EDID 6510 Course Guide, 2018-2019

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EDID 6510.

Academic Year 2018/2019, Semester 2

The University of the West Indies

EDID 6510
Learning and Knowledge Management Systems



Summer: 2018/2019

Welcome to EDID 6510. I am Dr. Laura Gray, your Course Coordinator and Facilitator.

As you know, open and constant communication is critical to success in the online learning environment. I therefore urge you to ensure that
you play your part to develop and maintain a very interactive relationship with myself and your Group Facilitator.

I can be reached via email at laura.gray@dec.uwi.edu. I can also be contacted by Skype at laura.gray4270.

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Thank you for your commitment as your Graduate Facilitators and I work together to make EDID 6510 a meaningful learning experience.

Laura Gray, Ph.D.

January 2019

Purpose of this Guide 5
Course Coordinator’s Expectations 5
Plagiarism Policy 7
Netiquette and Course Behaviour 7
Course Orientation 7
Course Description 8
Course Competencies 8
Course Objectives 9
Course Topics 9
Teaching Methods 11
Course Delivery 11

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Formative Assessments 12
Summative Assessments 12
Assessment Design 12
Marking Scheme for Graduate Programmes 13
Required 14
Highly Recommended 15
Graded Assignment Descriptions and Guidelines 16
Course Activities and Guidelines 25
APPENDIX: Student Resources 26

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If you encounter academic problems, use this chart to guide you in reporting them:


A student who is dissatisfied with the results of his/ her examination should report his/ her dissatisfaction in writing to the Assistant
Registrar, Assessment, Awards and Records (Not to the CC or Group Facilitator). Students should read their Student Handbook on
the regulations and procedure related to requesting (a) Remark; or (b) Review/Go Through.

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Note that for a ‘Review,’ only students who have failed a course may request to go through his/ her script with the Examiner.

A ‘Remark’ shall not apply to coursework which counts for 60% or less of the total assessment of the course and when such coursework
consists of more than one piece, none of which individually exceeds 40% of the total assessment provided; that where a single piece of
coursework counts for more than 40%, re-marking shall be allowed for that piece.

Course Code: EDID 6510
Course Title: Learning and Knowledge Management
Programme Master’s Degree, Instructional Design
Credits: 3
Prerequisite/s: EDID 6501, EDID 6503
Corequisite: none
Academic Year: 2018/2019 (Semester 3)
Course Dr. Laura Gray
Coordinator: Laura.gray@dec.uwi.edu
Group n/a

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Some important information to keep in mind:

1. Your picture uploaded on the Learning Exchange must conform to the following – a profile of just your face;
a close-up image that allows you to be recognized
2. The Department in the Open Campus (OC) ultimately responsible for the delivery of this course is: The
Programme Delivery Department. View the OC Web Site for information on your Programme:
3. There are different avenues available to you as a student to receive support. The avenue you take is
dependent on your particular need. View the QUICKLINKs in your course for Frequently Asked Questions

Purpose of this Guide
This Course Guide provides you with a road map to each component of the course. The course is described and the objectives outlined. Each topic
and the accompanying schedule of delivery communicating what will be explored each week is delineated. The design of the overall assessment of
the course is clearly presented to assist you in understanding the expectations and also to enable you to establish a plan of action to successfully
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manage the course. The assignments in each unit are described, accompanied by the marks awarded, a rubric detailing how the marks are allocated
and the expected date of submission. This course guide then, is the document which serves as your reference, detailing all you need to know
regarding the structure of the course.

Course Coordinator’s Role:

The Course Coordinator provides academic leadership for a particular course. As the academic leader the Course Coordinator is accountable
for maintaining the quality assurance and academic standards in the course according to University guidelines. Working with the respective
specialists available in the Program Delivery Department of the Open Campus, the Course Coordinator is responsible for interpreting and
implementing the curriculum of a course as determined by an approved Course Outline. During the academic term, the Course Coordinator
supervises the Graduate Facilitators during the implementation of the course delivery, and serves as the 1st examiner of the course.

Group Facilitator’s Role:

The Group Facilitator is the primary academic interface with the learners and is ultimately responsible for delivering our programs to Open
Campus students. A Group Facilitator is assigned a group of students within a course and is supervised by the Course Coordinator. The
Group Facilitator has the responsibility of ensuring a student is aware of the requirements of the course and must be responsive to student
queries for clarification. The successful facilitator approaches the responsibility with a learner centered attitude, openly engaging
participation in course activities and promoting engagement with the group to create a community of learning. The Group Facilitator is not a
lecturer, but rather someone who collaboratively builds learning, inspires curiosity, respects student input, fairly evaluates learners and
provides meaningful feedback that leads to growth.

