The 12 Month Blueprint Journal

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The key takeaways are that the journal aims to help the user assess their life, determine goals and craft a blueprint for success over the coming 12 months.

The purpose of the journal is to help the user assess their life, determine goals and craft a blueprint for success over the coming 12 months.

The journal guides the user to evaluate areas of their life like health, finance, relationships, leisure, work, growth & learning, habits, identity.


12 month Blueprint

Assess your life, determine

your goals and craft your
blueprint for success!
This journal belongs to:
Blueprint The
12 month Blueprint

Assess your life, determine

Assess your life, determine
The Ultimate Preperation
your goals and craft your
your goals and craft your
For A Phenomenal Year
blueprint for success!
blueprint for success!
Copyright © 2020 by Worthy Tweaks
All rights reserved. All material in this journal may not be
reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form without the
written permission of Worthy Tweaks.

Printed in the Netherlands

First printing, 2019

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While the publisher and authors have used their best efforts in
preparing this journal, they make no representation or
warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the
contents of this journal. The advice and strategies contained
herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult
with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor
the author shall be liable for any loss or profit or any other
commercial damages, including but not limited to special,
incidental, consequential or other damages.

This journal is created with love and care by

Rob Swagten & Anna Wildeman.
To all the people who have a deep-rooted desire
to create a phenomenal life full of joy, growth and

Introduction 7 Preparation days 15 Day 1: The groundwork 16 Day 2: The
Strategy 24 Day 3: Health review 32 Day 4: Finance review 36 Day 5:
Relationship review 38 Day 6: Leisure review 42 Day 7: Work review 46 Day 8:
Growth & Learning review 50 Day 9: Habit review 54 Day 10: Identity review 60
Day 11: 12 Month review summary 62 Day 12: Dream building 68 Day 13:
Goal-setting 72 Day 14: 12 Month planning 82

Notes 99 Bibliography 105 Extras 109

YOU’RE SPECIAL! You’re one of the few people who’s making an
effort to improve his / her life through the power of reflection, goal
setting and planning. By doing this, you’re going to set yourself apart
from the masses. You’ll be having an advantage over your
“competition” and, most importantly, you’ll get an amazing feeling of
confidence and excitement. And you should be excited! You’re going
to have twelve incredible months of growth! Like Les Brown said,
“You must be willing to do the things today others won’t do, in order
to have the things tomorrow others won’t have.” Are you ready to
engage in a powerful process that most people will never do or make
time for?

Let’s start this of with a quick but powerful exercise. Find a place
where you can sit and relax without being disturbed. Are you there?
Great! Now feel and imagine that it’s twelve months in the future and
that you’re looking back on the past twelve months. You’re

looking back on the past twelve months with a feeling of immense
gratitude and pride. Why? Because you realize you just had the best
year of your life. You smashed the goals you set out to achieve, but
not only that, things have come your way that were even better than
you hoped for! Now focus on how that would make you feel. Can you
feel it? Take a moment to relax. In a moment you’re going to close
your eyes for at least one minute and focus on the feeling you would
have in that moment. Feel as if you’re already there, as if it’s already
done. Close your eyes now…

Now let’s come back to the present. It’s the current day and you’re
about to prepare for the best twelve months of your life. How are we
going to do this? The answer is: Through reflecting, goal-setting and
planning. In the coming 14 days you’ll be guided through this process
to help you prepare for the coming year. All you have to do is follow
these steps and work through the days.

Although it might be tempting to go through the whole journal at

once, we recommend you actually spread out this journal over 14
days. By doing this, you’ll have a bigger chance to go through the
journal with good focus and energy. That’s important if you want
to get the most out of this and we think that’s what this valuable
preparation deserves.

Grab your calendar right now and block at least 30 minutes every day
for the coming 14 days. These will be the times that you are going to
work through this journal. Commit to those times and don’t let
distractions get in your way. Take your journaling time serious. This is
about you, your life, your success, your fulfilment and your happiness!
Don’t you agree that these things should be taken seriously?

Make your commitment now…

For the coming 14 days I, jade jerome, will commit to going through

this journal with my full focus and attention. I will do everything in

my power to get the most out of this journal because

Self-reflection, planning

goals-setting & year

But I already know what I want! I want good relationships, more

money, better health, independence, more fun, a nice home, etc...
You might be thinking this right now. Surely, on a broad level, you
know what you want. If it comes to that, we pretty much all want the
same things. But let’s go a bit deeper. Let’s get down to the real
substance of what you really want and what makes life meaningful to

Self-reflection is an activity where past, present and future actions

are being linked in your thoughts. You assess your actions within the
context of past experiences or goals you’ve set. During the reflection,
you can come up with options and decisions about how you want to
proceed. It’s like stepping into a lift which takes you down to the
control center of your behaviour. Here, you can gather exclusive
insights and examine all the mechanisms and patterns that govern
your actions, the way you feel and the way you think. By being in that
space, you’re learning new things about yourself and are creating an
ideal decision-making tool for any intended behavioural change.1

Science has shown that people who self-reflect have advantages in
pretty much all areas of life. They’re better planners, have a superior
way of handling their emotions, are more disciplined and focused,
make more deliberate decisions and they’re better at anticipating
potential problems.2 Through reflection you will also recognize the
strategies that brought you success and this will build your

Backed with science, we are first going to guide you through a

reflective process to help draw your lessons and conclusions from last
year. Through this learning, you will be able to determine your
strategies to reach your goals in the coming twelve months. In this
journal, you will be going through eight different reviews. All reviews
will be based around the areas in your life that are the most crucial for
your happiness and fulfilment. Areas you simply can’t neglect and that
are worth to evaluate. How did it go in this area the last twelve months
and what can you learn from that? That’s the main question you will
ask yourself in the reviews.

