R.V.S. College of Engineering & Technology, Jamshedpur: TH ST

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College of Engineering & Technology, Jamshedpur

6thSemester 1stInternal Examination, July, 2020

Course : B.Tech
Batch :2017-21
Branch/Sec. : EEE Subject
: Power Electronics
Time :1hr. Answer any20questions. Full Marks:20

Each question is of 1 mark each

Q1. When a thyristor is forward biased, the number of blocked p-n junctions is
(ii) 2
(iii) 3
(iv) 4

Q2.A thyristor, when triggered, will change from forward blocking state to conduction state if its anode to cathode
voltage is equal to
(i)Peak repetitive off state forward voltage
(ii)Peak working off state reverse voltage
(iii)peak working off state forward voltage
(iv)peak non repetitive off state reverse voltage

Q3. Commutation or turn off of a thyristor requires that

(1)anode current is reduced below holding current (2) anode voltage is reduced to zero (3) anode current is allowed
to reverse (4)anode voltage gets reversed (5)reverse voltage is applied to it
From these the correct statement are

Q4. In a thyristor, the ratio of holding current to latching current is


Q5. When a thyristor get turned on, the gate drive

(i)should not be removed as it will turn-off the SCR
(ii) may or may not be removed
(iii) should be removed
(iv) should be removed to avoid increased losses and higher junction temperature

Q6. During forward blocking state, a thyristor is associated with

(i)large current, low voltage
(ii) low current, large voltage
(iii)medium current, large voltage
(iv)low current, medium voltage

Q7. Once SCR starts conducting a forward current, its gate loses control over
(i) anode circuit voltage only
(ii) anode circuit current only
(iii) anode circuit voltage and current
(iv) anode circuit voltage , Acurrent and time
Q8. In a thyristor,
(i)Latching current ILis associated with turn off process and holding current I H with turn on process
(ii) both IL and IH is associated with turn off process
(iii) IH is associated with turn off process and IL with turn on process
(iv) both IL and IH is associated with turn on process

Q9.A thyristor can be termed as

(i)DC switch
(ii)AC switch
(iii)either (i) or (ii)
(iv) square wave switch

Q10.Turn on time of a SCR can be reduced by using a

(i) rectangular pulse of high amplitude and narrow width
(ii) rectangular pulse of low amplitude and wide width
(iii) trapezoidal pulse
(iv) triangular pulse
Q11.Turn off time of an SCR is measured from the instant
(i)anode current become zero
(ii) anode voltage become zero
(iii) anode voltage and anode current become zero at the same time
(iv)Gate current become zero

Q12.The di/dt rating of an SCR is specified for its

(i) decaying anode current
(ii) decaying gate current
(iii) (iii)rising gate current
(iv) (iv)rising anode current

Q13. For an SCR, dv/dt protection is achieved through the use of

(i) RL in series with SCR
(ii) RC across SCR
(iii) L in series with SCR
(iv) L across SCR

Q14. The function of snubber circuit connected across an SCR is to

(i)suppress dv/dt
(ii) increase dv/dt
(iii)decrease dv/dt
(iv)keep transient overvoltage at a constant value

Q15. Natural commutation of a thyristor takes place when

(i)anode current become zero
(ii)gate current become zero
(iii)voltage across the device become zero
(iv)voltage across the device become negative

Q16.A single phase half wave circuit with RL load, and a freewheeling diode across the load, extinction angle β is
more than π. For a firing angle α, the SCR and freewheeling diode would conduct, respectively, for
(i) π-α, β
(ii) (ii) β-α, π-α
(iii) (iii) π-α, β-π
(iv) (iv)π-α , π-β

Q17. In a single phase full converter, for continuous conduction, each pair of SCRs conduct for
(i) π-α
(ii) π
(iii) α
(iv) π+α

Q18. In controlled rectifiers, the nature of load current, i.e. whether load current is continuous or
(i) does not depend on type of load and firing angle delay
(ii) depends both on the type of load and firing angle delay
(iii) depends only on the type of load
(iv) depends only on the firing angle delay

Q19. Each diode of a 3-phase, 6 pulse bridge diode rectifier conducts for
(i)60 degree
(ii)120 degree
(iii)180 degree
(iv)90 degree

Q20. A freewheeling diode is placed across the dc load

1. to prevent reversal of load voltage
2. to transfer the load current away from the source
3. to transfer the load current away from the conducting thyristor
the correct statement are
(i) 1,3
(ii) 2,3
(iii) 1,2
(iv) 1,2,3


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