Dissertation Saurabh Barange 500074689 Power Management
Dissertation Saurabh Barange 500074689 Power Management
Dissertation Saurabh Barange 500074689 Power Management
Batch: 2019-2021
Semester: IV
It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the dissertation on the Study on the
feasibility of the (Solar PV + Storage) based project in India, Undertaken during the Fourth
semester. We owe a special debt of gratitude and like to thank Dr. Anil Kumar, Professor and
Dehradun, for his constant guidance and great support with all the help he has to provide us
with theory and practical implication on our projects. His sincerity, thoroughness, and
We would like to thank Dr. Mohammed Yaqoot, Dr. Anil Kumar and Mr. Avishek Ghosal
for being the backbone for the successful completion of the project and for always providing
Our sincere thanks to all the friends, teaching and non-teaching staff members of Power
This is to certify that the Project report entitled “Study on the feasibility of the(Solar
PV + Storage) based project in India” by Mr. SAURABH BARANGE, submitted for the
partial purpose of Dissertation in the fourth semester of MBA in Power Management in the
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, during the academic year 2019-21, is
India has prioritised increasing the share of renewable energy (RE) based power generation
capacity for several years. A supporting policy and regulatory framework have ensured an
exponential growth in RE capacity, reaching an all-time high of 42.6 GW, or 14.1% of the total
generation capacity by March 2016. This share is set to increase even more rapidly in the
coming six years, given the national RE target of 175 GW (100 GW solar and 60 GW wind) of
RE by 2022 (Mint, 2015). It could reach as high as 32.2% by 2022, considering the 175 GW
in place.1 In terms of electricity generation, while the present share of RE is ~ 6%, the Ministry
of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is hoping to push it to 17% by 2022, of which 8% is
targeted to come from solar alone. Renewable energy deployment is mainly concentrated in
the Southern and Western Indian states (80% of total). Several states such as Tamil Nadu
(37%), Maharashtra (17%) and Gujarat (18%) have a much higher share of RE in their
generation capacity mix compared to the national share (CEA, 2016).
Renewable energy generation, especially from wind and solar power, is variable in nature,
given its dependency on the weather. In addition, due to the diurnal and seasonal variations
(more pronounced in the case of wind power given the Indian monsoon) in generation, its
shorter time scale (minutes to hours) impacts on the grid are much higher than perceived
impacts considering only the lower annual average values. For example, penetration of wind
power in energy terms in Tamil Nadu in 30-35 % from June to September and 5-10% during
other months (CEA, 2013). Grid operators do not have visibility with respect to wind and solar
power generators3, because until recently they were exempt from any scheduling
responsibilities which were applicable to conventional generators. Maintaining constant
frequency is important for the reliable and secure operation of the grid. Deviation in frequency
can occur due to instantaneous differences between generation and demand, which grid
operators apprehend would exacerbate due to higher penetration of renewables.
This coupled with problems of the relatively weak Indian grid such as high line losses, load
shedding, low voltages at the distribution tail end, high variation in frequency, lack of adequate
reserves, flexible generation and effective demand forecasting makes reliable and effective grid
integration of renewables even more challenging. Hence, policy-regulatory officials and grid
operators fear that such a steep and rapid increase in ‘infirm’ or ‘non-dispatchable’ renewables
will affect the electricity grid and make grid operation far more complex and difficult to deal
Various European countries and some regions in the United States have reliably integrated high
levels of variable renewables in their generation mix, and it is important to learn from their
experiences. However, several learnings may not be fully or immediately relevant in the Indian
context because of differences in the grid infrastructure, and more importantly, in the
regulations and policies governing grid planning and operation. Hence, it is important to
understand the concerns of grid operators when it comes to integrating high levels of variable
This report is an attempt in that direction. We begin with an explanation of the structure of the
Indian power grid, its institutional setup as well as its daily operations. With increasing
renewables, we examine the potential rise in challenges to grid operation at the transmission
level, and ways to mitigate such challenges through effective grid integration of renewables.
