Feeds are formulated and manufactured to meet chickens’ nutritional needs at specific ages and production
characteristics. For example, starter feeds are fed to chicks from hatch to about six weeks of age. Grower and
developer feeds are fed to “adolescent” or growing chickens from about seven weeks to just before laying, around
17 weeks. Layer or breeder feeds are fed to chickens that are producing eggs, generally beginning around 18–20
weeks of age and lasting for several years.
These different types of feeds have similar ingredients, including common grains such as corn, barley or wheat for
carbohydrates; soybean or canola meal for protein; and other ingredients such as limestone, oil or fat, and a premix
of vitamins and minerals. Based on the formulation, the proportions of these ingredients vary to provide the proper
level of nutrition for particular birds. Each sack of feed is labeled with its specific use.
It is important to feed egg-producing chickens the appropriate feed from hatch through their productive years to
maximize their egg production. Improper feeding at any stage can result in poor egg production throughout their
productive lives.
Whether your birds are bantams or large fowl, white or brown egg layers, all chickens have similar requirements for
protein, carbohydrates, fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Your birds rely on you to provide proper feed. If you do,
they will produce many high quality eggs for your family, friends and neighbors. Following a few simple feeding rules
results in a healthy and productive flock of chickens.
If developer feeds are available, you can substitute them for the grower feed after about 14 weeks of age. Developer
feeds are lower in protein than grower feeds (14–15%) and are formulated to prepare young chickens for egg
production; sometimes they contain higher calcium to aid eggshell formation of the first eggs of young layers. (Note:
Grower and developer feeds are virtually interchangeable; either one can be fed to chickens between six weeks of
age and the beginning of egg production.)
Layer feeds
Start feeding layer feeds at about 18–20 weeks of age or when the first egg is laid, whichever occurs first. Layer
feeds are formulated for chickens that are laying eggs. Layer feeds contain about 16% protein and extra calcium
(3–4%) so chickens will lay eggs with strong shells and not deplete the calcium in their bodies. Sometimes “breeder
feeds” are available. These feeds are formulated for chickens that are producing eggs for hatching. Breeder feeds are
basically layer feeds that contain slightly more protein and are fortified with extra vitamins for proper chick
development and hatching. The value of breeder feeds is somewhat questionable for the small-flock producer, since
the increased cost may not be justified by the potential, slight increase in hatchability. Layer feeds will suffice for
breeder chickens.
You also may give laying and breeding chickens ground oyster shell. Some high-producing laying birds may require
the extra calcium provided by oyster shell even though the prepared diet is a complete feed. You can determine the
need to feed oyster shell by examining shell quality. If eggs are laid with thin shells that crack easily or shells that are
rough with almost a sandpaper feel, oyster shell may help increase shell strength and quality. When feeding oyster
shell, provide a separate feeder to allow for free-choice feeding (the hen decides if she needs calcium) on oyster
All-purpose feeds are formulated as the sole ration for chickens of all ages, from hatch through egg laying. These
feeds are formulated to provide adequate protein for young chicks and layers alike. However, read the label
carefully. Laying chickens that are fed all-purpose feed will generally not receive enough calcium for proper eggshell
formation, so supplemental oyster shell (free-choice feeding) is required for maximum or even adequate egg
Medicated feeds
Some starter diets available at local feed stores are medicated to prevent coccidiosis, a common yet serious disease
in young chickens. Medications are typically absent in grower or layer diets. Feeds that contain medications are
labeled as such.
Check the label for warnings concerning the medication used in feeds. Withdrawal dates will be indicated on the
label if there is a risk of the medication’s presence in the eggs. Feed medications are highly researched and
regulated, so you can be confident that the eggs are safe to eat if you follow the label instructions.
Non-medicated feeds are commonly available or can be ordered. In some cases, mortality levels, especially in young
chicks, may rise to unacceptable levels if non-medicated feeds are fed. You must decide whether the use of non-
medicated feeds in the early stages of a bird’s life is justifiable in your situation.
Water is the single most important nutrient that chickens
consume. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate
amounts of clean, fresh water on a daily basis during
growth and egg production. Chickens will drink between
two to three times as much water by weight as they eat
in feed. Their consumption of water increases in warm
weather. Clean water is essential for healthy birds!
