Tanigan SF6

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Business Unit Leather

Anionic, synthetic auxiliary tanning material with a neutralizing effect. Suitable for
reducing the amount of free formaldehyde and preventing the formation of hexavalent
Chromium in leather.

Specification :

Concentration : approx 90%

pH value : approx 9.5

Note on safety : Information on handling and on the ecological and

toxicological behaviour is contained in the safety data
sheet of Tanigan SF6

Properties :

Tanigan SF6 is an auxiliary tanning material in powder form which can be used in various
phases of the retanning process (e.g. neutralization, retannage, dyeing). It brings about a
significant reduction in the detectable amount of free formaldehyde and prevents the
formation of hexavalent chromium in leather.

It has proved particularly effective to add Tanigan SF6 in several stages during the
retannage process at low to medium temperatures of the float. Experience has shown
that the addition of 1 – 2% Tanigan SF6 in the neutralization and 1 -2% in the retanning /
dyeing process improves the test results for free formaldehyde and hexavalent chromium

We have found no evidence so far that the product has any adverse effect on the typical
leather properties.

Because of the neutralizing and slightly buffering effect , Tanigan SF6 can be used to
replace part of the required amount of neutralizing agent. When it is used in dyeing
Tanigan SF6 has a leveling effect.

The above information has been given in good faith, without any guarantee or liability

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