This report does not look at the operational issues at the transmission planning or distribution
system levels.
The focus of the report is on forecasting and scheduling of renewable power, one of the key
starting points to minimise grid imbalance and aid effective integration. The report analyses
the various steps at the Central and State levels towards initialising forecasting and scheduling
of renewables in the country. It also examines the various supporting initiatives adopted by
ERCs and policy makers towards easing grid integration. This analysis is also informed by
focused discussions with a key sector stakeholder, notably grid operators. We conclude by
outlining some potential suggestions and ideas for easing the challenges of grid integration.
This report is being released as a working paper given the various changes which are underway
in the regulations and policies related to grid operation.
Globally, the sharp decline in prices of lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries is expected to transform
how electricity from renewable sources, such as solar and wind, is integrated into the grid.
Estimates of declines in Li-ion battery pack prices vary from 50% during 2012–2017 as per
McKinsey & Co. (Frankel et al. 2018) to 73% during 2013–2018 as per Bloomberg New
Energy Finance (BNEF). Based on BNEF 2010–2018 data, the learning rate (reduction in price
for each doubling of cumulative volume) is 18%. BNEF uses this rate to project a price of
$62/kWh by 2030.
India is on the cusp of making major energy investment decisions. In its19th Electric Power
Survey, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) projects that peak electricity demand in India
will grow at about 6.32% per year, from 162 GW in 2016/2017 to about 300 GW in 2026/2027
(CEA 2017). Total energy consumption would exceed 1,500 TWh by fiscal year FY 2022 and
2,000 TWh by FY 2027.
India’s National Electricity Plan states that about 123 GW of additional conventional capacity
would be required to meet this additional peak demand, because contributions of renewable
sources to meeting the peak demand are assumed to be minimal (CEA 2018). This is primarily
because India’s peak demand occurs during the evening. Although, wind resources are
available in the evening, their output is highly seasonal. Hence, even GW by 2030, India is
projected to require significant coal capacity for meeting evening load.
According to CEA, meeting India’s 340-GW peak load and 2,400-TWh energy requirement in
2030 would require adding about 50 GW of coal between 2022 and 2027, in addition to 48 GW
expected to come online by 2022 (CEA 2019). However, the last 130 GW of coal that provides
power during non-solar hours, including morning and evening peak, would run at an effective
plant load factor of only 24%.
Running coal plants at such a low-capacity factor would be operationally difficult and would
result in total costs per unit of Rs. 6–8/kWh, without accounting for additional operations and
maintenance (O&M) costs. This would be antithetical to the objective of cheap, reliable power
for all.
As an alternative, battery energy storage systems (BESS) based on low-cost Li-ion batteries
may enable India to use stored solar energy to meet peak morning and evening demands. India’s
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is tasked with the National Energy Storage
Mission, with the objective of “creating an enabling policy and regulatory framework that
encourages manufacturing, deployment, innovation and further cost reduction” in the energy
storage sector (MNRE 2018).
In this study, we estimate costs for utility-scale Li-ion battery systems through 2030 in India.
We base our analysis on recent U.S. power-purchase agreement (PPA) prices and bottom-up
cost analyses of storage and solar photovoltaic (PV)-plus-storage systems, adapted to the Indian
context. The recent rapid growth of utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) deployment and the
declining costs of energy storage technologies have stimulated interest in combining PV with
energy storage to provide dispatchable energy and reliable capacity—particularly as the U.S.
utility storage market has begun moving away from short-term power regulation and toward
longer-term temporal shifting of renewable generation. The integration of renewable
generation and energy storage offers a way to cost-effectively diversify and strengthen the
nation’s energy portfolio.
Business Problem
Energy is the most important issue that is being discussed throughout the world. The key
differentiating factor in the use of energy sources is environment friendliness. Growth of
renewable energy (RE) in developed nations is mainly driven by environmental concerns of
fossil fuel-based projects. In developing nations, RE projects are adopted to decrease the
demand supply-gap and to boost rural electrification and off-grid electrification. But for
countries like India, an optimal energy mix of both kinds of energy sources is essential to have
a sustainable energy system.
