Scope Newsletter 144

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ESPP SCOPE Newsletter special issue on BIOCHARS:

Perspectives for pyrolysis of sewage sludges

This SCOPE Newsletter summarises the first Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar (Malmö 11-12 October
2022) and considers the opportunities and challenges for development of pyrolysis as possible routes for sewage sludge

Site visit sewage sludge pyrolysis ....................... 2 Biochars as phosphorus fertilisers? ................... 9
Hessen report on recycled P materials as fertilisers ........... 10
Pyrolysis technologies ........................................ 3
Biochars as pollutant adsorbents ..................... 10
Research .............................................................. 8
Eliminating contaminants in pyrolysis .................................. 8 Regulation and standards ................................. 11
Lab and pilot pyrolysis trials and LCAs ................................. 9 Sewage sludge biochar regulatory status ............................. 12

Conclusions ....................................................... 13

1st Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar

This conference was organised in Malmö, 11-12 October The conference was organised by Sweden
2022, as part of the Testbed Ellinge project, and included Water Research (a joint company of three
a site visit to the AquaGreen pilot test workshop at Swedish water companies (NSVA,
DTU/Risø near Roskilde, Denmark and to a full-scale Sydvatten and VA SYD), as part of the
Ellinge Testbed project. Moderation was
AquaGreen integrated sludge drying and pyrolysis in-
by David Gustavsson, of VA SYD and
stallation at Fårevejle (Denmark) municipal wastewater Sweden Water Research.
treatment works.
The Testbed Ellinge will include testing a 1 t/day input sludge,
18-30% dry matter (DM) AquaGreen pyrolysis pilot at Ellinge Henrik Aspegren, CEO, Sweden Water
municipal wastewater treatment works, municipality of Eslöv, Research outlined challenges for agricul-
Sweden, planned for Spring 2023. The project is led by VA tural use of (digested) sewage sludge in
SYD, a regional water and wastewater operator based in Sweden and potential benefits of biochars.
Sweden’s sewage sludge quality has
The conference brought together over 120 participants from 14 improved considerably with the REVAQ
countries, including the following pyrolysis / biochar certification (see below and
technology suppliers: ”Slamspridning på åkermark”). A Sweden
• AquaGreen * Government report in 2020 concluded
• Boston Group that agricultural use of sludge should continue to be
• Carbofex * allowed with quality control conditions.
• C-Green However, water companies are looking for possible alterna-
tives, and pyrolysis could be promising, because biochar soil
• Earth Biochar
application can increase soil carbon, crop productivity and
• Pyreg * drought resistance.
• Scanship (Vow ASA) *
• Suez *
• Terrafix
Subscribe to ESPP’s SCOPE Newsletter and eNews
• WAI Environmental Solutions (same emailing list), here:
* = member of EBI (European Biochar Industry Consortium).

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 1
Site visit sewage sludge pyrolysis

Conference participants were able to visit AquaGreen's coming from the sludge transport belts upstream of the unit,
technology testing hall at DTU (Denmark Technical which are covered but not hermetically.
University) at Risø near Roskilde, Denmark, and the The process is continuous and fully automated, enabling
AquaGreen integrated steam drying and pyrolysis unit at distant monitoring and control. Optimization of control
Fårevejle wastewater treatment works, Denmark. parameters is expected to happen continuously.
The AquaGreen process is energy efficient, due to
The Risø test site visit saw: proprietary integrated steam drying of the sewage sludge
(input c. 22% – 25% DM) using a triple continuous screw
• Pilot AquaGreen steam dryer. A small scale unit, 20 kW
dryer, heated by offgas from burning the pyrolysis gas. A
electricity input, and in operation since 2017 at Nordlaks,
patented input system ensures that no oxygen enters the
Norway, drying aquaculture sludge, and now at
steam dryer with the sewage sludge, so ensuring efficient
AquaGreen’s site at Risø.
drying, low corrosion and effective pyrolysis.
• Pilot AquaGreen pyrolysis unit
The pyrolysis process is operated to minimise condensate (oil)
• Pilot AquaGreen carbon activator, to test conversion of production, and the oil is not condensed but burnt directly
biochar to activated carbon, using steam at 550°C to with the offgas. A specially designed ceramic gas burner (CTI-
open the structure Risø) with offgas scrubber ensures low atmospheric
• Pilot pyrolysis gas cracker emissions (NOx < limit values). Energy is mainly used to heat
Stiesdal SkyClean also have gasification technology research the sludge dryer (so generating steam), with excess energy
and testing on this site. recovered at 80°C by steam condensation for district heating
(estimated 2000 kWh heat per year for the 4000 t/y sludge
At Fårevejle participants visited the AquaGreen integrated
input at Fårevejle).
sewage sludge pyrolysis installation (design capacity 4000
t/y sewage sludge, 22-25% DM). Photo above. The unit at Fårevejle is expected to bring c. 1 500 tCO2-e
carbon credits (1 000 – 1 500 for district heating, 400 for
The steam drying and pyrolysis installation was operating
carbon sequestered in the biochar), as well as reducing
during the visit, but the automated biochar output system (to
methane and N2O emissions and emissions from sewage
transport containers) was not operating as it was undergoing
sludge transport to fields (saving some 2 000 tCO2e).
modification. The unit showed limited odour in the building,

