Brett Terespolsky MSC Dissertation
Brett Terespolsky MSC Dissertation
Brett Terespolsky MSC Dissertation
Masters Dissertation
Author: Supervisor:
Brett Ryan Terespolsky Prof. Ken. J. Nixon
in the
September 2015
Declaration of Authorship
I, Brett Ryan Terespolsky, declare that this dissertation titled, ‘An Approximation
to the Heidler Function with an Analytical Integral for Engineering Applications Using
Lightning Currents’ is my own unaided work. It is being submitted to the Degree of
Master of Science to the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. It has not
been submitted before for any degree or examination to any other University.
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the
Abraham Lincoln
Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment
School of Electrical and Information Engineering
The work presented contributes to research in lightning protection simulations and fo-
cuses on approximating the Heidler function with an analytical integral and hence a
frequency domain representation. The integral of lightning current models is required
in the analysis of lightning events including the induced effects and frequency analyses
of lightning strikes. Previous work in this area has produced very specific forms of the
Heidler function that are used to represent lightning current waveshapes. This work
however focuses on a generic solution with parameters that can be modified to produce
any lightning current waveshape that is required. In the research presented, such an
approximation is obtained. This function has an analytical solution to the integral and
hence can be completely represented in the frequency domain. This allows for a true
representation of Maxwell’s equations for Electromagnetic (EM) fields and for an an-
alytical frequency domain analysis. It has parameters that can be changed to obtain
different waveshapes (10/350, 0.25/100, etc.). The characteristics of the approximation
are compared with those of the Heidler function to ascertain whether or not the function
is applicable for use with the lightning protection standard (IEC 62305-1). It is shown
that the approximation does represent the same characteristics as those of the Heidler
function and hence can be used in IEC 62305-1 standardised applications. This repre-
sents a valuable contribution to engineers working in the field of lightning protection,
specifically simulation models.
I would like to thank Professor Ken J. Nixon for all his guidance, advice and enthusiasm
throughout the duration of this work. I would also like to thank Professor Ian R. Jandrell
for his support.
Thank you to my colleagues in the High Voltage and Lightning EMC research group as
well as the staff of the Genmin Laboratories for their encouragement and support.
Thanks to the staff and postgraduate students of the school of electrical and information
engineering in particular Mr Carson McAfee, Mr Jacques Naudé, Professor Ivan Hofsajer
and Ms Yu-Chieh (Jessie) Liu for their long conversations and advice.
Special thanks are extended to Professor Montaz Ali and Professor Anne Love for the
advice regarding complicated mathematics.
The following organisations are gratefully acknowledged for funding and supporting the
High Voltage and Lightning EMC Research Groups:
• CBI-Electric for direct support and funding the Chair of Lightning at the University
of the Witwatersrand.
• The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for Technology and Human Re-
sources for Industry Programme (THRIP) funding.
Furthermore, I formally acknowledge the funding that I received from the following
establishments over the years:
Last but not least, I am thankful to all my family and friends for their encouragement,
patience and support (and to those that assisted in the pain-staking process of proof
Declaration of Authorship i
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements iv
Contents v
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
Symbols xii
Nomenclature xiv
1 Introduction 1
2 Approach Taken 3
Contents vi
2.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3 Background 6
3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.5.1 Derivative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Contents vii
4.5.2 Integral . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.7 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
7 Conclusion 44
A.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
A.3 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Contents viii
B.1 Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
References 55
Bibliography 59
List of Figures
3.1 (a) Physical and (b) Transmission Line models of a lightning strike close
to a transmission line that induces over-voltages on the line. . . . . . . . . 7
4.1 Graph depicting the Heidler function in the form of a 10/350 lightning
waveform with a 200 kA peak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2 Graph depicting the rise function of the Heidler function (an S-curve). . . 16
4.3 Graph depicting the decay function of the Heidler function (exponential
decay function). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.4 Graph depicting the rise function of the approximation function (an S-
curve). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.6 Graph showing the effect of changing the steepness factor (na ) in the
approximation function while keeping all the other variables constant. . . 21
4.7 Graph showing the effect of changing the rise time constant (ω0 ) in the
approximation function while keeping all the other variables constant. . . 23
4.8 Graph showing the effect of changing the fall time constant (τ2 ) in the
approximation function while keeping all the other variables constant. . . 24
4.10 Amplitude density of the approximation model produced from the wave-
shape plotted in Figure 4.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
List of Figures x
5.1 Graph of the first short stroke (10/350) current model using both the
Heidler function and the approximation. The time scale is up to 200 µs
and the amplitude is as high as 210 kA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.2 Graph of the first time derivative of the first short stroke (10/350) current
model using both the Heidler function and the approximation. The time
scale is up to 200 µs and the amplitude is as high as 30 kA/µs. . . . . . . 32
5.3 Current density of the approximation model produced from the waveshape
plotted in Figure 5.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.4 Graph of a subsequent short stroke (0.25/100) current model using both
the Heidler function and the approximation. The time scale is up to 5 µs
and the amplitude is as high as 52 kA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.5 Graph of the first time derivative of a subsequent short stroke current
model using both the Heidler function and the approximation. The time
scale is up to 5 µs and the amplitude is as high as 300 kA/µs. . . . . . . . 34
5.6 Current density of the approximation model produced from the waveshape
plotted in Figure 5.4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.1 Effects of varying the steepness factors, nh and na , in both the Heidler
function and the approximation respectively. The (a) Heidler function and
the (b) Heidler function derivative are compared to the (c) approximation
and its (d) derivative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.2 Effects of varying the rise time constants, τ1 and ω0 , in both the Heidler
function and the approximation respectively. The (a) Heidler function and
the (b) Heidler function derivative are compared to the (c) approximation
and its (d) derivative. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
A.1 Graph depicting the rise function of the Heidler function (an S-curve). . . 47
List of Tables
4.1 Constant values used in Equation 4.9 to obtain the graphs plotted in
Figure 4.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2 Variation of rise time and peak current of the approximation with a change
in the steepness factor (na ) as a percentage of a 200 kA 10/350 waveshape. 22
4.3 Constant values used in Equation 4.9 to obtain the graphs plotted in
Figure 4.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.4 Variation of rise time and peak current of the approximation with a change
in the rise time constant (ω0 ) as a percentage of a 200 kA 10/350 waveshape. 23
4.5 Constant values used in Equation 4.9 to obtain the graphs in Figure 4.8 . 24
4.6 Variation of rise time and peak current of the approximation with a change
in the fall time constant (τ2 ) as a percentage of a 200 kA 10/350 waveshape. 25
5.1 Parameters used in Equations 3.5 and 4.9 to plot the waveshapes shown
in Figure 5.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.2 Parameters used in Equations 3.5 and 4.9 to plot the waveshapes shown
in Figure 5.4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
6.1 Comparison of the errors for the approximation and the Heilder function
for both the first and subsequent strokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Heidler Function
ih (t) Heidler function lightning stroke current model A
η Peak current correction
τ1 Heidler rise time constant s
τ2 Decay time constant s
nh Heidler steepness factor
i0h (t) First time derivative of ih (t) A/s
xh (t) Heidler function rise time function
y (t) Decay function
Symbols xiii
Error Evaluation
e (s) Error function A
e0 (t) First time derivative of e (t) A/s
Decay time constant A constant that is used to change the decay time (the
time to 50% of peak current) of the lightning current
Decay time function The function that dictates what the shape of the de-
cay of the waveshape is.
First short stroke A short stroke that is defined by the IEC 62305-1 as
having a rise time of 10 µs and a decay time of 350 µs.
Heidler function approxi- The function developed in this dissertation that ap-
mation proximates the Heidler function with an analytical
Nomenclature xv
IEC 62305-1 Part one of the IEC 62305. This details all the pa-
rameters of lightning currents and the nomenclature
used in lightning current models. This standard also
details the first and subsequent short strokes and how
they can be simulated using the Heidler function.
Rise time constant A constant that is used to change the rise time of the
lightning current waveshape.
Rise time function The function that dictates what the shape of the rise
of the waveshape is.
Subsequent short stroke A short stroke that is defined by the IEC 62305-1
as having a rise time of 0.25 µs and a decay time of
100 µs.
Moeĭ Xuroqke,
za lbov~ i podderku
Chapter 1
Mathematical lightning current models are used in many areas of research ranging from
the design of Lightning Protection Systems (LPSs) to the understanding of electric and
magnetic fields associated with lightning discharges [1, 2]. Lightning current models
are typically used as design tools and for further research into the understanding of
the effects of a lightning strike. The Heidler function, which is the standard lightning
current model, cannot be integrated analytically and therefore the frequency domain of
the lightning strike cannot be accurately presented nor is it possible to utilise Maxwell’s
equations in analysing lightning events. This research presents a suitable replacement to
the Heidler function for situations where an integral is required.
This replacement falls under the category of an approximation to the Heidler function
and as such, it can be tailored to any waveshape required just as the Heidler function
can by varying the parameters. An investigation is carried out to determine the accuracy
of the approximation. This is done by using computer simulations of the approximation
and the results are compared to the Heidler function to determine the viability of this
approximation in the design of LPSs. All the results are based on the waveshapes defined
in the IEC 62305-1 so that there is a known control1 .
Chapter 2 details the approach taken in designing and evaluating the approximation to
the Heidler function. The assumptions and constraints made in this study are outlined.
The significance of this study in the field of lightning research is discussed with reference
to the problem statements.