Challenges: One of the biggest challenges in RE development is the high initial cost of
installation. While development of a coal-based power, plant requires around Rs 4 crore per
MW, the investment required for wind and solar power-based plants is significantly higher. A
wind-based plant, with capacity utilisation of 25%, requires an investment of Rs 6 crore per
MW. The actual investment, at more efficient capacity utilisation of 80%, works out to Rs 18
crore per MW. Similarly, the investment in a solar based plant, with a capacity utilisation of
15%, is Rs 18 crore. The actual investment, at 80% capacity utilisation, is around Rs 98 crore.
High cost associated with RE projects necessitates further research and technological
developments in this area. A comprehensive policy framework is necessary for accelerated
growth of renewable energy in India.
Proper system planning and integration is another important aspect. Knowing the decentralised
nature of RE projects, the capacity and type of project is to be decided where availability of the
energy source can be ensured. Most RE systems are weather dependent; thus, factors like
number of sunny days, wind condition, monsoon, tide level, supply of biomass, etc play an
important role in feasibility of the system. Plant availability is not predictable as in case of
conventional plants.
Social acceptance of renewable-based energy system is still not very encouraging in urban
India. Despite heavy subsidy being provided by the government for installation of solar water-
heaters and lighting systems, its penetration is still very low. Manpower training is another
grey area. Currently, the Indian power sector is facing severe trained manpower shortage. Skill
upgradation of the existing manpower and training of new professionals are essential to achieve
the goal of “power to all” by 2012.
Opportunities: Despite having an installed capacity of over 167 GW, India is facing an energy
deficit of 8% and peak deficit of 12%. So far, only 4.5% of renewable energy potential has
been explored in India. To reduce the demand-supply gap, the renewable energy development
is the need of the hour.
Renewable energy certificate (REC NSE 1.76 %) is also being increasingly used and traded at
various power exchanges around the world. RECs are considered as important tool for
renewable energy promotion. Indian power exchanges are also going to introduce trading of
these certificates very soon.
Electrification of remote areas and inaccessible terrains where grid connectivity is not feasible
is only possible through renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources are abundant
and inexhaustible and are also import independent. Thus, renewables help address energy
security concerns better than conventional energy sources.
Today, climate change is the most serious concern being discussed around the world.
Development of renewables is arguably one of the most effective options to mitigate climate
changes. Renewable development contributes to overall development of the nation. With
access to electricity, the productivity of household industries increases. India’s annual per
capital electricity consumption as per CEA report is 704 kWh and to achieve set target of 1000
kWh, full-fledged exploration of renewables is necessary.
An interesting research by Political Economy Research Institutes shows that investment in
renewable power generation provides much more employment opportunities than investment
made in conventional sources-based power projects. Besides, renewable project development
involves local people and operation and maintenance is carried out with the help of locally
available manpower. With renewed focus on renewable and clean energy development, it is a
high time for seeking business and entrepreneurship opportunity in this field.
Conclusion: Based on the present global economic growth rates, fossil fuel energy resources
may last a generation or two, at the most, before they are exhausted. Therefore, the future of
our energy needs lies in renewable energy resources. The use of these resources, rather than an
increase in fossil fuel supplies, should be encouraged through new diplomacy that takes into
account the needs and resources of all concerned. Given the vast potential of renewables in
India, all it needs is comprehensive policies and an investor friendly regime to be global leader
in clean and green energy.
Literature review
Advantage Dis-advantage
Lithium-ion Batteries
First commercially produced by Sony in the early 1990s, lithium-ion batteries were originally
used primarily for small-scale consumer items such as cell phones. Recently, they have been
used for larger-scale battery storage and electric vehicles. At the end of 2017, the cost of a
lithium-ion battery pack for electric vehicles fell to $209/kWh, assuming a cycle life of 10-15
years. Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts that lithium-ion batteries will cost less than
$100 kWh by 2025.