Course Coordinator’s Expectations

My expectations of my students are pretty straightforward, so there should be no surprises. If you follow them, you will do well in this

Check in to the forum every day. Be sure to stay up to date with any and all announcements. This will serve to answer many of your

Please post in the tutor/facilitator-student exchange if you need to ask me something about the course. I always answer messages within 24
hours, but I do ask you to give me that time to answer you. You may also add me to your Skype list. My name there is laura.gray4270. I
usually keep my Skype status "on," even though I am not always at my computer, so if I don't answer you there right away, don't be

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Please complete all of the required assignments for this course. It will help you to reach your goal of becoming a better scholar, and it will
help you on the final project.

That being said, please hand in your assignments ON TIME. I follow the course guidelines for late work, and I will not be reminding you to
turn things in. You are an adult.

I am available to answer questions about assignments and papers, but please contact me SOONER RATHER THAN LATER. Do not send
me emergency e-mails 6 hours before something is due... Remember, I can take up to 24 hours to answer an e-mail. The lesson here is this:
Manage your time wisely, and complete your work with time to spare!

Please, please, please ask questions if you have them. There are no stupid questions, and chances are, someone else wants to know the exact
same thing.

If you are a repeater in this course, please let me know ASAP. I want you to do well in the course and avoid repeating again!

Don't take my criticism of your work personally. It's not about you--it's about your work.

In this class, we will use APA Style. Please familiarize yourself with it.

Engage with your peers. Read the memos. Put forth your best effort. It will serve you well in the future.

Finally, please call me either “Dr. Gray” or “Dr. G.” I will answer to both. Please do not address me as “Miss” or “Ms. Gray.” Again, I am
happy to have you in here! Let's have a great semester!

Now… Here is what you can expect from me.

I will be in the Course Forum at least once a day to check on things.

I will answer all queries and emails within 24 hours.

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If I am unable to answer a question or do not know how to deal with a problem, I will immediately refer it to someone who can give you an

I will always keep your grades and progress in the course private, between you and me.

I will be dedicated to helping you learn more about instructional design and dedicated to helping you succeed in the field.

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Plagiarism Policy
The practice of plagiarism is prohibited and attracts a penalty. The Open Campus has a stated policy related to plagiarism which it expects
students to understand and comply with. The Open Campus utilizes the Turn It In software capability to recognize potential abuses of plagiarism.
Please view the details concerning plagiarism on the QuickLink in the left hand column of the course page for the Graduate Student Anti-
Plagiarism Policy.
Citation Requirements for this Course
In this course, you will be required to use APA citation. Please refer to the American Psychological Association Handbook, 6th Edition.

Netiquette and Course Behavior:

The usual courtesies that we expect in face to face encounters will be the norm in our online classroom. We must honor the feelings of
others and the differences in opinions that will emerge. In this course we will, to the best of our abilities, model online the best kinds of
interpersonal behavior that we would like to see displayed by our peers. As you interact within the online environment there are university
standards that you must adhere to when you communicate with peers, Graduate Facilitators and Open Campus staff. You are expected to
become familiar with these standards in an effort to maintain respectful and cordial environment. Please view the University Guidelines on
Netiquette on the QuickLink in the left hand column of the course page for additional information.

Course Orientation:
Please make sure you spend sufficient time during the orientation week updating yourself with important course information on the course
site. Although we will not begin until the following week, this will help you to orient yourself and become more comfortable in the online
environment. If you are not familiar with the Learning Exchange, take this time to learn to navigate within it and use the various tools
available to you. Most of all, take this time to get to know your peers, Group Facilitator and Course Coordinator.

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Course Description

Instructional design skills now require familiarity with learning and knowledge management systems.  This requirement is
being operationalized in face-to-face, online and hybrid learning environments, whether the environments are in primary,
secondary, tertiary-level educational institutions, or even business related. This course will address the selection, use,
pedagogical implications for the inclusion of a knowledge and learning management system.  This course allows
learners to create, save, manage and retrieve digital assets in an LMS/LCMS and CMS using a variety of e-learning
standards and specifications. In addition, learners will be able to create and define a template and a data structure for all
types of content/learning management systems.

Course Competencies

Competency Domain Sub-Competency

Reflective Self-Awareness ● Accuracy and honesty in self-assessment
● Sensitivity and adaptability to new ideas and information
● Continuous quality improvement
● Strategy, motivation, and initiative

● Explanation of Issues
Critical Thinking ● Analysis of Evidence
● Influence of Context and Assumptions
● Student’s Position (Perspective/ thesis/ hypothesis)
● Conclusions and Related Outcomes

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Course Objectives

On completion of this course, participants will be able to:

1.Describe and explore the difference between a Learning Management System (LMS) and Learning Content Management System (LCMS),
as well as a Course Management System (CMS)

2. Describe the use of e‐Learning specifications and standards in education

3. Evaluate the use of open source tools in distance education

4. Propose the use of different tools within LMS, LCMS, or CMS for different education solutions

5. Discuss the systems that are available to manage course content with confidence

6. Discover the technical requirements for launching a LMS, LCMS or CMS based on a specific tool (i.e., Moodle, Canvas, Joomla, Drupal,
Angel, Blackboard, Sakai, Wordpress, etc.)