Note to the reader: This research assumes familiarity with the IEC 62305-1 standard (“Protection
against lightning - Part 1: General principles”) - it is advised that the reader have access to this document
when reading this dissertation.
Chapter 1. Introduction 2
Chapter 3 discusses the relevant background information with respect to this research.
This includes information about the different lightning current models and their appli-
cations. Key areas relating to this study are detailed from the IEC 62305-1 standard.
A review of the existing work in the field of approximating lightning currents is also
Chapter 4 provides the approximation to the Heidler function that was developed
in this study. All the components of the equation are discussed as well as the parameters
used to create the various waveshapes. The properties of the approximation along with
its derivative and integral are detailed. A comparison of the parameters used in the
approximation and the Heidler function are also given.
Chapter 7 provides a conclusion to the work and discusses the viability of this function
in various fields of lightning research.
Appendix A details the development of the approximation including all the mathemat-
ical steps.
Approach Taken
The Heidler function was developed to represent any lightning current waveshape for
modelling lightning currents in design or analysis [3]. However there is no analytical
integral to the Heidler function. This leads to issues when trying to calculate the Elec-
tromagnetic (EM) fields produced by a lightning stroke. Moreover, there is no way
to analytically calculate the Fourier transform of the Heidler function and hence the
frequency components of a lightning stroke. When designing LPSs and/or calculating
the induced effects of lightning strikes, there is a need for the analytical integral of the
lightning current waveshape.
The IEC 62305-1 standard defines the Heidler function as the standardised lightning
current waveshape. As there is no integral to this function, many researchers have used
the double exponential function in its place. There are several limitations associated with
the double exponential function making it an unsuitable replacement. A key limitation
is that there is an instantaneous rise in current at t = 0 which is not physically realisable.
Chapter 3 gives a more detailed background into the applications of lightning current
models, the IEC 62305-1 and the different lightning models and approximations.
There is a requirement for a function that can be used in place of the Heidler function in
the standard. This function should take a similar form to that of the Heidler function, it
Chapter 2. Approach Taken 4
should be intuitive when compared to the Heidler function and the mathematics in using
this function should be as simple as that of the Heidler function. Most importantly this
function must have an analytical integral for lightning current applications.
This study develops a function that approximates the Heidler function in the time do-
main. This approximation has the advantage of having an analytical integral and taking
the same form as that of the Heidler function; only the parts of the Heidler function that
cannot be integrated are replaced in producing this approximation. This approximation
is easy to use and the parameters for creating different lightning current waveshapes are
determined easily. In a system design or simulation, it would be trivial to replace the
Heidler function with this approximation. Most importantly, it can be utilised in per-
forming Maxwell’s equations or finding the Fourier transform (frequency components).
Chapter 4 details the development process of this function with its properties.
The approximation developed in this research has a clearly defined scope: it is based
on the waveshapes mentioned in the IEC 62305-1 lightning protection standard. The
approximation is ideally suited for use in cases where the integral of the Heidler function
is required. Therefore, the IEC 62305-1 standard is used as a starting point for the
research which introduces some limitations. For example, the parameters for the various
Lightning Protection Levels (LPLs) and lightning current models are dictated by those
defined in this standard. The research is limited to the definitions in this standard and
comparisons are only made to the two waveshapes mentioned therein. The parameters
of the approximation are determined empirically from those defined in the IEC 62305-
1 for the Heidler function. No evidence is provided in this research to show that this
approximation can be used outside of the bounds of the IEC 62305-1. Chapter 6 discusses
further research that can be carried out to either overcome or verify these limitations.
This study is performed by evaluating the limitations associated with the Heidler function
and devising a solution. The approach taken in developing this approximation is different
to the other approximations outlined in Section 3.5 because the development is done in
Chapter 2. Approach Taken 5
the Laplace domain and the inverse Laplace transform is obtained. This is done only
for the part of the equation that cannot be integrated. This part of the function is
substituted back into the general form of the function to create the overall approximation.
This is all discussed in more detail in Chapter 4
As this study is the development of an equation, all results are based on simulations of
the approximation. In order to determine the accuracy of the approximation, a control
is required. The IEC 62305-1 details two waveshapes and gives the corresponding pa-
rameters for the Heidler function for these waveshapes. The approximation is simulated
alongside these waveshapes and the maximum errors are obtained by calculating the ab-
solute difference between the approximation and the Heidler function. The derivatives
are compared in a similar manner. Chapter 5 details all of the results obtained using
this methodology.
Conclusions are drawn about the accuracy of the approximation and the frequency com-
ponents are plotted as an indication of their similarity to the IEC 62305-1 standard.
This is all detailed in Chapter 6.
2.5 Conclusion
This chapter has given an overview of the entire study. It has essentially answered the
questions of what, why and how relating to the study. It has also given an outline to
which chapters answer what questions and how.
The following chapter gives the background that relates to the work done. This is done
by detailing some applications of lightning current models, the lightning protection stan-
dard, lightning current models and some of the work that has been done in approximating
the Heidler function.
Chapter 3
3.1 Overview
In order to understand the research presented in this dissertation, there are certain
concepts that require further description. In the previous chapter the research questions
of what, why and how are answered. However, very little detail is given about the
concepts and ideas mentioned. This chapter explains a few of the applications where it
is appropriate to utilise lightning current models. Key components of the IEC 62305-1
(part one of the lightning protection standard) are explained. Two of the more common
lightning current models are detailed and some of the approximations that have been
developed by other researchers are detailed. This all gives some background relating to
the study.
Chapter 3. Background 7
There are several instances when there is a requirement to use a lightning current model
such as in the design of LPSs. Two of the more specific cases where lightning current
models are used are detailed below. These include current path analyses using return
stroke modelling and the need for the frequency components of lightning.
Return stroke models are characterised into four primary classes, namely gas dynamics
model, electromagnetic model, distributed circuit model and the engineering model [4–6].
The engineering model is the primary model used when looking at induced effects on
power lines.
Figure 3.1: (a) Physical and (b) Transmission Line models of a lightning strike close
to a transmission line that induces over-voltages on the line.
Figure 3.1 shows the (a) physical and (b) return stroke models for a lightning strike
in close proximity to a transmission line. From these figures it can be seen that when
modelling a lightning strike occurring in close proximity to a transmission line, the
lightning channel is modelled as a monopole with a perfectly conductive ground and a
vertical current path [4, 7, 8].
Chapter 3. Background 8
Information about the EM fields are required when calculating the induced effects of
the lightning strike on the transmission line. The induced currents can be calculated by
integrating the different components of the EM fields as outlined by Agrawal et al. [9].
The Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse (LEMP) equations need to be determined before
calculating the EM fields. The equations for the EM fields can be seen in Equations 3.1
and 3.2 respectively. These are defined by Uman et al. as the LEMP equations [10].
H Z t
2 − 3 sin2 θ
1 R
Ez (D, t) = × i z, τ − dτ dz
2π0 0 R3 0 c (3.1)
2 − 3 sin2 θ sin2 θ ∂i z, t −
R c
+ i z, t − dz − dz
0 cR2 c 0 c2 R ∂t
µ0 H sin θ ∂i z, t −
µ0 sin θ r c
Bφ (D, t) = i z, t − dz + dz (3.2)
2π 0 R2 c 2π 0 cR ∂t
The full extent of what these equations mean is beyond the scope of this study. How-
ever, what is clear is that these equations utilise the return stroke model, i (z, t). This
expression for the lightning current along a path can be defined by different models as in
[2, 4, 11]. All the models hold the form shown in Equation 3.3 where u(t) is the Heavi-
side function, P (z 0 ) is the height-dependent current attenuation factor and i(0, t) is the
lightning channel base current which as the name suggests is the current as measured
from the base of the object that is struck [2, 4, 12].
z0 z0
0 0
i(z , t) = u t − P z i 0, t − (3.3)
v v
In short, there are two steps of integration required to calculate induced currents on
transmission lines [4, 11, 13].
1. Integrate some model of the lightning channel base current to obtain the EM fields.
2. Integrate the EM fields using the equations defined by Agrawal et al. to obtain the
induced currents.
Referring back to Figure 3.1, the induced effects on a nearby transmission line can be
calculated by modelling the lightning event as in Figure 3.1(b) and choosing an appropri-
ate lightning channel base current. Clearly from the equations above, at least the second
integral of this channel base current is required. Using an accurate lightning channel base
current leads to very complex models that require long computer simulations because of
numerical integration [4]. Section 3.4 details two of the more common equations used as
lightning channel base current models.
Chapter 3. Background 9
Obtaining frequency components of a lightning strike are important for studies such as
that done by Lee et al., where they are studying the effects of the lightning frequency
components on human injury caused by a lightning strike [14]. In this study, Lee et al.
utilise the double exponential function to obtain the frequency components of a lightning
strike. The frequency components in the double exponential are found to be an order of
magnitude different to those recommended by the standards [15].
The reason for such a study is that the sharp rise in the lightning current creates a broad-
band current. Without using the Heidler function for such applications, it is difficult to
standardise testing across the different fields of interest.
The IEC 62305 is the lightning protection standard containing four parts. Where part
one focuses on the general principles of lightning protection and parts two to four focus
on more specific areas of lightning protection. IEC 62305-1 details all the relevant com-
ponents of a lightning flash as well as all the terminology and standard values to utilise
when designing systems such as LPSs.
Figure 3.2 shows an adaptation of Figure A.1 from the standard. This figure shows how
the different stroke currents, such as the 0.25/100 and 10/350 are composed. T1 is the
rise time (number before the ‘/’) and T2 is the fall time (number after the ‘/’).