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 2
Pyrolysis technologies
Henning Schmidt-Petersen and Tests performed by Eurofins and Force Technologies have
Christian Wieth, AquaGreen, presented shown removal of PFAS (perfluoroalkyl chemicals), PAH
the company’s development of an (poly aromatic hydrocarbons), pharmaceuticals and
integrated sewage sludge drying and pesticides. PFAS was reduced from 52 µg/kg-PFAS4 in
pyrolysis process (650°C). incoming sludge to non-detectable in the biochar, offgas
The process was tested initially with a scrubber water and condensate from the dryer. PAH in
biochars produced is c. 0.2 mg/kg (an order of magnitude
container scale continuous-operation
lower than the 6 mgPAH16/kg limit in the EU Fertilising
pilot, capacity 100 kg/h sewage sludge
input, tested for a total of around 2 000 Products Regulation CMC14).
An industrial scale pilot is now under Photos: AquaGreen integrated sewage sludge drying and
commissioning at Fårevejle municipal pyrolysis installations at (above) Fårevejle and (below)
wastewater treatment works, Denmark, Søndersø wastewater treatment works, Denmark.
50 000 p.e. - details in “Site visit” above.
This unit has an input capacity of
c. 4 000 t/y sewage sludge and will
produce c. 400 t/y of biochar. This unit has
now been operated for testing since April 2022, and
optimisation of automatisation and control is now finalised.
A second full-scale unit also treating around 4000 t/y sewage
sludge is installed at Søndersø wastewater treatment works,
Denmark, and is currently being commissioned (photo).
A third AquaGreen installation is under construction and will
be installed at Ellinge wastewater treatment plant, Eslöv,
Biochar produced from sewage sludge contains 5 - 6 % P-total
and 2 - 3 % N-total.

Photo: Conference site visit introduction, AquaGreen offices.

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 3
Marcel Rensmann and Helmut Photo below: Pyreg
Gruber, Pyreg, explained that the
company is supplying pyrolysis
installations since 2009 with today over
50 commercial installations operational
worldwide, of which 7 treat sewage

Pyreg is market leader for pyrolysis units, with an estimated

40% of the world market.
Pyreg’s process is carbon credit certi-
fied. The pyrolysis reactor is operated at
500 – 800 °C, depending on the biomass
input, and is heated by burning pyrolysis
offgas. Some oxygen is allowed into the
pyrolysis reactor to foster exothermal re-
action (generate heat).
Steinar Danielsen and Ran Tao, WAI
Operation is generally net-energy zero (no Environmental Solutions AS. The com-
external energy input required) when pany has a first pilot pyrolysis installa-
pyrolysing digested sewage sludge dried tion at Tønsberg, Norway, since 2017
to at least 80% DM. The 1500 tDM/y Pyreg installation (20 kg/h). WAI is currently building a
treating sewage sludge at Lorsbach, near Frankfurt, Germany full-scale pyrolysis unit, intended to input
(photos below), uses an ELIQUO-Stulz sludge drier to take 40 000 t/y (increasing to 100 000 t/y in a
digested sludge at c. 23% DM to 80% DM, with a low specific second phase) of dry woody materials
energy consumption of c. 0.8 kWh/kg H2O evaporation. (sawmill by-products and demolition
wood) in Haslestad, Norway.
Photos below: Pyreg
In a Norway-China collaboration research
project, WAI has built and is operating, in
Yixing, Jiangsu Province, a rotary kiln py-
rolysis demonstration plant (500 kg/h),
photo below, able to treat sewage sludge,
food waste, woody biomass and other or-
ganic materials.

WAI participates in the RenCARBio project, a 4-year re-

search project funded by the Norwegian Research Council and
led by Aquateam COWI. This project includes sewage sludge
anaerobic digestion, pyrolysis, plant-growth experiments with
the resulting biochar and life cycle assessment.

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 4
Pål Jahre Nilsen, Scanship (VOW Below : Biogreen industrial unit (Scanship VOW)
ASA), explained that the company is mar-
ket leader for on-ship waste and
wastewater treatment for cruise ships. A
10 000 passenger cruise ship generates
50 000 p.e. wastewater.
Scanship has developed microwave-as-
sisted pyrolysis (at 700 – 800 °C), which
can be much more compact and have a
power intensity up to thousand times higher than conventional
kilns. Installations have been sold, are under installation on
cruise ships, and will be in operation at sea late 2023.
A commercially sold 5 t/h hybrid rotary kiln pyrolysis re-
actor is under construction and will be in operation on-
land in 2023. Christoph Gareis, HSY (Helsinki Re-
VOW has currently one customer working with pyrolysis of gion Environmental Services) is operat-
sewage sludge, and sees a large potential for on-land applica- ing a 3 600 t/y treatment capacity pyroly-
tion of their technology. sis unit since 2021 (photo), after research
with Luke and Gasum. Approximately
Gudny Flatabo, Scanship, presented 20% by weight of wood is added as a sup-
simulation results on inputting pyrolysis port material. The unit has a drying device,
gases and oils from digested sludge py- pyrolysis drum, gas burner and exhaust air
rolysis into an anaerobic digester (photo and flue gas cleaning systems.
pilot tests below). The objective is to con-
vert hydrogen and carbon monoxide from
pyrolysis gas to methane so that it can con-
tribute to biomethane production at biogas

