Rust Protection by Metal Preservatives in The Humidity Cabinet

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Designation: D1748 − 10 (Reapproved 2015)

Standard Test Method for

Rust Protection by Metal Preservatives in the Humidity
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1748; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Scope 2.3 Military Standards:4

1.1 This test method covers the evaluation of the rust- MIL-C-5646F Cloth, Airplane
preventive properties of metal preservatives under conditions MIL-C-15074E Corrosive Preventive Compound Finger
of high humidity. Print Remover
2.4 Society of Automotive Engineers:5
1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the SAE 1009C Tee Reducer, Bulkhead on Side, Flareless Tube
standard except where the test apparatus or consumable parts
are only available in other units. In such cases these will be 3. Summary of Test Method
regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses are for
3.1 Steel panels are prepared to a prescribed surface finish,
information only.
dipped in the test oil, allowed to drain, and then suspended in
1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the a humidity cabinet at 48.9 °C (120 °F) for a specified number
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the of hours. The oil fails or passes the test in accordance with the
responsibility of the user of this standard to consult and size and number of rust dots on the test surfaces of the panels.
establish appropriate safety and health practices and deter-
mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. 4. Significance and Use
4.1 This test method is used for measuring the relative
2. Referenced Documents abilities of metal preservatives to prevent the rusting of steel
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 panels under conditions of high humidity. It should not be
A109/A109M Specification for Steel, Strip, Carbon (0.25 relied upon to predict the effectiveness of a metal preservative
Maximum Percent), Cold-Rolled in which high humidity is not the principal factor in the rusting.
D512 Test Methods for Chloride Ion In Water 4.2 Comparisons made by this test method should normally
D516 Test Method for Sulfate Ion in Water be limited to similar metal preservative combinations designed
E11 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and Test for similar applications. The test life required for each type of
Sieves metal preservative and for each intended application should be
E323 Specification for Perforated-Plate Sieves for Testing based on actual experience with that type of preservative in the
Purposes intended service.
2.2 Federal Standards:3 4.3 Since the precision of the test method appears to be less
QQ-S-698 Steel Sheet and Strip, Low Carbon than desired, a number of repeat tests may be necessary to
establish the test life of a given metal preservative, and repeat
tests by this test method in more than one cabinet are
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 on sometimes desirable.
Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee D02.L0.03 on Corrosion Testing of Sheet Metal Processing Fluids. 4.4 The data obtained from this accelerated test is of interest
Current edition approved July 1, 2015. Published July 2015. Originally approved only in eliminating the most unsuitable materials or for
in 1960. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as D1748 – 10. DOI: 10.1520/ indicating a probable relative order of protection against rust
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
under conditions of high humidity. This test method does not
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4, Section D,
Available from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.
732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401, http:// Available from SAE International (SAE), 400 Commonwealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096,

