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The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine

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The Quick & Simple

Guide To Creating
Your Successful
Morning Routine By Early to Rise

The 6 steps you need to develop a schedule for the

morning that will boost your productivity and goal achieve-
ment. PLUS, a look inside the morning routine of Early to Rise’s
Editor Craig Ballantyne.
The morning is
your Magic Time.
Now repeat that out loud. “The morning is MY Magic Time.”

During these hours, you have the ability to get ahead of the world, take massive action
on your big goals and dreams, and have victories that no one can take away from you
- no matter how crazy the rest of your day gets.

Success is more easily available to you in the morning.

There are no distractions, fewer temptations, and you have greater willpower and
discipline, focus and persistence, and energy and clarity.

But in order to get the most out of your morning, you must ask this question:

What should I do first thing after waking up?

That’s what you’ll learn in this guide. And here’s a secret, the answer isn’t generally
prescriptive. It’s explicitly unique to you.

In the next few pages, you’ll discover how to quickly and easily design your perfect
morning routine to get more work done, feel less stressed, and have more free time to
spend with your family.

You’ll learn what you must - and must NOT - do before breakfast. And you’ll learn the
biggest mistakes most people make when creating their morning routine.

Start with energy, conviction, and direction, and your life will be full of success and

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 1
Remember: how you start your day
is how you live your life.

fulfillment. Start behind the eight ball, and you’ll struggle to optimize your health,
wealth, and mental capacity.

So - are you ready to create your perfect mornings, and get a head start on the rest of
the world?

Then let’s dig in.

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 2
Why You Need A
Morning Routine
Many people shudder at the thought of creating a morning routine. They feel
that rigid structures limit them or hold them back in some way. But they couldn’t
be further from the truth.

Success comes from what you do with your time and how you structure your days. To
be anything but ruthless with your time is to waste your potential.

The morning holds the hours you have full control over in your life. There are no dis-
tractions and fewer temptations to steer you off course. No kids to feed, no co-workers
to please. Later in the day, you lose that control as distractions creep in and willpower
becomes depleted.

“The longer people have been awake, the more self-control problems happen,” psy-
chology professor Roy Baumeister says.

The truth is that the first couple hours of your day are likely to be your most produc-
tive, and set the tone for the next 16. Which is why setting a clear morning routine and
rigorously and unapologetically protecting it is a characteristic of the wealthy and

So what does a successful morning routine entail?

Keep It Simple

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 3
The biggest problem people make in creating their morning routines is they schedule

They’ve read somewhere that successful people journal, meditate, exercise, set goals,
create lists, and do interpretive dance all before 7 a.m. And now they feel the pressure
to do the same.

The truth is, your morning routine should not be five hours long. And you should not
cram in a dozen activities before breakfast.

There are only a few very important things you should be doing (and a lot more you
should stop doing).

The morning routines of successful people are simple.

They are made up of small action cues that are effective in preparing you for prolonged
success throughout the day.

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 4
Create The Perfect Morning
Routine in 6 Steps
Step 1: Prepare For Your Perfect Mornings The Night Before
One of the biggest mistakes people make is waiting until the morning to begin planning
their day.

Don’t make that same mistake. Plan your next day the night before.

Each night before you go to bed, spend a few minutes preparing your next day by
completing the following:

1. A Brain dump: write down all your work-related thoughts on a piece of paper to
help you reduce stress, organize your thoughts and clear your mind for relaxation.

2. A To-do list: write down the top three tasks you want to get accomplished
tomorrow so you can get started immediately the next morning.

3. Outline of Action Steps: write down the action steps for your number one pri-
ority the next day so you’ll know exactly what to do.

Not only does this help you sleep better, but you’ll get a quicker start come sunrise.

With your planning complete, you can now go home peaceful and prepared, and focus
on quality time with your family, friends, health, and hobbies.

TIP: Do NOT think of these work to-dos after you leave the office. They’ll be waiting for
you when you return the next day.

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 5
Step 2: Go To Bed On Time
To make sure you wake up early and have the energy you need to tackle your day, you
need to go to bed on time (this means a reasonable hour that allows you to wake early
and feel rested).

Too many productive mornings have gone to waste as a result of a bad night’s sleep.
Go to bed too late, and your entire next day can be ruined.

In today’s always-connected world of artificial light and endless digital distractions, it

can be harder to go to sleep early since we’ve become constantly distracted by

Going to bed on time is largely about resisting certain temptations. To go to bed on

time (and make sure you fall asleep), just follow the 10-3-2-1-0 Formula:

• 10 hours before bed: no more caffeine

• 3 hours before bed: no more food or alcohol

• 2 hours before bed: no more work-related activities

• 1 hour before bed: no more screen time (turn off all phones, TVs and computers)

• 0: The number of times you’re allowed to hit the snooze button in the morning

Follow this formula and going to bed on time at night will be easy.

Step 3: Wake Up Early

Success is not about the hour you get up, it’s about what you do with the hours that
you are up.

Still, our society is designed to secretly support those who learn to rise early. Think of
rush hour traffic, and how those who left two hours before you probably got to breeze

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 6
through the roads without frustration. Then those early risers get to leave work earlier,
before the second rush-hour jam.