After reviewing and learning about these areas you can consciously
set your goals and intentions for the coming year. These won’t be
random goals around things you think you want or need. No… these
will be goals that are thought through, goals that are based on
experience and knowledge. These kind of goals will improve the
quality of your life and your overall happiness in ways you cannot

Having set your goals, we are going to finish crafting your blueprint.
We are going to make the master plan that will create the best year of
your life. With your blueprint in hand, you’ll then be fully prepared to
launch yourself towards success in the coming twelve months!

So… are you ready for your best year yet?

Before you start with your reviews, tomorrow and the day after we’ll
go through some information that will be essential for you to realize.
Understanding these things will increase your motivation to go
through these 14 days in a serious and focused manner because
you’ll realize what it’ll do for you.

Good luck the coming days!


preparation days
Day 1 / The groundwork
lives, we must take control of our

consistent actions. It’s not what we
do once in a while that shapes our
lives, but what we do consistently.
- Tony Robbins
In essence, if we want to direct our

The importance of your habits

Many of us spend countless minutes, days, weeks and even years
without stopping to think about the choices we are making or the
direction in which we are going. Your day goes on auto-pilot, without
you pausing to think that you’re making a choice. Research has
revealed that we make 95% of our daily decisions without making use
of our conscious mind.4 These decisions are made in milliseconds by
our subconscious, governed by routine and automatism. On average,
70% of our daily thoughts are identical to those of the day before and
over 40% percent of the actions you do daily are habits, not
conscious decisions.5 Are you starting to see why people find it so
hard to change?

Habits are the small decisions you make and actions you perform
every day. 6 You can say that your life is a sum of your habits. How
fit you are is determined by your habits. How happy you are is
determined by your habits. How successful you are is determined
by your habits.

And it’s not just about the tangible results. What you repeatedly do
shapes your identity, the person you are, the things you believe, and
the personality that you portray. Everything just comes down to
habits. When you’re in control of your habits and you’re able to
transform them, that’s when you can transform your life.

Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement. The results of

your habits multiply as you repeat them, the same way money
multiplies through compound interest. In the beginning, the 3%
interest you receive over your saved money doesn’t make a big
difference, but over the years, that 3% will be a bigger and bigger
amount of money, becoming more valuable by the year. The same
goes for your habits. In the beginning, the effects seem insignificant,
but given time, they will make a big difference!

The power of habits doesn’t stop with the habits itself. Although habits
can be completed in just a few seconds, they can also shape the
actions that you take for minutes or hours afterwards. They lead you
down a path and, before you know it, they lead you to similar choices.
The simple act of turning on the television after you get home can
make the difference between a nice and productive evening or an
unproductive evening that goes by forgotten. So, the habits you follow
without thinking will also shape the choices you make when you are

Now think about it… do you know all the habits you have and what
kind of effects those habits have on your life? Are you in control of
your habits, or do they control you? If they do, don’t worry. Over the
coming 14 days, we will provide you with the tools and strategies you
need to take control of your habits.

The most common pitfalls

Changing habits and behaviour can actually be easier than you
think. Yet, when people try to improve their habits there are a few
common mistakes that a lot of people tend to make. Because of this,
they constantly fail to maintain their desired changes, and this leaves
them with a daunting and frustrating feeling.

In this section, we’ll go through the most common pitfalls that you
want to avoid if you wish to create your best year yet.

Improper preparation
Do you properly prepare for the things you want to change in your life?
One thing is for sure… most people don’t. Most people get an idea
from the thing they want to change in their life and, without thinking,
they just start doing it. When you ask them why, they often barely even
know. Their answers are broad and meaningless.

Now… what if we just took a moment of our time to prepare for the
things we want to change? Asking yourself what exactly you want to
do and, most importantly, ‘WHY?’. Digging deep inside yourself and
actually finding the real motivations to do something will help you to
make your motivation more emotional. These emotions will give you
more drive to really make the necessary changes.

And how are you going to implement the change within your current
lifestyle? What could be obstacles that stand in your way to make
these changes? Thinking about these simple questions before you
make a change will greatly increase the chances of your success.

Throughout this journal you’ll make sure that the coming twelve
months will be properly prepared for. It’ll allow you to jumpstart the
coming months!

Doing too much at once

We all want to do so many things. We all want to achieve so many
things. And… we want it yesterday! It simply cannot happen soon
Many people compare themselves to others (i.e. on social media)


and feel like they are running behind. This makes people extremely
impatient. It makes them want to make too many changes at the
same time. Because of this, they overwhelm themselves and they
can’t maintain all the changes. Thus, they quickly find themselves
back at square one, back in their old patterns. Does it sound
familiar? Trust me… you are not the only one.

