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What is Logic?

"ORGANON" – which is the Greek term meaning a tool or an instrument

ARISTOTLE - Father of Logic

What is Philosophy?


The word philosophy is a combination of the Greek word "philos” (love) and “sophia” (wisdom)
which translated means "love of wisdom”. Philosophers are people who seek after wisdom and
curious about the world seeking to understand the nature of things. Oftentimes, the result of
philosophy is not so much putting forward new philosophies or propositions but making existing
philosophies or propositions clearer.

Meaning of Philosophy

Love and pursuit of wisdom

• Investigation of the nature, causes, principles, knowledge based on logical reasoning rather
than empirical methods

• Systematic method of evaluating life or getting higher knowledge of the self

• The word "philosophy" comes from the Greek word (philosophia), which literally means "love
of wisdom". The introduction of the terms "philosopher" and "philosophy" has been ascribed to
the Greek thinker Pythagoras.

"Sophia" or wise men

"philosopher" or a lover of wisdom

Pythagoras of Samos was an ancient Ionian Greek philosopher and the eponymous founder of
Pythagoreanism. His political and religious teachings were well known in Magna Graecia and
influenced the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and, through them, Western philosophy.

He who has a taste of every sort of knowledge and who is curious to learn and never satisfied
may be justly termed a philosopher - THE REPUBLIC OF PLATO


A. Definition of Philosophy

Before defining Philosophy define first what is definition. The term "Definition" is derived from
the Latin word de-fenire meaning "to state the limits of" "to enclose within the limits of” or
“to enclose within limits". A thing can be limited by unfolding its nature, or by getting its
meaning or by laying hold of what includes and extends.

According to Miriam Webster, Philosophy is:

- A discipline comprising as its core logic, aesthetics, ethics, metaphysics, and epistemology.

- A search for a general understanding of values and reality by chiefly speculative rather than
observational means.

- An analysis of the grounds of and concepts expressing fundamental beliefs.

- A theory underlying or regarding a sphere of activity or thought.

According to Mr. Monnard

- Philosophy is a way of looking at the world and giving it meaning. It can provide a high quality
method of examining our beliefs.

* "Philosophy is the science of knowledge." -Fichte

* "Philosophy is a logical enquiry into the Nature of Reality." -Dr. Radha Krishan

* "Philosophy like science, consists of theories of insights arrived at as a result of systematic

reflection." - Joseph A. Leighton

* "Philosophy like other studies aims primarily at knowledge." -Russell

* "Philosophy aims at a knowledge of the eternal nature of things."-Plato

* "Philosophy is a search for comprehensive view of nature, an attempt at universal explanation

of the nature of things."- Alfred Weber

* "Philosophy is an increasing effort to discover the general truth that lies behind the particular
facts to discern also the reality that lie behind appearance." -Raymont

1.1 Etymology Definition

The word Philosophy is said to be invented by Pythagoras according to him, only the gods should
be called wise men should be called 'lovers' or 'friends of wisdom. Hence, the term 'philo' and
'Sophia' were formulated which literally mean 'love' and 'wisdom'.

1. 2 Formal Definition

Philosophy is defined as 'certa scientia per ultima causas' which means certain knowledge
through ultimate causes - acquired by the use of human reason alone.

1.3 Popular Definition

Philosophy can be regarded as a private wisdom giving the person the ability to look things on a
positive note. Hence, this gives man the opportunity to be optimistic especially in times of

1.4 Technical Definition

Philosophy is the science of science. It does not only unify all sciences but also criticizes and
defends the conclusion of other science.

What are the objects of Philosophy?

In the case of Philosophy,

*the material object is all things.

*The formal object quod is the first cause or highest principle of things.

*The formal object quo is natural reason alone and, specifically, the abstractive power of


• Material Object of Philosophy: “philosophy studies all things"; thus all aspects of reality can
be the object of a philosophical study

• Formal Object of Philosophy: “through their ultimate causes"; seeking the deepest
explanations regarding the existence and nature of beings.

Positive Science
Man is a member of Genus Homo, Family Hominidae, Order Primates, Class Mammalia,
characterized by erect posture and opposable thumb, distinguished by the ability to
communicate by means of organized speech and to record information in a variety of symbolic


Man is rational animal, that is, being having an organic sensitive body and a rational soul, which
through the specific rational faculties of reason and will is capable of abstract knowledge
through discovery, inference or education, and is also capable of discretionary free action, of
culture and progress, and of communicating with his kind by means of articulate voice and other
meaningful signs


...is about asking questions!

...can be classified into 5 different groups of 'questioning'

Once the questions are asked, they never seem to go away...

Originally, "philosophers" were just individuals who asked questions about absolutely


1. Epistemology (questions about knowledge)

2. Metaphysics (time, space, God, Cause and reality)

3. Ethics (good and bad)

4. Aesthetics (art and beauty)

5. Political Philosophy

• Philosophy is broken up into different areas:

- Logic: Logic deals with correct ways of reasoning and forming arguments.

- Epistemology: looks at questions of knowledge: What do we know, How do we know it?

- Metaphysics is the study of reality, including the relationship between mind and body.

- Ethics (aka Moral Philosophy) is concerned with finding the best way to live.

- Aesthetics deals with beauty and enjoyment, as well as matters of perception and sentiment.

- Political Philosophy is the study of government and the relationship between individuals and


ZENO OF CITIUM - The Founder of Stoicism


"The purpose of life is happiness, which is achieved by virtue, living according to the dictates of
reason, ethical and philosophical training, self reflection, careful judgment and inner calm."

*Etymology has to do with tracing the origin of a word. Etymology deals with tracing the
historical development of a word.

• Logic is from the Greek word- logike

•Logic is from the Latin word-logica

From the etymological definition logic refers to the art of reasoning


The study of rules called syllogisms that describe the correct ways ideas should relate to one
other. The study of truth- values--the role truth plays in correct reasoning. Syllogisms are used
to construct arguments that are used to relay the truth-value of an idea The study of incorrect
reasoning called fallacies.


Logic may be defined as the systematic study of reasoning.

But what is reasoning?

You reason when you conclude one thing on the basis of something else.

For example, I hear the dog barking and conclude that someone is approaching.

For example, I see a blue sky and conclude that it is not going to rain.

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