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Opportunities and Critical Success Factors for Economic Development of Uttarakhand due to
Implementation of Hydro Projects
Somsuklo Biswas3
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Kandoli, Dehradun, Uttarakhand – 248007
Abstract—Throughout the history man has harnessed the natural water resource to his aid and has
devised and empowered hydro power to cater needs such as irrigation, power generation, flood control
etc. Development of hydro power has given sources of economic development of the local area and
alongside development of the national economy. Hydro power has become a backbone of sustainable
development with its renewable attributes. It gives energy security and chances additional income. The
low or zero affluent emission with reduced greenhouse gas emission has given hydropower its essence
of green energy. The main focus of any developing country is reduction of carbon footprint and carbon
emission along with harnessing its natural resources for sustainable development, hydropower caters
to all this and more enabling it to become the major indicator of economic development.
1. Introduction:
UN conference on Environment and development and sustainability. The Hoover
Development (UNCED) was held in Rio de Janeiro Dam was built in 1936 on the Colorado river with
in the year 1992, which focused on sustainable a purpose of flood control, power generation,
development on the base of natural resources. water storage, regulation and recreation site.
Natural resources are those resources which are This dam created lake mead and has a significant
direct derivative of nature such as hydro role in power distribution in different states such
resource, solar resource, wind resource etc. In a as Nevada, Arizona, Los Angeles and California in
country like India economic development can United States of America. The Three Gorges Dam
center around this hydropower because it is in China is one of the biggest dam in the world
blessed with this resource. Thus, hydropower and has the largest power generation capacity in
has become the back bone of sustainable the world from a single Dam approximately
development. Since ancient times water 22500 MW. China accounts for nearly 20 percent
resource has been used for agricultural and of its electricity from hydro power. As per the
urban usage by manipulating flow of rivers. First world commission on dams China has a share of
man made dam came into picture around 2950- 45 percent of dams in the world followed by USA
2750 B.C. in ancient Egypt. This dam was 11.3 in 14 percent and India with 9 percent.
meters high, had a crest length of 106 meters Completion of this dam changed the economic
and had a foundation of 80.7 meters. From there development scenario of China. India’s first ever
on throughout history we could see that hydro plant or hydel power project, Sidrapong
hydropower has been a medium for hydel power station was established in
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Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664
Darjeeling district of West Bengal in the year be encashed as RECs (Renewable Energy
1897. Presently India is the 7th largest producer Certificates). [3][4][5]
of hydroelectric power in the world. India has an
installed capacity of 44963.42 MW of hydro b) Recreation and Tourism: Hydro power
power as on 31.01.2018. India’s total facilities and dams are being used as
economically exploitable hydro electric potential recreational area all over the world, this
is estimated to be 148701 Mega Watts along fetches a huge amount of remunerations for
with various small hydro. Hence the main focus the state and country. Tourism is boosted
for sustainable future is investment in hydro through these sites in a huge manner. The
project. [1][2][3] classic example is the Hoover dam in United
States of America. The authorities are
2. Factors depicting Economic aspects: charging USD 15 as entry fees per person in
Development of hydropower symbolizes the dam area. They are arranging special
making of dams and it will lead the way for events, educational trips, private tour etc. to
economic development of the country and state. increase the earning form the dam. These
a) Power Generation: The first and foremost earnings are extra earnings which supports
the dam expenditure for operations and
point is it will lead to power generation.
enables less investment form the
Power generation form hydro resources is
one of the cheapest and greenest form of government authorities. The same scenario
is reflected in Uttarakhand through various
energy available. Hydropower does not need
any kind of fuel to generate power, it is sites. There are 15 dams in the state of
totally dependent upon natural resources. Uttarakhand as per government report.
Amongst these Tehri dam is a very popular
Hydro generated 6.62 billion units of
electricity in January 2018 as per CEA report. tourist destination in the state of
Uttarakhand. Local areas have flourished
It accounts for 6.54% of total electricity pan
India. Uttarakhand has a huge network of due to tourism which centers around the
rivers and canals which gives it a huge bank dam, various avenues of employment and
of hydro resource at its disposal. earnings have opened due to large number
of tourists visiting this area. The government
Uttarakhand has an estimated hydro power
potential of 20363 MW out of which should focus more on developing the other
approximately 3594 MW has been dams and promoting them as tourist spots to
harnessed till now. Approximately 3574 enable and encash the opportunity of extra
earnings and local socio-cultural
million unit of power was generated in the
year of 2014 by hydropower in the state of development. [5][6][10][30][31]
Uttarakhand as per state government report
in the year 2014. This shows that a major c) Sustainable Development: After the COP21
chunk of power is generated by hydro the major focus of government is in
sustainable development and harnessing its
power. This generated power can be sold for
economic benefits as IPPs and for captive natural resources. All hydroelectric projects
use for new industrial users. Power use the energy of run of water whether it is
generated from small hydro stations comes a run off river type or accumulated water
under renewable sources and this power can type, hence small or large every hydro
project fits the description of renewable
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Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664
sources. The main advantage of hydro power and adds to the cost of per unit electricity
is that it is a green source of energy. There is generation. [9][10][11][30].
