Ingredient Eggs

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Ingredient of the Month 15 | November

of the Month

Presented by American Culinary Federation

Education Foundation
Ingredient of the Month 15 | November

The egg is a versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into this process damages the cuticle. As a result, eggs must be
dishes or prepared on its own. It has a cylindrical shape with refrigerated to prevent bacteria from getting in.
four main parts: shell, shell membrane, yolk and albumen. The Eggs are considered a nutrient-dense food, which means
shell is made of calcium carbonate and is fragile. The shell they have a high amount of nutrients and relatively few
membrane is the thin, skin-like layer underneath the shell. The calories. They are an excellent source of riboflavin and
yolk is the yellow portion of the egg and the albumen, also called selenium, minerals with antioxidant properties to help protect
egg white, is the clear portion of the egg. The yolk is anchored cells from damage. Eggs are a good source of protein,
to the middle of the albumen by two strands called chalazae. needed to build and repair tissues and muscles. They contain
As the eggs are laid, they are covered with a cuticle, a layer trace amounts of several vitamins and minerals for optimal
of liquid that dries to protect the egg from contamination. In health. Eggs contain a high amount of cholesterol and should
the United States, eggs are washed to clean the shell, but be eaten in moderation.

Healthy Ingredient Contribution Types and Varieties

Values from based on eggs, whole, The USDA oversees the inspection of eggs and provides
cooked, hard-boiled, 50 grams (large) a voluntary egg-quality grading program. Egg cartons
containing eggs graded for quality by the USDA will bear
Cholesterol: One serving of eggs provides 71 the USDA shield.
percent of the daily recommended value of cholesterol,
a type of fat that is used to develop crucial hormones, • Grade AA recognizes the highest quality. The
found in the egg yolk. Too much cholesterol can clog eggs have a thick, firm yolk, dense white, and clean,
blood vessels, reducing blood flow and causing damage unblemished shell. These eggs are best for frying and
to the heart and brain. poaching where appearance is important.
Selenium: Eggs offer 22 percent of the daily • Grade A eggs are similar to grade AA eggs, but
recommended value of selenium, a trace mineral with a less dense white and a larger air pocket.
that helps regulate inflammation. It also works as an
• Grade B eggs have a flatter egg yolk, watery
antioxidant to protect cells from damage.
white and a larger air pocket. These eggs are often
Riboflavin: One serving of eggs contains 15 used to make liquid, frozen and dried egg products.
percent of the daily recommended value of riboflavin,
an essential vitamin that aids in transforming proteins,
Pasteurized eggs have been heated to a specific
temperature for a specific period of time to kill bacteria
carbohydrates and fats in food into energy. It helps
that can cause foodborne illness. They are a good option
protect the body from free radicals.
for preparing egg dishes that are not fully cooked. The
Protein: Eggs provide 13 percent of the egg white will be slightly milky, but taste is not affected.
daily recommended value of protein, an important
macronutrient needed to build and repair tissues and
Organic eggs require strict feeding of hens with
certified organic feed, as well as outdoor access, but
muscles. It plays a role in the production and action of
exact standards are not defined.
enzymes, involved in most body functions.
Vitamin B12: One serving of eggs offers 9 percent Free-range and cage-free are loose terms
that mean the hens must have outside access, but it is
of the daily recommended value of vitamin B12, essential
not specified how much space, for how long, and how
for a healthy nervous system. It is needed to convert
often access must be given.
carbohydrates into glucose for energy production.
Phosphorus: Eggs provide 9 percent of the daily
recommended value of phosphorus, a mineral needed to
form healthy bones. It plays an important role in how the
body stores and uses energy and helps reduce muscle pain.
Lutein and zeaxanthin: The egg yolk
contains phytochemicals, natural pigments that give
the yolk its color and act as antioxidants. Lutein and
zeaxanthin help prevent eye disease, including macular
degeneration and cataracts.
Ingredient of the Month 15 | November

Selecting and Storing Interesting Facts

• Store eggs in the original carton in the refrigerator. • Shell color is determined by breed of hen and does
For best flavor and quality, use within one week of not affect taste or nutrition. Generally, hens with white
purchase. They can, however, be kept for two to three ear lobes lay white eggs, and hens with red ear lobes
weeks past the “sell by” date. lay brown eggs.
• Inspect eggs for breaks and cracks in the shell. Do not • The yolk color is related to the hen’s diet. White corn
eat eggs that have a foul odor or a pinkish egg white will result in a lighter egg yolk than yellow corn.
when cracked. • Many countries do not wash eggs, which means that
• Leftover egg whites and egg yolks should be tightly the intact cuticle protects the egg from bacteria. Some
covered with plastic wrap before being refrigerated, countries vaccinate hens against salmonella.
and should be used within two to four days. • Egg shell can be ground and sprinkled over food for
• Frozen egg products should be thawed in the added calcium.
refrigerator and stirred thoroughly before use. Dried • Hens are omnivores, meaning they eat both meat
eggs should be stored in a cool, dry place and and plants.
refrigerated once they have been reconstituted.
• An old egg will have a large air pocket and will float
in water.
Culinary Uses
• Hard-boiled eggs that have been overcooked may
develop a green ring around the yolk that doesn’t
affect taste but does reduce nutrition value.
• Eggs can be prepared in many different ways: fried,
scrambled, baked or poached, made into omelets and
frittatas, or simmered in the shell. Egg whites can be
whipped to a light, fluffy consistency.
• Load scrambled eggs with onion, tomatoes, black
beans and peppers, or prepare a fried egg on a
whole-wheat English muffin with a meaty tomato for a
heart-healthy breakfast.
• Add hard-boiled eggs to salads for a nutritional boost.

American culinary federation

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St. Augustine, FL 32095
800.624.9458 |

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