7. Develop appropriate design strategies for deployment of content in a LMS, LCMS, or CMS environment

8. Develop appropriate learner interaction strategies in a LMS, LCMS, or CMS environment

9. Utilize appropriate LMS/LCMS or CMS tools to assess learners in a LMS, CMS, or CMS environment

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10. Defend the adoption of a specific LMS/LCMS or CMS in a given work or academic environment

11. Internalize best practices of using a LMS/LCMS or CMS to deliver content and manage interaction

Course Topics
Module 1: Concepts of Learning/Knowledge Management Systems
Unit 1—Defining the Systems
Unit 2—History of the Systems
Unit 3—Role of the Systems
Module 2: Specifications, Standards, and Setup
Unit 4—Specifications and Standards of a System
Unit 5—Choosing a System
Unit 6—Setting up a System
Module 3: Creating Content for the LMS, LCMS, and/or CMS Environments
Unit 7—Course Design
Unit 8—Unit Design
Unit 9—Types of Content
Unit 10—Management Content
Module 4: Managing the Learner Experience in a LMS, LCMS, or CMS Environment
Unit 11—Interaction Strategies
Unit 12—Assessment Strategies
Unit 13—Intervention Strategies

The units to be covered in this course are as follows:

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Module Session # Topics Covered

/Unit #

Module 1 Week 1 Defining the Systems

Unit 1 Jan 27-Feb 2

Module 1 Weeks 2 & 3 History and Role of the Systems

Units 2/3 Feb 3-9
Feb 10-16

Module 2 Weeks 4 & 5 & 6 Specifications and Standards of a System

Units 4/5/6 Feb 17-23 Choosing a System
Feb 24-March 2 Setting up a System
March 3-9

Module 3 Week 7 Course Design

Unit 7 March 10-16

Module 3 Weeks 8 & 9 Unit Design and Types of Content

Units 8/9 March 17-23 Management Content
March 24-30

Module 4 Week 10 Interaction Strategies

Units Mar 31-April 6

Module 4 Week 11 Assessment and Intervention Strategies

Units April 7-13

Final Week 12 Assignment #3 is worth 40% of your grade. Practical

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Assignmen hands-on experience is worth a large portion of this grade.

t Due

Teaching Methods:

This course will be delivered over 13 weeks using the following strategies: The course is delivered online. The main course material, which
is available on your course site, comprises modules, readings and other online resources. Each week you will be expected to participate in
your online groups and to interact with your Group Facilitator and other members of your group. Your Group Facilitator will help you to
understand and explore the course material by providing guidance and clarification, but you must be prepared to work through all of your
course material independently. There is also provision for you to interact with your peers both for academic purposes and socially. Each
week's work is divided into sessions and each session has a learning forum where the course material will be discussed and a forum where
you can raise your own questions about the course material. Each Module has a Students' Study Group, which you are encouraged to use for
working with your peers to discuss ideas and help each other.

This online course will be delivered asynchronously and synchronously, using the following online tools:
1. Synchronous: the use of BbC for scheduled sessions, the use of Skype or other tools for individual sessions or meetings
2. Asynchronous tools - discussion forums, blogs and/or other online course activities

The following teaching strategies will be employed to promote individual and group-based learning:
 Group-based online discussions
 Tutor-led presentations
 Collaborative learning activities
 Individual assignments

The main course material will be delivered from an online course package comprising Units and Readings. Learners will refer to the course
Units and readings before engaging in online group discussions, as these will help students to further understand and interrogate the issues
raised within the units of instruction.

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Course Delivery
This course will be delivered over 13 weeks using the following strategies:
The main course material will be delivered in a course package comprising Units and Readings.
Each week you will be provided with guidance on particular topics to focus on, but you must also be prepared to independently work
through all the of your course material.
You will be expected to participate in your online groups with your Graduate Facilitator. You should log in at least once a day. For
group discussions, please respond to a minimum of 2 students’ posts.
There will be 3 or 4 BbC Sessions scheduled for this course. All will be conducted by the Course Coordinator. During the first session,
the Course Coordinator will address any queries on course assessment or any other issues pertaining to the schedule of the course. One
or two sessions will be held to make sure you understand your readings and assignments and to give you an opportunity to ask questions,
and the final session will be the session where the final presentation is done

There is no final examination in this course. Instead, 100% coursework will be used for assessment. The continuous assessments strategy is
divided into formative and summative assessments throughout the units of the course
The weighting for the assessments in this course are as follows:
Assessment Item Weighting (%)
Assignment 1 15%
Assignment 2 15%
Online Text Activity 10%
Group Activity 10%
Online Discussion 10%
Final Assignment (#3) 40%
Total 100%
***You must earn a combined score of 15% in Assessments 1 and 2 in order to pass that component of the course.

Requirement: Students will be required to submit a Coursework Accountability Statement, which will be automatically appended to each
assignment in Moodle.

