PSYC 1000 Course Outline

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Kulliyyah Islamic Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences

Department Psychology

Programme B.HSc (Psychology)

Course Title Introduction to Psychology

Course Code PSYC 1000

Status Core Course for all HS major, Optional Course for BENL, BARB, and
Level Undergraduate

Credit Hours 3

Contact Hours 3

Pre-requisites -
(if any)

Co-requisites -
(if any)

Instructor(s) Asst. Prof. Dr. Mardiana Mohamad

Phone: 03-61965144
Office: Room 5.01 Level 5, HS Building
Consultation hours: By appointment

Semester Semester 2 2014/2015

Course Synopsis This course exposes students to the scientific study of human behaviours
and mental processes without neglecting the role of the souls. The course is
a broad introduction of the field covering biological-bases, cognitive-
affective-bases, social-bases of and individual differences in behaviour,
highlighting the influence of spiritual factors too. The various topics
covered, such as biopsychological processes, sensation and perception,
consciousness, learning, memory, cognition, motivation and emotion,
personality, psychological disorders, developmental psychology, and social
psychology should help students to understand their behaviour as well as
that of others. The course also covers some application of psychological
principles to improve the life of human being. In every chapter, brief
discussion on Islamic perspective will be presented.

Course The objectives of this course are to :

1. introduce psychological concepts, theories and methods,
2. provide a historical and scientific overview of various areas in
psychology and
3. present an Islamic overview of the major topics in psychology.

Learning Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1.Differentiate between the various psychological concepts, theories, and
methods (C3) (CTPS3).
2.Reproduce both verbally and nonverbally the relationship between
psychology and Islam (P3) (CS3, CTPS3)
3.Debate the relationship between behaviours and mental processes from
various psychological perspectives (A3)

Instructional Presentation and Lectures; Discussions


Assessment Method %
State weightage 2 Quizes (30 % and 30 %) 60
of each type of Final Examination 40
assessment. Total 100

1. Quiz 1 (30 marks)

Date: 18th. March 2015 (Wednesday)
Venue: CAC Main Hall
Time : 8.15 pm – 9.45 pm
Topics: Science of Psychology (History & Scientific Methods),
Biological Perspective, Islamic Perspective, Sensation &
Perception, Consciousness.

2. Quiz 2 (30 marks)

Date: 23rd. April 2015 (Thursday)
Venue: CAC Main Hall
Time : 8.15 pm – 9.45 pm
Topics: Learning, Memory, Cognition, Development across Life

3. Final Examination (40 marks)

Date: To be determined
Venue: CAC Main Hall
Topics: Motivation & Emotion, Social Psychology, Theories of
Personality, Psychological Disorders

Content Outlines

Weeks Topics Task/Reading

1 1. The Science of Psychology:
 What is psychology? Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 History of psychology. Chapter 1.
 Modern perspectives.

Islamic Perspective of Psychology Noor (2010)

 Islam and psychology See Part 1
 The Islamization of psychology
 Human nature
 Psychology, Culture and

2 2. The Science of Psychology:

 Psychology. Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 The Science. Chapter 1
 The Scientific Methods.
 Research Methods.
 Ethics of psychological

Islamic Perspective of Research Noor (2010)

Part 1: An Integrated Methodology
for the Social Sciences.

3 3. The Biological Perspective:
 Neurons and nerves. Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 Building the network. Chapter 2.
 The Central Nervous
 The Peripheral Nervous Noor (2010)
System. Part 2: Physiological Psychology
 Structures of the Brain.
 Endocrine glands.

4 4. Sensation:
 The ABCs of Sensation. Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 The Science of Seeing. Chapter 3.
 The Hearing Sense.
 Chemical Senses.

5. Perception:
 The ABCs of Perception,
 Constancies.
 Gestalt principles.
 Depth perception.

5 6. Consciousness:
 What is Consciousness? Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 Altered states: sleep. Chapter 4.
 Dreams.
 Psychoactive drugs.

6 7. Learning:
 Definition of learning. Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 Classical conditioning. Chapter 5.
 Operant conditioning.
 Cognitive learning theory,
 Latent learning.
 Learned
 Insight learning.
 Observational learning.

7 8. Memory:
 Models of memory. Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 Three stages of memory. Chapter 6.
 Retrieval of long-term
 Forgetting.
 Physical aspects of memory.


9 9. Cognition:
How people think, Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 Mental imagery. Chapter 7.
 Concepts.
 Problems solving and decision
 Intelligence.
 Language.

10 10. Development across the life span: Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 Studying development, Chapter 8.
 Theoretical issues.
 Research methods.
 Prenatal development.
 Infancy and childhood
 Adolescence.
 Adulthood.

11-12 11. Motivation and Emotion:
 Approaches to Ciccarelli & White (2015):
understanding motivation, Chapter 9.
 Instinct approaches.
 Drive-reduction
 Arousal
 Incentive
 Humanistic
 Types of motives,
 Emotion.
 Three elements of
 Four major theories
of emotion.

Islamic Perspective: Elements of Noor (2010):

Emotional Experiences Part 2: Motivation and Emotion

13 12. Social Psychology:

 Social influence. Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 Attitude. Chapter 12.
 Impression formation and
 Prejudice and discrimination.
 Interpersonal attraction.
 Aggression and prosocial

14 13. Theories of Personality:
 Freud and psychoanalysis. Ciccarelli & White (2015):
Behaviourist view of Chapter 13.
 Social-cognitive view of
 Humanism and personality.
 Trait theories.

Islamic Perspective of Human Nature Noor (2010):

Part 1: Teaching Human Nature in
Psychology Courses

15 14. Psychological Disorders:
 What is abnormality? Ciccarelli & White (2015):
 Models of abnormality, Chapter 14.
 Biological model.
 Psychological
 Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-IV).
 Anxiety disorders.
 Mood disorders.
 Schizophrenia.

References Required

Ciccarelli, S. K. & White, J.N. (2015). Psychology 4th.edition. Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Pearson, Prentice Hall.

Noor, N.M. (Ed). (2010). Psychology from an Islamic Perspective: A guide to

teaching and learning. Kuala Lumpur: IIUM Press.


Ali, A. H. (1995). The nature of human disposition: Al-Ghazali’s contribution to

an Islamic concept of personality. Intellectual Discourse, 3, 51-64.

Ansari, Z. A. (Ed). (1992). Qur’anic concepts of human psyche. Lahore, Pakistan:

International Institute of Islamic Thought.

Atkinson, R. C., Atkinson, R. L., Smith, E. E., Bem, D. J. & Nolan-Hoeksema,

S. (1996). Introduction to psychology. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace
College Publishers.

Baron, R. A., Kalsher, M. J. & Henry, R. (2008). Psychology: From science to

practice. Boston, MA: Pearson, Allyn & Bacon.

Davis, S. F. & Palladino, J. J. (1997). Psychology. Upper Saddle River, NJ:

Pearson Prentice Hall.

Huffman, K. (2006). Living psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Morris, C. G. & Maisto, A. A. (2008). Psychology: An introduction. Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Sdorow, L. M. (1998). Psychology. Columbus, OH: McGraw Hill.

Weiten, W. (1998). Psychology themes and variations. Pacific Grove, CA:

Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.

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