This rubric evaluates emergency plans based on six criteria: disaster description, parties involved, safety considerations, emergency response steps, evacuation route map, and bibliography. Plans are scored on a scale from 1 to 3 points in each category, with 3 points given for descriptions that are clear, specific, and relevant to the disaster scenario. Presentations of emergency plans will also be evaluated based on criteria such as presenter clarity, quality of visual aids, and proper spelling/grammar. The total possible score is 27 points.
This rubric evaluates emergency plans based on six criteria: disaster description, parties involved, safety considerations, emergency response steps, evacuation route map, and bibliography. Plans are scored on a scale from 1 to 3 points in each category, with 3 points given for descriptions that are clear, specific, and relevant to the disaster scenario. Presentations of emergency plans will also be evaluated based on criteria such as presenter clarity, quality of visual aids, and proper spelling/grammar. The total possible score is 27 points.
This rubric evaluates emergency plans based on six criteria: disaster description, parties involved, safety considerations, emergency response steps, evacuation route map, and bibliography. Plans are scored on a scale from 1 to 3 points in each category, with 3 points given for descriptions that are clear, specific, and relevant to the disaster scenario. Presentations of emergency plans will also be evaluated based on criteria such as presenter clarity, quality of visual aids, and proper spelling/grammar. The total possible score is 27 points.
This rubric evaluates emergency plans based on six criteria: disaster description, parties involved, safety considerations, emergency response steps, evacuation route map, and bibliography. Plans are scored on a scale from 1 to 3 points in each category, with 3 points given for descriptions that are clear, specific, and relevant to the disaster scenario. Presentations of emergency plans will also be evaluated based on criteria such as presenter clarity, quality of visual aids, and proper spelling/grammar. The total possible score is 27 points.
1 pts 2 pts 3 pts Disaster You have not stated what disaster You have stated the disaster that is occurring but You have adequately stated which /3 is occurring it does not fit the guidelines disaster is occurring Who is involved You have not stated who is You have either stated who is involved but failed You have clearly stated who is involved /3 involved or where they are located to name a location or you have named a location and where they are located but failed to state who is involved Safety Considerations You have not stated any safety You have stated safety consideration but they are You have stated appropriate safety /3 considerations non-specific to your disaster or irrelevant considerations that are specific to your disaster Emergency Response Steps You have not created Emergency You have created Emergency Response Steps but You have created appropriate /3 Response Steps they are incomplete, incorrect, or irrelevant Emergency Response Steps that are specific to you disaster Evacuation Route Map You have not included an You have created an Evacuation Route but it is You have created an appropriate /3 Evacuation Route incomplete, incorrect, or irrelevant Evacuation Route that is specific to you disaster Bibliography/Works Cited You have not cited your sources You have included some sources but they are You have included your sources in the /3 incomplete, inadequate, or irrelevant correct format Presentation Clarity The presenter is not easily heard The presenter can be heard and understood but The presenter is easily heard and /3 or understood. does not present him/herself in a professional understood way. Slideshow The slideshow is impossible to The slideshow can be read but does not include The presentation is visually interesting /3 read. There are no graphics or any graphics or effects. and clear. It includes graphics and effects. effects. Spelling/grammar There are a multitude of There are some grammar, punctuation, or The presentation is completely free of /3 spelling,grammar, and punctuation spelling errors. spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. errors. TOTAL /27