7 Week Plumbing

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Teaching Week 8


Date: JULY 22-26 July 15 July 16 July 17
Identify basic types of objects on its regular To convert data to its equivalent
geometric shape measure
To Compute required data

The learner demonstrates an understanding of the

concepts and underlying principles in performing
measurements and calculations. The learner demonstrates an
A. Content Standards
understanding of the concepts and
underlying principles in interpreting
simple technical drawings and plans in
plumbing installation and

Compute required data The learner independently reads and

B. Performance Standards Convert data to its equivalent measure interprets specifications of simple
technical drawings and plans.

Convert data to its equivalent measure

Compute required data

Convert data to its equivalent

Compute required data
C. Learning Competencies
II. CONTENT I. C. L Measurement Measurement


A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Technology & K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Livelihood Education Learning Module p. 56-60 Technology & Livelihood Education
2. Learner's Materials Pages Learning Module p. 56-60

3. Learner's Code
Slide Presentation; Units of
measurement and their Equivalents

4. Additional Materials from

learning resources/portal
B. Other Learning Resources Internet Internet

What are the appropriate measuring devices for What are the appropriate measuring
specific tasks? Give example devices for specific tasks? Give

A. Reviewing previous lesson

or presenting the new lesson
Volunteered students will identify
measuring tools and match the units
B. Establishing a purpose for Students will work in groups to name each shape of measurement w/their Equivalents
based on their prior knowledge about the
following shapes
the lesson.
Slide Presentation; Units of
measurement and their Equivalents

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson.
What are the basic types of objects on its regular
geometric shape? Give example
What are the measuring tools &
instrument in measuring object?
What are the basic measuring tools?
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills # 2

Identify basic types of objects on its regular Convert the following measurements
geometric shape. Write the correct answer on as required in the given
each blank

F. Developing mastery

G. Finding practical What is the value of the lesson in our daily life? How do the lesson helps you to
develop & sustain your personal skills?
application (valuing)
What are the basic types of objects on its regular How do we convert and compute data
geometric shape? to its equivalent measure?

H. Making generalizations and

I. Evaluating learning
Cut-outs of the basic types of objects on its regular Cut-outs of different basic measuring
geometric shape tools Paste it in your notebook
J. Additional activities for

application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assesment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ______ YES ________ NO ______ YES ________ NO
No. of learners who have ________ Number of learners who ________ Number of learners who
caught up in the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue

to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well?
_____ Group collaboration _____ Group collaboration
_____ Games _____ Games
_____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation
_____ Discussion _____ Discussion
_____ Case method _____ Case method
_____ Think-Pair-Share _____ Think-Pair-Share
_____ Expository method _____ Expository method
_____ Differentiated Instructions _____ Differentiated Instructions
_____ Role playing/drama _____ Role playing/drama
_____ Discovery method _____ Discovery method
_____ Lecture method _____ Lecture method
_____ Direct instructions _____ Direct instructions
_____ Demonstration _____ Demonstration
_____ Complete Ims _____ Complete Ims
_____ Availability of materials _____ Availability of materials
_____ Students eagerness to learn _____ Students eagerness to learn
_____ Group members cooperation _____ Group members cooperation
in doing their tasks in doing their tasks
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
_____ Students behavior; attitude _____ Students behavior; attitude
_____ Unavailable learning resources _____ Unavailable learning resources
_____ Bullying among students _____ Bullying among students
_____ Unavailable technology _____ Unavailable technology
_____ Lack of interest of students _____ Lack of interest of students
_____ Lack of facilities _____ Lack of facilities

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other teachers?
Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
_____ Localized video _____ Localized video
____ Flashcards ____ Flashcards
____ Pictures ____ Pictures
____ Powerpoint presentation ____ Powerpoint presentation
____ Instructional materials ____ Instructional materials

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher G7 OIC/HT III
Grade Level G8
Learning Area PLUMBING
Quarter 1st QUARTER

July 18 July 19

To analyze plumbing components &

materials based on electrical signs, symbols
and data Read blueprints of plumbing plans,
diagrams and circuits
To identify necessary tools, materials
and equipment according to blueprints
of plumbing plans, diagrams and circuits

The learner demonstrates an understanding

of the concepts and underlying principles in
interpreting simple technical drawings and
plans in plumbing installation and The learner demonstrates an
maintenance. understanding of the concepts and
underlying principles in interpreting
simple technical drawings and plans in
plumbing installation and maintenance.