Lithium-ion batteries are by far the most popular battery storage option today and control more
than 90 percent of the global grid battery storage market. Compared to other battery options,
lithium-ion batteries have high energy density and are lightweight. New innovations, such as
replacing graphite with silicon to increase the battery’s power capacity, are seeking to make
lithium-ion batteries even more competitive for longer-term storage.
Additionally, lithium-ion batteries are now frequently used in developing countries for rural
electrification. In rural communities, lithium-ion batteries are paired with solar panels to allow
households and businesses to use limited amounts of electricity to charge cell phones, run
appliances, and light buildings. Previously, such communities had to rely on dirty and
expensive diesel generators, or did not have access to electricity.
When the Aliso Canyon natural gas facility leaked in 2015, California rushed to use lithium-
ion technology to offset the loss of energy from the facility during peak hours. The battery
storage facilities, built by Tesla, AES Energy Storage and Greensmith Energy, provide 70 MW
of power, enough to power 20,000 houses for four hours.
Hornsdale Power Reserve in Southern Australia is the world’s largest lithium-ion battery and
is used to stabilize the electrical grid with energy it receives from a nearby wind farm. This 100
MW battery was built by Tesla and provides electricity to more than 30,000 households.
General Electric has designed 1 MW lithium-ion battery containers that will be available for
purchase in 2019. They will be easily transportable and will allow renewable energy facilities
to have smaller, more flexible energy storage options.
Deployment of Grid-Scale Batteries in the United States David Hart and Alfred
Grid-scale batteries hold the promise of making the difficult task of balancing electricity supply
and demand much easier and supplying ancillary services needed to stabilize the grid as well.
If batteries can perform these functions at a reasonable cost, the U.S. and other nations will
more easily be able to integrate renewables into their power systems on a large scale, which in
turn will accelerate the energy transition needed to meet the challenge of climate change.
The challenge of intermittency is deepened by the decentralization of the power system that is
accompanying the transition in the fuel mix. Many renewable systems are small-scale and
installed on customer premises, yet interconnected to the grid through net metering
arrangements which allow these small generators export power. Electricity customers (and
third-party energy managers working for them) are also increasingly able to vary demand, and
this flexibility will grow as “smart” end use technology improves and diffuses. In short,
balancing electricity systems is a hard task that is likely to keep getting harder.
There are three major strategies for addressing this challenge.4 One is to expand and diversify
interconnections among grid resources. A big, diverse grid is more likely than a small,
homogeneous one to have supply and demand effects that counteract one another. Bad weather
in Boston may be balanced by a balmy day in Detroit. The second strategy is to make the grid
smarter. Sensors and analytics can predict and pinpoint real-time balancing concerns and
opportunities, while new equipment allows for more flexible responses.
“Super” grids and smart grids complement one another, and both are complementary with the
third strategy, grid-scale storage. If adopted on a widespread basis, grid-scale storage would
create new options for managing the electricity system in an era of decentralized and
intermittent supply and demand – low-carbon alternatives to the gas peaking plants that provide
most of these options today. Grid-scale storage would be able to balance changes in customer
behaviour and respond to weather events that affect renewable generation and other supply
disruptions. It would also supply ancillary services that enhance grid functioning, such as
frequency regulation and provision of spinning reserves, and allow existing resources to be
used more effectively, deferring capital investment.
Some major questions that affect policymakers, practitioners and researchers alike when it
comes to the integration of renewables at the order envisaged. Some issues are theoretical, i.e.,
there is not universal agreement on optimal pricing signals or market design. Other issues are
more practical or case-specific, such as the contracting norms. There is also an issue in terms
of data availability and access–certainly scholars do not have open access to sufficient data,
even if such data are available with the government, utilities, or grid operators. Instrumentation
of grid-scale RE is relatively easy–rooftop or behind-the-meter PV is especially hard to
measure and disseminate. A few additional unknowns include:
1. Technical unknowns of RE performance and supply/demand, including spatial
and temporal heterogeneity
a. Where will the added capacity be located?
b. How much will be grid-scale versus end-user (behind-the-meter) RE?
c. What will be the expected performance (output)?
d. How much and where does transmission need to be augmented to mitigate
balancing risks and curtailment risks?
e. What will be the utilization factor for the new capacity?
f. How will the load (demand) curve evolve? Will the peak demand shift? Will
the peak grow faster? than the average? How will mid-day demand grow vis-à-
vis overall and peak growth?
g. What are the reductions in emissions from thermal units due to higher RE?