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

D1748 − 10 (2015)
prescribe the exposure periods to be used for a specific product, day, at 7 h to 8 h intervals. Remaining standard conditions shall
nor the interpretation to be given to the results. be closely checked once each week. The pH measurement may
be made with wide-range indicator paper.
5. Apparatus
NOTE 4—Values for pH outside the limits shown indicate contamination
5.1 The apparatus shall conform to the details shown in the that should be investigated and corrected. A persistent low pH along with
Annex A1. a positive sulfate test indicates that the air supply is contaminated with
sulfur oxides. In this case, the water in the cabinet should be replaced, and
6. Panel Cleaning Materials a suitable alkali scrubber system installed in the air train.
NOTE 5—Details of the cabinet operation described in 7.1 and 7.2 and
6.1 Aluminum Oxide Cloth, 240 grit.
the details of panel preparation described in Section 8, must be carefully
NOTE 1—Paper-backed abrasives, wet or dry, waterproof, or iron oxide carried out. Only by such standardization can results be obtained that are
abrasives are prohibited. significant and comparable to those run at another time or in another
6.2 Silica Sand, white, dry, sharp, chloride free, or alumi-
num oxide, blasting grade. (The size shall be such that it meets 8. Panel Preparation
the following sieve requirements of Specifications E11 and
E323. 8.1 Remove the protective packaging from all the panels to
6.2.1 One hundred percent must pass through a No. 10 be used for a particular day and wash away the rust preventive
(2.00 mm) sieve. material in a beaker of solvent selected in 6.3 (swabbing is
6.2.2 Minimum of 90 % must pass through a No. 20 permissible using materials defined in 6.4). Carefully inspect
(850 µm) sieve. each panel and use only those which comply with requirements
6.2.3 Maximum of 10 % permitted to pass through a No. 50 given in A1.10. Identify each panel by an appropriate number
(300 µm) sieve. in the right-hand lower corner, outside of the significant area,
or by attaching a small metal tag to the outside wire hook after
6.3 Cleaners—Select a cleaning media and method, which the panel is polished.
is safe, non-film forming and which does not in any way attack
or etch the surface chemically. In addition, no Class 1 ozone 8.2 The following are pertinent to the polishing operations:
depleting substances conforming to Section 602(a) of the Clean 8.2.1 Do not allow the bare fingers to touch the panel.
Air Act Amendments of 1990 (42USC7671a) as identified in Tongs, metal hooks, or pieces of lint-free paper are suitable
Section 326 of PL 102-484 should be used. Use a procedure as helpers for manipulating and holding the panel.
outlined in Test Method F22 to judge the merit of the selected 8.2.2 Always keep the panel on a clean, dry surface.
cleaning technique. 8.3 Alternative Surface Finishes—Polishing:
NOTE 2—A typical solvent found acceptable for this purpose is hexane 8.3.1 The amount of polishing of the panel by the operator
or Stoddard solvent. conducting the humidity cabinet test should only be that
NOTE 3—The original precision was developed using a combination of
petroleum naphtha and methanol. These are no longer used due to toxicity required to give it a fresh, clean, and active surface. This
issues. requires only a few minutes per panel. A fast-moving belt
sander should not be used since the heat of friction may change
6.4 Gauze, lint free cotton or gauze pads.
the surface characteristics of the panel. Surface finish limits for
7. Humidity Cabinet Operating Conditions the panel are not defined here. There should be no appreciable
7.1 During evaluation of a sample the cabinet shall be run change of the finish from the 0.25 µm to 0.51 µm (10 µm to
continuously with the following standard conditions being 20 µm) obtained by the original surface grinding A1.10.1.3.
maintained: 8.3.2 Divide the 240 grit aluminum oxide abrasive cloth
into convenient size strips for the subsequent polishing opera-
Air temperature:
Inside the cabinet 48.9 °C ± 1.1 °C (120 °F ± 2.0 °F)
tions. Observing the precautions given in 8.2 and 8.3, buff all
Outside the cabinet 24.1 °C ± 5.5 °C (75.4 °F ± 10.0 °F) four of the rounded edges with even strokes in the direction of
Rate of air to the cabinet (31.0 ft ± 1 ft 3/h) at 25.0 °C and 760 mm each edge. Ream out the two holes used for suspension and
0.878 m ± 0.028 m 3/h Hg
Water in cabinet:
wipe clean, using gauze wet with solvent selected in 6.3.
Level 203.0 mm ± 6.4 mm (8.0 in. ± 1⁄4 in.) 8.3.3 While polishing, place the panel on a clean, dry
pH 5.5 to 7.5 surface with a suitable thickness of clean paper under it to help
Oil content clear with no evidence of oil
Chlorides less than 20 ppm (Test Methods prevent contamination. The panel may be held by hand, using
D512) paper between the fingers and the steel surface. Alternatively it
Sulfates and sulfitesA less than 20 ppm as sulfate (Test may be held in a special holder such as a wooden block, having
Method D516)
Speed of rotating 0.33 r ⁄ min ± 0.03 r ⁄ min about a 1.6-mm (1⁄16-in.) depression slightly larger in area than
Cover close fitting the 51- by 102-mm (2- by 4-in.) dimension of the panel. The
Cloth layers in cover shall not be torn, contaminated, abrasive cloth may be held in the palm of the hand with the
nor contain droplets of water
Cover opening to a height of 355 mm (14 in.) at the front fingers applying pressure to the panel. Alternatively, the
aluminum oxide cloth may be held on a block of size
Boil the water sample with 10 mL of saturated bromine water before making the convenient to the hand and convenient for polishing with
test for sulfates. smooth strokes without marking the ends of the panel.
7.2 Rate of air to the cabinet, air temperature, pH, and water 8.3.4 Polish the unnumbered or leading surface of the panel
level shall be checked and regulated if necessary twice each with careful even strokes, always parallel to the 102 mm