Science has proven that making small changes is far more effective
to make lasting changes. Don’t try everything at once. Just try one
thing. Don’t do a new activity for a long time at once, but just start
doing it for a few minutes at the time. Do this consistently every day.
In the beginning, the goal is to develop a pattern, not to create quick
results. Once the pattern is developed, that’s when you can start
increasing the intensity and effort. You build it up!

Still not convinced? Don’t just take our word for it. Listen to the TED
Talk from behaviour scientist BJ Frogg. Go to YouTube and look up
the video that is called ‘Forget big change, start with a tiny habit: BJ
Fogg at TEDxFremont’. Take a moment to watch this video now or
schedule some time in your calendar to watch it later. It will be worth
your time!

Reinventing the wheel

Many people don’t think about the best way to implement a new
activity. They do what they think is best, or sometimes not even that,
they do what takes the least effort. But do you think they know if they
are approaching this new change the best way they could? Probably
not. Let me tell you about something extremely powerful and useful:
SCIENCE! Some great people make an effort to actually prove what
works and what doesn’t. What do you think, would it make sense to
use that information?
And that’s not it. There are 7,5 billion people in this world! Do you
think you’re the only one who wants to make that change you want to
make? Probably not! Many people have already tried, failed and
succeeded in the thing you want to do. Because they’ve gone
through the struggle but eventually made it work, a lot of people
actually share their experience with others. They write books, give
seminars or they simply share it on the internet. The knowledge is
out there and, thanks to our friends at Google, it’s not hard to find it.
Do you think you can learn from their experience? Maybe their
experience can prevent you from making the mistakes they’ve made
and maybe you can use that as a shortcut to achieve what you want.

Overall, it just makes sense not to reinvent the wheel and instead
use the strategies that have proven to work. In this journal, we will
share some proven strategies that will help you become the best
you can be!

Losing focus
With so many distractions around us, it’s very easy to lose our focus.
Technology, the internet and social media are constantly screaming
for our attention. This immense information overload constantly stirs
our desire for the things we want to do and have. Because of this,
many people find it hard to determine what it is they want most. And if
they do (think they) know it, they’re struggling to maintain their focus
on those things. People get started making a change but find
something else that seems more appealing before it can create some
tangible results. As the old but true saying says, ‘the grass is always
greener on the other side’.

When they find something more appealing, they start doing that
and very quickly forget what they first intended to change. The

time people do the new activity is just too short to create a tangible
result and to draw any conclusions from the experience. Thus, the
time and effort that was first put into making the change is wasted.
Pretty sad because we all know that our time and energy is limited,
and we want to get the most out of our lives. Just imagine, what if you
had put all that wasted time and energy into building one habit at the
time? You could have been Super(wo)man right now! ;)

The key is to do activities that keep us engaged in the process.

Things that will help us keep this focus and to block out all distracting
influences. Of course, this is easier than done, but it’s definitely
possible and throughout this journal we’ll show you how.

Outcome Focused
The way you look at yourself plays a big role in the actions you take
on a daily basis. This is also where a lot of people their pitfall lies.
They try to change certain things in their life, but the way they look at
themselves doesn’t change which makes it incredibly hard to maintain
the changes.

Let’s say someone wants to lose weight and sets a goal to lose 5kg.
What most people do is purely focus on the desired outcome which is,
losing 5kg. With a lot of effort, this person might actually lose the
weight, but there is a high probability that the self-identity has
remained the same. The person might still be thinking that he/she is a
person who’s having a hard time resisting temptations and who has a
slight aversion to healthy foods. If this person keeps this self identity,
it’ll be very hard to keep that 5kg off. This is because their self-identity
is not aligned with the goal they have and the person they should be
to reach and maintain this goal.

Instead of focusing on this desired outcome, science has proven
that it’s a lot better to focus on the desired identity your want to
create for yourself. So instead of focusing on losing the 5kg, the
person should focus on becoming a person who can easily resist
temptations and who enjoys eating healthy and nutritious foods.
When this self-identity is changed, the outcome will mostly naturally
follow and also be a lot easier to maintain.

Improper reflection
Another great pitfall: People start doing something new, but barely
take the time to reflect on their experiences! Everybody is so busy
with their lives, people often neglect to take the time for this. Not
realizing what a few minutes of reflection can do for them.

As we’ve mentioned in the introduction of this program, reflection is a

crucial part of learning and will greatly contribute to your motivation,
confidence and perseverance. These factors are very important if you
want to maintain a habit. Not only that, through reflection you grow
your self-awareness. You learn what works well for you and what
doesn’t. You can learn what influences affect you in a positive way
and which influences affect you in a negative way. Learning those
things can be extremely powerful because you can then carefully
consider your choices for the future. In the coming days, you will start
experiencing this!

Improper implementation
Yes, your reflections are powerful. But they can also be worth
nothing. Meaning, the knowledge from your reflections is worth
nothing until you start with a very crucial part. IMPLEMENTING IT!
You often hear the saying that knowledge is power, but that’s not
true… Applied knowledge is power! You can have the whole
encyclopaedia in your head, but if you don’t or can’t make this

information practical and if you don’t apply it to better your life,
what is it worth?
Carefully considering how you are going to implement the lessons
from your experience will do great things for you. You’ll be able to
put yourself in situations that support you and stay away from
situations that distract you. You’ll be able to adapt your new activities
in ways that are easier to implement or maintain.

