e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 20, Issue 2. Ver. VIII (February. 2018), PP 38-42
Abstract: Renewable energy including hydro, solar and wind in India comes under the purview of the Ministry
of New and Renewable Energy including hydro, solar and wind. India was the first country in the world to set
up a ministry of non-conventional energy resources, in early 1980s.Today, India has one of the highest
potentials for the effective use of renewable energy including hydro, solar and wind. India is the world’s fifth
largest producer of wind, there is a significant potential in India for generation of power from renewable energy
sources small hydro, biomass, wind and solar energy but integration of large scale renewable energy to power
grid cause instability, tempers balancing, availability and reliability to grid and is a major barrier to renewable
energy including hydro, solar and wind development in India specially for Uttarakhand.
Keywords: Renewable energy, hydro,solar, wind, power grid, integration, identification, barriers, India.
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Date of Submission: 09-02-2018 Date of acceptance: 24-02-2018
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I. Introduction:
Solar energy development in India can also be an important tool for spurring regional economic
development, particularly for many underdeveloped states, which have the greatest potential for developing
solar power systems which is unlimited and clean source of energy. It can provide secure electricity supply to
foster domestic industrial development. So, it can be concluded that photovoltaic power systems will have an
important share in the electricity of the future not only in India, but all over world [3]. The study observes
disproportionately high focus on SPV technologies and poor growth of CSP technologies in India. The study
also raises its concern on high capacity addition target based on large scale thin-film solar power plants, their
economic feasibility and its repercussions on environmental pollution and grid stability. The study concludes
that India's ambitious solar program based on imported cells, modules and other equipment would increase
India's energy import dependence and thereby, jeopardize its energy security. The study finally campaigns for
all supply and demand side options to bridge the burgeoning demand-supply gap of electricity [4].
Government of India predicted that the total power demand will expand to 400,000MW at the end of
2020. It needs enormous additions in capacity of electrical generation to meet the demand and to maintain the
progress in the electricity market economy of the country. Considering the large potential, easily availability and
other inherent characteristics of solar power, Government of India has given more emphasis on promotion of
solar power in Indian power scenario. Currently India is in the top ten ranked countries in the world for
investment, capacities addition and creation of job opportunities in solar power. The solar power takes an
important role in the future power development in India due to the major initiatives and dedication of
Government of India [7].
India has a severe electricity shortage. It needs massive additions in capacity to meet the demand of its
rapidly growing economy. Development of solar energy, which is indigenous and distributed and has low
marginal cost of generation, can increase energy security by diversifying supply, reducing import dependence,
and mitigating fuel price volatility [10].
The current growth of solar energy is mainly driven by policy supports. Continuation of existing supports and
introduction of new supports would be necessary for several decades to enhance the further deployment of solar
energy in both developed and developing countries [11].
Results suggested that the passing of the Tariff Policy 2006, state-level policies, quantity-based
instruments and a greater participation of the private sector have played a key role in promoting the
development of installed capacity from renewable energy power in the nine states of the sample. Further
empirical results on the effect of the specific policy instruments show three interesting results. First, the
introduction of quotas (RPOs) on clean electricity sourcing had a positive and significant impact on the
development of REP. Second, there is no significant positive correlation between the introduction of preferential
feed-in tariffs and the development of REP. Third, results show that investment from the private sector is
driving the development of REP in the states of the sample [1].
Solar development and InvestmentinsolarPVinstallations around the world wasencouragedrecentlyby substantial
fall inthe costs of solarPVthatresultedlargelyfromits
firstquarterof2010andthatof2012,solarPVgeneratingcostsfellby44%. Between2000and2011,globalsolarPV
capacityincreasedfrom1.5 GW to70GW,viz., an annual
averagegrowthrateof42%.Around60%ofthemarketincreasehappened in
PVcapacity(51GW).PVrepresentedalmost47%ofallnew EUelectriccapacitythatcameonlinein2011 (foreign
reference) [2].
results showed that there is a strong positive correlation between the promulgation of relevant policies and the
increasing rate of renewable energy projectsincluding hydro, solar and wind [21].
For both the Japanese government and the EU, low electricity prices, grid stability and energy security
generally take priority over other considerations suchas environmental or climate change concerns. Therefore, a
deeper study may be required to study the effect of changed EIA laws on development of RE projects in Japan
[15]. Australia has very substantial renewable energy assetsincluding hydro, solar and wind, particularly solar
energy, and is well placed to exploit those assets. The effectiveness of existing policy is limited by a focus on
developing least cost energy options at the expense of emerging technologies [20].
A hypo-theatrical example illustrates how a hybrid bond is used to finance renewable energy projects
and how a hybrid bond issued to handle major uncertainties. Key risks including market risks, credit risks,
liquidity risks, operational risks and political risks are identified and managed [16].
The combination of renewable energy generation and battery energy storage has been widely recognized as
a promising solution to the problems associated with variability of renewable energy in residential microgrid.
However, due to the low renewable feed-in tariffs in many countries, microgrid users are generally, not
motivated to install expensive battery systems if they can only be used to satisfy the objective of grid operator
III. Barriers to renewable energy including hydro, solar and wind integration to the power grid:
The process of barrier identification starts with selection of Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) for the
study of barriers through a literature survey on RETs and related projects in the country. The study of barriers
and measures to overcome the barriers should be carried out using a literature survey, site visits and interaction
with the stakeholders [18]. The primary barriers to the currently needed level of grid expansion are not technical
or financial, but the lack of appropriate regulatory frameworks and public acceptance. The major changes are
needed in the overall regulatory process, rather than simply minor modifications or improved implementation of
existing regulations [19].
