1219 MAGNESIUM SULFATE (Soundness) : NOTE 1: No Test or Retest With A Used or "Buttered" Solution Is Allowed

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Jan 10, 2002 LAB MANUAL 1219.

1219 MAGNESIUM SULFATE (Soundness)

AASHTO Designation T 104 (MN/DOT Modified)

1219.1 SCOPE

This is a test procedure used to determine an aggregates resistance to

disintegration by saturated solutions of magnesium sulfate or sodium
sulfate. This test is performed in accordance with AASHTO protocol
except as follows.


A. Only the magnesium sulfate solution is allowed.

B. All containers used to immerse the aggregate in the magnesium

sulfate solution shall be made from 2.36mm (#8) mesh or be 2.36
(#8) sieves.

C. For all materials use only new solution prepared in accordance with
AASHTO T 104, Section 4.1.2.

D. Run the test through five cycles using the same solution the test
was started with initially. Do not change the solution between

E. Should the initial test on any aggregate fail to meet the

requirements of the specifications for that aggregate type re-run the
test with new aggregates and new, fresh solution.

NOTE 1: No test or retest with a used or “buttered” solution is allowed.

F. No combining of the size fractions and mass quantities shown in

AASHTO T 104, Table 1 is allowed for testing or calculations.

G. Report the percent loss to the nearest 0.1 for each individual size
fraction. If there was a re-test report the better of the two results.

H. Calculate and report the composite percent loss to the nearest 0.1
based on the gradation of the material.
April 17,2007 LAB MANUAL 1219.2I

I. Size fractions and mass quantities from AASHTO T 104, Table 1

are as shown in the table below.

2 1/2 – 2" 3000 ± 300g

2 – 1 1/2" 2000 ± 200g
1 1/2 – 1" 1000 ± 50g
1 – 3/4" 500 ± 30g
3/4 – 1/2" 670 ± 10g
1/2 – 3/8" 330 ± 5g
3/8" - #4 300 ± 5g

J. When separating the material for this test the last sieving shall be
hand sieving for both the initial and final refusal.

K. Sieving to refusal (Both initial and final).

1. Initial sieving shall continue until not more than 0.5 percent
by mass of the total sample passes any sieve during one
minute of sieving.

2. For final sieving use a rolling action over the specified sieve
sufficient only to separate undersized particles. Take care
not to degrade the particles in this process.

3. All material shall be exposed to the wire mesh.

4. If overloading of the sieve occurs the material for that size

fraction shall be split and each portion of the split material
shall be processed separately and then combined.

L. Rinse water temperature shall meet the requirements of AASHTO T


M. Barium chloride shall be used to determine if sufficient washing has


N. Do not perform the “Qualitative Examination” described in AASHTO

T 104, Section 9.

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