The learner independently reads and The learner independently reads and
interprets specifications of simple technical interprets specifications of simple
drawings and plans. technical drawings and plans.

Analyze plumbing components and materials Read blueprints of plumbing plans,

based on electrical signs, symbols and data diagrams and circuits --- Identify
necessary tools, materials & equipment
according to blueprints of plumbing
plans, diagrams & circuits
Plumbing drawing signs & symbols Plumbing drawing signs & symbols

K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum

Technology & Livelihood Education Learning Technology & Livelihood Education
Module p. 62-63 Learning Module p. 65-67

Presentation of the proper lesson;

blueprints of plumbing plans,
tools, materials & equipment
Slide Presentation.
Plumbing components and materials based
on electrical signs, symbols and data

Internet Internet

Answer the Information Sheet very well

to find out how much you can
remember about the previous lesson,
Review plumbing signs, symbols and data plumbing components & materials
Let students try to interpret the following
components and materials based on Let students match column A to column
electrical signs, symbols and data B of what they already know about
blueprints of plumbing plans, diagrams
and circuits

Presentation of the proper lesson;

blueprints of plumbing plans,
tools, materials & equipment
Slide Presentation.
Plumbing components and materials based
on electrical signs, symbols and data

Students will analyze plumbing components Identify the following plumbing plans,
& materials based on electrical signs, symbols diagrams & circuits
and data

Write letter T if the statement is true, and

letter F, if it’s false. Enumerate at least 10 necessary tools,
materials & equipment according to
blueprints of plumbing plans, diagrams
and circuits
How do the lesson helps you to develop & What is the value of the lesson in our
sustain your personal skills? daily life?
What are the plumbing components &
materials based on electrical signs, symbols
and data
What are the necessary tools, materials
& equipment according to blueprints of
plumbing plans, diagrams and circuits?
what are the blueprints of plumbing

Make an album of plumbing components &

materials based on electrical signs, symbols Picture of blueprints of plumbing plans,
and data diagrams & circuits
Study the next lesson

______ YES ________ NO ______ YES ________ NO

________ Number of learners who ________ Number of learners who
caught up the lesson caught up the lesson

_____ Group collaboration _____ Group collaboration

_____ Games _____ Games
_____ Power point presentation _____ Power point presentation
_____ Discussion _____ Discussion
_____ Case method _____ Case method
_____ Think-Pair-Share _____ Think-Pair-Share
_____ Expository method _____ Expository method
_____ Differentiated Instructions _____ Differentiated Instructions
_____ Role playing/drama _____ Role playing/drama
_____ Discovery method _____ Discovery method
_____ Lecture method _____ Lecture method
_____ Direct instructions _____ Direct instructions
_____ Demonstration _____ Demonstration
_____ Complete Ims _____ Complete Ims
_____ Availability of materials _____ Availability of materials
_____ Students eagerness to learn _____ Students eagerness to learn
_____ Group members cooperation _____ Group members cooperation
in doing their tasks in doing their tasks

_____ Students behavior; attitude _____ Students behavior; attitude

_____ Unavailable learning resources _____ Unavailable learning resources
_____ Bullying among students _____ Bullying among students
_____ Unavailable technology _____ Unavailable technology
_____ Lack of interest of students _____ Lack of interest of students
_____ Lack of facilities _____ Lack of facilities

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:

_____ Localized video _____ Localized video
____ Flashcards ____ Flashcards
____ Pictures ____ Pictures
____ Powerpoint presentation ____ Powerpoint presentation
____ Instructional materials ____ Instructional materials

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