The investment risks of typical RES and fossil fuel plant types in markets with increasing RES shares has to
be evaluated. It is also important to evaluate the effect on the generation mix if they are evaluated on a stand-
alone or on a portfolio risk basis. The results show that capital intensive RES face the highest stand-alone risks,
since their profits are most affected by the power price risk. However, the results further indicate that the stand-
alone risks of variable RES decrease with their share in the market because of a negative correlation of output
and price risk [17].
Solar CSP is a high cost technology, for development of this technology in emerging economies it is desire that
financial institutions and policy makers work closely [8].
Issues surrounding policy, financial, and social aspects are increasingly becoming impediments to
bringing a paradigm shift in the solar sector. Two major findings have emerged from this review, the first one
being Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) bringing a series of policies, regulatory reforms and
institutions have been evolving to support solar energy at both the central and state levels ; the Second, through
the perspectives of international industry stakeholders involved in solar energy implementation in India, some
policy, market, technological, and socio-environment related challenges with potential opportunities are
identified [27].
Higher addition of solar power increases the system cost by 5.3%. Better planning needs to be done
using climate model data that is already available to shape where, how much and when new renewable capacity
should be added to augment other forms of capacity, without compromising economics or security. The mix of
renewable including hydro, solar and windand non-renewable energyincluding hydro, solar and wind,
specifically, the location and ratio of solar, wind capacity can be selected judiciously to improve supply
reliability and system economics. However Small addition of solar power does not affect the flexibility of grid.
However, to accommodate larger volumes of solar power and to ensure grid stability and flexibility there is a
need of implementing demand response schemes, smart grids and tracking systems [22] [23].
The transition to renewable energyincluding hydro, solar and wind technologies raises new and important
governance questions. With small hydropower (SHP) expanding as part of renewable energy and climate
mitigation strategies, this review assesses its impacts and identifies escalating policy issues. The identification
of four major concerns [14]:
a. confusion in small hydropower definitions is convoluting scholarship and policy-making [14];
b. there is a lack of knowledge and acknowledgement of small hydropower’s social, environmental, and
cumulative impacts [14];
c. small hydropower’s promotion as a climate mitigation strategy can negatively affect local communities,
posing contradictions for climate change policy [14];
d. institutional analysis is needed to facilitate renewable energyincluding hydro, solar and wind integration
with existing environmental laws to ensure sustainable energy development [14].
Beyond design, effective and consistent implementation of RE policy is another significant issue
impacting finance mobilization. Existing RPO's should be tied to strict penalty clauses thus strongly motivating
compliance. Other financial regulatory measures could include development of targeted financial products such
as Green IDFs, bonds and other securitized products that can improve both liquidity constraints within the
banking sector and costs of financing [26].
HVDC applications and performed projects have been presented. HVDC grid drafts have been first
analyzed and then compared. In this way, opportunities and challenges of HVDC grids have been highlighted
Several forecasting methods like regressive methods, Artificial neural networks, hybrid models are in
use now a day to forecast generation output of a solar plant. However, no forecasting method is perfect. There is
a need to investigate techniques for energy storage and demand response [24]. Results show that the impacts of
increasing wind and solar shares can become substantial, and increase with penetration, independently of mix
and region. Solar PV at low penetrations is much easier to integrate in many areas of the US than in Germany;
however, some impacts (e.g. over production) increase significantly with higher shares. For wind power, the
impacts increase rather moderately and are fairly similar in US Indiana and Germany. To a large extent these
challenges depend on the penetration, mix of wind and solar, and regional circumstances [25].
IV. Summary:
4.1. Policy uncertainty in solar, wind and hydro are not properly reflected in literature review. All infrastructure
projects have long payback period. Any policy inconsistency is going to affect investment to a great extent
in the field of land acquisition, R&R environment and regulatory issues [1].
4.2. There is no significant positive correlation between the introduction of preferential and feed-in tariffs with
the development of Renewable Energy Projectsincluding hydro, solar and wind.Policy and Regulatory
challenges have not been properly documented in literature till date to successfully achieve 100 GW solar,
60 GW wind and 65+ GW hydro (large and small) installation target [2][3][4][5].
4.3. Storage system is a high cost technology, for development of this technology in emerging economies,
proper business model for working between financial institutions and policy makers is not available in
literature and documents except few [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][30].
4.4. Risk and barrier for environment impact is not taken properly, adequate manner and in balancing way as
most of the researchers used to exaggerate situation.Risk and barrier due to challenges faced in accurate
generation assessment from solar, wind and hydro projects using forecasting techniques is also neglected
4.5. Economic, financial and Technical challenge aspects regarding upgradation, modernization and renovation
in green field renewable projects including hydro, solar and windwith storage are not available in adequate
manner for India [22] [23] [24] [28] [29].
4.6. Issues surrounding policy, financial, and social aspects regarding impediments to bringing a paradigm shift
in the solar sector [25] [26] [27].
V. Conclusion:
The availability, balancing and stability of Indian power grid by the integration of large scale solar,
wind, hydro and energy storage projects in India, specially State of Uttarakhand, will be facing techno-
commercial and economic problems. In order to resolve and remove the barrier many policy and framework is
needed to be reformed. Many new policies are need to be formed and setup.
Indian financial institution and government need to work together in order to lower the project and
services cost. Many technical and economic problems are needed to be faced and resolved. Energy storage
system is going to be a major requirement for India if it requires to achieve its goal of 175GW of renewable
energyincluding hydro, solar and wind generation by 2022, as well as in order to resolve the issue of intermittent
power supply from renewable energy supply especially for solar.
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IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) is UGC approved Journal with Sl.
No. 4481, Journal no. 46879.
Dr. Anil Kumar "Identification of Barriers for Integration of Largescale Hydro, Solar and Wind
Energy To Power Grid. "IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) 20.2 (2018):