no pollution or emissions in hydro power
generation, it is basically harnessing the e) Integration with other renewable sources:
force of nature and using it in a manner The main advantage or plus point of hydro
which helps and empowers mankind. The project is that is can be used in
second factor is there is no requirement of amalgamation with other renewable sources
fuel in generation of fuel. This scenario has to produce electricity. Sources like wind and
two aspects, first of all there is no pollution solar are intermittent in nature that is 24X7
and Greenhouse gas emission from the availability of these sources is not possible.
generation, second of all the energy security Due to the incomparable flexibility of hydro
is increased for the nation. In other type of power it can be coupled with renewable
power generation such as thermal power the sources like wind and solar. Hydro power can
main component the coal is imported from immediately respond to the fluctuations
other nation, hence it is dependent on the caused by the hydroelectric generations.
other nation and its policies. But in case of Coupled with reservoirs which acts as
hydro power there is no fuel requirement storage the reliability of this type of power
hence there is no dependencies on other sources increases more compared to run off
countries. This increase the energy security river type. For larger integration other
of the country. This gives hydropower the renewables can be used as main source of
title of sustainable development because it energy which feeds the grid and hydro
addresses the needs of today without power can be used as the component which
compromising the needs of the future. stabilizes the fluctuations caused by other
Moreover, multipurpose hydroelectric renewables. [11][12][13][25][26][27][28]
project will help in flood control, irrigation [29]
purposes, navigation issue and drinking
requirement. [7][8] f) Stability and reliability of electric system:
The operation of the electrical grid depends
d) Cheap and Clean energy: Hydroelectricity upon the flexibility and rapidity of the
means clean and cheap electricity. A hydro generation sources which meets the peak
project has a life span of 50 to 100 years. demands, maintains the system voltage, and
Whereas the recovery period of hydro which quickly heals itself and reestablish
project is almost around 20 years. After that supply after a blackout scenario. The
the cost per unit electricity generation electricity generated from a hydroelectric
becomes very less. This enables to produce source can be injected into grid faster than
cheap electricity and gives a good avenue of any other sources of energy. The time taken
income. Hydro is also clean electricity, in by a hydroelectric station to fully integrate
other power plants there is usage of and start generating is very less compare to
hydrocarbon-based fuels which when other power plants. The capacity of
burned produces greenhouse gasses. In hydroelectric systems to reach maximum
order to reduce emission lots of measures production from zero in a rapid and
are to be taken which becomes very costly foreseeable manner makes them
exceptionally appropriate for addressing
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Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664 (JAMR)
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Journal of Advance Management Research, ISSN: 2393-9664
alterations in the consumption and lead to power generation so huge that it can
providing ancillary services to the electricity cater to the entire countries power demand.
system, thus maintaining the balance Dams can be a source of recreation and can
between the electricity supply and demand. boost tourism of the local area and this tourism
[12][14][15][16][17][19][24][25] can be an avenue of income and economic
development of the local area as well as the state
g) Climate change and air quality: The amount in which it is being harnessed.
of greenhouse gas produced by
Hydropower is a marker of sustainable
hydroelectric life cycle is very less. It emits
development and it can lead to reduced
less greenhouse gas than coal or gas fired
emission of greenhouse gasses which can and
power plants thus it reduces the global
will reserve the ecosystem for future, by
warming caused by these kinds of emissions.
harnessing the natural resources and focusing on
Hydroelectricity prevents emission of
improving the efficiency sustainable
greenhouse gas corresponding to burning of
development can be ensured. Hydroelectricity
4.4 million barrels of petroleum per day
requiring no fuel can be termed as cheap and
worldwide. It helps immensely in bringing
clean source of energy. Increasing the energy
down carbon emission and carbon footprint.
security of the country it has a potential to make
In addition to this it does not produce
a country self-sufficient and secure.
pollutants and increases the air quality, It
frequently substitutes the generation from This kind of power can be coupled with
fossil fuels and reduces acid rain and smog in other renewable sources and can be used.
the local area. [18][20][21][22][23] Renewable sources like solar and wind are
intermittent in nature and can cause huge
fluctuations in the grid along with destabilizing it.
3. Summary:
Due to quick startup and heavy reliability hydro
Hydroelectricity always has been one of the
can be coupled with these kinds of renewable
indicator of development of the modern society.
sources and can be used as efficient and reliable
Implementation of hydro power can lead to
system, it can take care of the peak demands and
various aspects that can aid in economic
fluctuation of the grid. This improves the stability
development and growth of society and local
of the system many folds.
sociology and ecology. Throughout history we
have seen man harnessing the raw potential of Due to its nature as nonpolluting source
nature to his aid, hydropower is one of the of energy the air quality improves reducing
shining example of this. By using the natural chances of phenomenon like acid rain and smog.
resource to its maximum potential, we can With reduced greenhouse gas emission global
ensure that proper growth and evolution of warming also reduces many folds.
society. Hydro power ensures sustainable
development and a manageable future for our Conclusion:
next generation. Due to the various reasons explained before
Hydro power can be a main source of hydropower is an indicator of economic
power which can be produced, in states like development and a gate way of healthy and
Uttarakhand, Himachal and Arunachal hydro sustainable future. Investing in hydro projects
potential is huge and if harnessed properly it can will ensure good returns and will flourish and
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