The products from the HSY pyrolysis unit (photo above) are
sewage sludge biochar and pyrolysis gas, which is used to sup-
ply heat to the unit. Various operating temperatures and reten-
tion times were tested in a one-year program, over 170 organic
contaminants were tested in input sludge and in biochar, and
the biochar was tested in various applications.
Conclusions from operation were that the unit operated relia-
Scanship/VOW ASA bought ETIA Technologies in 2019 and bly and largely energy self-sufficient (with 20% wood added
has integrated ETIA’s Biogreen heated spiral screw system to input), generation of pyrolysis oil could be prevented and
into their portfolio (see photo). This technology is widely that cost and quality objectives were achieved. A pyrolysis
implemented in the specialty sector of spice sterilisation temperature of at least 500°C and a retention time of approx.
(Safesteril® with over 100 units installed worldwide) and can 40 minutes seem appropriate and sufficient. An upscale of the
also be used for pyrolysis. VOW ASA also bought the system is possible, but implementation is not currently
company C.H. Evensen in 2022, specialists in high planned.
temperature equipment In Finland it is currently possible to use sludge char as an ad-
Scanship’s Oda Kjørlaug Svennevik wrote her PhD thesis, ditive in biowaste composting. Approval as a fertilizer has
published in 2019, on dewatering of sludge. Scanship has in been applied for.
pilot testing reached up to 50% DM after dewatering.

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 5
Nadav Ziv, Earth Biochar Ltd, Israel Jessica Deane, Welsh Water, Sion
(, produce the CompoChar Brackenbury, Terrafix, and Alex Wilcox
product, a biochar from sewage sludge Brooke, Severn Wye Energy Agency
compost mixed with wood chips. The cur- presented tests of a 200 kg/h pilot pyrol-
rent installation takes around 500 kg/day ysis unit at Port Talbot municipal sew-
input (70 – 85 % DM), for continuous py- age works (photo below). The unit has a
rolysis at 550°C - 700°C. A larger instal- pyrolysis unit (800°C, c. 2 minutes), an
lation is under construction (10 000 t/y bi- offgas burner (producing heat) and an off-
ochar output, photo below). gas scrubber.
Under these conditions, microplastics and cadmium were
removed from the biochar, and detectable PFAS was re-
duced by nearly 95%.
For Welsh Water, pyrolysis of sewage sludge may offer a so-
lution to reduce pressure on land application of sludge result-
ing from Nitrate Vulnerable Zone limits, reduce transport of
sludge and contribute to the company’s 2050 carbon net zero
A challenge is that the energy content of the sewage sludge
after digestion is only around 4 MJ/tDM, whereas at least 10
MJ/tDM is estimated as necessary to enable self-sustaining py-
rolysis. Other biomass such as wood chips must therefore be
pyrolysed with the sewage sludge.

This sewage sludge derived biochar is authorised in Israel,

no longer subject to water-sewage regulations, and is used
and marketed as a greenhouse growing media. It combines
optimal water retention and a nutrient reservoir which buffers
The CompoChar allows growing with minimal to no extra
fertilisation. Inoculation of pro-biotics into the biochar to
improve crop fungal resistance is being tested.
Photos below: plants grown on CompoChar

Photo: Terrafix pilot, Port Talbot wwtp, Welsh Water

Joyce Dou, Beston Group (online from

China). 3 stage process: drying 150°C, py-
rolysis 300°C, carbonisation 600°C. Prod-
uct aims for markets as a barbecue coal or
activated carbon. Over twenty full-scale
installations (10 – 30 t/day input) are
operating today in China and world-
wide, treating wastes such as tyres, oils,
plastics. A unit is now developed to treat-
ing up to 40 000 t/y wet weight sewage
sludge or manure.

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 6
ELIQUO also offer other technologies relevant to enhance the
energy balance of sewage sludge drying and of pyrolysis
plants. This includes LYSOTHERM, a thermal sludge lysis
process which can enhance VSR (volatile solids reduction) in
the digester and dewaterability of the sludge to reduce the en-
ergy demand for drying. ELOVAC (photo below) is a com-
bined vacuum dewatering and phosphate precipitation process
which also enhances the dewaterability of digested sludge (see
SCOPE Newsletter n°134).

Maria Dittmann and Elke Sellering, ELIQUO, presented

the Elodry sewage sludge heated belt drier, today operational
in five full-scale sludge carbonisation plants worldwide, in-
cluding treating sludge for the 300 000 p.e. Loganholme sew-
age works (Australia, Queensland). Photo below.
The belt drier here dries to at least 90 % DM for input to the
pyrolysis unit (pyrolysis at approx. 600 °C, technology sup-
plied by Pyrocal). The sewage sludge biochar produced is
authorised as a fertiliser in Australia.
Energy consumption in the heated belt drier upstream of py-
rolysis can be reduced if the dry matter content of the input
sludge is increased. Centrifuges or filter presses can achieve
up to 26% DM with digested sewage sludge, compared to
maybe 22% with undigested sludge. Use of LYSOTHERM
(see below) can enable nearly 30% DM to be reached.

