Observing A Burning Candle: Level/Unit
Observing A Burning Candle: Level/Unit
Observing A Burning Candle: Level/Unit
Activities on Observation
Teacher’s Guide:
I. Preparation:
¾ Prepare some candles of different sizes, shapes, scents and colours.
¾ Allow time for students to perform the experiment twice in the laboratory.
Snapshots of Students’ Learning Session:
Students’ Work:
Students observed carefully. They wrote down and drew pictures of their observations in the
Learning Journal. This group of students had also tried to blow the flame gently.
A clear report on observing a burning candle A detailed report on observing a burning candle
Observing the melting down of a coloured ice cube in water
¾ Students often tended to neglect some simple and easy points during observation.
¾ Discussion amongst students helped promote peer learning and enhance interactions that
challenge students to be more vigilant in their observations.
¾ Students tried their best to write down as many details of their observations as they can.
¾ Students learnt simple ways to present their observations.
¾ Students were eager to take on another observation task.
¾ This activity would help students to be more observant.
Teacher’s Guide:
III. Quiz:
¾ The task can be conducted as a quiz for observation.
¾ Students perform the experiment in groups but observation is recorded individually.
¾ A minimum of five observations are required. Bonus mark will be given if more
observations are recorded or if diagrams are included.
Snapshots of Students’ Learning Session:
Melting the ice cube in water and observing Recording the observations with the aid of
gradual change in the colour of the water diagrams