Lesson Plan - Transportations

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Date and time :

Grade : II (two)

Subject : English

Teaching Hour : 30 minutes

Number of Meeting : 3rd Meeting

Time Allocation : 1x30 minutes

Basic Competence : Recognizings Kinds of Transportations

Indicator : Describe the name of the transportations and where it can found.

Purpose : At the end of lesson, The Students are expected to be know kind
of transportations, and can describing it.

Main Topic : Transportation

Sub Topic :

1. Kind of transportation
2. Grouping transportations (land, air, water)
3. Spelling name of transportations

Tutorial Method : Display by power point discussion, Interactive lecturing ,Video.

Teaching Scenario :

1. Opening : Greeting and praying , then precence the students.

2. Main activity :

a. Apperseption
 The teacher asks student to mention kind transportation
 The teacher present video about kind of transportation
 The teacher asks students to mention kind of transportations in the
b. Presentation :
 The teacher make a game of guessing the names of transportations
with showing picture of transportations
 The teacher asks students to raise their hands to follow the game.
 The teacher choose the students who raise their hands.
 The teacher ask students to stand up and guess the name of
transportations from the picture.
 The teacher asks students to choose other students to guess the
name of transportations from the picture.
 The teacher and the student give applause and excuse the student to
sit down.

c. Evaluation
 Display the names of transportations in arround the school.
 Guest the display about transportations.

d. Follow up
 Concluding the material

3. Closing : Greeting and praying

Material : Kinds of Transportations

1. Transportations on the land.

Motorcycle, car, bus, pedicab, bus, tank, train, bicycle, otopad, cart, andong, bajaj,

2. Transportationss in the water.

Ship, boat, vessel, raft, submarine, war ship.

3. Transportation in the air.

Air plane, helicopter, rocket, parachute, jetpack, war plane, hot

air baloon.
The places of transportations :
a. Car is a land transportation
b. Ship is a water transportation
c. Helicopter is a air transportation
d. Raft is a water transportation
e. Train is a land transportattion
f. Rocket is a air transportation

Spelling the name of animals

1) Motor Cycle : M-O-T-O-R C-Y-C-L-E
2) Helicopter : H-E-L-I-C-O-P-T-E-R
3) Ship : S-H-I-P
4) Air Plane : A-I-R P-L-A-N-E
5) Bus : B-U-S
6) Sub Marine :S-U-B M-A-R-I-N-E

Media : DiscussionLaptop, LCD (by power point presentation),

transportations picture, Videos, miniature of transportations,

Resource : Buku Bahasa Inggris Kelas II untuk SD, youtube kind of


Evaluation : Oral and Display

Assesment :

Answering questions 5 points

Answer correct from spelling form 1 poit (totals 6 points)
Answer the group of transportationts 1 point (totals 6 points)

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