Photos: Eliquo (above) LysoTherm, Amersfoort, The Nether-

lands and (below) ELOVAC.

Photos: Eliquo sludge dryers at (above) Loganholme, Aus-

tralia and (below) Lorsbach, Germany.

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 7
Naemieh Vali, Swedish Centre for Re-
Eliminating contaminants in pyrolysis source ReCovery, University of Borås,
Linus Ekmann Burgman, Linköping presented lab tests and thermodynamics
University, discussed sewage sludge use equilibrium calculation modelling (TEC)
in agriculture in Sweden. After a crisis in of pyrolysis of dried sewage sludges
food industry perception in the 1990’s, (batch, 800g input) at 500 – 900 °C, look-
related to concerns about public opinion ing at removal of heavy metals. Around
on contaminants, the % of Sweden’s 650°C is recommended to reduce heavy
sewage sludge going to land fell to around metals. More than 95% of the phosphorus
5% in 2002. The REVAQ voluntary remains in the biochar. Cadmium and ar-
sludge quality certification system, combined with active senic are largely removed (volatilised) in pyrolysis at this
stakeholder dialogue engaging farmers, food industry and temperature, lead and zinc are significantly reduced, but
retailers organisations, has enabled the % going to land to copper is not. Levels of copper, zinc, and cadmium were well
climb back to around 40% today (see ESPP SCOPE Newsletter below the limits of the Swedish regulations for farmland ap-
n°123). plication. Treatment of pyrolysis gas burner offgas must there-
fore ensure that volatilised heavy metals are not emitted to the
Pelin Kocatürk Schumacher, Norwe-
gian University of Life Sciences, pre-
sented lab studies of fate of PFAS in Below photo: lab tests, Swedish Centre for Resource
sewage sludge in AD and pyrolysis. Lev- ReCovery, University of Borås
els are reduced by around one third in an-
aerobic digestion of sludge (mesophilic 38
– 42 °C, c. 12 days residence time). PFAS
were detectable in 300°C biochar from di-
gested sewage sludge, but not in 500°C
and 700°C biochars. Further investigation is needed to verify
whether PFAS degradation products remain in these biochars.
Lab trials show that sewage sludge biochar can be effective in
removing phosphate from aquaculture wastewater, with re-
moval being mainly related to iron and aluminium content.
The biochar was also effective in removing pharmaceuticals
and personal care chemicals from treated grey water.
Erlend Sørmo, Norwegian Geotech- Helmut Gerber, Pyreg, summarised
nical Institute, presented testing of a 2.5 knowledge on contaminant removal in py-
kg/h pyrolysis pilot unit (Biogreen), oper- rolysis. Meyer, Glaser et al. 2014 (DOI)
ated at 500 – 800 °C. Analysis of 56 PFAS showed 99% elimination of PAH (poly ar-
cogeners enabled establishment of an ap- omatic hydrocarbons) from high-PAH in-
proximate mass balance. Standard analy- put materials. The German environment
sis methods did not detect PFAS in bio- agency UBA (2019 here) concluded that
chars, but improved methods found 0 – pharmaceuticals were non-detectable in
3.4 mgPFAS/t in biochars. PFAS were sewage sludge biochar from Pyreg’s full-
also detected in offgases. scale plant operating in Unkel, Germany
Overall, 98% PFAS “elimination” was shown for pyrolysis (pyrolysis at 500°C). He noted that temperatures of 600°C or
temperatures > 500°C, but further investigation is needed to higher are in some cases necessary to eliminate cadmium in
establish the fate of the “eliminated” PFAS: in pyrolysis oil? sludge, but result in lower plant availability of phosphorus.
or broken down to substances such as perfluoroalkanes? A recent study (summarised below) shows that sewage sludge
Longer chain PFAS molecules were more resistant to elimina- biochar (from a wwtp using chemical P-removal) shows 90%
tion. These will be banned in the EU in 2023 (C9-C14 PFAS, P-fertiliser effectiveness compared to mineral fertiliser TSP
EU OJ 5/8/2021) but long-chain PFAS may also be present as (grass, 160 days).
an impurity in production of shorter-chain PFAS (such as
PFOA, PFHx). The EU has also announced the principle of a
general ban of all PFAS (except for “essential uses”) as part of
the Green Deal Chemicals Strategy, but the horizon and con-
ditions remain to be defined (see ESPP eNews n°49).