D1748 − 10 (2015)
(4.0 in.) dimension. Use a polishing pressure of about 4.5 N to 8.4.1 Blast the edges and lightly blast the backs of the
8.9 N (1.0 lb to 2.0 lb). Do not scratch the surface by using panels with the blasting material.
short or curved strokes. Ensure that the panel is held firmly so 8.4.2 Blast the unnumbered side, or test surface, of the
that only the abrasive cloth moves. After several polishing panels to a fresh, uniformly abraded surface. (Operation
strokes, inspect the abrasive cloth and when necessary make 177.9 N to 355.8 N of the blasting equipment at 40 lb to 80 lb
another fold to expose a new and effective area. Continue to pressure and holding the workpiece 50.8 mm to 76.2 mm (2 in.
polish the leading surface until it contains a completely fresh to 3 in.) from the nozzle is recommended.)
surface. The finish should be within the range from 0.25 µm to 8.4.3 Immediately after blasting, place the panels in a
0.51 µm (9.8 µin. to 20.0 µin.) (rms). Examine the entire beaker of nonreactive solvent or an ultrasonic cleaning bath
surface, and if scratches or other imperfections are noted, containing nonreactive solvent.
continue polishing until corrected. In the same manner polish 8.4.4 Heat the solvent selected in 6.3 so that the solvent will
the second side of the panel, unless the test specification evaporate from the panels immediately upon withdrawal from
requires only one polished side per panel. the solvent.
NOTE 6—It is advisable for each operator to finish several panels to 8.4.5 Remove remaining residue by holding the panels in a
determine exactly what technique is required to attain the correct surface rack at 20° from the vertical and spraying downward with
finish using a profilometer or other surface roughness gage. After solvent selected in 6.3.
techniques have been established, the use of visual comparison standards 8.4.6 Spray the test surface, then the back of the panel, and
is sufficient as a check on surface roughness.
the test surface again.
8.3.5 Remove the dust from the abrasive operation, using 8.4.7 Rinse the panels in hot solvent selected in 6.3, and
clean gauze wet with solvent selected in 6.3. Finally, wipe with store in a desiccator until cool.
clean surgical gauze until there is no dark stain on a clean 8.4.8 Panels are to be used the same day as prepared.
section of the gauze. Remove any dust in the holes by use of a
pipe cleaner. (This may be followed by an ultrasonic cleaning 9. Procedure
bath procedure.) Submerge the panel completely in solvent
selected in 6.3 at room temperature. 9.1 Bring the sample oil to a temperature of 23.3 °C 6
0.5 °C (74.0 °F 6 1.0 °F) and pour into a clean, dry 400 mL
NOTE 7—The following should be carried out periodically as a check on tall-form glass beaker (for example, borosilicate glass) to a
surface cleanliness: Place the cleaned panel directly under a buret on a height of at least 114 mm (about 375 mL). By use of one clean
table free of vibrations and drafts. Place the buret so that its tip is exactly
300 mm above the panel. The buret contains distilled water and shall have suspension hook remove a panel from the methanol and hang
a tip of proper dimensions to deliver 0.05 mL 6 0.01 mL of distilled water it in the vapor space above boiling solvent selected in 6.3 for
per drop. Allow one drop of distilled water to fall onto the panel surface. 5 min, ensuring that the panel is completely wet with the
If the surface is absolutely clean, successive droplets on various parts of refluxing solvent.
the surface will spread out completely in spots of closely reproducible
dimensions. A clean panel should give a spread of 21 mm to 23 mm for NOTE 8—Cleaning the panel with solvent vapors is conveniently done
each 0.05 mL of distilled water. This test is considered necessary and using approximately 100 mL of solvent selected in 6.3 in a 400 mL to
important because of variations found in different abrasive materials and 600 mL tall-form beaker. Perform this operation in a well-ventilated hood
the personal factors involved in the procedure require some method of and make sure there are no sources of ignition in the area. Heat-resistant
check on final results. Panels used for this cleanliness check test are not glass beakers have been used for this purpose, but use of a metal beaker
suitable for use in the protection test. is preferred from the standpoint of possible breakage.
8.3.6 To minimize differences in activity of the steel sur- 9.2 Then slush the panel for 10 s in a beaker of boiling
faces as a result of time in various air atmospheres, cleaning solvent selected in 6.3. Withdraw it from the solvent and
and polishing of the panels should be standardized in respect to observe for any stains on the surfaces, with attention to any
time. For this reason, carry out the procedure described in 8.3.2 contamination from the holes. If stains are present, repeat the
– 8.3.5 one panel at a time, and after each one is prepared, store panel preparation beginning at 8.3.2 or 8.4.1. After 10 s to 20 s
it immediately in solvent selected in 6.3 at room temperature in the air, place the clean panel in the sample oil and agitate for
until all the panels for one day’s operations are prepared. 10 s while it is submerged in the oil. Withdraw the panel with
8.3.7 Heat the solvent selected in 6.3 so that the solvent will a continuous motion, drain for 10 s, and replace in the sample
evaporate from the panels immediately upon withdrawal from oil for 1 min with slight agitation. Remove from the test oil
the solvent. with a continuous motion, taking from 2 s to 4 s. Handle the
8.3.8 Remove remaining residue by holding the panels in a panel carefully and do not jar nor shake it. Dip the end of a
rack at 20° from the vertical and spraying downward with second clean suspension hook into the sample oil and insert it
solvent selected in 6.3. into the second hole of the panel. Drain the panel suspended by
8.3.9 Spray the test surface, then the back of the panel, and two hooks in the box described in the Annex A1 (Fig. A1.8), at
the test surface again. a temperature of 24.1 °C 6 3.0 °C (75.4 °F 6 5.0 °F) for 2 h 6
8.3.10 Rinse the panels in hot solvent selected in 6.3, and 20 min, unless another draining time is specified (see Note 9).
store in a desiccator until cool. More than one panel may be dipped in one beaker of the test
oil, provided the temperature of the test oil does not rise above
8.3.11 Use panels the same day as prepared.
23.8 °C (74.8 °F). If this occurs, then dip subsequent panels in
8.4 Alternative Surface Finishes—Sand or Aluminum Oxide a second beaker of the test oil at 23.3 °C 6 0.5 °C (73.9 °F 6
Blasting: 1.0 °F).

