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Tetrahedron Letters 58 (2017) 3517–3521

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Tetrahedron Letters
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A TEMPO-like nitroxide combined with an alkyl-substituted pyridine:

An efficient catalytic system for the selective oxidation of alcohols
with iodine
Vera P. Kashparova a, Victor A. Klushin a, Irina Yu. Zhukova a,b, Igor S. Kashparov a, Daria V. Chernysheva a,b,
Irina B. Il’chibaeva a, Nina V. Smirnova a, Efim Sh. Kagan a, Victor M. Chernyshev a,⇑
Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Prosveschenya 132, 346428 Novocherkassk, Russia
Don State Technical University, Gagarin Square 1, Rostov-on-Don 344000, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: An efficient method for the oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes or ketones in a two-phase CH2Cl2/NaHCO3
Received 12 May 2017 (aq.) system, using iodine and catalytic amounts of 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl
Revised 20 July 2017 and 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine, was developed. The performance of the method was demonstrated by the
Accepted 26 July 2017
selective oxidation of 37 variously substituted alcohols in 90% yield, including the gram-scale synthesis
Available online 27 July 2017
of the important chemical 2,5-diformylfuran from biomass-derived 5-hydroxylmethylfurfural.
Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Pyridine bases


The oxidation reactions of primary and secondary alcohols to

aldehydes and ketones, respectively, have played pivotal roles in
organic synthesis.1–4 Aldehydes and ketones are highly demanded
functional groups in a variety of laboratory-scale and industrial
processes for the production of pharmaceuticals, dyes, materials
and other fine chemicals.3 However, particularly for primary alco-
hols, insufficient selectivity is a common problem due to the ten-
dency of aldehydes to undergo over oxidation to carboxylic acid
derivatives.5 Therefore, the selective oxidation of alcohols contin-
ues to attract significant attention.1–4 Scheme 1. Simplified catalytic cycle for oxoammonium- and TEMPO-based oxida-
tion pathways.
Various reagents and catalytic systems have been developed for
the oxidation of alcohols 1 to aldehydes and ketones 2.1–6 How-
ever, many of these systems suffer from high reagent costs, insta-
been successfully applied as stoichiometric oxidants, their rela-
bility, employment of hazardous metals or oxidants, harsh reaction
tively high price has prompted the development of numerous pro-
conditions or operational complexity. Oxoammonium salts 3, the
cesses based on the application of catalytic oxoammonium salts 3
oxidized derivatives of 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl
or their precursors, nitroxide free radicals 4 (Scheme 2), using var-
(TEMPO), have received wide application in the high-yielding oxi-
ious inexpensive secondary oxidants.1–6,9,15–20 In the absence of a
dation reactions of primary and secondary alcohols 1 to aldehydes
transition-metal co-catalyst (typically Cu+), these processes usually
or ketones 2 (Schemes 1, 2).7–14 While oxoammonium salts 3 have
involve a catalytic cycle in which the oxoammonium cation acts as
a two-electron oxidant and is reduced to the corresponding
⇑ Corresponding author. hydroxylamines 5 (Scheme 1).8,9,21
E-mail address: chern13@yandex.ru (V.M. Chernyshev).

0040-4039/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
3518 V.P. Kashparova et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 58 (2017) 3517–3521