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Assessment Design:
Assessment Activity Units Covered Objectives Assessed

Assignment #1 1 1,2,4

Assignment #2 2 2,3,4,5

Online Text Activity 1,2,3 1-7

Group Activity 3,4 6-11

Online Discussion All All

Assignment #3 3,4 6-11

Rubrics for each of the graded assignments are provided later in this document with the assignment descriptions.

Marking Scheme for Graduate Programmes:

The marking scheme for graduate degrees and diplomas is as follows:

Passing Grades: Percentage Range

A 70 - 100
B+ 60 - 69
B 50 - 59
Failing Grade:
F 0 - 49

The pass mark is 50%. For the purpose of the overall examination of a course, the individual assessment items are re-
configured as follows:
Component A - Assignment 1 and Assignment 2.
Component B – Assignment 3
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Component C – Online Text Activity, Online Discussion, & Group Activity

To pass the course a student must:

Obtain 50% or above as the average of Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 (Component A) Obtain 50% or
above for Assignment 3 (Component B)
Obtain 50% or above for Participation (Component C)

NOTE: GRADED PARTICIPATION ACTIVITIES. Students are expected to be active learners throughout the entire
course. Participation in WEEKLY discussions online is required because this is where students interact with their
Group Facilitators who will guide student learning, and with their peers to share their experience.


REQUIRED This course has a key text as shown which is available in e-text format in The

Open Campus Library. Book Title: Research on Course Management Systems in Higher



Seven Things You Should Know: New Directions for the LMS

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Where Does the LMS Go From Here?


DolceVita Institute of Technology and 3D Virtual Worlds: A Case Study


Dalsgaard, C. (2006). Social software: E-learning beyond learning

management systems. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning,
2006(2).Available at:http://www.assonur.org/sito/files/Social%20Software

Project Management: Made Easy: Available at


 Project Management Guidebook: Available at


Accessibility in Online Courses. Available at:



Online Assessment Strategies: A Primer: Available at:


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Online Assessment: Available at http://www.uwec.edu/CETL/resources/upload/online-


Analytics in Higher Education: Benefits, Barriers, Progress and Recommendations.

Available at: http://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ers1207/ers1207.pdf

Using Learning Analytics to Predict (and Improve) Students Success: A Faculty

Perspective: http://www.ncolr.org/jiol/issues/pdf/12.1.2.pdf

Media/ Technology Resources


Open Content Resources


Important dates to keep in mind:


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SUMMER January – April, 2019

Registration January 2-20

Semester Begins January 20

Late Registration (ADD/DROP)
January 21-31
(with penalty)
Teaching Begins January 27

Teaching Ends April 17

Examinations Begin n/a

Examinations End n/a

Semester Ends May 10


I. Assignment 1: 15%


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You have been tasked, as the senior instructional designer of ID Designs, Inc. in your home country, to submit recommendations for use of
the LMS, LCMS, and CMS. As the senior designer, you must research three nearby settings where these systems would best fit and describe
why placing them in each of these three places is appropriate. Be sure to justify your reasons and the appropriateness of settings, stating
clearly why these systems would work well in each setting. Use at least 3 scholarly sources (from either the UWI Library or Google Scholar
—no internet sources, please) to support your report.

Additional Guidelines

 Your response should be a critical analysis rather than a descriptive paper.

 Your response should be between 1500 and 1800 words, not including title page, table of contents, and reference page.
 The response should be well structured and written with the APA format.
 Be sure to include headings for each major section of your analysis.


Dimension Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

Knowledge of LMS, The response is clearly The response is somewhat The response is The response has no
LCMS and CMS. structured within good structured with limited lacking in structure structure and only few
standard English and all areas editorial errors and most and only few areas of areas of the assignment
(5 marks) of the assignment brief are areas of the assignment the assignment brief brief are addressed. There
addressed. There is brief are addressed. There are addressed. There is no demonstration that
comprehensive understanding is an understanding of the is an emerging the student has an
of the LMS, LCM and CMS. LMS, LCM and CMS. In understanding of the understanding of the
In addition, examples are used addition, examples are LMS, LCM and LMS, LCM and CMS. In
to demonstrate understanding used to demonstrate CMS. In addition, addition, limited
of these key terms and understanding of these key limited examples are examples are used to
connections are made. The terms and connections are used to demonstrate demonstrate
work does not exceed the made. The work does not understanding of understanding of the key
word count. exceed the word count. these key terms and terms and connections are
connections are rarely rarely made. The work
5 points 4  points made. The work does does not exceed the word
not exceed the word count.

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2-3 points 0-1 points

Connection to the The assignment demonstrates The assignment The assignment The assignment
course materials and that the student has read the demonstrates that the demonstrates that the demonstrates that the
wider reading (at course content and did wider student has read the course students has only students has only used
least 3 scholarly reading. content; however, limited used the course limited sections of the
sources) connection is made to materials to respond course materials to
3 marks wider reading. to the assignment. respond to the
3 points assignment. In addition,
2 Marks  1 mark no connections to outside
sources are made.

