China
Ofer Bar-Yosef and Youping Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 319
Archaeological Contributions to Climate Change Research:
The Archaeological Record as a Paleoclimatic
and Paleoenvironmental Archive
Daniel H. Sandweiss and Alice R. Kelley p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 371
Colonialism and Migration in the Ancient Mediterranean
Peter van Dommelen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 393
Archaeometallurgy: The Study of Preindustrial Mining and Metallurgy
David Killick and Thomas Fenn p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 559
Rescue Archaeology: A European View
Jean-Paul Demoule p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 611
Biological Anthropology
Energetics, Locomotion, and Female Reproduction:
Implications for Human Evolution
Cara M. Wall-Scheffler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p71
AN41-FrontMatter ARI 23 August 2012 12:10
viii Contents
AN41-FrontMatter ARI 23 August 2012 12:10
Sociocultural Anthropology
Lives With Others: Climate Change and Human-Animal Relations
Rebecca Cassidy p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p21
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Theme I: Materiality
Objects of Affect: Photography Beyond the Image
Elizabeth Edwards p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 221
The Archaeology of Money
Colin Haselgrove and Stefan Krmnicek p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 235
Documents and Bureaucracy
Matthew S. Hull p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 251
Phenomenological Approaches in Landscape Archaeology
Matthew H. Johnson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 269
Contents ix
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x Contents