D1748 − 10 (2015)
NOTE 9—Sample holders, rates of removal of panel from the test TABLE 1 Panel Preparation
sample, and draining time for some preservatives may differ from those A12O3
given above—in accordance with particular specifications. For example, Sandblasted, Polished,
for some of the more highly compounded preservatives that have been cut %A %
back with volatile solvents, the panel is removed using two hooks at the Repeatability 27.8 46.1 97.3
rate of 102 mm (4 in.) ⁄ min, and a 24 h 6 1 h draining period is used. Reproducibility 141.0 71.2 264.0
9.3 At the end of the draining period, suspend the panels in The sandblasted panels used in obtaining the precision data all came from one
the humidity cabinet described in Annex A1, with the “back,”
that is, the numbered side of the panel, trailing as the stage
rotates. Allow the one or more test panels treated with the
sample oil to remain in the humidity cabinet for the number of
hours specified. Maintain operating conditions as specified in 10.2.2 Fail—A test surface shall fail if it contains one or
Section 7. more dots of rust larger than 1 mm in diameter or if it contains
four or more dots of any size.
9.4 Open the humidity cabinet twice each day, concurrent
with the inspections defined in 7.2 as follows: (1) For a 15 min 10.3 Alternately, the panels may be rated for pass or failure
period during the first inspection, and (2) for a 5 min period in accordance with the criteria stated in the specification or
during the second inspection. Generally, it will be found requirement for which the method is being used.
convenient to do the inspection of panels during the 15 min
opening, and the insertion of new panels during the 5 min 11. Report
opening. To standardize the effect of panel cooling and other 11.1 The report shall include the following:
variables, keep the cabinet open for the entire 15 min and 11.1.1 Hours in the humidity cabinet,
5 min periods, even though the time required to inspect or 11.1.2 Number of test surfaces (or panels),
install panels may be less. The front edge of the cover should 11.1.3 Number of passing test surfaces (or panels), and
be propped open to a distance of 356 mm (14 in.) from the top 11.1.4 Type of panel preparation (sandblasted, aluminum
of the cabinet. oxide blasted, or polished).
9.5 Panels being evaluated against specified times in the NOTE 10—This test method is intended as a detailed standardized
cabinet should not be withdrawn, except at the end of the procedure for running the humidity test. Whether a metal preservative
required time. Panels used in hours-to-failure evaluations, such passes or fails the test depends upon the criteria given in the specification
as in developmental studies, should be very carefully with- or requirement for which the test method is being used.
drawn and inspected one at a time: a panel should not leave the
12. Precision and Bias6 (See 4.4)
cabinet, except for the actual time each day required for its
inspection. 12.1 This test method is believed to represent the best
available practice. Operational procedures that might affect
10. Examination precision have been defined as closely as appears practicable.
10.1 Remove the panels at the completion of the specified 12.2 Table 1 summarizes the effect of panel preparation on
time in the cabinet. Wash them with solvent selected in 6.3, and the repeatability and reproducibility of Test Method D1748
within 10 min, examine each one under a fluorescent light for (95 % confidence level).
pass or failure as follows:
10.2 Consider the significant area, as indicated in the Annex 13. Keywords
A1 (Fig. A1.7) of each side of each panel as a separate test 13.1 humidity; humidity cabinet; metal preservatives; rust
surface; each panel thus represents two test surfaces. Rate each protection
test surface as follows:
10.2.1 Pass—A test surface shall pass if it contains no more
than three dots of rust, no one of which is larger than 1 mm in 6
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
diameter. be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1136.