Figures A.3 and A.4 in the standard show typical waveshapes expected from both down-
ward and upward lightning flashes respectively. The three components identified in these
images are the first short stroke, the subsequent short stroke and the long stroke. The
first and subsequent short strokes are seen to be high current impulses with a sharp
rise and a slower decay. The long stroke on the other hand is a lower current that is
maintained for a comparatively long time.
Table A.1 in the standard shows the values that should be used in system designs. The
values given here are the maximum change in current, the charge, the peak current, etc.
With these values, systems can be designed to different LPLs. The values given in this
table are based on the original studies done by Anderson and Eriksson and Berger et al.
on lightning currents [16, 17]. The standard typically makes use of the upper end values
to protect against more lightning events. For example, a system with a higher current
rating will be protected against a lower current lightning strike.
Chapter 3. Background 10
In order to simulate lightning currents in LPS design, the standard identifies a function
that creates a waveshape with the characteristics outlined in Table A.1 of the standard.
This function is the Heidler function with a specific configuration (n = 10) (see Sec-
tion 3.4.2). This function can be used to create any lightning current waveshape with
the two of interest in the standard being the 10/350 (first short stroke) and the 0.25/100
(subsequent short stroke). These two waveshapes are simulated using the parameters
specified in Table B.1 in the standard for the different LPLs and stroke types [1].
The IEC lightning protection standard details the Heidler function with a specific con-
figuration as the standardised waveshape for lightning current simulations. There are
several lightning current models defined in the literature with the two most popular
being the Heidler and the double exponential. There are also applications that use a
combination of the two [11, 12, 18]. This section gives some background into these two
equations and their properties.
Chapter 3. Background 11
Io −αt
ie (t) = e − e−βt (3.4)
I0 = Peak current [A]
A = Peak current correction
α = Decay time constant [1/s]
β = Rise time constant [1/s]
The double exponential model is often used in place of the Heidler function because
it can be integrated. However the waveshape produced by the double exponential equa-
tion is not physically realistic because the maximum current steepness occurs at time
t = 0 [2, 3, 19, 20]. Moreover, this function does not allow for waveshapes that comply
with Table A.1 in the IEC 62305-1 standard. For instance, a subsequent short stroke for
LPL-I would have a maximum current steepness of about 545 kA/µs, which is far greater
than the maximum value outlined in the standard of less than 200 kA/µs [21]. Another
disadvantage to using this equation is that it is not easily adjustable, the parameters are
not easily obtained for different waveshapes [12].
To avoid the disadvantages of the double exponential equation, the Heidler function is
used. This can be seen in Equation 3.5.
I0 τ1 − t
ih (t) = nh e τ2 (3.5)
η 1+ t
I0 = Peak current [A]
η = Peak current correction
τ1 = Rise time constant [s]
τ2 = Decay time constant [s]
nh = Heidler steepness factor
This equation more realistically approximates a lightning return stroke and the peak
current correction can be calculated using Equation 3.6 [2, 12, 19, 20, 22].
τ nh τ2 nh
− τ1
η=e 2 τ1
Chapter 3. Background 12
The IEC 62305-1 standard makes use of a specialised form of the Heidler function where
nh = 10. Using this form of the equation, there are values for the other parameters in
the standard that can be used to simulate both first and subsequent short strokes [1, 21].
The disadvantage of the Heidler function is that there is no analytical integral and hence
no analytical expression for the Heidler function in the frequency domain [2, 19]. This
creates problems when performing analyses such as those mentioned in Section 3.2 above.
As there are is no analytical integral to the Heidler function, there are many researchers
working towards an approximation that can be used in its place for applications such
as those mentioned in Section 3.2. This section discusses a few of these approximations
with the disadvantages associated with each one.
Feizhou and Shanghe developed a function that they call the Pulse function [2]. Accord-
ing to their study, this function produces a maximum error of 0.5% with the waveshapes
they used. However, this function is a modified form of the double exponential function
and it requires very complex methods to determine the parameters used in the equation.
Heidler and Cvetić approximate the Heidler function utilised in the IEC 62305-1 stan-
dard [3]. This approximation has an analytical integral but the equation is specific to
the subsequent short stroke. There is no general form of this approximation and so
this equation cannot be easily manipulated. Their study also details several other ap-
proximations to the Heidler function but all with other applications. They all have the
disadvantage that they cannot be integrated analytically.
Delfino et al. conduct a study in which they develop a Prony series approximation to the
Heidler function [20]. The mathematics required for this approximation is very complex
limiting its use in engineering applications. Each scenario is different as there is no truly
generalised form and the number of terms used affects the error associated with the
approximation. This would be difficult to use for engineering applications.
Javor and Rancic develop a new approximation that they call the New Channel Base
Current (NCBC) [12, 23]. This function contains some complicated mathematics and it is
Chapter 3. Background 13
a piecewise function which implies that there are discontinuities when taking the analyt-
ical derivative with step functions. The approximation also contains incomplete gamma
functions which are defined as integrals and hence further complicate the mathematics
[24]. There is no analytical Fourier transform to this approximation [25].
Vujević et al. define their version of the exponential approximation that is fixed for
nh = 10 [26, 27]. The mathematics presented in their study is extremely complicated
and they introduce several new unknown parameters. The approximation is not as
intuitive as the Heidler function. The frequency response presented is not as expected
at higher frequencies; it does not roll off as it does in the standard.
All of the approximations above have one or more disadvantage or limitation. Overall the
problems are that the mathematics are very complicated and it would be very difficult
to simply substitute these equations in place of the Heidler function in the IEC 62305-1.
The approximation in this dissertation provides an approximation, with an analytical
integral, for use in engineering applications that does not have these limitations.
3.6 Conclusion
This chapter has given the background information relevant to this study. This includes
all the terminology, equations, applications and a literature review.
The following chapter details the approximation that is developed in this study. The
development of the function is detailed and all its properties are discussed in isolation.
Chapter 4
This chapter deals with the development of the approximation. This is done
by closely analysing the Heidler function and defining the limiting parts of
the function. The development pathway of the approximation is detailed.
The approximation is defined and its parameters are explained. The time
domain properties (derivative and integral) and frequency domain properties
(Fourier transform) are also discussed.
4.1 Overview
Knowledge of which parts of the Heidler function are preventing it from having an
analytical integral allows for the development of an approximation. Once the Heidler
function has been decomposed and understood, some insight into the solution can be
gathered. As outlined in Chapter 2, the approximation function has certain criteria.
Firstly, it must approximate the Heidler function in the time domain (within certain
error limits). Secondly, it must have an analytical solution to its integral. Lastly, it
must take the same form as the Heidler function so that the Heidler function and the
approximation can be interchanged for different applications. With these criteria in mind
the approximation function is developed.
An example of the Heidler function can be seen in Figure 4.1. This function is defined
by Equation 3.5 in Section 3.4.2. The shorthand version of the equation can be seen in
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 15
Current (kA)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (µs)
Figure 4.1: Graph depicting the Heidler function in the form of a 10/350 lightning
waveform with a 200 kA peak.
Equation 4.1.
ih (t) = xh (t) y (t) (4.1)
Where nh
xh (t) = nh (4.2)
1+ τ1
− τt
y (t) = e 2 (4.3)
Equations 4.2 and 4.3 are the rise and fall components of the Heidler function respectively.
The rise component cannot be analytically integrated preventing an analytical transform
of the Heidler function into the frequency domain. These equations will be analysed in
detail in Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 and an approximation that overcomes this limitation
of the Heidler function is developed.
The rise time part of the Heidler function is defined by Equation 4.2 and is plotted in
Figure 4.2. This function ctakes the form of an S-curve. Clearly, this function can be
easily modified to represent any lightning waveshape rise time. This can be achieved by
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 16
varying nh (the steepness factor) and τ1 (the rise time constant). Therefore this function
meets the criteria that it can approximate any lightning waveform. However this function
cannot be integrated and hence cannot be transformed into the frequency domain. In
order to solve this limitation another S-curve must be developed that approximates this
one and which can also be integrated.
Rise Time Scaling Factor
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (µs)
Figure 4.2: Graph depicting the rise function of the Heidler function (an S-curve).
There are numerous forms of the S-curve such as those given in Equation 4.4a to Equa-
tion 4.4f.
f (x) = erf x (4.4a)
f (x) = √ (4.4b)
1 + x2
f (x) = tanh(x) (4.4c)
2 π
f (x) = arctan x (4.4d)
π 2
2 π
f (x) = gd x (4.4e)
π 2
f (x) = (4.4f)
1 + |x|
These equations do not allow for an easy manipulation of parameters to tailor the wave-
shape to a specific rise time and steepness. Many of these functions can also not be
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 17
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1 000
Time (µs)
Figure 4.3: Graph depicting the decay function of the Heidler function (exponential
decay function).
integrated which would not solve the limitation of the Heidler function. Therefore an
alternative is required that can easily be modified.
The part of the Heidler function that controls the decay time and shape is in Equation 4.3
and a graph of this is plotted in Figure 4.3. This function clearly meets all the criteria
outlined above: it can easily be altered to change the decay time and it can be trivially
integrated (and hence transformed into the frequency domain). This function is just
a complex shift of the signal in the frequency domain because of the rule of Laplace
transforms shown in Equation 4.5 [28, 29].