0 marks

Analysis Strong evidence of critical There is good evidence of Some evidence of There is little or no
demonstrates thought throughout the paper. critical thought in most critical thought in the evidence of critical
evidence of critical Each of the three scenarios is places in the paper. At paper. One scenario thought in the paper. All
thought. rife with a sound critique. least two scenarios contain contains a critique. writing is taken from
sound critique. other sources and is
5 points 5 marks 1-2 marks repeated throughout the
3-4 marks paper.

0 marks

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Writing/APA No errors in writing, Fewer than 3 errors in 3-5 errors in writing, More than 5 errors in
mechanics, sentence structure, writing, mechanics, mechanics, sentence writing, mechanics,
2 marks or APA are present sentence structure, or APA structure, or APA are sentence structure, or
are present present APA are present
2 marks
1.5 marks 1 mark 0 marks

II. Assignment 2. 15%

Following along from Assignment #1, having placed the 3 systems at appropriate places in your country, you are now tasked with assessing
which accessibility features you will place at the site of your LMS, LCMS, and CMS. This report and tables generated will account for
10% .

In this assignment, you are to

*Evaluate the accessibility issues present for each site and system.
*Determine which accessibility features should go at each site, with each of your systems.
*Create a table for each site/system. For example, if you placed your CMS at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, USA, you will create a
table listing each feature, its intended use, and at least 2 advantages of it being placed with the system. In other words, your tables will have
three columns each.
*In addition to each table, you are to write a report, following APA format, that justifies the need for your features at each site and discusses
how they will integrate with and benefit the system at each site.

Once this has been completed, your report will undergo a peer review by two classmates. The peer review (how well you review others) will
count for 5%. I will assign the persons who are to review your work. In your review of others’ work, please do the following:

*Evaluate the report and tables for accuracy

*Comment on at least 3 things that your reviewee did well in his/her report.

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*Make at least 3 suggestions for improvement, using your knowledge of accessibility issues and systems

You will find the grading criteria in the rubric below:

Your finished product should also make reference to:

 Web standards issues.

 Accessibility issues for inclusion and diversity of participants using the LMS, LCMS, and CMS.
 Various forms of content and the possible improvement needed to enhance learners’ experience.
 Finished product must be between 1800-2000 words, including the wording in the tables. A penalty will apply for papers who are
grossly over or under word count.


Dimension Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

Knowledge The content The content addresses Not all content is Content is not
of addresses the the assignment brief. relevant to the relevant to the
assignment brief. There is some evidence assignment brief. assignment. Content
Accessibility There is evidence of of wider reading and the At times, the is vague and illogical
wider reading and the response shows an content is not – major components
 (5 marks) response shows an understanding of clearly or are missing. No
explicit accessibility. The logically examples are used.
  understanding of response also uses presented.  There
accessibility issues. examples to solidify a is limited use of  
The response also few key principles.  examples
uses examples to  
solidify the key 3-4 points  
  0 – 1 points
5 points
2 points

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Writing The response is The response is The response is The response is

coherently organized, generally well organized not very well poorly organized and
 (2 marks) and content is easy to and most of the content organized and difficult to read –
follow. There are no is easy to follow. There only some of the does not flow
  spelling or are only a few minor content is easy to logically from one
grammatical errors spelling and/or follow.  There are part to another. The
and technical terms grammatical errors and a few minor content is not easy to
are clearly defined.  technical terms are not spelling and / or follow. There are
Writing is clear and clearly defined.  Writing grammatical several spelling
concise and is mostly clear but lacks errors and and/or grammatical
persuasive.  conciseness or technical terms errors; technical
Excellent use of the persuasiveness.  are not defined. terms are not defined
APA style (no Between 1-2 errors with Writing is not or are poorly defined.
errors). the APA convention.   always clear and Writing lacks clarity,
lacks conciseness conciseness and
  1.5 points or persuasiveness. 
persuasiveness. More than five APA
  Between 3-4 errors counted.  
errors with the
2 points APA convention. 0 points

1 points

Tables The accessibility The accessibility tables The accessibility The accessibility
tables were were somewhat table missed tables were not
(3 marks) comprehensive and comprehensive included referring to included.
were cited and was cited at relevant various features
consistently points at least 3 times in and justifications

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throughout the the main text. and was at least 2

report. times in the main  
2  point text.
3  points  
1 point
point 0


Each report you review will count as 2.5 marks, for a total of 5 marks after you review two reports.

*1 mark: Three comments with justification on things your reviewee did well.
*1 mark: Three suggestions for improvement
*0.5 marks: General comments on accuracy, referencing, writing and APA, etc.

Note: All papers will be peer-reviewed in the Assignment 2 Discussion Forum. Your paper and your reviews should be uploaded in two
separate documents in the Assignment 2 Dropbox.

