Ingredient Eggs
Ingredient Eggs
Ingredient Eggs
of the Month
The egg is a versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into this process damages the cuticle. As a result, eggs must be
dishes or prepared on its own. It has a cylindrical shape with refrigerated to prevent bacteria from getting in.
four main parts: shell, shell membrane, yolk and albumen. The Eggs are considered a nutrient-dense food, which means
shell is made of calcium carbonate and is fragile. The shell they have a high amount of nutrients and relatively few
membrane is the thin, skin-like layer underneath the shell. The calories. They are an excellent source of riboflavin and
yolk is the yellow portion of the egg and the albumen, also called selenium, minerals with antioxidant properties to help protect
egg white, is the clear portion of the egg. The yolk is anchored cells from damage. Eggs are a good source of protein,
to the middle of the albumen by two strands called chalazae. needed to build and repair tissues and muscles. They contain
As the eggs are laid, they are covered with a cuticle, a layer trace amounts of several vitamins and minerals for optimal
of liquid that dries to protect the egg from contamination. In health. Eggs contain a high amount of cholesterol and should
the United States, eggs are washed to clean the shell, but be eaten in moderation.