L e−at f (t) = F (s + a)
Therefore there is no need to redefine the decay part of the equation in any way and the
approximation function can still be defined as Equation 4.6.
ia (t) = xa (t) y (t) (4.6)
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 18
Where I0 , η and y(t) as per the Heidler function (Equation 3.5) and:
xa (t) = The rise function of the approximation
The development of this approximation is different to the approaches taken for the ap-
proximations in the literature (see Chapter 3). The only part of the Heidler function that
is approximated is the rise function (xh (t)) and the approximation is developed in the
Laplace domain ensuring that the time domain equation can be integrated analytically
This implies that the rise equation that is developed must be transformed into the time
domain. The decay equation and peak current can be used with this to obtain the overall
approximation equation.
The step response of an n-th order, real and negative pole creates an S-curve in the time
domain. Equation 4.7 shows the start of the approximation in the Laplace domain, the
step response of an n-th order pole. See Appendix A for the full step-by-step process in
getting from this point to the final approximation.
Xa (s) = na (4.7)
s ω0 +1
ω0 = Rise time constant [rad/s]
na = Approximation steepness factor
Taking the inverse Laplace transform of this equation, the rise function of the approxi-
mation is found as shown in Equation 4.8.
−ω0 t
X ω i ti
xa (t) = 1 − e (4.8)
The constants in this equation can be varied to obtain different steepness factors and rise
times (see Sections 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 respectively). This function is plotted in Figure 4.4.
This is clearly comparable to Figure 4.2 which shows the rise time function of the Heidler
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 19
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (µs)
Figure 4.4: Graph depicting the rise function of the approximation function (an
By substituting the approximated rise function back into the Heidler function shown in
Equation 4.1, the overall approximation can be obtained. The next section details the
approximation function, its properties and its frequency domain representation.
This approximation to the Heidler function has the advantage that it has an analytical
integral and hence an analytical solution in the frequency domain. Moreover it can still
be tailored to any waveshape, meaning that the steepness of the graph, the rise time,
the fall time and the peak current can all be modified. This allows for analyses using
10/350, 0.25/100 and any other lightning waveshapes required.
I0 X ω i ti
ia (t) = 1 − e−ω0 t 0
e−t/τ2 (4.9)
η i!
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 20
I0 = Peak current [A]
η = Correction factor of peak current
ω0 = Rise time constant [rad/s]
τ2 = Fall time constant [s]
na = Approximation steepness factor
Modifying these properties gives the desired lightning current waveform. An example
plot of this function can be seen in Figure 4.5.
Current (kA)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (µs)
As the approximation was designed as a modification of the Heidler function, it still takes
the same form as in Equation 4.1 with xh (t) replaced with xa (t). The difference is that
xh (t) cannot be integrated but xa (t) can be integrated and hence transformed into the
frequency domain. The following subsections show how the steepness factor, rise time
constant and fall time constant affect the shape and properties of the approximation
The steepness factor of the approximation, na , changes the shape of the approximation
function. Figure 4.6 shows several plots of the approximation function with different
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 21
steepness factors but constant rise time constant (ω0 ), fall time constant (τ2 ), peak
current (I0 ) and correction factor (η). These values are tabulated in Table 4.1 where the
values of I0 , η and τ2 are obtained from the IEC 62305-1 standard and ω0 is determined
empirically for a 10/350 waveshape.
Current (kA)
na = 5
na = 12
50 na = 19
na = 26
na = 33
na = 40
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (µs)
Figure 4.6: Graph showing the effect of changing the steepness factor (na ) in the
approximation function while keeping all the other variables constant.
Table 4.1: Constant values used in Equation 4.9 to obtain the graphs plotted in
Figure 4.6
Variable Value
I0 200 kA
η 0.93
ω0 1 768 000 rad/s
τ2 485 µs
As expected from Equations 4.8 and 4.9, the steepness factor only affects the rise function
(xa (t)) of the entire function. From the figure, it is clear that an increased steepness
factor decreases the steepness of the rise time. The initial knee in the curve (upward
bend) is delayed by a higher value of na and hence the maximum instantaneous change
in current occurs later in time. The figure also shows that the rise time of the waveshape
changes with a change in na but this is not the defining change.
Table 4.2 shows the peak current and rise time errors as the steepness factor changes.
These errors are calculated as a percentage of a 10/350, 200 kA waveshape. Clearly the
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 22
error in rise time is more pronounced than the peak current error. This table gives an
indication to the sensitivity of the function with a change in the steepeness factor (na ).
Table 4.2: Variation of rise time and peak current of the approximation with a change
in the steepness factor (na ) as a percentage of a 200 kA 10/350 waveshape.
The rise time constant, ω0 , is used primarily to change the rise time (the number before
the ‘/’) of the waveshape. Figure 4.7 shows the effect of changing the rise time constant
in the approximation while keeping the rest of the parameters constant. The constant
values used in this plot are tabulated in Table 4.3 where once again, I0 , η and τ2 are
obtained from the IEC 62305-1 standard and na is determined empirically for a 10/350
Table 4.3: Constant values used in Equation 4.9 to obtain the graphs plotted in
Figure 4.7
Variable Value
I0 200 kA
η 0.93
na 33
τ2 485 µs
This plot clearly shows how the rise time changes with a change in the rise time constant.
A greater rise time constant results in a faster rise time. The change in ω0 also has an
effect on the steepness of the graph but the defining feature is the change in rise time.
Table 4.4 shows the peak current and rise time errors as the rise time constant changes.
Again, these errors are calculated as a percentage of a 10/350, 200 kA waveshape. As
with the steepness factor, the error in rise time is more pronounced than the error in
peak current. This table gives an indication to the sensitivity of the function with a
change in the rise time constant (ω0 ).
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 23
Current (kA)
ω0 = 500 000 rad/s
ω0 = 1 000 000 rad/s
50 ω0 = 1 500 000 rad/s
ω0 = 2 000 000 rad/s
ω0 = 2 500 000 rad/s
ω0 = 3 000 000 rad/s
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (µs)
Figure 4.7: Graph showing the effect of changing the rise time constant (ω0 ) in the
approximation function while keeping all the other variables constant.
Table 4.4: Variation of rise time and peak current of the approximation with a change
in the rise time constant (ω0 ) as a percentage of a 200 kA 10/350 waveshape.
The fall time constant, τ2 , changes the decay time (the number after the ‘/’) of the
waveshape. Figure 4.8 shows the effect of changing the fall time constant in the approx-
imation function with the other parameters all fixed. These static values are seen in
Table 4.5 where once again, I0 and η are obtained from the IEC 62305-1 standard and
ω0 and na are determined empirically for a 10/350 waveshape.
1. This is the same effect as that seen in the Heidler function, as expected.
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 24
τ2 = 300 µs
200 τ2 = 350 µs
τ2 = 400 µs
τ2 = 450 µs
τ2 = 500 µs
150 τ2 = 550 µs
Current (kA)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (µs)
Figure 4.8: Graph showing the effect of changing the fall time constant (τ2 ) in the
approximation function while keeping all the other variables constant.
Table 4.5: Constant values used in Equation 4.9 to obtain the graphs in Figure 4.8
Variable Value
I0 200 kA
η 0.93
na 33
ω0 1 768 000 rad/s
2. As with the Heidler function, the decay time (the time to 50% of the peak current)
is not the same as the decay time constant (τ2 ).
3. The peak current varies slightly with the change in fall time constant as expected
from Equation 3.6.
Table 4.6 shows the peak current and rise time errors as the fall time constant changes.
Again, these errors are calculated as a percentage of a 10/350, 200 kA waveshape. This
table is different to those of the steepness factor and rise time constant (Tables 4.2 and
4.4) because the fall time constant has a negligible effect on the rise part of the waveshape.
This table gives an indication to the sensitivity of the function with a change in the fall
time constant (τ2 ).
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 25
Table 4.6: Variation of rise time and peak current of the approximation with a change
in the fall time constant (τ2 ) as a percentage of a 200 kA 10/350 waveshape.
This section shows the time domain properties of the approximation namely, the time
derivative and the integral. Unlike the Heidler function, the approximation has an ana-
lytical integral.
4.5.1 Derivative
Equation 4.10 shows the analytical derivative of the approximation. This shows the rate
of change of the current in the lightning stroke current model.
" ! !!#
I 0 ω0na +1 tna 1 X ω i ti − τt
i0a (t) = e−ω0 t − 1 − e−ω0 t 0
e 2 (4.10)
η na ! τ2 i!
A graph of the above function with the same parameters as those utilised in creating
the graph in Figure 4.5, can be seen in Figure 4.9. As is expected, the greatest rate of
change of current occurs during the rise of the graph and the negative rate of change is
comparatively small.
4.5.2 Integral
One of the primary reasons for developing an approximation to the Heidler function is
to have the ability to integrate such a function. Obtaining the integral of the approxi-
mation is trivial and can be seen in Equation 4.11 where C is some arbitrary constant
of integration because it is an indefinite integral.
−t τ1 +ω0 na i
ωi X i! τ2j ti−j
I0 τ2 e 2
−etω0 +
ia (t) dt = + C (4.11)
η i! (i − j)! (τ2 ω0 + 1) j+1
i=0 j=0
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 26
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Time (µs)
Figure 4.9: Graph showing the derivative of the approximation function shown in
Figure 4.5.