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 8
contributions to the lower climate impact of the pyrolysis were
Lab and pilot pyrolysis trials and LCAs the avoided emissions of CO2, N2O and CH4 during sludge
Gunnar Thelin, Ekobalans. Ekobalans storage, and higher sequestration of carbon in soil with biochar
develops sewage sludge valorisation solu- as compared to sewage sludge.
tions, using different company’s pyrolysis Lisa Zakrisson, Swedish University of
and other technologies. Mr. Thelin consid- Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Rest till
ers that cadmium levels in sewage sludge Bäst project, presented further Life Cycle
in Sweden can be an obstacle to sewage Analysis (LCA) work, underlining that
sludge use in agriculture (average 0.9 different choices of parameters lead to
mgCd/kgDM in Swedish sewage widely varying conclusions. Water content
sludge*), despite considerable reductions of sewage sludge input to pyrolysis and du-
over recent decades. ration of carbon sequestration in biochars
ESPP note: this cadmium level is lower than the EU Fertilising Prod- both strongly impact conclusions.
ucts Regulation limits: 0.9 vs 1.5 mgCd/kgDM for organic fertilisers,
Ruben Sakrabani, Cranfield University
or 15 vs. 60 mgCd/kgP2O5 for inorganic fertiliser.
UK, presented analysis of different hydro-
Ekobalans has carried out pilot pyrolysis tests with batches char and pyrochar materials. Conclusions
of 100 – 500 kg dried digested and non-digested sludge. are that lower pyrolysis temperatures
These suggest that high temperatures are needed vaporise cad- produce biochars with higher levels of
mium in pyrolysis (e.g. 750°C, 15 mins.). In these tests, heat organic carbon, beneficial for plants and
energy from pyrolysis of dried, digested sewage sludge (from for soil health.
burning of pyrolysis gas and tar) was inadequate to ensure sta-
ble pyrolysis at this temperature. Possible solutions proposed
by Ekobalans are electrical heating or mixing of sludge with
high-energy substrates such as wood chips. Biochars as phosphorus fertilisers?
Jaroslav Moško, UCT Prague, presented
Claes Johansson, Lantmännen, a Swe-
laboratory tests of pyrolysis at 400°C –
dish farmers’ organisation, underlined the
800°C of anaerobically digested sewage
need for reliable recycled nutrient prod-
sludge (operating chemical P-removal).
ucts which are recognised as safe, that is
Higher pyrolysis temperatures led to
no risk of contaminants. Today, digested
higher ash contents, increased porosity
sewage sludge is excluded from use in
and higher sulphide content of the bio-
grain production where grain is intended
char (from sulphates in the sludge). The
for human food use (e.g. bread, pasta) and
sulphides may facilitate heavy metal im-
sewage sludge biochar could be ac-
ceptable if proven contaminant-free.
Tong Han, KTH (Sweden Royal Insti-
Farmers are prepared to pay for the nutrient content of biochars
tute of Technology) presented laboratory
(phosphorus), and fertiliser prices are now high. However, the
pyrolysis tests at 550°C. Co-pyrolysis of
economic value of the organic carbon soil improvement
sewage sludge with willow wood re-
from biochar remains to be demonstrated because unrealis-
sulted in higher carbon and nitrogen
tically high application tonnages would be needed to really im-
stability in the biochar (up to 0.69 and to
pact soil carbon levels.
0.68 respectively, for accelerated oxidiza-
tion testing using 5% H2O2 for 48 hours). Josephine Kooij, University of Copen-
Treatment of the biochar with hydrogen hagen, presented laboratory studies of
peroxide (H2O2) at 80°C also improved phosphorus extractability (Hedley extrac-
carbon stability. tion) from biochars produced at 400°C and
Maja Karolina Rydgård, University of 600°C from digested sewage sludges from
Copenhagen, Ferticycle project, pre- wastewater treatment plant using iron for
sented a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) com- chemical P-removal (Biofos, Copenha-
paring storage of sewage sludge (anaero- gen) and from a facility using biological
bically digested sewage sludge as received P-removal (Gardeby, Denmark).
from the wastewater treatment plant, stor- Pyrolysis significantly reduced water and bicarbonate ex-
age for 6-12 months which is current man- tractable phosphorus for both sewage sludges. Differences
agement practice before field application in P lability were attributed to differences in speciation, ob-
of sludge in Sweden) and pyrolysis of served using liquid state NMR and SEM-EDX. Work is under-
sewage sludge. The LCA includes the way to understand how these products impact agronomic effi-
field application of the materials. It was concluded that key ciency and P leaching propensity.

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 9
Clara Sophie Kopp, University of Co-
penhagen (FertiCycle Marie Curie pro-
Biochars as pollutant adsorbents
ject) presented laboratory trials adding Christoph Thomsen, Flensburg Univer-
acid (sulphuric acid) or alkali (sodium hy- sity Germany, presented operational tri-
droxide) to sewage sludge biochars. See als using 1 m3 containers of biochar as
also slides presented at ESPC4/PERM Vi- filter adsorbents to treat manure diges-
enna June 2022 here. tate liquor and manure storage run-off
Four different sludge biochars were com- on-farm, at his parents’ cattle farm. The
pared coming from differently treated 1m3 container filter systems are easily
sewage sludges (all digested, three with chemical P removal moved using farm equipment, installable
with Fe or Al and one from biological P-removal, pyrolysis at by the farmer, use simple equipment
600-700 °C). Maize and wheat pot trials showed plant (hosepipe connections, timer) and can be
growth with untreated biochar no higher than with no P used in duplicate in parallel or in series. Filters were trialled
fertiliser. Both sulphuric acid and NaOH treatment of the bi- with miscanthus fibre, wood chips and with sewage sludge bi-
ochar increased the extractable P, but the highest shoot bio- ochar or wood biochar. Both types of biochars had been pyro-
mass was achieved with the NaOH treatment for all four bio- lyzed at approximately 700 °C.
chars. Sulphuric acid increased metal mobility in the biochar,
posing questions about risks of possible metal contaminants,
whereas sodium hydroxide reduced the mobility of the metals.
Further work is needed to assess whether these treatments im-
pact the stability of the organic carbon in the biochar.