Within the journal, we are going to make sure that you are going to
set your goals and make your blueprint while considering all the
lessons you have learned last year. Are you starting to see how
valuable that will be?

That’s it for today, tomorrow we’ll talk about the strategy for
creating the best year of your life and why this strategy is so
powerful. Enjoy the rest of your day for now!


Day 2 / The Strategy

A vision without a strategy

“ remains an illusion. - Lee


Yesterday we’ve gone through some important information. We’ve

set the stage to introduce the strategy for the coming 13 days, and
for the coming twelve months overall. It’s the strategy that, if applied
correctly, will immensely help you succeed! After twelve months
you’ll look back and be completely astounded by how far you’ve

The components of the strategy are as follows:

1. Journaling

2. Goal-setting

3. Prioritizing

4. Experimentation

5. Year planning

6. Weekly and monthly evaluations.

7. Accountability

You might sometimes scribble some words or notes on paper, but
think about it... When was the last time you grabbed a pen and
wrote a text on paper? In the age of technology, we are typing on
our keyboard a lot more frequently than writing by hand. Typing has
become our go-to method for writing almost everything, from
shopping lists to personal notes to all work-related writing.

Yes, typing might be faster or more convenient, but research has

shown that handwriting has some unique advantages you might be
interested in. Handwriting allows us to think more thoroughly about
the information we are writing down. It encourages us to expand upon
our thoughts and form connections between them. Meaning, that with
handwriting your critical thinking will improve.7

It’s not only better for processing external information. Writing also
removes mental blocks and allows us to use more brain power to
better understand ourselves and the world around us.8

Journaling is used to overcome depression, gain self-awareness,

express your inner thoughts and inner landscape. When you journal
you connect to your inner self. It helps you listen to your inner self and
through that gained self-awareness people can improve many parts of

However, the power of journaling doesn’t just come from the act of
journaling itself, but from how it changes your thinking and
behaviour over time. It’s a perfect starting point to upgrade your
thinking habits. After a while, your life automatically improves, and
your new habits will become second nature.

Whether you want to know yourself, heal yourself, empower

yourself, forgive yourself, love yourself or grow yourself, journaling
can be the answer for you. It can be beneficial for almost any area
in your life.9

So… journaling it is! It’s the strategy we are going to use to reflect on
the last twelve months. We’ll also use it to prepare for the next twelve
months. During the next twelve months, we recommend that you
create a journaling routine for yourself, in case you haven’t already.


Those who are at the top of their game have one thing in common:
They set goals! And research has also confirmed: People who set
goals are more successful.

A study that involved Harvard MBA’s revealed that the 3% of the

graduates that set goals earn ten times as much as the other 97%
combined. The 3% had a habit of setting clear goals and writing them
down with a specific plan to achieve them. This study looked at the
earning capacity of the students, but the goal could be easily
substituted for anything.10

Another study has revealed that students learn up to 250 percent

faster when goals are set for them (way more than if they were just
told to ‘do their best’).11

So… are you convinced that setting goals will be worth your time?
We are convinced it will be worth every minute you spend on it!
When you look back at the end of the year and realize that you’ve
achieved most of your goals, you’ll realize how powerful goal setting
really is.10

We know now that setting goals improves your rate of success. Yet,
the sad part is that simply setting goals is not enough. For example, a
lot of people have great intentions when it comes to their New Year’s
resolutions, but research has shown that just 8% of the people
actually achieve these resolutions!

When it comes to goal-setting, we are going to be working with

three different strategies that are backed by research.
They are the following:

Commit to action Simply writing down a goal is not enough,

you really have to commit to an action. In this journal we will
guide you through the process of making a written
commitment to achieve your goal.12

Setting meaningful goals We are not just going to set goals,

we are going to set meaningful goals. Goals that really matter
and that will truly inspire you to change. This does require to
go deeper. You’re going to ask yourself about what it is that
you want to experience in your life and what’s getting in the
way. You’ll think about what you want, then you’ll ask yourself

Focus on the positive How you describe your goals makes a

big difference. If you focus on what you want to bring in your
life, instead of what you want to avoid, you will be more likely
to pursue it.13

Another great strategy is to focus on the process toward the
outcome you want to create, instead of only the outcome. When we
set these meaningful goals, it’s easy to fixate on the magical
ending when you’ve reached the goals. Unfortunately, we can’t
control outcomes and we can’t will them into existence. We must
work towards them, one step at a time.

As we learned yesterday, smaller changes are the key here. Although

it may not look like what you expected, making small changes that are
consistent with your big goals, and when you keep making these
choices daily over and over again, you will eventually reach your

If taking small steps is the most efficient, it means that you’ll have
to decide with what small steps you will start. For this, you will do
some important prioritizing. This will give you greater clarity to know
where you should start and what you should focus on.