Another reason for using an approximation to the Heidler function is to obtain a Fourier
transform and hence a current density or frequency response. The approximation shown
in Equation 4.9 makes this process even more trivial. Rather than using the fact that the
approximation can be integrated (see Section 4.5.2), the approximation is developed in
the Laplace domain. Hence the Fourier transform is found by using the complex shifting
property of Laplace (see Equation 4.5) and replacing s with jω. The result of this can
be seen in Equation 4.12.
I0 1 1
Ia (jω) = 1
na (4.12)
η jω + jω+ τ1
τ2 2
By using dimensional analysis, it can be seen that in Equation 4.12, Ia (jω) has the units
of A/Hz. This implies a current density across the angular frequency spectrum. In order
to obtain current density as a function of frequency, ω should be replaced by 2πf as seen
in Equation 4.13.
I0 1 1
Ia (jf ) = 1
na (4.13)
η j2πf + j2πf + τ1
τ2 2
Chapter 4. Heidler Function Approximation 27
Equations 4.12 and 4.13 are complex functions and the modulus is required to plot the
current density of the approximation. The modulus is shown in Equation 4.14 and a plot
of this equation, based on the waveshape shown in Figure 4.5, can be seen in Figure 4.10.
I0 1 1
|Ia (jf )| = 1
η j2πf + τ2
j2πf + τ
I0 1 1
= q !na (4.14)
η 1
+ 4π 2 f 2 1
4π 2 f 2
1+ ω0 τ2 + ω02
Current Density (A/Hz)
10−3 −1
10 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 4.10: Amplitude density of the approximation model produced from the wave-
shape plotted in Figure 4.5.
4.7 Conclusion
This chapter has decomposed the Heidler function into its components and found an
approximation to the rise time function that can be used in the general form of the
equation. The approximation has been detailed with all its parameters. Its time domain
and frequency domain properties have been discussed. The following chapter explains
how results are obtained and shows the simulated results.
Chapter 5
This chapter shows the results obtained by simulating the approximation and
comparing the simulations to those of the Heidler function. In order for the
results to be understood, the experimental methodology is first defined which
explains how the simulations are carried out and how the comparisons are
made. Both the first short stroke and the subsequent short stroke (10/350 and
0.25/100 respectively) are analysed. In the analyses, the functions and their
derivatives are compared to the Heidler function and the current densities of
the approximation are plotted.
5.1 Overview
As mentioned in Chapter 2, the results obtained in this study are simulated. The sim-
ulations used in this study are those of the short lightning current waveshapes detailed
in the IEC 62305-1 standard [1]. These are the initial and subsequent short strokes
(10/350 and 0.25/100 respectively). This chapter details the experimental methodology
and compares the waveshapes obtained using the Heidler function (Equation 3.5) with
those obtained using the approximation (Equation 4.9).
Chapter 5. Results: A Comparison to the Heidler Function 29
The requirement in this study is to determine the accuracy of the approximation to the
Heidler function. This is achieved by running mathematical simulations using mathe-
matical modelling software such as MATLAB
[31], Mathematica
[32], Maxima [33],
etc. In order to determine a level of accuracy, the values used in the IEC 62305-1 are
used as a control. The parameters used in creating the Heidler function are detailed in
Table B.1 of the IEC 62305-1 standard. These values are for the 10/350 and the 0.25/100
waveshapes (first and subsequent short strokes respectively).
Initial values are estimated for the parameters of the approximation from the Heidler
function parameters mentioned above. These values are then empirically optimized in or-
der to minimize the error between the approximation and the Heidler waveshapes. These
tabulated and calculated parameters are utilised in Equations 3.5 and 4.9 respectively
to evaluate the accuracy of the approximation. An na of 33 is found to be appropriate
for the waveshapes defined in the standard which have an nh of 10 (see Chapter 6 for
There are various peak current values for the different LPLs defined in Table B.1 in the
standard [1]. However, as the peak current is only determined by I0 (peak current) and
η (peak current correction), the peak current values have no effect on the waveshapes
defined in Equations 3.5 and 4.9 or their respective errors.
The evaluation includes three simulations per waveshape. These are the current wave-
shape, the change in current (first derivative) and the current density (Fourier transform).
The current waveshapes of the Heidler function and the approximation are plotted with
the required parameters. The absolute value of the difference between the two functions
is determined and the maximum error is defined from this as a percentage of the Heidler
function. The first derivative is evaluated in very much the same manner as the current
The current density is evaluated by using the parameters calculated for the approxima-
tion in Equation 4.13. This is then plotted on log-log axes. As there is no analytical
Fourier transform of the Heidler function, this is purely an indication and no quantifica-
tion of error can be obtained from this.
Chapter 5. Results: A Comparison to the Heidler Function 30
Current (kA)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (µs)
Figure 5.1: Graph of the first short stroke (10/350) current model using both the Hei-
dler function and the approximation. The time scale is up to 200 µs and the amplitude
is as high as 210 kA.
The first short stroke as defined by the IEC 62305-1 has a front time of 10 µs and a
decay time of 350 µs (see Section 3.3) [1]. A graph depicting both the Heidler function
(solid line) and the approximation (dashed line) waveshapes can be seen in Figure 5.1.
The values used in both of the equations to create the waveshapes seen in Figure 5.1 are
shown in Table 5.1.
Table 5.1: Parameters used in Equations 3.5 and 4.9 to plot the waveshapes shown
in Figure 5.1.
It is clear from the figure that the approximation closely follows the waveshape produced
by the Heidler function. The error is quantified by determining the error as a function
Chapter 5. Results: A Comparison to the Heidler Function 31
of time as seen in Equation 5.1. The maximum error is found by equating the first time
derivative of the error function to zero as in Equation 5.2 and solving for t. This time is
substituted back into the error function to obtain the maximum error in kA. This value
is found as a percentage of the peak value of the Heidler function.
e (t) = Error function [A]
e0 (t) = Derivative of error function [A/s]
In the case of the 10/350 waveshape, with the parameters defined in Table 5.1, the
maximum error is defined as 1.38%. This error is seen to occur during the rise part of
the waveshape which is expected because the decay functions are identical.
The next comparison made is between the first derivatives of both the Heidler function
and the approximation (Equations 3.7 and 4.10 respectively). This shows the difference
in the instantaneous change in current of the two waveshapes. The same parameters are
used, i.e. those in Table 5.1. The graph showing both of these waveshapes can be seen
in Figure 5.2.
The error is more pronounced in the derivative. Using the same method as above to
obtain the maximum error as a percentage of the Heidler function maximum, the maxi-
mum error is calculated to be 7.91% (as before, the error is seen during the rise part of
the waveshape).
The maximum dI/dt occurs during the rise time of the function. Another characteristic
of the plot is that the exponential decay is much longer than the rise. This causes the
negative component of the derivative to be much smaller but longer than the rise time
In both Figures 5.1 and 5.2, the time scale goes up to 200 µs. This is because the tails
of the two waveshapes are the same. Therefore the resolution needs to be shown on the
rise time of the waveshapes. The amplitudes shown in the two graphs are large enough
to show the maximum values (200 kA in Figure 5.1 and 27.5 kA/µs in Figure 5.2).
For completeness, the current density of the approximated first short stroke is plotted
in Figure 5.3. This is produced using Equation 4.13 and the parameters in Table 5.1. A
current density is plotted because this is what is shown in Figure B.5 in the IEC 62305-1
Chapter 5. Results: A Comparison to the Heidler Function 32
Change in Current (kA/µs)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Time (µs)
Figure 5.2: Graph of the first time derivative of the first short stroke (10/350) current
model using both the Heidler function and the approximation. The time scale is up to
200 µs and the amplitude is as high as 30 kA/µs.
Current Density (A/Hz)
10−3 −1
10 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5.3: Current density of the approximation model produced from the waveshape
plotted in Figure 5.1.
Chapter 5. Results: A Comparison to the Heidler Function 33
According to the standard, the subsequent short stroke has a front duration of 0.25 µs
and a decay time of 100 µs [1]. This implies a much sharper rise time than that of the
first short stroke. Again, the three metrics shown here are the actual waveshape, the
first time derivative and the current density.
Current (kA)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (µs)
Figure 5.4: Graph of a subsequent short stroke (0.25/100) current model using both
the Heidler function and the approximation. The time scale is up to 5 µs and the
amplitude is as high as 52 kA.
Chapter 5. Results: A Comparison to the Heidler Function 34
A graph depicting both the Heidler function (solid line) and the approximation (dashed
line) waveshapes can be seen in Figure 5.4. The values used in both of the equations to
create the waveshapes seen in Figure 5.4 are shown in Table 5.2.
Table 5.2: Parameters used in Equations 3.5 and 4.9 to plot the waveshapes shown
in Figure 5.4.
With the method outlined above, the maximum error is calculated to be 1.36% (as
before, the error is seen during the rise part of the waveshape). The decay time is so
much greater than the front duration (400×), that there is almost no decay in the graph
shown. This is so that the variation in the rise part of the function can be seen.
The first time derivative of both the Heidler function (solid line) and the approximation
(dashed line) are shown in Figure 5.5. Again the error in the first time derivative is
Change in Current (kA/µs)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Time (µs)
Figure 5.5: Graph of the first time derivative of a subsequent short stroke current
model using both the Heidler function and the approximation. The time scale is up to
5 µs and the amplitude is as high as 300 kA/µs.
Chapter 5. Results: A Comparison to the Heidler Function 35
more pronounced than in the actual waveshape and this error is calculated to be 7.86%
(as before, the error is seen during the rise part of the waveshape). The decay time is
so large in comparison to the rise time, that the negative dI/dt is negligible and in most
engineering applications can be assumed to be zero. The maximum change in current is
ten times greater than that of the first return stroke.