Results and discussion

Typically, the oxidation reactions of alcohols to carbonyls in

biphasic water-organic reaction systems favor the simple separa-
tion of lipophilic organic products from inorganic water-soluble
reagents and wastes.17 However, the selectivity of the nitroxide-
catalyzed oxidation is sufficiently influenced by the applied sol-
vent.7,9,12,13,30 To determine an appropriate solvent for the organic
phase of the biphasic system, the oxidation reactions of 1-octanol
(1a), 2-hexanol (1b) and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (1c) were stud-
ied (Fig. 1) using various organic solvents in the absence of a pyr-
idine co-catalyst, under similar conditions to those used in the
work of Miller and Hoerrner applying nitroxide 4a as a catalyst.15
The highest conversions and yields were achieved in CH2Cl2 (ESI,
Table S01). Considering the successful application of CH2Cl2 in
numerous nitroxide-catalyzed oxidation reactions and the simplic-
ity of product isolation, this solvent was chosen for further
Various TEMPO-like radicals and their derivatives have been
Scheme 2. Oxidation of alcohols with I2 catalyzed by TEMPO-like nitroxides 4a–c applied as catalysts for the oxidation of alcohols.9 The oxidation
in combination with pyridine bases 6a–d.
of alcohol 1a catalyzed by TEMPO or various 4-substituted
2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-oxyls 4a–c revealed that the structure of
the nitroxide had no significant effect on the reaction rate or selec-
tivity (ESI, Table S02). Therefore, 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetram-
Various inexpensive, transition-metal-free secondary oxidants,
ethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (4a),31 a low-cost, readily accessible
such as sodium hypochlorite or halogens have been successfully
TEMPO derivative, was applied as the catalyst in further
applied to the nitroxide-catalyzed oxidation of alcohols to carbonyl
compounds.9,15,18–20,22,23 Several methods in which halogen oxi-
The effect of the pH of the aqueous solution on the oxidation of
dants are generated electrochemically in ‘‘one-pot” have also been
alcohols 1a,c was also studied (ESI, Table S03). In agreement with
developed as potential industrial-scalable nitroxide-catalyzed
the literature data for nitroxide-catalyzed alcohol oxidation,9 high
conversions were observed in a basic medium (aq. NaHCO3 or Na2-
Among halogen-based oxidants, elemental iodine has attracted
CO3). At pH 5.6, the reaction rates and selectivities were low.
attention as a mild, stable, and inexpensive oxidant.15,17,20,24 Vari-
When using a Na2CO3 solution (pH 11.3), high conversions of
ous chlorine- and bromine-based oxidation systems have also been
both alcohols 1a,c were attained; however, the selectivity for the
reported to show low selectivities in the oxidation of susceptible
oxidation of 1c was low. Only the NaHCO3 solution (pH 8.7) pro-
substrates.9,15,17,26 A nitroxide-catalyzed oxidation of alcohols with
vided appropriate rates and selectivities for the oxidation reactions
elemental iodine was first reported by Cottier and co-workers in a
of both alcohols 1a,c. Therefore, NaHCO3 was selected as a mild
two-phase CH2Cl2/KOH (aq.) system with low yields.26 Miller and
inorganic base for the aqueous phase of the system.
Hoerrner reported a more selective oxidation of various alcohols
A molar ratio of alcohol:I2:4a = 1:2:0.05 was selected as a start-
in a toluene/NaHCO3 (aq.) system.15 An electrochemical method
ing point for further investigations based on comparative experi-
for the oxidation of alcohols in a two-phase CH2Cl2/NaHCO3/KI
ments for the oxidations of alcohols 1a,c (see ESI, Table S04 for
(aq.) system was also reported.17,24 In our opinion, the nitroxide-
results and further discussion).
catalyzed oxidation of alcohols with iodine in a two-phase system
The oxidation of several primary and secondary alcohols with
consisting of an ‘‘organic solvent/aqueous solution of a base” has
iodine catalyzed by nitroxide 4a in the absence of a pyridine co-
potential to serve as a versatile general method for the laboratory
catalyst revealed that the features of the reaction were similar to
and small-scale industrial syntheses of various aldehydes and
non-catalytic stoichiometric oxidations of alcohols with oxoam-
ketones. However, thus far, this approach has been studied for only
monium salts (Scheme 3; ESI, Table S05).7,10 Thus, sterically unhin-
a narrow substrate scope which was confined to mainly benzylic-
dered benzyl alcohols and secondary aliphatic alcohols were
type alcohols 1 (R1 = aryl or aromatic heterocycles, R2 = H)15,17 and
oxidized at reasonable rates, while primary aliphatic alcohols
a small series of aliphatic alcohols which was examined using an
required prolonged reaction times. Within the range of homologs
electrochemical mode of oxidation.24
of linear primary aliphatic alcohols, the rate of oxidation decreased
Pyridine and alkyl-substituted pyridines 6 have been pro-
successively with increasing hydrocarbon chain length. Interest-
posed as effective catalysts for the selective stoichiometric oxi-
ingly, these results differ sufficiently from the results of analogous
dation of alcohols to aldehydes or dimeric esters using
nitroxide-catalyzed oxidation reactions of alcohols with bleach
oxoammonium salts.12 Pyridine and some pyridine derivatives
(NaOCl) in a two-phase CH2Cl2/NaHCO3 (aq.) system, for which
were also shown to be effective co-catalysts for the nitroxide-
the oxidation of primary alcohols proceeded with higher rates than
catalyzed oxidation of primary aliphatic alcohols into dimeric
the oxidation of secondary ones.22,32 Bleach oxidation provided
esters using certain secondary oxidants.27–29 However, pyridines
sufficiently higher overall rates for the oxidation reaction of all
have not been studied as co-catalysts for the selective nitroxide-
catalyzed oxidation of various types of alcohols to aldehydes or
ketones using iodine.
Herein, we report an efficient method for the oxidation of vari-
ous alcohols to aldehydes or ketones using iodine in a two-phase
system consisting of an ‘‘organic solvent/aqueous solution” cat-
alyzed by TEMPO-like nitroxides in combination with substituted
pyridines (Scheme 2). Fig. 1. Structures of alcohols 1a–c.
V.P. Kashparova et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 58 (2017) 3517–3521 3519