D1748 − 10 (2015)

FIG. A1.1 Humidity Cabinet


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Location consists of a metal-lined wooden cabinet, with the open top
A1.1.1 The location of the humidity cabinet shall provide equipped with a hinged lid consisting of two thicknesses of
for continuous controlled operation during the test. The humid- desized airplane cloth. The cabinet holds approximately 94.0 L
ity cabinet shall be in a room maintained at a temperature (24.8 gal) of distilled water, up to the prescribed level auto-
between 24.1 °C 6 5.5 °C (75.4 °F 6 10.0 °F). The room shall matically maintained during operation. The water is heated by
be free of strong air drafts and of exposure to any acid fumes means of electric immersion heaters to maintain an air tem-
or gases known to promote corrosion, such as sulfur dioxide, perature of 48.9 °C 6 1.1 °C (120.0 °F 6 2.0 °F) above the
hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and so forth. water at operating conditions. The temperature is controlled by
means of a thermostat located in the air space and an auxiliary
A1.2 Humidity Cabinet thermostat located under the water level to prevent temperature
A1.2.1 The equipment used in this test method is the overshoot. Air is introduced under the water by means of a
humidity cabinet conforming to Annex A1. The general ar- circular manifold and air-diffuser stones. A rotating stage, from
rangement of the cabinet components is shown in Fig. A1.1. It which test panels are suspended, is provided within the air

D1748 − 10 (2015)