Hessen report
on recycled P materials as fertilisers
A report on phosphate solubility and fertiliser effectiveness tri-
als of recycled materials by the Hessen State Testing Insti-
tute, with logistic support from the German Phosphorus Plat-
form, is published by the Hessen State Environment Ministry
Nine recycled materials from sewage are studied: Pyreg sew- The filter blocks (photo above) showed, over six months, reli-
age sludge biochar (from works using iron for chemical P-re- able removal of around one third of COD, one third of total P
moval ???), struvite x2, sewage sludge incineration ash x2, and half of total N and ammonia, probably as a combined re-
SePura - Outotec calcined phosphate, calcium phosphate re- sult of biological activity and adsorption, but after this time P
covered from biochar, superphosphate from phosphoric acid reduction diminished.
extracted from ash. Including biochar in the filter blocks ensured that the container
Only the two sewage sludge ashes showed NAC P-solubility material did not become smelly and was readily handleable en-
(neutral ammonium citrate / total phosphorus) significantly abling field spreading at times of year when crops need nutri-
below the 80% limit specified for declaring phosphorus as a ents.
nutrient of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation, Annex III Further work is underway to combine this system with a reed-
– PFC 1, 4(b). However, the sewage sludge biochar was also bed for further purification.
very slightly below this 80% solubility limit (table p10).
Five month rye grass pot trials (160 days) were carried out with
the test material mixed initially into a zero-P soil substrate. The
Ida Sylwan, Mälardalen University,
two ashes, calcined phosphate and sewage sludge biochar all
Sweden, summarised lab tests of heavy
showed P-uptake and rye grass dry matter production signifi-
metal adsorption using biochar produced
cantly below mineral P fertiliser TSP (page 14). The sewage
from sewage sludge at temperature 550°C.
sludge biochar showed biomass production around 10%
The biochar was effective in removing
lower and P-uptake around 25% lower than with mineral
copper, cadmium, zinc, lead, nickel, chro-
P fertiliser.
mium, mercury and silver from solutions
“P-Düngewirksamkeit von Klärschlamm-Rezyklaten. Abschlussber- in water. When tested in municipal
icht.” F. Jacobi et al., 6/10/2022, 40 pages https://umwelt.hes-
wastewater mainly cadmium adsorption

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 10
which ESPP participated), because the European Commission
Regulation and standards (JRC) concluded that there was insufficient evidence of elim-
Christian Wurzer, University of Edin- ination of pharmaceuticals, microplastics and other organic
burgh, Great Britain, underlined the cur- contaminants, and of their possible breakdown products. See
rent absence of standard methods for detail in JRC STRUBIAS report, pages 137-138 here.
analysis of organic contaminants in bio- The JRC conclusions specify however that the exclusion of
chars. Methods used in other organic sub- sewage sludge biochars could be revisited, if sufficient new
strates may not give accurate results be- data is provided. ESPP suggests that the biochar industry
cause contaminants are bound into recal- should collate and input new evidence (new = not already ref-
citrant organic carbon in biochars. “Not erenced in the STRUBIAS report).
detectable” may thus not mean not present. ESPP reminds that the FPR specifies (for all for all PFC1 In-
ESPP comment: a large number of EU testing standards are being organic, Organo-Mineral and Organic Fertilisers, in Annex III
developed to support the new EU Fertilising Products Regulation Labelling, part II – 4b) that, “where phosphorus is a declared
(FPR), see links below. However, standards will only be developed nutrient … declared P content shall consist only of P in the
for testing of parameters which are specified in the EU FPR. Biochar
phosphatic form” and at least 40% of total phosphorus shall be
stakeholders should therefore input to the European Commission on
standards needed to support the FPR CMC14 “Pyrolysis and gasifi-
water soluble or 75% NAC soluble (neutral ammonium cit-
cation materials” or for analysis of FPR Annex I (PFC) parameters rate).
for which existing test methods may not be appropriate for biochars. ESPP’s full slides are available online here, and include also infor-
See: European Commission mandate to CEN-CENELEC for develop- mation on biochars in national fertilisers regulations, and biochars
ment of standards to support the EU Fertilising products Regulation in Certified Organic Farming.
C(2020)612 M/564 and amendments HERE and proposed standards
for development for STRUBIAS materials (including CMC14 Pyroly-
sis and gasification materials) HERE.
Nikolas Hageman, Ithaka Institute, pre-
sented the European Biochar Certificate
(EBC), which is now owned by Carbon
Chris Thornton, ESPP (European Sus- Standards International CSi. Around one
tainable Phosphorus Platform), pre- hundred biochar producers are today cer-
sented the current status and ongoing de- tified, representing some two-thirds of EU
velopments in the regulatory status of bio- biochar production. EBC’s objectives are
chars as fertilisers. the definition of biochar, safety of use,
The new EU Fertilising Products Regula- sustainability, conformity with regulatory
tion 2019/1009 (FPR) which entered into requirements and transparency through partial disclosure of
application summer 2022, introduces “op- analyses.
tional harmonisation”. This means that Permitted biomass for biochar production is defined in a
waste-derived biochars can be used as fertilising products by positive (limiting) list. EBC guidelines include requirements
one (or more) of the following routes: on energy efficiency and emissions, biochar sampling and
• CE-Mark (EU) fertilising product, under the FPR analysis. Biochars are certified according to application clas-
ses (what applications are allowed, e.g. EBC-Feed for use as
• “National” fertiliser, under national regulations
animal feed amendment, EBC-Agro for use in agriculture in
• Under waste regulation, with traceability and producer re- accordance with EU Fertilising Products Regulation CMC14).
sponsibility The CSi approved certifier q.inspecta will offer EU-fertiliser
Biochars are now included in the EU FPR, as CMC14 certification in collaboration with their partner Certrust as an
(Component Material Category) titled “Pyrolysis and Gas- add-on to EBC certification
ification Materials”. EBC-C-Sink can certify negative carbon emissions from bio-
However, to date, all biochars derived from Animal By-Prod- char production, enabling possible access to carbon credits. C-
ucts (including manures) or from sewage sludge are excluded. Sink specifies H/C-org in the biochar < 0.4, that is lower than
Certain ABP-derived biochars may become included, if the the H/C-org < 0.7 required in EBC and in the EU Fertilising
DG SANTE proposals currently open to public consultation Products Regulation CMC14.
(to 24th October 2022) are adopted: biochars made from com- Until Dec 31st, 2022, only plant biomass inputs are permit-
posts or digestates where the composting or anaerobic diges- ted. Questions relevant for sewage sludge biochars and for ma-
tion respects the existing ABP “standard” processing require- nure biochars are terminology and public acceptance (biochar
ments, and/or if the pyrolysis or gasification itself respects in German ‘Pflanzenkohle’ = plant char) and contaminants.
the ABP “standard” processing requirements for sanitisation EBC v11 (Jan 2023) is expected to cover manure, sewage
of manures (>=70°C for >=60 minutes, inter alia). sludge, and digestates. These are both proposed to require py-
Biochars from sewage sludge are today excluded from rolysis >=550°C for >= 10 minutes to eliminate a broad range
CMC14 after discussion in the STRUBIAS expert group (in of contaminants.