You might be convinced that you’ve found the goals and changes you
need to make, in order to become your best self and to become
happier and more fulfilled in the process. The reality is, you won’t
know for sure until you become conscious of the choices you are
making and you try different choices through experimentation. As the
old saying goes, ‘you never know until you try’.

You are unique! What works for your neighbour (or for that ‘role
model’ you keep stalking on social media) might not work for you.
You have to find out what works for you! You have to discover the
habits that suit you and that, at the same time, get your closer to
your goals. These habits will be a lot easier to maintain than the
habits that just don’t suit you as a person. For example, you might
try to build a habit of going to the gym, but this can be very
challenging if going to the gym doesn’t give you any satisfaction.
Instead, it might be a lot more efficient to focus on running in the
park, which you enjoy a lot more and feels a lot more natural to you.
By focusing on habits that suit you, you will save yourself much
wasted time and energy and it will just give you more satisfaction in
life. That’s for sure!

A great way to experiment is through doing a 30 day challenge.

Through 30 day challenges, you will (realistically) challenge yourself
to add, change and/or get rid of one habit for 30 days. 30 days is the
perfect amount of time to become more aware of the effects of a habit,
giving you the opportunity to consciously decide whether the
habit serves you or not. Besides that, it’ll bring a lot more fun and
exciting experiences in your life!

Do you want to learn more about the value of a 30 day challenge?

Check out the awesome Ted Talk by Matt Cuts called ‘Try
something new for 30 days - Matt Cutts’.

Year planning
You’re going to set some goals, but we’ve already seen, and you’ve
probably experienced, that goal-setting and goal-achieving in
something different. If you write down your goals but never do
anything with them, it’s obviously a waste of your time. The second
part of the process is to create a plan for how you wish to achieve
your goal and to take the necessary steps to set the plan into action.

For your year planning, we are going to use the WOOP method.
WOOP is a simple strategy that brings you closer to your goals.
It’s based on 20 years of scientific research and has been proven
effective in various studies with people of all ages and in many
areas of life.

WOOP consists of 4 phases. These are:

1. Wish First we are going to look at the wishes you have. These
are the goals you have set for yourself.

2. Outcome We are then going to think about the best outcomes if we

reach those goals. You are going to imagine it as fully as we

3. Obstacle We’re going to be looking at the things that hold you

back from achieving your goals, the main inner obstacle.

4. Plan You’ll be thinking about the things you can do to overcome
these obstacles. You turn your obstacles into checkpoints that
show you that you are heading in the right direction!14

The actual success starts with the planning process. You’re going to
be as descriptive and elaborate as possible and write everything
down. Your goal might be enormous, but how do you get there?
You’ll start with your larger goal and work backwards so that each
step towards that goal is mapped out.12 In the end, you’ll have your
clear plan to crush the next year!

Yesterday, we’ve already talked about the benefits of reflecting.
Studies have shown that people who reflect, perform better. Another
interesting thing is that they also found out that, when given a choice,
most people choose more practice over reflection. It seems that we
prefer doing to thinking. We have to realize that reflecting is good for
us. Whether it’s tracking our progress on goals or taking note of what
you’ve learned, it will help you to refocus and better understand
yourself and increase your belief in your own abilities.

Reflection should also be a continuous process. You don’t just wake

up one day and notice fundamental changes. Your identity gradually
shifts and alters. Therefore, certain important questions in life have to
be readdressed and reflected on again and again. What you find
important now might be completely different half a year from now. The
better you follow and understand the constant change you’re
continuously undergoing, the better choices you can make. We
recommend that you consistently do two types of reviews:1

Weekly reviews These reviews are meant to keep you
organized. In these reviews, you can tie up loose ends,
prepare for the week ahead and reflect on short-term goals.
Monthly reviews These reviews are focused on tracking the
progress on your goals. You’ll look at the highlights of the
month, the things you’ve learned and the goals for the
month ahead.

On page 110 & 111 you can find two frameworks to do these

Last but not least, we highly recommend that you get yourself one or
more accountability partners for the coming year. Science has proven
that this is also very helpful to reach your goals. Sharing your
goal-planning and action commitment with another person makes
you more accountable, which will support you to make better choices.
Regular updates are also important here. During the process you
should update your accountability partner on a weekly basis. This will
keep you focused on the progress.12

Not sure who can / wants to hold you accountable? Go to and let one of our habit experts hold you


Day 3 / Health review

The first wealth

“ is health. - Ralph
Waldo Emerson

Today is your first and most important review. You are going to focus
on how you experienced your physical and mental health this past
twelve months. If you don’t have health, all other things in life will
quickly become irrelevant.

Your physical well-being is very important for standard reasons: It

helps with healthy blood pressure, weight management, having a
strong immune system, having good energy, better sleep and the list
goes on... Also, research has shown that exercising can improve
your mental health because it changes chemicals in your brain such
as stress hormones and endorphins, which trigger a positive feeling in
the body.

You hear a lot about physical health, but you hear less about mental
health. Yet, this is maybe even more important than your physical
health! Your mental health includes your emotional, psychological and
social well-being. It influences how we think, feel and act. It also plays
a big role in the way we handle stress, relate to others and make
choices. Mental health is important at every stage of your life and it
simply can’t be ignored!

