Michelson Interferometer Article

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Michelson Interferometer

William Immanuel M.1), Asri Annisa2), Hasriati Batti 3), Nur Dzafitri 4), Nurnatasha T5)
Mayanng Segara

Modern Physics Laboratory, Makassar State University

e-mail: 1williamimmanuelm@gmail.com, 2asriannisa14@gmail.com, 3battatti@gmail.com,
dzafitrin@gmail.com, 5nurnatashat2406@gmail.com,

Abstract - A ray of light from a monochromatic source is split into two rays by called a beam splitter, transmits
half the light incident on it and reflects the rest. One ray is reflected from beam splitter to the right toward mirror
M1, and the second ray is transmitted vertically through beam splitter toward mirror M2. After reflecting from M1
and M2, the two rays eventually recombine at beam splitter to produce an interference pattern in viewing screen.
The interference pattern is a target pattern of bright and dark circular fringes. As M 1 is moved, the fringe pattern
collapses or expands, depending on the direction in which M 1 is moved. Based on the data obtained, namely the
number of fringes and the value of the mirror shift, in the plot graph that has been made. The experimental
results obtained are the He-Ne laser wavelength based on the theory is 632.8 nm while based on the experiment
is 624.8 nm.
Keywords: fringes, interference, wavelength

Michelson Interferometer invented by American physicist A. A. Michelson (1852–1931),
splits a light beam into two parts and then recombines the parts to form an interference pattern. The
device can be used to measure wavelengths or other lengths with great precision because a large and
precisely measurable displacement of one of the mirrors is related to an exactly countable number of
wavelengths of light. If the two path lengths are identical, the two coherent beams entering the eye
constructively interfere and brightness will be seen. If the movable mirror is moved a distance one
beam will travel an extra distance equal to (because it travels back and forth over the distance ). In this
case, the two beams will destructively interfere and darkness will be seen. As is moved farther,
brightness will recur (when the path difference is ), then darkness, and so on [1]
Nineteenthcentury physicists viewed the material world in terms of the laws of mechanics,
so it was natural for them to assume that light too must travel in some medium. They called this
transparent medium the ether and assumed it permeated all space. It was therefore assumed that the
velocity of light given by Maxwell’s equations must be with respect to the ether. Scientists soon set
out to determine the speed of the Earth relative to this absolute frame, whatever it might be. A number
of clever experiments were designed. The most direct were performed by A. A. Michelson and E.W.
Morley in the 1880s. They measured the difference in the speed of light in different directions using
Michelson’s interferometer [2].
In the experiment, be used the He-Ne laser. Laser stands for light amplification by
stimulated emission by radiation, which means the strengthening of the light by stimulating radiation
emission. The nature of laser formation is coherent and monochromatic light. Laser has characteristic
that are not have by other light sources [3]

The variables in this experiment are number of fringes and displacement of mirrors. To
2d m
find the wavelength of He-Ne laser, use λ= . Number of fringes can be defined by count the
fringes 20 to 200 numbers which can be seen in the viewing screen. Define the displacement of mirror
by note the scale of micrometer in the result table. By the graph, the data of the wavelength of the light
can be analysed :

2d m
by propagating the equation above the absolute uncertainly equation is obtained,
∆ dm
∆ λ= | |

∆ λ max can be defined by difference ∆ λ and ∆ λ́ each data. Graph about the relation between number
fringes and displacement mirror is

3 The Relation between number fringes and displacement mirror

60 f(x) = 0.31 x − 0.27

Mirror change (x 103 nm)

50 R² = 1

0 50 100 150 200 250
Number fringes (N)

PR=|6 2 4,8± 0,06 2|nm

This experiment use a He-Ne laser 155 model, an alignment brench laser, a Michelson interferometer
device, and additional Michelson interferometer set


Table 1 Observation and data analysis result
SSV = 0,25 x 103 nm ∆ d m = 0,5 x 103 nm
Fringes Number (N) Displacement Mirror dm (x 103 nm) λ (nm) ∆ λ (nm)
20 |6,0±0,5| 600 50
40 |12,0 ± 0,5| 600 25
60 |18,5 ± 0,5| 616 16,65
80 |25,0 ± 0,5| 625 12,5
100 |31,0 ± 0,5| 620 10
120 |37,0 ± 0,5| 616 8,32
140 |43,5 ± 0,5| 620 7,13
160 |50,0 ± 0,5| 620 6,2
180 |56,0 ± 0,5| 620 5,54
200 |62,0 ± 0,5| 620 5

Physics Report = |6 1 5,7 ±1 4 , 6|nm

Based on observation about Mischelson interferometer, the wavelength be gotten 615,7 nm

from data analysis and 624,8 nm from graph analysis. The wavelength of He-Ne laser is 632,8 nm [4]
This observation has error data because the practicans do not carefully when observe the data,
called observation error.
Had been done the observation with title is Michelson Interferometer, which is concluded that
1. Work principle of Michelson interferometer is A ray of light from a monochromatic source is split
into two rays by called a beam splitter, transmits half the light incident on it and reflects the rest.
One ray is reflected from beam splitter to the right toward mirror M1, and the second ray is
transmitted vertically through beam splitter toward mirror M2. After reflecting from M1 and M2,
the two rays eventually recombine at beam splitter to produce an interference pattern in viewing
screen. The interference pattern is a target pattern of bright and dark circular fringes. As M 1 is
moved, the fringe pattern collapses or expands, depending on the direction in which M 1 is moved
2. The wavelength of He-Ne laser which be used in this observation based on data analysis is 615,7
[1] Giancoli, Douglas C. 2014. PHYSICS : PRINCIPLES with APPLICATIONS. USA. Pearson
Prentice Hall
[2] Serway, Raymond A; Jewett jr, John W. 2008. PHYSICS for Scientists and Engineers with Modern
Physics Ninth Edition. USA. Lachina Publishing Services
[3] Martin, William Immanuel. 2019. Modul Praktikum Eksperimen Fisika 1 Unit VI. Makassar:
Laboratorium Fisika Modern Jurusan Fisika UNM
[4] Tipler, Paul A; Mosca, Gene. 2008. PHYSICS For Scientists and Engineers SIXTH EDITION. New
York. W. H. Freeman and Company

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