Would we witness higher emissions due to partial load operations and frequent
ramping of thermal units?
2. Grid Balancing and management unknowns
a. What are the non-internalized (system-level) costs of higher RE? How do the
costs of RE integration vary as RE’s share increases?
b. What are grid integration costs for all forms of generation, with a breakdown by
type of generation and some measure of location? A better framing might be
how will the balancing and management costs of higher RE evolve? How will
these change over time?
c. What is the role of energy storage and of demand response to meet flexing and
peak management?
d. What additional planning and system changes are required to better handle
higher RE in a manner that doesn’t increase the risk.
e. If RE curtailment is either cost-effective and/or unavoidable, what are the
quantum and cost implications?
Research Problem
The new operating strategies for environmental compliance, when combined with our aging
transmission and distribution infrastructure, challenge the security, reliability, and quality of
the electric power supply. Hence the designing and proper integration of renewable sources
(Solar + Storage hybrid system) without a stress on existing grid infrastructure is an important
point for the utility as well as consumers. We need better grid reliability while dealing with an
aging infrastructure. And we need improved operational efficiencies and customer service. The
power distribution grid must respond quickly to shifting demand and continuously generate
and route electricity to where it's needed the most.
Research Question
Question: How the Solar PV and Solar PV + Storage based project in India will help to increase
Renewable penetration in the system?
Question: What are the obstacles and limitations in the implementation and integration of Solar
PV and Solar PV + Storage based project in India with the grid.
a) Grid availability and grid code norms
b) POSOCO role in managing new systems with adequate metering infrastructure;
c) Base of financial and technical loss allocation.
Question: What is the level and degree of readiness Solar PV and Solar + Storage availability
and the adequacy of its infrastructure.
Research Objective
RO1: To study the feasibility of Solar PV and Solar PV + Storage based project in India to
increase Renewable penetration in the system?
RO2: To study the obstacles and limitations in the implementation and integration of Solar PV
and Solar PV + Storage based project in India with the grid.
a) Grid availability and grid code norms
b) POSOCO role in managing new systems with adequate metering infrastructure;
c) Base of financial and technical loss allocation.
RO3: To study the level and degree of readiness Solar PV and Solar + Storage availability and
the adequacy of its infrastructure.
Research Methodology
In recent times, the use of qualitative research methodology has been increased to pursue
applied research particularly in the context of social policy. The methodology of qualitative
research understands and explores the diversity of public and social policy concerns. To
understand complex cultures, systems, needs, and behaviours, it provides a systematic
Research is a scientific process that conducts systematic investigation in order to discover a
new knowledge. The research motivation is to discover a truth which has not yet been
discovered. Every research done has its own goal, goals, challenges and implications. Research
value does not depend on the subject of the study but it depends on how well the research is
being planned and designed.
Research design brings together different scientific concepts to gather and analyse data in a
phased way. Research design combines the importance of the purpose of the research with an
economic theory. A research design provides the conceptual and structural framework for the
data collection , measurement and analysis. It is thus always recommended that a suitable
research design be developed to follow.
Research Methodology is the way to conduct scientific research. Research methodology that is
used in research systematically solves the research problem. Research methodology contains
various research steps which are applied along with a defined logic in the research study. It is
necessary for the researcher to know not only about the research methods or techniques used
in an analysis but also the research methodology i.e., the researcher must know which research
method or technique is the best fit for his study and what is the reason for the best fit.