FIG. A1.2 Water Level Regulating System (Alternative)

space of the cabinet, and rotates at 0.33 r ⁄ min 6 0.03 r ⁄min. A FIG. A1.3 Humidity Cabinet Wiring Diagram
drip pan is provided to prevent contamination of the distilled
water by catching the oil and condensed water from the panels.
A1.3 Cabinet Cover
A1.3.1 The cover shall consist of a metal frame on which a thermostat located in the air space of the cabinet, and set so
are tautly secured two thicknesses of desized cotton cloth as to control the air temperature at 48.9 °C 6 1.1 °C (120.0 °F
conforming to Military Specification MIL-C-5646F . The cloth 6 2.0 °F). The operation of the intermittent heater is indicated
shall have a regular, standard, commercial finish with no added by a pilot light. Both heater circuits are also connected through
materials that would lessen its wetting-out properties. The an auxiliary thermostat, located below water level in the
double thickness of cloth on the cover serves to permit free exit cabinet, which breaks both heater circuits when the water
of air from the cabinet, while preventing drippage of con- temperature exceeds the auxiliary thermostat setting. The
densed moisture onto the test panels. The cover shall provide a auxiliary thermostat must be regulated so as to be within the
tight seal all the way around the top of the cabinet. If the cover range from 50.0 °C to 52.1 °C (122.0 °F to 125.8 °F). This acts
becomes warped, it shall be held down with spring clamps. The as a safety feature to prevent overheating of the cabinet in case
cloth should be changed at six-month intervals, or sooner, if it the controlling thermostat fails, or in case the auxiliary heater
becomes ripped or soiled. is accidentally left on after warmup. Breaking of the circuits by
the auxiliary thermostats is indicated by a pilot light, which
A1.4 Water Level Control should be red so as to indicate failure or overshoot.
A1.4.1 The water level is held automatically at the
203.0 mm (8.0 in.) level, which is at the top of the shoulder of A1.6 Air Supply and Metering System
the central shaft. The level control provided with the cabinet is A1.6.1 The air supply should deliver a constant flow of air
satisfactory if a continuous supply of distilled water is that is free of oil and industrial fumes, particularly gases that
available, with the excess not required for makeup being promote corrosion, such as compounds containing sulfur,
rejected to waste lines. When these conditions do not exist, a chloride, or nitrogen. The system supplying air to the humidity
level control must be provided so as to operate from carboys of cabinet shall be capable of maintaining a minimum air pressure
distilled water. Fig. A1.2 shows a satisfactory arrangement. of 50 psig (345 kPa).
A1.5 Heaters and Control A1.6.2 The air metering system shall consist of the follow-
A1.5.1 The cabinet is provided with two 500 W immersion ing parts: trap and filter, pressure regulator, pressure gage,
heaters, wired as shown in Fig. A1.3. One of these, known as rotometer, needle valve, and glass wool tower. These shall be
the“ fixed” or “auxiliary” heater, is used only when bringing arranged as shown in Fig. A1.4 and shall supply air at a rate of
the cabinet up to operating conditions. The other heater, known 0.878 m3/h 6 0.02832 m3/h (31 ft3/h 6 1 ft3/h) at 25 °C and
as the “intermittent” or “control” heater, is connected through 760 mm.

D1748 − 10 (2015)

FIG. A1.4 Air Supply and Metering System

A1.7 Air Manifold and Diffusers

A1.7.1 The air to the cabinet shall be distributed by means
of a ring manifold near the bottom of the cabinet with 20 air
diffuser stones spaced equally around the ring as shown in Fig.
A1.1. Diffuser stones should be connected to the ring by the
use of vinyl tubing. These stones should be inspected periodi-
cally to detect possible plugging.
A1.8 Rotating Stage
Metric Equivalents
A1.8.1 The steel test panels shall be suspended in the in. ⁄
1 16 ⁄
18 3⁄ 4 17⁄32 2 1⁄4 14 26
humidity cabinet on the rotating stage as shown in Fig. A1.5. It mm 1.6 3.2 19.1 30.9 63.5 356 660
shall rotate at 0.33 r ⁄ min 6 0.03 r ⁄ min by use of an electric
motor as shown in Fig. A1.1. FIG. A1.5 Rotating Stage

