Note 1: Tests Run On Extracted or Belt Run Mixture Samples Are Considered To Be The
Note 1: Tests Run On Extracted or Belt Run Mixture Samples Are Considered To Be The
Note 1: Tests Run On Extracted or Belt Run Mixture Samples Are Considered To Be The
1206 Uncompacted Void Content of Fine Aggregate (Fine Aggregate Angularity Test)
AASHTO Designation T 304
1206.1 Scope
The fine aggregate angularity test determines the loose uncompacted void content of a
fine aggregate material.
The void content information derived from this test gives you an indication of the effect
fine aggregate will have on stability and voids in the mineral aggregate.
AASHTO T 304 lists three different test methods (A, B, & C) to determine the void
content of loose uncompacted fine aggregate samples. Mn/DOT uses Test Method “A”.
C. Funnel Stand
E. Pan - A metal or plastic pan of sufficient size to contain the funnel stand and
prevent the loss of material.
F. Metal Spatula - 100mm long X 20mm wide with straight edges and the end cut at
a right angle to the edges used to strike off the fine aggregate.
A. For each component used in a blended mixture the following three values are
needed: percent of the total blend mixture, percent passing the 4.75mm (#4) sieve
and the bulk specific gravity of the percent passing the 4.75mm (#4) sieve.
Note 1: Tests run on extracted or belt run mixture samples are considered to be the
correct blend. For these types of samples proceed to the “Test Procedure – Mix Blend
(Method A)”. The required amounts of material needed from the 1.18mm, 600µm,
300µm & 150µm (#16, #30, #50 % #100) sieves to equal the 190 gram test sample are
acquired during the sample’s gradation test.
Apr 16, 2010 LAB MANUAL 1206.3A1
C. Calculate the Total Blend passing the #4.75mm (#4) sieve by adding the values
from 1206.3B1.
E. Calculate the mix blend - #4 (4.75mm) specific gravity to be used in the Fine
Aggregate Angularity calculation.
2. For each of the four aggregates divide the values in Section 1206.3B1 by the
specific gravity of the appropriate aggregate and total those values.
3. Divide the total achieved in 1206.3E1 by the total achieved in 1206.3E2 to arrive
at the Mix Blend –4.75mm (#4) specific gravity which will be used in the
calculation of the Fine Aggregate Angularity.
= 2.641 (Mix Blend Specific Gravity)
A. First determine the volume of your cylindrical measure by using the following
calibration procedure.
1. Apply a thin coat of grease to the top edge of your dry, empty cylinder
3. Fill your measure with freshly boiled, deionized water adjusted to a temperature
of 18 - 24 °C (60 - 75 °F).
5. Slide the glass plate onto the top of your measure in a manner ensuring that no air
bubbles will be trapped under the glass plate.
6. Dry the outside surfaces of your measure and determine the mass of the measure,
water, glass plate and grease by weighing.
7. After the final weighing, remove the grease and determine the mass of your clean,
dry, empty measure for subsequent tests.
Apr 16, 2010 LAB MANUAL 1206.4A8
8. Determine the volume (to the nearest 0.1-ml of the measure where:
Note 2: See the table in AASHTO T 19/T 19M-93, Section 8.4 for the water density based
on the temperature of the water used. It will be necessary to interpolate between the values
shown in that table. In the example a water temperature of 22.28 °C. is used, values
marked with an asterisk (*) are from the referenced table (above) and the density in kg/m3
calculated as follows:
V = 1000 x (M ÷ D)
A. Weigh out and combine the following quantities of your fine aggregate blend that
has been dried and sieved in accordance with AASHTO T 27 as follows:
Passing 2.36mm (#8) sieve and retained on the 1.18mm (#16) = 44 grams
Passing 1.16mm (#16) sieve and retained on the 600µm (#30) = 57 grams
Passing 600μm (#30) sieve and retained on the 300µm (#50) = 72 grams
Passing 300μm (#50) sieve and retained on the 150µm (#100) = 17 grams
Total = 190 grams
B. Thoroughly mix the individual sieve increments with a spatula until it appears to
be a homogeneous 190-gram sample.
C. Position the jar and funnel section in the stand and center the cylindrical measure.
E. Pour the test sample into the funnel and level with a spatula.
Apr 16, 2010 LAB MANUAL 1206.5F
F. Remove your finger and allow the material to fall freely in the cylindrical
G. After the funnel empties and the cylindrical measure is full, strike-off the excess
fine aggregate with a single pass of the spatula using the straight edge of the blade
vertically and in light contact with the top of the measure.
Note 4: Until this operation is completed avoid any vibration or disturbance that could
cause the material to compact.
H. After strike-off, lightly tap the cylinder to compact the material so none will be
lost when transferring the cylinder to the scale and brush the adhering material
from the outside of the cylinder.
I. Determine the mass of the cylinder and material to the nearest 0.1g and record.
J. Do Sections 1206.5B through 1206.5H twice and determine the average of the
two readings minus the weight of the cylinder.
U = V – (F/G) x 100
U = Uncompacted Voids
V = Volume of Measure
Source _________________________________________________________________
Location _______________________________________________________________
Test Runs
Weight of cylinder Run 1 _________
And aggregate Run 2 _________
(Run 1 + Run 2) Total _________
Note that the two formulas below for Uncompacted Voids give the same result.
Uncompacted voids = V -
G × 100