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 11
A new application class “EBC Fertilizer” will be introduced specifies a minimum temperature of 180°C), limits for ash
for materials containing pyrogenic carbon that are rich in content, volatiles, nitrogen, heavy metals, and a range for
(macro/micro)nutrients. Specifications, including minimum “fixed carbon” of 11 – 34%. The standard does not how-
nutrient content requirements and input materials, are work in ever confer End-of-Waste status.
progress. National annexes to EBC-Fertilizer could set more • Denmark. The Danish Environment Ministry has stated
or less strict requirements for certification for sale on a na- on 22nd June 2022 that pyrolysis of sewage sludge and
tional market, and are e.g. in preparation for Denmark. certain other wastes is an acceptable pre-treatment prior to
It is reminded that sewage sludge and manure derived biochars agricultural application (controlled sanitation of waste).
are today excluded from biochars under the EU Fertilising The pyrolysis must take place at minimum 500 °C for 3
Products Regulation CMC14 (may soon be partly authorised minutes. The biochar retains waste status and application
for manure under certain conditions), so that such EBC certi- is subject to Danish waste to soil regulations and limits,
fied biochars cannot obtain the EU fertilisers CE-Mark. the same as for sewage sludge.
• Estonia: The Estonian legislation allows the agricultural
Sewage sludge biochar regulatory status use of biochar produced from sewage sludge according to
Regulation No. 24/2017, which is based on the Waste Act
Biochars produced from sewage sludge are today author- as well as on the Product Conformity Act. Products de-
ised as fertilisers (under different conditions) in several rived from sewage sludge and/or biodegradable waste can
countries (i.e. pyrolysis, gasification and hydrothermal car- be applied on agricultural lands, including biochar. Possi-
bonisation materials), either by national fertiliser regulations, ble uses include certain agricultural and forest applica-
or by authorisation of sewage-derived products from one or tions, landscaping and soil restoration. The regulation ex-
more companies. cludes e.g. vegetable cultivation in the first year after
ESPP wishes to collate information on authorisation else- spreading, grazing animals or animal feed use within two
where, where applicable. months of spreading.
Biochars (pyrolysis materials) from sewage sludge are cur- • UK: UKWIR is preparing and will publish soon a report
rently excluded from CE-Mark fertilisers (under the EU FPR “Converting sewage sludge to biochar - a review of op-
= Fertilising Products Regulation 2019/1009, Annex 2, CMC tions & feasibility”. This will be summarised in ESPP
14 “Pyrolysis and gasification materials”). The EU Joint Re- eNews when published.
search Centre (JRC) preparatory study (STRUBIAS) con- • Norway: biochar products from sewage sludge can be
cluded (p137-p138) that there was not sufficient evidence of used in agriculture, under the same constraints as for hy-
elimination of organic contaminants in sewage (phthalates, gienised sewage sludge, that is subject to spreading limi-
cleaning products, pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors) and tations (heavy metal levels, only certain crops …) and full
of their breakdown products. traceability from sewage works to field.
However, sewage sludge biochar is today authorised for use • Israel. The Israel EPA has authorised sludge biochar with
in agriculture in the following countries: a first full composting phase and then pyrolysis (600°C,
• Czech Republic. By Annex 1 of Decree 474/2000 20 minutes). The biochar is no longer classified
(amendment of October 2021), subject to limits on heavy as‘Sewage Sludge’ according to the Israel Sewage sludge
metals and PAH (20 mg/kg DM PAH12 compared to 6 regulations [Water regulations (water pollution
mg/kg DM PAH16 in the EU FPR). Biochars from sewage prevention) (Sludge use and elimination) 2004].
sludge for agricultural use must be approved by regional • Australia: sewage sludge biochar is authorised as ferti-
authorities, and must apply to obtain national End-of- liser and is no longer considered waste.
Waste status. A successful registration has been made by
KARBO HF s.r.o. for sewage sludge biochar from a
PYREG / HST Hydrosystemy installation at Bohuslavice- The information above is correct to the best of our under-
Trutnov municipal wastewater treatment plant (Product standing, but may be incomplete or inaccurate, as under-
name Karbofert T1). standing different national regulatory frameworks is com-
• Sweden. Sewage sludge biochars from two PYREG in-
ESPP would be happy to receive information concerning
stallations in Germany (Unkel wastewater treatment plant,
other countries where use of sewage sludge biochars or
Bionero) have been successfully registered as fertilising
HTC materials in fertilisers is authorised.
products with the national agency KEMI (Kemikaliein-
spektion), see registration process roadmap.
The information above was kindly provided by University of Depart-
• Italy. Biochars from sewage sludge are covered by an ment of Power Engineering (UCT Prague), PYREG, DBFZ Deut-
Italian Standard for “Hydrothermal carbonization” chars sches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH, NIBIO ,
(or biocarbons) from municipal sewage or organic indus- ELIQUO, Università di Bologna, Earth Biochar Ltd, European Bio-
trial sludge published in February 2022. This specifies char Industry Consortium (EBI) and AquaGreen.
HTC temperature of 180 – 230°C (the EU FPR CMC14