While answering the questions, try not to judge yourself when

you’re writing things down. Judgement is not in the right place
when looking back with the intention of becoming better.

Physical health
What went well looking back at your physical health the last
twelve months?

What went not so well looking back at your physical health the
last twelve months?

Have you taken deliberate steps to work on your physical

health in the last twelve months?

Yes / No, I have

In what way are you satisfied / dissatisfied with your physical

In what way are you satisfied / dissatisfied with your eating

habits? 33

Mental health
Remember, your mental health consists of your emotional,
psychological and social well-being.

What went well looking back at your mental health the last
twelve months?

What went not so well looking back at your mental health the
last twelve months?

Have you taken deliberate steps to work on your mental

health in the last twelve months?

Yes / No, I have

In what way are you satisfied / dissatisfied with mental health?


From 1-10, what grade would you give your health from the last
twelve months?

What are the biggest health-related lessons you’ve learned in the

last twelve months?

Day 4 / Finance review

“ - Zig Ziglar

Money is not everything but it ranks right up

there with oxygen.
In this section, we are focusing on your personal finance. We’ll look at
your income and how you’ve been managing your money this last
year. The main focus of personal finance is meeting personal financial
goals. You want to create a life where your finances allow you to do
the things that are most important to you. The things that make you
happy and fulfilled. You might want to be able to regularly travel or be
able to live in a certain house. You could also just want a certain
standard of living or save money for later.

The first step of your personal finances is, of course, meeting your
basic needs. Being able to provide for yourself. Once that is taken
care of, you can start looking at the money you need to better your life
in whichever way you desire. A basic understanding of where your
money goes to each month is important to keep meeting your
financial goals.

What positive things (material or immaterial) did your finances allow

you to do or have the last twelve months?

In which situations did your finances hold you back to do something
you really wanted to do, or have something you really wanted to
Are you happy with your current income? Why (not)?

Are you happy with how you managed your finances the last twelve
months? What could you have done better?

From 1-10, what grade would you give your finances from the last
twelve months?

What are the biggest finance-related lessons you’ve learned in the

last twelve months?


Day 5 / Relationship review

“ - Ben Stein

Personal relationships are the fertile soil from which all

advancement, all success, all achievement in real life grows.

Research has shown that taking care of your relationships with

friends, your family or a significant other is a form of self-care. The
Harvard Study of Adult Development, a study that has started in 1938
and has been running for over 80 years, showed that “Those that
kept warm relationships, got to live longer and happier and the loners
often died earlier.” They have even discovered that people who were
happy with(in) their relationships at 50, were having better physical
health than those who were not.15

In this section we are going to take a look at how happy, fulfilled

and satisfied you are in your relationships and where you see
possible improvements.

Key components for successful relationships are a willingness to trust

each other, communication, taking responsibility for your behaviour,
apologise when you’ve made a mistake and putting time and effort
into the relationship.

Let’s first consider the relationship with your family.
What went well in the last twelve months?
What could you have done better?

Let’s now consider the relationships you have with your friends.
What went well in the last twelve months?

What could you have done better?

Are you satisfied with (the number) of friends you have in your life?

Are you satisfied with your love life? Why?
In case you have a significant other…

What went well in your relationship the last twelve months? -

What could you have done better?

From 1-10, what grade would you give your relationships from the
last twelve months?
What are the biggest relationship-related lessons you’ve learned in
the last twelve months?

Day 6 / Leisure review

“ - Daniel Levitin

When you’re at work, be fully at work. And let your leisure

time be what it’s meant to be - restorative and fun.

Leisure time is the time where you are doing activities that do
not involve your work. With leisure time, the focus is on fully
enjoying your time, de-stressing and refreshing your mind so
that you can
live a balanced and joyful life. It also helps you to handle more
stressful situations in your life. In this day and age, people
tend to forget to prioritize their leisure time more and more.
This can be one of the reasons why the so-called ‘millennials’
are also called “The burnout generation”.

Your leisure time can, of course, be used to improve your

health and relationships. You can, for instance, work out to
improve your self physically, meditate to improve your mental
health, or invest your time in spending time with friends. Yet,
your leisure time is also the time where you have the
opportunity to travel, do your hobbies and explore your
passions. You can also have some private projects that you
really enjoy working on in your leisure time.
How did you mainly spend your leisure time last year? 42

What did you do in your leisure time this last twelve months that
you enjoyed the most? Why?

What did you do in your leisure time this last twelve months that
you enjoyed the least? Why?

Are you satisfied with the amount of leisure time you had in the last
twelve months? Why?

From 1-10, what grade would you give your (amount or kind of)
leisure from the last twelve months?
What are the biggest leisure-related lessons you’ve learned in the
last twelve months?

Day 7 / Work review

“ - Stephen Hawking

Work gives you meaning and purpose

and life is empty without it.

A lot of our adult life is spend on working. Whether it’s working for
ourselves as entrepreneurs or working for a boss, it takes up a lot of
time. Because it’ll be, or already is, a big part of your life, it’s
important to consider the way you experience your work. Does your
work give you fulfilment and satisfaction, or is it just draining your
energy? Because it takes up a big part of your life, it definitely
makes a lot of sense to do your best to find work that you enjoy
doing. Don’t you agree?