A1.9 Drip Pan

finish of from 250 nm to 500 nm (10 µin. to 20 µin.) (rms). The
A1.9.1 A circular drip pan shall be mounted under the profilometer reading should be taken across the panel, that is,
rotating stage, as shown in Fig. A1.1, to catch any oil and in a direction parallel to the 51 mm (2 in.) edge.
condensed water dripping from the panels. Liquid from the
drip pan shall be piped to a drain outside the cabinet. A1.10.2 If the finishing operation is done with aqueous
coolants, the panels should be treated with a water-displacing
A1.10 Steel Panels compound. If contaminated with fingerprints, these should be
A1.10.1 Only panels that meet the following manufacturing removed from the test panels by use of fingerprint removing
requirements shall be used: compound conforming to Specification MIL-C-15074E.
A1.10.1.1 Dimensions shall be 51.0 mm by 102.0 mm by A1.10.3 Immediately after the panels have been properly
3.2 mm (2.0 in. by 4.0 in. by 1⁄3 in.) (maximum) with two holes finished, the manufacturer shall coat them with nonvolatile,
of from 3.2 mm to 2.3 mm (1⁄8 in. to 3⁄32 in.) in diameter in the water-insoluble-type rust-preventive material and place them
corners along one 102.0 mm (4.0 in.) (maximum) edge. They in a moisture-proof package for shipment.
shall weigh 110 g 6 15 g. NOTE A1.1—Panels from a previous test run may be used provided they
A1.10.1.2 Panels shall be fabricated from openhearth, contain only rust stains that are easily removed by abrading with 240 grit
“killed” type low-carbon, No. 4 soft-temper, cold-rolled sheet aluminum cloth. Do not use panels with rust pits.
or strip steel in accordance with Specification A109/A109M, or
Federal Specification QQ-S-698 and SAE 1009C or from A1.11 Dummy Panels
Aircraft Steel to BS 5.511. Cold-drawn bar stock is not A1.11.1 These panels shall fill spaces on the rotating stage
satisfactory. that are not occupied by test panels. They shall also be placed
A1.10.1.3 All edges of the panel shall be fully rounded. under the three arm supports of the rotating stage. The dummy
Faces of the test panels must be entirely free of pits, scratches, panels shall be fabricated from stainless steel or poly(methyl
rust, or other imperfections. They shall be prepared by surface methacrylate) (PMMA) and have the same dimensions as the
grinding in the direction of the 102 mm (4 in.) dimension to a test panels.

D1748 − 10 (2015)

FIG. A1.7 Significant Area of Test Panel

A1.13 Chamber For Panel Draining

A1.13.1 After dipping in the test material, the panels shall
be drained in a box having details similar to those shown in
Fig. A1.8. A removable top of the box shall consist of a frame
with two thicknesses of cheesecloth stretched across it to allow
for evaporation of solvents from the test material. If the
ambient humidity is above 50 %, a tray containing saturated
Metric Equivalents magnesium nitrate solution shall be placed in the bottom of the
in. ⁄
3 32 ⁄
18 .047 3 1⁄ 2 4 6 box.
mm 2.38 3.2 1.194 89 102 152
A1.14 Additional Apparatus
FIG. A1.6 Panel and Suspension Hooks
A1.14.1 Profilometer, or other suitable means for periodi-
cally checking the surface of representative test panels should
A1.12 Suspension Hooks be available.
A1.12.1 Test panels shall be suspended by use of hooks A1.14.2 Shaded Fluorescent Light—The 12 W analytical
made from 1.19 mm (0.047 in.) diameter Monel or stainless- balance illuminator type, suspended so that the panel may be
steel wire as shown in Fig. A1.6 (see also Fig. A1.7). They are held at a distance of approximately 305 mm (12 in.) from the
designed so that water condensed on the hooks and rotating light, has been found satisfactory. A fluorescent light with an
stage will not run down onto the panels, but will drip off the integrated magnifying viewing glass has been found conve-
lower bend of the hooks. To insulate the panel from the cabinet, nient for scanning the specimens. However, a magnifier should
place about 25.0 mm (1.0 in.) of insulating tube over the end of not be used when making critical observation of the diameter
the wire that hangs onto the rotating stage. of rust areas.

D1748 − 10 (2015)

Metric Equivalents
in. ⁄
3 16 ⁄
14 ⁄
34 ⁄
12 1 1 1⁄ 2 2 4 9 10 14 15 241⁄2 25 251⁄2 26
mm 4.7 6.4 19.1 12.7 25 38.1 51 102 289 254 356 381 622 635 648 660

FIG. A1.8 Draining Box or Panels

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