Once again, the current density of the approximated subsequent short stroke can be seen
in Figure 5.6. This is produced using Equation 4.13 and the parameters in Table 5.2. As
expected, there are higher frequency components in the subsequent short stroke than in
the first short stroke. However, the amplitude is lower.
Current Density (A/Hz)
10−3 −1
10 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5.6: Current density of the approximation model produced from the waveshape
plotted in Figure 5.4.
5.5 Conclusion
This chapter has discussed the experimental methodology. The results of the experiment
are simulated and errors have been defined for the first and subsequent short strokes.
The following chapter utilises these results in order to draw conclusions about the vi-
ability of this approximation as a suitable replacement for the Heidler function in the
IEC 62305-1 standard. Some comments about the further work that can be carried out
are also made.
Chapter 6
This chapter critically analyses the results obtained in the previous chapter.
The lightning stroke current is analysed, noting some features of the wave-
shapes of the approximation and the Heidler function. A method is shown
for choosing the rise time constant in the approximation. The approxima-
tion is a good replacement for the Heidler function as it takes the same form
and contains most of the same parameters. Some notes are made about the
derivatives, in particular the effect that the subsequent short stroke can have
on a system. An untested hypothesis about the error percentages is discussed.
There is some discussion about the frequency response of the approximation
with reference to the lightning protection standard. Comments are made
about the further work that is required to optimise the approximation.
6.1 Overview
This chapter points out several observations and discusses any implications that they
may have in using the approximation. Some conclusions about the validity of the ap-
proximation and the suitability as a replacement for the Heidler function are made. Some
comments are made about the work that can be done to further this research.
As there is no accurate way of integrating the Heidler function and hence obtaining
frequency domain information without numerical methods, the comparisons between the
Heidler function and the approximation are made in the time domain. By using this
Chapter 6. Discussion and Further Work 37
method, the maximum errors can be quantified. The following two sections discuss the
results obtained in Sections 5.3 and 5.4.
Chapter 5 discussed the first and subsequent stroke simulations in isolation of each
other. Several observations are made about the two strokes together. From the graphs
in Figures 5.1 and 5.4, it is obvious that the shape of the graph is the same for both
waveshapes but with different time and amplitude scales. The decay parts of the approx-
imation waveshapes follow the Heidler function decay exactly as expected. Any errors
are only present in the rise part of the waveshapes.
According to the IEC 62305-1 (Table C.3), the tolerance on peak current is ±10% for
both first and subsequent strokes [1]. Similarly the tolerance on the rise time is ±20%
for both the first and subsequent strokes. In order for an approximation to be a suitable
replacement for the Heidler function, it must fit within these boundaries. Table 6.1
shows the calculated peak current and rise time errors for both functions (Heilder and
approximation) and both waveshapes (first and subsequent strokes). The errors for the
first stroke are calculated as a percentage of a 10/350, 200 kA waveshape and the errors
for the subsequent stroke are calculated as a percentage of a 0.25/100, 50 kA waveshape.
It is clear from the table that the approximation is also well within the allowed tolerance
and is therefore suitable as a replacement to the Heidler function.
Chapter 6. Discussion and Further Work 38
Table 6.1: Comparison of the errors for the approximation and the Heilder function
for both the first and subsequent strokes
Approximation Heidler
Peak Current Error (%) 0.43 0.31
First Stroke
Rise Time Error (%) 2.46 0.19
Peak Current Error (%) 0.14 0.02
Subsequent Stroke
Rise Time Error (%) 0.23 0.75
Another observation that is made is that the maximum absolute error in the first stroke
is 1.38% and 1.36% in the subsequent stroke. This is a small change and it could
be attributed to rounding errors when finding values of ω0 . This indicates that the
maximum absolute error is constant for any approximation waveshape. This is unproven
and is merely an observation but these errors do hold true for the waveshapes defined in
the IEC 62305-1 standard which is set as the control in this study (see Chapter 2).
I0 (peak current), η (peak current correction) and τ2 (decay time constant) are the
same for both the Heidler function and the approximation. This is expected as only
xh (t) is replaced in the Heidler function with xa (t) in the approximation. As these
are the respective rise time functions, it makes sense that the amplitude and decay
time parts of the equation are unaffected. This implies that the approximation is easily
interchangeable with the Heidler function.
Figures 6.1(a) and 6.1(b) show the effects of changing the steepness factor, nh , on the
Heidler function and its first time derivative respectively. A steeper graph implies a
faster rise time and hence the steepness factor affects the rise time of the waveshape,
however the defining feature change is the steepness of the rise time. The half peak
value remains at the same point in time for different steepness factors. The maximum
instantaneous change in current occurs later in time and with a greater amplitude for a
greater nh . This occurs shortly after the first knee (the upward bend) in the curve.
Figures 6.1(c) and 6.1(d) show the effects of changing the steepness factor, na , on the
approximation and its first time derivative respectively. The change in the rise time of
the waveshape is not as significant as with the Heidler function but the upward trend
does still begin later in time. As expected, the maximum instantaneous change in current
still occurs later in time but the peak value is decreased with an increase in na .
Figures 6.2(a) and 6.2(b) show the effects of changing the rise time constant, τ1 , on the
Heidler function and its first time derivative respectively. A smaller rise time constant
produces a faster rise time of the waveshape and hence the steepness is also increased.
The defining feature is the change in rise time. Again the peak instantaneous change in
current occurs later in time with an increase in τ1 but converse to what is seen with the
steepness factor, the peak amplitude decreases.
Chapter 6. Discussion and Further Work 39
nh = 2 nh = 4 nh = 6
nh = 8 nh = 10 nh = 12
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Time (µs) Time (µs)
(a) (b)
na = 5 na = 12 na = 19
na = 26 na = 33 na = 40
Change in Current (kA/µs)
200 60
Current (kA)
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
Time (µs) Time (µs)
(c) (d)
Figure 6.1: Effects of varying the steepness factors, nh and na , in both the Heidler
function and the approximation respectively. The (a) Heidler function and the (b)
Heidler function derivative are compared to the (c) approximation and its (d) derivative.
Figures 6.2(c) and 6.2(d) show the effects of changing the rise time constant, ω0 , on
the approximation and its first time derivative respectively. A greater ω0 results in a
faster rise time. Again this affects the steepness of the rise time graph but the defining
feature is the change in rise time. The derivative shows that the increase in ω0 increases
the amplitude of the peak instantaneous change in current however this occurs earlier
in time unlike the other figures. ω0 is proportional to the inverse of time (ω0 ∝ 1t ) and
therefore the opposite of what is seen with the Heidler function (and τ1 ) is expected with
the approximation (and ω0 ).
The steepness factors and the rise time constants of the Heidler function and the ap-
proximation do not have the same effect on their respective waveshapes and hence these
Chapter 6. Discussion and Further Work 40
τ1 = 5 µs τ1 = 10 µs τ1 = 15 µs
τ1 = 20 µs τ1 = 25 µs τ1 = 30 µs
100 50
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (µs) Time (µs)
(a) (b)
100 20
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (µs) Time (µs)
(c) (d)
Figure 6.2: Effects of varying the rise time constants, τ1 and ω0 , in both the Heidler
function and the approximation respectively. The (a) Heidler function and the (b)
Heidler function derivative are compared to the (c) approximation and its (d) derivative.
values for the approximation are calculated empirically. This method can be improved
by finding some relationship between these parameters for the two functions (see Sec-
tion 6.4).
When looking at the waveshapes of the derivatives of the approximated waveforms com-
pared with those of the Heidler function in Figures 5.2 and 5.5, a few observations can be
made. The first is that the peak change in current is seen at about 50% of peak current
value during the rise of the waveshape. This holds true for both the Heidler function
Chapter 6. Discussion and Further Work 41
and the approximation. This is expected as the rise time function is an S-curve which is
most steep in the middle of the rise.
From the two graphs, it can be seen that the maximum change in current in the sub-
sequent stroke is ten times greater than that of the first stroke. This is critical when
designing LPSs as the change in current is directly proportional to the voltage produced
across an inductor (any wire). Therefore, the subsequent short strokes are more likely
to have an effect on more sensitive systems due to even the smallest inductances.
As discussed above, the difference in the errors in the first short stroke and the subsequent
short stroke is almost the same. The maximum absolute error in the first stroke is 7.91%
and 7.86% in the subsequent stroke. This could once again be attributed to rounding
errors. This further indicates that the maximum absolute error could be constant for any
approximation waveshape. However this is still merely a hypothesis and would require
further simulation and verification.
One of the reasons for undertaking this study is to obtain an analytical Fourier trans-
form for the Heidler function (see Chapter 2). This implies that any transform of the
Heidler function is done numerically which has inherent errors. There is no real way to
quantify the error of the approximation in the frequency domain. Figure 6.3 shows an
adaptation of Figure B.5 in the IEC 62305-1 standard with the results obtained from the
Fourier transform of the approximation (Equation 4.13) plotted on top. Line 2 shows
the expected amplitude density of the first short stroke current while line 3 shows the
expected amplitude density of the subsequent short stroke current. The results from the
approximation clearly follow their respective waveshape expectations.
A current amplitude density is chosen because that is what is stipulated in the standard.