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 12
These are ESPP’s conclusions from the conference, and these conclusions were not validated by participants in Malmö. However,
all speakers have been consulted on these conclusions and either concur, or their differences are indicated below:
• Pyrolysis temperatures of at least 500°C – 650°C, for can no longer be used in agriculture, so regeneration is
sufficient time, are needed to ensure effective elimina- necessary to remove contaminants: one possible way to
tion (close to 100%) of organic contaminants, such as do this is to re-pass through the pyrolysis process.
pharmaceuticals, and also microplastics. See e.g. re- • Uptake of sewage biochars by farmers will require en-
view by Buss et al. 2021 in ESPP eNews n°58) suring reliable product quality, demonstrating plant avail-
• Appropriate incineration of pyrolysis gases is also nec- ability of nutrients, and convincing farmers and other
essary to avoid possible contaminant emissions in ex- food industry stakeholders that sewage sludge biochars
haust gases (IED conditions, 850°C) are free of organic contaminants (POPs, PFAS, pharma-
• These temperatures also seem to ensure elimination of ceuticals, microplastics). Biochar certification can sup-
PFAS. Further verification on PFAS elimination is port this.
needed to ensure that (a) breakdown products are not re- • To enable successful implementation in sewage treatment
maining and (b) the “non detectable” results of analysis works, it is essential to convince and to train operating
are not because PFAS is tightly bound into the biochar. staff, and to maximise automatisation.
• These temperatures also ensure significant removal of • Sewage sludge biochars are currently excluded from
heavy metals: most cadmium …. the EU Fertilising Products Regulation, and also from
• There is not agreement about what minimum pyroly- national fertilisers in some countries, but are authorised
sis temperatures and times are necessary to eliminate for agricultural application in a number of countries,
all organic contaminants including PFAS: 500°C ? (see above). These regulatory obstacles need to be ad-
650°C ? 10 minutes ? 20 minutes ? 40 minutes ? dressed.

• Different pyrolysis temperatures will modify biochar • Companies present at the conference suggested that the
properties in soil: carbon content, specific surface area.. European Biochar Industry Consortium (EBI), should
take the lead in advocacy, dossier preparation and data
• The fertiliser value (plant availability) of phosphorus gathering to support regulatory authorisation of sew-
in sewage sludge biochars needs to be clarified. Higher age sludge derived biochars, in cooperation with ESPP.
pyrolysis temperatures tend to reduce P availability, as do
probably iron or aluminium content of sludge (from • Following exchanges with ESPP, the European Biochar
chemical P-removal in sewage works). Industry Consortium (EBI) is also working with inter-
ested companies to prepare a dossier for EFSA (European
• Biochars, including sewage sludge biochars, can be effec- Food Safety Agency) to request validation of the safety of
tive as adsorbents to remove heavy metals, pharmaceuti- manure derived biochars, as a preliminary to requesting
cals and other organic contaminants from wastewaters, definition of an ‘Animal By Product Regulation End-
and also (especially biochars rich in iron or aluminium) to Point’. This would enable inclusion of manure biochars in
remove phosphorus. However, such contaminated biochar CMC14 of the EU Fertilising Products Regulation.

ESPP members

European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform SCOPE Newsletter

2022 n° 144 - page 13

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