Scratch (grains)
Chickens love to scratch. They use their feet to disturb
the litter or ground to find various seeds, greens, grit or
insects to eat. Feeding scratch grains can promote this
behavior, which gives the birds exercise and keeps them
busy. Feeding scratch to chickens is not necessary when
they receive a complete diet. It is necessary to provide chickens with adequate
amounts of clean, fresh water.
Scratch feeds usually consist of a mixture of cracked, Credit: Lynn Ketchum, © Oregon State University
rolled or whole grains such as corn, barley, oats or wheat,
which are relatively low in protein and high in energy or
fiber, depending on which grains are used.
When fed in concert with prepared feeds, they tend to dilute nutrient levels in carefully formulated diets. Therefore,
you should provide scratch sparingly. A general rule of thumb is to feed only as much scratch as the chickens can
consume in about 20 minutes, or about 10–15% of their total daily food consumption.
When feeding scratch, also provide an insoluble grit so the birds can grind and digest the grains properly. If the birds
have access to the ground, they can usually find enough grit in the form of small rocks or pebbles. Otherwise, you
can purchase grit at your local feedstore. Oyster shell cannot be substituted for grit because it is too soft to aid in
There has been a great deal of interest in recent years in
“pasturing” chickens to allow them daily access to green
grass. While pasturing can be a beneficial supplement to
a feed ration, it is not a substitute for the various feeds
noted above. Chickens with daily access to pasture
consume significant amounts of insects and seeds when
available. They also consume small amonuts of grass but
do not have the ability to properly digest it.
Organic feeds
In recent years, organic poultry feeds have become more readily available. These feeds are formulated to meet the
same nutritional requirements as traditional feeds; however, the ingredients are from organic sources and do not
include certain additives. Organic grains are typically produced without the aid of commercial fertilizers or
pesticides. In addition, the seed stock for organic grain comes from sources that are not genetically modified (GM).
As commercially available sources of non-GM feedstuffs become more limited, alternative grains are used in
formulating diets.
In addition, certain additives (for example, medications, and animal production and synthetic nutrients, such as
supplemental amino acids) are not allowed in organic feeds. (Note: Currently the amino acid methionine is allowed
at no more than 2 pounds per ton of feed; this variance to the organic rules may change in the future.) The exception
is the vitamin and mineral premix, which is allowed even though these are from primarily synthetic sources.
With the above constraints, organic feeds are more difficult to formulate and often contain ingredients that are
imported from other parts of the world, which can significantly increase the feed cost while providing less than
optimal nutrition for laying chickens. Careful shopping from reputable sources is the best way to ensure the best
nutrition from organic feeds.
Place feeders and drinkers so the troughs are at the level of the birds’ backs. This reduces spillage (which discourages
rodents) and saves money by not wasting feed. If bantams and large fowl are feeding and drinking from the same
equipment, adjust it to the bantams. For best drinker management, invest in a nipple drinker system. These systems
keep the water cleaner and reduce spills that can encourage certain disease organisms. When managing these
systems, it is important to:
• Adjust nipples so that the birds have to raise their heads and look up to reach the nipples.
• Raise drinkers a slight amount during the fast growth period (at least weekly) until the birds are fully grown at
about 15 weeks of age.
If the drinkers are too low, the birds will bump into them and spill water, resulting in wet litter. If the drinkers are too
high, some birds will not be able to access adequate water.
Store feed for a maximum of two months and keep it in a cool, dry place. Some molds that grow in damp feeds are
dangerous for chickens, and old feeds can lose some of their nutritional value. Store feed in enclosed solid
containers, such as a covered trash can, to reduce its availability to rodents that can eat a great deal of feed and
potentially spread disease.
Feeding the proper feeds at the proper times, and managing feed and water delivery will go a long way to ensure a
healthy, productive laying flock.
© 2016 Published and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, by the Oregon State University Extension
Service, Washington State University Extension, University of Idaho Extension and the U.S. Department of Agriculture cooperating. The three
participating Extension services offer educational programs, activities and materials without discrimination on the basis of race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, familial/ parental status,
income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, genetic information, veteran’s status, reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights
activity. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
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