Clearly, if the values are multiplied by their respective frequencies i.e. Equation 4.13 is
multiplied by frequency, the amplitude spectrum can be found. It is clear that for the
first short stroke the peak current components are between about 500 Hz and 40 kHz with
a rapid decay above 40 kHz. The subsequent short stroke has lower amplitude current
components with a wider frequency range as expected. The peak current components
here are between about 1 kHz and 1 MHz. The subsequent short stroke is more important
when analysing wideband or high frequency systems/effects.
Chapter 6. Discussion and Further Work 42
Current Density (A/Hz)
10−3 −1
10 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6.3: Amplitude densities of the different lightning currents according to LPL-
I as stipulated by the IEC 62305-1 with the results of the Fourier transform of the
approximation (adapted from Figure B.5 in [1]). The numbers point to the solid lines
obtained from the standard.
This study provides a replacement for the Heidler function that can be integrated. There
is enough evidence given via experimentation (simulation) to define a suitable function
that can be used. The evidence in this study is based on the waveforms and information
outlined in the standard. However there are areas that can be further evaluated to
possibly optimise the use of this function.
As noted above there is an error associated with the current waveshape and its derivative
when compared with those of the Heidler function. This error is within a tolerable
range and is quantified. It can therefore be taken into account in very sensitive system
designs. It is posited above that this error could be consistent across all variations of
the waveshape, however there are only two cases dealt with in this study (the only two
Chapter 6. Discussion and Further Work 43
waveshapes detailed in the IEC 62305-1) and therefore this hypothesis requires further
Another area for further research is again related to the errors that are quantified above.
It is possible that the errors are as “high” as they are (no approximation will ever have
zero error) because the numbers used for na (approximation steepness factor) and ω0
(approximation rise time constant) are determined empirically. These could be better
calculated by using some form of error optimisation algorithm. With these calculated
numbers the error could be reduced.
There may be some relationship between ω0 and the parameters used in the Heidler
function, particularly τ1 (Heidler rise time constant). By the same notion there may be
some relationship between na and the parameters used in the Heidler function. These
relationships would make plotting different waveshapes even easier than using the ratio
method described in Section 6.2.1 above. Further work is required to find such rela-
tionships. This however does not affect the validity of the approximation as a suitable
replacement for the Heidler function with an analytical integral.
6.5 Conclusion
This chapter has critically analysed the results obtained in the previous chapter. It has
drawn some conclusions about these results and hence the viability of the approximation.
Some further work is posited to further optimise the approximation and lower the error.
The following chapter concludes this dissertation by summing up all the work that has
been discussed and stating the conclusions that are drawn.
Chapter 7
An approximation to the Heidler function that has an analytical integral has been de-
veloped and discussed. This is useful in situations where the EM fields produced by
a lightning stroke need to be calculated. It is also useful in any scenario where the
frequency components of a lightning stroke are required for evaluation. The properties
of the approximation are discussed with reference to the IEC 62305-1 standard. The
viability of the approximation as a suitable replacement for the Heidler function in the
standard have been evaluated through the investigation of the simulations produced.
As the study is based on the guidelines in the IEC lightning protection standard, the
lightning strokes defined therein are the ones used for the evaluation of viability.
It can be seen that the waveshapes produced by the approximation are very similar to
those produced by the Heidler function. The maximum error in amplitude for the first
and subsequent lightning stroke currents is less than 1.5%. The maximum error in the
derivative is however greater but still less than 8%. This is still within the parameters
defined in the standard which are based on some of the original lightning current analyses.
The simulations detail the frequency response of the approximation for both waveshapes.
There is no way of quantifying the error in this result because the Heidler function has
no analytical integral and hence no Fourier transform. However the results are similar
to what is expected in the lightning protection standard. All of this provides evidence
that this approximation is a suitable replacement for the Heidler function when integrals
and frequency spectra of lightning strokes are required.
The approximation has been designed using the Heidler function as a base and therefore
they are easily interchangeable. When breaking the functions into components, the
only difference is in the rise time functions. Other than that the two equations contain
the same parameters. There is a ratio for the rise time constant that is found for
different waveshapes of the Heidler function. The inverse of this ratio holds true for
Chapter 7. Conclusion 45
the approximation giving further evidence of the consistency across the two functions.
Therefore the approximation can easily be used in place of the Heidler function taking
into account the quantified error (if necessary).
Additional work is required to optimise the approximation. This would further reduce
the error and make working with the approximation even easier. This work includes
proving or disproving the hypothesis that the error remains constant for any waveshape
produced by the approximation. There is only an empirical optimisation of the param-
eters used in this study. A full optimisation algorithm should be run in order to reduce
the 1.5% inaccuracy between the approximation and the Heidler function. It is posited
that there may be some relationship between the parameters used in the Heidler rise
time function and the approximation rise time function. Finding this relationship would
further simplify the use of the approximation in studies and system design.
The approximation that is developed is found to be a suitable replacement for the Heidler
function with the errors quantified and an analytical integral. Evidence is provided to
show that the approximation to the Heidler function developed in this dissertation, can
be used for the first and subsequent short strokes mentioned in the IEC 62305-1 with
less than 1.5% error.
Appendix A
A.1 Overview
Equation A.1 shows the Heidler rise time function and it is clear that this function cannot
be analytically integrated. nh
xh (t) = nh (A.1)
1+ τ1
The S-curve rises to a value of one and remains constant. It is clear from this that a
step response is required. The approximation rise time function can be defined as in
Equation A.2.
Xa (s) = H (s) (A.2)
H (s) = Transfer function (Laplace domain)
s = Unit step function in the Laplace domain
The step response of an n-th order real and negative pole in the Laplace domain produces
Chapter A. Approximation Development 47
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Time (µs)
Figure A.1: Graph depicting the rise function of the Heidler function (an S-curve).
an S-shaped curve response in the time domain. Therefore the transfer function can be
defined as in Equation A.3.
H (s) = na (A.3)
ω0 +1
ω0 = Some real and negative value
1 1
Xa (s) = na (A.4)
s s
The time domain equation is required which can be found by taking the inverse Laplace
transform of Equation A.4 as defined in Equation A.5.
By substituting this back into the generalised form of the lightning stroke current shown
in Equation A.6, the complete approximation can be seen in Equation A.7.
ia (t) = xa (t) y (t) (A.6)
I0 X ω i ti
= 1 − e−ω0 t 0
y (t)
η i!
I0 −ω0 t
X ω0i ti
= 1−e e−t/τ2 (A.7)
η i!
A.3 Conclusion
This appendix provides all the mathematical steps required to develop the approximation
to the Heidler function. This starts at the step response function and goes through until
the final equation.
Appendix B
B.1 Preamble
This appendix is a paper that was accepted and presented for publication by the Inter-
national Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP) in 2014, hosted in Shanghai, China.
The paper is entitled: Developing an Approximation to the Heidler Function -
With an Analytical Transformation into the Frequency Domain.
This paper discusses the preliminary development of the approximation to the Heidler
function. It also shows the preliminary results obtained from simulations of the approx-
imation. These results are without any optimisation.
These preliminary results indicated that this approximation is very promising and al-
lowed for further research to optimise the function. The frequency results obtained
broadened the scope of the approximation that was developed.
2014 International Conference on Lightning Protection (ICLP), Shanghai, China
Abstract—IEC 62305 utilises the Heidler function as the expression to its integral simplifies these LEMP calculations
standardised lightning current waveshape because it mimics the [5].
properties of a real lightning stroke. There is no analytical Therefore an approximation to the Heidler function that is
solution to the integral of the Heidler function and this means that
it is not possible to obtain an expression for the Heidler function transformable into the frequency domain is proposed. This can
in the frequency domain. There are several approximations that be used to show the effects of lightning current frequency
are used to overcome this shortcoming. This paper proposes a components on systems.
new approximation that is designed in the Laplace domain. Initial This paper details the process of developing such an ap-
results show that the amplitude differs with that of the Heidler proximation by first detailing some background into the use
function by no more than 3.7%. Furthermore, the first derivative
of the approximated current waveshape, dI/dt, differs with that of the Heidler function and its limitation with respect to
of the Heidler function by 10.5%. This however can be explained Laplace/Fourier transform. Next, the Laplace domain approxi-
by the steepness factor not being calibrated correctly for the mation is developed and some preliminary results are given to
same shape Heidler function. The approximation is created in the show the viability of the approximation. Finally, the direction
Laplace domain and therefore it is trivial to plot the frequency of the work is outlined and the paper is concluded.
spectrum of the approximation. Frequency analysis shows that
the approximation agrees with those of other researchers. It II. BACKGROUND
is concluded that the initial results are evident of a promising
approximation to the Heidler function. The IEC standard on Lightning Protection, IEC 62305,
Index Terms—Lightning Channel Base Current; LEMP; IEC discusses different types of lightning currents such as a first
62305; Heidler; Laplace; Frequency Domain; Approximation. return stroke, subsequent strokes, etc. [4]. In this standard the
shape of a typical lightning stroke is described along with
I. I NTRODUCTION properties (of a lightning current) that must be used in the
design of lightning protection systems. An adaptation of the
Lightning current data studies have shown that although waveshape shown in IEC 62305 standard is shown in Figure 1
lightning currents have random waveshapes, there are cer- [4]. This figure shows how the different stroke currents, such
tain characteristics that each lightning current has [1]–[3]. as the 1.2/50, 8/20 and 10/350 are composed. T1 is the rise
IEC 62305 defines these characteristics for different types time (number before the ‘/’) and T2 is the fall time (number
of lightning strokes. In order to simulate the behaviour of after the ‘/’). It is important that any lightning current shape
a lightning stroke, the standard recommends the use of the can be obtained in order to test against different scenarios and
Heidler function as it meets the criteria outlined in the standard lightning protection levels. Therefore the Heidler function is
[4]. used in the IEC 62305 because it contains different factors
This function is ideal for current amplitude and other allowing for the rise time, fall time, amplitude and steepness
parameters in the time domain such as the charge and change factors to be customised.
in current. There is however no analytical transform of the The Heidler function is defined as in Equation 1 [3]
Heidler function into the frequency domain because it cannot n
be integrated. This leads to problems when trying to obtain an I0 τ1 t
i(t) = n e− τ2 (1)
accurate power spectral density plot of a particular lightning η 1+ t
current. With a power spectral density plot, it is possible
to analyse the effects of particular frequencies on a system.