Methodology of study used in various research studies may differ by the nature of the issue.
The term “Research Methodology” has wider scope than the term “Research Methods”.
Quantitative research
Quantitative research methods use tools of numerical, mathematical, or statistical analysis to
solve a problem. The data are collected in quantitative methods through surveys ,
questionnaires and polls. Qualitative research also consists of various methods to use statistical
techniques to manipulate pre-existing data.
Qualitative research
Qualitative research is a research that is primarily exploratory and consists of a set of material
and interpretive practices to make this world visible. The world's observer lies in the qualitative
research. Qualitative research approaches transform any component of behaviour into a
sequence of representations. Memos, recordings, photographs, conversations, interviews or
field notes can make these representations. The qualitative research is involved in a naturalistic,
interpretive approach for the world. That concludes that the researchers who conduct the
qualitative research; study the specifics in the natural setting and interpret the particulars
through the meaningful inputs given by different people.
Data analysis is a systematic process of record review or evaluation — both printed and
electronic (computer-based and internet-based) content. Like other qualitative research
analytical methods, document analysis requires that data be examined and interpreted to gain
meaning, understanding and empirical knowledge development (Corbin & Strauss, 2008; see
also Rapley, 2007). Documents include text (words) and images which were recorded without
the intervention of a researcher.
Organizational and administrative records have for many years been a standard of qualitative
analysis. In recent years , the number of research reports and journal articles which mention
document analysis as part of the methodology has increased.
Document analysis is a systematic method for analysing or assessing both printed and
electronic content (computer-based and internet-transmitted). Like other analytical approaches
of qualitative research, document analysis involves the evaluation and interpretation of data in
order to obtain significance, understanding and scientific expertise.
Documents contain text (words) and photographs which were collected without the
involvement of a researcher. Other silent or trace evidence, such as cultural artefacts, is not
included for the purposes of this discussion.
Documents which can be used as part of an analysis for systematic evaluation take a number
of forms. These include advertisements; agendas, membership lists, and meeting minutes;
manuals; history papers; books and brochures; diaries and journals; event programs (i.e.,
written outlines); letters and memoranda; maps and charts; journals (clippings / articles); press
releases; policy plans, application forms and summaries; radio and television policy scripts;
organizational or instituting scripts.
As part of their studies, researchers typically review prior literature and incorporate that
information in their reports. However, when a list of examined documents is given, previous
studies are often not included. Needless to say, previous studies are a source of data, requiring
the researcher to rely on data description and interpretation instead of having the raw data as
the basis for analysis. The analytical method involves identifying, sorting, analysing (making
sense of) and synthesizing data in papers. Document analysis yields data fragments, quotes, or
whole passages that are then explicitly grouped into main themes, groups, and case examples
by content analysis.
Document analysis is particularly applicable as a research method to qualitative case studies
intensive studies that produce rich descriptions of a single phenomenon, event, organisation,
or program. For case studies non-technical literature, such as reports and internal
correspondence, is a potential source of empirical data.
It is important to note here that robust data collection techniques and research procedure
documentation are required in qualitative research. The research report will include detailed
details on how the thesis was conceived and performed. While document analysis has mostly
served as a complement to other methods of research, it has also been used as a stand-alone
method. Indeed, there are certain specialized forms of qualitative research which rely solely on
document analysis. As part of a study undertaking documentation may serve a number of
Documents provide additional data for the research. Details and observations obtained from
records may be useful additions to a base of information. Therefore, researchers will browse
library catalogues and archives to evaluate the records as part of the study process. A
university-based scholar used newspaper reports, university policy papers, and department self-
evaluation data to supplement the data gained through interviews in her study of the closure of
technology teacher education programmes.
Documents offer a way to chart transition and evolution. Where different draft versions of a
specific document are available, the researcher can compare them to identify the changes. For
example, even subtle modifications in a draft may represent significant changes in a project
(Yin, 1994). The researcher can also review periodic and final reports (where available) to
obtain a clear picture of how an institution or program has performed over time.