bonyl compounds are 5–10 times lower (ESI, Table S06) in

comparison with the nitroxide-catalyzed oxidation under the same
conditions (ESI, Table S05). Interestingly, the formation of dimeric
esters as major products was recently described in the TEMPO/
CaCl2-catalyzed oxidation of primary alcohols with oxone in the
presence of water;35 however, this oxidation system was quite dif-
ferent from the system described here.
Therefore, despite some similarities to stoichiometric oxidation
reactions with oxoammonium salts,7,10 the nitroxide-catalyzed
oxidation of alcohols with iodine in CH2Cl2/NaHCO3 (aq.) differs
in terms of the rate and selectivity compared to the majority of
nitroxide-catalyzed oxidation reactions in two-phase sys-
tems.9,18,22,32,36 From the results described above, it became appar-
ent that additional provisions were needed to enhance the
oxidation rate and selectivity, particularly in the case of primary
aliphatic alcohols. Therefore, catalysis with various pyridines was
Scheme 3. Oxidation of alcohols 1a–z with I2 catalyzed by compound 4a in the We studied the effects of catalytic amounts of pyridine 6a and
absence of a pyridine co-catalyst (for details, see ESI, Table S05; for the structures of alkyl-substituted pyridines 6b–d on the oxidation reactions of var-
R and R0 , see Table 1).
ious alcohols (Scheme 4; ESI, Table S07). It was revealed that the
addition of compounds 6a–d accelerated the oxidation sufficiently
compared to experiments without the addition of the pyridine, in
types of alcohols;22,23 however, the formation of various by-prod- particular for the oxidation of primary aliphatic alcohols 1a,j. How-
ucts was reported.9,23 ever, the selectivity for the reactions of alcohols 1a,j was highly
Surprisingly, in the nitroxide-catalyzed oxidation of primary susceptible to the structure of the co-catalyst: unsubstituted pyri-
aliphatic alcohols with iodine, we observed sufficiently high yields dine 6a afforded predominantly dimeric esters 7a,j, while substi-
of dimeric esters 7 in molar ratios of 7:2 up to 0.7:1 (Scheme 3; ESI, tuted pyridines 6b–d provided the corresponding aldehydes 2a,j
Table S05). These results differ from the stoichiometric oxidation of as the major products (Scheme 4). The highest yields of aldehydes
primary aliphatic alcohols with oxoammonium salts, for which the were observed in the presence of 2,6-dimethylpyridine (lutidine,
formation of dimeric esters was detected only in minor yields (3– 6c) and, in particular, 2,4,6-trimethylpyridine (collidine, 6d).
5%).7,10,33 The formation of dimeric esters 7 in relatively high yields The observed selectivities for the oxidation of primary aliphatic
prompted us to assume that the non-catalytic oxidation of the alcohols in the presence of pyridines 6a–d (ESI, Table S07) were in
alcohol with iodine has a considerable contribution to the overall agreement with the reported data regarding the effects of the
reaction. For example, the oxidative esterification of alcohols with structures of pyridine bases on the selectivities for the stoichio-
iodine is a well-known reaction.34 However, experiments regard- metric oxidation of alcohols using oxoammonium salts: unsubsti-
ing the oxidation of various alcohols with iodine in a two-phase tuted pyridine promotes the formation of dimeric esters, while
CH2Cl2/NaHCO3 (aq.) system revealed, in the absence of the nitrox- 2,6-disubstituted pyridines produce aldehydes.12 The reaction
ide, that the oxidation proceeds slowly and that the yields of car- rates reflected by the overall conversions correlate with the basic-

