Expt 11 - Bistable-Multivibrator (2020)
Expt 11 - Bistable-Multivibrator (2020)
Expt 11 - Bistable-Multivibrator (2020)
A Bistable circuit is one which can exist indefinitely in either of two stable states and which
can be induced to make an abrupt transition from one state to the other by means of external
excitation. The Bistable circuit is also called as Bistable multivibrator, Eccles Jordon circuit,
Trigger circuit, Scale-of-2 toggle circuit, Flip-Flop & Binary.
A Bistable multivibratior is used in a many digital operations such as counting and the
storing of binary information. It is also used in the generation and processing of pulse-type
waveform. They can be used to control digital circuits and as frequency dividers. There are two
outputs available which are complements of one another. i.e. when one output is high the other is
low and vice versa .
When VCC is applied, one transistor will start conducting slightly more than that of the
other, because of some differences in the characteristics of a transistor. Let Q2 be ON and Q1 be
OFF. When Q2 is ON, The potential at the collector of Q2 decreases, which in turn will decrease
the potential at the base of Q1 due to potential divider action of R1 and R2. The potential at the
collector of Q1 increases which in turn further increases the base to emitter voltage at the base of
Q2. The voltage at the collector of Q2 further decreases, which in turn further reduces the voltage
at the base of Q1. This action will continue till Q2 becomes fully saturated and Q1 becomes fully
Thus the stable state of binary is such that one device remains in cut-off and other device
remains at saturation. It will be in that state until the triggering pulse is applied to it. It has two
stable states. For every transition of states triggering is required. At a time only one device will
be conducting.
Design Procedure:
R2 = 100K
1. Make the connections as per the circuit diagram.
2. Apply trigger pulse of 1 KHz 5v (p-p) from function generator.
3. Obtain waveforms at different points such as VB1, VB2, VC1 & VC2.
4. Trace the waveform at collector and base of each transistor with the help of dual trace
CRO. Note the Time relation of waveforms.
Expected Waveforms:
1. Connections should be made carefully.
2. Note down the parameters carefully.
3. The supply voltage levels should not exceed the maximum rating of the transistor.
1. What do you mean by a bistable circuit?
2. What are the other names of a bistable multivibrator?
3. What do you mean by triggering signal?
6. Mention the names of different kinds of triggering used in the circuit shown?
The voltage swing is only a fraction of a volt and hence the binary is susceptible to serious
voltages. Triggering is difficult, since q2 is driven heavily into saturation, the storage time delay
will be large and switching speed will be low [1].
Reference: https://studentboxoffice.in