There is more to a job than just going there, doing the work and going
back home. Enjoying the work you do will have a big effect on your
overall happiness. Because so much time goes into it, it can also have
a big impact on your mental and physical state. If you, for instance,
have a very stressful job and you don’t know how to deal with the
stress, it can have lasting effects on your body and mind. It can also
work the other way around. If you’re doing work that is not challenging
you enough it can result in underperforming, feeling restless and
having lower self-esteem. In turn, your physical and mental health,
can also affect your relationships and everything else in your life.

Today we are going to take a look at the work you do, what you like
about your work and what you would like to see differently.

Overall, how did you experience your work these last twelve
months? Why?

Was there enough challenge in your work in the last twelve

months? How is the work environment and were there enough
possibilities to grow? Why?

Did you experience a lot of stress in your work these last twelve
months? Why?

What did you like the most from your work in the last twelve
months? Why?

What did you dislike the most from your work these last twelve
months? Why?
From 1-10, what grade would you give your work from the last
twelve months?

What are the biggest work-related lessons you’ve learned in the last
twelve months?


Day 8 / Growth & Learning review

those who do not. When I see a

person beginning to separate
themselves from the pack, it’s
almost always due to personal
Growth is the great separator - John C. Maxwell
between those who succeed and

In this section, we are going to take a look at your personal

development. It’s about developing yourself as a person so that you
can manage yourself effectively during your life. It’s about growing
your talents, potential, awareness and your ability to create the life
you want to live. It’s about becoming able to achieve your dreams.
Making a commitment to personal development is the first step on the
path to personal fulfilment. It’s exactly what you are doing right now!

It’s often said that in order “to achieve the things you desire, you have
to become the person who’s capable of attaining that”. Without your
personal development, it will be very unlikely that you are capable of
achieving your short- and long-term goals. It’s also said that “if you’re
not growing, you’re dying.”. Both a deep truths which you must always
keep in mind

Personal development can be done in many ways: Reading books,

listening to audio’s, going to seminars, attending workshops, following
courses/studies, or just doing and trying. If you’re aware of the
activities you do to develop yourself, you can more clearly see if
you’re on the right path. But also, if your current abilities are sufficient
enough to do or start certain things you want to do. This awareness is
a great beginning to start making the changes that are necessary to
create your dream life.

What activities did you engage in to develop yourself in the last

twelve months?

In what area(s) of your life did you develop the most the last twelve
months? Why?

In what area(s) of your life did you barely develop, or maybe even
regress? Why?

How could you have done better?

What new skills did you learn in the last twelve months?

What did you want to learn in the last twelve months but didn’t?

What is the most interesting concept/idea/lesson you learned last

year? Why?

From 1-10, what grade would you give your growth and learnings
from the last twelve months?

What are the biggest growth and learning-related lessons you’ve

learned in the last twelve months?

Day 9 / Habit review

“ - John Dryden

We first make our habits, and then

our habits make us.
As we’ve mentioned at the beginning of this journal, habits are very
important. They are the building blocks for your success in life or the
heavy burdens that keep you from reaching your goals.

Today, we’re going to zoom in on your habits! Both the good and the
bad ones. We have habits in all areas of our life and becoming aware
of these habits will (again) help you to know what you should focus on
to reach your goals.

Physical health
What current habits are the most positive for this area in your life? -

What current habits have the biggest negative effect on this area of
your life?


Mental health
What current habits are the most positive for this area in your life? -

What current habits have the biggest negative effect on this area of
your life?

What current habits are the most positive for this area in your life? -

What current habits have the biggest negative effect on this area of
your life?


Family & friends

What current habits are the most positive for this area in your life? -

What current habits have the biggest negative effect on this area of
your life?

What current habits are the most positive for this area in your life? -

What current habits have the biggest negative effect on this area of
your life?


What current habits are the most positive for this area in your life? -

What current habits have the biggest negative effect on this area of
your life?


What current habits are the most positive for this area in your life? -

What current habits have the biggest negative effect on this area of
your life?


Growth & Learning

What current habits are the most positive for this area in your life? -

What current habits have the biggest negative effect on this area of
your life?

Look at all the habits you wrote down…

What are the most positive habits you currently have? -

What habits have the biggest negative effect on you? -

From 1-10, what grade would you give your habits from the last
twelve months?

What are the biggest habit-related lessons you’ve learned in the last
twelve months?

Day 10 / Identity review

about yourself will have a

tremendous impact on how far
you go in life and whether or not
you fulfill your destiny.
- Joel Osteen
The way you see yourself and feel
You’ve arrived at the last, and one of the most important reviews of
all. We’re going to look at the way you perceive yourself. The story
you tell yourself, about yourself. This is important because your
self-identity shapes your actions. On Day 1 we’ve discussed more
broadly how this happens. Make sure to read it back if you forgot.

Considering my health, I feel like I’m a person who is

Considering my finances, I feel like I’m a person who is

Considering my relationships, I feel like I’m a person who is

Considering my leisure time, I feel like I’m a person who is

Considering my work, I feel like I’m a person who is

Considering my growth & learning, I feel like I’m a person who is

Considering my habits, I feel like I’m a person who is Overall, I

feel like a person who is

Day 11 / 12 Month review summary
The only source of

“ knowledge is experience.
- Albert Einstein

You’ve come a long way already! You’ve finished all your reviews. Did
you realize some things about last year, that you’ve never really
thought about? We’re pretty sure you did!