Furthermore, the integral of a lightning channel base current is
required when carrying out Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse
(LEMP) calculations. Having a function that has an analytical
in Equation 4
i(z 0 , t) = u(t − z 0 /vf )P (z 0 )i(0, t − z 0 /v) (4)
where i(z 0 , t) is the return stroke current and i(0, t − z 0 /v)
is the lightning channel base current. In order to obtain the
vertical and horizontal electric fields, i(z 0 , t) is integrated
when solving Maxwell’s equations. When carrying out these
calculations, the use of an equation with an analytical solution
in the frequency domain is preferred as this simplifies the
mathematics [5].
Because of these limitations, several researchers have tried
to approximate the transform of the Heidler function [6]. Most
of these approximations have one or another limiting factor
that changes the Heidler function enough so that it is no longer
highly customisable: not all of the parameters remain variable.
Many approximations are for a set steepness factor or entire
waveshape [6]. In [6], the authors create an approximation that
Fig. 1. Definitions of short stroke parameter adapted from [4] can be used with any factors but it is extremely complex.
Another example is where Delfino et al in [7] describe how
the lightning channel base current can be approximated in
Where: terms of a Prony series. The limitation with this approach is the
I0 = Peak current [kA] large amount of computation required for each approximation.
η = Correction factor of peak current Therefore the purpose of this research is to formulate a
lightning channel-base current function that has “customis-
τ1 = Rise time constant [s]
able” parameters and can be transformed analytically into the
τ2 = Fall time constant [s] frequency domain for use in frequency design and analysis as
n = Steepness factor well as LEMP calculations. The approximation is simple to
Equation 1 is often written as i(t) = Iη0 x(t)y(t). Where use and understand. It is also closely related to the Heidler
x(t) and y(t) are the rise and fall equations represented in function and so most of the parameters stay the same and the
Equations 2 and 3 respectfully. structure of the equation is the same (i.e. i(t) = Iη0 x(t)y(t)).
This function is approximating the Heidler function and the
t parameters outlined in the IEC 62305 and therefore any errors
x(t) = n (2) are with respect to the Heidler function.
t A different approach is taken to approximate the Heidler
y(t) = e− τ2 (3) function. A transfer function is defined in the Laplace domain
and then an inverse Laplace transform is carried out to obtain
Equation 3 is the decay function and can be integrated.
the Heidler function approximation. With this approach, the
Therefore this function is left as is in the approximation.
equation is already in the frequency domain and therefore an
Furthermore, the constant, Iη0 can also be included directly in
analytical transform is no longer required.
the approximation. Equation 2 on the other hand, is an S-curve
and the steepness of the rise as well as the front duration of A. Creating the Heidler Function Approximation
waveshape can be adjusted by modifying n and τ1 respectfully.
The Heidler function is not analytically transformable into
This allows for a configurable rise time and maximum dI/dt.
the frequency domain because of the rise function, x(t) in
The rise time equation in Equation 2 cannot be transformed Equation 2. This function is merely an S-curve and therefore
analytically (using Laplace or Fourier transforms) into the the step response of an n-th order, real and negative, pole is
frequency domain because it cannot be integrated [6]. This used to approximate this part of the function. The start of the
creates a problem when accurate analyses of the frequency approximation is seen in Equation 5.
components of a lightning strike are required. For example, if
the amplitude of the 11 kHz component of a lightning stroke 1
X(s) = n (5)
is required to evaluate if lightning would introduce noise into s s
a system operating at 11 kHz, it would not be possible to plot
an analytical power spectral density from the Heidler function. Where:
Furthermore, the numerical analysis of the LEMP fields is ω0 = Rise time constant (rad/s)
related to the lightning channel base current. This can be seen n = Steepness factor
By varying the values of n and ω0 , the shape of the A. Comparison to Heidler
S-curve that is produced by the inverse Laplace transform The proposed approximation is with respect to the Heidler
of Equation 5 can be “customised”. The inverse Laplace function and therefore tested against it to determine accuracy
transform of Equation 5 can be seen in Equation 6. of the approximation. The two aspects looked at in this paper
X ω0i ti are the amplitude of the current waveshape as well as the
−ω0 t
x(t) = 1 − e (6) instantaneous derivative.
i=0 1) Amplitude: A 4 kA, 10/350 lightning current waveshape
The Heidler function also has a decay function as shown is used to test the approximation against the Heidler function.
in Equation 3. There is no need to modify this function as it To obtain this current with both functions the parameters in
behaves exactly as required and is analytically transformable Table I are used. It is clear that the parameters are similar
into the frequency domain. By including the constant and the
decay function from Equation 1 in Equation 6, the complete TABLE I
time domain approximation is obtained as in Equation 7
I0 X ω0i ti Heidler Approximation
−ω0 t
i(t) = 1−e e−t/τ2 (7) τ1 (µs) 19 -
η i=0
τ2 (µs) 485 485
where I0 , η and τ2 are the same as those in the Heidler n 10 33
function. ω0 (rad/s) - 1700000
Equation 8 shows the complex shifting property of the I0 (kA) 4 4
Laplace transform. η 0.9341 0.9341
L e−at f (t) = F (s + a)
(8) for the two functions with the notable differences being the
By applying this property to Equation 5 and using Equation 3 steepness factor (n) and the rise time constants (τ1 and ω0 ).
as the model, an overall approximation to the Heidler func- The reason for this is that the approximation’s parameters are
tion in the frequency domain can be obtained, as shown in defined in the Laplace domain and this leads to the steepness
Equation 9. The constants I0 and η have also been included factor having to be larger. Moreover, a number in rad/s is
in Equation 9 as they are real constants and are only required required for the approximation while the Heidler function
for changing the peak amplitude of the impulse current. expects a rise time constant in µs. However as the decay
function as shown in Equation 3 is unchanged, τ2 is identical
I0 1 1
I(s) = 1
1 n (9) to that used in the Heidler function. Moreover, the shape of
η s + τ2 s+ τ2
+ 1 the rise function (S-curve) is the same as that of the Heidler
function and therefore the same I0 and η are used to achieve
B. Frequency Domain the required peak current.
As the function is developed in the Laplace domain, simply Figure 2 shows the plots of both the Heidler function
replacing the s with jω in Equation 9 gives rise to the and the approximation with a 4 kA current and a 10/350
frequency domain equation as seen in Equation 10. waveshape. The parameters used in the approximation are
found by brute-force trial-and-error. The authors made some
I0 1 1
I(jω) = n (10) educated guesses and then optimised the values by hand until
η jω + τ12 jω+ τ12
+1 the curves looked very similar. A better method is required
for this (see Section VI). The absolute value of the difference
This can be used directly in LEMP equations or the modulus between the two functions shows that there is a maximum
and argument can be found and the power spectral density and error of about 3.7% of the maximum amplitude of the Heidler
phase of the lightning current can be analysed. Alternatively waveshape.
a bode plot of Equation 9 can be plotted directly to obtain a 2) Derivative: The derivative of a lightning current is
frequency response. important when determining the effects of inductive elements
in a system. Therefore the approximation must represent a
similar dI/dt graph to that of the Heidler function. Figure 3
There are several aspects of importance with this approxi- shows the first derivative of both the Heilder function and
mation. the approximation. There is a fairly large discrepancy in the
1) The amplitude and other properties such as the derivative peak values which reaches about 10.5%. This is a large error
need to be comparable to the Heidler function. however the peak amplitude of the approximation function
2) The parameters outlined in the IEC62305 must be could be increased when carrying out these kinds of analyses.
comparable to the approximation (intended as future Moreover, this discrepancy results from the steepness factor
research). being too small. This can be rectified by finding the correct
3) A frequency analysis must be carried out to show the correlation between the steepness factors of both functions (see
frequency spectra of the function. Section VI).
4 0
Current (kA)
Magnitude (dB)
1 −1,000
0 −1,400
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Time (µs)
Fig. 2. Comparison between the approximation and the Heidler functions −720
(tails shortened to show a more detailed comparison).
Phase (deg)
Current per Unit Time (kA/µs)
102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Frequency (rad/s)
[1] IEC, Protection against lightning - Part 1: General principles, IEC Std. IEC
62 305-1, 2006.
[2] Z. Feizhou and L. Shanghe, “A new function to represent the lightning return-stroke
currents,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 44, no. 4, pp.
595–597, Nov. 2002. [Online]. Available:
[5] V. A. Rakov and M. A. Uman, Lightning: Physics and Effects. Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 2003.
[6] V. Rakov and F. Rachidi, “Overview of recent progress in lightning research and
lightning protection,” IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, vol. 51,
no. 3, pp. 428–442, 2009. [Online]. Available:
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