Scheme 4. Oxidation reactions of alcohols 1a,b,c,j,l,p with I2 using nitroxide 4a as a pre-catalyst and various pyridines 6a–d as co-catalysts. The highest yields achieved for
each co-catalyst 6a–d are shown (for further details, see ESI, Table S07).
3520 V.P. Kashparova et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 58 (2017) 3517–3521

Table 1
Synthetic scope for preparation of aldehydes and ketones 2a–al via the optimized

Fig. 2. Structures of the transition state (TS-1) for the pyridine-base-catalyzed

oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes/ketones and the key intermediate I-2 for the
adverse pyridine-catalyzed formation of dimeric esters during the oxidation of
primary aliphatic alcohols (for further details, see ESI, Section 2).

ities of compounds 6a–d and were highest in the presence of col-

lidine 6d (ESI, Table S07). Once again, these observations agree
with the relative energies calculated for the H-bonded complexes
between the oxoammonium cations, alcohols and various pyridine
bases, which have been proposed as transition states (TS-1) in the
pyridine-base catalyzed oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes or
ketones (Fig. 2).12 Therefore, the most likely mechanism for the
reaction is analogous to the recently described mechanism for
the stoichiometric oxidation of alcohols using oxoammonium salts
in the presence of pyridine bases (for details, see ESI, Section 2).12
According to the proposed mechanism, the pyridine bases 6a–d
catalyze the oxidation of alcohols to aldehydes/ketones via TS-1.
However, unsubstituted pyridine 6a is prone to the formation of
betaines I-2 with aliphatic aldehydes (Fig. 2). Betaines I-2 are read-
ily oxidized to N-acyl pyridinium ions, which further react with
alcohols to form dimeric esters 7. The steric effects of substituted
pyridines 6b–d deter the formation of betaines I-2. Therefore, com-
pounds 6b–d are more appropriate co-catalysts for the oxidation of
primary alcohols to aldehydes.
Among compounds 6, collidine 6d was chosen as the best co-
catalyst. The reaction conditions were additionally optimized using
the oxidation of biomass-derived 5-hydroxylmethylfurfural (1c,
HMF)37,38 into dialdehyde 2c (ESI, Table S08). Considering the over-
all results, a molar ratio of I2:4a:6d:alcohol = 2:0.05:0.1:1 was
determined as the optimal ratio for the preparative oxidation of
alcohols to aldehydes or ketones.
Thus, with the optimized reaction conditions in hand, we per-
formed the preparative synthesis of 2,5-diformylfuran (2c, DFF), a
monomer of great utility,17,38,39 from biomass-derived 5-hydroxyl-
methylfurfural (1c, HMF)37,38,40 on a 10 g scale. Crude dialdehyde
2c was obtained in 93% yield with 97% purity, and recrystallization
from water afforded 2c (99% purity) in 88% yield (Table 1).
The synthetic scope of the developed method was demon-
strated using 37 examples of primary and secondary alcohols
(Table 1). Most of the carbonyl compounds 2a–al were obtained
in 85–95% isolated yields (GC yields up to 99%), even in the case
of highly susceptible electron-rich furan and phenol derivatives.


In conclusion, an efficient method for the selective oxidation of

primary and secondary alcohols to aldehydes and ketones, respec- a
Reagents and conditions: 1a–al (8 mmol), nitroxide 4a (0.4 mmol), collidine 6d
tively, in a two-phase CH2Cl2/NaHCO3 (aq.) system was developed. (0.8 mmol), CH2Cl2 (10 mL), NaHCO3 (24 mmol), water (10 mL), I2 (16 mmol), 20–
The key features of the method are (i) the use of elemental iodine 22 °C, 1–3 h; corresponding reaction times and GC/isolated yields are shown under
each product (for details, see ESI, Sections 1.9–1.10).
as a mild oxidant, preventing the halogenation of electron-rich
substrates, and (ii) the application of a catalytic system comprising
of 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (or the wide synthetic scope, the simplicity of the synthetic and isolation
analogous nitroxides) in combination with collidine. The catalytic procedures, and the low-cost of the transition-metal-free catalytic
system not only accelerates the oxidations of alcohols, but also system and oxidizing reagent. The scalability of the method was
prevents the formation of dimeric esters from the corresponding demonstrated by the high-yielding synthesis of DFF, a valuable
primary aliphatic alcohols. The advantages of the method are the monomer and chemical, from biomass-derived HMF.
V.P. Kashparova et al. / Tetrahedron Letters 58 (2017) 3517–3521 3521

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