Today, we are going to make an overview of the past twelve months.

You can see it as a summary of the reviews you did. We’re going to
look at how all areas of your life weigh against each other.

What were your biggest wins from the last twelve months? -

How did it feel to achieve those things?


What can you learn from these wins?

What were smaller wins from the last twelve months?

Writing down your wins is important. Don’t limit yourself to these

lines and use the notes in the back if you wish to write down more
wins from the last twelve months!


What were magical moments in the last twelve months? -

How could you create more of these experiences? -

What were your biggest failures in the last twelve months? Why? -

How did it feel to fail at those things?

What can you learn from these failures?

What were your least positive experiences in the last twelve


What can you do to prevent these things from happening in the

next twelve months?

In what areas of your life did you develop the most? -

What are the areas of your life in which you’ve lacked the most? -

Overall, what were your biggest life lessons in the last twelve

What number would you give to all areas of your life?
Health Finance Relationships

Leisure Work Growth &


Overall, what number ( 1-10) would you give the last twelve

Day 12 / Dream building

“ - Walt Disney

All our dreams can come true, if we have the

courage to pursue them.

Dreams; everybody has them. And no… we’re not talking

about those experiences you have when you sleep. We’re
talking about the visions of your desired future. The things
you fantasize about. Everybody has those moments in which
they imagine themselves having become somebody or
having achieved something in the future. It’s the big, juicy,
life-enriching thoughts that make our hearts beat faster.

If you’ve come this far in the journal, you’re probably a person

with big dreams. But you also realize that mere dreaming
doesn’t get you anywhere. You realize that dreams come to
life through your actions.

Having clarity around our dreams is powerful. Knowing where

you want to work towards, can greatly inspire you to get off
your lazy ass and to start taking action. It helps us to break
through barriers because we know what we do it for.

Now imagine… you’re 95 years old. You’re lying on bed,

realizing that your life is almost over. You can reflect on your
whole life. Your experiences, your successes, your failures
and regrets. You can see everything in a broad picture now.

What do you want to be able to say about the life you lived?


What do you want to be remembered for?

Did you write down that you want to be remembered for being that
person who drove this amazing exotic car, or that person who lived in
that amazing house by the beach? You probably didn’t ;). You
probably wrote down things that have a deeper meaning. The things
that, at the end of the day, are most important for us. These things
that are, deep down, the most important things for us, barely have to
do with material possessions. Always try to remember that.

Now looking at where you’re at right now. Let’s take away all fear
and doubt and let’s dream BIG!

If you knew you could not fail, what would you want to do in life? If

money was not an issue, what would you want to do in your life?

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Of course, you never know how your life is going to work out exactly.
There are many things in life we simply can’t control. Maybe the things
you’re dreaming of now can actually turn out to be better in the future.
Although it’s good to have your focus point on the horizon, also don’t
be too rigid around the dreams you’ve set for yourself. As you go
through your journey, grow yourself, experience new things, it’s very
natural that your dreams and desires will adapt over time. Allow this to

Day 13 / Goal-setting

“ - Andrew Carnegie

If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your

thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.

Big day today! After some valuable evaluations, it’s time to set your
goals! The goals you set here will be your guidelines in the coming
twelve months. They’ll determine the intentions you set for yourself
and the actions you will take.

Let’s look back at your ‘12 Month overview review’ and your ‘Dream
building’. Look at the number you gave to each area of your life and
also at your long-term goals and the necessary improvements if you
want to reach these goals.

Now, what areas do you want to improve the most?




The areas you wrote down above should be the three areas that, if
you only improve those areas, your year will be a great success. It
makes sense that those areas of your life will be your main focus for
the coming twelve months. You’re now going to set your top 3 goals.

After you’ve set a goal, you’re going to look at your motivation for the
goal. You really want to dig deep inside yourself to find the true
motivators that will even stir your emotions a little. Having a clear
picture of these true motivators is great when the going gets tough.
In these moments, you can always come back here, see what you
wrote down and be motivated again to push through.

First goal
How can you start improving this area of your life?

What goal will you set for the coming twelve months to improve
this area of your life?

What kind of person do you have to be in order to reach this goal?

Why do you want to achieve this goal?

Why is that important to you?

Why is that important to you?

Why is that important to you?

Your commitment
I hereby commit that, the coming twelve months, I will desired
become a person who is so that I can motivation
. This is important to me because . outcome goal
I’m willing to do everything that is necessary to achieve this

goal! 74

How can you start improving this area of your life?

What goal will you set for the coming twelve months to improve
this area of your life?

What kind of person do you have to be in order to reach this goal?

Why do you want to achieve this goal?

Why is that important to you?

Why is that important to you?
Why is that important to you?

Your commitment
I hereby commit that, the coming twelve months, I will desired
become a person who is so that I can motivation
. This is important to me because . outcome goal

I’m willing to do everything that is necessary to achieve this

goal! 76

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