Documents can be analysed as a way of verifying findings or corroborating other sources of
evidence. Specifically, sociologists use document analysis to verify their findings.
Analysing the Documents
Analysis of the text involves skimming (superficial examination), reading (thorough
examination), and interpretation. This iterative method incorporates elements of an analysis of
content and thematic analysis. Text analysis is the method of grouping knowledge into
categories corresponding to the research 's core questions. Some qualitative research experts
may object to the analysis of content, arguing, that it obscures the interpretive processes which
turn speech into text.
The thematic analysis is a form of pattern recognition within the data, with emerging themes
becoming analytical categories. The method includes re-reading and analysing the data
carefully, with a more emphasis. The reviewer takes a closer look at the data selected and
conducts coding and category creation, based on the characteristics of the data, to expose
themes important to a phenomenon.
Although documents can be a rich source of data, researchers should look with a critical eye at
documents and be cautious about using documents in their studies. Documents should not be
viewed as strictly reliable , accurate or complete records of the occurring events. Researchers
do not just 'grab' terms and passages to be thrown into their research report from the available
documents. Rather, the meaning of the document and its contribution to the issues being
explored should be established.
The importance of the document is decided by being researcher as analyst. It is also developed
that the content of the papers fits into the study's conceptual context. The authenticity,
credibility, accuracy and representativeness of the documents selected also need to be
It is important that the documents be assessed for completeness, in the sense that they are
comprehensive (to cover the topic entirely or broadly) or selective (to cover only certain aspects
of the topic). Whether the documents are even (balanced) or uneven (containing great detail on
some aspects of the topic and little or nothing on other aspects) is also determined.
When reading and reviewing the text, it is also decided if a text has been 'written as a result of
first-hand experience or from secondary sources, if it has been requested or not, edited or
unedited, anonymous or signed, and so on'. Furthermore, because the documents are context-
specific, they should be evaluated against other information sources.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Document Analysis
In relation to other qualitative research methods, document analysis has both advantages and
limitations. Let us look first at the advantages.
• Effective method: Paper analysis is less time consuming and thus more reliable than
other forms of study. Instead of data collection it requires data selection.
• Availability: Many documents are in the public domain, particularly since the advent
of the Internet, and can be obtained without permission of the authors. Which makes
analyzing documents an attractive choice for qualitative researchers. Locating public
records, as Merriam (1988) argued, is limited only by one's imagination and
industriousness. An, significant rule to keep in mind is that if a public incident happens,
there will most likely be some official record of that.
• Cost-effectiveness: Record analysis is less expensive than other study methods and is
therefore the method of choice when it is not feasible to collect new data. The data
(included in the documents) have already been collected; what remains to be evaluated
is the content and accuracy of the documents.
• Lack of obtrusiveness and reactivity: Records are 'unobtrusive' and 'non-reactive' – that
is, they are not influenced by the phase of testing. (Previous studies found in documents
are not considered here.) Accordingly, document analysis counters concerns relating to
(or lack of) reflexivity inherent in other qualitative research methods. For example, in
respect of observation, an event may proceed differently because it is being observed.
• Reflexivity — which involves knowledge of the researcher 's contribution to the
creation of meanings attached to social experiences and consideration of the likelihood
of the researcher 's effect on study — is not usually a problem in the use of research
• Stability: Records are stable as a corollary of not being reactive. The involvement of
the investigator does not change what they are researching (Merriam, 1988).
Documents, though, match regular comments.
• Accuracy: The inclusion of accurate names, references and event details makes
documents beneficial to the research process (Yin, 1994).
• Coverage: documentation provides broad coverage; it covers a long-time span, many
events and many settings (Yin, 1994).
India has announced ambitious RE targets (mainly for solar and wind sources):
• 175 GW by 2022,
• 275 GW by 2027, and
• 450 GW by 2030.
Case of U.S.
• Several grid-scale PV + storage and standalone storage projects are being developed in
the US.