III. Participation Activity (10 points)

Online Discussion
Participation Activity will involve an assessment of your interaction throughout this course. You will select three of your best postings from
the weekly discussion topics and three responses to other students' postings. You will also be required to show evidence that your postings
elicited responses and reflections from other students and the responses built upon and incorporated multiple views from other learners to
take the discussion deeper.
Additional Information:

All work will be authenticated by your group facilitator to ensure all postings were done within the time frame allowed for each

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Please ensure that you use the rubric below to address the relevant areas that will be assessed.
         (Postings must be from at least 3 different modules) 
If you require additional clarification of the participation activity, please email your group facilitator.


Participation Activity Rubric (10 marks)
Criteria Inadequate Acceptable Excellent

Demonstrates knowledge, Post(s) and responses Post(s) and Post(s) and

engagement and show little evidence of responses show responses show
understanding of course knowledge and some evidence of evidence of
content. understanding of knowledge and knowledge and
course   content, online understanding of understanding of
(4 points) discussions and are not course content. course content. There
relevant to the There is an is a critical response
discussion(s). emerging critical to the online
response within the discussion topic.
  student's postings.
0-1 point 2-3 points
4 points

Contribution to the Posts do not attempt to Posts attempt to Posts elicit responses
learning community bring forth responses elicit responses and and reflections from
and reflections from reflections from other students and
(4 points) other learners. No other learners and responses build upon
evidence of critical responses build and incorporate
thinking. Does not upon the ideas of multiple views from
respond to others after other learners to other learners to take
posting. take the discussion the discussion
deeper. Responds deeper. Gives a
  to others in a critical response to
timely fashion. the dominant issues
  within the discussion
topic. The student

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    posted consistently
throughout the
    duration of the
4 points
2 points

Writing Conventions Numerous errors in There are mistakes The writer uses
conventions distract the in conventions, but standard writing
(2 points) reader and make the the reader can conventions very
posting(s) difficult to figure out what is well. There are very
read. The errors are so meant by reading few errors in the
severe that they cause some parts of the document.
the reader to have post(s) more than
difficulty in once. Mistakes are  
understanding the not severe, but are
message. distracting.  

0 point 1 point 2 points

IV. Online Text Activity 10%

MODULE 2 UNIT 3 (10 points)

This Online Text Activity is an extension of Learning Activity 2.8 of that Unit. Please read the case study again “Cornwall Regional
University”.  Do not exceed 500 words.

Case Study ( Modified for OTA Activity)

Case Study: Cornwall Regional University Cornwall Regional University is a university located in the Caribbean. It has a population of
approximately 15,000 students. All students take classes face-to-face. Recently, Cornwall Regional University was awarded a grant of
US$2,000,000.00 for the development of online programmes. You have been invited as a consultant to give feedback on the possible top ten
resources that they will need to give consideration to during the initial quest for their LMS. 

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Dimension Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

Knowledge of The submission The submission The submission The submission does
demonstrates that the demonstrates that the demonstrates that not consider key
 (7 marks) student has a student has the student has principles of project
comprehensive understanding of project limited management within the
  understanding of project management and some understanding of LMS or CMS context.
management and the key the key concepts to use project management There is also no
concepts to use to to describe the stage of and limited idea of evidence of that the
describe the stage of project management some the key students understands the
project management within a LMS or CSM concepts to use to key stages of a project.
within a LMS or CSM context.  describe the stage of
context.  project management 0 – 1 points
5-6 points within a LMS or
7 points CSM context.

2 – 4 points
Writing The information is The information is The information is The information is
coherently organised and generally well organised not very well poorly organised and
 (3 marks) content is easy to follow. and most of the content organised and only difficult to read – does
There are no spelling or is easy to follow. There some of the content not flow logically from
  grammatical errors and are only a few minor is easy to follow.  one part to another. The
technical terms are spelling and/or There are a few content is not easy to
clearly defined.  grammatical errors, and minor spelling and / follow. There are
technical terms are not or grammatical several spelling and/or
3 marks clearly defined.     errors and technical grammatical errors;
terms are not technical terms are not
2  points defined or are poorly

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defined. defined.

1. 1.       point  0 point

V. Group Presentation  (10%)


The issue of accessibility is of great concern to many institutions. Recently, Harvard and M.I.T were sued over the lack of lack of closed
captioning of content. For your group discussion, you will create a 10-minute presentation on the importance of addressing accessibility
issues in the LMS.  Your presentation targets a group of lecturers who will be required to teach online within the next 6 months.

In your presentation, you must address the following areas listed below.

 Define the term accessibility.

 Explain the importance of accessibility within the context of equality.
 Use examples to explain how content can be made accessible.
 Cite supporting materials that can help faculty/instructors.
 Do not exceed 10 minutes for your presentation.

