English Advocacy Week 2018

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November 29- December 4, 2018


Anchored to the theme to its goal of showcasing students’ talents in various areas of
English Subject and inculcate the value of English proficiency in their future career, Nicolas L.
Galvez Memorial Integrated NHS Senior High School Department held its first English
Advocacy Week 2018 cum English Festival 2018 with the theme “Rekindle English
Proficiency thru Reading and Literature” as part of the Book Month Celebration last
December 4.
As part of the celebration of the National Reading Month in November, an event
declared by the Department ofEducation (DepEd) under its Memorandum No. 244 s 2011, the
SHS Department held its programs to culminate the celebration and to achieve its goals which
are to deepen the appreciation for books, exhibit the writing and visual art skills, expand
students’ vocabulary, encourage accurate word usage, develop skill in oral language and all
expressive mechanisms (voice and bodily expressions), promote teacher, students, and
community relations and camaraderie, and gear up the students with values and meaningful life
Many activities were done to strengthen students reading ability to become productive
citizens of the country, and fruitful intellectual consumers of the school. Those were made into
reality through the passion and determination of the English teacher of the 21 st Century
Literature and Reading and Writing subjects Mrs. Elsa L. Gabriel with the approval of Mr. Mark
Anthony P. Idang, SHS Coordinator.
The culminating activity was held on December 7 at the covered court of the school at
8:00am-11:00 am with the theme “Rekindle English Proficiency thru Reading and
Literature”. The program formally started with a prayer led by Mr. Aljohn Alejado, SSG
President, followed by the Philippine National Anthem which was led by the Ms. Bless Anore,
G11 student. An opening remarks was given by Mr. Mark Anthony P. Idang, SHS Coordinator.
He said “The theme and activity were very timely to engage in making Filipinos to become good
readers and communicators. It is a perfect illustration of our efforts to synergize the initiations
taken to achieve the objectives of the program according to him. The highlights of the
celebration were the Readers’ Theater, Speech Choir Contest and the Book Characters’
Presentation of students from different tracks.
Groups from Grade 7-Grade 10 battled out for the Speech Choir performances with
the piece If by Rudyard Kipling. Display of colorful costumes and quality voices and serious
expressions and confidence and competence in speaking the English language were evident.
The winners were STEM (Champion), TVL (First Runner Up), and ABM (Second Runner Up). A
wild uproar or a pandemonium was evident when the stage was filled with an array of actors
and actresses. Each Track performed a 10 minute dramatic presentation of the literary
characters of their choices. They outperformed each other on the Book Charcter Presentation in
which top ten Best Book Characters were awarded.
The winners from the Poster Making Contest, Essay Writing Contest, Poem Recital,
Spelling Bee, Dress Up the Character, Digital Ad Contest, Extemporaneous Speech,
Declamation and Oration Contest and Story Telling Contest which were held from November 29
to December 4 were also awarded with medals and trophies sponsored by Mayor Bruno T.
The program ended with the closing remarks and thanksgiving message of Mrs. Elsa
L. Gabriel, the proponent and chairperson of the activity.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II/Overall Chairperson



SHS Coordinator
Date Activities/C No of Teacher-Facilitators/Student Venue
ontest Participants Assistant
November 29 Digital Ad 3-5 Mrs. Nhelia D. Amara/Jonah Computer
1:00-3:00pm for Reading students/track Elizaga Lab(JHS)
Advocacy Ian delos Santos
November 29 Spelling 3 student/track Mr. Arvin C. Diamante/Angelo G12 STEM Room
1:00-2:00pm Rosario Mark Collantes
November 29 Extemporan 2 student/track Mrs. Maribel Pamilacan/Siena G11 ABM A Room
1:00-2:00pm eous Speech Gecalao
Tintin Gregorio
November 29 Declamatio 1 student/track Mrs. Lannie V. Valentos/Micah G11 ABM A Room
2:00-3:00pm n Marquez
Kim Hipona
November 29 Oration 1 student/track Mrs. Perla D. Balmes/Novy Santua G11 ABM B Room
1:00-2:00pm Danlene Delos Reyes
November 29 Story 1 student/track Mr. Hilarion B. Alcantara/Carlos G11 ABM B Room
2:00-3:00pm Telling Castillo
Javerick Constantino
November 29 Poster 4 Mr. Berwin Abustan/ Percy G11 GAS A Room
1:00-2:00pm Making students/track Ramos
Carlo Flores
November 29 Essay 1 student/track Mrs. Fe Ohlenor Bautista/Wendy G11 GAS A Room
2:00-3:00pm Writing Garcia
Kia Mhel Ocampo
December 4 Free Seminar-Workshop on Emceeing & Hosting/
8:00-10:00am SYNCHRONIZED READING @ 9:00AM
for Teachers and Students
Readers’ 6 students Mr. Jowel S. Palacol/Nikka Olazo Covered Court
Theater /track
December 4 Speech 20-25 Mrs. Evangeline S. Austria/Erica Covered Court
8:00am-12:00 Choir students /track Pilapil
Book 10+ Mr. Allan M. Bautista/Trixie Covered Court
Characters students/track Magbalana


November 29- December 4, 2018

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II



SHS Coordinator

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