One of the easiest ways to get more done and make more time is to get up early.

If you’re a night owl, it’s well worth the process of adjusting your circadian rhythm to
become an early riser, as time and time again it’s proven the early bird really does get
the worm.

If you struggle waking up early, setting your alarm to two hours before your current
waking time won’t do any good. Start with 15 minutes. Every day. Then before you know
it, you’ll be an early riser, too, and have adjusted to the shift better to make for a lasting

Step 4: Cleanse, Center, And Kickstart

Once you wake up, you immediately need to get ready to dominate your day.

First, you need to prepare your mind and body for the work that’s ahead. You do that
by implementing a Cleanse, Center, and Kickstart routine.

• Cleanse: refresh your body in some way to reset yourself physically (like drinking
water or taking essential nutrients)

• Center: do something that rejuvenates you to reset yourself mentally (like medi-
tating, or spending time with your dog)

• Kickstart: prime yourself for your biggest goals or to-dos for the day (like journ-
aling, doing a gratitude exercise, or listening to a motivating song)

Combined, this Cleanse, Center, and Kickstart routine should take you less than 30
minutes. Once you’re done, your brain, body, and heart are ready to move forward into
the day and its challenges.

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 7
Step #5: Work On Your Biggest Priority In Life
Your single most important success principle is built around spending time early in your
day on reaching your biggest goals. Brian Tracy, refers to this as “Eating that frog,”
referencing the famous Mark Twain quote:

“If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it’s your
job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first.”

Most people want to procrastinate and avoid doing the hard work on the tasks that will
propel them forward the most. But instead of dwelling on the difficulty of a task,
remind yourself of why you are doing it, and how it fits into the life you want to live.
Then, this number one priority becomes a pleasure.

Whether it takes you a few hours or just 30 minutes - it’s time to eat that frog.

Step #6: Reward Yourself

Once you’ve had your first victory of the day, then you can reward yourself.

Have breakfast. Meditate. Take your dog for a walk. Read a book. Check social media
(but not too long).

You’ve conquered your morning, and had your first of many victories for the day. You’ve
probably accomplished more in this morning than many people get done in their entire

Reward yourself and enjoy it.

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 8
My Morning Routine
I used to stay up late, wake up late, and the first thing I did in the morning was
check my email.

I was tired and anxious all week and never got as much done as I wanted.

Then one day I sat down and created a short schedule for my mornings. Through many
iterations, testing, failures, and successes, this is what my morning routine looks like

1. Prepare: the night before, I do a brain dump, write out the biggest tasks I want to
get done the next day, and outline the action steps I need to take on the biggest one.

2. Go to bed on time: I get to bed around 8 p.m. most weeknights. Work dinners
and weekends might keep me up later than normal, but I don’t deviate much.

3. Wake up early: I wake up around 4 a.m., averaging 7 hours of sleep per night. If I
stay out late on the rare occasion, I still wake up at this time.

4. Cleanse: first thing after waking up, I drink a cold glass of water mixed with greens
powder, vitamin C, and glutamine to fuel my body.

5. Center: I pet my dog, Bally (a beautiful chocolate lab), and give him a belly rub.

6. Kickstart: I listen to a recording of Chopin’s “Nocturnes” to prime my brain for


7. Work on #1 priority: Around 4:15 a.m., I start writing, which is my number one
professional priority.

8. Reward: Around 5:30 a.m., I’m usually done with writing. To reward myself, I

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 9
meditate for 20 minutes to promote peace and clarity. Then I take Bally for a walk,
and finally have a healthy breakfast

I stick to my morning routine every single day, even when I’m traveling (which I do
around 200 days of the year).

My morning routine is now a well-oiled machine that helps me overcome the tempta-
tions of the world.

By the time I have breakfast (and most people go to work), I’ve been up for three hours
and made massive progress on my number one priority.

After my morning routine, I still have a full day left where I’ll get more work done and
can enjoy the rest of the day with a sense of calm and peace of mind that I accom-
plished what mattered most.

My morning routine truly is a secret to my success. It has helped me write my book,

build my six-figure coaching business, overcome my anxiety attacks, and have more
free time and fulfillment in my life.

Your routine will do the same for you.

Follow Up 5)*4(6*%&8*5)5)&

This guide is only the beginning. Guarantee successful, energized mornings with
the Millionaire Morning Routine video course.

For only $27, you’ll get 3 weeks of videos and in-depth worksheets that help you
custom-build your own PERFECT Morning Routine.

The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 10
These videos lean on the foundational techniques in this guide, but incorporate new
science, cutting-edge strategy, and expert advice for the Perfect Mornings. It’s been
used by thousands to earn their first $1 million; to launch successful businesses; and to
master the balance of work and family.

Let “The Most Productive Man in the World,” Early to Rise Editor Craig Ballantyne,
personally guide you through the biggest struggles of your morning—giving you the
focus and discipline you need to conquer each and every day.

All it costs is $27. Surely, that’s worth Perfect Mornings, Perfect Days, and a Perfect Life.


The Quick & Simple Guide To Creating Your Successful Morning Routine 11

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