Your group presentation script (one single file for each group) must be submitted to Dr. Gray before your presentation (at least 24hrs before
presentation).  You are also expected to keep a log of all your meetings and the role assigned to each person in the group. Use the students'
study group forum for this activity. Please appoint a group leader. In addition, consider using these roles:

 Group leader
 Record keeper (meeting notes and tracking individual participation)
 Content organizer (getting the content/graphics organizer)
 Time Keeper
 Researcher (all group members)

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Panel Discussion Evaluation

Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:
Criteria 10 Marks
Responds clearly to the issues outlined in the case 4
study.  (Final grade will require the submission of  
narratives used in the panel discussion).
Logical organisation of information presented 1
Enthusiasm of presenters about the topic 1
Presenters exhibited good oral communication skills 1
Length of presentation followed time requirement 1
Individual contributions to the group's presentation 2
 Total Points 10

IV. Assignment 3—40%

With reference to Module Three, Four and wider reading, critically discuss four of the key considerations for designing content within a
LMS. Using your assigned Moodle space, Construct a module of your choosing (may not be anything done from any of your courses taken
within this program), to include specifics outlined by your instructor (you will receive these at the start of the project). Your paper should be

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Dimension Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor

Knowledge of The content The content addresses The content Content is not relevant
addresses the the assignment brief. addresses the to the assignment.
Key assignment brief. There is evidence of assignment brief Content is vague and
considerations There is evidence of wider reading and the however, it is illogical – major
wider reading and the response shows an descriptive in components are
 15 marks response shows an understanding of key nature. There is missing. No examples
explicit components outlined in limited evidence are used.
understanding of key the Modules. In addition, of wider reading
components outlined there is some direct and the response  
in the Modules. In connection to the   shows an explicit
addition, there is a example created. understanding of  
direct connection to key components
the   example 10-12 points outlined in the  
created. Modules. In
addition, there is 0 – 6 points
13-15 points limited direct
connection to the  
example created.

7-9 points
Writing The response is The response is The response is The response is poorly
coherently organized generally well organised not very well organised and difficult
 (5 marks) and content is easy to and most of the content organised and only to read – does not flow
follow. There are no is easy to follow. There some of the logically from one part
  spelling or are only a few minor content is easy to to another. The
grammatical errors spelling and/or follow.  There are content is not easy to
and technical terms grammatical errors and a few minor follow. There are
are clearly defined.  technical terms are not spelling and / or several spelling and/or
Writing is clear, clearly defined.  Writing grammatical errors grammatical errors;
concise and is mostly clear but lacks and technical technical terms are not
persuasive.  conciseness or terms are not defined or are poorly
Excellent use of the persuasiveness.  defined. Writing is defined. Writing lacks

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APA style (no Between 1-2 errors with not always clear clarity, conciseness
errors). the APA convention.   and lacks and persuasiveness. 
conciseness or More than five APA
  4 points persuasiveness. errors counted.  
Between 3-4
  errors with the 0-2 points
APA convention.
5 points

3 points

LMS Module The examples The examples included The examples are Student did not
included in the LMS in the LMS (course missing in the include LMS
20 marks (course space) and space) and attached to LMS (course password and module
attached to the the assignment space) and at the in items turned in, or
assignment clearly demonstrate some end of the password submitted
demonstrate connections to the assignment. was incorrect.
connections to the course materials and the Limited
course materials and material is somewhat connections are  
the material is clearly clearly organized. Most made to the course
organized. All assigned components are materials. Half or  
assigned components included. fewer of the
are included. assigned  
12-15 Marks components are
16-20 marks included.  


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1-11 Marks 0 Marks

Course Activities and Guidelines

In addition to the graded activities, you will be expected to participate in a group discussion each week. While this activity is not part of the
summative assessment, it is formative in that failing to participate will greatly hinder your ability to complete and to understand your graded
work in class.

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Need assistance with the technology –for example, you cannot access your email account, or you cannot access the Learning Exchange, you
cannot get into a BbC session, etc. Send an email to the UWI Open Campus Helpdesk – at helpdesk@open.uwi.edu

STUDENT RESOURCES: For Graduate Students







UWI Policy on Graduate Students Plagiarism


UWI Regulations on Plagiarism -Graduate Diplomas and Degrees



The Basics of APA.

Interactive slideshow presentation concerning the basics of formatting your paper in the APA format.

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EDID 6510. Academic Year 2018/2019, Semester 2


Basics of Setting up an APA Style paper in Microsoft Word

Youtube video playlist presentation concerning the basics of formatting your papers in Microsoft Word, in the APA format

APA Reference List Helper

This little online resource will help you create proper references, in APA style, for the various types of works you will cite in your papers.

Online APA Guide

This link takes you to the online Owl Purdue APA Guide. Here you can get all APA information related to tasks such as doing up a proper
reference sheet, formatting your papers and so on. For those who like reading online, as opposed to from a downloaded or physical style
manual, this is the link for you.