• At the end of 2017, 708 MW of capacity was in operation in the US.
• First Method
o Scale U.S. PPA prices to indicate bid prices Indian utilities could expect,
notwithstanding some benefits of economies of scale in the US.
o The U.S. data points are first scaled up by 30% to remove the effect of the
federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC), and then these unsubsidized prices are
scaled to account for India’s higher financing costs.
o For scaling the storage prices to India, we use the ratio of capital recovery factors
Table 6: Scaling factor considered to compare price of USA and India
US India
Interest rates 5.5% 11%
• An implicit assumption here is that, at scale, the capital cost of battery packs and core
control system components would be very similar in the United States and India
(globalized supply chain of batteries.)
• As per industry sources,
o basic custom duty (BCD) for the battery pack = 5.5% (sourced from China and
deployed in non-EV applications);
o CESS=10% (computed on BCD),
o IGST = 18%
• If sold as part of a solar solution, IGST = 5%.
• Thus, consider duties + taxes = 11%–24%
Levelized cost of storage (LCOS) = discounted cost/ unit of discharged electrical energy
= 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑒𝑥 + 𝑂&𝑀 ∗ ∑ ( ) + 𝑉(𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑢𝑎𝑙)
(1 + 𝑟)𝑛
1 1 − 𝑛 ∗ 𝐷𝐸𝐺
∗∑( ) [ 1/𝐷𝑢𝑡𝑦 𝐶𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 ∗ 𝐷𝑜𝐷 ∗ 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 ∗ ∑ ( )]
(1 + 𝑟)𝑁+1 (1 + 𝑟)𝑛
𝑛=1 𝑛=1
Present results in 3 subsections:
• Indian PV + storage and standalone storage costs from bottom-up analysis
• Sensitivity analysis
Bottom-up Cost Estimates of U.S. Utility-Scale Li-ion Battery Systems with Durations of
1 and 4 Hours
Table 10: Bottom-up Cost Estimates of U.S. Utility-Scale Li-ion Battery Systems with Durations of 1 and 4 Hours
1-hour (1 MW/1 4-hour (1 MW/4
Category Component MWh) System MWh) System
($/kWh) ($/kWh)
Li-ion battery 209 209
Battery central inverter 70 18
Structural BOS 19 13
Electrical BOS 81 36
EPC Installation labor and equipment 62 23
EPC overhead 26 12
Soft cost Sales tax 33 22
Developer cost (including EPC and
developer net profit) 100 49
Total 600 382
Except for battery pack costs that stay the same per kWh, other BoS, EPC, and soft costs are
spread over a larger battery capacity—and hence are lower per kWh—for a battery with the
same MW rating but higher MWh capacity
Cost Scaling Ratios Between 1- and 4-Hour Battery Systems
Table 11: Cost Scaling Ratios Between 1- and 4-Hour Battery Systems
1-hour (1 4-hour (1
Scaling Ratio
MW/1 MW/4
Component Between 1- and
MWh) System MWh) System
4- Hour System
($/kWh) ($/kWh)
BoS 100 49 -51%
Inverter 70 18 -74%
EPC 88 35 -60%
Soft cost (excluding taxes, land,
permitting and interconnection fees) 61 39 -36%
• Current India standalone and co-located system costs are hence estimated to be 31%
lower than costs in the United States.
Capex Estimates for BESS in India with a 5% Annual Reduction in Non-Pack Prices
Table 13: Capital Expenditure Estimates for 1 MW/4MWh BESS in India
Capital Expenditure
Estimates Standalone Year/Cost PV Co-located Year/Cost
for 1 MW/4 MWh BESS in ($/kWh) ($/kWh)
Components 2020 2025 2030 2020 2025 2030
Battery pack 143 88 62 143 88 62
BoS hardware 22 17 15 13 10 9
BoS inverter 16 13 11 10 8 7
Soft costs 7 5 5 7 5 5
EPC 14 11 10 14 11 10
Total Capital Expenditure 203 134 103 187 122 92