7 Week Plumbing
7 Week Plumbing
7 Week Plumbing
3. Learner's Code
Slide Presentation; Units of
measurement and their Equivalents
What are the appropriate measuring devices for What are the appropriate measuring
specific tasks? Give example devices for specific tasks? Give
C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new lesson.
What are the basic types of objects on its regular
geometric shape? Give example
What are the measuring tools &
instrument in measuring object?
What are the basic measuring tools?
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills #1
Identify basic types of objects on its regular Convert the following measurements
geometric shape. Write the correct answer on as required in the given
each blank
F. Developing mastery
G. Finding practical What is the value of the lesson in our daily life? How do the lesson helps you to
develop & sustain your personal skills?
application (valuing)
What are the basic types of objects on its regular How do we convert and compute data
geometric shape? to its equivalent measure?
I. Evaluating learning
Cut-outs of the basic types of objects on its regular Cut-outs of different basic measuring
geometric shape tools Paste it in your notebook
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
on the formative assesment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? ______ YES ________ NO ______ YES ________ NO
No. of learners who have ________ Number of learners who ________ Number of learners who
caught up in the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson
July 18 July 19
The learner independently reads and The learner independently reads and
interprets specifications of simple technical interprets specifications of simple
drawings and plans. technical drawings and plans.
Internet Internet
Students will analyze plumbing components Identify the following plumbing plans,
& materials based on electrical signs, symbols diagrams & circuits
and data
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