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Course Orientation ● To establish a climate of trust, basis for an ● Course Icebreakers, Expectations, etc.
Week 0/
environment for learning ● Thorough reading of course guide and course delivery
Jan 20 – Jan 26 ● To ensure knowledge of Plagiarism/Accountability schedule
● To cover requirements for the course

Module 1/ Unit 1 Describe and explore the difference between a Required Readings (Key Text): Facing the Future:
Week 1
Learning Management System, a Learning Content Adaptability and Flexibility of Course Management
Jan 27-Feb 2 Management System, and a Course Management Systems in the Face of Emerging Trends.
Weekly Discussion
Module 1 / Unit 2 --Evaluate the use of open source tools in distance Seven Things You Should Know: New Directions for the
Week 2
education LMShttp://net.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ELI7112.pdf
Feb 3-9
Where Does the LMS Go From Here?

Weekly Discussion
Module 1/Unit 3 --Analyze the systems that are available to manage DolceVita Institute of Technology and 3D Virtual Worlds:
Week 3
course content with confidence A Case Studyhttp://tinyurl.com/lxujsft
Feb 10-16
The Evolution of CMS. Chapter 12.

Weekly Discussion
Module 2 / Unit 4 --Describe the use of e-Learning specifications and Dalsgaard, C. (2006). Social software: E-learning beyond
Week 4
standards in education learning management systems. European Journal of Open,
Feb 17-23 Distance and E-Learning, 2006(2).Available

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EDID 6510. Academic Year 2018/2019, Semester 2


Assignment #1 due on March 2 before midnight ECT.

**No weekly discussion this week.
Module 2/Unit 5 --Discover the technical requirements for launching a
Week 5 Chapter 3: Decisions, Decisions: Selecting a Course
LMS, LCMS, or CMS based on a specific tool Management in Higher Education.
Feb 24-Mar 2

Weekly Discussion
Module 2/ Unit 6 --Develop appropriate design strategies for Project Management: Made Easy: Available at
Week 6
deployment of a content in a LMS, LCMS, or CMS http://www.entrepreneur.com/downloads/assist/project_ma
Mar 3-9 environment nagement_made_easy.pdf 
Project Management Guidebook: Available at
Weekly Discussion
Module 3 / Unit 7 --Utilize appropriate tools to assess learners in a Designing CMS Courses from a Pedagogical Usability
Week 7
LMS, LCMS, or CMS environment Perspective. Chapter 7
Mar 10-16
Weekly Discussion
Module 3 / Unit 8 Propose the use of different tools within
Week 8 Assignment #2 due on March 23 before midnight ECT
LMS/LCMS/CMS for different education solutions
Mar 17-23 From Learning Management Systems to Learning
Community Systems: Enabling Social Constructivist
Learning (Chapter 5)

**No weekly discussion this week.

Module 3/Unit 9 Propose the use of different tools within Accessibility in Online Courses. Available at:
Week 9
LMS/LCMS/CMS for different education solutions http://www.pcc.edu/resources/instructional-
Mar 24-30 support/access/approaching-accessibility.html
Weekly Discussion
Module 3/ Unit 10/11 Defend the adoption of a specific LMS/LCMS/CMS
Week 10 Group Presentations due in BBC Session TBA

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EDID 6510. Academic Year 2018/2019, Semester 2

March 31-Apr 6 in a given work or academic environment The Importance of Governance: Ongoing Engagement
with the Campus Community around the CMS. Chapter 11

Reflective Practice and Digital Habitats: Responsiveness

and defectiveness in Course Management System. Chapter
Weekly Discussion
Module 4 / Unit 12/13 --Internalize best practices of using a Online Text Activity due on April 13 before midnight
Week 11
LMS/LCMS/CMS to deliver content and manage ECT
April 7-13 interaction
--Develop appropriate learner interaction strategies in Online Assessment Strategies: A Primer: Available
a LMS, LCMS, or CMS environment

Online Assessment: Available at


Analytics in Higher Education: Benefits, Barriers,

Progress and Recommendations. Available at:

Using Learning Analytics to Predict (and Improve)

Students Success: A Faculty Perspective:

Weekly Discussion (last one)

End of Instruction Assignment #3 due on Monday, April 15 before
Week 12
midnight ECT
April 14-17
Participation Activity due on Tuesday, April 16 before
midnight ECT

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EDID 6510. Academic Year 2018/2019, Semester 2

Cross browser scripting should always be used to ensure full keyboard accessibility without a screen reader running, which will work
in all OSs.

When ARIA is used within HTML markup, it should only be used with strict adherence to the ARIA specification that the component
type applies to. This will ensure that, when browsers that don’t currently support such components are updated according to the ARIA
User Agent Specification, they will automatically start working properly when screen readers tap into this functionality. In the
meantime, the majority of screen reader users will still be able to use these components accessibly

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EDID 6510. Academic Year 2018/2019, Semester 2

General troubleshooting

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EDID 6510. Academic Year 2018/2019, Semester 2

Basic copy functions


Live online support


Changing toner colour


Changing toner

Add staples

Loading paper

Copier features getting started


Quick copy

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