Observing A Burning Candle: Level/Unit

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Activities on Observation

Observing a burning candle

Level/Unit: S1/Unit 1 Introducing Science

Learning and Teaching:

¾ Arrange two small groups of students to sit around one bench.
¾ Each group is given a candle and a lighter.
¾ Students will observe the candle of their group and write down their observations on the
worksheet provided.
¾ Students are required to observe changes in the candle at three different stages: before the
candle is lit, when it is burning and after the flame is blown out.
¾ Students have to write down and draw out what they have observed.

Observation and Reflection:

¾ Students tended to neglect some simple and easy points (such as the size and colour of the
candle) during observation.
¾ Some students might vary the condition to observe changes in the candle flame (e.g.
blowing the flame gently).
¾ Discussions amongst students had helped promote peer learning and enhance interactions
that challenge students to be more vigilant in their observations.
¾ Students learnt simple ways to present their observations.
¾ Students were eager to take on another observation task.
¾ This activity would help students to be more observant.

Teacher’s Guide:
I. Preparation:
¾ Prepare some candles of different sizes, shapes, scents and colours.
¾ Allow time for students to perform the experiment twice in the laboratory.

II. Materials: white tiles, candles, lighters / matches

Snapshots of Students’ Learning Session:

Observing candles of different colours and writing down their observations

Observing and discussing with group members

Students’ Work:

Students observed carefully. They wrote down and drew pictures of their observations in the
Learning Journal. This group of students had also tried to blow the flame gently.

A clear report on observing a burning candle A detailed report on observing a burning candle


Observing the melting down of a coloured ice cube in water

Level/Unit: S1/Unit 1 Introducing Science

Learning and Teaching:

¾ Each group of students is provided with

a coloured ice cube and a beaker of
¾ Students are suggested to observe the
changes in the ice cube and the water at
three stages: before putting, putting and
after putting the ice cube into the water.
¾ Students are asked to put down or draw
out what they have observed in the
Learning Journal

Observation and Reflection:

¾ Students often tended to neglect some simple and easy points during observation.
¾ Discussion amongst students helped promote peer learning and enhance interactions that
challenge students to be more vigilant in their observations.
¾ Students tried their best to write down as many details of their observations as they can.
¾ Students learnt simple ways to present their observations.
¾ Students were eager to take on another observation task.
¾ This activity would help students to be more observant.

Teacher’s Guide:

I. Preparation: ice cubes of different colours

II. Materials: white tiles, beakers, coloured ice cubes

III. Quiz:
¾ The task can be conducted as a quiz for observation.
¾ Students perform the experiment in groups but observation is recorded individually.
¾ A minimum of five observations are required. Bonus mark will be given if more
observations are recorded or if diagrams are included.

Snapshots of Students’ Learning Session:

Melting the ice cube in water and observing Recording the observations with the aid of
gradual change in the colour of the water diagrams

Observing carefully and recording their observations in the Learning Journal



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